Integrated circuits (IC) such as dynamic random access memory, flash memory, etc. are made up of millions of elements that get formed in a semiconductor substrate. Shallow trench isolation (STI) is a widely used process in IC fabrication that helps isolate the individual elements (e.g., transistors, interconnects, etc.) of the IC device. For example, STI processes can include the deposition of silicon nitride on silicon oxide (e.g., thermally grown SiO2) followed by the etching of a shallow trench into the substrate using a mask. A layer of silicon oxide may then be deposited into the trench so that the trench forms an area of insulated dielectric that acts to isolate the IC elements from each other, preventing adjacent elements from shorting and reducing the cross-talk between elements.
Once the trenches are formed, excess deposited oxide needs to be removed and the topography planarized to prepare the foundation for the next level of IC device elements. The silicon nitride may act as a resist or stop layer that prevents the removal of silicon oxide which forms part of the device pattern.
One widely used technique to remove the excess oxide is chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP). In a typical CMP process, the substrate is placed in contact with a rotating polishing pad on a polishing device. A carrier applies pressure to the backside of the substrate to press the pad at substrate together as the pad and table are rotated. The process also includes introducing an abrasive, chemically reactive solution (sometimes called a “CMP slurry”) to the pad during polishing. The components of the CMP slurry may include abrasive particles and additives that interact with the substrate to remove the excess oxide. Polishing the substrate in the presence of the slurry may continue until all the excess oxide is removed and the oxide layer reaches the desired film planarity and thickness.
When removing oxide and planarizing oxide layers with CMP, it is useful for the slurry to have a high degree of selectivity towards one film material over another. For example, when the slurry is used to remove excess oxide in the presence of a nitride protecting layer, a slurry should be chosen that removes the oxide at a higher removal rate than the nitride. Such a slurry is commonly termed selective to silicon nitride.
Selective slurries that have a higher removal rate for silicon oxide than silicon nitride are commercially available. These conventional high selectivity slurries typically include 1 to 5 wt. % of a cerium oxide abrasive and an equal amount of additive (e.g., surfactant solution) in de-ionized water. A specific example of a high selectivity slurry for STI applications is Seimicron CES 333 1.0 made by Seimi Chemical (a subsidiary of Asahi). Seimicrom CES 333 1.0 contains 1 wt. % cerium oxide abrasive and 1 wt. % aqueous additive solution in de-ionized water. While the slurry demonstrates high silicon nitride selectivity for CMP in STI applications, its consumption at 100 to 300 m/min contributes significantly to process costs of the CMP step.
Higher concentrations of abrasive can also result in a high scratch count on the polished substrate surface. Lowering the concentration by diluting the slurry with more water, however, has unpredictable effects on selectivity (e.g., oxide film removal rate). Sometimes diluting the slurry with more water results in the oxide being removed too quickly causing dishing, and other times results in the oxide being removed too slowly lowering efficiency. Thus, there is a need for selective CMP slurries with lower abrasive concentrations and more controlled selectivity.
Embodiments of the invention include a chemical-mechanical polishing composition that includes less than about 1% wt. abrasive, an additive, and water, where a weigh percent of the additive is greater than a weight percent of the abrasive.
Embodiments of the invention also include methods of polishing a semiconductor substrate in a shallow trench isolation process. The polishing methods include the step of contacting the substrate with a polishing pad of a polishing apparatus while applying a high selectivity slurry to the polishing pad. The slurry includes less than about 1% wt. abrasive, an additive, and water, where a weigh percent of the additive is greater than a weight percent of the abrasive.
Embodiments of the invention further include methods of making a chemical-mechanical polishing slurry composition. The methods may include the step of adding together an abrasive, an additive and water to form the slurry, where a weigh percent of the additive is greater than a weight percent of the abrasive, and the abrasive and additive together make up less than 2% by wt. of the slurry.
Additional embodiments and features are set forth in part in the description that follows, and in part will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon examination of the specification or may be learned by the practice of the invention. The features and advantages of the invention may be realized and attained by means of the instrumentalities, combinations, and methods described in the specification.
The present invention provides improved high selectivity slurry compositions for chemical-mechanical polishing of substrate wafers. The slurry compositions include aqueous mixtures of abrasives and additives where the abrasive concentration is less than about 1% wt., and where the weigh percent of the additive is greater than a weight percent of the abrasive. For example, the weight percent of the additive may be about 1.5 times or more than the weight percent of the abrasive. Because the present slurry compositions have a lower abrasive concentration than conventional slurries (typically 1% to 5% wt. of abrasive and an equal % wt of additive) less abrasive may be used during a CMP process. For example a high selectivity slurry of the present invention having 0.25% wt. abrasive and 0.5% wt. additive uses half the additive of a conventional slurry and a quarter the abrasive. Since the present slurries require less abrasive and additive than conventional slurries, costs can be reduced. The cost savings is increasingly significant as the slurry consumption rate goes up as substrate wafers get larger. For example, while CMP processes on 200 mm wafers typically consume about 200 ml/min of slurry, processes for 300 mm wafers consume about 250-300 ml/min.
Not only does this reduce the cost of the CMP process, it also reduces the number of abrasive particles that scratch the substrate surface (i.e., the scratch count). As the size of the device elements on the substrate shrinks, and their complexity increases, these abrasive scratches can have an increasing effect on device performance and defect rates. Thus, CMP slurries that reduce the scratch counts on the substrate increasingly improve the quality of the IC devices produced.
While the present slurries have a lower weight percent than conventional CMP slurries, they are not made by simply diluting a conventional slurry with additional water. In high selectivity slurries, dilution does not have the same effect on the abrasive and the additive with respect to their abilities to remove oxide deposits during polishing. The additive, typically a surfactant, lowers the oxide removal rate, while the abrasive enhances the removal rate. Dilutions that reduce the concentration of the slurry by half or less have a greater impact on the ability of the additive to reduce the removal rate than on the ability of the abrasive to increase the rate. Consequently, simple dilution of a conventional CMP slurry with water can increase its abrasiveness to the point where significant amounts of a protective nitride layer gets eroded, and dishing degrades the planarity of the substrate surface.
The present high selectivity CMP slurries may be produced from mixtures of an abrasive, an additive, water, and (optionally) some additional components.
The additive combined with the abrasive may be a surfactant (e.g., an anionic, cationic, or non-ionic surfactant) such as polyacrylic acid and derivatives of polyacrylic acid (e.g., polyacrylic acid with substitutions at the carbonyl carbon or hydrocarbon backbone). Other additives may include dodecylbenzene sulfonate, cetyl ammonium salts, polyoxyethyelene alkylether, etc.
In step 106, the mixture of the abrasive and additive are then combined with water (e.g., de-ionized water). Alternatively the abrasive and additive may be separately added to the water (not shown). The water component controls the absolute concentration levels (measured here as % wt.) of the abrasive and additive. In one embodiment, for example, an amount of water is added such that the abrasive and additive together make up less than about 2%, by wt., of the slurry.
Concentrations of abrasive and additive may also be tailored to the types of IC chips being formed on the substrate. For example, a high selective slurry that has about 0.25% wt. abrasive and about 0.5% wt. additive may be used to polish DRAM wafers, and slurries having 0.5% wt. abrasive and 0.75% wt. additive may be used to polish logic wafers.
In addition to the abrasive, additive and water, other components may optionally also be applied to the present slurries. These other components may include pH adjusting agents such as a weak base or organic acid (e.g., an aliphatic or aromatic carboxylic acid) as well as inorganic acids and bases, such as ammonium or potassium hydroxide. These pH adjusting agents help maintain the CMP slurry in a desired pH range, such as from about 5 to about 9. In some embodiments of the present invention the additive may also act as a pH adjusting agent, such as polyacrylic acid.
If metals and other unoxidized or partially oxidized materials are present on the substrate, oxidizing and complexing agents, and corrosion inhibiting agents may also be added to the slurry. Examples of oxidizing and complexing agents include peroxide and percarboxylic acid containing compounds, such as peroxybenzoic acid, chlorobenzoic acid, peroxyacetic acid, peroxyformic acid, polyethylene glycol peroxy acids, and benzoyl peroxide. They may also include acids such as citric, lactic, tartaric, succinic and oxalic acid, as well as amino acids, amino sulfuric acids, amines, amides, diamines and alcoholamines. Specific examples include ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, ethylenediamine, and methylformamide among others. When added, the oxidizing and complexing agents have concentrations in the slurry between about 0.2 weight percent and about 3.0 weight percent.
Corrosion inhibitors may include cyclic nitrogen containing compounds such as imidazole, benzotriazole, benzimidazole and benzothiazole. Derivatives of those compounds where the cyclic nitrogen compound is substituted with hydroxy, amino, imino, carboxy, mercapto, nitro and alkyl groups are also included. In one embodiment, the corrosion inhibitor is benzotriazole, mercaptobenzotriazole or 5-methyl-1-benzotriazole. Typically, when included, the concentration of the corrosion inhibitor in the composition is between about 0.02 weight percent and about 1.0 weight percent.
Referring now to
As the slurry is applied to the polishing pad, the wafer may be polished in step 206 to remove excess oxide and planarize the substrate. During polishing, the substrate and polishing pad are urged together at a polishing pressure (e.g., about 2 psi to about 8 psi) for a time sufficient to remove at least a portion or all of the excess oxide disposed on the substrate surface.
The polishing may be done in a batch process where polishing starts and continues until completion on a single platen, or an inline polishing process where the wafer is polished on two or more different platens of the polishing apparatus. For example, polishing may start on a first platen for 30 to 60 seconds with a less selective slurry that removes bulk oxide. The substrate may then be transferred to a second platen for polishing with the high selectivity slurry for an additional 50 to 100 seconds. In some embodiments, such as when HSS polishing lasts longer than about 60 seconds, the substrate may be transferred to a third platen to finish the polishing. Total polishing times may range from about 100 to 200 seconds.
After the substrate is polished, the slurry is stopped and the polishing pad may be rinsed with de-ionized water or another rinsing fluid in step 208. The rinsing lasts long enough to remove most of the spent slurry, which typically may be between 5 and 30 seconds. The substrate wafer does not have to be removed from the polishing apparatus during the rinse step, and may also be rinsed of slurry and oxide debris.
The present CMP slurries can be used with any standard CMP apparatus, such as apparatus 20 shown in
The transfer station 23 transfers the substrate to one of four carrier head systems 70. A carrier head 80 on a carrier head system 70 holds the substrate against polishing pad 30, which is located on top of a rotatable platen 24. Carrier head 80 evenly distributes a downward pressure across the back surface of the substrate using pressure source and transfers torque from the drive shaft 74 to the substrate.
A CMP slurry 50 may be stored in a polishing composition source, which is fluidly connected by a valve to a polishing composition delivery port 56. The polishing composition source, valve 58 and delivery port 56 comprise polishing composition supply system. Polishing composition 50 is delivered to the surface of the polishing pad 30 by supply system.
To polish substrate 10, the platen 24 is rotated about its central axis. At the same time, carrier head is rotated about its central axis 81 and translated laterally across the surface of the polishing pad through radial slot 72 formed in carousel support plate 66. An optical monitoring system is used to determine when to halt polishing.
The optical monitoring system is secured to platen 24 beneath hole. The optical monitoring system includes a light source and a detector. The light source generates a light beam, which propagates through transparent window 36 and slurry 50 to impinge upon the exposed surface of substrate 10. The light laser beam is projected from laser and detected by detector. Computer may be programmed to detect the polishing endpoint.
Tests were conducted in which the number of scratches was counted on substrates polished using conventional CMP slurries, and slurries according to the invention. The substrates used included 200 mm oxide coated silicon wafers polished with a Mirra Mesa® CMP System available from Applied Materials, Inc. of Santa Clara, Calif., and 300 mm wafers polished with Reflexion® CMP System, also available form Applied Materials, Inc. The conventional CMP slurries used included Seimicron CES-333 1.0 with 1 wt. % cerium oxide abrasive and 1 wt. % aqueous surfactant solution additive, and CES-333 2.0 with 1 wt. % cerium oxide abrasive and 2 wt. % aqueous surfactant solution additive, both made by Seimi Chemical. Additional high selectivity slurries were made from HS-8005 ceria abrasive and 8102 GP or 8103 GPE aqueous surfactant solution additive (made by Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd.) mixed with de-ionized water.
In order to provide an accurate comparison of the conventional and present slurries, polishing parameters were kept the same from run to run. For experimental runs with 200 mm substrate wafers, slurry was applied to the polishing pad at 200 mL/min while the platen was rotated at 77 rpm. For runs with 300 mm substrate wafers, slurry was applied at 250 mL/min while the platen was rotated at 87 rpm. For all runs, the polishing pad used was an IC1010 pad from Rodel (a subsidiary of Rhom and Haas), and the pad was contacted against the substrate wafer at a pressure of 2 to 4 psi. Each substrate wafer was polished to equivalent endpoints before being rinsed and examined for scratches.
The scratch count measurements included first scanning the surface of the substrate wafer with a laser beam and noting places on the surface where the laser light was scattered by a surface irregularity. Each surface irregularity was then manually reviewed with an optical microscope to determine whether the irregularity should be counted as an abrasive scratch. Irregularities counted as abrasive scratches included irregularities made up of multiple pockmarks, and irregularities made up of a single hole or indent having damage around the opening.
The data in Table I show a reduction in the scratch count of 35% or more for polishing runs using the present high selectivity slurries. The reduced scratch counts (as well as the reduced amount of slurry additive and abrasive consumed) are achieved without the dishing and nitride layer erosion that can occur when the conventional slurries are merely diluted with more water.
Having described several embodiments, it will be recognized by those of skill in the art that various modifications, alternative constructions, and equivalents may be used without departing from the spirit of the invention. Additionally, a number of well known processes and elements have not been described in order to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the present invention. Accordingly, the above description should not be taken as limiting the scope of the invention.
Where a range of values is provided, it is understood that each intervening value, to the tenth of the unit of the lower limit unless the context clearly dictates otherwise, between the upper and lower limits of that range is also specifically disclosed. Each smaller range between any stated value or intervening value in a stated range and any other stated or intervening value in that stated range is encompassed within the invention. The upper and lower limits of these smaller ranges may independently be included or excluded in the range, and each range where either, neither or both limits are included in the smaller ranges is also encompassed within the invention, subject to any specifically excluded limit in the stated range. Where the stated range includes one or both of the limits, ranges excluding either or both of those included limits are also included in the invention.
As used herein and in the appended claims, the singular forms “a”, “and”, and “the” include plural referents unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference to “a process” includes a plurality of such processes and reference to “the electrode” includes reference to one or more electrodes and equivalents thereof known to those skilled in the art, and so forth.
Also, the words “comprise,” “comprising,” “include,” “including,” and “includes” when used in this specification and in the following claims are intended to specify the presence of stated features, integers, components, or steps, but they do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other features, integers, components, steps, or groups.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/626,272, filed Nov. 8, 2004, and entitled “HIGH SELECTIVITY SLURRY COMPOSITIONS FOR CHEMICAL MECHANICAL POLISHING,” the entire contents of which are herein incorporated by this reference
Number | Date | Country | |
60626272 | Nov 2004 | US |