The present invention relates to the transformation and genetic modification of bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes. It thus relates to methods, tools and kits allowing such genetic modification, involving in particular a nucleic acid sequence used to facilitate the transformation of the bacterium, said sequence comprising i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing the modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, within said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present within the wild-type version of said bacterium. The description also relates to the genetically modified bacteria obtained and uses thereof, in particular for producing a solvent, preferably on an industrial scale.

The present invention relates to the transformation and genetic modification of bacteria, in particular belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, typically of solventogenic bacteria, for example of the genus Clostridium, preferably of bacteria possessing in the wild state both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule (or natural plasmid) different from the chromosomal DNA. It thus relates to methods, tools and kits allowing such genetic modification, involving in particular a nucleic acid sequence used to facilitate transformation of the bacterium, said sequence comprising i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing the modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression within said bacterium of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present within the wild-type version of said bacterium. The description also relates to the genetically modified bacteria obtained and uses thereof, in particular for producing a solvent, preferably on an industrial scale.


The genus Clostridium contains Gram-positive, strictly anaerobic and spore-forming bacteria, belonging to the phylum Firmicutes. The Clostridia are an important group for the scientific community for several reasons. The first is that a certain number of serious diseases (e.g. tetanus, botulism) are due to infections with pathogenic members of this family (John & Wood, 1986; Gonzales et al., 2014). The second is the possibility of using so-called acidogenic or solventogenic strains in biotechnology (Moon et al., 2016). These non-pathogenic Clostridia possess naturally the capacity to convert a wide variety of sugars to produce chemical species of interest, and more particularly acetone, butanol, and ethanol (John & Wood, 1986) in a process called ABE fermentation. Similarly, IBE fermentation is possible in certain particular species, during which acetone is reduced in a variable proportion to isopropanol (Chen et al., 1986, George et al., 1983) owing to the presence, in the genome of these strains, of genes encoding secondary alcohol dehydrogenases (s-ADH; Ismael et al., 1993, Hiu et al., 1987).

The solventogenic species of Clostridia have important phenotypic similarities, which made them difficult to classify before the emergence of modern sequencing techniques (Rogers et al., 2006). With the possibility of sequencing the complete genomes of these bacteria, it is now possible to classify this bacterial genus in 4 major species: C. acetobutylicum, C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum, C. saccharobutylicum and C. beijerinckii. A recent publication proposes, after comparative analysis of the complete genomes of 30 strains, classifying these solventogenic Clostridia in 4 main clades (FIG. 1).

In particular, these groups separate the species C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii with as respective references C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 (also designated DSM 792 or LMG 5710) and C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052. The latter are model strains for investigating ABE fermentation.

The strains Clostridium naturally capable of effecting an IBE fermentation are few in number and mainly belong to the species Clostridium beijerinckii (cf. Zhang et al., 2018, Table 1). These strains are typically selected from the strains C. butylicum LMD 27.6, C. aurantibutylicum NCIB 10659, C. beijerinckii LMD 27.6, C. beijerinckii VPI2968, C. beijerinckii NRRL B-593, C. beijerinckii ATCC 6014, C. beijerinckii McClung 3081, C. isopropylicum IAM 19239, C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, C. sp. A1424, C. beijerinckii optinoii, and C. beijerinckii BGS1.

Although they have been used in industry for more than a century, knowledge about the bacteria, in particular belonging to the genus Clostridium, has for a long time been limited by the difficulties encountered in modifying them genetically. Various genetic tools have been developed in recent years for optimizing the strains of this genus, the latest generation being based on the use of CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)/Cas (CRISPR-associated protein) technology. This method is based on the use of an enzyme called nuclease (typically a nuclease of the Cas type in the case of the CRISPR/Cas genetic tool, such as the protein Cas9 of Streptococcus pyogenes), which, guided by a molecule of RNA, will perform a double-strand break within a DNA molecule (target sequence of interest). The sequence of the guide RNA (gRNA) will determine the cutting site of the nuclease, thus endowing it with very high specificity (FIG. 1).

Since a double-strand break within an essential DNA molecule is lethal for an organism, the survival of the latter will depend on its ability for repairing it (cf. for example Cui & Bikard, 2016). In the bacteria of the genus Clostridium, repair of a double-strand break depends on a homologous recombination mechanism requiring an intact copy of the cleaved sequence. By supplying the bacterium with a DNA fragment allowing this repair to be effected while modifying the original sequence, it is possible to force the microorganism to integrate the desired changes in its genome. The modification carried out should no longer allow targeting of the genomic DNA by the Cas9-gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, via the modification of the target sequence or of the PAM site (FIG. 2).

Various approaches have been described for trying to make this genetic tool functional in bacteria of the genus Clostridium. These microorganisms are indeed known to be difficult to modify genetically because of their low frequencies of transformation and of homologous recombination. Some approaches are based on the use of Cas9, expressed constitutively in C. beijerinckii and C. ljungdahlii (Wang et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2016) or under the control of an inducible promoter in C. beijerinckii, C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum and C. authoethanogenum (Wang et al., 2016; Nagaraju et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017). Other authors have described the use of a modified version of the nuclease, Cas9n, which performs single-strand breaks, instead of double-strand breaks, within the genome (Xu et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016). This choice is due to the observations according to which the toxicity of Cas9 is too high for it to be used in bacteria of the genus Clostridium under the experimental conditions tested. Most of the tools described above are based on the use of a single plasmid. Finally, it is also possible to use endogenous CRISPR/Cas systems when they have been identified in the genome of the microorganism, as for example in C. pasteurianum (Pyne et al., 2016).

Unless they use (as in the last case described above) the endogenous machinery of the strain to be modified, the tools based on CRISPR technology have the major drawback of significantly limiting the size of the nucleic acid of interest (and therefore the number of coding sequences or genes) able to be inserted in the bacterial genome (about 1.8 kb at best according to Xu et al., 2015).

The inventors have developed and described a more powerful genetic tool for modifying bacteria, suitable for the bacteria of the genus Clostridium, based on the use of two different nucleic acids, typically of two plasmids (WO2017064439, Wasels et al., 2017 and FIG. 3), which solves this problem in particular. In a particular embodiment, the first nucleic acid of this tool allows expression of cas9 and a second nucleic acid, specific to the modification to be effected, contains one or more gRNA expression cassettes as well as a repair matrix allowing replacement of a portion of the bacterial DNA targeted by Cas9 with a sequence of interest. The toxicity of the system is limited by placing cas9 and/or the gRNA expression cassette(s) under the control of inducible promoters. The inventors have recently improved this tool, giving a very significant increase in transformation efficiency and therefore obtaining, in useful number and quantity (in particular in a context of selection of robust strains for production on an industrial scale), genetically modified bacteria of interest (cf. FR 18/548356). In this improved tool at least one nucleic acid comprises a sequence encoding an anti-CRISPR protein (“acr”), placed under the control of an inducible promoter. This anti-CRISPR protein makes it possible to repress the activity of the DNA endonuclease/guide RNA complex. The expression of the protein is regulated to allow its expression only during the step of transformation of the bacterium.

The inventors have also very recently succeeded in genetically modifying bacteria comprising, in the wild state, a gene endowing the bacterium with resistance to one or more antibiotics in order to make them sensitive to said antibiotic(s), making it easier to use their genetic tool based on the use of at least two nucleic acids. They have thus succeeded in genetically modifying the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, which produces isopropanol naturally. They have in particular succeeded in removing, from this strain, a natural plasmid that is not essential for the strain, identified in the present description as “pNF2” (cf. FR18/73492).

The inventors then discovered, and disclose for the first time in the context of the present invention, that removal of this plasmid pNF2 makes it possible to obtain a bacterium C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 for which the efficiency of introduction of genetic material (i.e. of transformation) is increased by a factor between about 101 and 5×103. As explained below, the inventors have also succeeded in improving, again very significantly, the genetic tool based on the use of at least two nucleic acids, by using a part of the plasmid pNF2 in order to design particular nucleic acids bearing a sequence making it possible to modify the genetic material of a bacterium and/or express, in a bacterium, a DNA sequence that is absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium. These nucleic acids and new tools spectacularly improve the transformation efficiency of the bacteria, in particular the transformation efficiency of bacteria previously depleted of the natural plasmid or plasmids they contain in the wild state. The present invention thus facilitates very advantageously the transformation efficiency and therefore the exploitation of the bacteria, in particular on an industrial scale.


The inventors describe, in the context of the present invention and for the first time, a nucleic acid (also identified as nucleic acid “OPT” in the present text) facilitating the transformation of bacteria (by improving the maintenance, within said bacteria, of all of the genetic material introduced). The nucleic acid OPT comprises i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium. The sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 is also identified in the present text as nucleic acid “OREP”.

The inventors have succeeded in improving the frequencies of transformation of a nucleic acid within the bacterium C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 in particular by suppressing the sequence OREP within said bacterium and advantageously using all or part of this sequence OREP for constructing nucleic acids and/or genetic tools allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium.

The sequence OREP comprises a nucleotide sequence (SEQ ID NO: 127) encoding a protein involved in the replication of a nucleic acid OPT of interest. This protein involved in the replication is also identified in the present text as protein “REP” (SEQ ID NO: 128—“MNNNNTESEELKEQSQLLLDKCTKKKKKNPKFSSYIEPLVSKKLSERIKECGDFLQMLSDLNLE NSKLHRASFCGNRFCPMCSWRIACKDSLEISILMEHLRKEESKEFIFLTLTTPNVKGADLDNSIKA YNKAFKKLMERKEVKSIVKGYIRKLEVTYNLDKSSKSYNTYHPHFHVVLAVNRSYFKKQNLYIN HHRWLSLWQESTGDYSITQVDVRKAKINDYKEVYELAKYSAKDSDYLINREVFTVFYKSLKGK QVLVFSGLFKDAHKMYKNGELDLYKKLDTIEYAYMVSYNWLKKKYDTSNIRELTEEEKQKFNK NLIEDVDIE”). The protein REP has a conserved domain in the Firmicutes, called “COG 5655” (Plasmid rolling circle replication initiator protein REP), of sequence SEQ ID NO: 129.

A genetic tool is also described allowing optimized transformation and then modification by homologous recombination, of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the material of a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example of a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus (Hidalgo-Cantabrana, C. et al.; Yadav, R. et al).

In a particular embodiment, the tool for modification by homologous recombination is typically characterized i) in that it comprises at least:

    • a “first” nucleic acid encoding at least one DNA endonuclease, for example the enzyme Cas9, wherein the sequence encoding the DNA endonuclease is placed under the control of a promoter, and
    • at least one “second” nucleic acid containing a repair matrix allowing, by a mechanism of homologous recombination, the replacement of a portion of the bacterial DNA targeted by the endonuclease with a sequence of interest,

      wherein ii) at least one of said nucleic acids further encodes one or more guide RNAs (gRNA) or wherein the genetic tool further comprises one or more guide RNAs, each guide RNA comprising an RNA structure for fixation to the DNA endonuclease and a complementary sequence of the targeted portion of the bacterial DNA, and preferably iii) wherein at least one of said nucleic acids further comprises a sequence encoding an anti-CRISPR protein placed under the control of an inducible promoter, or wherein the genetic tool further comprises a third nucleic acid encoding an anti-CRISPR protein placed under the control of an inducible promoter.

In particular, a genetic tool of this kind is described comprising at least:

    • a “first” nucleic acid encoding at least one DNA endonuclease, wherein the sequence encoding the DNA endonuclease is placed under the control of a promoter, and
    • “another” nucleic acid comprising, or consisting of, a sequence of “nucleic acid OREP”, i.e. comprising, or consisting of, i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium.

In a particular embodiment the “second nucleic acid containing a repair matrix” as described above comprises this “other nucleic acid”.

The inventors also describe a method for transforming, and preferably for modifying genetically, for example by homologous recombination, a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, typically a solventogenic bacterium, as well as the bacterium or bacteria obtained (transformed and typically modified genetically) using said method. This method advantageously comprises a step of transformation of the bacterium by introducing, into said bacterium, all or part of a genetic tool as described in the present text, in particular a nucleic acid (“nucleic acid OREP”) comprising, or consisting of, i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium.

In a particular embodiment, this method advantageously comprises the following steps:

a) introducing, into the bacterium, a genetic tool as described in the present text, preferably in the presence of an agent for inducing expression of the anti-CRISPR protein, and

b) culturing the transformed bacterium obtained at the end of step a) on a medium not containing the agent for inducing expression of the anti-CRISPR protein, and typically allowing expression of the DNA endonuclease/gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, for example Cas9/gRNA.

The inventors also describe a kit for transforming, and preferably genetically modifying, a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, or for producing at least one solvent, for example a mixture of solvents, using such a bacterium. This kit preferably comprises a nucleic acid as described in the present text and an inducer suitable for the inducible promoter of the expression of the selected anti-CRISPR protein used in the genetic tool as described in the present text. In a particular embodiment, the kit comprises all or part of the elements of a genetic tool as described in the present text.

The use is also described of a nucleic acid or of a genetic tool, disclosed for the first time in the present text, for transforming and optionally genetically modifying a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, preferably a bacterium possessing, in the wild state, both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule different from the chromosomal DNA (typically a natural plasmid).

There is also described for the first time in the present text, the use of a nucleic acid, of a genetic tool, of a method for transforming and preferably genetically modifying such a bacterium, the bacterium obtained by a method of this kind and/or a kit, to allow production, preferably on an industrial scale, of a solvent or of a mixture of solvents, preferably acetone, butanol, ethanol, isopropanol or a mixture thereof, typically an isopropanol/butanol, butanol/ethanol or isopropanol/ethanol mixture.


Although used in industry for more than a century, knowledge about the solventogenic bacteria, in particular belonging to the genus Clostridium, is limited by the difficulties encountered in modifying them genetically. For example, the bacteria of the genus Clostridium that produce isopropanol naturally, typically possessing in their genome a gene adh encoding a primary/secondary alcohol dehydrogenase, which allows reduction of acetone to isopropanol, differ both genetically and functionally from the bacteria capable of ABE fermentation in the natural state.

The inventors succeeded, advantageously, in the context of the present invention, in transforming and genetically modifying a bacterium of the genus Clostridium that produces isopropanol naturally, the bacterium C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, as well as the reference strain C. acetobutylicum DSM 792.

Some of the work described in the experimental section was carried out in a strain capable of IBE fermentation, i.e. the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, whose genome and an analysis of the transcriptome were described recently by the inventors (Mate de Gerando et al., 2018).

During assembly of the genome of this strain, the inventors discovered in particular, in addition to the chromosome, the presence of mobile genetic elements (accession number PRJEB11626—https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB11626): two natural plasmids (pNF1 and pNF2) and a linear bacteriophage (Φ6423).

The strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 is naturally sensitive to erythromycin but resistant to thiamphenicol. Patent application No. FR18/73492 describes a particular strain, the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB (also identified in the present text as C. beijerinckii IFP962 ΔcatB), made sensitive to thiamphenicol. In a particular embodiment of the invention, the inventors succeeded in removing, from the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, its natural plasmid pNF2, and obtained a strain C. beijerinckii DSM6423 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 (also identified in the present text as C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2). This strain is characterized for the first time in the context of the present application. It was registered on 20 February 2019 under the deposition number LMG P-31277 with the BCCM-LMG collection. This strain lacks the gene catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 and the plasmid pNF2 (wild-type). The description also relates to any derived bacterium, clone, mutant or genetically modified version of the latter, typically also lacking the gene catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 and the plasmid pNF2 (wild-type). It also relates more generally to any bacterium possessing, in the wild state, both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule different from the chromosomal DNA (identified in the present text as “non-chromosomal (bacterial) DNA” or “natural (bacterial) plasmid”), modified genetically using a nucleic acid and/or genetic tool described in the context of the present invention so that it no longer comprises at least one of its non-chromosomal DNA molecules, typically several of its non-chromosomal DNA molecules (for example two, three or four non-chromosomal DNA molecules), preferably all of its non-chromosomal DNA molecules.

The inventors thus describe, in the present application, a solventogenic bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, more particularly a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, naturally capable (i.e. capable in the wild state) of producing isopropanol, in particular naturally capable of effecting an IBE fermentation, which has been modified genetically and has, owing to this genetic modification, in particular lost at least one natural plasmid (i.e. a plasmid naturally present in the wild-type version of said bacterium), preferably all of its natural plasmids, as well as the tools, in particular the genetic tools, that allowed it to be obtained.

These tools offer the advantage of greatly facilitating the transformation and genetic modification of bacteria. The experiments carried out by the inventors demonstrated the possible use of the tools and more generally of the technology described in the present text for genetically modifying a bacterium, particularly bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example bacteria of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, in particular of the bacteria of the genus Clostridium capable, in the wild state, of producing isopropanol, in particular of effecting IBE fermentation, in particular those bearing a gene encoding an enzyme responsible for resistance to an antibiotic, in particular a gene encoding an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, for example a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase or a thiamphenicol-O-acetyltransferase.

In a particular embodiment, the inventors have thus succeeded in rendering a bacterium sensitive to antibiotics belonging to the class of the amphenicols, said bacterium bearing naturally (bearing in the wild state) a gene encoding an enzyme responsible for resistance to these antibiotics.

Other preferred bacteria contain, in the wild state, both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule different from the chromosomal DNA.

Bacteria that are also preferred contain, in the wild state, both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule different from the chromosomal DNA, as well as a gene conferring resistance to an antibiotic. In a particular embodiment, this gene encodes an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, for example a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase or a thiamphenicol-O-acetyltransferase.

A first object described by the inventors relates to a nucleic acid (identified in the present text as nucleic acid “OPT”), advantageously usable for facilitating the transformation of the bacteria by improving maintenance of all of the genetic material introduced within said bacteria. This nucleic acid OPT comprises i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 (sequence “OREP”) or of a functional variant of the latter and ii) a sequence (also identified in the present text as “sequence of interest”) allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium.

The sequence OREP (SEQ ID NO: 126) comprises a nucleotide sequence of sequence SEQ ID NO: 127. The sequence SEQ ID NO: 127 preferably comprises a sequence encoding a protein involved in replication of the nucleic acid OPT. A protein considered to be involved in the replication is also identified in the present text as protein “REP” (SEQ ID NO: 128). The protein REP has a conserved domain in Firmicutes, called “COG 5655”, of sequence SEQ ID NO: 129.

In a particular embodiment, the nucleic acid OPT comprises a part of the sequence OREP (SEQ ID NO: 126), typically one or more fragments of the sequence OREP, preferably at least the protein encoding the sequence REP (SEQ ID NO: 128) or a variant or functional fragment of the latter (i.e. the fragment involved in replication), typically the sequence SEQ ID NO: 127 or a variant or fragment of the latter encoding the fragment involved, within the protein REP, in the replication of a nucleic acid OPT. The functional fragment of the sequence OREP encoding the fragment, present within the protein REP, involved in the replication of a nucleic acid OPT, comprises the domain of sequence SEQ ID NO: 129. Examples of such fragments of nucleic acid encoding a functional fragment of the protein REP, and variants of the latter, can easily be prepared by a person skilled in the art. A typical example of a variant has a sequence homology with the sequence SEQ ID NO: 127 between 70% and 100%, preferably between 85 and 99%, even more preferably between 95 and 99%, for example 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 or 100%.

In a preferred embodiment, the fragment or functional variant of the sequence OREP encodes a protein involved in the replication of the nucleic acid OPT.

In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the fragment or functional variant of the sequence OREP comprises, in addition to the sequence encoding a protein (for example the protein REP) involved in the replication of the nucleic acid OPT (for example a genetic construct of the plasmid type) or of a variant or functional fragment of the latter, a site with 1 to 150 bases, preferably 1 to 15 bases, for example a sequence rich in bases A and T (Rajewska et al), preferably a site present within the plasmid pNF2 of sequence SEQ ID NO: 118, allowing fixation of a protein allowing replication of the nucleic acid OPT.

The sequence of interest allowing modification of the genetic material of the bacterium is typically a modification matrix allowing, for example by a mechanism of homologous recombination, for example according to one of the methods described in the present text, the replacement of a portion of the genetic material of the bacterium with a sequence of interest. The sequence of interest allowing modification of the genetic material of the bacterium may also be a sequence recognizing (binding at least partly), and preferably targeting, i.e. recognizing and allowing cutting, in the genome of a bacterium of interest, of at least one strand i) of a target sequence, ii) of a sequence controlling the transcription of a target sequence, or iii) of a sequence flanking a target sequence.

The sequence of interest allowing expression, within said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium, typically allows the bacterium to express one or more proteins that it is incapable of expressing, or expressing in sufficient quantity, in the wild state.

According to a particular aspect, the “nucleic acid OPT” further comprises iii) a sequence encoding a DNA endonuclease, for example Cas9, and/or iv) one or more guide RNAs (gRNA), each gRNA comprising an RNA structure for fixation to the DNA endonuclease and a complementary sequence of the targeted portion of the genetic material of the bacterium.

According to another particular aspect, the “nucleic acid OPT” does not display methylation at the level of the units recognized by the methyltransferases of type Dam and Dcm.

Preferably, the “nucleic acid OPT” is selected from an expression cassette and a vector, and is preferably a plasmid, for example a plasmid having a sequence selected from SEQ ID NO: 119, SEQ ID NO: 123, SEQ ID NO: 124 and SEQ ID NO: 125.

Another object described by the inventors relates to a genetic tool usable for transforming and/or genetically modifying a bacterium of interest, typically a bacterium as described in the present text belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, preferably a bacterium of the genus Clostridium naturally capable (i.e. capable in the wild state) of producing isopropanol, in particular naturally capable of effecting an IBE fermentation, preferably a bacterium naturally resistant to one or more antibiotics, such as a bacterium C. beijerinckii. A preferred bacterium has, in the wild state, both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule different from the chromosomal DNA.

“Bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes” means, in the context of the present description, the bacteria belonging to the class of the Clostridia, Mollicutes, Bacilli or Togobacteria, preferably to the class of the Clostridia or Bacilli.

Particular bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes comprise for example the bacteria of the genus Clostridium, the bacteria of the genus Bacillus or the bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus.

“Bacterium of the genus Clostridium” means in particular the species of Clostridium said to be of industrial interest, typically the solventogenic or acetogenic bacteria of the genus Clostridium. The expression “bacterium of the genus Clostridium” includes the wild-type bacteria as well as the strains derived from the latter, modified genetically with the aim of improving their performance (for example overexpressing the genes ctfA, ctfB and adc) without being exposed to the CRISPR system.

“Species of Clostridium of industrial interest” means species capable of producing, by fermentation, solvents and acids such as butyric acid or acetic acid, from sugars or monosaccharides, typically starting from sugars comprising 5 carbon atoms such as xylose, arabinose or fructose, from sugars comprising 6 carbon atoms such as glucose or mannose, from polysaccharides such as cellulose or the hemicelluloses and/or from any other carbon source assimilable and usable by bacteria of the genus Clostridium (CO, CO2, and methanol for example). Examples of solventogenic bacteria of interest are the bacteria of the genus Clostridium that produce acetone, butanol, ethanol and/or isopropanol, such as the strains identified in the literature as “ABE strains” [strains effecting fermentations allowing the production of acetone, butanol and ethanol] and “IBE strains” [strains effecting fermentations allowing the production of isopropanol (by reduction of acetone), butanol and ethanol]. Solventogenic bacteria of the genus Clostridium may be selected for example from C. acetobutylicum, C. cellulolyticum, C. phytofermentans, C. beijerinckii, C. saccharobutylicum, C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum, C. sporogenes, C. butyricum, C. aurantibutyricum and C. tyrobutyricum, preferably from C. acetobutylicum, C. beijerinckii, C. butyricum, C. tyrobutyricum and C. cellulolyticum, and even more preferably from C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii.

A bacterium capable of producing isopropanol in the wild state, in particular capable of effecting an IBE fermentation in the wild state, may be for example a bacterium selected from a bacterium C. beijerinckii, a bacterium C. diolis, a bacterium C. puniceum, a bacterium C. butyricum, a bacterium C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum, a bacterium C. botulinum, a bacterium C. drakei, a bacterium C. scatologenes, a bacterium C. perfringens, and a bacterium C. tunisiense, preferably a bacterium selected from a bacterium C. beijerinckii, a bacterium C. diolis, a bacterium C. puniceum and a bacterium C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum. A particularly preferred bacterium naturally capable of producing isopropanol, in particular capable of effecting an IBE fermentation in the wild state, is a bacterium C. beijerinckii.

The acetogenic bacteria of interest are bacteria that produce acids and/or solvents starting from CO2 and H2. Acetogenic bacteria of the genus Clostridium may be selected for example from C. aceticum, C. thermoaceticum, C. ljungdahlii, C. autoethanogenum, C. difficile, C. scatologenes and C. carboxydivorans.

In a particular embodiment, the bacterium of the genus Clostridium in question is an “ABE strain”, preferably the strain DSM 792 (also designated strain ATCC 824 or else LMG 5710) of C. acetobutylicum, or the strain NCIMB 8052 of C. beijerinckii.

In another particular embodiment, the bacterium of the genus Clostridium in question is an “IBE strain”, preferably a subclade of C. beijerinckii selected from DSM 6423, LMG 7814, LMG 7815, NRRL B-593, NCCB 27006, or a bacterium C. aurantibutyricum DSZM 793 (Georges et al., 1983), and a subclade of said bacterium C. beijerinckii or C. aurantibutyricum having at least 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% identity with the strain DSM 6423. A particularly preferred bacterium C. beijerinckii, or a particularly preferred subclade of bacterium C. beijerinckii, lacks the plasmid pNF2.

The respective genomes of the subclades LMG 7814, LMG 7815, NRRL B-593 and NCCB 27006 on the one hand, and DSZM 793 on the other hand, have percentage sequence identity of at least 97% with the genome of the subclade DSM 6423.

The inventors have carried out fermentation tests, confirming that the bacteria C. beijerinckii of subclade DSM 6423, LMG 7815 and NCCB 27006 are capable of producing isopropanol in the wild state (cf. Table 1).


Concentration (g/L)






DSM 6423_A

DSM 6423_B



NCCB 27006_A

NCCB 27006_B

Balance of the fermentation tests of glucose using the strains that produce isopropanol naturally C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, LMG 7815 and NCCB 27006. In a particularly preferred embodiment of the invention, the bacterium C. beijerinckii is the bacterium of subclade DSM 6423.

In yet another preferred embodiment of the invention, the bacterium C. beijerinckii is a strain C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 (registered on 20 Feb. 2019 under the deposition number LMG P-31277 with the collection BCCM-LMG, and also identified in the present text as C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB ΔpNF2), or a genetically modified version of the latter. The bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2, or said genetically modified version of the latter, lacks the gene catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 and the plasmid pNF2.

“Bacterium of the genus Bacillus” means in particular B. amyloliquefaciens, B. thurigiensis, B. coagulans, B. cereus, B. anthracia or else B. subtilis.

During recent experiments, the inventors observed that removal of the natural plasmid pNF2 has a significant advantage for the introduction and maintenance of additional genetic elements, natural or synthetic (for example expression cassette(s) or plasmid expression vector(s)). The strain IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 can thus be transformed with an efficiency 10 to 5×103 times higher than its wild-type homologue or the strain DSM 6423 ΔcatB (also identified in the present text as IFP962 ΔcatB).

The bacterium intended to be transformed, and preferably genetically modified, is preferably a bacterium that has been exposed to a first step of transformation and to a first step of genetic modification using a nucleic acid or genetic tool according to the invention that has made it possible to remove at least one molecule of extrachromosomal DNA (typically at least one plasmid) present naturally in said bacterium in the wild state.

A particular genetic tool described by the inventors is characterized i) in that it comprises:

    • at least one “first” nucleic acid encoding at least one DNA endonuclease, for example the enzyme Cas9, wherein the sequence encoding the DNA endonuclease is placed under the control of a promoter, and
    • at least one “second” nucleic acid containing a repair matrix allowing, by a mechanism of homologous recombination, replacement of a portion of the bacterial DNA targeted by the endonuclease with a sequence of interest,

      wherein ii) at least one of said nucleic acids further encodes one or more guide RNAs (gRNA) or in that the genetic tool further comprises one or more guide RNAs, each guide RNA comprising an RNA structure for fixation to the DNA endonuclease and a complementary sequence of the targeted portion of the bacterial DNA.

An example of a genetic tool described by the inventors contains, just like the CRISPR/Cas system, two distinct essential elements, i.e. i) an endonuclease, in the present case the nuclease associated with the CRISPR system (Cas or “CRISPR associated protein”), Cas, and ii) a guide RNA. The guide RNA is in the form of a chimeric RNA that consists of a combination of a bacterial CRISPR RNA (crRNA) and a tracrRNA (trans-activating CRISPR RNA) (Jinek et al., Science 2012). The gRNA combines the targeting specificity of the crRNA corresponding to the “spacer sequences” which serve as guides for the Cas proteins, and the conformational properties of the tracrRNA in a single transcript. When the gRNA and the Cas protein are expressed simultaneously in the cell, the target genomic sequence is typically, advantageously modified permanently owing to a repair matrix that is supplied.

The genetic tool according to the invention is preferably characterized iii) in that at least one of said (“first” and “second”) nucleic acids further comprises a sequence encoding an anti-CRISPR protein placed under the control of an inducible promoter, or wherein the genetic tool further comprises a third nucleic acid encoding an anti-CRISPR protein placed under the control of an inducible promoter.

In particular, a genetic tool is described comprising at least:

    • a first nucleic acid encoding at least one DNA endonuclease, wherein the sequence encoding the DNA endonuclease is placed under the control of a promoter, and
    • another nucleic acid (or an “n-th nucleic acid”) comprising, or consisting of, a nucleic acid sequence “OPT”, i.e. a sequence comprising i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 (“OREP”) and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium, at least one of said nucleic acids of this particular genetic tool preferably further comprising a sequence encoding an anti-CRISPR protein placed under the control of an inducible promoter, or said particular genetic tool preferably further comprising a third nucleic acid encoding an anti-CRISPR protein placed under the control of an inducible promoter.

In a particular embodiment the “second” or “n-th nucleic acid containing a repair matrix” as described above comprises, or consists of, this “other nucleic acid”.

In another particular embodiment the “first nucleic acid” further encodes one or more guide RNAs (gRNA).

“Nucleic acid” means, in the sense of the invention, any natural, synthetic, semisynthetic, or recombinant DNA or RNA molecule, optionally modified chemically (i.e. comprising non-natural bases, modified nucleotides comprising for example a modified linkage, modified bases and/or modified sugars), or optimized so that the codons of the transcripts synthesized from the coding sequences are the codons most often found in a bacterium of the genus Clostridium with a view to use thereof in the latter. In the case of the genus Clostridium, the optimized codons are typically codons rich in adenine bases (“A”) and thymine bases (“T”).

In the peptide sequences described in this document, the amino acids are represented by their single-letter codes according to the following nomenclature: C: cysteine; D: aspartic acid; E: glutamic acid; F: phenylalanine; G: glycine; H: histidine; I: isoleucine; K: lysine; L: leucine; M: methionine; N: asparagine; P: proline; Q: glutamine; R: arginine; S: serine; T: threonine; V: valine; W: tryptophan and Y: tyrosine.

A genetic tool described in the context of the present invention comprises a first nucleic acid encoding at least one DNA endonuclease (also identified in the present text as “nuclease”), typically a nuclease of the Cas type, for example Cas9 or MAD7.

“Cas9” means the Cas9 protein (also called CRISPR-associated protein 9, Csn1 or Csx12) or a functional protein, peptide, or polypeptide fragment of the latter, i.e. capable of interacting with the guide RNA or guide RNAs and of exerting the enzymatic (nuclease) activity that allows it to perform double-strand break of the DNA of the target genome. “Cas9” may thus denote a protein that has been modified, for example truncated, in order to remove the domains of the protein that are not essential to the predefined functions of the protein, in particular the domains not necessary for interaction with the gRNA or gRNAs. The nuclease MAD7 (whose amino acid sequence corresponds to the sequence SEQ ID NO: 72), also identified as “Cas12” or “Cpf1”, may otherwise be used advantageously in the context of the present invention by combining it with one or more of the gRNAs known by a person skilled in the art to be capable of binding to a nuclease of this kind (cf. Garcia-Doval et al., 2017 and Stella S. et al., 2017).

According to a particular aspect, the sequence encoding the nuclease MAD7 is a sequence optimized for being easily expressed in strains of Clostridium, preferably the sequence SEQ ID NO: 71.

According to another particular aspect, the sequence encoding the nuclease MAD7 is a sequence optimized for being easily expressed in strains of Bacillus, preferably the sequence SEQ ID NO: 132.

The sequence encoding Cas9 (the entire protein or a fragment thereof) such as is usable in one of the possible embodiment examples of the invention may be obtained starting from any known Cas9 protein (Makarova et al., 2011). Examples of Cas9 proteins usable in the present invention include, but are not limited to, the Cas9 proteins of S. pyogenes (cf. SEQ ID NO: 1 of application WO2017/064439 and NCBI accession number: WP_010922251.1), Streptococcus thermophilus, Streptococcus mutans, Campylobacter jejuni, Pasteurella multocida, Francisella novicida, Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria lactamica and Legionella pneumophila (cf. Fonfara et al., 2013; Makarova et al., 2015).

In a particular embodiment, the Cas9 protein, or a functional protein, peptide, or polypeptide fragment thereof, encoded by one of the nucleic acids of the genetic tool according to the invention comprises, or consists of, the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 75, or any other amino acid sequence having at least 50%, preferably at least 60%, identity with the latter, and containing as a minimum the two aspartic acids (“D”) occupying positions 10 (“D10”) and 840 (“D840”) of the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 75. In a preferred embodiment, Cas9 comprises, or consists of, the Cas9 protein (NCBI accession number: WP_010922251.1, SEQ ID NO: 75), encoded by the cas9 gene of the strain of S. pyogenes M1 GAS (NCBI accession number: NC_002737.2 SPy_1046, SEQ ID NO: 76) or a version of the latter that has undergone optimization (“optimized version”) at the origin of a transcript containing the codons used preferentially by the bacteria of the genus Clostridium, typically the codons rich in adenine (“A”) and thymine (“T”) bases, allowing facilitated expression of the Cas9 protein in this bacterial genus. These optimized codons respect the way of using codons, well known by a person skilled in the art, specific to each bacterial strain.

According to a particular embodiment, the Cas9 domain consists of an entire Cas9 protein, preferably the Cas9 protein of S. pyogenes or of an optimized version thereof.

Each of the nucleic acids of a genetic tool described in the present text, typically the “first” nucleic acid and the “second” or “n-th” nucleic acid of said genetic tool, consists of a distinct entity and is typically in the form of an expression cassette (or “construct”) such as for example a nucleic acid comprising at least one transcriptional promoter linked operationally (in the sense as understood by a person skilled in the art) to one or more (coding) sequences of interest, for example to an operon comprising several coding sequences of interest whose expression products contribute to the performance of a function of interest within the bacterium, or a nucleic acid further comprising a transcription activating and/or terminating sequence; or in the form of a circular or linear, single or double stranded vector, for example a plasmid, a phage, a cosmid, an artificial or synthetic chromosome, comprising one or more expression cassettes as defined above. Preferably, the vector is a plasmid.

The nucleic acids of interest, typically the cassettes or expression vectors, may be constructed by conventional techniques that are familiar to a person skilled in the art and may comprise one or more promoters, bacterial replication origins (ORI sequences), termination sequences, selector genes, for example antibiotic resistance genes, and sequences (“flanked regions”) allowing targeted insertion of the cassette or vector. Moreover, these expression cassettes and vectors may be integrated within the bacterial genome by techniques that are familiar to a person skilled in the art.

ORI sequences of interest may be selected from pIP404, pAMβ1, repH (replication origin in C. acetobutylicum), ColE1 or rep (replication origin in E. coli), or any other replication origin allowing the vector, typically the plasmid, to be maintained within a bacterial cell, for example a cell of Clostridium or of Bacillus.

In the context of the present invention, a preferred ORI sequence is that present within the sequence OREP (SEQ ID NO: 126) of the plasmid pNF2 (SEQ ID NO: 118).

Termination sequences of interest may be selected from those of the genes adc, thl, of the operon bcs, or of any other terminator, familiar to a person skilled in the art, allowing transcription to be stopped within a bacterial cell, for example a cell of Clostridium or of Bacillus.

Selector genes (resistance genes) of interest may be selected from ermB, catP, bla, tetA, tetM, and/or any other gene for resistance to ampicillin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, spectinomycin, tetracycline or any other antibiotic usable for selecting bacteria, for example of the genus Clostridium or Bacillus, familiar to a person skilled in the art.

The sequence encoding the DNA endonuclease, for example Cas9, optionally present within one of the nucleic acids of a genetic tool according to the invention, may be placed under the control of a promoter. This promoter may be a constitutive promoter or an inducible promoter. In a preferred embodiment, the promoter controlling expression of the nuclease is an inducible promoter.

Examples of constitutive promoters usable in the context of the present invention may be selected from the promoter of the gene thl, of the gene ptb, of the gene adc, of the operon BCS, or a derivative thereof, preferably a functional derivative but shorter (truncated) such as the “miniPthl” derivative of the promoter of the gene thl of C. acetobutylicum (Dong et al., 2012), or any other promoter, familiar to a person skilled in the art, allowing expression of a protein within a bacterium of interest, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium.

Examples of inducible promoters usable in the context of the present invention may be selected for example from a promoter whose expression is controlled by the transcriptional repressor TetR, for example the promoter of the gene tetA (tetracycline resistance gene originally present on the transposon Tn10 of E. coli); a promoter whose expression is controlled by L-arabinose, for example the promoter of the gene ptk (Zhang et al., 2015), preferably in combination with the araR cassette regulating expression in C. acetobutylicum so as to construct a system ARAi (Zhang et al., 2015); a promoter whose expression is controlled by laminaribiose (dimer of glucose β-1,3), for example the promoter of the gene celC, preferably followed immediately by the repressor gene glyR3 and the gene of interest (Mearls et al. 2015) or the promoter of the gene celC (Newcomb et al., 2011); a promoter whose expression is controlled by lactose, for example the promoter of the gene bgaL (Banerjee et al., 2014); a promoter whose expression is controlled by xylose, for example the promoter of the gene xylB (Nariya et al., 2011); and a promoter whose expression is controlled by exposure to UV, for example the promoter of the gene bcn (Dupuy et al., 2005).

A promoter derived from one of the promoters described above, preferably a shorter (truncated) functional derivative, may also used be in the context of the invention.

Other inducible promoters usable in the context of the present invention are also described for example in the articles by Ransom et al. (2015), Currie et al. (2013) and Hartman et al. (2011).

A preferred inducible promoter is a promoter derived from tetA, inducible with anhydrotetracycline (aTc; less toxic than tetracycline and capable of removing the inhibition of the transcriptional repressor TetR at lower concentration), selected from Pcm-2tetO1 and Pcm-2tetO2/1 (Dong et al., 2012).

Another preferred inducible promoter is a promoter inducible by lactose, for example the promoter of the gene bgaL (Banerjee et al., 2014).

A nucleic acid of particular interest, typically an expression cassette or vector, comprises one or more expression cassettes, each cassette encoding a gRNA.

The term “guide RNA” or “gRNA” denotes, in the sense of the invention, an RNA molecule capable of interacting with a DNA endonuclease in order to guide it to a target region of the bacterial chromosome. The cutting specificity is determined by the gRNA. As explained above, each gRNA comprises two regions:

    • a first region (commonly called “SDS” region), at the 5′ end of the gRNA, which is complementary to the target chromosomal region and which imitates the crRNA of the endogenous CRISPR system, and
    • a second region (commonly called “handle” region), at the 3′ end of the gRNA, which mimics the base pairing interactions between tracrRNA (“trans-activating crRNA”) and the crRNA of the endogenous CRISPR system and has a double-stranded stem-loop structure ending at 3′ with an essentially single-stranded sequence. This second region is essential for binding the gRNA to the DNA endonuclease.

The first region of the gRNA (“SDS” region) varies according to the chromosomal sequence targeted.

The “SDS” region of the gRNA that is complementary to the target chromosomal region comprises at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 nucleotides, typically between 1 and 40 nucleotides. Preferably, this region has a length of 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 nucleotides.

The second region of the gRNA (“handle” region) has a stem-loop structure (or hairpin structure). The “handle” regions of the various gRNAs do not depend on the chromosomal target selected.

According to a particular embodiment, the “handle” region comprises, or consists of, a sequence of at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 1, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 nucleotides, typically between 1 and 1000 nucleotides. Preferably, this region has a length from 40 to 120 nucleotides.

The total length of a gRNA is generally from 50 to 1000 nucleotides, preferably from 80 to 200 nucleotides, and more particularly preferably from 90 to 120 nucleotides. According to a particular embodiment, a gRNA as used in the present invention has a length between 95 and 110 nucleotides, for example a length of about 100 or of about 110 nucleotides.

A person skilled in the art can easily define the sequence and the structure of the gRNAs depending on the chromosomal region to be targeted using techniques that are well known (see for example the article by DiCarlo et al., 2013).

The DNA region/portion/sequence targeted within the bacterial genome, for example of the bacterial chromosome, may correspond to a non-coding portion of DNA or to a coding portion of DNA.

In a particular embodiment consisting of modifying a given sequence, the targeted portion of the bacterial DNA is essential to the bacterium's survival. It corresponds for example to any region of the bacterial chromosome or to any region located on the non-chromosomal DNA, for example on a mobile genetic element indispensable to the survival of the microorganism in particular growth conditions, for example a plasmid containing a marker of resistance to an antibiotic when the growth conditions envisaged require culturing the bacterium in the presence of said antibiotic.

In another particular embodiment with the aim of removing a genetic element that is not indispensable in the particular growth conditions associated with culture of the microorganism, the targeted portion of the bacterial DNA may correspond to any region of said non-chromosomal bacterial DNA.

Particular examples of DNA portion targeted within a bacterium of the genus Clostridium are the sequences used in example 1 of the experimental section. They are for example sequences encoding the genes bdhA (SEQ ID NO: 77) and bdhB (SEQ ID NO: 78). The DNA region/portion/sequence targeted is followed by a sequence “PAM” (“protospacer adjacent motif”) which is involved in binding to the DNA endonuclease.

The “SDS” region of a given gRNA is identical (to 100%) or identical to at least 80%, preferably at least 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% to the DNA region/portion/sequence targeted within the bacterial genome, for example the bacterial chromosome, and is capable of hybridizing to all or part of the complementary sequence of said region/portion/sequence, typically to a sequence comprising at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 nucleotides, typically between 1 and 40 nucleotides, preferably to a sequence comprising 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 nucleotides.

In the context of the invention, the nucleic acid of interest may comprise one or more guide RNAs (gRNA) targeting a sequence (“target sequence”, “targeted sequence” or “sequence recognized”). These various gRNAs may target chromosomal regions, or regions belonging to non-chromosomal bacterial DNA (for example to the mobile genetic elements) optionally present within the microorganism, identical or different.

The gRNAs may be introduced into the bacterial cell in the form of molecules of gRNA (mature or precursors), in the form of precursors or in the form of one or more nucleic acids encoding said gRNAs. The gRNAs are preferably introduced into the bacterial cell in the form of one or more nucleic acids encoding said gRNA.

When the gRNA or gRNAs are introduced into the cell directly in the form of RNA molecules, these gRNAs (mature or precursors) may contain modified nucleotides or chemical modifications allowing them, for example, to increase their resistance to nucleases and thus increase their lifetime in the cell. They may in particular comprise at least one modified or non-natural nucleotide such as, for example, a nucleotide comprising a modified base, such as inosine, methyl-5-deoxycytidine, dimethylamino-5-deoxyuridine, deoxyuridine, diamino-2,6-purine, bromo-5-deoxyuridine or any other modified base allowing hybridization. The gRNAs used according to the invention may also be modified at the level of the internucleotide linkage, for example such as phosphorothioates, H-phosphonates or alkyl-phosphonates, or at the level of the skeleton for example such as alpha-oligonucleotides, 2′-O-alkyl riboses or PNAs (Peptide Nucleic Acids) (Egholm et al., 1992).

The gRNAs may be natural RNAs, synthetic RNAs or RNAs produced by recombination techniques. These gRNAs may be prepared by all methods known by a person skilled in the art such as, for example, chemical synthesis, in vivo transcription or amplification techniques.

When the gRNAs are introduced into the bacterial cell in the form of one or more nucleic acids, the sequence or sequences encoding the gRNA or gRNAs are placed under the control of an expression promoter. This promoter may be constitutive or inducible.

When several gRNAs are used, the expression of each gRNA may be controlled by a different promoter. Preferably, the promoter used is the same for all the gRNAs. In a particular embodiment, one and the same promoter may be used for allowing the expression of several, for example of just some, or in other words some or all, of the gRNAs intended to be expressed.

In a preferred embodiment, the promoter or promoters controlling expression of the gRNA/gRNAs is/are inducible promoters.

Examples of constitutive promoters usable in the context of the present invention may be selected from the promoter of the gene thl, of the gene ptb or of the operon BCS, or a derivative thereof, preferably miniPthl, or any other promoter, familiar to a person skilled in the art, allowing synthesis of a (coding or non-coding) RNA within the bacterium of interest.

Examples of inducible promoters usable in the context of the present invention may be selected from the promoter of the gene tetA, of the gene xylA, of the gene lad, or of the gene bgaL, or a derivative thereof, preferably 2tetO1 or tetO2/1. A preferred inducible promoter is 2tetO1.

The promoters controlling expression of the DNA endonuclease and of the gRNA/gRNAs may be identical or different and constitutive or inducible. In a particular preferred embodiment, the promoters controlling respectively expression of the DNA endonuclease or of the gRNA or gRNAs are different promoters but are inducible by the same inducer.

The inducible promoters as described above make it possible to control advantageously the action of the DNA endonuclease/gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, for example Cas9/gRNA, and facilitate selection of transformants that have undergone the desired genetic modifications.

The genetic tool according to the invention may further comprise advantageously a sequence encoding at least one anti-CRISPR protein, i.e. a protein capable of inhibiting or of preventing/neutralizing the action of Cas, and/or a protein capable of inhibiting or of preventing/neutralizing the action of a CRISPR/Cas system, for example of a CRISPR/Cas system of type II when the nuclease is a nuclease of the Cas9 type. This sequence is typically placed under the control of an inducible promoter different from the promoters controlling expression of the DNA endonuclease and/or of the gRNA or gRNAs, and is inducible by another inducer. In a preferred embodiment, the sequence encoding the anti-CRISPR protein is moreover typically localized on one of the at least two nucleic acids present within the genetic tool. In a particular embodiment, the sequence encoding the anti-CRISPR protein is localized on a nucleic acid different from the first two (typically a “third nucleic acid”). In yet another particular embodiment, both the sequence encoding the anti-CRISPR protein and the sequence encoding the transcriptional repressor of said anti-CRISPR protein are integrated in the bacterial chromosome.

In a preferred embodiment, the sequence encoding an anti-CRISPR protein is placed, within the genetic tool, on the nucleic acid encoding the DNA endonuclease (also identified in the present text as “first nucleic acid”). In another embodiment, the sequence encoding an anti-CRISPR protein is placed, within the genetic tool, on a nucleic acid different from that encoding the DNA endonuclease, for example on the nucleic acid identified in the present text as “second nucleic acid” or else on an “n-th” (typically a “third”) nucleic acid optionally comprised in the genetic tool.

The anti-CRISPR protein is typically an “anti-Cas9” protein or an “anti-MAD7” protein, i.e. a protein capable of inhibiting or of preventing/neutralizing the action of Cas9 or of CAST.

The anti-CRISPR protein is advantageously an “anti-Cas9” protein, for example selected from AcrIIA1, AcrIIA2, AcrIIA3, AcrIIA4, AcrIIA5, AcrIIC1, AcrIIC2 and AcrIIC3 (Pawluk et al., 2018). Preferably the “anti-Cas9” protein is AcrIIA2 or AcrIIA4. Even more preferably the “anti-Cas9” protein is AcrIIA4. Said protein is typically capable of limiting very significantly, ideally of preventing, the action of Cas9, for example by binding to the enzyme Cas9 (Dong et al., 2017; Rauch et al., 2017).

Another anti-CRISPR protein advantageously usable is an “anti-MAD7” protein, for example the protein AcrVA1 (Marino et al., 2018).

In a preferred embodiment, the anti-CRISPR protein is capable of inhibiting, preferably neutralizing, the action of the DNA endonuclease, preferably during the step of introducing the nucleic acid sequences of the genetic tool into the bacterial strain of interest.

The promoter controlling expression of the sequence encoding the anti-CRISPR protein is preferably an inducible promoter. The inducible promoter is associated with a gene expressed constitutively, typically responsible for the expression of a protein allowing transcriptional repression starting from said inducible promoter. This promoter may for example be selected from the promoter of the gene tetA, of the gene xylA, of the gene lad, or of the gene bgaL, or a derivative thereof.

An example of inducible promoter usable in the context of the invention is the promoter Pbgal (inducible with lactose) present, within the genetic tool and on the same nucleic acid, alongside the gene bgaR expressed constitutively and whose expression product allows transcriptional repression starting from Pbgal. In the presence of the inducer, lactose, transcriptional repression of the promoter Pbgal is removed, allowing transcription of the gene placed downstream of the latter. Preferably, the gene placed downstream corresponds, in the context of the present invention, to the gene encoding the anti-CRISPR protein, for example acrIIA4.

The promoter controlling expression of the anti-CRISPR protein makes it possible to control advantageously the action of the DNA endonuclease, for example of the enzyme Cas9, and thus facilitate transformation of bacteria, for example bacteria of the genus Clostridium, Bacillus or Lactobacillus, and the production of transformants that have undergone the desired genetic modifications.

In a particular embodiment, the invention relates to a genetic tool comprising a plasmid vector whose sequence is that of SEQ ID NO: 23 as “first” nucleic acid.

In yet another particular embodiment, the invention relates to a genetic tool comprising a plasmid vector whose sequence is selected from one of the sequences SEQ ID NO: 79, SEQ ID NO: 80, SEQ ID NO: 119, SEQ ID NO: 123, SEQ ID NO: 124 and SEQ ID NO: 125 as “second” or “n-th” nucleic acid.

In yet another particular embodiment, the invention relates to a genetic tool comprising a plasmid vector whose sequence is selected from one of the sequences SEQ ID NO: 119, SEQ ID NO: 123, SEQ ID NO: 124 and SEQ ID NO: 125 as “nucleic acid OPT”. In another particular embodiment, the genetic tool comprises several (for example at least two or three) sequences among SEQ ID NO: 23, 79, 80, 119, 123, 124 and 125, said sequences being different from one another.

The inventors describe examples of nucleic acid of interest, typically DNA sequences of interest, allowing expression, within a bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium.

In a particular embodiment, expression of the DNA sequence of interest allows the bacterium, for example the bacterium of the genus Clostridium, to ferment (typically simultaneously) several different sugars, for example at least two different sugars, typically at least two different sugars among the sugars comprising 5 carbon atoms (such as glucose or mannose) and/or among the sugars comprising 6 carbon atoms (such as xylose, arabinose or fructose), preferably at least three different sugars, selected for example from glucose, xylose and mannose; glucose, arabinose and mannose; and glucose, xylose and arabinose.

In another particular embodiment, the DNA sequence of interest encodes at least one product of interest, preferably a product promoting production of solvent by the bacterium, for example by the bacterium of the genus Clostridium, Bacillus or Lactobacillus, typically at least one protein of interest, for example an enzyme; a membrane protein such as a transporter; a protein for maturation of other proteins (chaperone protein); a transcription factor; or a combination thereof.

In a preferred embodiment, the DNA sequence of interest promotes the production of solvent and is typically selected from a sequence encoding i) an enzyme, for example an enzyme involved in the conversion of aldehydes to alcohol, for example selected from a sequence encoding an alcohol dehydrogenase (for example a sequence selected from adh, adhE, adhE1, adhE2, bdhA, bdhB and bdhC), a sequence encoding a transferase (for example a sequence selected from ctfA, ctfB, atoA and atoB), a sequence encoding a decarboxylase (for example adc), a sequence encoding a hydrogenase (for example a sequence selected from etfA, etfB and hydA), and a combination thereof, ii) a membrane protein, for example a sequence encoding a phosphotransferase (for example a sequence selected from glcG, bglC, cbe4532, cbe4533, cbe4982, cbe4983, cbe0751), iii) a transcription factor (for example a sequence selected from sigL, sigE, sigF, sigG, sigH, sigK) and iv) a combination thereof.

Furthermore, the inventors describe examples of nucleic acid of interest recognizing (binding at least partly), and preferably targeting, i.e. recognizing and allowing cutting, in the genome of a bacterium of interest, of at least one strand i) of a target sequence, ii) of a sequence controlling the transcription of a target sequence, or iii) of a sequence flanking a target sequence.

The sequence recognized is also identified in the present text as “target sequence” or “targeted sequence”. A genetic tool comprising, or consisting of, said nucleic acid of interest is also described. In this case, the nucleic acid of interest is typically present within the “second” or “n-th” nucleic acid of a genetic tool as described in the present text.

The nucleic acid of interest is typically used in the context of the present description for suppressing the recognized sequence of the genome of the bacterium or for modifying its expression, for example for modulating/regulating its expression, in particular inhibiting it, preferably for modifying it so as to make said bacterium incapable of expressing a protein, in particular a functional protein, starting from said sequence.

When the target sequence is a sequence encoding an enzyme allowing the bacterium of interest to grow in a culture medium containing an antibiotic with respect to which it endows it with resistance, a sequence controlling the transcription of such a sequence or a sequence flanking such a sequence, the antibiotic is typically an antibiotic belonging to the class of amphenicols. Examples of amphenicols of interest in the context of the present description are chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, azidamfenicol and florfenicol (Schwarz S. et al., 2004), in particular chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol.

In a particular embodiment, the nucleic acid of interest comprises at least one complementary region of the target sequence 100% identical or 80% identical at least, preferably 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% identical at least to the DNA region/portion/sequence targeted within the bacterial genome and is capable of hybridizing to all or part of the complementary sequence of said region/portion/sequence, typically to a sequence comprising at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 nucleotides, typically between 1, 10 or 20 and 1000 nucleotides, for example between 1, 10 or 20 and 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300 or 200 nucleotides, between 1, 10 or 20 and 100 nucleotides, between 1, 10 or 20 and 50 nucleotides, or between 1, 10 or 20 and 40 nucleotides, for example between 10 and 40 nucleotides, between 10 and 30 nucleotides, between 10 and 20 nucleotides, between 20 and 30 nucleotides, between 15 and 40 nucleotides, between 15 and 30 nucleotides or between 15 and 20 nucleotides, preferably to a sequence comprising 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 nucleotides. The complementary region of the target sequence present within the nucleic acid of interest may correspond to the “SDS” region of a guide RNA (gRNA) used in a CRISPR tool as described in the present text.

In another particular embodiment described, the nucleic acid of interest comprises at least two regions each complementary of a target sequence, 100% identical or at least 80% identical, preferably a least 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% identical to said DNA region/portion/sequence targeted within the bacterial genome. These regions are capable of hybridizing to all or part of the complementary sequence of said region/portion/sequence, typically to a sequence as described above comprising at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 100 nucleotides, typically between 100 and 1000 nucleotides. The complementary regions of the target sequence present within the nucleic acid of interest may recognize, preferably target, the flanking regions at 5′ and at 3′ of the targeted sequence in a tool for genetic modification as described in the present text, for example the genetic tool ClosTron®, the genetic tool Targetron® or an allelic exchange tool of the ACE® type.

According to a particular aspect, the target sequence is a sequence encoding an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, for example a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase or a thiamphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, controlling the transcription of such a sequence or flanking such a sequence, within the genome of a bacterium of interest, for example of the genus Clostridium, capable of growing in a culture medium containing one or more antibiotics belonging to the class of amphenicols, for example chloramphenicol and/or thiamphenicol.

The sequence recognized is for example the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 corresponding to the gene catB (CIBE_3859) encoding a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 or an amino acid sequence at least 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90% or 95% identical to said chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, or a sequence comprising all or at least 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18. In other words, the sequence recognized may be a sequence comprising at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 nucleotides, typically between 1 and 40 nucleotides, preferably a sequence comprising 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 nucleotides of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18.

Examples of amino acid sequences at least 70% identical to chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase encoded by the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 correspond to the sequences identified in the NCBI database under the following references: WP_077843937.1, SEQ ID NO: 44 (WP_063843219.1), SEQ ID NO: 45 (WP_078116092.1), SEQ ID NO: 46 (WP_077840383.1), SEQ ID NO: 47 (WP_077307770.1), SEQ ID NO: 48 (WP_103699368.1), SEQ ID NO: 49 (WP_087701812.1), SEQ ID NO: 50 (WP_017210112.1), SEQ ID NO: 51 (WP_077831818.1), SEQ ID NO: 52 (WP_012059398.1), SEQ ID NO: 53 (WP_077363893.1), SEQ ID NO: 54 (WP_015393553.1), SEQ ID NO: 55 (WP_023973814.1), SEQ ID NO: 56 (WP_026887895.1), SEQ ID NO 57 (AWK51568.1), SEQ ID NO: 58 (WP_003359882.1), SEQ ID NO: 59 (WP_091687918.1), SEQ ID NO: 60 (WP_055668544.1), SEQ ID NO: 61 (KGK90159.1), SEQ ID NO: 62 (WP_032079033.1), SEQ ID NO: 63 (WP_029163167.1), SEQ ID NO: 64 (WP_017414356.1), SEQ ID NO: 65 (WP_073285202.1), SEQ ID NO: 66 (WP_063843220.1), and SEQ ID NO: 67 (WP_021281995.1).

Examples of amino acid sequences at least 75% identical to chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase encoded by the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 correspond to the sequences WP_077843937.1, WP_063843219.1, WP_078116092.1, WP_077840383.1, WP_077307770.1, WP_103699368.1, WP_087701812.1, WP_017210112.1, WP_077831818.1, WP_012059398.1, WP_077363893.1, WP_015393553.1, WP_023973814.1, WP_026887895.1 AWK51568.1, WP_003359882.1, WP_091687918.1, WP_055668544.1 and KGK90159.1.

Examples of amino acid sequences at least 90% identical to chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase encoded by the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18, are the sequences WP_077843937.1, WP_063843219.1, WP_078116092.1, WP_077840383.1, WP_077307770.1, WP_103699368.1, WP_087701812.1, WP_017210112.1, WP_077831818.1, WP_012059398.1, WP_077363893.1, WP_015393553.1, WP_023973814.1, WP_026887895.1 and AWK51568.1.

Examples of amino acid sequences at least 95% identical to chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase encoded by the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 correspond to the sequences WP_077843937.1, WP_063843219.1, WP_078116092.1, WP_077840383.1, WP_077307770.1, WP_103699368.1, WP_087701812.1, WP_017210112.1, WP_077831818.1, WP_012059398.1, WP_077363893.1, WP_015393553.1, WP_023973814.1, and WP_026887895.1.

Preferred amino acid sequences, at least 99% identical to chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase encoded by the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18, are the sequences WP_077843937.1, SEQ ID NO: 44 (WP_063843219.1) and SEQ ID NO: 45 (WP_078116092.1).

A particular sequence identical to the sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 is the sequence identified in the NCBI database under the reference WP_077843937.1.

According to a particular example, the target sequence is the sequence SEQ ID NO: 68 corresponding to the gene catQ encoding a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase of C. perfringens whose amino acid sequence corresponds to SEQ ID NO: 66 (WP_063843220.1), or a sequence at least 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90% or 95% identical to said chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, or a sequence comprising all or at least 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 68.

In other words, the recognized sequence may be a sequence comprising at least 1 nucleotide, preferably at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 nucleotides, typically between 1 and 40 nucleotides, preferably a sequence comprising 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 nucleotides of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 68.

In yet another particular example, the recognized sequence is selected from a nucleic acid sequence catB (SEQ ID NO: 18), catQ (SEQ ID NO 68), catD (SEQ ID NO: 69, Schwarz S. et al., 2004) or catP (SEQ ID NO: 70, Schwarz S. et al., 2004) known by a person skilled in the art, present naturally within a bacterium or introduced artificially into said bacterium.

As stated above, according to another particular example, the target sequence may also be a sequence controlling the transcription of a coding sequence as described above (encoding an enzyme allowing the bacterium of interest of grow in a culture medium containing an antibiotic against which it endows it with resistance), typically a promoter sequence, for example the promoter sequence (SEQ ID NO: 73) of the gene catB or that (SEQ ID NO: 74) of the gene catQ.

The nucleic acid of interest then recognizes, and is therefore typically capable of binding to a sequence controlling the transcription of a coding sequence as described above.

According to another particular example, the target sequence may be a sequence flanking a coding sequence as described above, for example a sequence flanking the gene catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 or a sequence at least 70% identical to the latter. Said flanking sequence typically comprises 1, 10 or 20 and 1000 nucleotides, for example between 1, 10 or 20 and 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300 or 200 nucleotides, between 1, 10 or 20 and 100 nucleotides, between 1, 10 or 20 and 50 nucleotides, or between 1, 10 or 20 and 40 nucleotides, for example between 10 and 40 nucleotides, between 10 and 30 nucleotides, between 10 and 20 nucleotides, between 20 and 30 nucleotides, between 15 and 40 nucleotides, between 15 and 30 nucleotides or between 15 and 20 nucleotides.

According to a particular aspect, the target sequence corresponds to the pair of sequences flanking said coding sequence, each flanking sequence typically comprising at least 20 nucleotides, typically between 100 and 1000 nucleotides, preferably between 200 and 800 nucleotides.

In the context of the present description, a particular example of nucleic acid of interest, used for transforming and/or genetically modifying a bacterium of interest, is a DNA fragment i) recognizing a coding sequence, ii) controlling the transcription of a coding sequence, or iii) flanking a coding sequence, an enzyme of interest, preferably an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, for example a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase or a thiamphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, within the genome of a bacterium, for example of a bacterium of the genus Clostridium as described above.

As stated above, an example of nucleic acid of interest according to the invention is capable of suppressing the recognized sequence (“target sequence”) of the genome of the bacterium or of modifying its expression, for example modulating it, in particular inhibiting it, preferably of modifying it so as to make said bacterium incapable of expressing a protein, for example an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, in particular a functional protein, starting from said sequence.

In a particular embodiment in which the recognized sequence encoding an enzyme is a sequence endowing the bacterium with resistance to chloramphenicol and/or to thiamphenicol, the selection gene used is not a gene of resistance to chloramphenicol and/or to thiamphenicol, and preferably is not one of the genes catB, catQ, catD or catP.

In a particular embodiment, the nucleic acid of interest comprises one or more guide RNAs (gRNA) targeting a coding sequence, controlling the transcription of a coding sequence, or flanking a coding sequence, an enzyme of interest, in particular an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, and/or a modification matrix (also identified in the present text as “editing matrix”), for example a matrix making it possible to remove or modify all or part of the target sequence, preferably with the aim of inhibiting or suppressing expression of the target sequence, typically a matrix comprising homologous sequences (corresponding) to the sequences located upstream and downstream of the target sequence as described above, typically sequences (homologous to said sequences located upstream and downstream of the target sequence) each comprising between 10 or 20 base pairs and 1000, 1500 or 2000 base pairs, for example between 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 base pairs and 1000, 1200, 1300, 1400 or 1500 base pairs, preferably between 100 and 1500 or between 100 and 1000 base pairs, and even more preferably between 500 and 1000 base pairs or between 200 and 800 base pairs.

In a particular embodiment, the nucleic acid of interest used for transforming and/or genetically modifying a bacterium of interest is a nucleic acid that does not have a methylation at the level of the motifs recognized by methyltransferases of the Dam and Dcm type (prepared from an Escherichia coli bacterium having the dam− dcm− genotype).

When the bacterium of interest to be transformed and/or modified genetically is a bacterium C. beijerinckii, in particular belonging to one of the subclades DSM 6423, LMG 7814, LMG 7815, NRRL B-593 and NCCB 27006, the nucleic acid of interest used as a genetic tool, for example the plasmid, is a nucleic acid that does not have a methylation at the level of the motifs recognized by methyltransferases of the Dam and Dcm type, typically a nucleic acid whose adenosine (“A”) of the GATC motif and/or the second cytosine “C” of the CCWGG motif (W may correspond to an adenosine (“A”) or to a thymine (“T”)) are demethylated.

A nucleic acid that does not have a methylation at the level of the motifs recognized by methyltransferases of the Dam and Dcm type may typically be prepared from an Escherichia coli bacterium having the dam dcm genotype (for example Escherichia coli INV 110, Invitrogen). This same nucleic acid may comprise other methylations performed for example by methyltransferases of the ecoKI type, the latter targeting the adenines (“A”) of the motifs AAC(N6)GTGC and GCAC(N6)GTT (N may correspond to any base).

In a particular embodiment, the targeted sequence corresponds to a gene encoding an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase for example a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase such as the gene catB, to a sequence controlling the transcription of this gene, or to a sequence flanking this gene.

A nucleic acid of particular interest described by the inventors is for example a vector, preferably a plasmid, for example the plasmid pCas9ind-ΔcatB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 21 or the plasmid pCas9ind-gRNA_catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 38 described in the experimental section of the present description (cf. example 2), in particular a version of said sequence that does not have a methylation at the level of the motifs recognized by methyltransferases of the Dam and Dcm type.

The present description also relates to the use of a nucleic acid of interest for transforming and/or genetically modifying a bacterium of interest as described in the present text.

Another aspect described by the inventors relates to a method for transforming, and preferably in addition genetically modifying, a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, typically a solventogenic bacterium, in particular a solventogenic bacterium of the genus Clostridium, using a genetic tool according to the invention, typically using a nucleic acid of interest according to the invention as described above. This method advantageously comprises a step of transformation of the bacterium by introducing, into said bacterium, all or part of a genetic tool as described in the present text, in particular a nucleic acid of interest described in the present text, preferably a “nucleic acid OPT” comprising, or consisting of, i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 (OREP) and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium. The method may further comprise a step of obtaining, of recovering, of selecting or of isolating the transformed bacterium, i.e. the bacterium having the required recombination or recombinations/modification or modifications/optimization or optimizations.

In a particular embodiment, the method for transforming, and preferably genetically modifying, a bacterium as described in the present text, involves a tool for genetic modification, for example a tool for genetic modification selected from a CRISPR tool, a tool based on the use of type II introns (for example the Targetron® tool or the ClosTron® tool) and an allelic exchange tool (for example the ACE® tool), and comprises a step of transforming the bacterium by introducing, into said bacterium, a nucleic acid of interest according to the invention as described above.

The present invention is typically advantageously employed if the genetic modification tool selected for transforming, and preferably genetically modifying, a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, is intended to be used on a bacterium, such as C. beijerinckii, bearing in the wild state a gene encoding an enzyme responsible for resistance to one or more antibiotics and/or bearing in the wild state at least one extrachromosomal DNA sequence, and the application of said genetic tool comprises a step of transforming said bacterium using a nucleic acid allowing expression of a marker of resistance to an antibiotic to which this bacterium is resistant in the wild state and/or a step of selecting the transformed and/or genetically modified bacteria using said antibiotic (to which the bacterium is resistant in the wild state), preferably for selecting, among said bacteria, bacteria that have lost said extrachromosomal DNA sequence.

A modification advantageously performable owing to the present invention, for example using a tool for genetic modification selected from a CRISPR tool, a tool based on the use of type II introns and an allelic exchange tool, consists of suppressing an undesirable sequence, for example a sequence encoding an enzyme endowing the bacterium with resistance to one or more antibiotics, or to make this undesirable sequence non-functional. Another modification advantageously performable owing to the present invention consists of genetically modifying a bacterium in order to improve its performance, for example its performance in the production of a solvent or of a mixture of solvents of interest, said bacterium having already been modified beforehand by means of the invention to make it sensitive to an antibiotic to which it was resistant in the wild state, and/or to remove an extrachromosomal DNA sequence that is present in the wild form of said bacterium.

In a preferred embodiment, the method according to the invention is based on the use of (employs) the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) technology/genetic tool, in particular the CRISPR/Cas (CRISPR-associated protein) genetic tool.

The present invention may be implemented using a conventional CRISPR/Cas genetic tool using a single plasmid comprising a nuclease, a gRNA and a repair matrix such as described by Wang et al. (2015).

A person skilled in the art can easily define the sequence and the structure of the gRNAs according to the chromosomal region or the mobile genetic element to be targeted using well known techniques (see for example the article by DiCarlo et al., 2013).

The inventors have developed and described a genetic tool for modifying bacteria, suitable for the bacteria of the genus Clostridium, also usable in the context of the present invention, based on the use of two plasmids (cf. WO2017/064439, Wasels et al., 2017, and FIG. 15 appended to the present description). In a particular embodiment, the “first” plasmid of this tool allows expression of the nuclease Cas and a “second” plasmid, specific to the modification to be effected, contains one or more gRNA expression cassettes (typically targeting different regions of the bacterial DNA) as well as a repair matrix allowing, by a mechanism of homologous recombination, replacement of a portion of the bacterial DNA targeted by Cas with a sequence of interest. The gene cas and/or the gRNA expression cassette(s) are placed under the control of constitutive or inducible, preferably inducible, expression promoters known by a person skilled in the art (described for example in application WO2017/064439 and incorporated in the present description by reference), and preferably different, but inducible by the same inducer.

The gRNAs that are usable correspond to the gRNAs as described above in the present text.

A particular method involving CRISPR technology, usable in the context of the present invention for transforming, and typically for genetically modifying by homologous recombination, a bacterium as described in the present text, comprises the following steps:

a) introducing, into the bacterium, a nucleic acid or genetic tool described by the inventors in the presence of an agent for inducing the expression of an anti-CRISPR protein, and

b) culturing the transformed bacterium obtained at the end of step a) on a medium not containing (or in conditions not involving) the inducer of expression of the anti-CRISPR protein, typically allowing expression of the DNA endonuclease/gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, typically Cas/gRNA (in order to stop production of said anti-CRISPR protein and allow the action of the endonuclease).

The inducer of expression of the anti-CRISPR protein is present in sufficient quantity to induce said expression. In the case of the promoter Pbgal, the inducer, lactose, makes it possible to remove the inhibition of expression (transcriptional repression) of the anti-CRISPR protein linked to expression of the protein BgaR.

The inducer of expression of the anti-CRISPR protein is preferably used at a concentration between about 1 mM and about 1M, preferably between about 10 mM and about 100 mM, for example about 40 mM.

In a preferred embodiment, the anti-CRISPR protein is capable of inhibiting, preferably neutralizing, the action of the nuclease, preferably during the step of introducing the nucleic acid sequences of the genetic tool into the bacterial strain of interest.

In a particular embodiment, the method further comprises, during or after step b), a step of induction of expression of the inducible promoter or promoters controlling expression of the nuclease and/or of the guide RNA or guide RNAs when said promoter(s) are present in the genetic tool, in order to allow the genetic modification of interest of the bacterium once said genetic tool has been introduced into said bacterium. Induction is carried out using a substance making it possible to remove the inhibition of expression linked to the inducible promoter selected.

The induction step, when present, may thus be carried out by any method of culture on a medium allowing expression of the endonuclease/gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex known by a person skilled in the art after introducing the genetic tool according to the invention into the target bacterium. It is for example carried out by contacting the bacterium with a suitable substance, present in sufficient quantity, or by exposure to UV light. This substance makes it possible to remove the inhibition of expression linked to the inducible promoter selected. When the promoter selected is a promoter inducible with anhydrotetracycline (aTc), selected from Pcm-2tetO1 and Pcm-tetO2/1, the aTc is preferably used at a concentration between about 1 ng/ml and about 5000 ng/ml, preferably between about 10 ng/ml and 1000 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml and 800 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml and 500 ng/ml, 100 ng/ml or 200 ng/ml and about 800 ng/ml or 1000 ng/ml, or between about 100 ng/ml or 200 ng/ml and about 500 ng/ml, 600 ng/ml or 700 ng/ml, for example about 50 ng/ml, 100 ng/ml, 150 ng/ml, 200 ng/ml, 250 ng/ml, 300 ng/ml, 350 ng/ml, 400 ng/ml, 450 ng/ml, 500 ng/ml, 550 ng/ml, 600 ng/ml, 650 ng/ml, 700 ng/ml, 750 ng/ml or 800 ng/ml.

In another particular embodiment, the method comprises an additional step c) of removing the nucleic acid containing the repair matrix (the bacterial cell then being regarded as “stripped” of said nucleic acid) and/or of removing the guide RNA or guide RNAs or sequences encoding the guide RNA or guide RNAs introduced with the genetic tool in step a).

In yet another particular embodiment, the method comprises one or more additional steps, subsequent to step b) or to step c), of introducing an n-th, for example third, fourth, fifth, etc., nucleic acid containing a repair matrix different from that or those already introduced, and one or more expression cassettes of guide RNAs allowing integration of the sequence of interest contained in said distinct repair matrix in a targeted zone of the genome of the bacterium, in the presence of an agent for inducing expression of the anti-CRISPR protein, each additional step being followed by a step of culturing the bacterium thus transformed on a medium not containing the agent for inducing expression of the anti-CRISPR protein, typically allowing expression of the Cas/gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex.

In a particular embodiment of the method according to the invention, the bacterium is transformed using a nucleic acid or a genetic tool such as those described above, using (for example coding) an enzyme responsible for the cutting of at least one strand of the target sequence of interest, in which, in a particular embodiment, the enzyme is a nuclease, preferably a nuclease of the Cas type, preferably selected from a Cas9 enzyme and a MAD7 enzyme. In one embodiment example, the target sequence of interest is a sequence, for example the gene catB, encoding an enzyme endowing the bacterium with resistance to one or more antibiotics, preferably to one or more antibiotics belonging to the class of amphenicols, typically an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase such as a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, a sequence controlling transcription of the coding sequence or a sequence flanking said coding sequence.

When it is used, the anti-CRISPR protein is typically an “anti-Cas” protein as described above. The anti-CRISPR protein is advantageously an “anti-Cas9” protein or an “anti-MAD7” protein.

Just like the portion of DNA targeted (“sequence recognized”), the editing/repair matrix may itself comprise one or more nucleic acid sequences or portions of nucleic acid sequence corresponding to natural and/or synthetic, coding and/or non-coding sequences. The matrix may also comprise one or more “foreign” sequences, i.e. naturally absent from the genome of the bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, in particular to the genus Clostridium, the genus Bacillus or the genus Lactobacillus, or the genome of particular species of said genus. The matrix may also comprise a combination of sequences.

The genetic used tool in the context of the present invention allows the repair matrix to guide incorporation, within the bacterial genome, of a nucleic acid of interest, typically of a sequence or portion of DNA sequence comprising at least 1 base pair (bp), preferably at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 1 000, 10 000, 100 000 or 1 000 000 bp, typically between 1 bp and 20 kb, for example 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13 kb, or between 1 bp and 10 kb, preferably between 10 bp and 10 kb or between 1 kb and 10 kb, for example between 1 bp and 5 kb, between 2 kb and 5 kb, or else between 2.5 or 3 kb and 5 kb.

In a particular embodiment, expression of the DNA sequence of interest allows the bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, in particular of the genus Clostridium, of the genus Bacillus or of the genus Lactobacillus, to ferment (typically simultaneously) several different sugars, for example at least two different sugars, typically at least two different sugars among the sugars comprising 5 carbon atoms (such as glucose or mannose) and/or among the sugars comprising 6 carbon atoms (such as xylose, arabinose or fructose), preferably at least three different sugars, selected for example from glucose, xylose and mannose; glucose, arabinose and mannose; and glucose, xylose and arabinose.

In another particular embodiment, the DNA sequence of interest encodes at least one product of interest, preferably a product promoting production of solvent by the modified bacterium, typically at least one protein of interest, for example an enzyme; a membrane protein such as a transporter; a protein for maturation of other proteins (chaperone protein); a transcription factor; or a combination thereof.

The elements (nucleic acids or gRNA) of the genetic tool are introduced into the bacterium by any method, direct or indirect, known by a person skilled in the art, for example by transformation, conjugation, microinjection, transfection, electroporation, etc., preferably by electroporation (Mermelstein et al., 1993).

In another embodiment, the method according to the invention is based on the use of type II introns, and for example employs the ClosTron® technology/genetic tool or the Targetron® genetic tool.

The Targetron® technology is based on the use of a reprogrammable intron of group II (based on the intron Ll.ltrB of Lactococcus lactis), capable of integrating the bacterial genome rapidly to a desired locus (Chen et al., 2005, Wang et al., 2013), typically with the aim of inactivating a targeted gene. The mechanisms of recognition of the edited zone as well as insertion in the genome by retrosplicing are based on homology between the intron and said zone on the one hand, and on the activity of a protein (ltrA) on the other hand.

The ClosTron® technology is based on a similar approach, supplemented with addition of a selection marker in the sequence of the intron (Heap et al., 2007). This marker makes it possible to select integration of the intron in the genome, and therefore facilitates production of the desired mutants. This genetic system also makes use of type I introns. In fact, the selection marker (called RAM, for retrotransposition-activated marker) is interrupted by a genetic element of this kind, which prevents its expression from the plasmid (a more precise description of the system: Zhong et al.). Splicing of this genetic element takes place before integration in the genome, which allows production of a chromosome having an active form of the resistance gene. An optimized version of the system comprises FLP/FRT sites upstream and downstream of this gene, which makes it possible to use the recombinase FRT to remove the resistance gene (Heap et al., 2010).

In another embodiment, the method according to the invention is based on the use of an allelic exchange tool, and for example employs the ACE® technology/genetic tool.

The ACE® technology is based on the use of an auxotrophic mutant (for uracil in C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 by deletion of the gene pyrE, which also gives rise to resistance to 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA); Heap et al., 2012). The system uses the allelic exchange mechanism, well known by a person skilled in the art. Following transformation with a pseudo-suicide vector (with very weak copies), integration of the latter in the bacterial chromosome by a first allelic exchange event can be verified owing to the resistance gene present on the plasmid initially. The integration step may be carried out in two different ways, either within the locus pyrE or within another locus:

In the case of integration at the locus pyrE, the gene pyrE is also placed on the plasmid, but without being expressed (no functional promoter). The second recombination restores a functional gene pyrE and can then be selected by auxotrophy (minimum medium, not containing uracil). As the non-functional gene pyrE also has a selectable character (sensitivity to 5-FOA), other integrations are then conceivable on the same model, by successively alternating the state of pyrE between functional and non-functional.

In the case of integration at another locus, a genomic zone allowing expression of the counter-selection marker after recombination is targeted (typically, to operon after another gene, preferably a strongly expressed gene). This second recombination is then selected by auxotrophy (minimum medium not containing uracil).

In the embodiments described based on the use of type II introns, and for example employing the ClosTron® technology/genetic tool or the Targetron® genetic tool, or based on the use of an allelic exchange tool, and for example employing the ACE® technology/genetic tool, the sequence targeted is typically one of the sequences described in the present text.

Particularly advantageously, the nucleic acids and the genetic tools according to the invention allow the introduction of both small and large sequences of interest into the bacterium, in one step, i.e. using a single nucleic acid (typically the “nucleic acid OPT” or the “second” or “n-th” nucleic acid of a tool as described in the present text) or in several steps, i.e. using several nucleic acids (typically the “second” or the “n-th” nucleic acids as described in the present text), preferably in one step.

In a particular embodiment of the invention, the nucleic acids and the genetic tools according to the invention make it possible to suppress a targeted portion of the bacterial DNA or replace it with a shorter sequence (for example with a sequence that has lost at least one base pair) and/or non-functional. In a preferred particular embodiment of the invention, the nucleic acids and the genetic tools according to the invention advantageously make it possible to introduce, into the bacterium, for example into the bacterial genome, a nucleic acid of interest comprising at least one base pair, and up to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 kb.

The invention further relates to a transformed and/or genetically modified bacterium, typically a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, and belonging for example to the genus Clostridium, the genus Bacillus or the genus Lactobacillus, typically a solventogenic bacterium, preferably a bacterium belonging to a species a corresponding to one of the subclades described by the inventors in the present text or obtained using a method as described by the inventors in the present text, as well as any derived bacterium, clone, mutant or genetically modified version thereof, and uses thereof.

An example of a bacterium thus transformed and/or genetically modified in accordance with the invention is a bacterium no longer expressing an enzyme endowing it with resistance to one or more antibiotics, in particular a bacterium no longer expressing an amphenicol-O-acetyltransferase, for example a bacterium expressing the gene catB in the wild state, and lacking said gene catB or incapable of expressing said gene catB once transformed and/or genetically modified in accordance with the invention. The bacterium thus transformed and/or genetically modified in accordance with the invention is made sensitive to an amphenicol, for example to an amphenicol as described in the present text, in particular to chloramphenicol or thiamphenicol.

A particular example of a genetically modified bacterium preferred according to the invention is the bacterium identified in the present description as C. beijerinckii IFP962 ΔcatB as registered under the deposition number LMG P-31151 with the Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Microorganisms (“BCCM”, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent—Belgium) on 6 Dec. 2018.

Another particular example of a genetically modified bacterium preferred according to the invention is the bacterium identified in the present description as C. beijerinckii is a strain C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 as registered under the deposition number LMG P-31277 with the collection BCCM-LMG on 20 Feb. 2019.

The description also relates to any derived bacterium, clone, mutant or genetically modified version of one of said bacteria, for example any derived bacterium, clone, mutant, or genetically modified version remaining sensitive to an amphenicol such as thiamphenicol and/or chloramphenicol, typically a bacterium lacking the gene catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 and the plasmid pNF2.

According to a particular embodiment, the transformed and/or genetically modified bacterium according to the invention, for example the bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP962 ΔcatB or the bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2, is still able to be transformed, and preferably modified genetically. This may be carried out using a nucleic acid, for example a plasmid as described in the present description, for example in the experimental section. An example of nucleic acid usable advantageously is the plasmid pCas9acr of sequence SEQ ID NO: 23 (described in the experimental section of the present description) or else a plasmid selected from pCas9ind (SEQ ID NO: 22), pCas9cond (SEQ ID NO: 133) and pMAD7 (SEQ ID NO: 134).

A particular aspect of the invention relates in fact to the use of a genetically modified bacterium described in the present text, preferably the bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP962 ΔcatB (also identified in the present text as C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB) deposited under number LMG P-31151, even more preferably the bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 deposited under number LMG P-31277, or a genetically modified version of one of the latter, for example using one of the nucleic acids, genetic tools or methods described in the present text, to produce, owing to expression of the nucleic acid or nucleic acids of interest introduced deliberately into its genome, one or more solvents, preferably at least isopropanol, preferably on an industrial scale.

The invention also relates to a kit comprising (i) a nucleic acid as described in the present text, for example “a nucleic acid OPT” or a DNA fragment recognizing a target sequence in a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes as described in the present text, and (ii) at least one tool, preferably several tools, selected from the elements of a tool for genetic modification as described in the present text making it possible to transform, and typically modify genetically, a bacterium of this kind, with a view to producing an improved variant of said bacterium; a nucleic acid as gRNA; a nucleic acid as repair matrix; a “nucleic acid OPT”; at least one primer pair, for example a primer pair as described in the context of the present invention; and an inducer allowing expression of a protein encoded by said tool, for example a nuclease of the Cas9 or MAD7 type.

The tool for genetic modification for transforming, and typically genetically modifying a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes as described in the present text, may for example be selected from a “nucleic acid OPT”, a CRISPR tool, a tool based on the use of type II introns and an allelic exchange tool, as explained above.

In a particular embodiment, the kit comprises some or all of the elements of a genetic tool as described in the present text.

A particular kit for transforming, and preferably genetically modifying, a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes as described in the present text, or for producing at least one solvent, for example a mixture of solvents, using a bacterium of this kind, comprises a nucleic acid comprising, or consisting of, i) all or part of the sequence SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in the wild-type version of said bacterium; as well as at least one inducer suitable for the inducible promoter of expression of the anti-CRISPR protein selected, used in a genetic tool described in the present text.

The kit may further comprise one or more inducers suitable for the selected inducible promoter(s) optionally used in the genetic tool for controlling expression of the nuclease used and/or of one or more guide RNAs.

A particular kit according to the invention allows expression of a nuclease comprising a label (or “tag”).

The kits according to the invention may further comprise one or more consumables such as a culture medium, at least one competent bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes as described in the present text, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, Bacillus or Lactobacillus (i.e. conditioned with a view to transformation), at least one gRNA, a nuclease, one or more selection molecules, or also an explanatory leaflet.

The description also relates to the use of a kit according to the invention, or of one or more of the elements of this kit, for carrying out a method described in the present text, of transformation, and ideally of genetic modification, of a bacterium belonging to the phylum Firmicutes as described in the present text, for example a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, Bacillus or Lactobacillus (for example the bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP962 ΔcatB deposited under number LMG P-31151), preferably a bacterium possessing, in the wild state, both a bacterial chromosome and at least one DNA molecule different from the chromosomal DNA (typically a natural plasmid), most preferably the bacterium C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 deposited under number LMG P-31277, and/or for producing solvent(s) or biofuel(s), or mixtures thereof, preferably on an industrial scale, using said bacterium.

Solvents that may be produced are typically acetone, butanol, ethanol, isopropanol or a mixture thereof, typically an ethanol/isopropanol, butanol/isopropanol, or ethanol/butanol mixture, preferably an isopropanol/butanol mixture.

The use of bacteria transformed according to the invention typically allows annual production on an industrial scale of at least 100 tons of acetone, at least 100 tons of ethanol, at least 1000 tons of isopropanol, at least 1800 tons of butanol, or at least 40 000 tons of a mixture thereof.

The examples and figures given hereunder are for the purpose of illustrating the invention more fully, without limiting its scope.


FIG. 1 shows the CRISPR/Cas9 system used for editing the genome as a genetic tool making it possible to create, using the nuclease Cas9, one or more double-strand breaks in the genomic DNA guided by gRNA. gRNA, guide RNA; PAM, Protospacer Adjacent Motif. Figure adapted from Jinek et al., 2012.

FIG. 2 shows repair by homologous recombination of a double-strand break induced by Cas9. PAM, Protospacer Adjacent Motif.

FIG. 3 shows the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in Clostridium. ermB, erythromycin resistance gene; catP (SEQ ID NO: 70), thiamphenicol/chloramphenicol resistance gene; tetR, gene whose expression product represses transcription starting from Pcm-tetO2/1; Pcm-2tetO1 and Pcm-tetO2/1, anhydrotetracycline inducible promoters, “aTc” (Dong et al., 2012); miniPthl, constitutive promoter (Dong et al., 2012).

FIG. 4 shows the pCas9acr plasmid map (SEQ ID NO: 23). ermB, erythromycin resistance gene; rep, replication origin in E. coli; repH, replication origin in C. acetobutylicum; Tthl, thiolase terminator; miniPthl, constitutive promoter (Dong et al., 2012); Pcm-tetO2/1, promoter repressed by the product of tetR and inducible by anhydrotetracycline, “aTc” (Dong et al., 2012); Pbgal, promoter repressed by the product of lacR and inducible by lactose (Hartman et al., 2011); acrIIA4, gene encoding the anti-CRISPR protein AcrII14; bgaR, gene whose expression product represses transcription starting from Pbgal.

FIG. 5 shows the relative rate of transformation of C. acetobutylicum DSM 792 containing pCas9ind (SEQ ID NO: 22) or pCas9acr (SEQ ID NO: 23). The frequencies are expressed as number of transformants obtained per μg of DNA used in the transformation, relative to the frequencies of transformation of pEC750C (SEQ ID NO: 106), and represent the mean values of at least two independent experiments.

FIG. 6 shows the induction of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in transformants of the strain DSM 792 containing pCas9acr and an expression plasmid of the gRNA targeting bdhB, with (SEQ ID NO: 79 and SEQ ID NO: 80) or without (SEQ ID NO: 105) a repair matrix. Em, erythromycin; Tm, thiamphenicol; aTc, anhydrotetracycline; ND, not diluted.

FIG. 7A shows modification of the locus bdh of C. acetobutylicum DSM792 by means of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. FIG. 7A shows the genetic organization of the locus bdh. The homologies between repair matrix and genomic DNA are highlighted with light grey parallelograms. The hybridization sites of the primers V1 and V2 are also shown.

FIG. 7B shows modification of the locus bdh of C. acetobutylicum DSM792 by means of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. FIG. 7B shows amplification of the locus bdh using the primers V1 and V2. M, marker of size 2-log (NEB); P, plasmid pGRNA-ΔbdhAΔbdhB; WT, wild-type strain.

FIG. 8 shows classification of 30 solventogenic strains of Clostridium, according to Poehlein et al., 2017. Note that the subclade C. beijerinckii NRRL B-593 is also identified in the literature as C. beijerinckii DSM 6423.

FIG. 9 shows the pCas9ind-ΔcatB plasmid map.

FIG. 10 shows the pCas9acr plasmid map.

FIG. 11 shows the pEC750S-uppHR plasmid map.

FIG. 12 shows the pEX-A2-gRNA-upp plasmid map.

FIG. 13 shows the pEC750S-Δupp plasmid map.

FIG. 14 shows the pEC750C-Δupp plasmid map.

FIG. 15 shows the pGRNA-pNF2map.

FIG. 16 shows PCR amplification of the gene catB in the clones resulting from bacterial transformation of the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423.

Amplification of about 1.5 kb if the strain still possesses the gene catB, or of about 900 bp if this gene has been deleted.

FIG. 17 shows the growth of the strains C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 WT and ΔcatB on 2YTG medium and 2YTG thiamphenicol selective medium.

FIG. 18 shows induction of the CRISPR/Cas9acr system in transformants of the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 containing pCas9acr and an expression plasmid of the gRNA targeting upp, with or without a repair matrix. Legend: Em, erythromycin; Tm, thiamphenicol; aTc, anhydrotetracycline; ND, not diluted.

FIG. 19A shows modification of the locus upp of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 by means of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. FIG. 19A shows the genetic organization of the locus upp: genes, target site of the gRNA and repair matrices, associated with the corresponding homology regions on the genomic DNA. The hybridization sites of the primers for verification by PCR (RH010 and RH011) are also indicated.

FIG. 19B shows modification of the locus upp of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 by means of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. FIG. 19B shows amplification of the locus upp using the primers RH010 and RH011. An amplification of 1680 bp is expected in the case of a wild-type gene, against 1090 bp for a modified gene upp. M, 100 bp-3 kb size marker (Lonza); WT, wild-type strain.

FIG. 20 shows PCR amplification verifying the presence of the plasmid pCas9ind. in the strain C. beijerinckii 6423 ΔcatB.

FIG. 21 shows PCR amplification (≈900 bp) verifying the presence or absence of the natural plasmid pNF2 before induction (positive control 1 and 2) and then after induction on medium containing aTc of the CRISPR-Cas9 system.

FIG. 22 shows the genetic tool for modification of bacteria, suitable for the bacteria of the genus Clostridium, based on the use of two plasmids (cf. WO2017/064439, Wasels et al., 2017).

FIG. 23 shows the pCas9ind-gRNA_catB plasmid map.

FIG. 24 shows the transformation efficiency (in colonies observed per μg of DNA transformed) for 20 μg of plasmid pCas9ind in the strain C. beijerinckii DSM6423. The error bars represent the standard error of the mean for a biological triplicate.

FIG. 25 shows the pNF3plasmid map.

FIG. 26 shows the pEC751S plasmid map.

FIG. 27 shows the pNF3S plasmid map.

FIG. 28 shows the pNF3E plasmid map.

FIG. 29 shows the pNF3C plasmid map.

FIG. 30 shows the transformation efficiency (in colonies observed per μg of DNA transformed) of the plasmid pCas9ind in three strains of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423. The error bars correspond to the standard deviation of the mean for a biological duplicate.

FIG. 31 shows the transformation efficiency (in colonies observed per μg of DNA transformed) of the plasmid pEC750C in two strains derived from C. beijerinckii DSM 6423. The error bars correspond to the standard deviation of the mean for a biological duplicate.

FIG. 32 shows the transformation efficiency (in colonies observed per μg of DNA transformed) of the plasmids pEC750C, pNF3C, pFW01 and pNF3E in the strain C. beijerinckii IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2. The error bars correspond to the standard deviation of the mean for a biological triplicate.

FIG. 33 shows the transformation efficiency (in colonies observed per μg of DNA transformed) of the plasmids pFW01, pNF3E and pNF3S in the strain C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052.

Example No. 1
Material and Methods
Culture Conditions

C. acetobutylicum DSM 792 was cultured in 2YTG medium (Tryptone 16 g·l−1, yeast extract 10 g·l−1, glucose 5 g·l−1, NaCl 4 g·l−1). E. coli NEB10B was cultured in LB medium (Tryptone 10 g·l−1, yeast extract 5 g·l−1, NaCl 5 g·l−1). The solid media were prepared by adding 15 g·l−1 of agarose to the liquid media. Erythromycin (at concentrations of 40 or 500 mg·l−1 respectively in 2YTG or LB medium), chloramphenicol (25 or 12.5 mg·l−1 respectively in solid or liquid LB) and thiamphenicol (15 mg·l−1 in 2YTG medium) were used when necessary.

Handling of the Nucleic Acids

All the enzymes and kits used were used following the suppliers' recommendations.

Construction of the Plasmids

The plasmid pCas9acr (SEQ ID NO: 23), shown in FIG. 4, was constructed by cloning the fragment (SEQ ID NO: 81) containing bgaR and acrIIA4 under the control of the promoter Pbgal synthesized by Eurofins Genomics at the level of the SacI site of the vector pCas9ind (Wasels et al., 2017).

The plasmid pGRNAind (SEQ ID NO: 82) was constructed by cloning an expression cassette (SEQ ID NO: 83) of a gRNA under the control of the promoter Pcm-2tetO1 (Dong et al., 2012) synthesized by Eurofins Genomics in the SacI site of the vector pEC750C (SEQ ID NO: 106) (Wasels et al., 2017).

The plasmids pGRNA-xylB (SEQ ID NO: 102), pGRNA-xylR (SEQ ID NO: 103), pGRNA-glcG (SEQ ID NO: 104) and pGRNA-bdhB (SEQ ID NO: 105) were constructed by cloning the respective primer pairs 5′-TCATGATTTCTCCATATTAGCTAG-3′ and 5′-AAACCTAGCTAATATGGAGAAATC-3′, 5′-TCATGTTACACTTGGAACAGGCGT-3′ and 5′-AAACACGCCTGTTCCAAGTGTAAC-3 5′-TCATTTCCGGCAGTAGGATCCCCA-3′ and 5′-AAACTGGGGATCCTACTGCCGGAA-3′, 5′-TCATGCTTATTACGACATAACACA-3′ and 5′-AAACTGTGTTATGTCGTAATAAGC-3′ within the plasmid pGRNAind (SEQ ID NO: 82) digested with BsaI.

The plasmid pGRNA-ΔbdhB (SEQ ID NO: 79) was constructed by cloning the DNA fragment obtained by assembly by overlapping PCR of the PCR products obtained with the primers 5′-ATGCATGGATCCAAACGAACCCAAAAAGAAAGTTTC-3′ and 5′-GGTTGATTTCAAATCTGTGTAAACCTACCG-3′ on the one hand, 5′-ACACAGATTTGAAATCAACCACTTTAACCC-3′ and 5′-ATGCATGTCGACTCTTAAGAACATGTATAAAGTATGG-3′ on the other hand, in the vector pGRNA-bdhB digested with BamHI and SacI.

The plasmid pGRNA-ΔbdhAΔbdhB (SEQ ID NO: 80) was constructed by cloning the DNA fragment obtained by assembly by overlapping PCR of the PCR products obtained with the primers 5′-ATGCATGGATCCAAACGAACCCAAAAAGAAAGTTTC-3′ and 5′-GCTAAGTTTTAAATCTGTGTAAACCTACCG-3′ on the one hand, 5′-ACACAGATTTAAAACTTAGCATACTTCTTACC-3′ and 5′-ATGCATGTCGACCTTCTAATCTCCTCTACTATTTTAG-3′ on the other hand, in the vector pGRNA-bdhB digested with BamHI and SacI.


C. acetobutylicum DSM 792 was transformed according to the protocol described by Mermelstein et al., 1993. Selection of transformants of C. acetobutylicum DSM 792 already containing an expression plasmid of Cas9 (pCas9ind or pCas9acr) transformed with a plasmid containing an expression cassette of a gRNA was carried out on 2YTG solid medium containing erythromycin (40 mg·l−1), thiamphenicol (15 mg·l−1) and lactose (40 nM).

Induction of Expression of Cas9

Induction of expression of cas9 was carried out by growing the transformants obtained on a 2YTG solid medium containing erythromycin (40 mg·l−1), thiamphenicol (15 mg·l−1) and the inducer of expression of cas9 and gRNA, aTc (1 mg·l−1).

Amplification of the Locus bdh

Control of the editing of the genome of C. acetobutylicum DSM 792 at the level of the locus of the genes bdhA and bdhB was effected by PCR using the enzyme Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (NEB) with V1 (5′-ACACATTGAAGGGAGCTTTT-3′) and V2 (5′-GGCAACAACATCAGGCCTTT-3′) primers.

Transformation Efficiency

In order to evaluate the effect of insertion of the gene acrIIA4 on the transformation frequency of the expression plasmid of cas9, various gRNA expression plasmids were transformed into the DSM 792 strain containing pCas9ind (SEQ ID NO: 22) or pCas9acr (SEQ ID NO: 23), and the transformants were selected on a medium supplemented with lactose. The obtained transformation frequencies are presented in FIG. 5.

Generation of ΔbdhB and ΔbdhAΔbdhB Mutants

The targeting plasmid containing the gRNA expression cassette targeting bdhB (pGRNA-bdhB—SEQ ID NO: 105) as well as two derived plasmids containing repair matrices allowing deletion of the bdhB gene alone (pGRNA-ΔbdhB—SEQ ID NO: 79) or of the bdhA and bdhB genes (pGRNA-ΔbdhAΔbdhB—SEQ ID NO: 80) were transformed into the DSM 792 strain containing pCas9ind (SEQ ID NO: 22) or pCas9acr (SEQ ID NO: 23). The obtained transformation frequencies are presented in Table 2:


DSM 792


32.6 ± 27.1
CFU · μg−1
24.9 ± 27.8 CFU · μg−1

CFU · μg−1
17.0 ± 10.7 CFU · μg−1

CFU · μg−1
 13.3 ± 4.8 CFU · μg−1

CFU · μg−1
33.1 ± 13.4 CFU · μg−1


Transformation frequencies of the DSM 792 strain containing pCas9ind or pCas9acr with plasmids targeting bdhB. The frequencies are expressed as number of transformants obtained per μg of DNA used in the transformation, and represent the mean values of at least two independent experiments.

The transformants obtained underwent a step of induction of the expression of the CRISPR/Cas9 system by passage on a medium supplemented with anhydrotetracycline, aTc (FIG. 6).

The desired modifications were confirmed by PCR on the genomic DNA of two aTc-resistant colonies (FIG. 7).


The genetic tool based on CRISPR/Cas9 described in Wasels et al. (2017) uses two plasmids:

    • the first plasmid, pCas9ind, contains cas9 under the control of a promoter inducible with aTc, and
    • the second plasmid, derived from pEC750C, contains the expression cassette of a gRNA (placed under the control of a second promoter inducible with aTc) as well as an editing matrix allowing repair of the double-strand break induced by the system.

However, the inventors observed that certain gRNAs still seemed to be too toxic, despite control of their expression as well as of that of Cas9 by means of aTc-inducible promoters, consequently limiting the transformation efficiency of the bacteria by the genetic tool and therefore modification of the chromosome.

In order to improve this genetic tool, the cas9 expression plasmid was modified, by inserting an anti-CRISPR gene, acrIIA4, under the control of a lactose-inducible promoter. The transformation efficiencies of different gRNA expression plasmids could thus be improved very significantly, allowing transformants for all the plasmids tested to be obtained.

It has also been possible to perform editing of the locus bdhB within the genome of C. acetobutylicum DSM 792, using plasmids that could not be introduced into the DSM 792 strain containing pCas9ind. The frequencies of modification observed are the same as those observed previously (Wasels et al., 2017), with 100% of the tested colonies modified.

In conclusion, modification of the cas9 expression plasmid allows better control of the Cas9-gRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, advantageously facilitating the production of transformants in which the action of Cas9 can be triggered in order to obtain mutants of interest.

Example No. 2
Material and Methods
Culture Conditions

C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 was cultured in 2YTG medium (Tryptone 16 g L−1, yeast extract 10 g L−1, glucose 5 g L−1, NaCl 4 g L−1). E. coli NEB 10-beta and INV110 were cultured in LB medium (Tryptone 10 g L−1, yeast extract 5 g L−1, NaCl 5 g L−1). The solid media were prepared by adding 15 g L−1 of agarose to the liquid media. Erythromycin (at concentrations of 20 or 500 mg L−1 respectively in 2YTG or LB medium), chloramphenicol (25 or 12.5 mg L−1 respectively in solid or liquid LB), thiamphenicol (15 mg L−1 in 2YTG medium) or spectinomycin (at concentrations of 100 or 650 mg L−1 respectively in LB or 2YTG medium) were used if necessary.

Nucleic Acids and Plasmid Vectors

All the enzymes and kits used were used following the suppliers' recommendations.

The PCR assays on colonies observed the following protocol:

An isolated colony of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 is resuspended in 100 μL of Tris 10 mM pH 7.5 EDTA 5 mM. This solution is heated at 98° C. for 10 min without stirring. 0.5 μL of this bacterial lysate can then be used as PCR matrix in reactions of 10 μL with Phire (Thermo Scientific), Phusion (Thermo Scientific), Q5 (NEB) or KAPA2G Robust (Sigma-Aldrich) polymerase.

The list of the primers used for all of the constructions (name/DNA sequence) is detailed below:












































The following plasmid vectors were prepared:

Plasmid No. 1: pEX-A258-ΔcatB (SEQ ID NO: 17)

It contains the synthesized DNA fragment ΔcatB cloned in the plasmid pEX-A258. This fragment ΔcatB comprises i) an expression cassette of a guide RNA targeting the gene catB (chloramphenicol resistance gene encoding a chloramphenicol-O-acetyltransferase—SEQ ID NO: 18) of C. beijerinckii DSM6423 under the control of an anhydrotetracycline-inducible promoter (expression cassette: SEQ ID NO: 19), and ii) an editing matrix (SEQ ID NO: 20) comprising 400 bp homologues located upstream and downstream of the gene catB.

Plasmid No. 2: pCas9ind-ΔcatB (cf. FIG. 9 and SEQ ID NO: 21)

It contains the fragment ΔcatB amplified by PCR (primers ΔcatB_fwd and ΔcatB_rev) and cloned in pCas9ind (described in patent application WO2017/064439—SEQ ID NO: 22) after digestion of the various DNAs with the XhoI restriction enzyme.

Plasmid No. 3: pCas9acr (cf. FIG. 10 and SEQ ID NO: 23)

Plasmid No. 4: pEC750S-uppHR (cf. FIG. 11 and SEQ ID NO: 24)

It contains a repair matrix (SEQ ID NO: 25) used for deleting the gene upp and consisting of two homologous DNA fragments upstream and downstream of the gene upp (respective sizes: 500 (SEQ ID NO: 26) and 377 (SEQ ID NO: 27) base pairs). The assembly was obtained using the Gibson cloning system (New England Biolabs, Gibson assembly Master Mix 2×). For this purpose, the parts upstream and downstream were amplified by PCR starting from the genomic DNA of the strain DSM 6423 (cf. Maté Gerando et al., 2018 and accession number PRJEB11626 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB11626)) using the respective primers RH001/RH002 and RH003/RH004. These two fragments were then assembled in pEC750S linearized beforehand by enzymatic restriction (SalI and SacI restriction enzymes).

Plasmid No. 5: pEX-A2-gRNA-upp (cf. FIG. 12 and SEQ ID NO: 28)

This plasmid comprises the DNA fragment gRNA-upp corresponding to an expression cassette (SEQ ID NO: 29) of a guide RNA targeting the gene upp (protospacer targeting upp (SEQ ID NO: 31)) under the control of a constitutive promoter (non-coding RNA of sequence SEQ ID NO: 30), inserted in a replication plasmid designated pEX-A2.

Plasmid No. 6: pEC750S-Δupp (cf. FIG. 13 and SEQ ID NO: 32)

It has the plasmid pEC750S-uppHR (SEQ ID NO: 24) as base and in addition contains the DNA fragment comprising an expression cassette of a guide RNA targeting the gene upp under the control of a constitutive promoter.

This fragment was inserted in a pEX-A2, called pEX-A2-gRNA-upp. The insert was then amplified by PCR with the primers pEX-fwd and pEX-rev, and then digested with the restriction enzymes XhoI and NcoI. Finally, this fragment was cloned by ligation in pEC750S-uppHR digested beforehand with the same restriction enzymes to obtain pEC750S-Δupp.

Plasmid No. 7: pEC750C-Δupp (cf. FIG. 14 and SEQ ID NO: 33)

The cassette comprising the guide RNA as well as the repair matrix were then amplified with the primers pEC750C-fwd and M13-rev. The amplicon was digested with enzymatic restriction with the enzymes XhoI and SacI, and then cloned by enzymatic ligation in pEC750C to obtain pEC750C-Δupp.

Plasmid No. 8: pGRNA-pNF2 (cf. FIG. 15 and SEQ ID NO: 34)

This plasmid has pEC750C as base and contains an expression cassette of a guide RNA targeting the plasmid pNF2 (SEQ ID NO: 118).

Plasmid No. 9: pCas9ind-gRNΔcatB (cf. FIG. 23 and SEQ ID NO: 38).

It contains the sequence encoding the guide RNA targeting the locus catB amplified by PCR (primers ΔcatB_fwd and ΔcatBgRNA_rev) and cloned in pCas9ind (described in patent application WO2017/064439) after digestion of the various DNAs with the restriction enzyme XhoI and ligation.

Plasmid No. 10: pNF3 (cf. FIG. 25 and SEQ ID NO: 119)

It contains a part of the pNF2, in particular comprising the replication origin and a gene encoding a plasmid replication protein (CIBE_p20001), amplified with the primers RH021 and RH022. This PCR product was then cloned at the level of the restriction sites SalI and BamHI in the plasmid pUC19 (SEQ ID NO: 117).

Plasmid No. 11: pEC751S (cf. FIG. 26 and SEQ ID NO: 121)

It contains all the elements of pEC750C (SEQ ID NO: 106), except the chloramphenicol resistance gene catP (SEQ ID NO: 70). The latter was replaced with the gene aad9 of Enterococcus faecalis (SEQ ID NO: 130), which confers spectinomycin resistance. This element was amplified with the primers aad9-fwd2 and aad9-rev starting from the plasmid pMTL007S-E1 (SEQ ID NO: 120) and cloned in the sites AvaII and HpaI of pEC750C, in place of the gene catP (SEQ ID NO: 70).

Plasmid No. 12: pNF3S (cf. FIG. 27 and SEQ ID NO: 123)

It contains all the elements of pNF3, with an insertion of the gene aad9 (amplified with the primers RH031 and RH032 starting from pEC751S) between the sites BamHI and SacI.

Plasmid No. 13: pNF3E (cf. FIG. 28 and SEQ ID NO: 124)

It contains all the elements of pNF3, with an insertion of the gene ermB of Clostridium difficile (SEQ ID NO: 131) under the control of the promoter miniPthl. This element was amplified starting from pFW01 with the primers RH138 and RH139 and cloned between the sites BamHI and SacI of pNF3E.

Plasmid No. 14: pNF3C (cf. FIG. 29 and SEQ ID NO: 125)

It contains all the elements of pNF3, with an insertion of the gene catP of Clostridium perfringens (SEQ ID NO: 70). This element was amplified starting from pEC750C with the primers RH140 and RH141 and cloned between the sites BamHI and SacI of pNF3E.

Results No. 1

Transformation of the Strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423

The plasmids were introduced and replicated in a strain of E. coli dam dcm (INV110, Invitrogen). This makes it possible to remove the methylations of the Dam and Dcm type on the plasmid pCas9ind-ΔcatB before introducing it by transformation in the DSM 6423 strain according to the protocol described by Mermelstein et al. (1993), with the following modifications: the strain is transformed with a larger amount of plasmid (20 μg), at an OD600 of 0.8, and with the following electroporation parameters: 100 Ω, 25 μF, 1400 V. Spreading on a Petri dish containing erythromycin (20 μg/mL) thus made it possible to obtain transformants of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 containing the plasmid pCas9ind-ΔcatB.

Induction of Expression of Cas9 and Production of the Strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB (C. beijerinckii IFP962 ΔcatB)

Several erythromycin-resistant colonies were then taken up in 100 μL of culture medium (2YTG) and then diluted in series up to a dilution factor of 104 in culture medium. For each colony, eight μL of each dilution was deposited on a Petri dish containing erythromycin and anhydrotetracycline (200 ng/mL), making it possible to induce expression of the gene encoding the nuclease Cas9.

After extraction of genomic DNA, deletion of the gene catB within the clones that had grown on this dish was verified by PCR, using the primers RH076 and RH077 (cf. FIG. 16).

Verification of the Sensitivity of the Strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB to Thiamphenicol

To ensure that deletion of the gene catB does indeed confer new thiamphenicol sensitivity, comparative analyses were carried out on agar medium. Precultures of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 and C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB were carried out on 2YTG medium and then 100 μL of these precultures was spread on 2YTG agar media supplemented or not with thiamphenicol at a concentration of 15 mg/L. It can be seen from FIG. 17 that only the initial strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 is capable of growing on a medium supplemented with thiamphenicol.

Deletion of the Gene Upp by the CRISPR-Cas9 Tool in the Strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB

A clone of the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB was transformed beforehand with the vector pCas9acr that does not have a methylation at the level of the motifs recognized by methyltransferases of the dam and dcm type (prepared from a bacterium Escherichia coli having the dam dcm genotype). Presence of the plasmid pCas9acr maintained in the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 was verified by PCR on a colony with the primers RH025 and RH134.

An erythromycin-resistant clone was then transformed with pEC750C-Δupp demethylated beforehand. The colonies thus obtained were selected on medium containing erythromycin (20 μg/mL), thiamphenicol (15 μg/mL) and lactose (40 mM).

Several of these clones were then resuspended in 100 μL of culture medium (2YTG) and then diluted in series in culture medium (up to a dilution factor of 104). Five μL of each dilution was deposited on a Petri dish containing erythromycin, thiamphenicol and anhydrotetracycline (200 ng/mL) (cf. FIG. 18).

For each clone, two colonies resistant to aTc were tested by colony PCR with primers intended for amplifying the locus upp (cf. FIG. 19).

Deletion of the Natural Plasmid pNF2 by the CRISPR-Cas9 Tool in the Strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB

A clone of the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB was transformed beforehand with the vector pCas9ind that does not have a methylation at the level of the motifs recognized by methyltransferases of the Dam and Dcm type (prepared from a bacterium Escherichia coli having the dam dcm genotype). The presence of the plasmid pCas9ind within the strain C. beijerinckii DSM6423 was verified by PCR with the primers pCas9ind fwd (SEQ ID NO: 42) and pCas9ind_rev (SEQ ID NO: 43) (cf. FIG. 20).

An erythromycin-resistant clone was then used for transforming pGRNA-pNF2, prepared from a bacterium Escherichia coli having the dam dcm genotype.

Several colonies obtained on medium containing erythromycin (20 μg/mL) and thiamphenicol (15 μg/mL) were resuspended in culture medium and diluted in series up to a dilution factor of 104. Height μL of each dilution was deposited on a Petri dish containing erythromycin, thiamphenicol and anhydrotetracycline (200 ng/mL) in order to induce expression of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Absence of the natural plasmid pNF2 was verified by PCR with the primers pNF2_fwd (SEQ ID NO: 39) and pNF2_rev (SEQ ID NO: 40) (cf. FIG. 21).


In the course of this work, the inventors succeeded in introducing and maintaining various plasmids within the strain Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423. They succeeded in suppressing the gene catB using a CRISPR-Cas9 tool based on the use of a single plasmid. The thiamphenicol sensitivity of the recombinant strains obtained was confirmed by assays in agar medium.

This deletion enabled them to use the CRISPR-Cas9 tool more efficiently, requiring two plasmids described in patent application FR1854835. Two examples demonstrating the advantage of this application were carried out: deletion of the gene upp and removal of a natural plasmid that is not essential for the strain Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423.

Results No. 2

Transformation of the Strains of C. beijerinckii

The plasmids prepared in the strain of E. coli NEB 10-beta are also used for transforming the strain C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052. However, for C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, the plasmids are introduced beforehand and replicated in a strain of E. coli dam dcm (INV110, Invitrogen). This makes it possible to remove the methylations of the Dam and Dcm type on the plasmids of interest before introducing them by transformation into the strain DSM 6423.

The transformation is otherwise carried out similarly for each strain, i.e. according to the protocol described by Mermelstein et al. 1992, with the following modifications: the strain is transformed with a larger amount of plasmid (5-20 μg), at an OD600 of 0.6-0.8, and the electroporation parameters are 100Ω, 25μF, 1400 V. After 3 h of regeneration in 2YTG, the bacteria are spread on a Petri dish (2YTG agar) containing the desired antibiotic (erythromycin: 20-40 μg/mL; thiamphenicol: 15 μg/mL; spectinomycin: 650 μg/mL).

Comparison of the Transformation Efficiencies of the Strains of C. beijerinckii DSM 6423

Transformations were carried out in biological duplicate in the following strains of C. beijerinckii: DSM 6423 wild-type, DSM 6423 ΔcatB and DSM 6423 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 (FIG. 30). For this, the vector pCas9ind, which is particularly difficult to use for modifying a bacterium as it does not give good transformation efficiencies, was used. It further comprises a gene endowing the strain with resistance to erythromycin, an antibiotic to which the three strains are sensitive.

The results indicate an increase in the transformation efficiency by a factor of about 15-20, attributable to the loss of the natural plasmid pNF2.

The transformation efficiency has also been tested for the plasmid pEC750C, which confers thiamphenicol resistance, only in the strains DSM 6423 ΔcatB (IFP962 ΔcatB) and DSM 6423 ΔcatB ΔpNF2 (IFP963 ΔcatB ΔpNF2), since the wild-type strain is resistant to this antibiotic (FIG. 31). For this plasmid, the gain in transformation efficiency is even more striking (improvement by a factor of about 2000).

Comparison of the Transformation Efficiencies of the Plasmids pNF3 with Other Plasmids

In order to determine the transformation efficiency of plasmids containing the replication origin of the natural plasmid pNF2, the plasmids pNF3E and pNF3C were introduced into the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB ΔpNF2. The use of vectors containing erythromycin or chloramphenicol resistance genes makes it possible to compare the transformation efficiency of the vector depending on the nature of the resistance gene. The plasmids pFW01 and pEC750C were also transformed. These two plasmids contain resistance genes to different antibiotics (erythromycin and thiamphenicol respectively) and are commonly used for transforming C. beijerinckii and C. acetobutylicum.

As shown in FIG. 32, the vectors based on pNF3 have an excellent transformation efficiency, and are usable in particular in C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 ΔcatB ΔpNF2. In particular, pNF3E (which contains an erythromycin resistance gene) shows an transformation efficiency far greater than that of pFW01, which comprises the same resistance gene. This same plasmid could not be introduced into the wild-type strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 (0 colonies obtained with 5 μg of plasmids transformed in biological duplicate), which demonstrates the effect of the presence of the natural plasmid pNF2.

Verification of the Transformability of the Plasmids pNF3 in Other Strains/Species

To illustrate the possibility of using this new plasmid in other solventogenic strains of Clostridium, the inventors carried out a comparative analysis of the transformation efficiencies of the plasmids pFW01, pNF3E and pNF3S in the ABE strain C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 (FIG. 33). The strain NCIMB 8052 being naturally resistant to thiamphenicol, pNF3S, conferring spectinomycin resistance, was used in place of pNF3C.

The results demonstrate that the strain NCIMB 8052 is transformable with the plasmids based on pNF3, which proves that these vectors are applicable to the species C. beijerinckii in the broad sense.

The applicability of the suite of synthetic vectors based on pNF3 was also tested in the reference strain DSM 792 of C. acetobutylicum. A transformation test thus showed that it is possible to transform this strain by means of the plasmid pNF3C (Transformation efficiency of 3 colonies observed per μg of DNA transformed against 120 colonies/μg for the plasmid pEC750C).

Verification of the Compatibility of the Plasmids pNF3 with the Genetic Tool Described in Application FR18/73492

Patent application FR18/73492 describes the strain ΔcatB as well as the use of a CRISPR/Cas9 system with two plasmids requiring the use of an erythromycin resistance gene and a thiamphenicol resistance gene. To demonstrate the advantage of the new suite of plasmids pNF3, the vector pNF3C was transformed into the strain ΔcatB already containing the plasmid pCas9acr. The transformation, carried out in duplicate, showed an transformation efficiency of 0.625±0.125 colonies/μg of DNA (mean±standard error), which proves that a vector based on pNF3C can be used in combination with pCas9acr in the strain ΔcatB.

In parallel with these results, a part of the plasmid pNF2 comprising its replication origin (SEQ ID NO: 118) could be reused successfully for creating a new suite of shuttle vectors (SEQ ID NO: 119, 123, 124 and 125), modifiable at will, in particular allowing their replication in a strain of E. coli as well as their reintroduction in C. beijerinckii DSM 6423. These new vectors have advantageous transformation efficiencies for carrying out gene editing for example in C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 and derivatives thereof, in particular using the CRISPR/Cas9 tool comprising two different nucleic acids.

These new vectors could also be tested successfully in another strain of C. beijerinckii (NCIMB 8052), and Clostridium species (in particular C. acetobutylicum), demonstrating their applicability in other organisms of the phylum Firmicutes. A test was also carried out on Bacillus.


These results demonstrate that suppression of the natural plasmid pNF2 significantly increases the transformation frequencies of the bacterium that contained it (by a factor of about 15 for pFW01 and by a factor of about 2000 for pEC750C). This result is particularly interesting in the case of bacteria of the genus Clostridium, which are known to be difficult to transform, and in particular for the strain C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, which has a low transformation efficiency naturally (lower than 5 colonies/μg of plasmid).


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  • 1-15. (canceled)
  • 16. The bacterium C. beijerinckii registered on 20 Feb. 2019 under the deposit number LMG P-31277 with the collection BCCM-LMG or a genetically modified version thereof.
  • 17. A nucleic acid comprising i) all or part of SEQ ID NO: 126 and ii) a sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of a bacterium and/or expression, in said bacterium, of a DNA sequence partially or totally absent from the genetic material present in a wild-type version of said bacterium.
  • 18. The nucleic acid according to claim 17, characterized in that the sequence allowing modification of the genetic material of the bacterium is a modification matrix allowing, by a mechanism of homologous recombination, the replacement of a portion of the genetic material of the bacterium with a sequence of interest.
  • 19. The nucleic acid according to claim 17, characterized in that the nucleic acid further comprises iii) a sequence encoding a DNA endonuclease and/or iv) one or more guide RNAs (gRNA), each gRNA comprising an RNA structure for fixation to the DNA endonuclease and a complementary sequence of the targeted portion of the genetic material of the bacterium.
  • 20. The nucleic acid according to claim 17, characterized in that said nucleic acid is selected from an expression cassette and a vector.
  • 21. The nucleic acid according to claim 20, characterized in that the vector is a plasmid.
  • 22. The nucleic acid according to claim 21, characterized in that the plasmid has a sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 119, SEQ ID NO: 123, SEQ ID NO: 124 and SEQ ID NO: 125.
  • 23. A genetic tool for transforming and genetically modifying a bacterium, characterized in that said genetic tool comprises at least: a first nucleic acid encoding at least one DNA endonuclease, wherein the sequence encoding the DNA endonuclease is placed under the control of a promoter, anda second nucleic acid according to claim 17, and
  • 24. The genetic tool according to claim 23, characterized in that the first nucleic acid further encodes one or more guide RNAs (gRNA) or in that the genetic tool further comprises one or more gRNAs.
  • 25. A method for transforming and genetically modifying, a bacterium using a tool for genetic modification, characterized in that it comprises a step of transformation of the bacterium by introducing a nucleic acid according to claim 17 into said bacterium.
  • 26. The method according to claim 25, wherein said bacterium produces a butanol, ethanol, isopropanol or a mixture thereof.
  • 27. A bacterium comprising a nucleic acid according to claim 17, characterized in that the bacterium belongs to the phylum Firmicutes, the genus Clostridium, the genus Bacillus or the genus Lactobacillus.
  • 28. The bacterium according to claim 27, characterized in that the bacterium is a bacterium of the genus Clostridium.
  • 29. The bacterium according to claim 28, characterized in that the bacterium is a C. beijerinckii bacterium lacking the plasmid pNF2.
  • 30. The bacterium according to claim 29, characterized in that said C. beijerinckii bacterium is a subclade selected from DSM 6423, LMG 7814, LMG 7815, NRRL B-593, NCCB 27006 and a subclade having at least 95% identity with the strain DSM 6423.
  • 31. The bacterium according to claim 28, characterized in that said bacterium is a solventogenic bacterium selected from C. acetobutylicum, C. cellulolyticum, C. phytofermentans, C. beijerinckii, C. saccharobutylicum, C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum, C. sporogenes, C. butyricum, C. aurantibutyricum, C. tyrobutyricum or an acetogenic bacterium selected from C. aceticum, C. thermoaceticum, C. ljungdahlii, C. autoethanogenum, C. difficile, C. scatologenes and C. carboxydivorans.
  • 32. A kit for transforming and genetically modifying a bacterium comprising a nucleic acid according to claim 17 and at least one inducer suitable for the inducible promoter of expression of an anti-CRISPR protein.
  • 33. A bacterium C. beijerinckii obtainable by the method according to claim 25, characterized in that said bacterium lacks the gene catB of sequence SEQ ID NO: 18 and the plasmid pNF2.
Priority Claims (1)
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FR1905485 May 2019 FR national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/FR2020/050853 5/22/2020 WO 00