"Absolute Flatness Testing by the Rotation Method with Optimal Measuring Error Compensation", by G. Shulz and J. Grzanna, Applied Optics, Jul. 1992, vol. 31, No. 19, pp. 3767-3780. |
"Absolute Flatness Testing by an Extended Rotation Method using Two Angles of Rotation" by G. Schulz Applied Optics Mar. 1993, vol. 32, No. 7 pp. 1055-1059. |
"Ein Interferenzverfahren zur Absolutpru/ fung von Planflachennormalen", by J. Schwider, G. Schulz, R. Riekher and G. Minkwitz, Optica Acta, 1966, vol. 13, No. 2, 103-119. |
"Ein Interferenzverfahren zur absoluten Ebenheitspru/ fung la/ ngs beliebiger Zentralschnitte", by G. Schulz, Optica Acta, 1967, vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 375-388. |
"Ein Interferenzverfahren zur Absolutpru/ fung von Planfla/ chennormalen", by J. Schwider, Optica Acta, 1967, vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 389-400. |
"Optical Flatness Standard: Reduction of Interferograms", by William Primak, SPIE, vol. 965, Optical Testing and Metrology II (1988), pp. 375-381. |
"Comments on the Paper: `Optical Flatness Standard`", by G. Schulz and J. Schwider, Optical Engineering, pp. 559-560. |
"Optical Flatness Standard" by William Primak, Optical Engineering, Nov./Dec. 1984, vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 806-815. |
"Absolute Flatness Testing by the Rotation Method with Optimal Measuring-Error Compensation", by G. Schultz and J. Grzanna, Applied Optics, Jul. 1992, vol. 31, No. 19, pp. 3767-3780. |
"Absolute Flatness Testing by an Extended Rotation Method Using Two Angles of Rotation", by G. Schulz, Applied Optics, Mar. 1993, vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 1055-1059. |
"Absolute Testing of Flatness Standards at Square-Grid Points", by J. Grzanna and G. Schulz, Optics Communications, Jun. 1990, vol. 77, No. 2,3, pp. 107-112. |
"Establishing an Optical Flatness Standard", by G. Schultz, J. Schwider, C. Hiller and B. Kicker, Applied Optics, Apr. 1971, vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 929-934. |
"Interferometric Testing of Smooth Surfaces", by G. Schulz and J. Schwider, Progress in Optics XIII, 1976, pp. 95-167. |
"Algorithm for Reconstructing the Shape of Optical Surfaces from the Results of Experimental Data", by V. B. Gubin and V. N. Sharonov, Sov. J. Opt. Technol. 57 (3), Mar. 1990, pp. 147-148. |
"Absolute Calibration of an Optical Flat", by B. Fritz, Optical Engineering, Jul./Aug. 1984, vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 379-383. |