Methods of forming trenched isolation regions

The invention includes methods of forming films over substrates. A substrate is provided within a reaction chamber, and a mixture is also provided within the chamber. The mixture includes a precursor of a desired material within a supercritical fluid. The precursor is relatively reactive under one set of conditions and is relatively non-reactive under another set of conditions. The precursor and supercritical fluid mixture is initially provided in the chamber under the conditions at which the precursor is relatively non-reactive. Subsequently, and while maintaining the supercritical state of the supercritical fluid, the conditions within the reaction chamber are changed to the conditions under which the precursor is relatively reactive. The precursor reacts to form the desired material, and at least some of the desired material forms a film on the substrate.


The invention pertains to methods of forming layers over substrates. In particular aspects, the invention pertains to methods of forming trenched isolation regions.


There are numerous applications in which it is desired to form layers over substrates. For instance, it is frequently desired to form layers over semiconductor constructions during fabrication of integrated circuitry. Among the methods commonly utilized for layer formation are chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes and atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes. A problem which can occur with CVD processes is that there is frequently less than 100% step coverage. For instance, if CVD is utilized to form a plug of material within a trench, there will frequently be a void present within the plug. The void forms because the deposition rate at the neck (top) of the trench is higher than that on the sidewall, and accordingly the entrance to the trench becomes pinched off by the depositing film before the trench is completely filled with the film.

ALD generally has better step coverage than CVD, and in some cases can come very close to, or even achieve, a voidless fill process. However, ALD can be slow, and (barring certain special cases, such as the catalytic ALD of SiO


using tetramethylaluminum and tris(tert-butoxy)silanol) the growth rates are typically on the order of about 1 Å per cycle.

Recently, it has been proposed to utilize supercritical fluids to deliver precursors to a surface during formation of layers. A frequently utilized supercritical fluid consists essentially of, or consists of CO



The supercritical fluids are known to be exceptional solvents. The supercritical fluids are typically utilized by first providing a precursor within the supercritical fluid at high concentration, thus taking advantage of the solvent characteristics of the supercritical fluid. The supercritical fluid having the precursor dissolved therein is provided within a reaction chamber proximate to a substrate. Subsequently, the temperature and/or pressure conditions within the chamber are reduced so that the fluid is changed to a non-supercritical state. The fluid then lacks the solvent properties which can keep the precursor in solution, and accordingly the precursor falls out of solution and forms a layer (or a film) over the substrate.

Although supercritical fluid techniques can have advantages relative to ALD and CVD practices, there remains a need for improved methods of forming layers over substrates, and particularly for improved methods for forming layers over semiconductor substrates.


In one aspect, the invention pertains to a method of forming a layer of material on a substrate. A substrate is provided within a reaction chamber, and a mixture is also provided within the chamber. The mixture comprises a precursor of a desired material within a supercritical fluid, and is initially provided in the chamber under first conditions at which the precursor is stable. Subsequently, and while maintaining the supercritical state of the supercritical fluid, the conditions within the reaction chamber are changed to second conditions under which the stability of the precursor is altered relative to the first conditions. The precursor reacts under the second conditions to form the desired material, and at least some of the desired material forms a layer on the substrate. A difference between the first conditions and the second conditions can be, for example, that the second conditions comprise a higher temperature than the first conditions.

In one aspect, the invention pertains to a method of forming at least one trenched isolation region. A semiconductor substrate is provided within a reaction chamber, and the substrate has at least one trench extending therein. A mixture is provided within the chamber, with the mixture comprising a precursor of an electrically insulative material dissolved within a supercritical fluid. The precursor is reactive above at or above a threshold temperature to form the electrically insulative material. The mixture is initially provided within the reaction chamber at a temperature below the threshold temperature. Subsequently, the temperature of the mixture is raised to a temperature at or above the threshold temperature to form the electrically insulative material within at least one trench.


Preferred embodiments of the invention are described below with reference to the following accompanying drawings.

FIG. 1

is a diagrammatic, cross-sectional view of a semiconductor wafer fragment and a fluid, with the wafer fragment being at a preliminary processing stage in accordance with an exemplary aspect of the present invention.

FIG. 2

is a view of the

FIG. 1

semiconductor wafer fragment and fluid, with the wafer fragment being at a processing stage subsequent to that of FIG.



FIG. 3

is a view of the

FIG. 1

wafer fragment shown at a processing stage subsequent to that of FIG.



FIG. 4

is a view of the

FIG. 1

wafer fragment shown at a processing stage subsequent to that of FIG.



FIG. 5

is a view of a semiconductor wafer fragment shown at a preliminary processing stage in accordance with another aspect of the present invention.

FIG. 6

is a view of the

FIG. 5

wafer fragment proximate a supercritical fluid.

FIG. 7

is a view of the

FIG. 5

wafer fragment proximate the supercritical fluid of

FIG. 6

, with the fragment being shown at a processing stage subsequent to that of FIG.



FIG. 8

is a view of the

FIG. 5

wafer fragment shown at a processing stage subsequent to that of FIG.



FIG. 9

is a view of the

FIG. 8

wafer fragment shown proximate a supercritical fluid.

FIG. 10

is a view of the wafer fragment of

FIG. 9

shown at a processing stage subsequent to that of

FIG. 9

, and shown proximate the supercritical fluid of FIG.



FIG. 11

is a view of the

FIG. 10

wafer fragment shown in isolation from the supercritical fluid of FIG.



FIG. 12

is a diagrammatic, cross-sectional view of an exemplary reaction chamber that can be utilized in various aspects of the present invention.


This disclosure of the invention is submitted in furtherance of the constitutional purposes of the U.S. Patent Laws “to promote the progress of science and useful arts” (Article 1, Section 8).

In particular aspects, the invention encompasses new procedures for utilization of supercritical fluids in forming layers over substrates. Initially, a mixture is formed comprising a precursor of a desired material dissolved in a supercritical fluid. The precursor will react under appropriate conditions to form the desired material over a substrate. The mixture is placed in a reaction chamber with the substrate, but is initially placed in the reaction chamber under conditions at which the precursor does not react. Ultimately, the conditions are changed to those under which the precursor will react.

The mixture of precursor and supercritical fluid initially provided in the chamber can be considered a reservoir of precursor placed in the chamber under conditions at which the precursor is stable. The precursor within the mixture can be provided in a concentration which is in excess of that which can maximally react to form a layer over the substrate surface. The maximal rate of reaction of precursor is limited by kinetics of the precursor reaction, and the utilization of precursor dissolved in a mixture with supercritical fluid can, in particular aspects, be considered to provide a reservoir of precursor well in excess of the concentration that maximally reacts under the kinetic limitations of a particular process, which can insure that once the reaction of precursor starts it will proceed at a kinetically fastest rate rather than being rate limited by precursor concentration.

After a sufficient reservoir of precursor is established within the chamber, the conditions in the chamber are changed so that the precursor reacts to form the desired material layer over a surface of the substrate. The supercritical fluid preferably remains in a supercritical state during the reaction of the precursor (i.e., remains in a supercritical state after the conditions in the chamber are changed to those at which the precursor is reactive). Accordingly, the precursor remains dissolved in the supercritical fluid during the reaction, which can allow the high concentration of precursor to be maintained in a solvated state in the supercritical fluid as the precursor reacts to form the desired material over the substrate surface. This can enable the reaction utilized to form the desired material over the substrate surface to be limited solely by reaction kinetics, rather than by precursor concentration, during at least the initial stages of formation of the layer over the substrate. In particular aspects, the precursor will react with a composition at the surface of the substrate during formation of the layer over the substrate surface. Accordingly, the formation of the layer is a self-limiting process, and the precursor concentration can remain in high access over that required for maximal reaction rate during the entirety of the process of layer formation. In other aspects, the precursor will be used for layer formation until the precursor is substantially used up from within the reaction chamber. In such aspects, the rate of layer formation will eventually be limited by precursor concentration, but such will occur at later stages of layer formation, rather than throughout the entirety of the layer formation process.

As is known to persons of ordinary skill in the art, a supercritical fluid is defined as any substance that is above its critical temperature (T


) and critical pressure (P


). T


is the highest temperature at which a gas can be converted to a liquid by an increase in pressure, and P


is the highest pressure at which a liquid can be converted to a traditional gas by an increase in the liquid temperature. In the so-called critical region, there is only one phase, and it possesses properties of both gas and liquid. Supercritical fluids differ from traditional fluids in several aspects. For example, the solvent power of a supercritical fluid will typically increase with density at a given temperature. Supercritical fluids can be utilized to dissolve numerous materials, including, for example, metalorganics, to concentration levels far beyond those attainable in the gas phase (on the order of 1,000 times greater). Additionally, the gas-like behavior (i.e., lack of surface tension) of supercritical fluids can enable the fluids to permeate readily into small pores. In particular aspects, the present invention utilizes supercritical fluids to deliver high concentrations of precursor to surface features associated with semiconductor substrates. The surface features can include, for example, openings and/or trenches. In some aspects, the invention is utilized to form layers extending uniformly over the bottoms and sidewalls of trench structures, and ultimately to uniformly fill the trench structures with desired materials.

Any suitable supercritical fluid can be utilized for the present invention. An exemplary substance that can be utilized as a supercritical fluid is a substance comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of CO


. The critical pressure of carbon dioxide is about 72.8 atmospheres, and the critical temperature is about 31° C.

In a particular aspect of the invention, a solid film precursor is delivered into a trench structure (or other feature associated with a substrate) as a mixture within a supercritical fluid. The mixture is initially provided so that a concentration of precursor is high, and a temperature of the concentration is below that at which the precursor reacts to form a desired material. The substrate is subsequently heated, which induces a kinetically limited reaction of the precursor. The reaction of the precursor deposits a film uniformly over features associated with a surface of the substrate.

In another aspect of the invention, a precursor is provided in a supercritical fluid, and a reactant (such as, for example a catalyst) is provided on the surface of a substrate. The supercritical fluid is provided proximate the substrate. The precursor reacts with the reactant at the surface of the substrate to form a layer across the surface.

Exemplary aspects of the invention are described with reference to

FIGS. 1-12

. Referring initially to

FIG. 1

, a cross-section


comprises a fragment of a substrate


proximate a fluid mixture


. Substrate


can comprise, for example, monocrystalline silicon lightly doped with background p-type dopant. To aid in interpretation of the claims that follow, the terms “semiconductive substrate” and “semiconductor substrate” are defined to mean any construction comprising semiconductive material, including, but not limited to, bulk semiconductive materials such as a semiconductive wafer (either alone or in assemblies comprising other materials thereon), and semiconductive material layers (either alone or in assemblies comprising other materials). The term “substrate” refers to any supporting structure, including, but not limited to, the semiconductive substrates described above.



has an opening


formed therein. Opening


can be, for example, a trench with a length dimension extending into and out of the page relative to the

FIG. 1

cross-sectional view. Opening


has a bottom periphery


and sidewall peripheries


. Substrate


has a surface


which extends along uppermost regions of substrate


, as well as along the peripheries




of opening


. Although only one opening (or trench) is shown in

FIG. 1

, it is to be understood that the invention encompasses other aspects in which multiple openings are simultaneously treated.

Fluid mixture


comprises a precursor within a supercritical fluid. The precursor within mixture


can be in a supercritical state, or can be in a non-supercritical state solvated within a supercritical fluid. In particular aspects, mixture


will consist of the precursor and the supercritical fluid. The supercritical fluid can comprise any suitable material, and can, for example, comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of carbon dioxide. Thus, in some aspects of the invention mixture


can be considered to comprise a precursor and a portion other than the precursor, with the portion other than the precursor consisting essentially of, or consisting of, supercritical carbon dioxide.

The precursor within mixture


is a precursor of a desired material which is ultimately to be formed as a layer over at least a portion of surface


. In one aspect, the precursor can comprise silicon and oxygen and the desired material can be silicon dioxide, with an exemplary precursor being tetraethyl orthosilicate. In another aspect, the precursor can comprise nitrogen and titanium and the desired material can be titanium nitride, with an exemplary precursor being tetrakis(dimethylamido) titanium. In another exemplary aspect, the precursor can comprise nitrogen and tantalum and the desired material can be tantalum nitride, with an exemplary precursor being pentakis-(dimethylamido) tantalum. In yet another exemplary aspect, the desired material can be hafnium oxide and the precursor can comprise oxygen and hafnium, with an exemplary precursor being hafnium tert-butoxide.

The precursor within mixture


will, under particular conditions, react to form the desired material over at least a portion of surface


. Mixture


and substrate


are initially provided within a reaction chamber under conditions at which the precursor is stable relative to reaction to form the desired material. After the mixture and substrate are within the chamber, and while the supercritical state of the supercritical fluid is maintained, the conditions are changed to new conditions under which the stability of the precursor is altered so that the precursor now reacts to form the desired material over the surface of substrate


. The initial conditions at which the precursor is stable can be referred to as first conditions, and the conditions at which the precursor reacts to form the desired material can be referred to as second conditions.

FIG. 2

shows the cross-section


at a processing stage subsequent to that of

FIG. 1

, and specifically after a layer


has been formed over surface


of substrate


. Layer


fills opening





comprises a desired material formed from reaction of the precursor that had initially been provided within mixture


. Layer


can, in particular aspects, comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of titanium nitride, tantalum nitride, silicon dioxide, or hafnium oxide.

The reaction of the precursor to form the desired material


can occur at an interface of the supercritical phase of mixture


and a solid surface (i.e., the surface of substrate


initially, or the surface of growing layer


subsequent to the initial formation of layer


). Alternatively, the reaction of the precursor to form the desired material can occur entirely in the mixture (i.e., in the fluid phase), and the desired material can transfer from the mixture to the substrate to form the layer


on substrate



If layer


forms from reaction of a precursor with a composition at surface


of layer


, then an entirety of the desired material formed from the precursor can be incorporated into the layer


formed over surface


. If, in contrast, the desired material forms from reaction of precursor within mixture


and subsequent deposition of the material onto surface


as layer


, some of the desired material can remain within the mixture after formation of the desired material. Accordingly, the invention encompasses aspects in which at least some of the desired material formed from a precursor is deposited over layer


of substrate


, and comprises particular aspects in which all of the desired material formed from the precursor is incorporated into a layer over the surface


of substrate



Although the invention is described with reference to a process in which a single precursor is provided within mixture


and utilized to form the desired material, it is to be understood that the invention encompasses other aspects in which two or more precursors are provided within mixture


and utilized to form the layer. If two or more precursors are utilized from the mixture


, the change in conditions within the mixture which lead to reactivity of a precursor can be such that the reactivity of more than one precursor is altered. Alternatively, the change in conditions can be such that the reactivity of only one of the multiple precursors is altered. The change in reactivity of one precursor can then set off reactions with other precursors to form the desired material. For purposes of interpreting this disclosure and the claims that follow, the term “precursor” can be understood to encompass any reactant which is ultimately utilized to form a desired material, and which has at least a portion thereof incorporated into the desired material.

FIG. 12

shows an exemplary apparatus


which can be utilized for the processing of

FIGS. 1 and 2

. Specifically, apparatus


comprises a reaction chamber


, and a substrate supporting apparatus


within the chamber. An exemplary substrate


is shown supported by apparatus


. Substrate


can, in particular aspects, comprise a monocrystalline silicon wafer. Although only one substrate is shown, it is to be understood that a plurality of substrates could be simultaneously treated within chamber



An inlet


is provided to allow materials to be flowed into chamber


(with the material flow being represented by arrow


), and an outlet


is provided to allow materials to be exhausted from within chamber


(with the flow of exhausted materials being represented by arrow


). A valve


is provided across the inlet


to control flow of materials through the inlet; and a valve


is provided across the outlet


to control flow of materials through the outlet.

A first source


and second source


are shown external to reaction chamber


. One of the first and second sources can be a source of fluid which is ultimately to be maintained in a supercritical state within chamber


, and the other of the sources can be a source of precursor ultimately utilized to form a desired material over substrate


. Although only one precursor source is shown in the exemplary aspect of the invention, it is to be understood that multiple precursor sources could be utilized. Also, multiple sources of solvent to be utilized in a supercritical state could be provided.

Components from sources




are mixed to form a mixture


(represented by an arrow) which is flowed into reaction chamber


. The mixture can comprise the precursor dissolved in a supercritical fluid prior to flowing the mixture into chamber


, or alternatively the supercritical state of a component of the mixture can be achieved after flowing the mixture into chamber


. Also, it is to be understood that the shown aspect of the invention is but one of several techniques for forming a precursor dissolved in supercritical fluid within chamber


. Another exemplary technique is to initially form the supercritical fluid within chamber


, and subsequently to flow the precursor into chamber


so that the mixture is formed within chamber


, rather than externally of chamber



The mixture of precursor within supercritical fluid in reaction chamber


is, in particular aspects of the invention, initially under conditions at which the precursor is stable relative to reaction to form a desired material. Subsequently, the conditions are changed so that the precursor reacts to form the desired material, but the supercritical state of the supercritical solvent is maintained as the precursor reacts. The change in conditions can comprise, for example, a change in temperature. Specifically, the mixture of precursor and supercritical fluid can initially be provided within chamber


at a first temperature at which the precursor substantially non-reactive, and subsequently the temperature can be raised to a second temperature at which the precursor reacts to form the desired material. The temperature within an entirety of chamber


can be changed, or alternatively the temperature of substrate


can be changed while the temperature within the majority of the remainder of chamber


remains unchanged. In such aspects, reaction of the precursor will occur proximate substrate


, but will not occur within most of the majority of chamber


. The change in temperature of substrate


can be accomplished with, for example, a temperature controller (not shown) provided within substrate holder


. Such temperature controller can comprise one or both of a heating mechanism and a cooling mechanism.

In an exemplary aspect, the precursor provided within chamber


will be tetraethyl orthosilicate, and such will be dissolved in a supercritical fluid consisting essentially of carbon dioxide. Tetraethyl orthosilicate has a decomposition temperature of about 400° C. Such temperature can be considered a threshold temperature for a reaction of the precursor. Specifically, if the precursor is below the threshold temperature there will be substantially no reaction of the precursor to form the desired material silicon dioxide, and if the precursor is at or above the threshold temperature the precursor will react to form the silicon dioxide. Accordingly, the precursor can be initially provided at a temperature significantly below the threshold temperature, such as, for example, a temperature of about 100° C. Subsequently, the temperature can be increased to at least the threshold temperature to cause the tetraethyl orthosilicate to react to form the silicon dioxide.

Temperature is one of the conditions that can be altered to change reactivity of a precursor. Other conditions will be recognized by persons of ordinary skill in the art, and can include, for example, pressure.

The methodology utilized for processing in a reaction chamber (such as chamber


) in accordance with the present invention will typically be a batch process, rather than continuous flow.

FIG. 3

shows substrate


at a processing stage subsequent to that of FIG.


. Specifically, the substrate is no longer proximate the mixture


. Such can be accomplished by exhausting mixture


from within the reaction chamber



FIG. 12

) and removing the substrate from the chamber.



has been removed from over the upper surface of substrate


, but remains within opening


. Such can be accomplished by, for example, chemical-mechanical polishing. The material


within opening


can be any desired material, and can be, for example, electrically conductive or electrically insulative. In particular aspects, the material will be electrically insulative, and will ultimately be utilized to form an isolation region. Such aspect is illustrated in FIG.


. Specifically, a pair of circuit devices




are shown electrically separated from one another by an isolation region comprising material


within opening


. The isolation region can be considered to correspond to a trenched isolation region, and material


can comprise any suitable electrically insulative material. In particular aspects, material


will comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of silicon dioxide. Utilization of the methodologies described with reference to

FIGS. 1 and 2

advantageously can enable the silicon dioxide to be formed uniformly within trench


, even in aspects in which the trench has a relatively high aspect ratio.

The shown circuit components




correspond to transistor devices. Specifically, each of the components comprises a transistor gate


which contains one or more suitable electrically conductive materials, such as, for example, metals, metal compounds, and/or conductively-doped silicon. The gates


are separated from substrate


by an electrically insulative material


. Such electrically insulative material can comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of silicon dioxide. Insulative material caps


are formed over conductive gates


. The insulative material of caps


can comprise, for example, one or both of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide. Insulative sidewall spacers


extend along sidewalls of gates


. Sidewall spacers


can comprise any suitable electrically insulative material, including, for example, silicon nitride and/or silicon dioxide. Conductively-doped source/drain regions


extend into substrate


. In particular aspects, substrate


can comprise a monocrystalline silicon wafer. In such aspects, source/drain regions


can be formed by implanting suitable conductivity-enhancing dopant into substrate



Another exemplary aspect of the invention is described with reference to

FIGS. 5-11

. Referring initially to

FIG. 5

, a fragment


is shown comprising a substrate


. Substrate


can be any suitable substrate, including, for example, a semiconductor substrate. In particular aspects, substrate


can comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of monocrystalline silicon.



comprises a surface


, and a topographical feature


is shown associated with surface


. In the

FIG. 5

aspect of the invention the topographical feature is a step, but it is to be understood that the topographical feature can comprise any feature, including, for example, an opening formed to a high aspect ratio, a rugged surface topography, etc.

A layer


is formed over surface


. Layer


comprises a composition which is reactive with a precursor (discussed below) under particular conditions. The reactive composition can be, in some aspects, a catalyst. Layer


has a surface


, which in the shown aspect of the invention is conformal to surface


of substrate


. As discussed previously, the term “substrate” is broad enough to encompass any material or combination of materials. Accordingly, in particular aspects of the invention layer


together with base material


can be considered a substrate, and in such aspects surface


can be considered a surface of the substrate.

Referring to

FIG. 6

, construction


is provided proximate a mixture


. The mixture


comprises one or more precursors within a supercritical fluid, and accordingly is analogous to the mixture


described above with reference to

FIGS. 1 and 2

. At least one precursor within mixture


reacts directly with the composition of surface


under particular conditions. Mixture


and construction


can initially be provided in a reaction chamber (such as, for example, the reaction chamber discussed above with reference to

FIG. 12

) under conditions other than the particular conditions at which the precursor reacts with surface


. Such can allow a large reservoir of precursor to be provided adjacent surface


by the precursor solvated within the supercritical fluid of mixture



Referring to

FIG. 7

, the conditions of at least some of mixture


can subsequently be changed to the particular conditions under which one or more precursors react with the composition of surface


. Such causes a material


to be formed over surface


from reaction of the composition of surface


with the precursor. Although material


is formed over surface


in the exemplary shown embodiment, it is to be understood that the invention encompasses other aspects (not shown) in which material of layer


is consumed in the formation of material


. In such aspects, layer


can be removed through reaction with precursor within mixture


, and layer


can be formed directly against an upper surface of base material



In an exemplary aspect of the invention, material


comprises tetramethylaluminum, a precursor within mixture


comprises tris(tert-butoxy)silanol, and the material


comprises, consists essentially of, or consists of silicon dioxide. In such aspect, the changing of the conditions of the mixture to the particular conditions which cause formation of material


can comprise raising a temperature of the mixture. In such aspect of the invention, the formation of the silicon dioxide can be self limiting, and the silicon dioxide will typically form to a thickness of 100 Å or less.

The heating of mixture


to cause formation of material


from the precursor can be accomplished by heating all of the mixture within a reaction chamber, or by selectively heating only a portion of the mixture proximate layer


. If only a portion of the mixture is to be heated, such can be accomplished, for example, by heating the construction comprising base


and layer


. The temperature of the portion of mixture


proximate the layer


can then be elevated due to thermal transfer from layer


to the portion of the mixture.

The processing of

FIGS. 5-7

can be repeated to form additional silicon dioxide layers over the layer


. Such is illustrated in

FIGS. 8-11


FIG. 8

shows construction


removed from proximate mixture




), and shows a layer


formed over layer


. Layer


can have a composition identical to that described previously with reference to layer


, and accordingly can comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of tetramethylaluminum.

Referring to

FIG. 9

, the construction from

FIG. 8

can be provided within a reaction chamber and proximate a mixture


having the composition described previously for mixture



FIGS. 6 and 7

(or, in some aspects, having a different composition with a different precursor). Initially, mixture


can be under conditions at which a precursor within the mixture does not react with a surface of layer


. Subsequently, at least a portion of mixture


can be changed to conditions in which a precursor from the mixture does react with the surface


to form a layer over surface



FIG. 10

illustrates construction


after a layer


forms over layer


. Layer


can comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of silicon dioxide, and can be formed by reaction of, for example, tris(tert-butoxy)silanol from mixture


with a composition of the surface of layer



FIG. 11

shows construction


after removal from proximate mixture





In compliance with the statute, the invention has been described in language more or less specific as to structural and methodical features. It is to be understood, however, that the invention is not limited to the specific features shown and described, since the means herein disclosed comprise preferred forms of putting the invention into effect. The invention is, therefore, claimed in any of its forms or modifications within the proper scope of the appended claims appropriately interpreted in accordance with the doctrine of equivalents.

  • 1. A method of forming at least one trenched isolation region, comprising:providing a semiconductor substrate within a reaction chamber, the substrate having at least one trench extending therein; providing a mixture within the chamber, the mixture comprising a precursor of an electrically insulative material within a supercritical fluid, the precursor being reactive at or above a threshold temperature to form the electrically insulative material, the mixture being initially provided within the reaction chamber at a temperature below the threshold temperature; and raising the temperature of at least some of the mixture to a temperature of at least the threshold temperature to form the electrically insulative material within the at least one trench.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the reaction of the precursor to form the electrically insulative material occurs entirely in the mixture; and wherein the electrically insulative material transfers from the mixture to within the at least one trench.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein supercritical fluid defines a supercritical phase within the reaction chamber, and wherein the reaction of the precursor to form the electrically insulative material occurs at an interface of the supercritical phase and a surface of the substrate.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein the substrate has a surface composition, and wherein the precursor reacts with the surface composition at or above the threshold temperature to form the electrically insulative material within the at least one trench.
  • 5. The method of claim 1 wherein the temperature of the mixture is raised by heating the substrate and transferring heat from the substrate to the mixture.
  • 6. The method of claim 1 wherein the substrate is a semiconductor substrate.
  • 7. The method of claim 1 wherein the substrate comprises monocrystalline silicon.
  • 8. The method of claim 1 wherein the precursor comprises silicon and oxygen, and wherein the electrically insulative material is silicon dioxide.
  • 9. The method of claim 1 wherein the precursor is tetraethyl orthosilicate, and wherein the electrically insulative material is silicon dioxide.
  • 10. The method of claim 1 wherein the precursor is tris(tert-butoxy)silanol, and wherein the electrically insulative material is silicon dioxide.
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