Considering mask writer properties during the optical proximity correction process


  • Patent Grant
  • 6792592
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, August 30, 2002
    22 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, September 14, 2004
    20 years ago
One embodiment of the invention provides a system that performs optical proximity correction in a manner that accounts for properties of a mask writer that generates a mask used in printing an integrated circuit. During operation, the system receives an input layout for the integrated circuit. The system also receives a set of mask writer properties that specify how the mask writer prints features. Next, the system performs an optical proximity correction process on the input layout to produce an output layout that includes a set of optical proximity corrections. This optical proximity correction process accounts for the set of mask writer properties in generating the set of optical proximity corrections, so that the mask writer can accurately produce the set of optical proximity corrections.


1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates to the process of fabricating semiconductor chips. More specifically, the invention relates to a method and an apparatus that considers mask writer properties during an optical proximity correction (OPC) process, wherein the OPC process generates corrections for a layout of an integrated circuit so that the layout prints more accurately on a semiconductor chip.

2. Related Art

Recent advances in integrated circuit technology have largely been accomplished by decreasing the feature size of circuit elements on a semiconductor chip. As the feature size of these circuit elements continues to decrease, circuit designers are forced to deal with problems that arise as a consequence of the optical lithography process that is typically used to manufacture the integrated circuits. This optical lithography process begins with the formation of a photoresist layer on the surface of a semiconductor wafer. A mask composed of opaque regions, which are formed of chrome, and light-transmissive clear regions, which are generally formed of quartz, is then positioned over this photo resist layer coated wafer. (Note that the term “mask” as used in this specification is meant to include the term “reticle.”) Light is then shone on the mask from a visible light source, an ultraviolet light source, or more generally some other type of electromagnetic radiation, together with suitably adapted masks and lithography equipment.

This light is reduced and focused through an optical system that contains a number of lenses, filters and mirrors. The light passes through the clear regions of the mask and exposes the underlying photoresist layer. At the same time, the light is blocked by opaque regions of the mask, leaving underlying portions of the photoresist layer unexposed.

The exposed photoresist layer is then developed, through chemical removal of either the exposed or non-exposed regions of the photoresist layer. The end result is a semiconductor wafer with a photoresist layer having a desired pattern. This pattern can then be used for etching underlying regions of the wafer.

One problem that arises during the optical lithography process is “line end shortening” and “pullback.” For example, the upper portion of

FIG. 1

illustrates a design of a transistor with a polysilicon line


, running from left to right, that forms a gate region used to electrically couple an upper diffusion region with a lower diffusion region. The lower portion of

FIG. 1

illustrates a printed image that results from the design.

Also note that because of optical effects and resist pullback there is a significant amount of line end shortening. This line end shortening is due to optical effects that cause the light to expose more of the resist under a line end than under other portions of the line.

In order to compensate for line end shortening, designers often add additional features, such as “hammer heads,” onto line ends (see top portion of FIG.


). The upper portion of

FIG. 2

illustrates a transistor with a polysilicon line


, running from left to right, which forms a gate region used to electrically couple an upper diffusion region with a lower diffusion region. A hammer head


is included on each end of polysilicon line


to compensate for the line end shortening. As is illustrated in the bottom portion of

FIG. 2

, these additional features can effectively compensate for line end shortening in some situations.

These additional features are typically added to a layout automatically during a process known as optical proximity correction (OPC). For example,

FIG. 3

illustrates line end geometry


(solid line) prior to OPC and the resulting corrected line end geometry


after OPC (dashed line). Note that the corrected line end geometry


includes regions with a positive edge bias in which the size of the original geometry


is increased, as well as regions of negative edge bias in which the size of the original geometry


is decreased.

Unfortunately, current OPC techniques do not consider the fact that the output will later be used to generate a photomask. This can be a problem because mask-writing machines have limitations on the dimensions of shapes they can expose. During conversion of a layout to the mask-writer format, some of the shapes created by the OPC process have to be approximated. This approximation can degrade the quality of correction and may also increase the write time on the mask-writing machine.

In many cases, optical proximity corrections are produced on a finer grid than is used by the mask writer. Thus, the mask writer must approximate the optical proximity corrections on a larger grid. For example, referring to


, the system starts with a line


in the presence of a neighboring line end


. Next, an OPC process performs corrections on line


to compensate for the presence of neighboring line end


. In doing so, the OPC process first divides line


into a number of segments




. Next, biases are applied to the segments




to compensate for the presence of line end


. This results in a number of idealized correction features




as is illustrated in FIG.


C. However, these idealized correction features




are defined on a grid that is finer than can be produced by the mask writer. Hence, the mask writer approximates the corrections as is illustrated in FIG.



Note that the corrected segments all have the same bias. Hence, the three segments




can be represented by a single

figure 317

in the fractured mask data (as is illustrated in FIG.


E). This reduces the number of figures that the mask writer has to produce and thereby reduces the mask writing time. Unfortunately, existing OPC systems do not consider mask writer properties and are consequently unable to make such an optimization.

In some cases, optical proximity corrections and other features in the layout may be specified in terms of angles that cannot be produced by a mask writer. For example, a given mask writer may only be able to produce 45-degree and 90-degree angles. Such a mask writer has to approximate other angles (such as the angle represented by line


) using 45-degree and 90-degree line edges as is illustrated in FIG.


F. Note that this approximation may not be ideal for optical proximity correction purposes. Additionally, the file size may be increased significantly.

What is needed is a method an apparatus for performing optical proximity correction that accounts for mask writer properties.


One embodiment of the invention provides a system that performs optical proximity correction in a manner that accounts for properties of a mask writer that generates a mask used in printing an integrated circuit. During operation, the system receives an input layout for the integrated circuit. The system also receives a set of mask writer properties that specify how the mask writer prints features. Next, the system performs an optical proximity correction process on the input layout to produce an output layout that includes a set of optical proximity corrections. This optical proximity correction process accounts for the set of mask writer properties in generating the set of optical proximity corrections, so that the mask writer can accurately produce the set of optical proximity corrections.

In a variation on this embodiment, the optical proximity correction process is an iterative process that performs a model-based simulation to adjust the set of optical proximity corrections. In doing so, the system determines whether a result from model-based simulation falls within a pre-defined error budget.

In a variation on this embodiment, the set of mask writer properties are used to constrain the set of optical proximity corrections during the optical proximity process, so that only optical proximity corrections that can be accurately generated by the mask writer are generated by the optical proximity correction process.

In a variation on this embodiment, the optical proximity process accounts for the set of mask writer properties in generating optical proximity corrections within only specific problematic areas of the input layout.

In a variation on this embodiment, receiving the set of mask writer properties involves allowing a user to specify a mask writer type through a user interface, and then retrieving the set of mask writer properties associated with the mask writer type. In this way, the user is able to select the mask writer type used during the optical proximity correction process.

In a further variation, allowing the user to specify the mask writer type involves allowing the user to select the mask writer type from a list of pre-specified mask writer types presented to the user through the user interface.

In a variation on this embodiment, the set of mask writer properties can specify: a placement accuracy that specifies how accurately the mask writer can place figures on the mask; a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer is able to produce on the mask; grid size; and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer is able to produce on the mask.

In a variation on this embodiment, the iterative process performs a fracture-on-the-fly operation to break the output layout into figures suitable for printing by the mask writer, so that the model-based simulation operates on an accurate representation of what will appear on the mask.


FIG. 1

illustrates the line end shortening problem.

FIG. 2

illustrates the use of a hammerhead to compensate for the line end shortening problem.


illustrates a line end prior to and after optical proximity correction.


illustrates a line in proximity to a neighboring line end.


illustrates an idealized set of optical proximity corrections.


illustrates resulting mask writer approximations.


illustrates how the number of figures can be further reduced.


illustrates an arbitrary angle and resulting mask writer approximations to generate the angle.

FIG. 4

is a flow chart illustrating the wafer fabrication process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 5

illustrates the process of creating a mask to be used in fabricating an integrated circuit in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 6

illustrates the OPC process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 7

illustrates the mask fabrication and inspection process.

FIG. 8

presents a flow chart illustrating the process of selecting a mask writer type in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 9

presents a flow chart illustrating the optical proximity correction process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 10

presents a flow chart illustrating a fracture on-the-fly operation during a model-based OPC process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 11

illustrates how an exemplary optical proximity correction is affected by mask writer limitations in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 12

illustrates another example of how an optical proximity correction is affected by mask writer limitations in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.


Wafer Fabrication Process

FIG. 4

is a flow chart illustrating the wafer fabrication process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The system starts by applying a photoresist layer to the top surface of a wafer (step


). Next, the system bakes the photoresist layer (step


). The system then positions a mask over the photoresist layer (step


), and exposes the photoresist layer through the mask (step


). Next, the system optionally bakes the wafer again (step


) before developing the photoresist layer (step


). Next, either a chemical etching or ion implantation step takes place (step


) before the photoresist layer is removed (step


). (Note that in the case of a lift-off process, a deposition can take place.) Finally, a new layer of material can be added and the process can be repeated for the new layer (step



Design Process

FIG. 5

illustrates the process of creating a mask to be used in the wafer fabrication process described above in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The process starts when a circuit designer produces a design


in VHDL, or some other hardware description language. VHDL is an acronym for VHSIC Hardware Description Language. (VHSIC is a Department of Defense acronym that stands for very high-speed integrated circuits.) The VHDL standard has been codified in Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) standard 1076-1993.



then feeds through a layout system


that performs a number of functions, such as synthesis


, placement and routing


and verification


. The result is an integrated circuit (IC) layout


, which can be in the form of a hierarchical specification expressed in a format such as GDSII.

IC layout


then passes into OPC processing system


, which performs optical proximity corrections to compensate for optical effects that arise during the photolithography process. For example, OPC software tools from Numerical Technologies, Inc., San Jose, Calif., could be used at step


such as iN-Tandem™. Additionally, not shown, phase shift processing can be performed prior to OPC, e.g. using the iN-Phase™ tool from Numerical Technologies, Inc.

The output of OPC processing system


is a new IC layout


. New IC layout


subsequently passes into mask fabrication and inspection processes



OPC Processing System

FIG. 6

illustrates OPC processing system


in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. OPC processing system


contains OPC software


, which converts IC layout


into a new IC layout


, which includes optical proximity corrections. It is the goal of OPC that the new IC layout


more accurately print the intended design (e.g. the IC layout


) on the wafer.

During this process, OPC software


make use of a process model


that specifies how optical effects (and possibly other effects) during a manufacturing process will influence printing of IC layout


. The process model


may be generated using tools such as ModelGen and ModelCal from Numerical Technologies, Inc.

OPC software


also receives a set of mask writer properties


, which specify how a specific type of mask writer will approximate features in the layout (including the optical proximity corrections) while generating a mask for the layout.

Note that the system can select the set of mask writer properties


from a collection of sets of mask writer properties


maintained by the system for different types of mask writers. Moreover, writer properties


can originate from a “library” or collection of mask writer properties that accompany the software in some form or another.

Mask Fabrication and Inspection Process

FIG. 7

illustrates the mask fabrication and inspection process


from FIG.


. This process initially receives new IC layout


. New IC layout


is subsequently processed by mask data preparation software


to produce a fractured mask data


that includes figures suitable for writing by mask writer


. In some embodiments, the CATS™ software from Numerical Technologies, Inc. is used at step


. Mask writer


then writes the figures specified in fractured mask data


onto the physical mask


. The physical mask


can then be subjected to a mask inspection process


to verify that physical mask


was properly fabricated.

Process of Selecting Mask Writer Type

FIG. 8

presents a flow chart illustrating the process of selecting a mask writer type in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The system first presents the user with a list of pre-defined mask writer types (step


). For example, the list can be presented as options in a pull-down menu of a graphical user interface. Next, the system allows the user to specify a mask writer type (step


), for example, by allowing the user to select an item from a pull-down menu. Next, the system retrieves the a set of mask writer properties


associated with the specified mask writer type from the collection of sets of mask writer types


maintained by the system (step



Process of Performing Optical Proximity Correction

FIG. 9

presents a flow chart illustrating the optical proximity correction process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention for use at step


by OPC software


. The system initially receives an input layout (step


), such as IC layout


illustrated in FIG.


. The system also receives a set of mask writer properties (step


), such as the set of mask writer properties


illustrated in FIG.


. The system uses these inputs to perform optical proximity correction on input IC layout


to produce as output a new IC layout


that includes optical proximity corrections (step


). During this process, the system accounts for mask writer properties in generating the optical proximity corrections, so that the mask writer can accurately produce optical proximity corrections. These mask writer properties can include: a placement accuracy that specifies how accurately the mask writer can place figures on the mask; grid size, which specifies the minimum increment of figure size; a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask, which specifies the smallest width obtained while rotating a given figure while rotating a figure through 360 degrees; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer is able to produce on the mask; and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer is able to produce on the mask.

Performing Fracturing On-the-Fly

FIG. 10

presents a flow chart illustrating a model-based OPC process in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The system starts by performing a dissection operation (step


) to dissect edges in the layout into segments.

The system then performs a model-based simulation on the layout to determine how optical effects and manufacturing processes are likely to affect the layout (step


). The system subsequently uses results of this simulation to perform a bias that adjusts segments in the layout to compensate for the errors indicated by the model-based simulation (step


). The system iteratively repeats steps




until the resulting layout meets a desired specification (or fails to meet the specification).

Note that step


optionally involves performing a fracture-on-the fly operation to break up the layout (or local regions of the layout) into figures that the mask writer can write. In this way, the system takes into account the fracturing that takes place for mask writing purposes during the model-based OPC process. As a result, this process produces optical proximity corrections that are likely to be accurately generated during the mask writing process.

Note that in general the fracturing can be performed at a number of different times. It can be performed prior to OPC, on-the-fly during OPC, or used as a reference during OPC.


FIG. 11

illustrates how an exemplary optical proximity correction is affected by mask writer limitations in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. In this example, a shape


is segmented by the OPC process to form three areas




. Note that the OPC process causes

figure 1102

to be corrected by biasing the segments in area


in by 2 nm. However, if the minimum grid size that can be produced by the mask writer is 1.25 nm, the 2.0 nm correction will have to be approximated to either 1.25 nm or 2.5 nm by the mask data preparation software in step


. This is an important point because the mask data preparation software used in step


will not perform additional optical proximity corrections, but rather will use its own internal rounding and grid snapping algorithms to position the line segments. The mask data preparation software may also create complex patterns to approximate the intended 2 nm line width (see, e.g.,

FIG. 3

generally for an example of how an angled line might get fractured by mask data preparation software of the type shown in FIG.



In the example illustrated in

FIG. 11

, the OPC process specified in

FIG. 10

analyzes the set of mask writer properties


and determines that the mask writer properties limit possible biases to fall on a grid with increments of 1.25 nm. The OPC process then chooses to use a 1.25 nm correction that falls on a grid line. This 1.25 nm correction will not have to be subsequently changed during mask data preparation (step


) for mask writing purposes.

Note that allowing OPC software


to select between corrections that fall on mask writer grid lines can result in a more optimal correction than simply allowing the downstream mask data preparation software to arbitrarily make the decision, without considering how the OPC process will be affected by the choice of correction.

FIG. 12

illustrates another example of how an optical proximity correction is affected by mask writer limitations in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. In

FIG. 12

, a line end


is modified by biasing the corner segments to create areas




to correct for corner rounding, and by biasing the center line segment outward to create area


to correct for line end shortening. Unfortunately, during fracturing area


and the adjacent area


of the feature will result in a tiny figure (or sliver) that falls below the minimum rotated width for the target mask writer


. Accordingly, during mask data preparation


, the prior art tool may produce slivers that are poorly exposed, or not exposed at all, during mask writing.

Given this mask writer limitation, it may be preferable to use a single larger rectangular area


to correct for line end shortening and corner rounding simultaneously, or to use a wider separation between the areas




and forego biasing the segment that produces area


, to perform the correction in a manner that is consistent with mask writer limitations.

The foregoing description is presented to enable one to make and use the invention, and is provided in the context of a particular application and its requirements. Various modifications to the disclosed embodiments will be readily apparent, and the general principles defined herein may be applied to other embodiments and applications without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Thus, the invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein.

The data structures and code described in this detailed description can be stored on a computer readable storage medium, which may be any device or medium that can store code and/or data for use by a computer system. This includes, but is not limited to, magnetic and optical storage devices such as disk drives, magnetic tape, CDs (compact discs) and DVDs (digital versatile discs or digital video discs), and computer instruction signals embodied in a transmission medium (with or without a carrier wave upon which the signals are modulated). For example, the transmission medium may include a communications network, such as the Internet.

Note that the invention can be applied to any type of lithographic process for fabricating semiconductor chips, including processes that make use of, deep-ultraviolet (DUV) radiation, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation, X-rays, and electron beams, along with suitably modified masks.

The foregoing descriptions of embodiments of the invention have been presented for purposes of illustration and description only. They are not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the forms disclosed. Accordingly, many modifications and variations will be apparent. Additionally, the above disclosure is not intended to limit the invention. The scope of the invention is defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for performing an optical proximity correction (OPC) process on a layout for an integrated circuit (IC) using a selected mask writer description, wherein the layout is comprised of a plurality of features, the method comprising:specifying the selected mask writer description so that the OPC process uses the selected mask writer description to control the parameters of the OPC process, wherein the selected mask writer description specifies: a mask writer type; a placement accuracy that specifies the accuracy that the mask writer uses to place figures on the mask, a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer will produce on the mask, and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer will produce on the mask; segmenting the plurality of features in the layout into a plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; simulating environment for each segment in the plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; adjusting segments in the plurality of segments responsive to the simulating and using the selected mask writer description; and repeating the segmenting, simulating and adjusting until a termination condition is satisfied.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising allowing a user to pick the selected mask writer description from a pull-down menu containing mask writer types for a plurality of mask writer descriptions.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising performing a fracture-on-the-fly operation prior to simulation to break the output layout into figures suitable for printing by a mask writer, so that the simulation operates on an accurate representation of what will appear on the mask.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the selected mask writer description is used to constrain optical proximity corrections during the optical proximity correction process, so that only optical proximity corrections that will be accurately generated by a mask writer are generated by the optical proximity correction process.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the termination condition is satisfied when a result from the simulation falls within a pre-defined error budget.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the optical proximity correction process accounts for the selected mask writer description in generating optical proximity corrections to account for the properties of a selected mask writer.
  • 7. A computer-readable storage medium storing instructions that when executed by a computer cause the computer to perform a method for performing an optical proximity correction (OPC) process on a layout for an integrated circuit (IC) using a selected mask writer description, wherein the layout is comprised of a plurality of features, the method comprising:specifying the selected mask writer description so that the OPC process uses the selected mask writer description to control the parameters of the OPC process, wherein the selected mask writer description specifies: a mask writer type, a placement accuracy that specifies the accuracy that the mask writer uses to place figures on the mask, a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer will produce on the mask, and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer will produce on the mask; segmenting the plurality of features in the layout into a plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; simulating environment for each segment in the plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; adjusting segments in the plurality of segments responsive to the simulating and using the selected mask writer description; and repeating the segmenting, simulating and adjusting until a termination condition is satisfied.
  • 8. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 7, wherein the method further comprises allowing a user to pick the selected mask writer description from a pull-down menu containing mask writer types for a plurality of mask writer descriptions.
  • 9. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 7, wherein the method further comprises performing a fracture-on-the-fly operation prior to simulation to break the output layout into figures suitable for printing by a mask writer, so that the simulation operates on an accurate representation of what will appear on the mask.
  • 10. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 7, wherein the selected mask writer description is used to constrain optical proximity corrections during the optical proximity correction process, so that only optical proximity corrections that will be accurately generated by a mask writer are generated by the optical proximity correction process.
  • 11. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 7, wherein the termination condition is satisfied when a result from the simulation falls within a pre-defined error budget.
  • 12. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 7, wherein the optical proximity correction process accounts for the selected mask writer description in generating optical proximity corrections to account for the properties of a selected mask writer.
  • 13. An apparatus that performs an optical proximity correction (OPC) process on a layout for an integrated circuit (IC) using a selected mask writer description, wherein the layout is comprised of a plurality of features, the apparatus comprising:specifying the selected mask writer description so that the OPC process uses the selected mask writer description to control the parameters of the OPC process, wherein the selected mask writer description specifies: a mask writer type, a placement accuracy that specifies the accuracy that the mask writer uses to place figures on the mask, a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer will produce on the mask, and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer will produce on the mask; a segmenting mechanism configured to segment the plurality of features in the layout into a plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; a simulating mechanism configured to simulate environment for each segment in the plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; a correcting mechanism configured to adjust segments in the plurality of segments responsive to the simulating and using the selected mask writer description; and wherein the apparatus is configured to iteratively apply the segmenting mechanism, the simulating mechanism and the correcting mechanism until a termination condition is satisfied.
  • 14. The apparatus of claim 13, further comprising a selecting mechanism configured to allow a user to pick the selected mask writer description from a pull-down menu containing mask writer types for a plurality of mask writer descriptions.
  • 15. The apparatus of claim 13, further comprising a fracture-on-the-fly mechanism configured to break the output layout into figures suitable for printing by a mask writer, so that the simulation mechanism operates on an accurate representation of what will appear on the mask.
  • 16. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the selected mask writer description is used to constrain optical proximity corrections during the optical proximity correction process, so that only optical proximity corrections that will be accurately generated by a mask writer are generated by the optical proximity correction process.
  • 17. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the termination condition is satisfied when a result from the simulation falls within a pre-defined error budget.
  • 18. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the correcting mechanism accounts for the selected mask writer description in generating optical proximity corrections to account for the properties of a selected mask writer.
  • 19. A mask to be used in an optical lithography process for manufacturing an integrated circuit, wherein the mask is created through a method for performing an optical proximity correction (OPC) process on a layout for an integrated circuit (IC) using a selected mask writer description, wherein the layout is comprised of a plurality of features, the method comprising:specifying the selected mask writer description so that the OPC process uses the selected mask writer description to control the parameters of the OPC process, wherein the selected mask writer description specifies: a mask writer type; a placement accuracy that specifies the accuracy that the mask writer uses to place figures on the mask, a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer will produce on the mask, and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer will produce on the mask; segmenting the plurality of features in the layout into a plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; simulating environment for each segment in the plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; adjusting segments in the plurality of segments responsive to the simulating and using the selected mask writer description; and repeating the segmenting, simulating and adjusting until a termination condition is satisfied.
  • 20. An integrated circuit created through a process that performs an optical proximity correction (OPC) process on a layout for an integrated circuit (IC) using a selected mask writer description, wherein the layout is comprised of a plurality of features, the process comprising:specifying the selected mask writer description so that the OPC process uses the selected mask writer description to control the parameters of the OPC process, wherein the selected mask writer description specifies: a mask writer type, a placement accuracy that specifies the accuracy that the mask writer uses to place figures on the mask, a minimum rotated width for figures on the mask; an angle limitation that specifies the types of angles the mask writer will produce on the mask, and a figure limitation that specifies the types of figures the mask writer will produce on the mask; segmenting the plurality of features in the layout into a plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; simulating environment for each segment in the plurality of segments using the selected mask writer description; adjusting segments in the plurality of segments responsive to the simulating and using the selected mask writer description; and repeating the segmenting, simulating and adjusting until a termination condition is satisfied.
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