The present invention relates to the Double Slit experiment, and more particularly to a method for analyzing the results thereof in a way that allows forming a bridge between Quantum and Classical Physics.
The importance of the Double Slit System in Quantum Physics is well known. In fact, none less that Nobel Prize winner Richard Fynman stated that the experiment associated with the Double Slit System, in which an Interference Pattern is formed on A screen positioned after a barrier containing two closely spaced slits, when particles or photons are directed at said Slits, comprises all the mysteries of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Physics treats the results of the Double Slit experiment as proof that the Quantum Uncertainty Principle is valid as a particle or photon passing through one, (or both as some Quantum Physicists argue), slit(s) in said double slit containing barrier is relatively well positioned at the time of passing therethrough, and therefore the momentum of said particle or photon cannot be known with any better certainty than given by dividing Plank's Constant by the uncertainty in said positioning. That is:
where ̂x is uncertainty in position of the particle or photon, and ̂p is uncertainty in momentum thereof. This is accepted as proof that is not to be challenged, as to why one can never know where on a screen upon which an Interference Pattern appears a specific particle or photon impacts. The only thing that can be known is that there is a higher probability a particle or photon will land in some locations than in others, and this explains the wave-like results of peaks and troughs forming. Said peaks and troughs are associated with positive and negative phase addition, respectively.
Physicists such as Bohm, and earlier DeBroglie have proposed that a “Piolet Wave” guides particles and photons on their journey through a Double Slit arrangement, to their point of impact with a Screen on which an Interference Pattern forms. However, such approaches have not been successful.
All in the area seem to subscribe to the concept of a dual nature of particles and waves, which the Inventor finds reasonable, but all accepted authority seems to cling tightly to the idea that Quantum Uncertainty is a bit of a sacred cow. It is simply not to be questioned. This is not unexpected in that, to date, all those who have been so bold as to question Quantum Uncertainty have routinely been proven to be wrong in their approach.
Continuing, the inventor herein has never found the Quantum Uncertainty Principle satisfying, and believes that it is the result of Chaos effects that occur at the Slits. In fact, in pursuit of an approach to show that Quantum Uncertainty is not the absolute it is held out to be, the Inventor/Applicant herein has filed numerous Applications, which have published as: 2014/0084178; 2011/0291006; 2011/0235044; 2011/0116096; 2010/0309481; 2010/0243917. The Inventor has found the Scientific and Patent Communities, not surprisingly, very unreceptive to his ideas and efforts in this area, but he is not yet willing to join the ranks of those who proposed a Piolet Wave, and failed to arrive at an approach that worked. In that light, the Inventor is back again, herein, with the proposal that Classical Physics and Chaos effects at the Slits can be applied to account for the results of the Double Slit experiment, by a Classically based approach to mathematically modeling the Double Slit experiment.
The present invention is a method of analyzing results provided by a Double Slit System that can be considered to bridge Quantum mechanics with Classical Physics. The method accepts a “dual” nature of particles/photons and wave, but sees no reason that a wave cannot be considered to simply accompany any moving particle or photon. Simply put—if a particle or photon is moving it is accompanied by a wave. This is a form of dual wave/particle properties which is based on a concept of inseperability which holds that a moving photon or particle necessarily has an inseperable wave associated therewith, rather that the concept of complete conversion of one to the other depending on conditions in which it is found. If the wave is canceled by negative phase addition, a particle or photon necessarily stops propagating, and if a positive phase addition occurs a moving photon or particle continues to propagate. In this basic concept the Inventor proposes an approach to showing that the chasm between Quantum and Classical Physics can be bridged. It is noted that the concept of an “Interference Field”, which the Inventor herein has not seen described before as such, is focal in the proposed methodology disclosed directly. Said Interference Field provides regions of positive and regions of negative phase addition between the Slits and the Screen on which the Interference Pattern forms.
The present invention method begins with:
such that in use a particle or photon is provided by said source of particles or photons and is directed toward said barrier comprising two slits, with which barrier comprising two slits said particle or photons or photons interact in a manner that results in an interference pattern forming on the interference pattern display screen.
The method continues with:
It is believed that said approach bridges Quantum and Classical Physics by providing a model based in Classical Physics and Chaos Theory that predicts the results achieved by practice of the Double Slit experiment. The predictions of the said Classically based modeling are consistent with what Quantum Uncertainty provides, but trace the entire result to Chaos effects at the Slits.
The major effects are:
Of coures, the present invention methodology can comprise conducting a typical quantum physics directed analysis of the results achieved in step b), and determining that the results achieved in steps d) and e) are consistent therewith.
The present invention will be better understood by reference to the Detailed Description of this Specification, with reference to the Drawings.
Turning now to
Turning now to
The present invention provides that it is possible to model a Double Slit System so that given where within a Slit a photon or particle passes, it is refracted in a way that directs it to proceed along a specific trajectory. If that trajectory is along a pathway of positive phase addition in an Interference Field formed by the wavefront passing through both Slits (SLR) and (SLL), it will proceed and contribute to a Peak. If it is refracted to proceed along a pathway of negative phase addition, it will stop propagating and contribute to the formation of a trough in the Interference Pattern. Chaos effects at the Slit through which a photon or particle passes then, entirely determines how the photon or particle is refracted as it exits said Slit, and the Interference Field between the Slits and the Screen on which the Interference Pattern forms determines if the photon or particle continues or stops propagating.
To the Inventor's knowledge no one has previously suggested a combination of refraction of a photon or particle at a Slit, and interaction with an Interference Filed between the Slits and an Interference Pattern Screen can account for how an Interference Pattern is formed in a Double Slit system. This is a purely Classical approach, including Chaos effects at the Slit through which a photon or particle passes. Quantum theory still applies to arrive at it's very nebulous end result—which basically says it's all a mystery etc. But the present invention enables showing how that nebulous end result an be equated to Classical concepts. A “Bridge” between Classical and Quantum is then possible.
Having hereby disclosed the subject matter of the present invention, it should be obvious that many modifications, substitutions, and variations of the present invention are possible in view of the teachings. It is therefore to be understood that the invention may be practiced other than as specifically described, and should be limited in its breadth and scope only by the Claims.