Indexing scheme relating to tuning resonant circuits and selecting resonant circuits


  • CPC
  • H03J2200/00
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H03J2200/01Circuitry controlling the selecting or switching action H03J2200/02Algorithm used as input for AFC action alignment receiver H03J2200/03Alignment of a receiver during fabrication H03J2200/04Alignment of a transmitter during fabrication H03J2200/05Alignment of transmitter with a receiver, after fabrication H03J2200/06Tuning of antenna H03J2200/07Calibration of receivers, using quartz crystal oscillators as reference H03J2200/08Calibration of receivers, in particular of a band pass filter H03J2200/09Calibration of oscillator in receiver, using an external carrier frequency as reference H03J2200/10Tuning of a resonator by means of digitally controlled capacitor bank H03J2200/11Cellular receiver H03J2200/12Radio receiver combined with a GPS receiver H03J2200/13Television receiver combined with a GPS receiver H03J2200/14Tunable filter in receiver contributing to image rejection H03J2200/15Tuning of resonator by means of digitally controlled inductor bank H03J2200/16Interpolation of control values for varicaps H03J2200/17Elimination of interference caused by harmonics of local oscillator H03J2200/18Tuning of a master filter in order to tune its slave filter H03J2200/19Resonator in MEMS technology H03J2200/20Radio receiver with possibility to choose a station with a certain program style H03J2200/21Television receiver with possibility to choose a station with a certain program style H03J2200/22Remote control device controlling cursor and/or including a cursor detecting device H03J2200/23Remote control device with display showing data to be transmitted to the controlled apparatus H03J2200/24Remote control device with display showing program content H03J2200/25Remote control device with display H03J2200/26Remote control device with touch screen display H03J2200/27Adjusting the seek sensitivity of a scanning or sweeping receiver H03J2200/28Automatic self-alignment of a receiver H03J2200/29Self-calibration of a receiver H03J2200/30Radio receiver with speech synthesis ability, used for conveying information that is shown on the display H03J2200/31Several sweeping or scanning speeds H03J2200/32Tuning of tracking filter H03J2200/33Tuning of filter by controlling transconductance H03J2200/34Tuning of oscillator by controlling transconductance H03J2200/35Inductance tunable by switching in/out parts of the inductor H03J2200/36Circuit arrangements for H03J2200/37Control voltage applied to the anode of the varicap H03J2200/38Control voltage applied to the cathode of the varicap H03J2200/39Variable capacitors implemented using micro electro-mechanical systems [MEMS] H03J2200/40Conversion to a zero or near-zero intermediate frequency

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents