"Shearography Versus Holography in Nondestructive Testing" by Y. Y. Hung, 1986, vol. 604 Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering. |
Y. Y. Hung, "Shearography: A New Optical Method for Strain Measurement and Nondestructive Testing"; Optical Engineering, May/Jun. 1982, vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 391-395. |
Y. Y. Hung et al., "Measurement of Slopes of Structural Deflections by Speckle-Shearing Interferometry", Experimental Mechanics, vol. 14 No. 7, Jul. 1974, pp. 281-285. |
Y. Y. Hung et al., "Speckle-Shearing Interferometric Technique: a Full-Field Strain Gauge", Applied Optics, vol. 14 No. 3, Mar. 1975, pp. 618-622. |