Glenn, W. H., "Fiber Optic Tempetature Sensors", Optical Fiber Sensors, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, May, 1986, pp. 185-199. |
"Fluorescent Decay Thermometer with Biological Applications", by R. R. Sholes et al., Rev. Sci., Instrum., vol. 41, No. 7, 9/80. |
"Infrared Fluorescence Decay-Time Temperature Sensor", by K. T. V. Frattan et al. |
"A Laser-Pumped Temperature Sensor Using the Fluorescent Decay Time of Alexandrite", by A. T. Augousti et al., Jrnl. of Lightwave Technology, vol. LT-5, No. 6, Jun. 1987. |
"Temperature Sensing by Thermally-Induced Absorption in a Neodymium Doped Optical Fiber", by M. Farries et al., SPIE vol. 798, Fiber Optic Sensors II (1987). |
"Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors"by W. H. Glenn, United Technologies Research Center. |
"Fiber Sensor Devices and Applications", by A. D. Kersey published for the Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, 1989. |