A cartridge for use with a blood vessel access system and device. The cartridge includes a slideable needle mount and a slideable cannula mount, the slideable needle mount having a needle in slideable connection with a lumen of a cannula held by the needle mount. The slideable needle mount and the slideable cannula mount are removeably attachable with separate moveable platforms of a needle injector that is pivotally attached to a handheld ultrasound transceiver in signal communication with a computer processing unit connected with a monitor. Upon insonification of a patient's vasculature using the handheld ultrasound transceiver pressed against the surface of the patient, needle injection and subsequent cannulation of a targeted blood vessel appearing on the monitor is accomplished by deploying the needle and cannula from the cartridge via motorization of the moveable platforms that is initiated by the user operating a controller on the device's needle injector.

Disclosure herein is generally directed to the field of blood vessel and tissue access related devices, systems, and methods.


Medical personnel can be faced with patients who present arteries or veins that are difficult to access with a needle and any needle-cannula assembly due to the qualities of the overlaying skin and/or the size and configuration of a given artery or vein, and the techniques undertaken to access a given blood vessel. The vein or artery may be obscured due to overlying fatty tissues or lack of sufficient blood flow may insufficiently fill the lumen to make the blood vessel palpable, as occurs with blown veins compromised with a hematoma, or veins that are otherwise structurally compromised as found in the elderly, intravenous administered drug users, and critically ill patients with very low blood pressure. Such patients as these, as well as with obese patients, prove difficult to cannulate under “blind” procedures. In many cases these patients have to endure multiple stabs with a needle, sometimes with penetration through the posterior wall of a vein before a successful placement of the needle is achieved and stable residence of the cannula or catheter within the blood vessel is achieved. Even allowing for an occasionally successful blind stick-and-insert catheter operation, the inserted catheter, if entered at too sharp an angle into a given blood vessel, may yet kink on insertion and thus hamper fluid delivery or removal into or from the blood vessel lumen. Moreover, current ultrasound image guided blood vessel access procedures require two people, one person to hold the ultrasound probe to secure an image to guide by, and another person to insert the needle/cannula. The prior art thus requires a minimum of three hands, a first person to hold the ultrasound transceiver and operate the ultrasound transceiver controls and nearby imaging systems, and a second person to work in tandem in close proximity with the first person to handle and insert the needle/cannula while observing the ultrasound image procured from the first person. With current blood-access ultrasound image guided devices, the first person commonly utilizes both hands and second person at least one hand to do the needle insertion, for a minimum of three handed, and thus a two-person operation. Accordingly, there is a need for solutions for difficult-to-access blood vessels that do not require two people to perform, and which are more precise than is offered by current devices and procedures.


Preferred and alternative examples of the present invention are described in detail below with reference to the following drawings depicted in FIGS. 1-29:

FIG. 1 schematically depicts a blood vessel access handset 10 that images blood vessels utilizing B-mode based single scan planes and rotationally-configured scan plane arrays;

FIG. 2 schematically depicts the handset device of FIG. 1 equipped with an detachably attachable needle injector and cannula placement cartridge;

FIG. 3 schematically depicts the handset 10 with attached cartridge 90 during a blood vessel survey and cannula placement operation on the peripheral vasculature of the patient's arm;

FIG. 4 schematically depicts an embodiment of a blood vessel access system 200 including the handset 10 of FIG. 1 deployed from a movable cart;

FIG. 5 schematically depicts a bottom perspective view of the handset 10 depicted in FIGS. 1-3, without the cartridge 90;

FIG. 6 schematically depicts components within transceiver housing 12;

FIG. 7 schematically depicts perspective view from the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40;

FIG. 8 schematically depicts the touch screen monitor 206 presenting a home screen illustrating a panel of four blood vessel based access procedures;

FIG. 9 schematically depicts the handset 10 surveying for a peripheral vein undertaken during the IV procedure selected from the home screen depicted in FIG. 8;

FIG. 10 schematically depicts an ultrasound image presented on the monitor 206 while surveying for a blood vessel BV;

FIG. 11 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the slot 114 side of the cartridge 90;

FIG. 12 schematically depicts the side perspective view of the slotted side of the cartridge 90 depicted in FIG. 11 made transparent to reveal internal components of the slideable mounts and mount catches;

FIG. 13 schematically depicts a perspective view of adjacently touching slideable mounts 92 and 98;

FIG. 14 schematically depicts a bottom perspective view from the needle tip 123 of the adjacently touching slideable mounts 92 and 98 showing mounts catch engagement extensions 172 and 176;

FIG. 15 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the internal portion of the slot 114 side of the cartridge 90;

FIG. 16 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the cannula release 102 side of the cartridge 90;

FIG. 17 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the cannula of the cartridge 90 with the release 102 side removed to reveal other internal components;

FIG. 18 schematically depicts a side perspective view on the slot side of the cartridge 90 with the slot 114 side removed;

FIG. 19 schematically depicts the cartridge 90 in a side perspective view with the release lever 102 side removed showing the slideable cannula mount 98 in the maximum forward position to cause the opening of the swinging doors 105;

FIG. 20 schematically depicts the cartridge 90 in a side perspective view with the release lever 102 side removed showing the slideable needle mount 92 in the maximum rearward position to cause the opening of the swinging doors 105;

FIG. 21 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the slideable needle mount 92 maximally withdrawn from the slideable cannula mount 98;

FIGS. 22 and 23 schematically depict the attachment of cannula cartridge 90 to the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40;

FIGS. 24A-25B schematically illustrate the “cannulate” step represented in access menu 280 and set forth how the controller's 47 push and toggle buttons 42, 44, and 46 are used in a needle injection and cannulation procedures deployed from the cassette 90 that is mounted to the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40;

FIG. 26 schematically depicts a screenshot 312 in long-axis cross-sectional view when the penetration of the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 is seen to be penetrating through the blood vessel BV at 30 degrees;

FIG. 27 schematically depicts a screenshot 316 in long-axis cross-sectional view when the blood vessel BV occupying needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 is adjusted for cannulation to 20 degrees;

FIG. 28 schematically depicts a screenshot 320 in long-axis view after cannulation of the blood vessel with cannula 140; and

FIG. 29 schematically depicts removal of the handset 10 with opened guide doors 105 from the external portion of cannula 140 wherein the hub 148 and check valve 144 is seen extending outside the patient's arm with the internal portion of cannula 140 left in place residing inside the blood vessel lumen of the patient' arm.


The invention generally concerns a cartridge for use with a blood vessel access system and device. The cartridge includes a slideable needle mount and a slideable cannula mount, the slideable needle mount having a needle in slideable connection with a lumen of a cannula held by the needle mount. The slideable needle mount and the slideable cannula mount are removeably attachable with separate moveable platforms of a needle injector that is pivotally attached to a handheld ultrasound transceiver in signal communication with a computer processing unit connected with a monitor. Upon insonification of a patient's vasculature using the handheld ultrasound transceiver pressed against the surface of the patient, needle injection into the patient's vasculature and subsequent cannulation of a targeted blood vessel appearing on the monitor is accomplished by deploying the needle and cannula from the cartridge via motorization of the moveable platforms that is initiated by the user operating a controller on the device's needle injector. Overlays generated by the computer processing unit from positional information of the needle injector relative to the ultrasound transceiver are applied to the ultrasound images presented on the monitor. The overlays provide sighting aids and predicted pathways or trajectories that the needle and cannula will traverse during an injection-and-cannulation procedure.

Stated in other terms, the cartridge provides the needle and cannula used for injection and cannulation by an ultrasound image guided device or system. The cartridge that is removeably attachable to the blood vessel access device or system is configured for projecting ultrasound energy into a patient and generating ultrasound based images acquired for the purposes of selecting a blood vessel for cannulation and to implement the cannulation of the selected blood vessel by the single-person operable device. The single-person operable device allows the single person to guide a needle and a catheter or cannula under precise mechanical control and place the cannula reliably into the patient's vascular structure, in particular a targeted blood vessel selected by the person operating the device. The access device is configured to allow the single person user-operator to acquire ultrasound images used for ultrasound image-guided blood vessel access procedures and to implement needle and catheter/cannula placement from the cartridge to be placed within the imaged, targeted blood vessel with either the device user's single hand or with two hands.

Described herein are particular embodiments for a cartridge that is attachable to a needle injector having a moveable needle platform and a moveable cannula platform The cartridge includes a housing having a needle mount removeably attachable with the needle platform, a cannula mount removeably attachable with the cannula platform and a cannula configured to slide over the needle. The cartridge also includes a pair of opposing doors or swinging doors that when closed define an orifice or aperture that is slightly larger than the external bore of the cannula in order to control sideway slippage of the needle that occupies the lumen of the cannula. During advancement of the cannula and needle through the orifice, the control of sideway slippage by the needle guide's aperture insures that the needle and cannula movement are directed towards the user's intended location within the patient's vasculature. The cartridge housing also includes a lever that is configured to open the pair of opposing doors to create a space larger than the orifice to allow releasing of the cannula from the cartridge.

Other particular embodiments include the needle mount to be configured to advance synchronously with the forward advancement or rearward movement of the cannula mount and the cannula mount to be configured to advance or retract synchronously with the needle mount from a starting position of the cannula mount. The starting position is established by a first catch located within the housing that engages with the cartridge mount. The starting position is also established by a second catch within the housing that engages with the needle mount. The starting position generally describes a beginning or “home” position of the needle and cannula mounts such that needle and cannula are configured so that the end of the cannula resides just rearward behind the back portion of the needle's bevel. When in the “home” or start position, the cutting tip of the needle occupies the internal space within the orifice or the needle guide aperture that is formed when the opposing or swinging doors are closed.

The direction of the movement of the cartridge's slideable mounts can be described as moving forward, towards, or advanced when the slideable mounts approach more closely the cartridge's needle guide aperture. Similarly, rearward movement is termed retracting or other equivalent terms when the slideable mounts move away from the needle guide aperture. The cartridge embodiment provides for the lever to be engaged to open the opposing or swinging doors upon three possible scenarios. First, that the cannula mount moves to a maximum forward placement within the cartridge, i.e., as close to the orifice as possible. Second, that needle mount moves to a maximum rearward placement within the cartridge, that is a far from the orifice as possible within the cartridge. Third, that direct manual positioning is accomplished by the user forwardly pushing a slider attached to the lever to cause the lever to push against the opposing doors. For the second scenarios, the lever is configured to be engaged with a rotatable lever that is configured to propel the lever forward upon the needle mount reaching the maximum rearward placement. To prevent the patient from being re-stuck or re-punctured after a cannula release of a successful in-the-blood-vessel cannulation procedure, the needle mount is held within the cartridge by the second catch when the maximum rearward placement of the needle mount has been reached within the cartridge. In an alternate embodiment of the cartridge, the cannula mount is configured to move separately from the needle mount and the needle mount is configured to move separately from the cannula mount.

The particular embodiments described for the aforementioned cartridge require that the cartridge be removeably attachable to the access device and system. Attaching the cartridge to the access device or system may be performed by the device and system user to cannulate a blood vessel of a patient. The access system includes a handheld ultrasound transceiver or handset in which the ultrasound transceiver occupies a swivelable housing member to allow left-handed or right-handed holding of the handset against the surface of a patient. The ultrasound transceiver is equipped with with a rotatable ultrasound transducer that is in communication with a computer processing unit. The rotatable ultrasound transducer is configured to insonify a region of the patient's vasculature beneath the patient's surface with B-mode ultrasound energy. Rotatable views of the insonified region are generated from signals relating to the echoes of fundamental and/or harmonic frequencies that are processed according to microprocessor executable instructions accessible by the computer processing unit. By rotatable views it is understood that a series of views may be generated in which each view within the series has a different perspective of the patient's vasculature from the preceding view depending on the change in angular rotation or angular increment that is undertaken by the rotatable ultrasound transducer between rotatable views. The access system further includes a needle injector that is pivotally attached to the ultrasound transceiver and configured to convey positional information relative to the rotatable ultrasound transducer to the central processing unit. Another term for the needle injector is injector arm. The needle injector or injector arm is further configured for detachable and slideable connection with a needle and a cannula, the needle being configured for slideable connection within the lumen of the cannula. The needle injector or injector arm further includes a controller configured with single-function pushbuttons and a multiple-function toggle button that is operable by the user to change the position of the needle, the cannula, and the rotatable ultrasound transducer. Other components of the access system include a monitor configured to present images of the rotatable views. The images having an orientation selected by the user to undertake penetration of the blood vessel within the insonified region by the needle and the cannula substantially along a trajectory overlayable on the images based on the positional information determined by the central processing unit. The monitor may include touch sensitive surfaces.

The access system is further characterized in that the slideable connection of the needle and the cannula located within the cartridge may be motorized within the needle injector. Furthermore, the rotatable views include a substantially short axis cross-sectional view and a substantially long axis cross-sectional view of the blood vessel within the insonified region. The angular change undertaken by the rotatable ultrasound transducer between the short axis and long axis cross-sectional views may be less than ninety degrees, substantially ninety degrees, or greater than ninety degrees. In general terms the substantially short axis view of the blood vessel is employed by the access system user to align the needle to penetrate near the midline of the targeted blood vessel, and the substantially long axis view of the blood vessel is employed by the user to visualize the advancement of the cannula further into the blood vessel lumen and/or to visualize the retraction of the needle from the blood vessel and nearby visible tissues. Oftentimes the short axis cross-sectional view is used to penetrate the targeted blood vessel at a more acute angle to the targeted blood vessel than the following cannulation procedure when the cannula is advanced more forwardly or deeper within the lumen. To provide the maximum flexibility of movement while preserving a minimum of induced vibration, the controller is configured with push buttons, some of the push buttons having multiple functions to allow the efficient movement of the needle towards or away from the blood vessel along with the cannula, the needle towards or away from the cannula, the cannula towards or away from the needle, and changing of rotation to get different rotational views of patient's vasculature within the insonified region of the rotatable transducer. The rotatable transducer is motorized to effect its rotation. The angular rotation of the rotatable ultrasound transducer may be in increments of ninety degrees, or may be varied in increments less than 90 degrees or increments greater than ninety degrees. Thus the aforementioned rotatable views may have a change in perspective of the patient's vasculature of ninety degrees, less than ninety degrees, or greater than ninety degrees depending on the change in angular rotation undertaken by the rotatable ultrasound transducer.

The access system is further characterized in that the pivotally attached needle injector includes a friction hinge that allows the injector to be set to and remain at a given angular position relative to the targeted blood vessel or the transceiver housing or the rotatable transducer. The friction hinge includes position sensors that are configured to provide angular information of the friction hinge for determination of the trajectory within the insonified region that the needle or needle with overlapping cannula may follow within the insonified region. The friction hinge is also configured to provide any change of angular or positional information that is undertaken by a change in the friction hinge position for re-determination of a change in trajectory of the needle and/or the needle with overlapped cannula is expected to follow within the insonified region.

Other characterizations provide for the controller occupying the injector arm to advance synchronously the needle with the cannula in the direction towards the targeted blood vessel or away from the blood vessel. Moreover, the controller may be configured to advance or retract the needle independently of the cannula, to advance or retract the cannula independently of the needle, and to change the rotational views of the insonified region whereupon the change in rotational views include a back and forth representation of real time or lively acquired ultrasound images of the insonified region having either a substantially short axis cross-sectional view or a substantially long axis cross-sectional view of the targeted blood vessel.

In another embodiment of an access system and device utilizing the cartridge, the access system includes an ultrasound transceiver configured to be swiveled, pivoted, or turned to accommodate holding by left-handed or right-handed holding users, the ultrasound transceiver having a rotatable ultrasound transducer in communication with a computer processing unit, the ultrasound transceiver handheld by the user against the patient to obtain rotatable views of an insonified region, utilizing B-mode ultrasound, of the patient's vasculature relating to the signals of ultrasound echoes processed according to instructions executable by the computer processing unit. The access system further includes a needle injector having motorized platforms and a controller operable by the user to change the position of the motorized platforms and the rotatable transducer, wherein the motorized platforms include a first slideable mount and a second slideable mount, and the needle injector being pivotally attached to the ultrasound transceiver and further configured to convey positional information relative to the ultrasound transceiver to the central processing unit. In this alternate embodiment, the access system is equipped with a cassette that is configured for detachable connection with the needle injector such that the cassette includes a needle that is detachably attachable with the first slideable mount and a cannula that is detachably attachable with the second slideable mount, wherein the needle has a slideable connection within the lumen of the cannula and may be disconnected or slid out of the lumen of the cannula.

Other embodiments provide for a vascular access system for cannulating a blood vessel of a patient. The access system includes a handheld ultrasound transceiver having a rotatable ultrasound transducer in communication with a computer processing unit. The ultrasound transceiver is configured to generate rotatable views of an insonified region of the patient's vasculature. The access system further includes a needle injector that is pivotally attached to the ultrasound transceiver and configured to convey positional information relative to the rotatable transducer to the central processing unit. The needle injector includes a controller that is operable by the user and is configured to advance the needle towards the patient and/or change the rotational position of the rotatable transducer. The system further includes a monitor configured to present images of the rotatable views. Yet other embodiments of the vascular system include a cannula that is in slideable connection with the needle, and that the central processing unit is configured to generate positional information in an image overlay having at least one vertical axis associated with the position of the rotatable transducer and at least one horizontal axis associated with the needle injector, the intersection of the horizontal and vertical axes providing a sighting aid for needle and cannula placement within a targeted blood vessel. The overlay further provides a predicted pathway that the needle and/or cannula will follow during transit through the insonified region. In yet other embodiments the overlay may include an icon indicative of the rotational status of the rotatable transducer in which the icon can change appearances to indicate that a particular rotational view being presented on the monitor is a short-axis cross-sectional view or a long-axis cross-sectional view of the blood vessel targeted for injection and/or cannulation. Other embodiments of the access system provide for the controller of the needle injector to move the needle towards or away from the blood vessel independently of the position of the cannula, to move the cannula towards or away from the blood vessel independently of the position of the needle, or to synchronously move the needle and cannula together towards or away from the blood vessel.

Another embodiment provides for the cartridge to be used with a blood vessel access system operable by a user having an ultrasound transceiver configured for left-handed or right-handed holding by the user, the ultrasound transceiver having a rotatable ultrasound transducer that is in signal communication with a computer processing unit and is configured to produce an insonified region of the patient's vasculature while the ultrasound transceiver is handheld against the patient. Rotatable views of the insonified region relating to the signals of ultrasound echoes processed according to instructions executable by the computer processing unit and displayed on a monitor in signal communication with the central processing unit that is viewable by the user operating the ultrasound transceiver. Attached pivotally to the ultrasound transceiver is a needle injector having at least one motorized platform having a needle and a controller operable by the user to rotate the rotatable transducer and to change the position of at least one moveable platform. The access system further includes a cartridge having at least one slideable mount having a needle, the cartridge configured for detachable connection with the needle injector and the at least one slideable mount configured for detachable connection with the injector arm's at least one moveable platform. In response to signals conveyed from the controller operated by the user to the at least one moveable platform in removable connection with the at least one slideable mount, the needle is moved from the cassette to penetrate the patient and be visible within the insonified region shown in the rotatable views presented on the monitor.

In other alternative embodiments of the blood vessel access system above, the system's cartridge may include a cannula configured for detachable connection with the at least one slideable mount and in slideable communication with the cartridge and the needle, and controllable by the controller to at least move within the cartridge, from the cartridge to the insonified region, and within the insonified region. The images presented on the monitor are viewable and adjustable by the user operating the controller to obtain an orientation selected by the user to undertake penetration of a targeted blood vessel by the needle and the cannula within the insonified region. The access system further includes an overlay generated from positional information by the central processing unit that displays at least one of a vertical axis to denote or indicate the position of the rotatable transducer within the insonified region, a horizontal axis to denote or indicate the position of the injector arm relative to the rotatable transducer, and visual representations indicating a trajectory or pathway traversable by the needle and the cannula within the insonified region. The positional information is determined from microprocessor executable instructions applied by the central processing unit to signals conveyed from position sensors located in the injector arm and the motorized rotatable transducer. Changes in the trajectory overlayed onto the images are determined from changes in angular information caused by changes in the needle injector's position relative to the rotatable ultrasound transducer. Further alternate embodiments provide for the needle injector to include a friction hinge configured to maintain the needle injector at an angular position selected by the user to cannulate the blood vessel along the trajectory presented in the overlay, and any changes to the position of the friction hinge as a consequence of the user changing the position of the injector arm is detected by position sensors that generate signals processible by the computer processing unit.

In yet other alternative embodiments of the blood vessel access system above, the system's motorized platforms include a first slideable mount and a second slideable mount, the first slideable mount in detachable connection with the needle and the second slideable mount in detachable connection with the cannula. The controller is further configured to advance the first slideable mount synchronously with the second slideable mount towards or away from the patient's vasculature, and/or to advance the second slideable mount towards or away from the patient's vasculature independently of the position of the first slideable mount. The controller thus can move the needle and the cannula together at the same time at the same rate, either towards the patient's vasculature or within the patient's vasculature and the insonified region of the patient's vasculature. The controller can also move the needle separate from the cannula, or the cannula separate from the needle, to in effect create user-selected gaps between the first and second slideable mounts operating within the cartridge to causes gaps in the distal ends of the needle and cannula. Thereafter, at the discretion of the user viewing the rotatable views to accommodate needle penetration and cannulation of a targeted blood vessel, the needle and cannula may be synchronously advanced or retracted together with preservation of the user-selected gaps, or alternatively, change the gap distance between the slideable mounts and between the terminal ends of the needle and cannula by independently changing the gap sizes by selectively changing the position of the first slideable mount relative to the second slideable mount, and/or changing the position of the second slideable mount relative to the first slideable mount. Examples of synchronous and independent movement of the needle and/or cannula, with or without gaps created between the cartridge's slideable mounts are shown in and described for FIGS. 28A-29B below. In other embodiments the overlay applied to a particular rotatable view being seen by the user may include a position icon indicative of either a substantially short-axis cross-sectional view of the blood vessel being targeted for needle penetration and cannulation, or a substantially long-axis cross-sectional view of the targeted blood vessel. The position icon may be, for example, a circle for a short-axis cross-sectional view or a tube for a long-axis cross-sectional view. Other embodiments may provide that the trajectory overlaid on the images may resemble cross-hairs to function as a sighting aid that is formed from the intersection of the long axis and the horizontal axis when the rotatable views are presented as a short-axis cross-sectional view, or as an angled, substantially linear line when the rotatable views are presented as a long-axis cross-sectional view. Examples of components of the overlay for guiding the penetration of a needle with cannula into a targeted blood vessel and the subsequent cannulation of the blood vessel and retraction of the needle are shown in and described for FIGS. 26-28 below.

The aforementioned embodiments further include a monitor configured to present images of the rotatable views, in which the images are viewable and adjustable by the user operating the controller to obtain an orientation selected by the user to undertake penetration of the blood vessel by the needle and the cannula near a trajectory overlayable on the images based on the positional information determined by the central processing unit. The monitor may include touch sensitive surfaces. These alternate embodiments provide for the controller to be configured to advance the first slideable mount with the second slideable mount towards or away from the blood vessel, to advance the first slideable mount with the second slideable mount from a starting locus of the second slideable mount wherein the cutting edge of the needle extends beyond the terminal end of the cannula that is designed for occupation within the lumen of the targeted blood vessel. The starting position serves to establish that the needle and the cannula, each respectively detachably attached to the first and second slideable mounts, may be a structure that functions as an engageable catch that temporarily holds the second slideable mount to the starting locus, thereby establishing a home or starting position from which the injector arm mounted cassette begins movement operations of the slideable mounts. The structure or cannula catch mount is detachably engageable so that the catch's holding forces may be overcome with enough motorized forces conveyed to the first and/or second slideable mount to commence needle puncturing and cannula placement procedures within the lumen of the targeted blood vessel.

In this and other embodiments of the aforementioned access system, the controller is configured to retract or advance the first slideable mount independently of the second slideable mount and/or the second slideable mount independently of the first slideable mount. Similarly, the pivotally attached needle injector includes a friction hinge having position sensors configured to provide angular information of the friction hinge for determination of the trajectory to be undertaken as the pathway the needle and/or the needle with overlapping cannula will follow near within the insonified region. Any angular change conveyed to the pivotable injector is conveyed by the signals from the friction hinged based position sensors to allow re-determination of a change in trajectory pathway that the needle and/or needle overlapping cannula will nearly undergo within the insonified region.

Yet another alternate embodiment of the blood access system includes the ultrasound transceiver configured for left-handed or right-handed holding, the ultrasound transceiver having a rotatable ultrasound transducer utilizing B-mode ultrasound. The rotatable ultrasound transducer is in communication with a computer processing unit, the ultrasound transceiver handheld by the user against the patient to obtain rotatable views of an insonified region of the patient's vasculature relating to the signals of fundamental and/or harmonic ultrasound echoes processed according to instructions executable by the computer processing unit. The blood access system further includes a needle injector or injector arm having motorized platforms and a controller operable by the user to change the position of the motorized platforms and the rotatable transducer, the motorized platforms including a first slideable mount and a second slideable mount, the needle injector being pivotally attached to the ultrasound transceiver and further configured to convey positional information relative to the ultrasound transceiver to the central processing unit. Attached to the needle injector is a cassette or cartridge configured for detachable connection with the needle injector, the cassette having a needle detachably attachable with the first slideable mount and a cannula detachably attachable with the second slideable mount. The needle is configured to have slideable connection within and disconnection from the lumen of the cannula. The injector also includes a cannula release and a needle catch to hold the needle within the cartridge upon completion of a cannulation procedure. The access system also includes a monitor configured to present images of the rotatable views, such that the images are viewable and adjustable by the user operating the controller to obtain an orientation selected by the user to engage in needle injection and cannulation procedures. The system also provides for projecting onto the images an overlay having a predicted trajectory based upon rotatable transducer orientation to the blood vessel and the injector arm's orientation to the rotatable transducer. The overlay provides for the predicted trajectory to serve as the pathway the needle and/or cannula will undergo while transiting to and penetrating the blood vessel. The needle and the cannula transit along the overlayable trajectory based on positional information of the rotatable transducer and injector arm with relation to the insonified blood vessels made visible on the images presented on the monitor. The positional information is determined by the central processing unit, and is used by the user to do at least one of advancing the needle into the blood vessel, retracting the needle from the blood vessel, advancing the cannula into the blood vessel, and retracting the cannula within or from the blood vessel secure. In other alternate embodiments the cartridge includes a needle catch configured to engage the cannula release so that the exterior portion of the cannula resides outside the patient's skin while keeping the interior end of the cannula residing within the blood vessel.

Similarly with the other embodiments described above, this alternate embodiment of the access system provides for the controller to be configured to obtain rotatable views that include a substantially short axis cross-sectional view and a substantially long axis cross-sectional view of the blood vessel within the insonified region to be used in selecting a pierceable locus for the targeted vessel (near the vessel's midline) for penetration of the needle (short axis) or to visualize the cannulation and needle withdrawal from the vessel's lumen (long axis) that are viewable within the insonified region presented on the monitor's screen. The controller is similarly configured to either move the first slideable mount with the second slideable mount towards or away from the blood vessel, to move the first slideable mount towards or away from the second slideable mount and the second slideable mount towards or away from the first slideable mount, and to obtain with back-and-forth ease short and long axis cross-sectional views by the back-and-forth rotation of the rotatable transducer substantially at right angles or ninety degrees between rotations. This embodiment also provides that the pivotally attached needle injector is equipped with a friction hinge so that a particular injection or cannulation angle may be established during the motorized operations of the injector's moveable platforms. The friction hinge includes position sensors that are configured to provide angular information for determination of the trajectory for piercing the blood vessel by the needle travelling within the insonified region, or a change in angular information from a change in acute angle, say a lowering of the angle to a less-acute value that is more amenable to cannulation after penetration of the targeted blood vessel by the needle. The change in the angular arrangement of needle injector-to-blood vessel or needle injector-to-transducer values is conveyed to the central processing unit wherein a residing microprocessor utilizes the executable instructions to re-draw a trajectory pathway overlay onto the monitor presented images having the insonified region and adjacent borders that the needle and/or cannula will nearly follow to effect retraction of the needle from the vessel's lumen and forwardly sliding the cannula further into the vessel's lumen.

In this alternate embodiment of the access system, however, upon satisfactorily placing the distal portion of the cannula within the lumen of the blood vessel and removing the needle from the patient's blood vessel and overlying dermus, the cannula release causes the opposing doors to swing open. The swung open doors create a larger space sufficient in size to allow the cassette to be removed from the external portion of the cannula protruding above the patient's skin without displacing the internal portion of the cannula residing within the blood vessel. This alternate embodiment of the access system also provides for the rotatable transducer to be covered by a sterilized cap for undertaking blood access procedures requiring an aseptic arena. For blood access procedures requiring a sterile arena, the transceiver body and adjoining injector arm may be overlapped by a flexible sterile sheath. The flexible sterile sheath includes fittings engageable with the motorized platforms of the injector and the first and second slideable mounts of the sterilized cassette, and may include flexible pleated folds to accommodate the displacement distances between the fittings attached to the motorized platforms that slide back and forth during blood vessel access procedures.

In greater detail, the cartridge embodiments relate to use with blood vessel access systems, devices, and methods for placing a needle within the lumen of a blood vessel. The blood vessel access devices aid the user in insertion of peripheral intravenous (IV) lines, central, and peripherally inserted central catheter PICC lines by improving both the visualization of the vasculature and manipulation of the needle. A compact ultrasound probe located in a transceiver handset provides real-time B-mode images of the anatomy to be cannulated. A motorized mechanism contained in an injector arm attached to the probe advances the needle and catheter into the ultrasound visualized blood vessel under local control from the user. As regards systems, disclosure illustrated and discussed below are drawn to an ultrasound transceiver that is sonically coupled to convey ultrasound energy into a patient, and to generate signals from received returning ultrasound echoes derived of fundamental and/or harmonic ultrasound energies to generate at least one image of the patient's sonicated region on a monitor in which the at least one image includes a single or multiple blood vessels that are ultrasonically made visible within the real time image. The system further includes a needle injector that is pivotally attached or connected with the ultrasound transceiver. The needle may be attached to an overlapping cannula, and the needle and/or overlapping cannula may be contained within a sterilizable housing that is detachably connectable with the needle injector. The needle injector includes a push-button and toggle based controller that controls the advancement or retraction of the needle from the sterilizable housing and rotation of the rotatable transducer. The system further includes software or executable programs having instructions configured to develop an overlay providing a guidance template or an aiming template. The guidance template includes a needle/cannula predicted trajectory for a given angle that the injector arm is being held at by the friction hinge. The trajectory represents a predicted path that the needle will undertake to reach and penetrate the lumen of the at least one blood vessel. The overlay includes the predicted pathway to be undertaken on at least one of a transverse or lateral cross-sectional view, a longitudinal cross-sectional view, and/or a three dimensional view of the at least one blood vessel presentable within the at least one image.

Other embodiments of the cartridge provide for the access of peripheral blood vessels located approximately 3.5 mm to 35 mm beneath the patient's skin. The ultrasound-guided needle insertion and cannulation placement device is designed to make insertion of peripheral blood vessels, for example in the intravenous (IV) placement of cannulas, faster, safer, and less traumatic for the patient. Thus patients presenting challenging peripheral vascular anatomies, for example long term IV drug users, excessively obese patients, the elderly, or critically ill patients having low blood pressure will be safely and efficiently cannulated by the image-guided and precisely controlled mechanical features of the blood vessel access device and system.

In yet other cartridge embodiments, the cartridge may be deployed with blood vessel access system capable of being enveloped within a sterile flexible sheath. Sonic coupling gel may be applied between the transceiver and the internal surfaces of the flexible sheath, and between the patient and the external surface of the flexible sheath to allow efficient insonification and collection of returning ultrasound energies.

As regards to an access device for purposes of executing the image guided placement of a needle within at least one blood vessel, the access device includes pivotally connecting the access device to an ultrasound system. The ultrasound system includes a monitor and may be portable to assist in obtaining images of blood vessels beneath the neck, chest, abdomen, arms, legs, and other part of the torso that are ultrasonically visualizable. As with the access system, the access device includes software or executable programs configured to develop and overlay aiming or guidance templates of predicted needle pathways onto at least one of a transverse cross-sectional view, a longitudinal cross-sectional view, and a three dimensional view of the at least one blood vessel presentable within the at least one image.

As regards methods of using an access device or access system, the method encompasses connecting a needle injector pivotally with an ultrasound transceiver having a monitor configured to present an image of at least one blood vessel, installing a sterilizable housing containing the needle and cannula, and operating the needle injector controller to place the needle within the lumen of at least one blood vessel presented on the monitor to which is overlaid a guidance template.

Different embodiments of blood vessel access devices, systems, and methods of using devices and systems are described in FIGS. 1-29 below. The devices, systems, and methods may be employed to target any blood vessel to allow hospital or clinic based personnel to undertake successful ultrasound-guided placement of short peripheral intravenous solutions (IVs), generally under aseptic conditions, and peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) lines, and any difficult medical procedure currently using blind needle placement, generally under sterile conditions. Difficult medical procedures include nerve blocks, Thoracentesis and Paracentesis procedures, and biopsy procedures. Needles utilized by the devices and systems commonly cover 22 to 16 gauge needles and with the appropriate larger sized cannula or catheters that may be slideable over the 22 to 16 gauge needles.

FIG. 1 schematically depicts a blood vessel access handset 10 that images blood vessels utilizing B-mode based single scan planes and/or rotationally-configured scan plane arrays. The blood access device includes an ultrasound transceiver housing 12 in communication with a central processing unit (not shown here but more fully described in FIG. 4 below) via power and data communication cable 13. The transceiver housing 12 includes a swiveling portion described in FIGS. 5 and 6 below. The swiveling portions swivel to accommodate the transceiver housing 12 to be grasped by righted-handed or left-handed users. Transceiver top 14 helps to secure the inner components within the transceiver housing 12 that is more fully described in FIG. 5. At the bottom is transducer support 16. Attached in pivotable contact with the transducer support 16 is a friction hinge housing 38 that connects injector arm 40 to the transceiver housing 12 via the transducer base 16. The injector arm 40 is equipped with a controller 47 having a rearward-located pushbutton control 42, a forward-located pushbutton control 44, and a 4-way toggle control 46. In signal communication with the push and toggle buttons 42, 44, and 46 of controller 47 are motorized moveable platforms 50 and 52 that slidably transit along the length of slot 54. Rearward control 42 retracts the moveable platform 50 away from the patient's targeted blood vessel independently of the position of the moveable platform 52. Forward control 44 moves the moveable platform 52 towards the patient's targeted blood vessel independently of the position of the moveable platform 50. With reference to FIGS. 24A-25B below, the 4-way toggle control 46 synchronously moves both the moveable platforms 50 and 52 synchronously together toward the patient's blood vessel if toggled towards the patient, and synchronously together away from the patient's blood vessel if toggled away from the patient. Adjacent to the slot 54 are cassette holders 56 and 58. As shown here the motorized platforms 50 and 52 occupy the distal third portion of the slot 54 away from the patient and are denoted as the “home” or start “position” within slot 54.

FIG. 2 schematically depicts the handset device 10 of FIG. 1 equipped with a detachably attachable cartridge or cassette 90 to the slot 54 side of the needle injector arm 40 by engagement with cassette holders 56 and 58 and moveable platforms 50/52 as described more fully in FIGS. 22 and 23 below. Referencing FIGS. 11 and 12 below, moveable platform 50 detachably engages with slideable needle mount 92 and moveable platform 52 detachable engages with slideable cannula mount 98 when the slideable mounts 92 and 98 are positioned within the cassette 90 in the “home” or “start” position that is dimensionally accommodating or orientationally equivalent to the “home” and “start” positions of the motorized platforms 50 and 52 described in FIG. 1 above. As depicted in FIG. 2, cartridge 90 includes needle guide 94 at the end near the support base 16. The needle guide 94 forms an aperture from the combining of two half-apertures, one each from each swing door 105, such that when the two swinging doors 105 are in the closed position (shown in FIG. 11 below), each swinging door 105 has half of the aperture 94 (shown in FIGS. 19 and 20 below) so that when the swinging doors 105 closes, the two aperture halves combine to form a single whole aperture to serve as the needle guide 94. The aperture of the needle guide 94 serves to prevent significant sideway slippage of the needle 120 and/or cannula 140 (discussed below) as they move through the needle guide's 94 aperture. Referencing FIG. 13 below, emerging from the needle guide 94 will be the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140. As shown in FIG. 2, the mounted needle 120 is depicted as a pair of dashed lines suspended internally within the cassette 90. The cutting or piercing beveled end of the needle 120 is shown to occupy the portion of the internal space defined by the cassette's 90 swing door 105 when the slideable needle/cannula mounts 92/98 are in their home or start positions. After being used in a cannulation procedure, the cartridge 90 may be easily detached from injector arm 40 by pressing cartridge release button 60 to cause the moveable platforms 50 and 52 to pivot open release clips 76 (shown in FIG. 7 below) and thus disengage from the cartridge 90.

FIG. 3 schematically depicts the handset 10 placed on a patient's arm. The handset 10 includes the cassette 90 attached to the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40 during a cannula placement operation into the patient's peripheral vasculature. In this illustration the transceiver housing 12 is pivoted for right-handed holding of the transducer support 16 against the patient's arm. The left hand of the user operates the tilting of the injector arm 40 about the friction hinge housing 38 (shown in FIG. 5 below) and operation of the push and toggle buttons 42, 44, and 46 of controller 47 depicted in FIG. 1 above.

FIG. 4 schematically depicts an embodiment of a blood vessel access system deployed from a movable cart 200. The cart 200 includes a monitor 206 equipped with a touch sensitive screen 208, the monitor 200 being supported by an articulated arm 210 extending from a countertop 215 from which the access device 10 can be prepared for various blood access procedures undertaken within clean, aseptic, or sterile arenas. The power supply and communication cable 13 can conveniently access a computer having a central processing unit 202 operating within cart support 204. The central processing unit is configured to receive and process echoes of ultrasound signals to present images of insonified vasculatures. Alternatively the central processing unit may be built into the monitor 206. Included in the countertop 215 is a handset holder 217 shaped to hold the transceiver housing 12 bottom side up so that the transceiver housing's 12 support base 16 faces upward to conveniently allow application of a sterile transducer cap. The cart 200 with access handset device 10, monitor 206, and central processing unit 202 may be conveniently rolled via wheeled extensions 220 nearby the patient to conduct blood vessel access procedures under clean, aseptic, or sterile arenas.

FIG. 5 schematically depicts a bottom perspective view of the handset 10 depicted in FIGS. 1-3. Ultrasound transceiver housing 12 may be swiveled for left or right handed holding via swivel grasp 24 that slidably rotates about transceiver base 26. As depicted by an arrow in FIG. 5, the friction hinge housing 38 serves to anchor the pivotable injector arm 40 at a user-selected inclination relative to the rotational transducer 135 or to the patient's blood vessel under consideration for cannulation. In this depiction the motorized platforms 50 and 52 have changed positions with slot 54 from the home or start position depicted in FIG. 1 in that platforms 50 and 52 have slid more forward towards the transceiver housing 12.

FIG. 6 schematically depicts components within transceiver housing 12. As depicted in FIG. 6, the transceiver housing 12 includes a swivel grasp 24 located between transceiver base 26 and transceiver cap 14. The power and communication cable 13 routes through the swivel grasp 24 which rotates to permit left-handed or right-handed holding during bleed vessel and cannulation procedures. Between the swivel grasp 24 and transceiver base 26 is gasket 25. Located within the swivel grasp 24 is motor mount 18 from which transducer rotator motor 17 resides to pivotably rotate ultrasound transducer 135 upon user engagement of 4-way toggle switch 46 depicted in FIG. 1 above and described with regards to FIGS. 24A-25B below. Extending from the motor 17 is electrical cable 137 that provides signal and power connection to the transducer 135 via connector block 139.

FIG. 7 schematically depicts a perspective view of injector arm 40 on the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40. Upon pressing release button 60, release clips 76 open to disengage the moveable platforms 50/52 from cassette or cartridge 90 depicted in FIG. 1 above to reverse the attachment procedure depicted in FIGS. 22 and 23 below. Thus used cartridges 90 after a cannulation procedure may be easily detached from the injector arm 40 when the user presses cartridge release button 60 to cause the moveable platforms 50 and 52 to pivot open release clips 76 and thus disengage from the cartridge 90.

FIG. 8 schematically depicts the touch screen monitor 206 presenting a home screen 218 illustrating a panel of four blood vessel based access procedures. The procedures are characterized by different icons and acronyms. As stated previously, monitor 206 may be a touch screen. The panel of blood vessel access procedures includes a peripheral intravenous IV procedure 220, a central venous cava CVC procedure 222, a peripherally inserted central catheter PICC procedure 224, and an arterial line procedure 226. In the case of a touch screen monitor 206, the IV procedure 220 icon is touched by the user, indicated by the oval, to bring up menu items to conduct this blood vessel access procedure. Also shown are touch sensitive tool icon 228 and data output icons 232.

FIG. 9 schematically depicts the handset 10 surveying for a peripheral vein undertaken during the IV procedure selected from the home screen depicted in FIG. 8. The injector arm 40 can pivot freely from shallow acute angles to steep acute angles in relation to the transceiver 12 as denoted by the arrow.

FIG. 10 schematically depicts an ultrasound image presented in screenshot 260 on the monitor 206 while surveying for a blood vessel BV undertaken during short axis mode when the scan plane 175 emanating from the transducer 135 intersects the blood vessel substantially at a perpendicular orientation. Screenshot 260 includes a contrast icon 262, a still capture icon 264, a movie capture icon 266, a home return icon 268, and a return to prior screen icon 269. In this screenshot example of an insonified vasculature image, a center located blood vessel is presented in short-axis cross-section view when the position of the rotatable transducer is indicated to be in short axis mode by the presence of a short axis icon 282, depicted here as a thick circle. Appearing above the short axis blood vessel BV, another blood vessel BV is depicted substantially in a long axis cross sectional view. Applied to the ultrasound image of screenshot 260 is an overlay having positional information in the form of a vertical axis line 281 and a horizontal axis line 286 located at 20 degrees that can be varied in its position depending on the tilting angle that the user adjusts the injector arm 40 to occupy. In this screenshot the vertical axis line 281 is shown bisecting the center-located short axis-presented blood vessel BV and represents the approximate location of the rotatable transducer 135 of handset 10. Perpendicular to and intersecting with the vertical axis line 281 are three horizontal lines 286, 290, 294 indicating various inclination angles of the injector arm 40 to achieve different penetration depths for needle injection and cannulation. Horizontal axis line 286 represents a depth when the injector arm presents, for example, a 20 degree inclination angle and horizontal axis line 290 defines when the injector arm presents, for example, a 60 degree inclination angle. Between these two lines 286 and 290 is horizontal axis line 294 that represents a depth or is indicative when the injector arm occupies a 33 degree inclination angle relative to the transducer 135. The intersection of any given horizontal axis line, seen in this example as horizontal axis lines 286, 290, or 294 with the vertical axis line 281 represents the cross-hair like locus or sighting aid position where cutting bevel end 123 (shown in upper inset of FIG. 24A below) of the needle 120 is expected to appear as the needle 120 advances while the injector arm 40 is at, for example, a 20 degree penetration angle, a 60 degree angle, and a 33 degree angle. Thus any vertical and horizontal axis intersection serves as a cross-hair like sighting aid for the positional overlay when the screenshot image is presented in short axis cross-sectional views. The horizontal axis 286 can be adjusted to intersect at any given location of the vertical axis 281 indicative of the location of the transducer 135 by tilting or pivoting the injector arm 40 while holding the transceiver housing 12 firmly against the patient's skin. In this example, the intersection of horizontal line 294 with vertical line 281 is near the midline portion of the anterior wall of the short-axis cross-sectional view of blood vessel BV. Generally, penetration of the blood vessel by the needle 120 near the midline of the anterior wall represents a good position to initiate needle injection and cannulation procedures.

Commonly the angle of inclination of the injector arm 40 is set for penetration such that the vertical and horizontal crosshairs would be intersecting at the anterior wall along the midline of the targeted blood vessel when the image and image overlay is presented in short-axis cross-sectional views. The anterior wall of the blood vessel is the wall that is closer to the rotatable transducer 135. In this example, the anterior wall is located near 33 degrees depth where horizontal axis line 294 intersects with vertical axis line 281. Also presented in screenshot 260 is vessel access menu 280. Access menu 280 may be configured for drop down presentation and includes the steps of 1, locating the target vessel (Locate Vessel); 2, prepare the site (Prep Site); 3, load cartridge 90 onto injector arm 40 (Prep Cartridge); 4, cannulate the target vessel (Cannulate), and 5, document the procedure (Document).

FIG. 11 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the slotted side of the cartridge 90. Within slot 114 a cannula slideable mount 92 and a needle slideable mount 98 slideably engage. Attachment posts 91 extend from the cartridge 90 and are removeably attachable with the cartridge holder 56 on the slot 54 side of injector arm 40 shown in FIG. 22 below. Cartridge's 90 clip 93 is similarly removeably attachable with the holder 58 of injector arm 40 shown in FIG. 23 below. The needle slideable mount 98 includes a reception slot 150 and the cannula slideable mount 92 includes a reception slot 152. The reception slot 150 is removeably attachable with the needle moveable platform 50 of injector arm 40 and similarly the reception slot 152 is removeably attachable with cannula moveable platform 52 of injector arm 40. Once the slot 114 side of cartridge 90 is secured to the slot 54 side of injector arm 40 (described in FIGS. 22 and 23 below), the slideable mounts 92 and 98 move in response to the motor-driven moveable platforms 50 and 52 via their detachable connection of the platforms 50 and 52 with the slideable mount's 92 and 98 receptions slots 150 and 152. The moveable platforms 50 and 52, and thus the slideable mounts 92 and 98, move in response to the user's engagement of the injector arm's 40 controller 47. As more particularly described in FIGS. 24A-25B below, the rearward toggle button 42 that effects moveable platform 52 that drives slideable platform 92, the user's engagement of forward toggle button 44 that effects moveable platform 50 that drives slideable platform 98, and the user's forward or rearward toggling or tilting of toggle button 46 that synchronously effects the movement of both the platforms 50 and 52 at the same rate and thus advances or retracts slideable mounts 92 and 98 equally within cartridge 90 along cartridge's 90 slot 114. Swinging door 105 pivots about door hinge 115.

FIG. 12 schematically depicts the side perspective view of the slot 114 side of the cartridge 90 depicted in FIG. 11 made transparent to reveal internal components of the slideable mounts and mount catches. The internal components include the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140, the bevel 122 lying just inside the guide aperture 94 formed by the swinging doors 105 being in the closed position. The slideable mounts 92 and 98 are adjacently touching and held within the cartridge 90 by mount catches. The mount catches include a pair of adjacently positioned cannula catches 160 and 162, and two rearward located needle catches 164 and 166. Caught between the cannula catches 160 and 162 is a cannula detent 172. The cannula detent 172 extends from the lower body of the cannula slideable mount 92 and prevents it from free-falling or unrestricted sliding of the cannula slideable mount 92. Extending from the bottom portion of the needle slideable mount is needle detent 176. The location of the pair of cannula catches 160 and 162 is located within the rearward third of the cartridge's 90 slot 114. This rearward position functions as the “home” or start position of the cannula slideable mount 92, and together with adjacently touching slideable needle mount 98, defines the “home” position of both slideable mounts 92 and 98 that allows alignment with the moveable platforms 50 and 52 when positioned by the user to be in the “home” position within slot 54 of injector arm 40. Extending from the bottom portion of the needle slideable mount is a needle detent 176. The needle detent 176 is configured to engage with the two rearward located needle catches 164 and 166 and not engage with the cannula catches 160 and 162. In the “home” or start position the needle detent 176 is on the forward side of the less rearward located needle catch 164. This prevents backward free falling or backward or rearward slippage of the needle slideable mount 98 from its “home” position. Thus the “home” position of the cannula slideable mount is preserved, that is by either forward or rearward slippage, by the cannula detent's 172 being captured between the adjacently located cannula catches 160 and 162. Similarly, the “home” or start position of the slideable needle mount is preserved by the needle detent's 176 engagement of the less rearward located needle catch 164. The distance between the middle of the pair of cannula catches 160 and 162 and the less rearward located needle catch 164 keeps the slideable mounts 92 and 98 adjacently touching in the “home” or start position within the cartridge 90 so that that configuration of the end of the cannula 140 resides just behind the bevel 122 of the needle 120 (shown in the inset of FIG. 13 below) and occupying just inside the aperture guide 94 when swinging doors 105 are in the closed position. Also shown is the rearward portion of the cannula 140 is check valve 144 in connection with the cannula 140.

FIG. 13 schematically depicts a perspective of adjacently touching slideable mounts 92 and 98. The cannula slideable mount 92 is beveled on the forward side to fit within the slopped portion of the cartridge 90 assumes with the swing doors 105. The cannula slideable mount 92 includes a front release aperture 182 that opens perpendicular to the long axis of the cannula 140 and perpendicular to the reception slot 152. The needle slideable mount 98 includes a rear release aperture 188 that opens perpendicular to the long axis of the cannula 140 and perpendicular to the reception slot 150. Parallel along the long axis of the needle 120, the release bar slideably moves within the front and rear release apertures 182 and 188 in the top portions of the slideable mounts 92 and 98, as shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 above and 17-20 below. The cannula detent 172 is shown longer than the needle detent 176. The arrangement of the reception slots 150 and 152 with the front and rear release apertures 182 and 188 with regards to slideable mounts 92 and 98 are further illustrated in FIG. 21 below.

FIG. 14 schematically depicts a bottom perspective view from the needle tip 123 of the adjacently-positioned slideable mounts 92 and 98 shown with mount extensions 172 and 176. The bottom of the slideable mounts 92 and 98 each have engagement surface 175 that slide on rail 192 within cartridge 90 described in FIG. 15 below. The forward aperture 182 through which the release lever 100 engages is shown. The cannula detent 172 is shown longer than the needle detent 176 and can engage the shorter cannula catches 160 and 162 depicted in FIG. 12 above and FIG. 15 below. Similarly, the shorter needle detent 176 engages the longer rearward positioned needle catches 164 and 166 shown in FIG. 15 below. The cannula and needle detents 172 and 176 are sufficiently flexibly semi-rigid to engage their respective catches 160 and 162 or 164 and 166 to prevent free falling or slippage from the respective home or non-home holding positions yet can flex to allow advancement or retraction from their respective home or non-home positions when the slideable mounts 92 and 98 are subjected to sufficient driving forces conveyed by the motors driving the moveable platforms 50 and 52 that are attached to the slideable mounts 92 and 98. By “non-home” position it is meant any position other than home as previously described. Non-home means when the needle mount 98 has advanced forward along channel 114, or has advanced sufficiently rearward to be momentarily caught by the rearward located needle catches 164 and 166. The user may operate the controller 47 to flexibly detach the slideable mounts 92 and 98 when these mounts are held by the catches. Slide bars 96 of needle mount 98 is shown pressing against pinch holder 99, thereby maintaining clamping action of the slideable cannulla mount 98 onto the hub 148 to which the cannula 140 is affixed. As the slideable needle mount 98 is withdrawn rearward and/or the slideable cannula mount 92 is moved forward towards the aperture guide 94, the slide bars 96 are withdrawn rearward relative to the pinch holder 99. This rearward motion reduces the clamping forces exerted by the slide bars 96 to the pinch holders 99, allowing the pinch holders 99 to gradually open or spread apart to a point in which the pinch holders 99 spread sufficiently apart to allow the hub 148 with attached cannula 140 to drop from the slideable cannula mount 92. When the swinging doors 105 are swung open by processes described below in FIGS. 19-21 and 29 below, the external portion or the hub 148 of the cannula 140 remains external to the patient while the distal end of the cannula 140 remains in a patient's blood vessel

FIG. 15 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the internal portion of the slotted 114 side of the cartridge 90. The internal portion of the slot 114 side includes a middle rail 192 located on the inferior side of the slot 114 and a catch rail 194 located below the middle rail 192. The middle rail 192 provides the surface or structure for the engagement surfaces 175 of slideable mounts 92 and 98 to slide upon. Attached to the catch rail 194 are the shorter cannula catches 160 and 162 and the longer, rearward located needle catches 164 and 166. The cannula and needle detents 172 and 176 depicted in FIG. 14 above are sufficiently flexibly semi-rigid to engage their respective catches 160 and 162 or 164 and 166 to prevent free falling or slippage from their respective home or non-home holding positions yet can flex to allow advancement or retraction from their respective home or non-home positions when the slideable mounts 92 and 98 are subjected to sufficient driving forces conveyed by the injector arm's 40 internally located motors that drive the moveable platforms 50 and 52 that in turn are attached to the slideable mounts 92 and 98. Pivot stop 196 sets the rotational limit for rotatable lever 111 to engage in release bar 100 movement towards the aperture guide 94 side of the cartridge 90 to engage in cannula release action by causing the swinging doors 105 to swing open.

FIG. 16 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the cannula release slider 102 side of the cartridge 90. Cannula release slider 102 is connected with release lever 100 and ramming bar 104 discussed above in FIGS. 11 and 12 and below in FIGS. 17-20. The release slider 102 can be grasped by the user to manually push the slider 102 forward within slot 108 to ram open the swinging doors 105 via the movement of the ramming bar 104 against the posterior edges of the swinging doors 105. The manual option to push open swinging doors 105 by pushing forward slider 102 allows the user to have direct physical control of cannula release processes separate from the mechanized releases via controller 47 operation discussed in FIGS. 19, 20, and 24A-25B below.

FIG. 17 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the cannula of the cartridge 90 with the release 102 side removed to reveal other internal components of the cartridge 90 where the slideable mounts 92 and 98 are in their home position. Here the forward tip of the ramming bar 104 is seen resting adjacently nearby but not pushing against the real portion of the swinging door 105. Any movement of the release bar 100 towards the aperture guide 94 by the manual process discussed in FIG. 16 above or motorized forward movement of the cannula slideable mount 92 or motorized rearward movement of the slideable needle mount 98 (discussed in FIGS. 19, 20 and 24A-25B below) results in the ram bar 104 being thrust forward and push open swinging doors 105. The bevel 122 portion of the needle 120 can be seen occupying the space defined by the aperture guide 94. The cannula 140 is connected to cannula hub 148 that is being firmly held by slideable cannula mount 94 due to the pitching action of slider bar 96. The rearward surface of rear extension 109 of the slideable needle mount 98 engages the rotatable lever 111 upon motorized rearward movement of the slideable needle mount 98 caused by the motorized movement of moveable needle platform 50 via user-engagement of rearward button 42 of controller 47. Here the door catch 107 detachably grasps the ridge 113 to keep swinging door 105 in the closed position until forward motion of the ramming bar 104 overcomes the detachable grasping by door catch 107 of ridge 113.

FIG. 18 schematically depicts a side perspective view on the slot side of the cartridge 90 with the slot 114 side removed. The slideable arrangement of the release lever 100 with the forward aperture 182 and rearward aperture 188 of the slideable mounts 92 and 98 are shown through which the release lever 100 slideably engages. Side bars 96 of needle mount 98 is shown withdrawn sufficiently to reduce clamping action onto the pinch holder 99, thereby allowing the pinch holder 99 to spread apart to make it easier to release the hub 148 from the slideable cannula mount 92. Door catches 107 keep swinging doors 105 in the closed position until the ramming bar 104 that extends from release bar 100 engages against the posterior edge of the swinging doors 105 to cause the swing doors to pivot open about door hinges 115. The ramming bar 104 is in the middle of the cartridge 90 and straddles across the posterior portions of both swinging doors 105. Upon being pushed forward, the ramming bar 104 will push open both swinging doors 105.

FIG. 19 schematically depicts the cartridge 90 in a side perspective view with the release lever 102 side removed showing the slideable cannula mount 98 in the maximum forward position to cause the opening of the swinging doors 105. The ramming bar has pushed open both swinging doors 105 that it straddled. The slideable cannula mount 98 has been thrusted forward by use of the controller 47 described in FIGS. 24A-24B below.

FIG. 20 schematically depicts the cartridge 90 in a side perspective view from the release lever 102 side that is removed showing the slideable needle mount 92 in the maximum rearward position to cause the opening of the swinging doors 105. The slideable needle mount 98 has been thrusted rearward by use of the controller 47 described in FIGS. 24A-24B below. In the most rearward position, the rear extension 109 engages against the lower portion of the rotatable lever 111 to in turn cause its upper portion to push the release lever 100 forwards towards the aperture guide 94. In the maximum rearward position, the slideable needle mount 92 is retained by the more rearward needle catch 166 by mount's 92 detent 176 engagement with the needle catch 166. This holding of the slideable cannula mount 92 within the cartridge 90 insures that the needle 120 does not lunge or slide forward towards the patient while the cannula 140 is being released from the cartridge 90 as depicted in FIG. 29 below. In this manner the holding back of the withdrawn needle 120 within the cartridge 90 prevents the patient from being accidentally re-stuck or re-penetrated by the needle 120 upon completion of the cannulation procedure.

FIG. 21 schematically depicts a side perspective view of the slideable needle mount 92 maximally withdrawn from the slideable cannula mount 98. Here the slider arms 96 are completely detached from the pinch holder 99. With the pinch holders 99 spread apart to no longer grasp the cannula hub 148, and the bevel 122 retracted from the lumen of the cannula 140 and the cannula hub 148, the cannula hub 148 can be easily drop released from the cartridge 90 upon completion of a cannulation procedure via the larger space that is created when the opposing doors or swinging doors 105 are caused to swing open.

FIGS. 22 and 23 schematically depict the attachment or loading of the cannula cartridge 90 to the slot 54 side of injector arm 40. In FIG. 22, attachment post 91 extending from the cartridge 90 is removeably attachable with the cartridge holder 56 and provides for pivotal alignment with the slots (not shown) located within slideable platforms 92/98 (not shown) and the cartridge's 90 clip 93 with cartridge holder 58. Thereafter, upon swinging into alignment from pivotable attachment to cartridge holder 58, the slots of the slideable platforms 92/98 (not shown) are engaged with the moveable platforms 50/52 followed by the rear portion of the cartridge 90′s attachment clip with the arm 40′s holder 56.

FIGS. 24A-25B schematically illustrate the “cannulate” step represented in access menu 280 and sets forth how the controller's 47 push and toggle buttons 42, 44, and 46 are used in a needle injection and cannulation procedures deployed from the cartridge 90 that is mounted to the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40. The injector arm's 40 moveable platforms 50 and 52 are respectively removeably connected with the slideable mounts 92 and 98 that respectively hold the needle 120 and cannula 140. The moveable platforms 50 and 52 respectively drive the slideable mounts 92 and 98. The “cannulate” procedure involves needle 120 injection and cannulation of a user-selected blood vessel with the cannula 140 that is in slideable connection with the needle 120. The “cannulate” step is the procedure that may be chosen after loading the cartridge 90 as shown in FIGS. 22 and 23 above. As shown in the access procedure menu 280 presented on the monitor 206 visible to the handset 10 operating user, the “cannulate” step occurs after the “load cartridge” step. Also illustrated in FIG. 24A is that substantially perpendicular toggling of the 4-way toggle button 46, that is tilting approximately 90 degrees upwards or downwards from the long axis of the injector arm 40, results in the single rotation movements of the rotatable transducer 135 to easily permit the user to switch between short-axis and long-axis cross-sectional views of the insonified based images being presented on the monitor 206.

In more detail FIG. 24A schematically depicts an example of the independent and synchronous movement of the slideable mounts 92/98 within the cartridge 90 with reference to cartridge's 90 swinging doors 105 that remain fixed in place. The independent and synchronous movement of the slideable mounts 92/98 is driven by the motions of the moveable platforms 50/52 that in turn respond to the handset 10 user engagement of the controller's 47 push and toggle buttons 42, 44, and 46 in response to the user's viewing of monitor presented images. There are three scenarios depicted for the slideable mounts 92/98 with reference to the closed swinging doors that are co-aligned vertically to represent the cartridge 90 being fixed-in-place to the slot 54 side of the injector arm 40 previously illustrated. The first scenario shown in the top depiction represents the slideable mounts occupying a “home” or “start” position in which the slideable mounts are adjacently touching and the bevel 121 and cutting tip 123 of the needle 120 resides just inside the orifice or needle guide aperture 94. That is, the cutting tip 123 does not protrude from the cartridge's 90 needle guide aperture 94. In this “home” position the adjacently touching slideable mounts 92/98 have no space between them resulting in this illustration with the end of the cannula 140 just behind the rearward end of the bevel 121, as shown in the inset.

The second scenario, involves the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 protruding deeply beyond the orifice 94 formed by closed swinging doors 105 for injection into a deeply located blood vessel. As shown in the upper middle depiction the user tilts toggle button 46 in the direction towards the patient or needle guide aperture 94 indicated by radial lines around toggle button 46 and the smaller direction arrow aimed towards the needle guide aperture 94. The forwardly toggling direction or tilting of toggle 46 towards the needle guide aperture 94 is substantially parallel to the long axis of injector arm 40. Here both slideable mounts 92/98 advance equally forward synchronously towards the needle guide aperture 94 to protrude the bevel region 121 of needle 120 having the same cannula 140-to-needle bevel 121 relationship as shown in the first or “home” scenario above.

The third scenario, involves both the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 both retracted the same and distance from the more protruding second scenario discussed above. As shown in the lower middle depiction the user tilts toggle button 46 in the direction away from the patient or the needle guide aperture 94 indicated by radial lines around toggle button 46 and the smaller direction arrow aimed away from the needle guide aperture 94. The rearward toggling direction or tilting away of the toggle 46 from the needle guide aperture 94 is substantially parallel to the long axis of injector arm 40. Here both slideable mounts 92/98 advance equally rearward synchronously away from the needle guide aperture 94 to protrude the bevel region 121 of needle 120 less deeply than the second scenario above. As with the second scenario, the third scenario maintains the same cannula 140-to-needle bevel 121 relationship as shown in the first or “home” scenario above.

Still referencing FIG. 24A, the fourth scenario involves retracting the needle's 120 bevel 121 into the cannula 140 by engagement of rearward control 42 to cause the rearward displacement of slideable needle mount 92 away from the needle guide aperture 94. The forth scenario is shown in the bottom depiction wherein the user presses rearward control button 42, indicated by radial lines around button 42, to cause the rearward motion of slideable mount 92, that is, movement away from the patient or away from the needle guide aperture 94 of closed swinging doors 105. This rearward motion of slideable mount 92 caused by the user engagement or pressing of rearward button 42 occurs independently from the existing position that the slideable mount 98 currently occupies. This rearward motion continues until the user stops pressing rearward button 42, and a space or gap G is created between slideable mounts 92 and 98, and in direct proportion to the rearward motion. The inset of the bottom depiction shows that the same space or gap G created between the slideable mounts 92 and 98 is the same gap G space that the now retracted needle 120 bevel 121 is withdrawn into the lumen of the cannula 140. That is, with the needle's 120 bevel 121 withdrawn deeper into the cannula 140, there is a different cannula 140-to-needle bevel 121 relationship as shown in the inset of the lower depiction or fourth scenario than the bevel 121-to-cannula 140 relationship of the first or “home” scenario depicted in the first scenario above.

In greater detail FIGS. 24A and 24B schematically depicts the interplay of controller 47 operations with regards to the motorized forwardly directed co-movement of the needle assembly 92 or slideable needle mount 92 and cannula assembly 98 or slideable cannula mount 98 undertaken during the cannulate step of access menu 280. Referencing FIGS. 1 and 2 above, the moveable platform 50 detachably engages with the cassette's 90 slideable needle mount 92 and the moveable platform 52 detachably engages with the cassette's 90 slideable cannula mount 98. The slideable needle/cannula mounts 92 and 98 have slot receptacles (not shown) that accommodate and hold the rectangular shapes of the moveable platforms 50 and 52. To the slideable needle mount 92 is mounted needle 120 and to the slideable cannula mount 98 is cannula 140. As shown here the beveled or pointed or cutting surface of the needle 120 extends beyond the internal end of the cannula 140. Referencing FIG. 23 in view of FIGS. 2 above and 24B below, moveable platform 50 detachable engages with slideable needle mount 92 and moveable platform 52 detachably engages with slideable cannula mount 98 when the slideable mounts 92 and 98 are positioned within the cassette 90 in the “home” or “start” position that is dimensionally accommodating to the “home” and “start” positions of the motorized platforms 50 and 52 described in FIG. 1 above. Emerging from the needle guide 94 and into the tissue beneath the transducer base 16 and into the patient's tissue is the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140. The cutting or piercing beveled end 123 of the needle 120 is shown approaching and about to pierce the anterior wall of the blood vessel BV (left side drawing) to enter the vessel's lumen by the forward motion of the slideable needle/cannula mounts 92/98 as engaged by forward motion tilting of controller 47 toggle button 46. With the injection or penetration of the needle 120 into the vessel's lumen, the overlapping cannula 140 enters with and just behind the cutting edge of the needle 120. Here the blood vessel is depicted in long axis cross-section (right sided drawing).

The inset in the left side drawing of FIG. 24B illustrates a particular embodiment in which the squared-off truncated end of the cannula 140 is immediately behind the rear portion of the beveled end 121 of the needle 120 so that cannulation of narrow lumen blood vessels can be undertaken. The placement of the blunt end of the cannula 140 immediately behind the rear portion of the beveled end 121 is controlled by the movement of the slideable needle mount 92 that pushed against the slideable cannula mount 98 when engaged in synchronous forward movement by the forward pushing of the 4-way toggle control 46 to advance both the needle 120 and cannula 140 synchronously towards the blood vessel at the same displacement rate. In particular embodiments, the cartridge 90 comes pre-configured in the “home” position wherein the slideable needle/cannula mounts 92/98 are adjacent and nearly abutting to each other so that synchronous forward traveling motion toward the patient's blood vessel of the slideable needle/cannula mounts 92/98 keeps the squared-off truncated end of the cannula 140 immediately behind the rear portion of the beveled end 121 of the needle 120 so that the cannula 140 does not cover over the cutting surfaces 123 while entering the patient's skin or when approaching or attempting to pierce through the anterior wall of the patient's targeted blood vessel selected for cannula placement. The inset is similar to the co-advancing and equal speed advancing of the needle 120 with overlapped cannula 140 described in the first scenario or top depiction illustrated in FIG. 24A above.

Similarly in greater detail FIGS. 25A and 25B schematically depicts the interplay of controller 47 operations with regards to implementing separate and independent motorized movement of the needle assembly or slideable needle mount 92 and the cannula assembly or slideable cannula mount 98. As previously depicted in FIG. 24A above, under the cannulate procedure of access menu 280, FIG. 25A depicts separate movement and independent movement of the needle 120 via slideable mount rearward motion by the user pressing rearward button 42. Separately, the forward movement towards the needle guide aperture 94 of the cannula 140 occurs via the user pressing forward button 44, thus protruding the cannula 140 substantially beyond the needle guide aperture 94. With the separate pressing of rearward button 42, the bevel 121 of needle 120 is withdrawn deeply inside the cannula 140 near the rearward portion of closed swinging doors 105. Forward motion of the slideable cannula mount 98 towards the needle guide aperture 94 is indicated by the right side downward angled motion arrow and rearward motion of the slideable needle mount 92 away from the needle guide aperture 94 is indicated by the left side upwardly angled motion arrow.

FIG. 25B schematically illustrates cannulation of a blood vessel BV presented in long axis mode via use of control buttons 42, 44, and 46. In the upper drawing is illustrated the synchronous movement of both cannula 140 and needle 120 by the user forwardly tilting the toggle button 46. In the middle drawing is illustrated the separate and independent motions of the needle 120 via the rearward button 42 and the cannula 140 with the forward button 44. The upper FIG. illustrates the overlapped cannula 140 with the needle's 120 bevel 121 was advanced and now penetrated through the anterior wall of the blood vessel BV to reside approximately just beneath the anterior wall of the blood vessel BV via the tilting of toggle control 46 towards the patient. As shown, the cutting tip 123 of the bevel 121 is sufficiently far from the posterior wall of the blood vessel. Thereafter, as shown in the middle drawing, the distal end of the overlapped cannula 140 is advanced beyond the cutting edge 123 of the bevel and now occupies a space within the blood vessel close to the anterior wall. Also illustrated is the retraction of needle 120 from the blood vessel BV that is implemented independently of the forward advancing of the cannula 140 by the user independently pressing the rearward button 42. As shown in the middle drawing the bevel 121 occupies the space very close to and in the process of crossing the anterior wall Thereafter, touching pushbutton control 44 slides the cannula further off the needle 120 and deeper into the blood vessel BV lumen. The needle 120 may be refracted further away from the anterior wall of the blood vessel by pushing pushbutton control 42 away from the patient. In this way cannula 140 may be advanced within the lumen with a minimum of kinking

FIG. 26 schematically depicts a screenshot 312 in long-axis cross-sectional view when the penetration of the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 is seen to be penetrating through the blood vessel BV at 30 degrees relative to the rotating transducer 135 during the “cannulate” procedure of access menu 280. Applied to the ultrasound image of long-axis presented screenshot 312 is the overlay having positional information in the form of the vertical axis line 281 (also shown in short-axis presented screenshot 306 of FIG. 10 above) and a trajectory line 125 signifying the expected pathway the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 will transit while the injector arm 40 remains at 30 degrees relative to the rotatable transducer 135. Here an image of the needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 is shown penetrating the anterior wall AW of the blood vessel shown in long-axis mode as indicated by long axis icon 284. The needle tip 121 is kept near the lumen's midline when the injector arm 40 is, for example, approximately at a 30 degree angle relative to the base of the transducer 135. The cutting surface 123 of the needle 120 is stopped or otherwise drawn back so as to not puncture the blood vessel's posterior wall PW. The angular change undertaken by the rotatable ultrasound transducer 135 between the short axis and long axis cross-sectional views may be less than ninety degrees, substantially ninety degrees, or greater than ninety degrees. The user may slightly rotate the transducer support 16 by pushing the injector arm 40 radially about the long axis of the transceiver housing 12 with one hand and holding the transceiver housing 12 firmly against the surface of the patient with the other hand, while maintaining the angular tilt or angular position of the injector arm 40 relative to the transducer 135 in order to reposition the rotatable ultrasound transducer 135 as needed to generate a sufficient long axis cross-sectional view of the blood vessel BV undergoing cannulation.

FIG. 27 schematically depicts a screenshot 316 in long-axis cross-sectional view when the blood vessel BV occupying needle 120 with overlapping cannula 140 is adjusted for cannulation to 20 degrees relative to the rotating transducer 135 during the “cannulate” procedure of access menu 280. In screenshot 316 the positional information overlay contains a change of information relating to the re-adjustment of the injector arm 40 by the user just prior to commencing cannula 140 advancement and needle 120 retraction. In screenshot 316 the change in positional information of the positional information overlay is shown by the trajectory line 125 occupying a 20 degree tilt and displaced towards the right side of screenshot 316. The cutting point 123 (shown in upper inset of FIG. 24A above) of the needle 120 is withdrawn to a point just inside the anterior wall AW.

FIG. 28 schematically depicts a screenshot 320 in long-axis view after cannulation of the blood vessel with cannula 140. Cannulation then proceeds by engaging toggle 46 to push the cannula beyond the needle's 120 bevel residing or spanning through the anterior wall/lumen interface. The last step, document, of procedure menu 280, involves recording the cannulation by the user touching still camera icon 264 or camera tool icon 266 and storing the still or video images on computer's 202 local hard drive, an attached flash drive, or alternatively on a network drive in communication with the computer 202. The needle may then be withdrawn from the patient's blood vessel BV and from the patient by engaging the rearward button 42, leaving the cannula 140 in place. As shown here the end of the cannula 140 is shown closer to the blood vessel's BV posterior wall PW than its anterior wall AW.

FIG. 29 schematically depicts removal of the handset 10 with opened guide doors 105 from the external portion of cannula 140 wherein the hub 148 and check valve 144 are seen extending outside the patient's arm with the internal portion of cannula 140 left in place residing inside the blood vessel lumen of the patient' arm. Inside the check valve 144 is a septum (not shown). The septum is configured to be pierced by the needle 120 and provide low friction back and forth slideability or movement of the needle 120 as a consequence of the back and forth movement of the slideable needle mount 92. The back and forth movement of the needle 120 through the septum occurs without imposing significant pushing or pulling forces onto the septum as a consequence of the low friction material comprising the septum. Thus there is no significant tugging or pushing forces conveyed to the hub 148 or check valve 144 by the slideable cannula mount 98 and as a result the positioning of the catheter or cannula 140 within the blood vessel is left undisturbed when the needle 120 is withdrawn. The septum is also configured with materials designed to sufficiently re-seal or close when the needle 120 is removed from the septum to prevent back flushing or escape of blood fluids from the hub 148.

With further regards to FIG. 29, the swinging doors 105 are swung open by three mechanisms. First, an opening action may be engaged manually by the user who slides or pushes the cannula release 102 forward towards the patient within slot 108, thus causing the ramming action of ramming bar 104. Second, by causing mechanized forwardly-directed movement towards the patient of the slideable cannula mount 98 by signaling the moveable platform 52 to move forward towards the patient upon the user pressing the forward pushbutton 44 of controller 47. This causes the forward motion of release bar 100 and its ramming bar 104 extension against the rear portions of the swinging doors 105. Third, by mechanized rearward movement of the slideable needle mount 92 conveyed by moveable platform 50 via the user pressing the rearward pushbutton 42 of controller 47. This causes the needle mount's 92 rearward extension 109 to mechanically push the lower portion of the rotatable lever 111 to pivot such that the upper portion of the rotatable lever 111 mechanically engages the forward motion of release bar 100 and its ramming bar 104 extension towards the patient and against the rear portions of the swinging doors 105.

The cannula release 102 pushes open swing guide doors 105 upon being slid forward within slot 107. The swung open door 105 illustrates the half apertures of the full aperture the needle guide 94 assumes when the swinging doors 105 are closed. Stated differently, each swinging door 105 possesses half the aperture or half of the needle guide 94. Forward motion of the cannula release 102 towards the guide aperture 94 causes the ramming bar 104 to press against the rearward lips of the swing doors 105 and thus push doors 105 open to create a space larger than the space defined by the needle guide aperture 94 when the doors are closed.

While the preferred embodiment of the invention has been illustrated and described, as noted above, many changes can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. For example, an alternate embodiment of the cassette 90 the slideable cannula mount 98 may be configured to hold a needle, and the slideable needle mount configured to hold the moveable barrel of a syringe, so that via use of the controller 47, a targeted blood vessel could be assessed for either injection of fluids into the needle-accessed blood vessel via forward motion of the barrel towards the patient, or alternatively, withdrawal of blood from the needle-accessed blood vessel to obtain a blood sample via the rearward motion of the syringe barrel away from the patient. Accordingly, the scope of the invention is not limited by the disclosure of the preferred embodiment. Instead, the invention should be determined entirely by reference to the claims that follow.

  • 1. A cartridge attachable to a needle injector having a moveable needle platform and a moveable cannula platform, the cartridge comprising: a housing having: a needle mount detachably attachable with the needle platform;a cannula mount configured to slide over the needle and to be detachably attachable with the cannula platform;a pair of opposing doors that when closed define an orifice slightly larger than the external bore of the cannula to control sideway slippage of the needle during advancement of the cannula and needle through the orifice; anda lever configured to open the pair of opposing doors to create a space larger than the orifice to allow releasing of the cannula from the cartridge.
  • 2. The cartridge of claim 1, wherein the needle mount is configured to advance synchronously with the forward advancement or rearward movement of the cannula mount.
  • 3. The cartridge of claim 1, wherein the needle mount is configured to advance synchronously with the forward advancement of the cannula mount from a starting position of the cannula mount.
  • 4. The cartridge of claim 3, wherein the starting position is established by a first catch within the housing that engages with the cartridge mount.
  • 5. The cartridge of claim 3, wherein the starting position is established by a second catch within the housing that engages with the needle mount.
  • 6. The cartridge of claim 1, wherein the lever is engaged to open the opposing doors upon at least one of a maximum forward placement of the cannula mount within the cartridge, a maximum rearward placement of the needle mount within the cartridge, and a manual positioning of the lever to its maximum forward placement within the cartridge.
  • 7. The cartridge of claim 6, wherein the lever includes a slider extending from the lever, the slider accessible for pushing forward manually to engage the lever against the opposing doors.
  • 8. The cartridge of claim 7, wherein the cannula mount engages against the slider at the maximum forward placement to cause the lever to push against the opposing doors.
  • 9. The cartridge of claim 7, wherein the lever is engaged with a rotatable lever, the rotatable lever configured to propel the lever forward upon the needle mount reaching the maximum rearward placement.
  • 10. The cartridge of claim 6, wherein the needle mount is held by the second catch when the needle mount occupies the maximum rearward placement within the cartridge.
  • 11. A cartridge attachable to a needle injector having a moveable needle platform and a moveable cannula platform, the cartridge comprising: a housing having: a needle mount detachably attachable with the needle platform;a cannula mount configured to slide over the needle and to be detachably attachable with the cannula platform;a first catch holding the cannula mount at a starting position;a second catch holding the needle mount with the cannula mount;a pair of opposing doors that when closed define an orifice slightly larger than the external bore of the cannula to control sideways slippage of the needle during advancement of the cannula and needle through the orifice; anda lever configured to open the pair of opposing doors to create a space larger than the orifice to allow releasing of the cannula from the cartridge.
  • 12. The cartridge of claim 11, wherein the cannula mount is configured to move separately from the needle mount.
  • 13. The cartridge of claim 11, wherein the needle mount is configured to move separately from the cannula mount.
  • 14. The cartridge of claim 11, wherein the needle mount is configured to move synchronously with the cannula mount.
  • 15. The cartridge of claim 11, wherein the lever is engaged to open the opposing doors upon at least one of reaching a maximum forward placement of the cannula mount within the cartridge, a maximum rearward placement of the needle mount within the cartridge, and a manual positioning of the lever to its maximum forward placement within the cartridge.
  • 16. The cartridge of claim 15, wherein the lever includes a slider extending from the lever, the slider accessible for pushing forward manually to engage the lever against the opposing doors.
  • 17. The cartridge of claim 16, wherein the cannula mount engages against the slider at the maximum forward placement to cause the lever to push against the opposing doors.
  • 18. The cartridge of claim 17, wherein the lever is engaged with a rotatable lever, the rotatable lever configured to propel the lever forward upon the needle mount reaching the maximum rearward placement.
  • 19. The cartridge of claim 15, wherein the needle mount is held by the second catch when the needle mount occupies the maximum rearward placement within the cartridge.
  • 20. The cartridge of claim 11, wherein the starting position includes the end of the cannula to reside just rearward behind the bevel of the needle and the tip of the needle to be inside within the orifice of the closed opposing doors.

This application claims the benefit of priority to and incorporates by reference in its entirety U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/561,702 filed on Nov. 18, 2011. This application also claims the benefit of priority to and incorporates by reference in its entirety U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/986,143 filed Jan. 6, 2011 that in turn claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/293,004 filed Jan. 7, 2010. All patent applications incorporated by reference in their entirety.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61561702 Nov 2011 US