Modified CPMV Enhancer Elements

An expression enhancer comprising, in series, a CPMV 5′UTR nucleotide sequence comprising nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:1, or comprising a nucleotide sequence comprising from about with 80% to 100% sequence similarity with SEQ ID NO:1, and a stuffer fragment is provided. The stuffer fragment comprises a nucleotide sequence encoding an incomplete M protein and one or more kozak sequence active in a plant. Plants and plant matter comprising the expression enhancer and methods using the expression enhancer are also described.

The present invention relates to the expression of proteins of interest in plants. The present invention also provides methods and compositions for the production of proteins of interest in plants.


Plants offer great potential as production systems for recombinant proteins. One approach to producing foreign proteins in plants is to generate stable transgenic plant lines. However this is a time consuming and labor intensive process. An alternative to transgenic plants is the use of plant virus-based expression vectors. Plant virus-based vectors allow for the rapid, high level, transient expression of proteins in plants.

One method to achieve high level transient expression of foreign proteins in plants involves the use of vectors based on RNA plant viruses, including comoviruses, such as Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV; see, for example, WO2007/135480; WO2009/087391; US 2010/0287670, Sainsbury F. et al., 2008, Plant Physiology; 148: 121-1218; Sainsbury F. et al., 2008, Plant Biotechnology Journal; 6: 82-92; Sainsbury F. et al., 2009, Plant Biotechnology Journal; 7: 682-693; Sainsbury F. et al. 2009, Methods in Molecular Biology, Recombinant Proteins From Plants, vol. 483: 25-39).

Comoviruses are RNA viruses with a bipartite genome. The segments of the comoviral RNA genome are referred to as RNA-1 and RNA-2. RNA-1 encodes the VPg, replicase and protease proteins. The replicase is required by the virus for replication of the viral genome. The RNA-2 of the comovirus cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) produces a polyprotein of 105 kDa or 95 kDa processed into 4 functional peptides.

The 5′ region of CPMV RNA-2 comprises start codons (AUGs) at positions 115, 161, 512 and 524. The start codons at positions 161 and 512 are in the same triplet reading frame. Initiation at the start codon at position 161 results in the synthesis of the 105K polyprotein while initiation at the start codon at position 512 directs the synthesis of the 95K polyprotein. Initiation of translation at the start codon at position 512 in CPMV is more efficient than initiation at position 161, resulting in the production of more 95K polyprotein than 105K polyprotein. The start codon at position 115 is not essential for virus replication (Wellink et al., 1993 Biochimie. 75(8):741-7).

Maintenance of the frame between the initiation sites at positions 161 and 512 in CPMV RNA-2 is required for efficient replication of RNA-2 by the RNA-1-encoded replicase (Holness et al., 1989; Virology 172, 311-320; van Bokhoven et al. 1993, Virology 195, 377-386; Rohll et al., 1993 Virology 193, 672-679; Wellink et al., 1993, Biochimie. 75(8):741-7). This requirement impacts the length of sequences which can be inserted upstream of the 512 start codon in replicative forms of CPMV RNA-2 expression vectors. Furthermore, the use of polylinkers should be used with caution as they may shift the open reading frame (ORF) between these initiation sites.

CPMV has served as the basis for the development of vector systems suitable for the production of heterologous polypeptides in plants (Liu et al., 2005 Vaccine 23, 1788-1792; Sainsbury et al., 2007 Virus Expression Vectors (Hefferon, K. ed), pp. 339-555). These systems are based on the modification of RNA-2 but differ in whether full-length or deleted versions are used. Replication of the modified RNA-2 is achieved by co-inoculation with RNA-1. Foreign proteins are fused to the C-terminus of the RNA-2-derived polyproteins. Release of the N-terminal polypeptide is mediated by the action of the 2A catalytic peptide sequence from foot-and-mouth-disease virus (Gopinath et al., 2000, Virology 267: 159-173). The resulting RNA-2 molecules are capable of spreading both within and between plants. This strategy has been used to express a number of recombinant proteins, such as the Hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) and Small Immune Proteins (SIPs), in cowpea plants (Mechtcheriakova et al. J. Virol. Methods 131, 10-15; 2006; Monger et al., 2006, Plant Biotechnol. J. 4, 623-631; Alamillo et al., 2006, Biotechnol. J. 1, 1103-1111). Though successful, the use of a full-length viral vector limits the size of inserted sequences, and movement between plants raises concerns about biocontainment of the virus.

To address the issue of biocontainment and insert size, Canizares et al. (2006 Plant Biotechnol, J 4:183-193) replaced the majority of the coding region of RNA-2 with a sequence of interest to produce a disabled version of CPMV RNA-2 (deIRNA-2). The sequence to be expressed was fused to the AUG at position 512 of RNA-2, immediately upstream of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) to create a molecule that mimics RNA-2. Such constructs were capable of replication when introduced into plants in the presence of RNA-1 and a suppressor of silencing, and directed the synthesis of substantial levels of heterologous proteins (Sainsbury et al., 2008 Plant Biotechnol J 6:82-92).

Mutation of the start codon at position 161 in a CPMV RNA-2 vector (U162C; HT) increases the levels of expression of a protein encoded by a sequence inserted after the start codon at position 512. This permits the production of high levels of foreign proteins without the need for viral replication and was termed the CPMV-HT system (WO2009/087391; Sainsbury and Lomonossoff, 2008, Plant Physiol. 148, 1212-1218). In pEAQ expression plasmids (Sainsbury et al., 2009, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 7, pp 682-693; US 2010/0287670), the sequence to be expressed is positioned between the 5′UTR and the 3′ UTR. The 5′UTR in the pEAQ series carries the U162C (HT) mutation.


The present invention relates to the expression of proteins of interest in plants. The present invention also provides methods and compositions for the production of proteins of interest in plants.

As described herein, there is provided an expression enhancer comprising in series, a CPMV 5′UTR nucleotide sequence comprising nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:1, or comprising a nucleotide sequence comprising from about 80% to 100% sequence similarity with SEQ ID NO:1, and a stuffer fragment, the stuffer fragment comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding an incomplete M protein, one or more kozak sequence active in a plant, or both. The stuffer fragment may comprise a length from 10 to about 500 nucleotides, or any length therebetween. The incomplete M protein of the stuffer fragment may comprise a length from about 10 to about 351 nucleotides, or any length therebetween. The stuffer fragment may further comprise a multiple cloning site. The multiple cloning site comprises a length from about 0 to about 100 nucleotides, or any length therebetween.

Also provided is the expression enhancer as described above, wherein the kozak sequence is selected from the group of sequences as shown in SEQ ID NO's: 5-17.

Also provided is a plant expression system comprising a nucleic acid sequence comprising a regulatory region, operatively linked with an expression enhancer comprising in series, a CPMV 5′UTR nucleotide sequence comprising nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:1, or comprising a nucleotide sequence comprising from about 80% to 100% sequence similarity with SEQ ID NO:1, and a stuffer fragment, the stuffer fragment comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding an incomplete M protein and one or more plant kozak sequence, the expression enhancer operatively linked with a nucleotide sequence of interest. The plant expression system may further comprising a comovirus 3′ UTR. The plant expression system may further comprise a second nucleic acid sequence encoding a suppressor of silencing, for example HcPro or p19.

The nucleotide sequence of interest of the plant expression system as defined above may encodes viral protein or an antibody. For example, the viral protein may be selected from the group of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, influenza type B hemagglutinin. The nucleotide sequence encoding the viral protein or the antibody may comprise a native signal peptide sequence, or a non-native signal peptide, for example the non-native signal peptide may be obtained from Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI).

As described herein there is provided a method of producing a protein of interest in a plant or in a portion of a plant comprising, introducing into the plant or in the portion of a plant the plant expression system defined above, and incubating the plant or the portion of a plant under conditions that permit expression of the nucleotide sequence encoding the protein of interest.

The present invention also provides a plant or portion of a plant transiently transfected or stably transformed with the plant expression system as described above.

Plant-based expression systems preferably have a number of properties such as, for example, containing convenient cloning sites for genes of interest, may easily infect plants in a cost-effective manner, may cause efficient local or systemic infection of inoculated plants. In addition, the infection should provide a good yield of useful protein material.

This summary of the invention does not necessarily describe all features of the invention.


These and other features of the invention will become more apparent from the following description in which reference is made to the appended drawings wherein:

FIG. 1A shows a general schematic of an example of an enhancer sequence of the prior art (CPMV HT) and as described herein (CPMV HT+) fused to a nucleotide sequence of interest. Not all of the elements shown in this figure may be required within the enhancer sequence. Additional elements may be included at the 3′ end of the nucleotide sequence of interest (not shown) including a sequence encoding a comovirus 3′ untranslated region (UTR), a plastocyanin 3′ UTR, or a combination of the comovirus 3′ UTR and the plastocyanin 3′ UTR. FIG. 1B shows constructs comprising enhancer sequences, as described in the prior art (CPMV HT) and as described in the present invention (CPMV HT+), operatively linked to plant regulatory region (in these non-limiting examples 2X35S) at their 5′ ends, and at their 3′ ends, a stuffer fragment, a nucleotide sequence of interest, “GOT” comprising an ATG initiation site. In these examples, the stuffer fragment for CPMV HT comprises an incomplete M protein and a multiple cloning site, and in the example for CPMV HT+, the stuffer fragment comprises an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site and a plant kozak sequence.

FIG. 2 shows the relative hemagglutination titre (HMG) in crude protein extracts of proteins produced in plants comprising CPMV-HT (prior art) expression constructs, and CPMV HT+ based expression constructs, operatively linked with a nucleotide sequence of interest. Data for the expression of HA from H1 A/California/07/2009 with a PDI signal peptide (construct number 484: CPMV HT; and construct number 1805: CPMV HT+; see Example 4), H3 A/Victoria/361/2011 with a PDI signal peptide (construct number 1391: CPMV HT; and construct number 1819: CPMV HT+; see Examples 1 and 2, respectively), B Brisbane/60/08 with deleted proteolytic loop and with a PDI signal peptide (construct number 1039: CPMV HT; and construct number 1829: CPMV HT+; see example 8), B Brisbane/60/08+H1TM with deleted proteolytic loop, with transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail replaced by those of H1 A/California/07/2009, and with a PDI signal peptide (construct number 1067: CPMV HT; and construct number 1875: CPMV HT+; see example 9), B Massachusetts/2/2012 with deleted proteolytic loop, and with a PDI signal peptide (construct number 2072: CPMV HT; and construct number 2052: CPMV HT+; see Example 10), B Massachusetts/2/2012+H1Tm with deleted proteolytic loop, with transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail replaced by those of H1 A/California/07/2009 and with a PDI signal peptide (construct number 2074: CPMV HT; and construct number 2062: CPMV HT+; see Example 11), B Wisconsin/1/2010 with deleted proteolytic loop and with the native signal peptide (construct number 1445: CPMV HT; and construct number 1839: CPMV HT+; see Example 12), and B Wisconsin/1/2010+H1Tm with deleted proteolytic loop, with transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail replaced by those of H1 A/California/07/2009 and with the native signal peptide (construct number 1454: CPMV HT; and construct number 1860: CPMV HT+; see Example 13), are shown.

FIG. 3 shows the relative hemagglutination titres (HMG) in crude protein extracts of proteins produced in plants comprising CPMV-HT (prior art) expression constructs, and CPMV HT+ based expression constructs. Data for the expression of H5 from Influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 with a PDI signal peptide (H5 Indo; construct number 409: CPMV HT; and construct number 2319: CPMV HT+; see Example 5), H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 with a alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (H7 Han; construct number 2140: CPMV HT; and construct number 2142: CPMV HT+; see example 6), H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (TMCT) of H5 from influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 and with the signal peptide of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (H7Han+H5Tm; construct number 2130: CPMV HT; construct number 2146: CPMV HT+; see example 7) are shown.

FIG. 4A shows examples of variants of plant Kozak sequences tested. Constructs showing a partial sequence of the CPMV HT+, a plant regulatory region, a 5′UTR, a stuffer fragment, and a nucleotide sequence of interest (GOI). In this non-limiting example, the construct comprises a 2X35S regulatory region, CPMV HT+ comprising a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein and a multiple cloning site (restriction sites), a plant kozak sequence (the 5′end of a nucleotide sequence of interest is also indicated: “ATG . . . GOI”; where the GOI is H3 A/Victoria/361). Variants of plant kozak sequences are also shown below the sequence (also see FIG. 7). Each variant plant Kozak sequence was located between the 3′ end of the stuffer fragment, and the 5′-ATG site of the nucleotide sequence of interest (in these non-limiting examples, H3 A/Victoria/361). The other elements of the constructs remained the same. FIG. 4B shows HA titers of a nucleotide sequence of interest produced in plants comprising CPMV HT+ expression construct and a variant plant Kozak sequence as indicated.

FIG. 5 shows the sequence components used to prepare construct number 1391(A-2X35S CPMV-HT PDISP H3Victoria NOS; see example 1). Construct number 1391 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/H3 Victoria)). PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 5A shows primer sequence IF-PDI.S1=3c (SEQ ID NO:18). FIG. 5B shows primer sequence IF-H3V36111.s1-4r (SEQ ID NO:19). FIG. 5C shows the sequence of PDISP/H3 Victoria (SEQ ID NO:20). FIG. 5D shows a schematic representation of construct 1191. FIG. 5E shows construct 1191; from left to right t-DNA borders (underlined), 2X35S CPMV-HT NOS, with Plastocyanine-P19-Plastocyanine silencing inhibitor expression cassette (SEQ ID NO:21). FIG. 5F shows expression cassette number 1391 from 2X35S promoter to NOS terminator. The PDISP/H3 Victoria nucleotide sequence is underlined; CPMV 5′UTR in bold; incomplete M-protein in italics (SEQ ID NO:22). FIG. 5G shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/H3 Victoria (SEQ ID NO:23). FIG. 5H shows a schematic representation of construct number 1391 (a reference construct).

FIG. 6 shows the sequence components used to prepare construct number 1819 (2X35S CPMV-HT+ PDISP H3Victoria NOS; see example 1). Construct number 1819 incorporates a CPMV-HT+ sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a stuffer fragment encoding an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and comprises a plant kozak sequence between the multiple cloning site and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/H3 Victoria)). PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 6A shows primer sequence IF(SacII)-Kozac_PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:24). FIG. 6B shows a schematic representation of construct 2181. FIG. 6C shows the sequence for construct 2181 (from left to right t-DNA borders, underlined; 2X35S/CPMV-HT+/NOS with Plastocyanine-P19-Plastocyanine silencing inhibitor expression cassette; SEQ ID NO:25). FIG. 6D shows expression cassette number 1819 from 2X35S promoter to NOS terminator. The PDISP/H3 Victoria nucleotide sequence is underlined (SEQ ID NO:26). FIG. 6E shows a schematic representation of construct 1819.

FIG. 7 shows sequences comprising variations in a plant kozak sequence used to prepare a selection of “CPMV HT+” based constructs (constructs number 1952 to 1959). Variation of sequence between SacII restriction site and ATG of PDISP/H3 Victoria in 2X35S/CPMV HT+/NOS expression system, comprising variations in a plant kozak sequence are shown (the sequences are shown as variations from the corresponding sequence from construct 1819; see Example 2). The variant plant kozak sequence are underlined. PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide. FIG. 7A shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT1*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO: 27; used to prepare construct number 1952). FIG. 7B shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT2*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:28; used to prepare construct number 1953). FIG. 7C shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT3*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:29; used to prepare construct number 1954). FIG. 7D shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT4*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:30; used to prepare construct number 1955). FIG. 7E shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT5*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:31; used to prepare construct number 1956). FIG. 7F shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT6*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:32 used to prepare construct number 1957). FIG. 7G shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT7*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:33; used to prepare construct number 1958). FIG. 7H shows the nucleotide sequence of IF-HT8*-PDI.c (SEQ ID NO:34; used to prepare construct number 1959). FIG. 7I shows a schematic representation of construct number 1952 comprising a plant kozak sequence (Kozak1) using SEQ ID NO:27 (FIG. 7A). Constructs 1953-1959 comprise the same features as construct 1952, except that each construct (1953-1959) comprises a modified plant Kozak sequence (Kozak1) as shown in FIGS. 7B to 7H (SEQ ID NOs: 28 to 34), respectively.

FIG. 8 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 484 and 1805 (2X35S/CPMV HT PDISP/H1 California NOS and 2X35S/CPMV HT+ PDISP/H1 California NOS, respectively; see Example 4). Construct number 484 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/H1 California). Construct number 1805 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 8A shows the nucleotide sequence of PDISP/H1 California (SEQ ID NO: 35). FIG. 8B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/H1 California (SEQ ID NO: 36). FIG. 8C shows a schematic representation of construct number 484 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 8D shows a schematic representation of construct number 1805 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 9 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 409 and 2319 (2X35S/CPMV HT PDISP/H5 Indonesia NOS; CPMV HT+ PDISP/H5 Indonesia NOS, respectively; see Example 5). Construct number 409 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/H5 Indonesia). Construct number 2319 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 9A shows the nucleotide sequence of PDISP/H5 Indonesia (SEQ ID NO: 37). FIG. 9B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/H5 Indonesia (SEQ ID NO: 38). FIG. 9C shows a schematic representation of construct number 409 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 9D shows a schematic representation of construct number 2319 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 10 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 2140 and 2142 (2X35S/CPMV HT H7 Hangzhou NOS; CPMV HT+H7 Hangzhou NOS, respectively; see Example 6). Construct number 2140 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/H7 Hangzhou). Construct number 2142 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 10A shows the nucleotide sequence of native H7 Hangzhou (SEQ ID NO: 39). FIG. 10B shows the amino acid sequence of native H7 Hangzhou (SEQ ID NO: 40). FIG. 10C shows a schematic representation of construct number 2140 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 10D shows a schematic representation of construct number 2142 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 11 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 2130 and 2146 (2X35S/CPMV HT H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT NOS; CPMV HT+H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT NOS, respectively; see Example 7). Construct number 2130 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT). Construct number 2146 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 11A shows the nucleotide sequence of H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 41). FIG. 11B shows the amino acid sequence of H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 42). FIG. 11C shows a schematic representation of construct number 2130 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 11D shows a schematic representation of construct number 2146 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 12 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 1039 and 1829 (2X35S/CPMV HT PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-) NOS and 2X35S/CPMV HT+ PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-) NOS, respectively; see Example 8). Construct number 1039 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)). Construct number 1829 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide; NOS: nopaline synthase terminator; PrL-: deleted proteolytic loop. FIG. 12A shows the nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-) (SEQ ID NO: 43). FIG. 12B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-); SEQ ID NO: 44). FIG. 12C shows a schematic representation of construct number 1039 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 12D shows a schematic representation of construct number 1829 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 13 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 1067 and 1875 (2X35S/CPMV HT PDISP/HA B Brisbane (Prl-)+H1 California TMCT NOS and 2X35S/CPMV HT+ PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT NOS, respectively; see Example 9). Construct number 1067 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT). Construct number 1875 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide; NOS: nopaline synthase terminator; PrL-: deleted proteolytic loop; TMCT: transmembrane domain cytoplasmic tail. FIG. 13A shows the nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 45). FIG. 13B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 46). FIG. 13C shows a schematic representation of construct number 1067 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 13D shows a schematic representation of construct number 1875 (2X35S/CPMV160+).

FIG. 14 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 2072 and 2052 (2X35S/CPMV HT PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-) NOS and 2X35S/CPMV HT+ PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-) NOS, respectively; see Example 10). Construct number 2072 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)). Construct number 2052 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide; NOS: nopaline synthase terminator; PrL-: deleted proteolytic loop. FIG. 14A shows the nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-) (SEQ ID NO: 47). FIG. 14B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-) (SEQ ID NO: 48). FIG. 14C shows a schematic representation of construct number 2072 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 14D shows a schematic representation of construct number 2052 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 15 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 2074 and 2062 (2X35S/CPMV HT PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT NOS and 2X35S/CPMV HT+ PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT NOS, respectively; see Example 11). Construct number 2074 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT). Construct number 2062 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. PDISP: protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide; NOS: nopaline synthase terminator; PrL-: deleted proteolytic loop; TMCT: transmembrane domain cytoplasmic tail. FIG. 15A shows the nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 49). FIG. 15B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 50). FIG. 15C shows a schematic representation of construct number 2074 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 15D shows a schematic representation of construct number 2062 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 16 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 1445 and 1839 (2X35S/CPMV HT HA B Wisconsin (PrL-) NOS, and 2X35S/CPMV HT+HA B Wisconsin (PrL-) NOS, respectively; see Example 12). Construct number 1445 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)). Construct number 1839 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. PrL-: deleted proteolytic loop; NOS: nopaline synthase terminator. FIG. 16A shows the nucleotide sequence of HA B Wisconsin (PrL-) (SEQ ID NO: 51). FIG. 16B shows the amino acid sequence of HA B Wisconsin (PrL-) (SEQ ID NO: 52). FIG. 16C shows a schematic representation of construct number 1445 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 16D shows a schematic representation of construct number 1839 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).

FIG. 17 shows sequence components used to prepare construct numbers 1454 and 1860 (2X35S/CPMV HT HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT NOS and 2X35S/CPMV HT+HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT NOS, respectively; see Example 13). Construct number 1454 incorporates a prior art CPMV-HT sequence (CPMV 5′UTR with mutated start codon at position 161 fused to a sequence encoding an incomplete M protein) and does not comprise a heterologous kozak sequence between the 5′UTR and the nucleotide sequence of interest (HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT). Construct number 1860 includes a CPMV 5′UTR comprising 160 nucleotides, a stuffer fragment comprising n incomplete M protein, a multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence and is an example of a CPMV HT+ based construct. NOS: nopaline synthase terminator; PrL-: deleted proteolytic loop; TMCT: transmembrane domain cytoplasmic tail. FIG. 17A shows the nucleotide sequence of HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 53). FIG. 17B shows the amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT (SEQ ID NO: 54). FIG. 17C shows a schematic representation of construct number 1454 (2X35S/CPMV HT; reference construct). FIG. 17D shows a schematic representation of construct number 1893 (2X35S/CPMV HT+).


The present invention relates to the expression of proteins of interest in plants. The present invention also provides methods and compositions for the production of proteins of interest in plants.

In the description that follows, a number of terms are used extensively, the following definitions are provided to facilitate understanding of various aspects of the invention. Use of examples in the specification, including examples of terms, is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to limit the scope and meaning of the embodiments of the invention herein.

As used herein, the use of the word “a” or “an” when used herein in conjunction with the term “comprising” may mean “one,” but it is also consistent with the meaning of “one or more,” “at least one” and “one or more than one”. The term “about” refers to an approximately +/−10% variation from a given value. The term “plurality”, means more than one, for example, two or more, three or more, four or more, and the like.

The present invention provides nucleic acids, expression enhancers, and expression systems to produce proteins of interest in plants, comprising a comovirus 5′ untranslated region (UTR) and a modified, lengthened, or truncated stuffer sequence. Plant cells, plant tissues, whole plants, inoculum, nucleic acids, constructs, comprising sequences of interest, and methods of expressing a protein of interest in plants are also provided.

An example of an expression enhancer of the present invention includes, but is not limited to CPMV HT+, as shown in FIG. 1A. Non-limiting example of the nucleotide sequence of CPMV HT+ is provided with reference to SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 and 4.

The expression enhancer CPMV HT+ may be operatively linked at the 5′end of the enhancer sequence with a regulatory region that is active in a plant, and operatively linked to a nucleotide sequence of interest at the 3′end of the expression enhancer (FIG. 1A), in order to drive expression of the nucleotide sequence of interest within a plant host.

Expression systems to produce one or more proteins of interest in a plant using either CPMV HT+ are also provided. The expression systems described herein comprise an expression cassette comprising CPMV HT+, or a sequence that comprises from 80% to 100%, or any amount therebetween, sequence similarity with CPMV HT+. The expression cassette comprising CPMV HT+, may further comprise a regulatory region that is active in a plant that is operatively linked to the 5′end of the expression enhancer. A nucleotide sequence of interest may be operatively linked to the 3′end of the expression cassette so that when introduced within a plant, expression of the nucleotide sequence of interest within a plant host is achieved.

With reference to FIGS. 1A and 1B there are shown expression enhancers comprising a 5′ UTR sequence from a comovirus genome (comovirus 5′ UTR) along with a modified M protein. In FIGS. 1A and 1B, a prior art CPMV HT enhancer comprising an incomplete M protein (Sainsbury and Lomonossoff, 2008, Plant Physiology; 148: 1212-1218; WO 2009/087391; which are incorporated herein by reference) is shown, along with the CPMV HT+ of the present invention.

The prior art CPMV HT expression enhancer (Sainsbury and Lomonossoff, 2008, Plant Physiology; 148: 1212-1218; WO 2009/087391; which are incorporated herein by reference) comprises nucleotides 1-160 of the CPMV 5′ UTR with a modified ATG at position 115 (ATG is modified to CGT), fused to an incomplete M protein comprising nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO: 2, the incomplete M protein consisting of a modified ATG at position 162 (ATG is modified to ACG), and a linker sequence (see SEQ ID NO:2). A nucleotide of interest is fused to the 3′end of the linker sequence (see FIGS. 1A and 1B). The prior art CPMV HT lacks a plant Kozak sequence immediately upstream from the location that the nucleotide of interest is fused to the expression enhancer.

The CPMV HT+ of the present invention may comprise nucleotides 1-160 of the CPMV 5′ UTR with a modified ATG at position 115-117 (where ATG is modified to GTG; A at position 115 is modified to G), fused to a stuffer sequence that is modified and comprises: a modified ATG (ATG is modified to ACG at positions 161-163; with “T” modified to “C” at position 162), an incomplete M protein, a linker sequence and a plant kozak sequence. Non-limiting examples of a CPMV HT+ nucleotide sequence are shown in SEQ ID NO's:1 and 4. A nucleotide of interest may be fused to the 3′end of the kozak sequence, for example a plant kozak sequence, of CPMV HT+ (see FIGS. 1A and 1B).

The 5′UTR of the expression enhancer of the present invention may also include an “A” at position 115 and include the native ATG sequence at nucleotides 115-117 as shown in SEQ ID NO:4, fused to a stuffer sequence that is modified and comprises: a modified ATG at nucleotides 161-163, to ACG (where “T” at position 162 is modified to a “C”) an incomplete M protein, a linker sequence and a plant kozak sequence. An expression enhancer comprising a native or wild type “A” at position 115, may be referred to as CPMV HT+ [WT115]. A non-limiting example of a CPMV HT+ [WT115] nucleotide sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:3. A nucleotide of interest may be fused to the 3′end of the plant kozak sequence of CPMV HT+[WT115] (see FIGS. 1A and 1B). CPMV HT+ [WT115] may be considered a variant of the CPMV HT+, as CPMV HT+ comprises the nucleotide “G” at position 115 (SEQ ID NO:1). Also, CPMV HT+ [511] may also be considered a variant of CPMV HT+, since CPMV HT+ [511] includes nucleotides 161-511 of the incomplete M protein (see SEQ ID NO:56). In this manner, the term “CPMV HT+” is a generic term that includes variants such as CPMV HT+ [WT115] and CPMV HT+ [511].

Non-limiting examples of a CPMV HT+ expression enhancer are presented in SEQ ID NO's:1, 3 and 4, however, it is to be understood that variations or modifications in the stuffer sequence of CPMV HT+ and CPMV HT+[WT115] may be made without departing from the present invention, provided that the stuffer fragment comprises an incomplete M protein, and when fused to a nucleotide sequence of interest, a kozak sequence active in a plant, for example a plant kozak sequence, is positioned at the 5′ end of the nucleotide sequence of interest. Another example of a CPMV HT+ expression enhancer (comprising an M protein-native kozak sequence) is provided in SEQ ID NO:56 (CPMV HT+ [511]).

The stuffer sequence may be modified by insertion, truncation or deletion, so that the incomplete M protein sequence is longer, truncated or shortened when compared to the initial (unmodified) incomplete M protein sequence of the prior art enhancer CPMV HT (Sainsbury and Lomonossoff, 2008, Plant Physiology; 148: 1212-1218; WO 2009/087391; which are incorporated herein by reference). In addition to the incomplete M protein, the stuffer sequence of the CPMV HT+ expression enhancer of the present invention may further comprise one or more restriction sites (a polylinker, a multiple cloning site, one or more cloning sites), one or more plant kozak sequences or an M protein-native kozak sequence, one or more linker sequences, one or more recombination sites, or a combination thereof. For example, which is not to be considered limiting, a stuffer sequence may comprise in series, an incomplete M protein (nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1 or 2, or nucleotide 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56), a multiple cloning site of a desired length fused to a kozak sequence active in a plant, for example a plant kozak sequence.

The nucleotide sequence of interest may be fused (operatively linked) to the CPMV HT+ (or CPMV HT+ [WT115], or CPMV HT+ [511]) enhancer sequence of the present invention using a variety of approaches. For example, which are not to be considered limiting:

1) A nucleotide sequence of interest, for example a nucleic acid encoding a protein of interest, may be fused to the CPMV HT+ expression enhancer immediately after the stuffer fragment consisting of an incomplete M protein sequence (with or without a multiple cloning site). In this case, the nucleotide sequence of interest is fused to the 3′ end of the incomplete M protein sequence (or multiple cloning site if present), and the nucleotide sequence of interest includes at its 5′ end, a plant kozak sequence immediately upstream from the ATG initiation site of the nucleotide sequence of interest.

2) The nucleotide sequence of interest, may be fused to the expression enhancer comprising a stuffer fragment (including an incomplete M protein, an optional multiple cloning site, and a plant kozak sequence), immediately after the plank kozak sequence located at the 3′ end of the stuffer fragment. In this case, the nucleotide sequence of interest would not include a corresponding multiple cloning site or plant kozak sequence.

3) The nucleotide sequence of interest may be fused to the CPMV HT+ expression enhancer using the multiple cloning site. In this case, the nucleotide sequence of interest may include at its 5′ end a corresponding cloning site to permit fusion with the expression enhancer, and a plant kozak sequence immediately upstream from the ATG initiation site of the nucleotide sequence of interest.

The overall result using any of the above methods, is a construct, or an expression cassette, comprising a plant regulatory region in operative association (operatively linked) with a 5′UTR sequence, the 5′UTR sequence is fused to the 5′end of a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein fused to a plant kozak sequence, the 3′ end of the plant kozak sequence fused to the 5′ end of the nucleotide sequence of interest. The construct may further comprise a sequence comprising a comovirus 3′ untranslated region (UTR), for example, a plastocyanin 3′ UTR, or other 3′UTR that is active within a plant, and a terminator sequence, for example a NOS terminator, operatively linked to the 3′end of the nucleotide sequence of interest (see FIG. 1A).

A plant expression system comprising a first nucleic acid sequence comprising a regulatory region, operatively linked with one or more than one expression enhancer as described herein (e.g. CPMV HT+, CPMV HT+[WT115], CPMV HT+ [511]), and a nucleotide sequence of interest is also provided. Furthermore, a nucleic acid comprising a promoter (regulatory region) sequence, an expression enhancer (e.g. CPMV HT+, CPMV HT+[WT115], or CPMV HT+ [511]) comprising a comovirus 5′UTR and a stuffer sequence with a plant kozak sequence fused to one or more nucleic acid sequences encoding one or more proteins of interest are described. The nucleic acid may further comprise a sequence comprising a comovirus 3′ untranslated region (UTR), for example, a plastocyanin 3′ UTR, or other 3′UTR active in a plant, and a terminator sequence, for example a NOS terminator, operatively linked to the 3′end of the nucleotide sequence of interest (see FIG. 1A), so that the nucleotide sequence of interest is inserted upstream from the comovirus 3′ untranslated region (UTR), plastocyanin 3′ UTR, or other 3′UTR sequence.

By “operatively linked” it is meant that the particular sequences interact either directly or indirectly to carry out an intended function, such as mediation or modulation of expression of a nucleic acid sequence. The interaction of operatively linked sequences may, for example, be mediated by proteins that interact with the operatively linked sequences.

“Expression enhancer(s)”, “enhancer sequence(s)” or “enhancer element(s)”, as referred to herein, include sequences derived from, or that share from about 80% to 100%, or any amount therebetween, sequence similarity with nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO: 1. An enhancer sequence can enhance expression of a downstream heterologous open reading frame (ORF) to which they are attached.

The term “5′UTR” or “5′ untranslated region” or “5′ leader sequence” refers to regions of an mRNA that are not translated. The 5′UTR typically begins at the transcription start site and ends just before the translation initiation site or start codon (usually AUG in an mRNA, ATG in a DNA sequence) of the coding region. The 5′UTR may be modified in length, or by mutating a naturally occurring start codon or translation initiation site such that the codon no longer functions as start codon and translation may initiate at an alternate initiation site. For example the ATG starting at positions 115, 161, 512, 524 or a combination thereof, of the native CPMV 5′UTR may be modified to remove the ATG sequence, for example to ACG, GTG, or CGT or other non-ATG sequence.

By “incomplete M protein” it is meant an M protein coding sequence comprising from about 10 to about 351 nucleotides, or any amount therebetween, of nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO:1, or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56. Nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO:1, or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56, correspond to the sequence of the M protein present in the native CPMV RNA 2 genome sequence (see SEQ ID NO:55 herein; also see Table 1 of WO 2009/087391; which is incorporated herein by reference) with a modification (substitution) to one or more of the nucleotides at positions 161-163 to remove the “atg” start site. Non limiting examples of an incomplete M protein sequence include, a nucleotide sequence comprising from about 80% to 100% sequence similarity, or any amount therebetween, with the sequence defined by nucleotides 161 to 509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1-4, nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:55, or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56. The sequence may be modified to remove a start codon or start site so that the sequence does not comprise the “atg” codon. Furthermore, non limiting examples of an incomplete M protein comprise nucleotides 161 to 509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1-4, nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:55, or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56. Non-limiting examples of a sequence comprising modifications to the native CPMV RNA 2 sequence (SEQ ID NO:55) for use as described herein, include CPMV HT+, (SEQ ID NO:1), and CPMV HT+ [511] (SEQ ID NO:56).

SEQ ID NO:55 comprises a segment of the native (wild-type) sequence of the CPMV RNA 2 genome from nucleotides 1-514 (full length sequence of the native CMPV RNA-2 genomic segment is presented in Table 1 of WO 2009/087391; which is incorporated herein by reference). The 5′UTR sequence from nucleotides 1-511 of SEQ ID NO:55 comprises wild-type “atg” sequences starting at positions 115 and 161 (italics bold), and an incomplete M protein underlined, from nucleotides 161-511 (the “atg” at position 512 is also shown for context; initiation at “atg” at position 512 of the native 5′ region of CPMV RNA-2 results in the synthesis of a 95K polyprotein):


tattaaaatc ttaataggtt ttgataaaag cgaacgtggg gaaacccgaa ccaaaccttc

ttctaaactc tctctcatct ctcttaaagc aaacttctct cttgtctttc custom-character

gatcttcaac gttgtcagat cgtgcttcgg caccagtaca custom-character


gaaatcaaag atctctttgt ggacacgtag tgcggcgcca ttaaataacg tgtacttgtc


ctattcttgt cggtgtggtc ttgggaaaag aaagcttgct ggaggctgct gttcagcccc


atacattact tgttacgatt ctgctgactt tcggcgggtg caatatctct acttctgctt


gacgaggtat tgttgcctgt acttctttct tcttcttctt gctgattggt tctataagaa


atctagtatt ttctttgaaa cagagttttc ccgtggtttt cgaacttgga gaaagattgt


taagcttctg tatattctgc ccaaatttga aatg...

The 5′UTR from nucleotides 1-160 of the CPMV RNA-2 sequence (see SEQ ID NO: 1), starts at the transcription start site to the first in frame initiation start codon (at position 161), which serve as the initiation site for the production of the longer of two carboxy coterminal proteins encoded by a wild-type comovirus genome segment (the shorter of the two encoded protein starts at position 155). Furthermore a ‘third’ initiation site at (or corresponding to) position 115 in the CPMV RNA-2 genomic sequence may also be mutated, deleted or otherwise altered. It has been shown that removal of AUG 115 in addition to the removal of AUG at position 161 enhances expression of a nucleotide sequence of interest when combined with an incomplete M protein (Sainsbury and Lomonossoff, 2008, Plant Physiology; 148: 1212-1218; WO 2009/087391; which are incorporated herein by reference).

The expression enhancer may comprise nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's:1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 1-511 of SEQ ID NO: 55, or nucleotides 1-511 of SEQ ID NO:56, and includes a CPMV 5′ untranslated region (UTR) fused to a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein and a plant kozak sequence at the 3′ end of the stuffer fragment, and optionally, a multiple cloning site, or a sequence that comprises from 80% to 100%, or any amount therebetween, sequence similarity with nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:1, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO:1, nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO:1, nucleotides 1-511 of SEQ ID NO:55, or nucleotides 1-511 of SEQ ID NO:56, and includes a stuffer fragment comprising an incomplete M protein, and further includes and a kozak sequence that is active in a plant, either a plant kozak sequence or an M protein-native kozak sequence, at the 3′ end of the stuffer fragment, and optionally a multi-cloning site, and exhibits the property of enhancing expression of a nucleotide sequence encoding a heterologous open reading frame that is operatively linked to the expression enhancer, when compared to the expression of the same nucleotide sequence encoding a heterologous open reading frame operatively linked to the prior art “CPMV HT” enhancer sequence (SEQ ID NO:2; Sainsbury F., and Lomonossoff G. P., 2008, Plant Physiol. 148: pp. 1212-1218; which is incorporated herein by reference).

The stuffer sequence may include from about 50 to 351 nucleotides, or any amount therebetween, of an incomplete M protein, for example but not limited to nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO:1 or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO's:55 or 56, a plant kozak sequence, or an M protein-native kozak sequence, located at the 3′ end of the stuffer fragment, and a multiple cloning site (MCS) of from about 0 to 100 nucleotides in length, or any amount therebetween located between the sequence encoding the incomplete M protein and the kozak sequence, for example a plant kozak sequence. The stuffer sequence may therefore be of a length from about 50 to about 500 nucleotides, or any amount therebetween, fused to the 3′ end of the CPMV 5′UTR sequence, for example the stuffer sequence may be of a length from 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500 nucleotides, or any amount therebetween, fused to the 3′ end of the CPMV 5′UTR sequence.

The expression enhancer may further comprise one or more “restriction site(s)” or “restriction recognition site(s)”, “multiple cloning site”, “MCS”, “cloning site(s)” “polylinker sequence” or “polylinker’ to facilitate the insertion of the nucleotide of interest into the plant expression system. Restrictions sites are specific sequence motifs that are recognized by restriction enzymes as are well known in the art. The expression enhancer may comprise one or more restriction sites or cloning sites that are located downstream (3′) of the incomplete M protein. The one or more restriction sites or cloning sites may be located upstream (5′) of one or more kozak sequences, and located between a incomplete M protein and a kozak sequence. The polylinker sequence (multiple cloning site) may comprise any sequence of nucleic acids that are useful for adding and removing nucleic acid sequences, including a nucleotide sequence encoding a protein of interest, to the 3′ end of the 5′UTR. A polylinker sequence may comprise from 4 to about 100 nucleic acids, or any amount therebetween.

The CPMV HT+ expression enhancer (including CPMV HT+ [WT115]; CPMV HT+ [511]), defined by the sequence of SEQ ID NO's:1, 3, 4 or 56 are examples which are not to be considered limiting, of expression enhancers of the present invention. Expression cassettes or vectors comprising CPMV HT+, CPMV HT+ [WT115], or CPMV HT+ [511], as defined by SEQ ID NO's:1, 3, 4, or 56 and that further include a plant regulatory region in operative association with the expression enhancer sequence, and a nucleotide sequence of interest (GOI; with a 3′UTR and terminator sequences) fused to the 3′ end of the expression enhancer are also included in the present invention. Variants of the CPMV HT+ expression enhancer as defined by SEQ DI NO's:1, 3, 4 or 56 are also included in the present invention.

If the enhancer sequence comprises a CPMV 5′UTR sequence, an incomplete M protein, and a kozak sequence active in a plant, for example a plant kozak sequence, at the 3′ end of the enhancer sequence, then the enhancer sequence may be termed a “CPMV HT+ enhancer sequence”, provided that the CPMV HT+ enhancer sequence exhibits the property of enhancing expression of a nucleotide sequence encoding a heterologous open reading frame that is operatively linked to the expression enhancer, when compared to the expression of the same nucleotide sequence encoding a heterologous open reading frame operatively linked to the prior art “CPMV HT” enhancer sequence (SEQ ID NO:2; Sainsbury F., and Lomonossoff G. P., 2008, Plant Physiol. 148: pp. 1212-1218; which is incorporated herein by reference).

Variations that may exist in CPMV HT+ may include:

1) modifications in the length of the incomplete M protein from about 50 to about 351 nucleotides or any amount therebetween;

2) modification in the multiple cloning site (MCS), both the sequences included, and the length of the MCS, of from about 0 to about 100 nucleotides in length, or any length therebetween; and

3) the kozak sequence may be any kozak sequence that is active in a plant and include a plant kozak sequence, or an M protein-native kozak sequence.

For example, the CPMV 5′ UTR comprises nucleotides 1 to 160 of SEQ ID NO's:1 or 3, or from about 80% to about 100%, or any amount therebetween, sequence similarity to nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's:1 or 3.

SEQ ID NO: 1 is an example of an expression enhancer comprising CPMV HT+ (nucleotide 1-160, 5′UTR, including modified ATG at positions 115 (GTG) lower case bold and italics; stuffer fragment comprising: an incomplete M protein underlined, nucleotides 161-509, with modified nucleotide at 162 (ACG); a multiple cloning site, italics, nucleotides 510-528; and a plant kozak sequence, caps and bold, nucleotides 529-534):

(SEQ ID NO: 1)

tattaaaatc ttaataggtt ttgataaaag cgaacgtggg gaaacccgaa ccaaaccttc

ttctaaactc tctctcatct ctcttaaagc aaacttctct cttgtctttc custom-character

gatcttcaac gttgtcagat cgtgcttcgg caccagtaca custom-character


gaaatcaaag atctctttgt ggacacgtag tgcggcgcca ttaaataacg tgtacttgtc


ctattcttgt cggtgtggtc ttgggaaaag aaagcttgct ggaggctgct gttcagcccc


atacattact tgttacgatt ctgctgactt tcggcgggtg caatatctct acttctgctt


gacgaggtat tgttgcctgt acttctttct tcttcttctt gctgattggt tctataagaa


atctagtatt ttctttgaaa cagagttttc ccgtggtttt cgaacttgga gaaagattgt


taagcttctg tatattctgc ccaaatttg
t tcgggcccaa 

Constructs 1819, 1805, 2319, 2142, 2146, 1829, 1875, 2052, 2062, 1839 and 1860 (see Examples 1, and 4-13, respectively) are representative of constructs comprising a CPMV HT+ expression enhancer comprising SEQ ID NO:1. Results using these constructs may be found in FIGS. 2 and 3.

SEQ ID NO:2 comprises a “CPMV HT” expression enhancer as known in the prior art (e.g. FIG. 1 of Sainsbury and Lomonossoff 2008, Plant Physiol. 148: pp. 1212-1218; which is incorporated herein by reference). CPMV HT includes the 5′UTR sequence from nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:2 with modified nucleotides at position 115 (cgt), and an incomplete M protein with a modified nucleotide at position 162 (acg), and lacks a plant kozak sequence (5′UTR: nucleotides 1-160; incomplete M protein underlined, nucleotides 161-509). SEQ ID NO:2 also includes a multiple cloning site (italics, nucleotides 510-517) which is not present in the prior art CPMV HT sequence as described by Sainsbury and Lomonossoff 2008:


tattaaaatc ttaataggtt ttgataaaag cgaacgtggg gaaacccgaa ccaaaccttc

ttctaaactc tctctcatct ctcttaaagc aaacttctct cttgtctttc ttgcgtgagc

gatcttcaac gttgtcagat cgtgcttcgg caccagtaca custom-character


gaaatcaaag atctctttgt ggacacgtag tgcggcgcca ttaaataacg tgtacttgtc


ctattcttgt cggtgtggtc ttgggaaaag aaagcttgct ggaggctgct gttcagcccc


atacattact tgttacgatt ctgctgactt tcggcgggtg caatatctct acttctgctt


gacgaggtat tgttgcctgt acttctttct tcttcttctt gctgattggt tctataagaa


atctagtatt ttctttgaaa cagagttttc ccgtggtttt cgaacttgga gaaagattgt


taagcttctg tatattctgc ccaaatttg
t cgggccc

Constructs comprising CPMV HT are used herein as reference constructs, so that the expression levels of a nucleotide sequence of interest, or a product encoded by the nucleotide sequence of interest produced using a construct comprising CPMV HT+, CPMV HT+ [WT115] or CPMV HT+ [511], may be compared. Constructs 1391, 484, 409, 2140, 2130, 1039, 1067, 2072, 2074, 1445 and 1454 (see Examples 1, and 4-13, respectively) are representative of the reference construct CPMV HT, and comprise SEQ ID NO:2. Results using these constructs may be found in FIGS. 2 and 3.

The plant kozak sequence of CPMV HT+ as described herein, may be any plant kozak sequence, including but not limited, one of the sequences of SEQ ID NO's:5-17 (also see FIG. 4, CPMV HT+ with plant kozak; the constructs of FIG. 4 includes nucleotides 1-528 of SEQ ID NO:1, one of several examples of a plant kozak sequence, and includes a plant regulatory region and the transcription initiation site ATG of a nucleotide sequence of interest: GOI).

The expression enhancer may further comprise one or more “kozak consensus sequence” or “kozak sequence”. The kozak sequence may include any kozak sequence that is active in a plant, for example, a plant kozak sequence (e.g. CPMV HT+; CPMV HT WT115), or a kozak sequence present within the native M protein (e.g. CPMV HT+511). Kozak sequences play a major role in the initiation of translation. The rate of translation can be optimized by ensuring that any mRNA instability sequences are eliminated from the transgene construct, and as required, that the translational start site or initiation site matches the kozak consensus for plants (Gutierrrez, R. A. et al., 1999, Trends Plant Sci. 4, 429-438; Kawaguchi, R. and Bailey-Serres, J., 2002, Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 5, 460-465). The most highly conserved position in this motif is the purine (which is most often an A) three nucleotides upstream of the ATG codon, which indicates the start of translation (Kozak, M., 1987, J. Mol. Biol. 20:947-950, herein incorporated by reference). The kozak sequence may include a native sequence present within the incomplete M protein. For example, the sequence immediately upstream from nucleotide 512 of the incomplete M protein as shown in SEQ ID NO's:55 or 56, for example nucleotides 508-511 of SEQ ID NO:55.

Plant kozak consensus sequences are known in the art (see for example Rangan et al. Mol. Biotechnol., 2008, July 39(3), pp. 207-213). Both naturally occurring and synthetic Kozak sequences may be used in the expression enhancer or may be fused to the nucleotide sequence of interest as described herein.

The plant kozak sequence may be any known plant kozak sequences (see for example L. Rangan et. al. Mol. Biotechnol. 2008), including, but not limited to the following plant consensus sequences:

(SEQ ID NO: 5; plant kingdom)


(SEQ ID NO: 6; dicots)


(SEQ ID NO: 7; arabidopsis)


The plant kozak sequence may also be selected from the group of (see FIG. 4):

(SEQ ID NO: 8)


(SEQ ID NO: 9)


(SEQ ID NO: 10)


(SEQ ID NO: 11)


(SEQ ID NO: 12)


(SEQ ID NO: 13)


(SEQ ID NO: 14)


(SEQ ID NO: 15)


(SEQ ID NO: 16)


(SEQ ID NO: 17; Consensus sequence)


CPMV HT+ with a plant kozak consensus sequence is provided in SEQ ID NO:4 (nucleotide 1-160, 5′UTR, including modified ATG at positions 115 (GTG) lower case bold and italics; stuffer fragment comprising: an incomplete M protein underlined, nucleotides 161-509, with modified nucleotide at 162 (ACG); a multiple cloning site, italics, nucleotides 510-528; and a consensus plant kozak sequence, caps and bold, nucleotides 529-534).

(SEQ ID NO: 4)

tattaaaatc ttaataggtt ttgataaaag cgaacgtggg gaaacccgaa ccaaaccttc

ttctaaactc tctctcatct ctcttaaagc aaacttctct cttgtctttc custom-character

gatcttcaac gttgtcagat cgtgcttcgg caccagtaca custom-character


gaaatcaaag atctctttgt ggacacgtag tgcggcgcca ttaaataacg tgtacttgtc


ctattcttgt cggtgtggtc ttgggaaaag aaagcttgct ggaggctgct gttcagcccc


atacattact tgttacgatt ctgctgactt tcggcgggtg caatatctct acttctgctt


gacgaggtat tgttgcctgt acttctttct tcttcttctt gctgattggt tctataagaa


atctagtatt ttctttgaaa cagagttttc ccgtggtttt cgaacttgga gaaagattgt


taagcttctg tatattctgc ccaaatttg
t tcgggcccaa taccgcgg


SEQ ID NO:56 (“CPMV HT+ [511]”) comprises a segment of the native sequence of the CPMV RNA 2 genome from nucleotides 1-154. The 5′UTR sequence from nucleotides 1-511 of SEQ ID NO:56 comprises modified “atg” sequences at positions 115 (“g” in place of “a”; italics bold) and 162 (“c” in place of “t”; italics bold), and an incomplete M protein (underlined) from nucleotides 161-511. CPMV HT+ [511] comprises a native M protein kozak consensus sequence (nucleotides 508-511; bold):


tattaaaatc ttaataggtt ttgataaaag cgaacgtggg gaaacccgaa ccaaaccttc

ttctaaactc tctctcatct ctcttaaagc aaacttctct cttgtctttc custom-character

gatcttcaac gttgtcagat cgtgcttcgg caccagtaca custom-character


gaaatcaaag atctctttgt ggacacgtag tgcggcgcca ttaaataacg tgtacttgtc


ctattcttgt cggtgtggtc ttgggaaaag aaagcttgct ggaggctgct gttcagcccc


atacattact tgttacgatt ctgctgactt tcggcgggtg caatatctct acttctgctt


gacgaggtat tgttgcctgt acttctttct tcttcttctt gctgattggt tctataagaa


atctagtatt ttctttgaaa cagagttttc ccgtggtttt cgaacttgga gaaagattgt


taagcttctg tatattctgc ccaaatttgaa...

Constructs 1952-1959 are examples of CPMV HT+ expression enhancers comprising SEQ ID NO:1 with variant plant kozak sequences (see Example 3, and FIGS. 4 and 7).

Another non-limiting example of a CPMV HT+ enhancer sequence is provided by the sequence of SEQ ID NO:3 (CPMV HT+[WT115]). Expression cassettes or vectors comprising CPMV HT+ and including a plant regulatory region in operative association with the expression enhancer sequence of SEQ ID NO:3, and the transcriptional start site (ATG) at the 3′ end fused to a nucleotide sequence of interest (GOI) are also part o the present invention.

SEQ ID NO: 3 (CPMV HT+[WT115]) comprises nucleotides 1-160, 5′UTR, with an ATG at position 115-117, lower case bold, a stuffer fragment comprising: an incomplete M protein underlined, nucleotides 161-509, with a modified ATG at position 161-163 (acg) lower case bold, and underlined, a multiple cloning site, italics, nucleotides 510-528; and a plant kozak sequence, caps and bold, nucleotides 529-534.

(SEQ ID NO: 3)

tattaaaatc ttaataggtt ttgataaaag cgaacgtggg gaaacccgaa ccaaaccttc

ttctaaactc tctctcatct ctcttaaagc aaacttctct cttgtctttc custom-character

gatcttcaac gttgtcagat cgtgcttcgg caccagtaca custom-character


gaaatcaaag atctctttgt ggacacgtag tgcggcgcca ttaaataacg tgtacttgtc


ctattcttgt cggtgtggtc ttgggaaaag aaagcttgct ggaggctgct gttcagcccc


atacattact tgttacgatt ctgctgactt tcggcgggtg caatatctct acttctgctt


gacgaggtat tgttgcctgt acttctttct tcttcttctt gctgattggt tctataagaa


atctagtatt ttctttgaaa cagagttttc ccgtggtttt cgaacttgga gaaagattgt


taagcttctg tatattctgc ccaaatttg
t tcgggcccaa 

The plant kozak sequence of SEQ ID NO:3 may be any plant kozak sequence, including but not limited, one of the sequences of SEQ ID NO's:5-17 (also see FIG. 4, CPMV HT+ with plant kozak; the constructs of FIG. 4 includes nucleotides 1-528 of SEQ ID NO:1, one of several examples of a plant kozak sequence, and includes a plant regulatory region and the transcription initiation site ATG of a nucleotide sequence of interest: GOI).

The CPMV HT+ expression enhancer may have at least 100%, 99%, 98%, 97%, 96%, 95%, 90%, 85%, and 80% identity to the sequence defined by nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4. For example the enhancer sequence may have from about 80% to about 100%, or any amount therebetween, identity to the sequence defined by nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or from about 90% to about 100%, or any amount therebetween, identity to the sequence defined by nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or about 95% to about 100%, or any amount therebetween, identity to the sequence defined by nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or any amount therebetween, wherein the expression enhancer, when operatively linked to a plant regulatory region and a plant kozak sequence as described herein, increases the level of expression of a nucleotide sequence of interest that is operatively linked to the expression enhancer when compared to the level of expression of the nucleotide sequence of interest fused to CPMV HT (SEQ ID NO:2) using the same plant regulatory region.

The terms “percent similarity”, or “percent identity” when referring to a particular sequence are used for example as set forth in the University of Wisconsin GCG software program, or by manual alignment and visual inspection (see, e.g., Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Ausubel et al., eds. 1995 supplement). Methods of alignment of sequences for comparison are well-known in the art. Optimal alignment of sequences for comparison can be conducted, using for example the algorithm of Smith & Waterman, (1981, Adv. Appl. Math. 2:482), by the alignment algorithm of Needleman & Wunsch, (1970, J. Mol. Biol. 48:443), by the search for similarity method of Pearson & Lipman, (1988, Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. USA 85:2444), by computerized implementations of these algorithms (for example: GAP, BESTFIT, FASTA, and TFASTA in the Wisconsin Genetics Software Package, Genetics Computer Group (GCG), 575 Science Dr., Madison, Wis.).

An example of an algorithm suitable for determining percent sequence identity and sequence similarity are the BLAST and BLAST 2.0 algorithms, which are described in Altschul et al., (1977, Nuc. Acids Res. 25:3389-3402) and Altschul et al., (1990, J. Mol. Biol. 215:403-410), respectively. BLAST and BLAST 2.0 are used, with the parameters described herein, to determine percent sequence identity for the nucleic acids and proteins of the invention. For example the BLASTN program (for nucleotide sequences) may use as defaults a wordlength (W) of 11, an expectation (E) of 10, M=5, N=−4 and a comparison of both strands. For amino acid sequences, the BLASTP program may use as defaults a word length of 3, and expectation (E) of 10, and the BLOSUM62 scoring matrix (see Henikoff & Henikoff, 1989, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:10915) alignments (B) of 50, expectation (E) of 10, M=5, N=−4, and a comparison of both strands. Software for performing BLAST analyses is publicly available through the National Center for Biotechnology Information (see URL:

As shown in FIGS. 2-4, the use of the expression enhancers as described herein generally resulted in an increase of expression of the nucleotide sequence of interest, when compared to the expression of the same nucleotide sequence of interest using the same promoter, 3′UTR and terminator sequences, and operatively linked to a prior art expression enhancer. For example, with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3, there is shown a comparison of expression of proteins produced in plants comprising CPMV-HT (prior art) expression constructs and CPMV HT+ based expression constructs, operatively linked with:

H1 A/California/07/2009 (“PDI-H1 Cal”, or “H1 A/California/07/2009”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 1805, CPMV HT based construct number 484 (see Example 4);

H3 A/Victoria/361/2011 (“PDI-H3 Vic”, or “H3 A/Victoria/361/2011”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 1819; CPMV HT based construct number 1391 (see Examples 1 and 2, respectively);

B/Wisconsin/1/2010 with deleted proteolytic loop and with a native signal peptide (“WtSp-B Wis-PrL”, or “B/Wisconsin/1/2010”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 1839; CPMV HT based construct number 1445 (see Example 12);

B Brisbane/60/08 with deleted proteolytic loop and with a PDI signal peptide (“B Brisbane/60/08”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 1829; CPMV HT based construct number 1039 (see Example 8);

B Brisbane/60/08+H1Tm, with deleted proteolytic loop fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail and with a PDI signal peptide (“B Brisbane/60/08+H1Tm”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 1875; CPMV HT based construct 1067 (see Example 9),

B Massachusetts/2/2012 2012 with deleted proteolytic loop and with a PDI signal peptide (“B Massachusetts/2/2012 2012”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 2052; CPMV HT based construct number 2072 (see Example 10),

B Massachusetts/2/2012+H1Tm with deleted proteolytic loop fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail and with a PDI signal peptide (“B Massachusetts/2/2012+H1Tm”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 2062; CPMV HT based construct 2074 (see Example 11),

B Wisconsin/1/2010+H1Tm with deleted proteolytic loop fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail and with the native signal peptide (“B Wisconsin/1/2010+H1Tm”): CPMV HT+ based construct number 1860; CPMV HT based construct 1454 (see Example 13);

H5 from Influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 (PDI H5 Indo) with a PDI signal peptide: CPMV HT+ based construct number 2319; CPMV HT based construct number 409 (see Example 5);

H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (H7 Han): CPMV HT+ based construct no 2142; CPMV HT based construct number 2140 (see Example 6)

H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (TMCT) of H5 from influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 and with the signal peptide of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerise (H7 Han+H5Tm): CPMV HT+ based construct number 2146; CPMV HT based construct number 2130 (see Example 7).

In general, the expression (determined as hemagglutination activity) is increased in the CPMV HT+ based construct when compared to that for the prior art CPMV HT based construct.

Furthermore, several of the nucleotide sequences of interest encoded chimeric or modified proteins, for example comprising heterologous signal peptides (e.g. PDI), heterologous transmembrane domain cytoplasmic tail sequences (TDCT), and/or modified sequences including a deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-), and an increase in activity was still observed.

The increase in expression observed using CPMV HT+ based constructs is also observed if the plant kozak sequence used in the CPMV HT+ based constructs above is replaced with other plant kozak sequences for example, one of those plant kozak sequences defined in SEQ ID NO:8-16. For example, with reference to FIG. 4, there is shown a comparison of the expression of proteins produced in plants comprising CPMV HT+ based expression constructs, operatively linked with a nucleotide sequence of interest (H3 A/Victoria/361) each fused to various plant kozak sequences. In each case, the expression (determined as hemagglutination titre) the CPMV HT+ based construct demonstrates significant expression levels and greater than the prior art CPMV HT based construct.

A nucleotide sequence interest that encodes a protein requires the presence of a “translation initiation site” or “initiation site” or “translation start site” or “start site” or “start codon” located upstream of the gene to be expressed. Such initiation sites may be provided either as part of an enhancer sequence or as part of a nucleotide sequence encoding the protein of interest.

“Expression cassette” refers to a nucleotide sequence comprising a nucleic acid of interest under the control of, and operably (or operatively) linked to, an appropriate promoter or other regulatory elements for transcription of the nucleic acid of interest in a host cell.

By “proteolytic loop” or “cleavage site” is meant the consensus sequence of the proteolytic site that is involved in precursor HA0 cleavage. “Consensus” or “consensus sequence” as used herein means a sequence (either amino acid or nucleotide sequence) that comprises the sequence variability of related sequences based on analysis of alignment of multiple sequences, for example, subtypes of a particular influenza HA0 sequence. Consensus sequence of the influenza HA0 cleavage site may include influenza A consensus hemagglutinin amino acid sequences, including for example consensus H1, consensus H3, consensus H5, or influenza B consensus hemagglutinin amino acid sequences, for example but not limited to B Florida, B Malaysia, B Wisconsin and B Massachusetts. Non limiting examples of sequences of the proteoloytic loop region are shown in FIGS. 15 and 18B of U.S. provisional application No. 61/806,227 (filed Mar. 28, 2013, which is incorporated herein by reference; also see Bianchi et al., 2005, Journal of Virology, 79:7380-7388; incorporated herein by reference).

Residues in the proteolytic loop or cleavage site might be either mutated, for example but not limited to point mutation, substitution, insertion, or deletion. The term “amino acid mutation” or “amino acid modification” as used herein is meant to encompass amino acid substitutions, deletions, insertions, and modifications. Any combination of substitution, deletion, insertion, and modification can be made as described in U.S. provisional application No. 61/806,227 (filed Mar. 28, 2013, which is incorporated herein by reference) to arrive at the final construct, provided that the final construct possesses the desired characteristics, e.g., reduced or abolished cleavage of the proteolytic loop or cleavage site by a protease.

As described herein, there is provided a nucleic acid construct (expression system) comprising an expression enhancer sequence operatively linked to a nucleotide sequence of interest encoding a protein of interest. Also provided are plant expression systems comprising an enhancer sequence as described herein. Also provided is a plant expression system comprising a plant regulatory region, in operative association with an enhancer sequence that is operatively linked to a nucleotide sequence of interest, the nucleotide sequence of interest encoding a protein of interest. The enhancer sequence may be selected from SEQ ID NO's:1 or 3 or a nucleotide sequence that exhibits 100%, 99%, 98%, 97%, 96%, 95%, 90%, 85% or 80% identity to nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, wherein the expression enhancer, when operatively linked to a plant regulatory region and a plant kozak sequence as described herein, increases the level of expression of a nucleotide sequence of interest that is operatively linked to the expression enhancer when compared to the level of expression of the nucleotide sequence of interest fused to the CPMV HT (SEQ ID NO:2; prior art enhancer sequence comprising an incomplete M protein as described in Sainsbury F., and Lomonossoff G. P., 2008, Plant Physiol. 148: pp. 1212-1218; which is incorporated herein by reference) using the same plant regulatory region.

The enhancer sequence of the present invention may be used to express a protein of interest in a host organism for example a plant. In this case, the protein of interest may also be heterologous to the host organism in question and introduced into the plant cells using transformation techniques know in the art. A heterologous gene in an organism may replace an endogenous equivalent gene, i.e. one which normally performs the same or a similar function, or the inserted sequence may be additional to the endogenous gene or other sequence.

The invention further provides an expression cassette comprising in series, a promoter or plant regulatory region, operatively linked to an expression enhancer sequence as described herein which is fused with a nucleotide sequence of interest and a 3′UTR sequence and a terminator sequence. The enhancer sequence may be defined by, for example, but not limited to, any one of SEQ ID NO's:1, 3 and 4 or a nucleotide sequence that exhibits 100%, 99%, 98%, 97%, 96%, 95%, 90%, 85% or 80% identity to nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, nucleotides 161-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4, or nucleotides 1-509 of SEQ ID NO's: 1, 3 or 4. Either the expression enhancer or the nucleotide sequence of interest may comprise a plant kozak sequence.

As one of skill in the art would appreciate, the termination (terminator) sequence may be any sequence that is active the plant host, for example the termination sequence may be derived from the RNA-2 genome segment of a bipartite RNA virus, e.g. a comovirus, or the termination sequence may be a NOS terminator.

The constructs of the present invention can further comprise a 3′ untranslated region (UTR). A 3′ untranslated region contains a polyadenylation signal and any other regulatory signals capable of effecting mRNA processing or gene expression. The polyadenylation signal is usually characterized by effecting the addition of polyadenylic acid tracks to the 3′ end of the mRNA precursor. Polyadenylation signals are commonly recognized by the presence of homology to the canonical form 5′ AATAAA-3′ although variations are not uncommon. Non-limiting examples of suitable 3′ regions are the 3′ transcribed non-translated regions containing a polyadenylation signal of Agrobacterium tumor inducing (Ti) plasmid genes, such as the nopaline synthase (Nos gene) and plant genes such as the soybean storage protein genes, the small subunit of the ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase gene (ssRUBISCO; U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,028; which is incorporated herein by reference), the promoter used in regulating plastocyanin expression (Pwee and Gray 1993; which is incorporated herein by reference). The termination (terminator) sequence may be obtained from the 3′UTR of the alfalfa plastocyanin gene.

By “nucleotide (or nucleic acid) sequence of interest”, or “coding region of interest”, it is meant any nucleotide sequence, or coding region (these terms may be used interchangeably) that is to be expressed within a host organism, for example a plant, to produce a protein of interest. Such a nucleotide sequence of interest may encode, but is not limited to, native or modified proteins, an industrial enzyme or a modified industrial enzyme, an agricultural protein or a modified agricultural protein, a helper protein, a protein supplement, a pharmaceutically active protein, a nutraceutical, a value-added product, or a fragment thereof for feed, food, or both feed and food use.

The protein of interest may comprise a native, or a non-native signal peptide; the non-native signal peptide may be of plant origin or obtained from an animal or bacterial polypeptide. The native signal peptide may correspond to that of the protein of interest being expressed, additionally, the signal peptide may be from a structural protein or hemagglutinin of a virus other than influenza. Non-limiting examples of a signal peptide that may be used is that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDI SP; nucleotides 32-103 of Accession No. Z11499), or the patatin signal peptide (PatA SP; located nucleotides 1738-1806 of GenBank Accession number A08215). The nucleotide sequence of PatA SP for this accession number is:

(SEQ ID NO: 57)



the amino acid sequence of patatin A signal peptide is:

(SEQ ID NO: 58)


The nucleotide sequence of interest, or coding region of interest may also include a nucleotide sequence that encodes a pharmaceutically active protein, for example growth factors, growth regulators, antibodies, antigens, and fragments thereof, or their derivatives useful for immunization or vaccination and the like. Such proteins include, but are not limited to a protein that is a human pathogen, a viral protein, for example but not limited to one or more proteins from Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Rotavirus, influenza virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Rabies virus, human papiloma virus (HPV), Enterovirus 71 (EV71), or interleukins, for example one or more than one of IL-1 to IL-24, IL-26 and IL-27, cytokines, Erythropoietin (EPO), insulin, G-CSF, GM-CSF, hPG-CSF, M-CSF or combinations thereof, interferons, for example, interferon-alpha, interferon-beta, interferon-gamma, blood clotting factors, for example, Factor VIII, Factor IX, or tPA hGH, receptors, receptor agonists, antibodies for example but not limited to Rittman, neuropolypeptides, insulin, vaccines, growth factors for example but not limited to epidermal growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor, transformation growth factor, growth regulators, antigens, autoantigens, fragments thereof, or combinations thereof.

The protein of interest may also include an influenza hemagglutinin (HA; see WO 2009/009876, which is incorporated herein by reference). HA is a homotrimeric membrane type I glycoprotein, generally comprising a signal peptide, an HA1 domain, and an HA2 domain comprising a membrane-spanning anchor site at the C-terminus and a small cytoplasmic tail. Nucleotide sequences encoding HA are well known and are available (see, for example, the BioDefense and Public Health Database (Influenza Research Database; Squires et al., 2008 Nucleic Acids Research 36:D497-D503) at URL:; or the databases maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (see URL:, both of which are incorporated herein by reference).

An HA protein may be of a type A influenza, a type B influenza, or is a subtype of type A influenza HA selected from the group of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, and H16. In some aspects of the invention, the HA may be from a type A influenza, selected from the group H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7 and H9. Fragments of the HAs listed above may also be considered a protein of interest. Furthermore, domains from an HA type or subtype listed above may be combined to produce chimeric HA's (see for example WO2009/076778 which is incorporated herein by reference).

Examples of subtypes comprising HA proteins include A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1), A/Indonesia/5/2006 (H5N1), A/chicken/New York/1995, A/herring gull/DE/677/88 (H2N8), A/Texas/32/2003, A/mallard/MN/33/00, A/duck/Shanghai/1/2000, A/northern pintail/TX/828189/02, A/Turkey/Ontario/6118/68(H8N4), A/shoveler/Iran/G54/03, A/chicken/Germany/N/1949(H10N7), A/duck/England/56(H11N6), A/duck/Alberta/60/76(H12N5), A/Gull/Maryland/704/77(H13N6), A/Mallard/Gurjev/263/82, A/duck/Australia/341/83 (H15N8), A/black-headed gull/Sweden/5/99(H16N3), B/Lee/40, C/Johannesburg/66, A/PuertoRico/8/34 (H1N1), A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1), A/Solomon Islands 3/2006 (H1N1), A/Brisbane 10/2007 (H3N2), A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2), B/Malaysia/2506/2004, B/Florida/4/2006, A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2), A/Anhui/1/2005 (H5N1), A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1), A/Teal/HongKong/W312/97 (H6N1), A/Equine/Prague/56 (H7N7), A/HongKong/1073/99 (H9N2)).

The HA protein may be an H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7 or H9 subtype. For example, the H1 protein may be from the A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1), A/PuertoRico/8/34 (H1N1), A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1), A/Solomon Islands 3/2006 (H1N1), A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) or A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) strain. The H3 protein may also be from the A/Brisbane 10/2007 (H3N2), A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2), A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2), A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2), A/Hawaii/22/2012 (H3N2), A/New York/39/2012 (H3N2), or A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2) strain. In a further aspect of the invention, the H2 protein may be from the A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2) strain. The H5 protein may be from the A/Anhui/1/2005 (H5N1), A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1), or A/Indonesia/5/2005 strain. In an aspect of the invention, the H6 protein may be from the A/Teal/HongKong/W312/97 (H6N1) strain. The H7 protein may be from the A/Equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) strain, or H7 A/Hangzhou/1/2013, A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9), or A/Shanghai/2/2013 (H7N9) strain. In an aspect of the invention, the H9 protein is from the A/HongKong/1073/99 (H9N2) strain. In a further aspect of the invention, the HA protein may be from an influenza virus may be a type B virus, including B/Malaysia/2506/2004, B/Florida/4/2006, B/Brisbane/60/08, B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus (Yamagata lineage), or B/Wisconsin/1/2010 (Yamagata lineage). Non-limiting examples of amino acid sequences of the HA proteins from H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7, H9 or B subtypes include sequences as described in WO 2009/009876, WO 2009/076778, WO 2010/003225 (which are incorporated herein by reference). The influenza virus HA protein may be H5 Indonesia.

The HA may also be a chimeric HA, wherein a native transmembrane domain of the HA is replaced with a heterologous transmembrane domain. The transmembrane domain of HA proteins is highly conserved (see for example FIG. 1C of WO 2010/148511; which is incorporated herein by reference). The heterologous transmembrane domain may be obtained from any HA transmembrane domain, for example but not limited to the transmembrane domain from H1 California, B/Florida/4/2006 (GenBank Accession No. ACA33493.1), B/Malaysia/2506/2004 (GenBank Accession No. ABU99194.1), H1/Bri (GenBank Accession No. ADE28750.1), H1 A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (GenBank Accession No. ABU99109.1), H1/NC (GenBank Accession No. AAP34324.1), H2 A/Singapore/1/1957 (GenBank Accession No. AAA64366.1), H3 A/Brisbane/10/2007 (GenBank Accession No. ACI26318.1), H3 A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (GenBank Accession No. ABO37599.1), H5 A/Anhui/1/2005 (GenBank Accession No. ABD28180.1), H5 A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (GenBank Accession No. ACR48874.1), H5-Indo (GenBank Accession No. ABW06108.1). The transmembrane domain may also be defined by the following consensus amino acid sequence:

(SEQ ID NO: 59)


Examples of constructs comprising a chimeric HA with a heterologous trans-membrane domain include: construct number 1875 (B Brisbane/60/08+H1TM, with trans-membrane domain and cytoplasmic tail replaced by H1 A/California/07/2009; see example 9), construct number 2074 (B Massachusetts/2/2012+H1Tm, with trans-membrane domain and cytoplasmic tail replaced by those of H1 A/California/07/2009; see Example 11), and construct number 1860 (B Wisconsin/1/2010+H1Tm with trans-membrane domain and cytoplasmic tail replaced by those of H1 A/California/07/2009; see Example 13). Activity of these chimeric HA's is shown in FIG. 2.

The expression enhancer as defined herein may also be used to drive expression of any nucleotide sequence of interest that encodes one or more than one protein of interest. Examples of a protein, include, for example but not limited to, an industrial enzyme for example, cellulase, xylanase, protease, peroxidase, subtilisin, a protein supplement, a nutraceutical, a value-added product, or a fragment thereof for feed, food, or both feed and food use, a pharmaceutically active protein, for example but not limited to growth factors, growth regulators, antibodies, antigens, and fragments thereof, or their derivatives useful for immunization or vaccination and the like. Additional proteins of interest may include, but are not limited to, interleukins, for example one or more than one of IL-1 to IL-24, IL-26 and IL-27, cytokines, Erythropoietin (EPO), insulin, G-CSF, GM-CSF, hPG-CSF, M-CSF or combinations thereof, interferons, for example, interferon-alpha, interferon-beta, interferon-gamma, blood clotting factors, for example, Factor VIII, Factor IX, or tPA hGH, receptors, receptor agonists, antibodies, neuropolypeptides, insulin, vaccines, growth factors for example but not limited to epidermal growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor, transformation growth factor, growth regulators, antigens, autoantigens, fragments thereof, an antibody, a monoclonal antibody, a chimeric monoclonal antibody, a single chain monoclonal antibody, a virus like particle (VLP), or combinations thereof,

If the protein of interest is a VLP, then the VLP may comprise an HA0 precursor form, or the HA′ or HA2 domains retained together by disulphide bridges form. A VLP may have an average size of about 20 nm to 1 μm, or any amount therebetween, for example 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150 160, 170, 180, 190, or 200 nm, or any amount therebetween, for example 100 nm, and may include a lipid membrane. The VLP may be enveloped, or non-enveloped, for example, a viral envelope protein, a viral structural protein, a viral capsid protein, or a viral coat protein. The VLP may further comprise one or more lipids, phospholipids, nucleic acids, membranes or the like.

The HA may comprise a native, or a non-native signal peptide; the non-native signal peptide may be of plant origin. For example, the signal peptide may be a protein disulfide isomerase signal peptide (PDI). The native signal peptide may correspond to that of the hemagglutinin being expressed, or may correspond to a second hemagglutinin.

The present invention also provides nucleic acid molecules comprising sequences encoding an HA protein. The nucleic acid molecules may further comprise one or more regulatory regions operatively linked to the sequence encoding an HA protein. The nucleic acid molecules may comprise a sequence encoding an H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16 or HA from type B influenza. For example, the HA protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be an H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7, H9 subtype an HA from type B. The H1 protein encoded by the nucleic acid may be from the A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1), A/PuertoRico/8/34 (H1N1), A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1), A/Solomon Islands 3/2006 (H1N1), A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) or A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) strain. The H3 protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be from the A/Brisbane 10/2007 (H3N2), A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2), A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2), A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2), A/Hawaii/22/2012 (H3N2), A/New York/39/2012 (H3N2), or A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2) strain. The H2 protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be from the A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2) strain. The H5 protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule A/Anhui/1/2005 (H5N1), A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1), or A/Indonesia/5/2005 strain. The H6 protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be from the A/Teal/HongKong/W312/97 (H6N1) strain. The H7 protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be from the A/Equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) strain, or H7 A/Hangzhou/1/2013, A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9), or A/Shanghai/2/2013 (H7N9) strain. Additional, the H9 protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be from the A/HongKong/1073/99 (H9N2) strain. The HA protein encoded by the nucleic acid molecule may be from an influenza virus type B virus, including B/Malaysia/2506/2004, B/Florida/4/2006, B/Brisbane/60/08, B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus (Yamagata lineage), or B/Wisconsin/1/2010 (Yamagata lineage). Non-limiting examples of amino acid sequences of the HA proteins from H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7, H9 or B subtypes include sequences as described in WO 2009/009876, WO 2009/076778, WO 2010/003225 (which are incorporated herein by reference). The influenza virus HA protein may be H5 Indonesia.


Examples of constructs that have been

prepared as described herein:

CPMV-HT based constructs

(constructs comprising SEQ ID NO: 2; prior art)

Construct #
Sequence of Interest

H3 Victoria

H1 California

H5 Indonesia

H7 Hangzhou

H7 Hangzhou+H5

Indonesia TMCT4

B Brisbane(Prl−)

B Brisbane(PrL−)+Hi

California TMCT

B Massachusetts (PrL−)

B Massachusetts (PrL−)+H1

California TMCT

B Wisconsin (PrL−)

B Wisconsin (PrL−)+H1

California TMCT

CPMV HT+ based constructs

(constructs comprising SEQ ID NO: 1)

Construct #
Sequence of Interest

H3 Victoria

H1 California

H5 Indonesia

H7 Hangzhou

H7 Hangzhou+H5

Indonesia TMCT

B Brisbane(Prl−)

B Brisbane(PrL−)+Hi

California TMCT

B Massachusetts (PrL−)

B Massachusetts (PrL−)+H1

California TMCT

B Wisconsin (PrL−)

B Wisconsin (PrL−)+H1

California TMCT

1SP—signal peptide

2PDI—alfalfa protein disulfide isomerise

3WT—wild type or native

4TMCT—transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail

If the nucleic acid sequence of interest encodes a product that is directly or indirectly toxic to the plant, then such toxicity may be reduced by selectively expressing the nucleotide sequence of interest within a desired tissue or at a desired stage of plant development.

The coding region of interest or the nucleotide sequence of interest may be expressed in any suitable plant host which is either transformed or comprises the nucleotide sequences, or nucleic acid molecules, or genetic constructs, or vectors of the present invention. Examples of suitable hosts include, but are not limited to, Arabidopsis, agricultural crops including for example canola, Brassica spp., maize, Nicotiana spp., (tobacco) for example, Nicotiana benthamiana, alfalfa, potato, sweet potato (Ipomoea batatus), ginseng, pea, oat, rice, soybean, wheat, barley, sunflower, cotton, corn, rye (Secale cereale), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum vulgare), safflower (Carthamus tinctorius).

The terms “biomass” and “plant matter” as used herein refer to any material derived from a plant. Biomass or plant matter may comprise an entire plant, or part of plant including the leaf, root, stem, flower, seed, it may also include any tissue of the plant, any cells of the plant, or any fraction of the plant, part or the plant, tissue or cell. Further, biomass or plant matter may comprise intracellular plant components, extracellular plant components, liquid or solid extracts of plants, or a combination thereof. Further, biomass or plant matter may comprise plants, plant cells, tissue, a liquid extract, or a combination thereof, from plant leaves, stems, fruit, roots or a combination thereof. A portion of a plant may comprise plant matter or biomass.

By “regulatory region” “regulatory element” or “promoter” it is meant a portion of nucleic acid typically, but not always, upstream of the protein coding region of a gene, which may be comprised of either DNA or RNA, or both DNA and RNA. When a regulatory region is active, and in operative association, or operatively linked, with a gene of interest, this may result in expression of the gene of interest. A regulatory element may be capable of mediating organ specificity, or controlling developmental or temporal gene activation. A “regulatory region” includes promoter elements, core promoter elements exhibiting a basal promoter activity, elements that are inducible in response to an external stimulus, elements that mediate promoter activity such as negative regulatory elements or transcriptional enhancers. “Regulatory region”, as used herein, also includes elements that are active following transcription, for example, regulatory elements that modulate gene expression such as translational and transcriptional enhancers, translational and transcriptional repressors, upstream activating sequences, and mRNA instability determinants. Several of these latter elements may be located proximal to the coding region.

In the context of this disclosure, the term “regulatory element” or “regulatory region” typically refers to a sequence of DNA, usually, but not always, upstream (5′) to the coding sequence of a structural gene, which controls the expression of the coding region by providing the recognition for RNA polymerase and/or other factors required for transcription to start at a particular site. However, it is to be understood that other nucleotide sequences, located within introns, or 3′ of the sequence may also contribute to the regulation of expression of a coding region of interest. An example of a regulatory element that provides for the recognition for RNA polymerase or other transcriptional factors to ensure initiation at a particular site is a promoter element. Most, but not all, eukaryotic promoter elements contain a TATA box, a conserved nucleic acid sequence comprised of adenosine and thymidine nucleotide base pairs usually situated approximately 25 base pairs upstream of a transcriptional start site. A promoter element may comprise a basal promoter element, responsible for the initiation of transcription, as well as other regulatory elements (as listed above) that modify gene expression.

There are several types of regulatory regions, including those that are developmentally regulated, inducible or constitutive. A regulatory region that is developmentally regulated, or controls the differential expression of a gene under its control, is activated within certain organs or tissues of an organ at specific times during the development of that organ or tissue. However, some regulatory regions that are developmentally regulated may preferentially be active within certain organs or tissues at specific developmental stages, they may also be active in a developmentally regulated manner, or at a basal level in other organs or tissues within the plant as well. Examples of tissue-specific regulatory regions, for example see-specific a regulatory region, include the napin promoter, and the cruciferin promoter (Rask et al., 1998, J. Plant Physiol. 152: 595-599; Bilodeau et al., 1994, Plant Cell 14: 125-130). An example of a leaf-specific promoter includes the plastocyanin promoter (see U.S. Pat. No. 7,125,978, which is incorporated herein by reference).

An inducible regulatory region is one that is capable of directly or indirectly activating transcription of one or more DNA sequences or genes in response to an inducer. In the absence of an inducer the DNA sequences or genes will not be transcribed. Typically the protein factor that binds specifically to an inducible regulatory region to activate transcription may be present in an inactive form, which is then directly or indirectly converted to the active form by the inducer. However, the protein factor may also be absent. The inducer can be a chemical agent such as a protein, metabolite, growth regulator, herbicide or phenolic compound or a physiological stress imposed directly by heat, cold, salt, or toxic elements or indirectly through the action of a pathogen or disease agent such as a virus. A plant cell containing an inducible regulatory region may be exposed to an inducer by externally applying the inducer to the cell or plant such as by spraying, watering, heating or similar methods. Inducible regulatory elements may be derived from either plant or non-plant genes (e.g. Gatz, C. and Lenk, I. R. P., 1998, Trends Plant Sci. 3, 352-358; which is incorporated by reference). Examples, of potential inducible promoters include, but not limited to, tetracycline-inducible promoter (Gatz, C., 1997, Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 48, 89-108; which is incorporated by reference), steroid inducible promoter (Aoyama, T. and Chua, N. H., 1997, Plant J. 2, 397-404; which is incorporated by reference) and ethanol-inducible promoter (Salter, M. G., et al, 1998, Plant Journal 16, 127-132; Caddick, M. X., et al, 1998, Nature Biotech. 16, 177-180, which are incorporated by reference) cytokinin inducible IB6 and CKI1 genes (Brandstatter, I. and Kieber, J. J., 1998, Plant Cell 10, 1009-1019; Kakimoto, T., 1996, Science 274, 982-985; which are incorporated by reference) and the auxin inducible element, DRS (Ulmasov, T., et al., 1997, Plant Cell 9, 1963-1971; which is incorporated by reference).

A constitutive regulatory region directs the expression of a gene throughout the various parts of a plant and continuously throughout plant development. Examples of known constitutive regulatory elements include promoters associated with the CaMV 35S transcript. (p35S; Odell et al., 1985, Nature, 313: 810-812), the rice actin 1 (Zhang et al, 1991, Plant Cell, 3: 1155-1165), actin 2 (An et al., 1996, Plant J., 10: 107-121), or tms 2 (U.S. Pat. No. 5,428,147, which is incorporated herein by reference), and triosephosphate isomerase 1 (Xu et. al., 1994, Plant Physiol. 106: 459-467) genes, the maize ubiquitin 1 gene (Cornejo et al, 1993, Plant Mol. Biol. 29: 637-646), the Arabidopsis ubiquitin 1 and 6 genes (Holtorf et al, 1995, Plant Mol. Biol. 29: 637-646), the tobacco translational initiation factor 4A gene (Mandel et al, 1995 Plant Mol. Biol. 29: 995-1004). the Cassava Vein Mosaic Virus promoter, pCAS, (Verdaguer et al., 1996); the promoter of the small subunit of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase, pRbcS: (Outchkourov et al., 2003), the pUbi (for monocots and dicots).

As described herein, regulatory regions comprising enhancer sequences with demonstrated efficiency in leaf expression, have been found to be effective in transient expression. Without wishing to be bound by theory, attachment of upstream regulatory elements of a photosynthetic gene by attachment to the nuclear matrix may mediate strong expression. For example up to −784 from the translation start site of pea plastocyanin (U.S. Pat. No. 7,125,978, which is incorporated herein by reference) may be used mediate strong reporter gene expression.

The term “constitutive” as used herein does not necessarily indicate that a nucleotide sequence under control of the constitutive regulatory region is expressed at the same level in all cell types, but that the sequence is expressed in a wide range of cell types even though variation in abundance is often observed.

The expression constructs as described above may be present in a vector. The vector may comprise border sequences which permit the transfer and integration of the expression cassette into the genome of the organism or host. The construct may be a plant binary vector, for example a binary transformation vector based on pPZP (Hajdukiewicz, et al. 1994). Other example constructs include pBin19 (see Frisch, D. A., L. W. Harris-Haller, et al. 1995, Plant Molecular Biology 27: 405-409).

If desired, the constructs of this invention may be further manipulated to include selectable markers. However, this may not be required. Useful selectable markers include enzymes that provide for resistance to chemicals such as an antibiotic for example, gentamycin, hygromycin, kanamycin, or herbicides such as phosphinothrycin, glyphosate, chlorosulfuron, and the like. Similarly, enzymes providing for production of a compound identifiable by colour change such as GUS (beta-glucuronidase), or luminescence, such as luciferase or GFP, may be used.

A vector may also include an expression enhancer as described herein. The expression enhancer may be positioned on a T-DNA which also contains a suppressor of gene silencing and NPTII. The polylinker may also encode one or two sets of 6× Histidine residues to allow the inclusion of N- or C-terminal His-tags to the protein of interest to facilitate protein purification.

Post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) may be involved in limiting expression of transgenes in plants, and co-expression of a suppressor of silencing from the potato virus Y (HcPro) may be used to counteract the specific degradation of transgene mRNAs (Brigneti et al., 1998, EMBO J. 17, 6739-6746, which is incorporated herein by reference). Alternate suppressors of silencing are well known in the art and may be used as described herein (Chiba et al., 2006, Virology 346:7-14; which is incorporated herein by reference), for example but not limited to, TEV-p1/HC-Pro (Tobacco etch virus-p1/HC-Pro), BYV -p21, p19 of Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV p19; the construction of p19 is described in described in WO 2010/0003225, which is incorporated herein by reference), capsid protein of Tomato crinkle virus (TCV-CP), 2b of Cucumber mosaic virus; CMV-2b), p25 of Potato virus X (PVX-p25), p11 of Potato virus M (PVM-p11), p11 of Potato virus S (PVS-p11), p16 of Blueberry scorch virus, (BScV-p16), p23 of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV-p23), p24 of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2, (GLRaV-2 p24), p10 of Grapevine virus A, (GVA-p10), p14 of Grapevine virus B (GVB-p14), p10 of Heracleum latent virus (HLV-p10), or p16 of Garlic common latent virus (GCLV-p16).

Therefore, one or more suppressors of silencing, for example, but not limited to, HcPro, TEV-p1/HC-Pro, BYV-p21, TBSV p19, TCV-CP, CMV-2b, PVX-p25, rgscam, B2 protein from FHV, the small coat protein of CPMV, and coat protein from TCV, PVM-p11, PVS-p11, BScV-p16, CTV-p23, GLRaV-2 p24, GBV-p14, HLV-p10, GCLV-p16, or GVA-p10 may be co-expressed along with the comovirus-based expression cassette, geminivirus-derived amplification element, and the nucleic acid sequence encoding the protein of interest to further ensure high levels of protein production within a plant.

The constructs of the present invention can be introduced into plant cells using Ti plasmids, Ri plasmids, plant virus vectors, direct DNA transformation, micro-injection, electroporation, etc. For reviews of such techniques see for example Weissbach and Weissbach, Methods for Plant Molecular Biology, Academy Press, New York VIII, pp. 421-463 (1988); Geierson and Corey, Plant Molecular Biology, 2d Ed. (1988); and Miki and Iyer, Fundamentals of Gene Transfer in Plants. In Plant Metabolism, 2d Ed. D T. Dennis, D H Turpin, D D Lefebrve, D B Layzell (eds), Addison Wesly, Langmans Ltd. London, pp. 561-579 (1997). Other methods include direct DNA uptake, the use of liposomes, electroporation, for example using protoplasts, micro-injection, microprojectiles or whiskers, and vacuum infiltration. See, for example, Bilang, et al. (1991, Gene 100: 247-250), Scheid et al. (1991, Mol. Gen. Genet. 228: 104-112), Guerche et al. (1987, Plant Science 52: 111-116), Neuhause et al. (1987, Theor. Appl Genet. 75: 30-36), Klein et al., (2987, Nature 327: 70-73); Freeman et al. (1984, Plant Cell Physiol. 29: 1353), Howell et al. (1980, Science 208: 1265), Horsch et al. (1985, Science 227: 1229-1231), DeBlock et al., (1989, Plant Physiology 91: 694-701), Methods for Plant Molecular Biology (Weissbach and Weissbach, eds., Academic Press Inc., 1988), Methods in Plant Molecular Biology (Schuler and Zielinski, eds., Academic Press Inc., 1989), WO 92/09696, WO 94/00583, EP 331083, EP 175966, Liu and Lomonossoff (2002, J Virol Meth, 105:343-348), EP 290395; WO 8706614; U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,945,050; 5,036,006; and 5,100,792, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/438,666, filed May 10, 1995, and Ser. No. 07/951,715, filed Sep. 25, 1992, (all of which are hereby incorporated by reference).

Transient expression methods may be used to express the constructs of the present invention (see D'Aoust et al., 2009, Methods in molecular biology, Vol 483, pages 41-50; Liu and Lomonossoff, 2002, Journal of Virological Methods, 105:343-348; which is incorporated herein by reference). Alternatively, a vacuum-based transient expression method, as described by Kapila et al., (1997, Plant Sci. 122, 101-108; which is incorporated herein by reference), or WO 00/063400, WO 00/037663 (which are incorporated herein by reference) may be used. These methods may include, for example, but are not limited to, a method of Agro-inoculation or Agro-infiltration, syringe infiltration, however, other transient methods may also be used as noted above. With Agro-inoculation, Agro-infiltration, or syringe infiltration, a mixture of Agrobacteria comprising the desired nucleic acid enter the intercellular spaces of a tissue, for example the leaves, aerial portion of the plant (including stem, leaves and flower), other portion of the plant (stem, root, flower), or the whole plant. After crossing the epidermis the Agrobacteria infect and transfer t-DNA copies into the cells. The t-DNA is episomally transcribed and the mRNA translated, leading to the production of the protein of interest in infected cells, however, the passage of t-DNA inside the nucleus is transient.

Also considered part of this invention are transgenic plants, plant cells or seeds containing the gene construct of the present invention that may be used as a platform plant suitable for transient protein expression described herein. Methods of regenerating whole plants from plant cells are also known in the art (for example see Guerineau and Mullineaux (1993, Plant transformation and expression vectors. In: Plant Molecular Biology Labfax (Croy RRD ed) Oxford, BIOS Scientific Publishers, pp 121-148). In general, transformed plant cells are cultured in an appropriate medium, which may contain selective agents such as antibiotics, where selectable markers are used to facilitate identification of transformed plant cells. Once callus forms, shoot formation can be encouraged by employing the appropriate plant hormones in accordance with known methods and the shoots transferred to rooting medium for regeneration of plants. The plants may then be used to establish repetitive generations, either from seeds or using vegetative propagation techniques. Transgenic plants can also be generated without using tissue culture. Methods for stable transformation, and regeneration of these organisms are established in the art and known to one of skill in the art. Available techniques are reviewed in Vasil et al., (Cell Culture and Somatic Cell Genetics of Plants, Vol I, II and III, Laboratory Procedures and Their Applications, Academic Press, 1984), and Weissbach and Weissbach, (Methods for Plant Molecular Biology, Academic Press, 1989). The method of obtaining transformed and regenerated plants is not critical to the present invention.

If plants, plant portions or plant cells are to be transformed or co-transformed by two or more nucleic acid constructs, the nucleic acid construct may be introduced into the Agrobacterium in a single transfection event the nucleic acids are pooled, and the bacterial cells transfected as described. Alternately, the constructs may be introduced serially. In this case, a first construct is introduced to the Agrobacterium as described, the cells grown under selective conditions (e.g. in the presence of an antibiotic) where only the singly transformed bacteria can grow. Following this first selection step, a second nucleic acid construct is introduced to the Agrobacterium as described, and the cells grown under doubly-selective conditions, where only the doubly-transformed bacteria can grow. The doubly-transformed bacteria may then be used to transform a plant, plant portion or plant cell as described herein, or may be subjected to a further transformation step to accommodate a third nucleic acid construct.

Alternatively, if plants, plant portions, or plant cells are to be transformed or co-transformed by two or more nucleic acid constructs, the nucleic acid construct may be introduced into the plant by co-infiltrating a mixture of Agrobacterium cells with the plant, plant portion, or plant cell, each Agrobacterium cell may comprise one or more constructs to be introduced within the plant. In order to vary the relative expression levels within the plant, plant portion or plant cell, of a nucleotide sequence of interest within a construct, during the step of infiltration, the concentration of the various Agrobacteria populations comprising the desired constructs may be varied.

The present disclosure further provides a transgenic plant comprising the expression system as defined herein, wherein the heterologous nucleic acid of interest in the cassette is expressed at an enhanced level when compared to other analogous expression systems that lack one or more components of the expression system as described herein, for example CPMV HT (SEQ ID NO:2).

The present disclosure further comprises a method for generating a protein of interest, comprising the steps of providing a plant, or plant part, that expresses the expression system as described herein, harvesting, at least, a tissue in which the protein of interest has been expressed and optionally, isolating the protein of interest from the tissue.

Thus in various aspects, and without limitation, the invention provides:

an expression enhancer, comprising a comovirus 5′UTR selected from SEQ ID NO's:1 or 3, or a nucleotide sequence that exhibits 100%, 99%, 98%, 97%, 96%, 95%, 90%, 85% or 80% identity to the sequence as set forth in any one of SEQ ID NO's:1 or 3, wherein the expression enhancer, when operatively linked to a plant regulatory region and a kozak sequence active in a plant, for example a plant kozak sequence, as described herein, increases the level of expression of a nucleotide sequence of interest that is operatively linked to the expression enhancer when compared to the level of expression of the nucleotide sequence of interest fused to the CPMV HT (SEQ ID NO:2; prior art enhancer sequence comprising an incomplete M protein as described in Sainsbury F., and Lomonossoff G. P., 2008, Plant Physiol. 148: pp. 1212-1218; which is incorporated herein by reference) using the same plant regulatory region.

one or more expression systems comprising a comovirus-based expression enhancer or expression cassette as defined above, a promoter (regulatory region), optionally a polylinker, a kozak sequence, a nucleic acid encoding a protein of interest, and a terminator.

methods of expressing a protein of interest, in a host organism such as a plant using one or more expression systems or vectors as described herein.

host cells and organisms expressing proteins of interest from the one or more expression systems or vectors of the invention and methods of producing the hosts and organisms.


lists of sequences







CPMV HT+ (plant kozak consensus sequence)

Consensus plant kingdom kozak sequence

Consensus dicot kozak sequence

Consensus Arabidopsis kozak sequence

kozak sequence AGAAA

kozak sequence AGACA

kozak sequence AGGAA

kozak sequence AAAAA

kozak sequence AAACA

kozak sequence AAGCA

kozak sequence AAGAA

kozak sequence AAAGAA

kozak sequence AAAAGAA

Consensus kozak sequence (A/—)A(A/G)(A/G)(A/C)A

Primer IF-PDI.S1+3c

Primer IF-H3V36111.s1−4r

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/H3 Victoria

Nucleotide sequence of Construct 1191

Nucleotide sequence of expression cassette 1391

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/H3 Victoria

Primer IF(SacII)-Kozac_PDI.c

Nucleotide sequence of Construct 2181

Nucleotide sequence of expression cassette 1819

Primer IF-HT1*-PDI.c

Primer IF-HT2*-PDI.c

Primer IF-HT3*-PDI.c

Primer IF-HT4*-PDI.c

Primer IF-HT5*-PDI.c

Primer IF-HT6*-PDI.c



Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/H1 California

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/H1 California

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP H5 Indonesia

Amino acid sequence of PDISP H5 Indonesia

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/H7 Hangzhou

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/H7 Hangzhou

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/H7 Hangzhou+H5

Indonesia TMCT

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/H7 Hangzhou+H5

Indonesia TMCT

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane


Amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane


Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane

(PrL−)+H1 California TMCT

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B Brisbane

(PrL−)+H1 California TMCT

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B

Massachusetts (PrL−)

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B

Massachusetts (PrL−)

Nucleotide sequence of PDISP/HA B

Massachusetts (PrL−)+H1 California TMCT

Amino acid sequence of PDISP/HA B

Massachusetts (PrL−)+H1 California TMCT

Nucleotide sequence of HA B Wisconsin


Amino acid sequence of HA B Wisconsin


Nucleotide sequence of HA B Wisconsin

(PrL−)+H1 California TMCT

Amino acid sequence of HA B Wisconsin

(PrL−)+H1 California TMC

Segment of native CPMV RNA 2 genome, nucleotides

1-514, (WO2009/087391, Table 1)

CPMV RNA 2 genome, nucleotides 1-514, with

modifications at 115 and 162

Patatin signal peptide (nucleotide sequence)

Patatin signal peptide (amino acid sequence)

HA transmembrane domain consensus amino acid sequence

Example 1: 2X35S/CPMV-HT/PDISP/H3 Victoria/NOS (Construct Number 1391)

A sequence encoding H3 from Influenza A/Victoria/361/2011 in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/H3 Victoria) was cloned into 2X35S-CPMV-HT-NOS expression using the following PCR-based method. A fragment containing the PDISP/H3 Victoria coding sequence was amplified using primers IF-PDI.S1+3c (FIG. 5A, SEQ ID NO: 18) and IF-H3V36111.s1-4r (FIG. 5B, SEQ ID NO: 19), using PDISP/H3 Victoria sequence (FIG. 5C, SEQ ID NO: 20) as template. The PCR product was cloned in 2X35S/CPMV-HT/NOS expression system using In-Fusion cloning system (Clontech, Mountain View, Calif.). Construct number 1191 (FIGS. 5D and 5E, SEQ ID NO: 21) was digested with SacII and StuI restriction enzyme and the linearized plasmid was used for the In-Fusion assembly reaction. Construct number 1191 is an acceptor plasmid intended for “In Fusion” cloning of genes of interest in a CPMV-HT-based expression cassette. It also incorporates a gene construct for the co-expression of the TBSV P19 suppressor of silencing under the alfalfa Plastocyanin gene promoter and terminator. The backbone is a pCAMBIA binary plasmid and the sequence from left to right t-DNA borders is presented in FIG. 5E (SEQ ID NO: 21). The resulting construct was given number 1391 (FIG. 5F, SEQ ID NO: 22). The amino acid sequence of mature H3 from Influenza A/Victoria/361/2011 fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 5G (SEQ ID NO: 23). A representation of plasmid 1391 is presented in FIG. 5H.

Example 2: 2X35S/CPMV-HT+/PDISP/H3 Victoria/NOS (Construct Number 1819)

A sequence encoding H3 from Influenza A/Victoria/361/2011 in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/H3 Victoria) was cloned into 2X35S-CPMV-HT+/NOS expression using the following PCR-based method. A fragment containing the PDISP/H3 Victoria coding sequence was amplified using primers IF(SacII)-Kozac_PDI.c (FIG. 6A, SEQ ID NO: 24) and IF-H3V36111.s1-4r (FIG. 5B, SEQ ID NO: 19), using PDISP/H3 Victoria sequence (FIG. 8C, SEQ ID NO: 20) as template. The PCR product was cloned in 2X35S/CPMV-HT+/NOS expression system using In-Fusion cloning system (Clontech, Mountain View, Calif.). Construct number 2181 (FIG. 6B) was digested with Sacll and StuI restriction enzyme and the linearized plasmid was used for the In-Fusion assembly reaction. Construct number 2181 is an acceptor plasmid intended for “In Fusion” cloning of genes of interest in a CPMV-HT+ based expression cassette. It also incorporates a gene construct for the co-expression of the TBSV P19 suppressor of silencing under the alfalfa Plastocyanin gene promoter and terminator. The backbone is a pCAMBIA binary plasmid and the sequence from left to right t-DNA borders is presented in FIG. 6C (SEQ ID NO: 25). The resulting construct was given number 1819 (FIG. 6D, SEQ ID NO: 26). The amino acid sequence of mature H3 from Influenza A/Victoria/361/2011 fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 5G (SEQ ID NO: 23). A representation of plasmid 1819 is presented in FIG. 6E.

Example 3 Variation of Sequence Between SacII Restriction Site and ATG of PDISP/H3 Victoria in 2X35S/CPMV HT+/NOS Expression System (Constructs Number 1952 to 1959)

Eight constructs comprising sequence variations between SacII restriction site and the ATG of PDISP/H3 Victoria in 2X35S/CPMV HT+/NOS expression system were created using the same PCR-based method as in construct no 1819 (see Example 2) with a modified forward primer and keeping all other steps the same. Variant HT1* to HT8* were amplified using the primers listed in Figures FIG. 7A-7H:

IF-HT1*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7A, SEQ ID NO: 27),

IF-HT2*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7B, SEQ ID NO: 28),

IF-HT3*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7C, SEQ ID NO: 29)

IF-HT4*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7D, SEQ ID NO: 30)

IF-HT5*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7E, SEQ ID NO: 31)

IF-HT6*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7F, SEQ ID NO: 32)

IF-HT7*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7G, SEQ ID NO: 33) and

IF-HT8*(-Mprot)-PDI.c (FIG. 7H, SEQ ID NO: 34),

to create construct no 1952 to 1959, respectively. Representation of plasmid 1952 is presented in FIG. 7I. Analogous features were used to prepare constructs 1953-1959.

Example 4: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 484) and HT+ (Construct No 1805) for PDISP/H1 California

A coding sequence corresponding to H1 from Influenza A/California/7/2009 in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/H1 California) (FIG. 8A, SEQ ID NO: 35) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDISP/H1 California. The amino acid sequence of mature H1 from Influenza A/California/7/2009 fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 8B (SEQ ID NO: 36). Representations of plasmid 484 and 1805 are presented in FIG. 8C and FIG. 8D.

Example 5: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 409) and HT+ (Construct No 2319) for H5 Indonesia

A coding sequence corresponding to H5 from Influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/H5 Indonesia) (FIG. 9A, SEQ ID NO: 37) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDI/H5 Indonesia. The amino acid sequence of mature H5 from Influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 with PDISP is presented in FIG. 9B (SEQ ID NO: 38). Representations of plasmid 409 and 2319 are presented in FIG. 9C and FIG. 9D.

Example 6: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 2140) and HT+ (Construct No 2142) for PDISP-H7 Hangzhou

A coding sequence corresponding to H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/H7 Hangzhou) (FIG. 10A, SEQ ID NO: 39) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDISP/H7 Hangzhou. The amino acid sequence of mature H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 10B (SEQ ID NO: 40). Representations of plasmid 2140, 2142 and 2168 are presented in FIG. 10C and FIG. 10D.

Example 7: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 2130) and HT+ (Construct No 2146) for PDISP/H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT

A chimer hemagglutinin coding sequence corresponding to the ectodomain of H7 from Influenza A/Hangzhou/1/2013 fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (TMCT) of H5 from influenza A/Indonesia/5/2005 and with the signal peptide of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT) (FIG. 11A, SEQ ID NO: 41) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for the PDISP/H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT. The amino acid sequence of H7 Hangzhou+H5 Indonesia TMCT fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 11B (SEQ ID NO: 42). Representations of plasmid 2130 and 2146 are presented in FIGS. 11C and 11D.

Example 8: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 1039) and HT+ (Construct No 1829) for PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)

A coding sequence corresponding to HA from Influenza B/Brisbane/60/2008 with deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-) in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-; FIG. 12A, SEQ ID NO: 43) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-). The amino acid sequence of mature HA B Brisbane (PrL-) fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 12B (SEQ ID NO: 44). Representations of plasmid 1039 and 1829 are presented in FIGS. 12C and 12D.

Example 9: 2X35S/CPMV HT (construct no 1067) and HT+ (construct No 1875) for PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT

A chimer hemagglutinin coding sequence corresponding to the ectodomain of HA from Influenza B/Brisbane/60/08 with deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-) fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (TMCT) of H1 from influenza A/California/7/2009 and with the signal peptide of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT) (FIG. 13A, SEQ ID NO: 45) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDISP/HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT. The amino acid sequence of mature HA B Brisbane (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 13B (SEQ ID NO: 46). Representations of plasmid 1067 and 1875 are presented in FIGS. 13C and 13D.

Example 10: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 2072) and HT+ (Construct No 2052) for PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)

A coding sequence corresponding to HA from Influenza B/Massachusetts/2/2012 with deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-) in which the native signal peptide has been replaced by that of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)) (FIG. 14A, SEQ ID NO: 47) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-). The amino acid sequence of mature HA B Massachusetts (PrL-) fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 14B (SEQ ID NO: 48). Representations of plasmid 2072 and 2052 are presented in FIG. 14C and FIG. 14D.

Example 11: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 2074) and HT+ (Construct No 2062) for PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT

A chimer hemagglutinin coding sequence corresponding to the ectodomain of HA from Influenza B/Massachusetts/2/2012 with deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-) fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (TMCT) of H1 from influenza A/California/7/2009 and with the signal peptide of alfalfa protein disulfide isomerase (PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT) (FIG. 15A, SEQ ID NO: 49) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 and 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for PDISP/HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT. The amino acid sequence of mature HA B Massachusetts (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT fused with PDISP is presented in FIG. 15B (SEQ ID NO: 50). Representations of plasmid 2074 and 2062 are presented in FIG. 15C and FIG. 15D.

Example 12: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 1445) and HT+ (Construct No 1839) for HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)

A coding sequence corresponding to HA from Influenza B/Wisconsin/1/2010 with deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-) with his native signal peptide (HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)) (FIG. 16A, SEQ ID NO: 51) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819 (see Examples 1 an 2), respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for HA B Wisconsin (PrL-). The amino acid sequence of HA B Wisconsin (PrL-) with his native signal peptide is presented in FIG. 16B (SEQ ID NO: 52). Representations of plasmid 1445 and 1839 are presented in FIGS. 16C and 16D.

Example 13: 2X35S/CPMV HT (Construct No 1454) and HT+ (Construct No 1860) for HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT

A chimer hemagglutinin coding sequence corresponding to the ectodomain of HA from Influenza B/Wisconsin/2/2012 with deleted proteolytic loop (PrL-) fused to the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (TMCT) of H1 from influenza A/California/7/2009 with the native signal peptide of HA B Wisconsin (HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT) (FIG. 17A, SEQ ID NO: 53) was cloned into original HT and modified HT+ using the same PCR-based method as construct 1391 and 1819, respectively, but with modified PCR primers specifically designed for HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT. The amino acid sequence of HA B Wisconsin (PrL-)+H1 California TMCT is presented in FIG. 17B (SEQ ID NO: 54). Representations of plasmid 1454 and 1860 are presented in FIGS. 17C and 17D.

Example 14: Agrobacterium Transfection

Agrobacterium strain AGL1 was transfected by electroporation with the DNA constructs using the methods described by D′Aoust et al 2008 (Plant Biotechnology Journal 6:930-940). Transfected Agrobacterium were grown in YEB medium supplemented with 10 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES), 20 μM acetosyringone, 50 μg/ml kanamycin and 25 μg/ml of carbenicillin pH5.6 to an OD600 between 0.6 and 1.6. Agrobacterium suspensions were centrifuged before use and resuspended in infiltration medium (10 mM MgCl2 and 10 mM MES pH 5.6).

Preparation of Plant Biomass, Inoculum and Agroinfiltration

The terms “biomass” and “plant matter” as used herein are meant to reflect any material derived from a plant. Biomass or plant matter may comprise an entire plant, tissue, cells, or any fraction thereof. Further, biomass or plant matter may comprise intracellular plant components, extracellular plant components, liquid or solid extracts of plants, or a combination thereof. Further, biomass or plant matter may comprise plants, plant cells, tissue, a liquid extract, or a combination thereof, from plant leaves, stems, fruit, roots or a combination thereof. A portion of a plant may comprise plant matter or biomass.

Nicotiana benthamiana plants were grown from seeds in flats filled with a commercial peat moss substrate. The plants were allowed to grow in the greenhouse under a 16/8 photoperiod and a temperature regime of 25° C. day/20° C. night. Three weeks after seeding, individual plantlets were picked out, transplanted in pots and left to grow in the greenhouse for three additional weeks under the same environmental conditions.

Agrobacteria transfected with each construct were grown in a YEB medium supplemented with 10 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES), 20 μM acetosyringone, 50 μg/ml kanamycin and 25 μg/ml of carbenicillin pH5.6 until they reached an OD600 between 0.6 and 1.6. Agrobacterium suspensions were centrifuged before use and resuspended in infiltration medium (10 mM MgCl2 and 10 mM MES pH 5.6) and stored overnight at 4° C. On the day of infiltration, culture batches were diluted in 2.5 culture volumes and allowed to warm before use. Whole plants of N. benthamiana were placed upside down in the bacterial suspension in an air-tight stainless steel tank under a vacuum of 20-40 Torr for 2-min. Plants were returned to the greenhouse for a 2-6 day incubation period until harvest.

Leaf Harvest and Total Protein Extraction

Following incubation, the aerial part of plants was harvested, frozen at −80° C. and crushed into pieces. Total soluble proteins were extracted by homogenizing (Polytron) each sample of frozen-crushed plant material in 3 volumes of cold 50 mM Tris pH 8.0, 0.15 M NaCl, 0.1% Triton X-100 and 1 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride. After homogenization, the slurries were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 10 min at 4° C. and these clarified crude extracts (supernatant) kept for analyses.

Example 15: Hemagglutination Assay

The total protein content of clarified crude extracts was determined by the Bradford assay (Bio-Rad, Hercules, Calif.) using bovine serum albumin as the reference standard.

Hemagglutination assay was based on a method described by Nayak and Reichl (2004). Briefly, serial double dilutions of the test samples (100 μL) were made in V-bottomed 96-well microtiter plates containing 100 μL PBS, leaving 100 μL of diluted sample per well. One hundred microliters of a 0.25% turkey red blood cells suspension (Bio Link Inc., Syracuse, N.Y.; for all B strains, H1, H5 and H7) or 0.5% guinea pig red blood cells suspension (for H3) were added to each well, and plates were incubated for 2h at room temperature. The reciprocal of the highest dilution showing complete hemagglutination was recorded as HA activity.

All citations are hereby incorporated by reference.

The present invention has been described with regard to one or more embodiments. However, it will be apparent to persons skilled in the art that a number of variations and modifications can be made without departing from the scope of the invention as defined in the claims.

  • 1. An expression enhancer comprising, in series, a CPMV 5′UTR nucleotide sequence comprising nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:1, or comprising a nucleotide sequence comprising from about 80% to 100% sequence identity with SEQ ID NO:1, and a stuffer fragment, the stuffer fragment comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding an incomplete M protein and one or more kozak sequences comprising the nucleotide sequence (A/-)A(A/G)(A/G)(A/C)A, and active in a plant.
  • 2. The expression enhancer of claim 1, wherein the stuffer fragment comprises a length from 50 to about 500 nucleotides, or any length therebetween.
  • 3. The expression enhancer of claim 2, wherein the stuffer fragment further comprises a multiple cloning site.
  • 4. The expression enhancer of claim 1, wherein the one or more kozak sequences are selected from the group of sequences consisting of:
  • 5. The expression enhancer of claim 1, wherein the nucleotide sequence encoding the incomplete M protein comprises a length from about 50 to about 351 nucleotides, or any length therebetween.
  • 6. The expression enhancer of claim 5, wherein the nucleotide sequence encoding the incomplete M protein is either 349 or 351 nucleotides long.
  • 7. The expression enhancer of claim 1 wherein the nucleotide sequence comprising nucleotides 1-160 of SEQ ID NO:1, is selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs:1, 3, 4 and 56.
  • 8. A plant expression system comprising a nucleic acid sequence comprising a regulatory region, operatively linked with the expression enhancer of claim 1 and a nucleotide sequence of interest.
  • 9. The plant expression system of claim 8, further comprising a comovirus 3′ UTR.
  • 10. The plant expression system of claim 9, further comprising a second nucleic acid sequence, the second nucleic acid sequence encoding a suppressor of silencing.
  • 11. The plant expression system of claim 10 wherein the suppressor of silencing is selected from the group consisting of HcPro and p19.
  • 12. The plant expression system of claim 8, wherein the regulatory region is selected from the group consisting of a plastocyanin promoter, a CaMV 35S promoter, a 2× CaMV35S promoter, a CAS promoter, a RbcS promoter, a Ubi promoter, and an actin promoter.
  • 13. The plant expression system of claim 8, wherein the nucleotide sequence of interest encodes a viral protein or an antibody.
  • 14. The plant expression system of claim 13, wherein the viral protein is an influenza hemagglutinin selected from the group consisting of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, and influenza type B hemagglutinin.
  • 15. The plant expression system of claim 14, wherein the nucleotide sequence encoding the viral protein or the antibody comprises a native signal peptide sequence, or a non-native signal peptide.
  • 16. The plant expression system of claim 15, wherein the non-native signal peptide is from Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI).
  • 17. A method of producing a protein of interest in a plant or in a portion of a plant comprising, introducing into the plant or in the portion of a plant the plant expression system of claim 8, and incubating the plant or the portion of a plant under conditions that permit expression of the nucleotide sequence encoding the protein of interest.
  • 18. A plant or portion of a plant transiently transfected or stably transformed with the plant expression system of claim 8.
  • 19. A nucleic acid comprising the expression enhancer of claim 1, operatively linked to a nucleotide sequence of interest.
  • 20. The nucleic acid of claim 19, wherein the nucleotide sequence of interest is an influenza hemagglutinin (HA), selected from B HA, C, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, and H16.
  • 21. The nucleic acid of claim 20, wherein the HA is a chimeric HA, wherein a native trans-membrane domain of the HA is replaced with a heterologous trans-membrane domain.
  • 22. The nucleic acid of claim 21, wherein the heterologous trans-membrane domain is obtained from H1 California.
  • 23. The expression enhancer of claim 1, wherein the nucleotide sequence encoding the incomplete M protein comprises nucleotides 161 to 509 of SEQ ID NOs:1-4, nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:55, or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56, or comprises a nucleotide sequence comprising from about 80% to 100% sequence identity with the sequence from nucleotides 161 to 509 of SEQ ID NOs:1-4, nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:55, or nucleotides 161-511 of SEQ ID NO:56, wherein the sequence does not comprise a start codon.
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PCT/CA2015/050240 3/27/2015 WO 00
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61971274 Mar 2014 US
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Parent PCT/CA2014/050326 Mar 2014 US
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