Looms with automatic weft replenishment


  • CPC
  • D03D45/00
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D03D45/02Controlling replenishment D03D45/04Pirn feelers or other detectors for initiating replenishment D03D45/06mechanical D03D45/08of the side-slip type D03D45/10electrical D03D45/12optical D03D45/14Storing the need for replenishment or the colour required until the spent shuttle returns to the replenishing end of the loom D03D45/16selecting thereby weft of correct colour D03D45/18Shuttle feelers or other devices for preventing replenishment if shuttle is incorrectly positioned in shuttle box D03D45/20Changing bobbins, cops, or other shuttle stock D03D45/22effected with shuttle in normal shuttle box D03D45/24effected otherwise than in normal box D03D45/26Magazines D03D45/28for one type of thread D03D45/30rotary D03D45/32for several types of thread D03D45/34Shuttle changing D03D45/36fresh shuttle being substituted for spent shuttle in the same cell of shuttle box D03D45/38Shuttle box with an extra cell which is used only during replenishment D03D45/40the spent shuttle being received in the normal cell and the fresh shuttle being picked from the extra cell D03D45/42the spent shuttle being received in the extra cell and the fresh shuttle being picked from the normal cell D03D45/44Magazines D03D45/46for one type of thread D03D45/48for several types of threads D03D45/50Cutting, holding, manipulating, or disposing of, weft ends D03D45/52Cutting weft of depleted shuttle near shuttle and holding the piece attached to the fabric D03D45/54Cutting fresh weft and holding the piece attached to the fabric D03D45/56Cutting depleted and fresh wefts at selvedge D03D45/58Removing tip bunch or fresh weft end from fresh bobbin D03D45/60substantially by air stream or suction D03D45/62Disposing of waste pieces of cut weft end

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