Method and apparatus for synchronizing independently executing test lists for design verification


  • Patent Grant
  • 6336088
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, December 22, 1998
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, January 1, 2002
    22 years ago
Method and apparatus for synchronizing the execution of the two or more test lists at desired synchronization points, while allowing the test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points is disclosed. A test driver is provided for executing each test list, and a run controller is provided for monitoring the execution of each test list. To synchronize the execution of the two or more test lists, the run controller halts the execution of each test list as each test driver assumes a predetermined state. Once all of the test lists are halted, the test lists are synchronized. Once synchronized, selected test drivers are restarted to continue execution of the corresponding test lists in a relatively non-deterministic manner.


This invention relates to the field of logic simulation of electronic circuits. More particularly, this invention relates to methods and apparatus for synchronizing independently executing test lists at selected synchronization points during a logic simulation.


Gordon Moore, the cofounder of Intel Corporation, made an observation and prediction that semiconductor performance would double every 18 months, with the price of the new product remaining constant with the old. This observation is now referred to as Moore's Law, and has remained relatively accurate since the early 1970s. Moore's Law illustrates the rapid advancement that has and is taking place in the electronics industry. Because of this rapid advancement, the market window for many electronic products is relatively short, with faster and more powerful devices being continuously introduced. Accordingly, there is great pressure to reduce the development time for many products. To significantly reduce the development time for most electronic devices, the design time must be reduced, as the design process typically consumes a majority of the development cycle.

FIG. 1

shows a typical prior art design process for an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) device. ASIC devices are commonly used to implement large and/or high performance circuit designs. In a first step, a hardware architect typically determines the requirements for the circuit design and formulates an underlying framework of the function and projected performance characteristics of the circuit design. The architect documents these ideas in a functional specification, as shown at step



The design is then partitioned into a number of blocks and given to one or more logic designers for implementation. The logic designers create a detailed logic design using the functional specification as a guide. Rather than creating schematics, many logic designers express their design in a behavioral language such as VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language), as shown at step


. Many logic simulation tools can directly accept behavioral language descriptions as input. This not only improves efficiency in developing complex circuit designs, but also allows various sections of the circuit design to be functionally verified before the entire design is complete.

Next, and as shown at step


, the design is typically logically simulated to verify the functionality thereof. To logically simulate the design, the circuit designer typically provides one or more test input files. The test input files may include a number of test conditions expressed as test vectors or the like. Each of the test vectors may include a value for selected inputs of the circuit design along with an expected circuit response. The logic simulator reads the test input files, simulates the behavior of the circuit design using the test input, and provides a simulated circuit response. The simulated circuit response is then compared to the expected circuit response to determine if the circuit design provides the expected behavior.

After logic simulation is complete, the design is typically passed to one or more physical designers, as shown at step


. The physical designers place the various cells that represent the basic logic building blocks of the circuit design, and interconnect the cells using a routing tool. Timing information may be extracted and analyzed by both the physical and logical designers. Some timing problems can be fixed by the physical designer by adjusting the drive strengths of various components or placing cells in a different arrangement relative to each other. As shown at step


, other timing problems can only be resolved by modifying the logic itself. If a problem is resolved by modifying the logic, the modified design must typically be re-verified by re-executing logic simulation step


and then the physical design step



After all the logical and physical changes are made, and the design meets the stated requirements, the design is released for fabrication, as shown at step


. Fabrication can take several months for a typical ASIC device. Once completed, the device is returned and tested, as shown at step


. If the device does not meet the stated requirements, a design modification may be required as shown at step


, forcing another design iteration of the logic simulation step


, the physical design step


, and the fabrication step


. Once the device meets all of the stated requirements, the device is released, as shown at step



In most design processes, it is important to reduce the number of design iterations required during the development cycle. One way of reducing the number of design iterations is to increase the fault coverage of the test input files used during the logic simulations. Increasing the fault coverage can increase the probability that all design errors will be detected before the design is fabricated. However, increasing the fault coverage increases the time required to generate and simulate the increased number of test cases. Thus, there is often a trade-off between an increased fault coverage and the design cycle time.

FIG. 2

illustrates a prior art logic simulation process. At step


, the architect and test designer discuss the logic implementation and define a series of test cases that address the various functional sections and possible interactions of the design. In many designs, such as a MSU (Main Storage Unit) design with multiple parallel ports and crossbar switches (see below), there are many possible functional operations and interactions that could and should be tested. Thus, a large number of test cases are often required to achieve a high level of fault coverage.

For some of the test cases, the test designer can easily define the relevant test parameters. For other test cases, however, such as those that test the parallel nature of the operating hardware, the test designer must use a certain level of parallel thinking. These tests can be more difficult to define. For example, in a test case that simulates the interaction of two parallel operating ports of a MSU module of a large scale symmetrical multiprocessor system, the operation of one port may have to be choreographed with the operation of another port to achieve a desired result. Defining such test cases can require a significant amount of parallel thinking, and can be relatively difficult and time consuming to define.

Once the test cases are defined, the test designer often codes the test cases into a format that can be used to produce an input for the logic simulator. This format may include, for example, a force command, followed by a run command, followed by a force command, etc. Test cases written in this format typically must be interpreted by the logic simulator, and more particularly, a simulation control program of the Logic Simulator. The simulation kernel must usually be interrupted before the simulation control program can process a subsequent line in the coded test case. Because the simulation kernel must be interrupted, the speed of the logic simulation can be significantly reduced.

To increase the speed of the logic simulation, a test driver may be used. A test driver is typically expressed using a behavioral language description and simulated along with the circuit design. Because the test driver can actually be simulated along with the circuit design, the test driver can stimulate the inputs of the circuit design without having to be interpreted by a simulation control program, and thus without having to interrupt the simulation kernel.

Prior to simulation, test data can be loaded into a memory structure incorporated into the test driver. The test data is used to control the inputs of the circuit design during subsequent logic simulation. For example, test data may be loaded into a RAM structure within the test driver, and during logic simulation, the address to the RAM structure may be incremented to provide each of the test vectors to the inputs of the circuit design.

To generate the test data, a test designer may code the desired test cases into a standard programming language like “C”, as shown at step


. When executed, the “C” programs may generate a series of data files that can be loaded into memory structures within the test driver, as shown at step


. The “C” programs may also generate corresponding initialization files that can be loaded into the device under test (e.g. MSU RAMs). During simulation, a series of load commands may then be executed by the simulation control program. These load commands load the data and initialization files into the array structures that represent the simulation models of the appropriate memory structures (e.g. RAMs). Clocks are then issued (simulation starts), and the test is performed as shown at



During or at the end of the logic simulation, the results are checked to see if the test passed or failed, as shown at step


. If the test failed, the results are analyzed to determine whether there was a test problem or an actual logic design problem, as shown at step


. If a test problem is detected, the test is modified and re-executed as shown at step


. If a logic problem exists, the logic design must be modified, as shown at step


, and the logic simulations are re-executed to validate the change. When all of the defined test cases pass, as shown at step


, the logic simulation process is complete.

To verify many of today's systems, and in particular large scale symmetrical multiprocessor systems, parallel execution of a number of independently executing test lists is often desirable. For example, it may be desirable to independently control each port of a multi-port MSU module with a different test list. This may allow each port to operate in a non-deterministic manner relative to the other ports, and may allow the detection of design errors that can only be detected by simulating the often conflicting requests provided by the various ports of the MSU.

When using multiple independently executing test lists, it is sometimes desirable to maintain certain timing relationships therebetween in order to accomplish a desired result. For example, it may be desirable to have a first port write a data value to the MSU, and then have one or more other ports request access to the data value that was written. To accomplish this, the first port must write the data value to the MSU before the other ports request access to the data value. If each of the ports were allowed to operate totally asynchronously relative to one another, this may or may not occur. Thus, it is often desirable to synchronizing the execution of the independently executing test lists at selected synchronization points.

One technique for effectively synchronizing the execution of the independently executing test lists at selected synchronization points is to insert large delays into selected test lists. For example, to have the first port write a data value to the MSU before the other ports request access to the data value, a large delay may be inserted into the test lists of the requesting ports to delay when each port requests access to the data value. A limitation of this approach is that the length of the delay is often difficult to calculate or determine. Thus, if erroneous results arc obtained, a designer cannot be certain if the error uncovered a real design error, or if the error occurred because a delay time was under-estimated. For this reason, the designer typically substantially over-estimates the delay times. This tends to cause the execution time of the simulation to increase. Because of the difficulty in defining and executing the desired test cases, as described above, and because of the large number of test cases that are typically required, the logic simulation process can be the longest and most labor intensive part of the design process. Therefore, even a small increase in the efficiency of the logic simulation process, and in particular the test case definition and execution process, may significantly improve the efficiency of the overall design process.

The above limitations are magnified because the test designer must typically define and run a large number of test cases to achieve an adequate fault coverage.


The present invention overcomes many of the disadvantages of the prior art by providing an improved method and apparatus for synchronizing the execution of two or more test lists at desired synchronization points, while still allowing the test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points. In one illustrative embodiment, a test driver is provided to execute each test list, and a run controller is provided to monitor the execution of each test list by monitoring the state of each test driver. To synchronize the execution of two or more test lists, the run controller halts the execution of each test list as each test driver reaches a predetermined state. Once all of the test lists are halted, the test lists are synchronized. Once synchronized, selected test drivers can be restarted to continue relatively non-deterministic execution of the corresponding test lists.

It is contemplated that the test drivers may be Port Drivers, which are controlled by corresponding Port Driver test lists. A Port Driver is a test driver that drives a port of a multi-port circuit design. It is also contemplated that the execution of the Port Drivers may be coordinated by a run control Port Driver, which is controlled by a run control test list. The Port Driver test lists and the run controller test list are preferably generated using a program and spreadsheet interface, as disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/218,384, filed Dec. 22, 1998 entitled “Method And Apparatus For Efficiently Generating Test Input For A Logic Simulator”, which is incorporated herein by reference.

In one embodiment, the run control Port Driver initiates the execution of synchronized functions for each of the Port Drivers. The run control Port Driver then waits for an acknowledge signal from each Port Driver, indicating that each of the corresponding functions have been successfully completed. The acknowledge signal may be generated by a special instruction like a halt Jump instruction. Until an acknowledge signal is received from a particular Port Driver, that Port Driver continues execution in a relatively non-deterministic manner, at least relative to the other Port Drivers. The Port Drivers are synchronized when the run control Port Driver receives an acknowledge signal from each of the Port Drivers. Then the run control Port Driver may initiate a next set of functions to accomplish a next operation.

Like the Port Drivers, the run control Port Driver is preferably expressed using a behavioral description language. Accordingly, the run control test list may be initially loaded into a memory or the like incorporated into the behavioral description language of the run control Port Driver. In this configuration, the run control Port Driver may be simulated along with the Port Drivers and the circuit design, thereby reducing the need to interrupt the simulation kernel during simulation. Further, and because the run control Port Driver may monitor the state of each of the Port Drivers during simulation, it is not necessary to add delays to the Port Driver test lists, thereby reducing the required simulation time.

In an illustrative embodiment, the run control Port Driver is used to control a multi-port memory module wherein each port of the multi-port memory module is controlled by a corresponding Port Driver. The run control Port Driver includes a controller for synchronizing the execution of a first set of Port Drivers at desired synchronization points, while allowing the first set of Port Drivers to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points.

It is contemplated that each of the acknowledge signals may be triggered by a synchronization command that is executed by each Port Driver. As indicated above, each of the Port Drivers is preferably controlled by a corresponding test list. At least some of the test lists may include one or more commands including a synchronizing command. Accordingly, the run control Port Driver may allow each of a first set of Port Drivers to execute the instructions in their test lists until a synchronization command is detected. The run control Port Driver can detect the synchronization command itself, the state of the corresponding Port Driver as a result of the execution of the synchronization command, or any other parameter that indicates that the synchronization command has been detected. The run control Port Driver may halt each of the Port Drivers as each synchronization command is detected. The Port Drivers arc synchronized when all Port Drivers have been halted. Once synchronized, the run control Port Driver may allow each of a second set of the Port Drivers to begin execution. The first set of Port Drivers and the second set of Port Drivers may or may not include one or more common Port Drivers.

It is contemplated that the run control Port Driver may execute a number of run control Port Driver instructions. A typical run control Port Driver instruction may include a function field and selected other fields including a source mask field and a control mask. The first set of Port Drivers are preferably selected by the source mask, and the second set of Port Drivers are preferably selected by the control mask.


Other objects of the present invention and many of the attendant advantages of the present invention will be readily appreciated as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which like reference numerals designate like parts throughout the Figures thereof and wherein:

FIG. 1

is a flow diagram showing an illustrative design process in accordance with the prior art;

FIG. 2

is a flow diagram showing an illustrative logic simulation process in accordance with the prior art;

FIG. 3

is block diagram showing an illustrative circuit design including a Symmetrical Multi-Processor (SMP) System Platform;

FIG. 4

is a block diagram of one of the processing modules (PODs) of

FIG. 3


FIG. 5

is a block diagram of one of the Sub-Processing Modules (Sub-PODs) of

FIG. 4


FIG. 6

is an illustrative schematic for functionally simulating the MSU



FIG. 3


FIG. 7

is a block diagram of one of the Port Drivers of

FIG. 6


FIG. 8

is a block diagram detailing the RCPD/Port Driver Interface;

FIG. 9

is a table showing the various instruction formats for the RCPD instructions;

FIG. 10

is a table showing illustrative RCPD instructions for controlling the RCPD;

FIG. 11

is a block diagram of the RCPD;

FIG. 12

is a block diagram of the RCPD-Port Driver Interface Block of

FIG. 11


FIG. 13

is a table showing the state transitions for the RCPD and Port Driver under various signal conditions;

FIG. 14

is a state diagram for the Port Driver; and

FIG. 15

is a diagram showing the synchronization of selected Port Driver test lists at desired synchronization points, while still allowing the Port Driver test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points.


The detailed description which follows is presented largely in terms of algorithms and symbolic representations of operations on data bits within a computer memory. These algorithmic descriptions and representations arc the means used by those skilled in the data processing arts to most effectively convey the substance of their work to others skilled in the art.

An algorithm is here, generally, conceived to be a self-consistent sequence of steps leading to a desired result. These steps are those requiring physical manipulations of physical quantities. Usually, though not necessarily, these quantities take the form of electrical or magnetic signals capable of being stored, transferred, combined, compared, and otherwise manipulated. It proves convenient at times, principally for reasons of common usage, to refer to these signals as bits, values, elements, symbols, characters, terms, numbers, or the like. It should be kept in mind, however, that all of these and similar terms are to be associated with the appropriate physical quantities and are merely convenient labels applied to these quantities.

The present invention also relates to an apparatus for performing the operations. This apparatus may be specially constructed for the required purposes or it may comprise a general-purpose computer as selectively activated or reconfigured by a computer program stored in the computer. The algorithms presented herein are not inherently related to a particular computer system or other apparatus. In particular, various general purpose computer systems may be used with computer programs written in accordance with the teachings of the present invention, or it may prove more convenient to construct more specialized apparatus to perform the required method steps. The required structure for such machines will be apparent from the description given below.

In sum, the present invention preferably is implemented for practice by a computer, e.g., a source code expression is input to the computer to control operations therein. It is contemplated that a number of source code expressions, in one of many computer languages, could be utilized to implement several aspects of the present invention. A variety of computer systems can be used to practice the present invention including, for example, a personal computer, an engineering work station, a hardware simulator, an enterprise server, etc. The present invention, however, is not limited to practice on any one particular computer system, and the selection of a particular computer system can be made for many reasons.

The present invention provides an improved method and apparatus for synchronizing the execution of the two or more test lists at desired synchronization points, while still allowing the test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points. In one illustrative embodiment, a test driver is provided to execute each test list, and a run controller is provided to monitor the execution of each test list by monitoring the state of each test driver. To synchronize the execution of two or more test lists, the run controller halts the execution of each test list as each test driver assumes a predetermined state. Once all of the test lists are halted, the test lists become synchronized. Once synchronized, selected test drivers can be restarted to continue relatively non-deterministic execution of the corresponding test lists.

For illustrative purposes only, the present invention is described in conjunction with a Symmetrical Multi-Processor (SMP) System Platform, as shown in FIG.


. It is recognized, however, that the present invention may be applied to a wide variety of circuit designs and still achieve many or all of benefits described herein. Referring specifically to

FIG. 3

, the illustrative System Platform


includes one or more Memory Storage Units (MSUs) in dashed Block


individually shown as MSU






C, and MSU


D, and one or more Processing Modules (PODs) in dashed Block


individually shown as POD






C, and POD


D. Each unit in MSU


is interfaced to all PODs






C, and


D via a dedicated point-to-point connection referred to as an MSU Interface (MI) in dashed Block


, individually shown as


A through


S. For example, MI


A interfaces POD


A to MSU




B interfaces POD


A to MSU




C interfaces POD


A to MSU




D interfaces POD


A to MSU


D, and so on.



has direct access to data in any MSU


via one of MIs


. For example, any of PODS


A-D can communicate with MSU


A via Interfaces MI






J and MI


N, respectively. Preferably, each MI interface comprises separate bi-directional data and bi-directional address/command interconnections, and further includes unidirectional control lines that control the operation of the data and address/command interconnections. One of the unidirectional control lines is a POD to MSU address request signal (REQ). This signal starts a POD to MSU request transaction. The bidirectional address/command interconnection provides fields that specify the desired function (FNCT) for the request. For POD to MSU requests, there is preferably a CMD field, an address field, a job number field, and several other fields.

System Platform


further comprises Input/Output (I/O) Modules in dashed Block


individually shown as I/O Modules


A through


H, which provide the interface between various Input/Output devices and one of the PODs


. Each I/O Module


is connected to one of the PODS across a dedicated point-to-point connection called the MIO Interface in dashed Block


individually shown as


A through


H. For example, I/O Module


A is connected to POD


A via a dedicated point-to-point MIO Interface


A. The MIO Interfaces


are similar to the MI Interfaces


, but may have a transfer rate that is approximately half the transfer rate of the MI Interfaces because the I/O Modules


are located at a greater distance from the PODs


than are the MSUs



FIG. 4

is a block diagram of one of the processing modules (PODs) of FIG.




A is shown, but each of the PODS


A through


D may have a similar configuration. POD


A includes two Sub-Processing Modules (Sub-PODs)


A and


B. Each of the Sub-PODs


A and


B are interconnected to a Crossbar Module (TCM)


through dedicated point-to-point Interfaces


A and


B, respectively, that are similar to the MI Interconnections




further interconnects to one or more I/O Modules


via the respective point-to-point MIO Interfaces




both buffers data and functions as a switch between Interfaces








B, and MI Interfaces


A through


D. When an I/O Module


or a Sub-POD


is interconnected to one of the MSUs via the TCM


, the MSU connection is determined by the address provided by the I/O Module or the Sub-POD, respectively. In general, the TCM maps one-fourth (¼) of the memory address space to each of the MSUs




D. According to one embodiment of the current system platform, the TCM


can further be configured to perform address interleaving functions to the various MSUs. The TCM may also be utilized to perform address translation functions that are necessary for ensuring that each processor (see

FIG. 5

) within each of the Sub-PODs


and each I/O Module


views memory as existing within a contiguous address space as is required by certain off-the-shelf operating systems.

The I/O Modules


may be external to Sub-POD


as shown in FIG.


. This allows System Platform


to be configured based on the number of I/O devices used in a particular application. In another embodiment configuration, one or more I/O Modules


are incorporated into Sub-PODs



FIG. 5

is a block diagram of one of the Sub-Processing Modules (Sub-PODs) shown in FIG.


. Sub-POD


A is shown, but it is understood that all Sub-PODs


may have a similar configuration. Sub-POD


A may include a Third-Level Cache (TLC)


and one or more Coherency Domains


(shown as Coherency Domains






C, and




is connected to Coherency Domains


A and


B via Bus


A, and is connected to Coherency Domains


C and


D via Bus




caches data from the MSU, and maintains data coherency among all of Coherency Domains


, helping to ensure that each processor is always operating on the latest copy of the data.

Each Coherency Domain


includes an Instruction Processor (IP)


(shown as IPs






C, and


D), and a Second-Level Cache (SLC)


(shown as SLC






C, and


D.) Each SLC interfaces to an IP via a respective point-to-point Interface


(shown as Interfaces






C, and


D), and each SLC further interfaces to the TLC via Bus


(shown as


A and


B). For example, SLC


A interfaces to IP


A via Interface


A and to TLC


via Bus


A. Similarly, SLC


C interfaces to IP


C via Interface


C and to TLC


via Bus


B. Each SLC caches data from the TLC as requested by the interconnecting IP



Each of the Interfaces


may be similar to the MI Interfaces


, but may have a transfer rate that is approximately twenty-five percent (25%) higher than the transfer rate of each of the MI Interfaces. This difference in transfer rates creates an asynchronous boundary between Interfaces


and the MI Interfaces


. This asynchronous boundary is managed by staging registers in the TCM





and SLC


may be integrated in a single device, such as in a Pentium Processing device available from the Intel Corporation. Alternatively, the IP


may be an A-Series Instruction Processor or a 2200-Series Instruction Processor, both commercially available from the Unisys Corporation. In this latter configuration, the IP


is externally coupled to an SLC



A further discussion of the Symmetrical Multi-Processor (SMP) System Platform


, shown and described with reference to

FIGS. 3-5

, can be found in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/965,004, filed Nov. 5, 1997, entitled “A Directory-Based Cache Coherency System”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/964,606, filed Nov. 5, 1997, entitled “Message Flow Protocol for Avoiding Deadlocks”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/001,588, filed Dec. 31, 1997, entitled “High-speed Memory Storage Unit for a Multiprocessor System Having Integrated Directory and Data Storage Subsystems”; and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/001,592, filed Dec. 31, 1997, entitled “High-Performance Modular Memory System with Crossbar Connections”, all assigned to the assignee of the present invention and all incorporated herein by reference.

FIG. 6

is an illustrative schematic for functionally simulating the MSU


of FIG.


. There are three main types of entities in this diagram. The first includes the four Port MSU


, which represents the device-under-test or circuit design and is further described above with respect to FIG.


. The second is the four Port Drivers






, and


, which drive and receive the input and output signals of the MSU


. The third is the Run Control Port Driver


. The Run Control Port Driver selectively controls the synchronization of the test cases that are executed by each of the four Port Drivers






, and


. The four Port Drivers






, and


and the Run Control Driver


are test drivers to aid in the simulation of the MSU



In the illustrative embodiment, the MSU


has two types of RAM (Random Access Memory) models. One is the Data RAM Model


and the other is the Directory RAM Model


. The Data RAM model


contains the cache line information that is transferred to and from the MSU via the Data lines connected to the four ports. The Directory RAM model


contains the state information for each cache line in the Data RAM Model


. Both of the RAM Models are initially loaded with information from data files that are generated using a spreadsheet template and a computer program, as more fully described below.

The four Port Drivers






, and


preferably provide test vectors such as Commands, Addresses, and Data to the MSU


. In an illustrative embodiment, each of the Port Drivers






, and


may stimulate the MSU


, and verify the response provided by the circuit design. The Port Drivers preferably verify both the data returned by the MSU


as a result of executing a command and the control signals provided by the MSU


that control the transfer mechanisms. Each of the Port Drivers






, and


also preferably respond to selected requests provided by MSU


, such as return, purge, or other requests. By receiving and responding to selected requests, each Port Driver






, and


may allow more varieties of circuit designs to be simulated at a lower level of logic simulation.

Preferably, the Port Drivers






, and


each contain two RAM Models, including an FA RAM model and a Data RAM model. The FA RAM model, for example FA RAM model


, is preferably loaded with lists of instructions that represent a test case for a particular MSU port. The data files that contain the compiled lists of instructions are preferably generated by C programs, which are derived from parameters provided in a spreadsheet template.

The Run Control Port Driver (RCPD)


preferably coordinates the execution of the instructions in the four Port Drivers






, and


. For example, the RCPD


may start one Port Driver, while leaving the other three in a halted state, or start all four Port Drivers simultaneously. The particular test case will, of course, dictate the order and sequence of the execution of the Port Drivers. The RCPD


operates under program control based on the instructions loaded in Control RAM


prior to simulation. The compiled instructions are located in files that are generated by the above-referenced C programs. Preferably, the RCPD instructions are automatically generated by using the position of the Port Driver commands within the spreadsheet template.

FIG. 7

is a block diagram of one of the Port Drivers shown in FIG.


. The Port Driver is designed to test all of the coherency and ordering functions of the MSU


, as well as the normal fetch and store operations of a memory. As shown in

FIG. 6

, a Port Driver is connected to each of the four ports of the MSU


. Accordingly, each Port Driver must emulate a POD, and therefore, must be able to send requests that appear to come from two I/O modules and two Sub-PODs (see FIGS.







keeps track of the Ownership and/or Copy state for each cache line. When a Port Driver makes a request for a cache line that is currently owned by another Port Driver, the MSU requires the owning Port Driver t o return the cache line or purge any copies therefrom. The Port Driver must keep track of which sub-unit it sent the request from, and be able to respond to coherency functions sent from the MSU. To do this, the Port Driver has a Cache that holds the data and tag information, and also tracks which of the 4 sub-units has ownership or copies of each cache line.

The Port Driver executes a sequence of instructions (test) which are loaded into the Function Address (F/A) RAM


and uses data that is loaded into the Test Data RAM


. The instructions may contain a function, an address, a data pointer, and/or some information for verifying responses and data masking. The data pointer is an address for the Test Data RAM


, pointing to Data that will be used for either write data for Stores or as compare data for Fetches. Illustrative fields of an FA RAM instruction are shown in FIG.



As the tests are executed, the Port Drive r selects instructions from either the FA RAM


, or from the Return stack


if the MSU has sent coherency functions. The Instruction Control section


chooses the functions and sends the requests out on the FA bus


. It also sends information to the Expected Response Generation Block


, and sends data control signals to the write data select Block


if the function is a Store or Send Message. The Port Driver can have up to


outstanding fetch requests at one time. The requests are tracked with a Job Number, which is sent back with any MSU response. When the MSU sends a response via Response Interface


, the Response Control Block


uses the Job Number to look up the information needed to write the data into the Cache


A,B, and keep track of the sub-units that now have a Copy or Ownership of the Cache line.

The MSU ensures that all requests get the latest data for a given cache line. To accomplish this, the MSU performs coherency operations including return requests to notify previous owners that they need to return ownership or purge their copies. The Port Driver uses two special features to verify that the MSU is performing these coherency operations correctly.

As indicated above, the Fetch and Modify operation can be used to verify that the most recent data is returned from one Port Driver and provided to the requesting Port Driver, rather than receiving old data that is resident in the MSU. The Cache


A,B also has the ability to get a Cache “HIT” in response to a Fetch request, which causes expected data to be compared to the data in the Cache


A, with the request never being sent to the MSU.

This Cache Hit feature, along with the Data Modification feature, can be used to verify that purges get sent to sub-units that have copies of selected cache lines. For example, when a requester asks for ownership of a cache line, the requester may modify the data, which then requires that all other copies be purged. If a sub-unit that has a copy issues another Fetch Copy, the Port Driver Cache


B will check to see if it still has a copy, and if so, would get a “HIT”. However, in this case, the cache would have the old data. If a purge is done, a “MISS” will occur, and the Fetch Copy will be sent to the MSU to get the New data.

The Port Drivers are also able to return or flush Modified or Original data on their own initiative. Because there is only one Cache


A,B that represents four requesters, a particular cache line may have to be flushed to make room for one of the other requesters to use the cache location. Therefore, if another requester or the same requester wants to use a cache location for a different cache line (different Set address) the cache line that is currently using, the location may be flushed back to the MSU before the new requester sends the new Fetch. If another requester wants the same cache line, the fetch will be sent and the Port Driver will let the MSU send the coherency function (return or purge). Then the old owner will perform the return of the cache line thus freeing the cache location for the response to the new fetch. Port drivers may also purge data if it has been determined that the data has aged out.

The types of returns received by the Port Drivers are determined by the coherency function sent by the MSU and by whether or not the data has been modified by the Port Driver. The MSU can request returns without data if the data has not been changed (to reduce data bus traffic), returns with data if the data has been changed, or return ownership while maintaining a copy in the local Cache



The Response Control and Compare Block


receives a “Data IN” signal via Interface


. The MSU provides any data including cache line data to the Port Driver via the “Data IN” signal. The “Data IN” signal is synchronized with the “Response IN” signal discussed above. The Response Control and Compare Block


validates the response code, and presents the MSU data to the Data Compare and Modification Block


. The Data Compare and Modification Block


compares the MSU data against the expected data, and then increments the appropriate container of the cache line. The incremented value is routed to the Cache Data RAM


A, where it is stored in the Cache. The next reference by the Port Driver to this location will then be compared against the increment value, rather than the original value. Also, every reference to the cache line thereafter will read the cache line from the cache (assuming the cache is still valid), compare the cache line with an expected value, modified by incrementing the appropriate container, and rewrite the modified cache line to the Cache



The Port Driver Test Data RAM


can store


unique cache lines. Each FA instruction has a DTPTR field (bits




) that select a location in the Test Data RAM


. The data from that location will then become either the write data for Store functions or the expected read data for Fetch functions.

Several GRA type stacks are used inside the Port Driver to save control information and data that is needed at a later time. For example, the write stack


buffers up to


cache lines of Write data until they can be sent to the MSU. The Expected Read Data Stack (included in Block


) holds the expected read data. When a Fetch command is sent out, the expected read data is saved in this stack in a location addressed by the Job Number of the fetch request. When the response comes back, the Job Number field in the response is used to read this stack. The read data from MSU is then compared to the stack output to determine if the correct data was read from the MSU.

Return and purge requests provided by the MSU on the function address input bus


may be stacked in the Return stack


until they can be serviced. Although the Return/Purge functions have priority over all other request types (new FA instructions, saved Stores, saved Fetches, etc.), they still can get stacked up if one of them runs into a address conflict. The cache line is in a conflict state when the fetch request has been sent to the MSU, but a response has not yet been received.

The Expected Response Block


preferably includes an Expected Response Stack. The Expected Response Stack may be addressed by a Job Number. When a request is sent out the expected response information is loaded into this stack. Stored along with the expected response is a response mask value. The expected response and mask value are generated by a combination of hardware and test writer input. Part of the expected response can be predicted by hardware when the request is provided. However, the bits that cannot be predicted are masked out unless they are supplied by the test writer. When a response is received via the Response IN Interface


, the Job Number in the response is used to read the Expected Response Stack, and the expected data along with the response mask are used to verify the response.

The Response Control and Compare Block


preferably includes a Response Address Save stack. The Response Address Save Stack is used to tie a Job Number back to an MSU address so the Port Driver Cache Tag


B and Cache Data


A can be updated when a response is received from the MSU. When a response is received, the only thing to identify the response is the Job Number. The Job Number is used to read this stack, which contains several pieces of information necessary to maintaining the Cache


and perform the data compare. The Response Address Save Stack also contains the MSU address used for addressing the Cache Tag


B and Cache Data



FIG. 8

is a block diagram further detailing the RCPD/Port Driver Interface. As indicated above, the RCPD


provides control signals needed to start, stop, and selectively synchronize the four Port Drivers






, and


. The RCPD


accomplishes this by, for example, reading and executing RCPD instructions stored in the Instruction Control RAM


(see FIG.


). The RCPD


typically executes the instruction beginning at address 0 of the Instruction Control RAM


and continues until a Halt instruction or an error condition occurs. All RCPD instructions are preferably 12 bits wide (11 Down to 0), with some instructions having a control mask field for allowing only selected Port Drivers to participate in the instruction. A discussion of typical RCPD instructions is provided below with respect to

FIGS. 9-10




provides a number of signals to the Port Drivers






, and


including rcpd_run signals(


. . .


), rcpd_step signals(


. . .


), rcpd_hldpd signals(


. . .


), and rcpd_hldr signals(


. . .


). Likewise, the Port Drivers provide a number of signals back to the RCPD


including ppd_active signals(


. . .


), ppd_halt signals(


. . .


), and ppd _error signals(


. . .


). The notation (


. . .


) indicates that there are actually four of each of these signals, one for each Port Driver in the system.

The rcpd_run signals(


. . .


) are asserted by the RCPD


when a start instruction is executed. However, only those rcpd_run signals (


. . .


) that correspond to those Port Drivers selected by the control mask of the start instruction and are currently in the Stop state are asserted by the RCPD


. The execution of a Resume or Step instruction by the RCPD


causes a one-cycle dc-assertion of the rcpd_run signal for all Port Drivers that are selected by the corresponding control mask, bringing them to the Stop state from the Halt Jump state for one cycle, and then to the Execute state after the signal is again asserted. When a Port Driver enters the Stop state the ppd_halt signal is asserted. The ppd halt signal is provided to the SRTC (Simulation Run Time Controller) Block


, which controls when the simulation is stopped.

FIG. 14

shows an illustrative state transition diagram of a Port Driver, including the Stop, Halt Jump, Execute and Error states.

The rcpd_step signals(


. . .


) that correspond to the Port Drivers selected by the control mask are asserted when the RCPD


executes a step instruction. Likewise, the rcpd_hldpd signals(


. . .


) that correspond to the Port Drivers selected by the control mask are asserted when the RCPD


executes a Set Hold PR instruction (see FIG.


), and are de-asserted when the RCPD


executes a Clear Hold PR instruction. The rcpd_hldr signals(


. . .


) that correspond to the Port Drivers that are selected by the control mask are asserted when the RCPD


executes a Set Hold R instruction (see FIG.


), and are de-asserted when a Clear Hold R instruction is executed.

The ppd_active signals(


. . .


) are asserted by those Port Driver that are in the Execute state. The ppd_halt signals(


. . .


) are asserted by those Port Drivers that have executed a Halt instruction, a Halt Jump instruction, or are at the completion of a RCPD Step instruction. Finally, the ppd_error signals(


. . .


) are asserted when a Port Driver detects an error. The ppd_error signals(


. . .


) remain asserted while the corresponding Port Driver is in the Error state.

As shown in

FIG. 8

, the four Port Drivers






, and


are connected to an MSU


via Interface


. Interface


is used to transmit data address and/or control information between each of the Port Drivers






, and


and the MSU



As indicated above, the RCPD


is preferably controlled by an RCPD test list that includes a number of RCPD instructions. The RCPD instructions can take on one of four instruction formats.

FIG. 9

is a table showing four RCPD instruction formats. Format-1 800 includes a four-bit function field and a four-bit control mask field. The four-bit function field identifies one of a number of desired functions. Illustrative functions can be found in column


of FIG.


. The control mask field indicates which Port Drivers should participate in the instruction.



includes a four-bit function field, a four-bit control mask field, and a four-bit source mask field. The source mask is similar to the control mask, but indicates which Port Drivers to observe during the execution of the instruction. Both the source mask and the control mask are decoded fields where each bit corresponds to a Port Driver.



includes a four-bit function field and an eight-bit cycle count field. The Cycle Count field is used by the Short Wait and Long Wait instructions (see

FIG. 10

) to specify a number of wait clock cycles. Finally, Format-4


only includes a four-bit function field.

FIG. 10

is a table showing illustrative RCPD instructions that may be used for controlling the RCPD


. The first column


of the table


recites the function name for each of sixteen (16) functions, four (4) of which are designated as “Reserved”. The second column


of table


recites the compiler code for each of the functions. The third column


of table


recites the binary code for each of the functions. The binary code is provided in the four-bit function field of the RCPD instruction formats shown in FIG.


. The fourth column


of table


recites the control type for each of the functions. Nine of the functions are designated as Port Driver (PPD) control type functions, and three are designated as RCPD control type functions. The Port Driver control type functions control the synchronization and interface holds for the Port Drivers, and the RCPD control type functions control the RCPD instruction stream. Finally, the fifth column


of table


recites the format type for each of the functions. The format type corresponds to one of the instruction formats discussed above with respect to

FIG. 9


Each of the instructions listed in column


of table


will now be discussed. The Halt RCPD instruction stops the RCPD instruction stream, leaving the RCPD in the Stop state. As indicated in the fifth column


, the Halt RCPD instruction is a Format-4 instruction



The Wait instructions cause the RCPD to wait a specified number of clock cycles before processing the next RCPD instruction. The Short Wait instruction waits for the number of clock cycles specified in the Cycle Count field before allowing the next RCPD instruction to be executed. The Long Wait instruction waits for the number of clock cycles specified in the Cycle Count field plus 256 clock cycles before allowing the next RCPD instruction to be executed. The Short Wait and Long Wait instructions are Format-3 instructions



The Step instruction causes each of the Port Drivers selected by the control mask to execute one instruction, but only after each of the Port Drivers selected by the source mask reach the Halt Jump state. After executing the instruction, each of the Port Drivers selected by the control mask stop in the Halt Jump state. The Port Drivers selected by the source mask do not resume normal instruction execution until the RCPD executes a corresponding Resume instruction (see below) with the corresponding Port Driver selected in the corresponding control mask. The Step instruction is a Format-2 instruction



The Resume Instruction waits for the Port Drivers selected in the source mask to reach the Halt Jump state. After reaching the Halt Jump state, a resume is issued to the Port Drivers selected in the control mask to resume normal execution (i.e., bringing the Port Drivers to the Execute state). The Resume Instruction is a Format-2 instruction



The RCPD identifies which of the Port Drivers reach the Halt Jump state by monitoring the corresponding ppd_halt and ppd_active signals. Once in the Halt Jump state, the Resume instruction de-asserts the corresponding rcpd_run signal for one cycle, causing the corresponding ppd_halt and ppd_active signals to change states for one cycle. By asserting the rcpd_run signal again, the corresponding Port Driver is brought to the Execute state, and the Port Driver asserts the corresponding ppd_active signal.

The Set Hold Purge/Return Instruction instructs the Port Drivers selected by the control mask to notify the MSU (by setting a corresponding P_HOLD signal) that further purge/return functions should not be issued to the corresponding Port Driver. The Set Hold Purge/Return Instruction is a Format-1 instruction



The Clear Hold Purge/Return Instruction instructs the Port Drivers selected by the control mask to notify the MSU (by clearing the corresponding P_HOLD signal) that further purge/return functions can now be provided to the corresponding Port Driver. The Clear Hold Purge/Return Instruction is also a Format-1 instruction



The Set Hold Response Instruction instructs the Port Drivers selected by the control mask to notify the MSU (by setting the corresponding P_HOLD signal) that further responses should not be issued to the corresponding Port Driver. The Set Hold Response Instruction is a Format-1 instruction



The Clear Hold Response Instruction instructs the Port Drivers selected by the control mask to notify the MSU (by clearing the P_HOLD signal) that further responses may now be provided the corresponding Port Driver. The Clear Hold Response Instruction is a Format-1 instruction.

The Start Instruction instructs the Port Drivers selected by the control mask to start or restart execution of the respective test lists. All RCPD test lists must begin with a Start instruction. However, a given test list may have more than one Start instruction. Further, the Port Drivers identified by the control mask of the Start instruction must be in the Stop state. The Start instruction causes the rcpd_run signal to be asserted, causing the corresponding Port Drivers to assert the ppd_active signal, as discussed above.

The Stop Instruction instructs the Port Drivers selected by the control mask (which are in the Execute state) to: (1) stop executing new instructions; (2) wait for all pending MSU requests to be satisfied; and (3) bring the corresponding Port Drivers to the Stop state. The Stop instruction causes the rcpd_run signal to be de-asserted, causing the corresponding Port Drivers to de-assert the corresponding ppd_active signals after all outstanding requests are satisfied by the MSU. Port Drivers that have been stopped can only be started again with a Start instruction.

The Halt Port Driver Instruction instructs the Port Drivers identified by the control mask to enter the Stop state after all outstanding requests have been satisfied. One reason for this instruction is to allow a given Port Driver to start an endless loop and have the RCPD stop it when all other Port Drivers have completed execution of their test lists.

FIG. 11

is a block diagram of an illustrative RCPD. The block diagram is generally shown at


, and includes four RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks








, an RCPD Instruction Block


, an RCPD Error Halt Block


, a Wait Count Block


, and a PPD Wait Block


. Each of the RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks






, and


receives a number of signals from each of the four Port Drivers, along with selected signals from the RCPD Instruction Block


and the RCPD Error Halt Block


. Each of the RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks








also provides a number of signals to each of the four Port Drivers, the RCPD Error Halt Block


, and the PPD Wait Block


. The signals provided by each of the RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks






, and


to each Port Driver include the rcpd_run signal, the rcpd_step signal, the rcpd_hldpd signal, and the rcpd_hldr signal. The signals provided to each of the RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks






, and


from each Port Driver include the ppd-active signal, the ppd_halt signal, and the ppd_error signal (see FIG.



The RCPD Instruction Block


controls the sequence of RCPD instruction execution. The RCPD Instruction Block


may include a control RAM for storing a RCPD test list that includes a number of RCPD instructions. Execution of the RCPD instructions may provide the control signals needed to start, stop, and/or selectively synchronize each Port Driver via the four RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks






, and


. The Wait Count Block


helps control when selected RCPD instructions are executed. The PPD Wait Block


causes the RCPD to wait until the Port Drivers reach a state required by the current RCPD instruction.

FIG. 12

is a block diagram of one of the RCPD_PPD_IF Blocks of FIG.


. The Next State Block


is a state machine that controls the overall flow of the RCPD_PPD_IF Block. The Next State Block


receives the ppd_active signal, ppd_halt signal, and ppd_error signal provided by the corresponding Port Driver via Interface


. The Next State Block


also receives other signals including signals from the Instruction Valid Block


via Interface


, step, resume, stop, and halt operation active signals via Interface


, and a number of current signal values including the current rcpd_run signal, the current rcpd_step signal, and the current err-state signal via Interface


. Finally, the Next State Block


receives a sim_err signal and a ppd_err_mask signal via Interface



Based on the current state of the RCPD and current state of the corresponding Port Driver, the Next State Block


produces a Next state through a number of control signals. The Next state is preferably produced in accordance with the state diagram shown in

FIG. 13

below. Control signals produced by the Next State Block may include an expected Port Driver state signal via Interface


; two state test enable signals via Interface


; a next rcpd_run signal, a rcpd_step signal, and an err-state signal via Interface


; a stop and a halt active signal on Interface


; and a rcpd_halt_clr signal on Interface



The Instruction Valid Block


receives a decoded instruction, an instruction valid, and a PPD control mask signal from the RCPD Instruction Block


(see FIG.


). The Instruction Valid Block


provides selected signals to the Next State Block


, the Active FF Hold Logic


, and other blocks as indicated.

A PPD Error Block


receives the ppd_active, ppd_halt, and ppd_error signals via Interface


, along with the expected Port Driver state signal via Interface


, and the two state test enable signals via Interface


. The PPD Error Block


asserts a RCPD_PPD state error signal if the current Port Driver state does not equal the expected Port Driver state.



helps provide instruction control through the Wait Halt Jump Clear Signal


. The rcpd_ppd_Halt Signal


is a source to the halt logic that helps indicate when the simulation is complete and is provided by Logic Block


. The RCPD_HLDD,R signals are generated using signals provided by the Instruction Valid Logic Block


and Hold Logic Block


, as shown.

FIG. 13

is a table showing the state transitions for the RCPD and Port Driver under various conditions. The table is generally shown at


. The first, second, third, and fourth columns






, and


recite all state combinations of the signals ppd_error, rcpd_run, ppd_halt, and ppd_active, respectively. The sixth column


lists the expected RCPD state for each of the state combinations listed in the first four columns. The seventh column


lists the expected Port Driver state for each of the state combinations listed in the first four columns.

In the first state combination


, the RCPD is initially in the Stop state. However, the RCPD could be in the Execute state during program execution. In the third, forth, and sixth state combinations




, and


, respectively, the RCPD state could be in either the Execute or Stop state.

FIG. 14

is a state diagram for the Port Driver. As indicated above, the Port Drivers are under at least partial control of the RCPD. Each Port Driver can have one of four states including Stop, Execute, Halt Jump, and Error.

Each Port Driver assumes the Stop state after initialization. Also, each Port Driver is placed in the Stop state when selected by the control mask of a RCPD Stop instruction or when a PPD Halt instruction is executed. The Stop state allows the RCPD to start and/or restart the Port Driver by simply executing a RCPD Start instruction. Note, however, if the Stop state was reached by executing a Port Driver Halt instruction, the Port Driver will assert the corresponding ppd_halt signal, preventing the Port Driver from being restarted by the RCPD.

The Error state is the state in which the Port Drivers and the RCPD are left when an error is detected by any of the Port Drivers. A mechanism to mask detection of this error may be provided in the Port Driver hardware to prevent the errors from stopping the simulation when faults are injected for the purpose of testing the different error detection mechanisms (e.g. fault injection).

When an error occurs unexpectedly, it is often advantageous to freeze the state of the Port Drivers. Therefore, when an error is detected by any Port Driver, an error signal is sent to the RCPD, which in turn de-asserts the rcpd_run signal to all Port Drivers, causing the Port Drivers to stop issuing instructions. The RCPD also asserts the error_stop signal, which indicates to the SRTC (see

FIG. 8

) to stop the simulation. This state can only be changed by re-initializing the Port Drivers and RCPD.

In the Execute state, the Port Driver fetches and executes instructions from its corresponding test list. The Port Driver changes from the Execute state to the Halt Jump state when the Port Driver executes a Halt Jump Instruction. If the Port Driver executes a Halt or the RCPD executes a Halt PPD instruction with the corresponding Port Driver selected in the control mask, the Port Driver goes to the Stop state. Also, the execution of a RCPD Stop instruction brings the Port Driver to the Stop state. If the RCPD executes a Start instruction selecting a Port Driver in an Execute state, the state remains unchanged.

The Halt Jump state results when a Port Driver executes a Halt-Jump instruction and before receiving a Resume or Step command from the RCPD. If the RCPD wishes to do a Resume or Step command and the Port Driver is not in the Halt Jump state, the RCPD will wait until the Halt Jump state is reached. All other RCPD instructions are ignored in this state. An error condition, however, will cause a transition from the Halt Jump state to the Error state.

FIG. 15

is a diagram showing the synchronization of selected Port Driver test lists at desired synchronization points, while allowing the Port Driver test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points. A first Port Driver test list is shown at


. A second Port Driver test list is shown at


. A third Port Driver test list is shown at


. A fourth Port Driver test list is shown at



In the illustrative diagram, two primary test cases




are shown with a synchronization point


therebetween. The first test case


activates each of the four Port Drivers




, causing each of the four corresponding test lists






, and


to be executed in a relatively non-deterministic manner. Note that during the first test case


, none of the Port Drivers




remain idle, indicating that the RCPD start instruction that initiated the first test case


included a control mask that selected all four Port Drivers





The second test case


is executed when the RCPD detects that all four Port Drivers




have reached the Halt Jump state and no outstanding jobs remain pending. In the diagram shown, the second test case


only activates Port Drivers




, indicating that the RCPD resume instruction that initiated the second test case


included a control mask that only selected Port Drivers





As can be seen, each of the Port Drivers is preferably controlled by a separate and independently executing test list. Further, the test lists are preferably only synchronized at selected synchronization points, such as Synchronization Point


. In the illustrative diagram, the synchronization points are designated by including a HJMP instruction in one or more of the Port Driver Test Lists. For example, each of test lists






, and


include a HJMP instruction at the desired synchronization point. The HJMP instruction causes the corresponding Port Drivers to stop reading new FA instructions and waiting until all outstanding requests arc completed (all stacked requests sent and all expected responses received). Once all outstanding requests are completed, each Port Driver enters the Halt Jump state (ppd_active is set, ppd_halt is set). Since each Port Driver operates relatively independently from the others, the Port Drivers may enter the Halt Jump state at different times.

Once the RCPD detects the HJMP state from each of the Port Drivers selected by the source mask, Synchronization Point


has been reached. Thereafter, the RCPD can initiate the next test case by activating those Port Drivers that arc selected by the control mask of the resume instruction that is currently active. In the diagram shown, only Port Drivers




are activated by the RCPD.

Having thus described the preferred embodiments of the present invention, those of skill in the art will readily appreciate that yet other embodiments may be made and used within the scope of the claims hereto attached.

  • 1. A method for performing logic simulation of a circuit design, the method comprising the steps of:providing two or more test lists for exercising the circuit design; synchronizing the execution of the two or more test lists at desired synchronization points, while allowing the two or more test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points, selected test lists having at least one statement for causing the test list to stop execution at a desired synchronization point, the synchronization points being selected to maintain a desired timing relationship between selected test lists so that a desired logic simulation result is achieved.
  • 2. A method for synchronizing the execution of two or more test lists at desired synchronization points during the simulation of a circuit, the synchronization points being selected to maintain a desired timing relationship between selected test lists so that a desired logic simulation result is achieved, the circuit being stimulated by one or more test drivers where each test driver can assume two or more states, each test list exercising at least part of a corresponding one of the test drivers, the method comprising the steps of:executing each of a first set of the two or more test lists in a non-deterministic manner; monitoring the state of selected ones of the one or more test drivers, and detecting when each of the selected test drivers assume a first state; and halting the execution of each of the first set of test lists as each corresponding test driver assume the first state.
  • 3. A method according to claim 2, further comprising the step of:resuming execution of each of a second set of the two or more test lists once all of the first set of test lists have been successfully halted.
  • 4. A method according to claim 3, wherein the first set of test lists and the second set of test lists include at least one common test list.
  • 5. A method according to claim 2, wherein selected ones of the two or more test lists have one or more synchronization commands, wherein a first type of synchronization command causes the corresponding test driver to assume the first state.
  • 6. A method according to claim 5, wherein the first type of synchronization command is a halt command, and the first state is a halt state.
  • 7. A method according to claim 2, wherein each of the one or more test lists includes a number of instructions, said halting step halting execution of new test list instructions, but allowing pending test list instructions to be completed.
  • 8. A data processing system for performing logic simulation on a circuit design, the data processing system comprising:storing means for storing two or more test lists that when executed exercise the circuit design; and synchronizing means coupled to the circuit design and simulated along with the circuit design, said synchronizing means synchronizing the execution of the two or more test lists at desired synchronization points, while allowing the two or more test lists to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points, selected test lists having at least one statement for causing the test list to stop execution at a desired synchronization point, the synchronization points being selected to maintain a desired timing relationship between selected test lists so that a desired logic simulation result is achieved.
  • 9. A data processing system according to claim 8, wherein the synchronizing means includes a run control port driver.
  • 10. A data processing system for synchronizing the execution of two or more test lists at desired synchronization points during the simulation of a circuit, the synchronization points being selected to maintain a desired timing relationship between selected test lists so that a desired logic simulation result is achieved, the circuit being stimulated by one or more test drivers with each test driver having one or more states, each test list exercising at least part of a corresponding one of the test drivers, the data processing system comprising:executing means for executing each of a first set of the two or more test lists in a non-deterministic manner; monitoring means coupled to said executing means for monitoring the state of selected ones of the one or more test drivers, and to detect when each of the selected test drivers assume a first state; and halting means coupled to said executing means and said monitoring means for halting the execution of each test list as each corresponding test driver assume the first state.
  • 11. A data processing system according to claim 10, further comprising:resuming means for resuming execution of each of a second set of the two or more test lists once all of the first set of test lists have been halted by said halting means.
  • 12. A data processing system according to claim 11, wherein the first set of test lists and the second set of test lists include at least one common test list.
  • 13. A data processing system according to claim 10, wherein selected test lists have one or more synchronization commands, wherein a first type of synchronization command causes the corresponding test driver to assume the first state.
  • 14. A method according to claim 13, wherein the first type of synchronization command is a halt command, and the first state is a halt state.
  • 15. A run control port driver for synchronizing two or more port drivers that interface with corresponding ports of a multi-port memory module, each of the selected port drivers controlled at least in part by a corresponding test list, the run control port driver comprising:interface means for providing an interface between the run control port driver and each of the port drivers; and controller means for synchronizing the execution of a first set of port drivers at desired synchronization points, while allowing the first set of port drivers to execute in a non-deterministic manner between the synchronization points, the synchronization points being selected to maintain a desired timing relationship between selected test lists so that a desired logic simulation result is achieved.
  • 16. A run control port driver according to claim 15, wherein at least some of the test lists include one or more commands including a first synchronizing command, said controller means allowing each of the port drivers in the first set of port drivers to execute the one or more commands in the corresponding test list until the first synchronization command is detected, said controller means halting the corresponding port driver when the first synchronization command is detected.
  • 17. A run control port driver according to claim 16, wherein said controller means allows each of a second set of the port drivers to resume execution once all of the first set of port drivers have been halted by said controller means as a result of detecting a corresponding first synchronization command.
  • 18. A run control port driver according to claim 17, wherein the first set of port drivers are identified by a first control mask.
  • 19. A run control port driver according to claim 18, wherein the second set of port drivers are identified by a second control mask.
  • 20. A run control port driver according to claim 18, wherein the run controller port driver provides a run controller port driver command to each port driver, the run controller port driver command including selected fields that correspond to the first control mask.

This invention is related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/218,384, filed Dec. 22, 1998, entitled “Method And Apparatus For Efficiently Generating Test Input For A Logic Simulator”; U.S. Pat. No. 6,226,716, filed Dec. 22, 1998 entitled “Test Driver For Use In Validating A Circuit Design”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/219,285, filed Dec. 22, 1998, entitled “Method And Apparatus For Selectively Displaying Signal Values Generated By A Logic Simulator”; U.S. patent Application Ser. No. 08/965,004, filed Nov. 5, 1997, entitled “A Directory-Based Cache Coherency System”; U.S. Pat. No. 6,014,709, filed Nov. 5, 1997, entitled “Message Flow Protocol for Avoiding Deadlocks”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/001,588, filed Dec. 31, 1997, entitled “High-speed Memory Storage Unit for a Multiprocessor System Having Integrated Directory and Data Storage Subsystems”; and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/001,592, filed Dec. 31, 1997, entitled “High-Performance Modular Memory System with Crossbar Connections”, all assigned to the assignee of the present invention and all incorporated herein by reference.

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Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
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