The technical field of this invention is built in self-test.
Today's Systems on a Chip (SoC) have very high level of integration with multiple voltage regulators, voltage monitors, analog to digital and digital to analog converters, power on reset controllers and other systems which significantly increase the scope and complexity of manufacturing test coverage as well as the cost of testing.
During its lifetime, a digital system is tested and diagnosed on numerous occasions. For the system to perform its intended mission with high availability, testing and diagnosis must be quick and effective. A sensible way to ensure this is to specify test as one of the system functions-in other words, self-test.
Digital systems involve a hierarchy of parts: chips, boards, cabinets, and so on. At the highest level, which may include the entire system, the operation is controlled by software. Self-test is often implemented in software. While a purely software approach to self-test may suffice at the system level, it has several disadvantages. Such testing may have poor diagnostic resolution because it must test parts designed without specific testability considerations. In addition, a good software test can be very long, slow, and expensive to develop.
An attractive alternative is built-in self-test, (BIST) that is, self-test implemented in hardware.
The basic BIST architecture requires the addition of three hardware modules to a digital circuit: a pattern generator; a response analyzer; and a test controller.
Examples of pattern generators are a ROM with stored patterns, a counter, or a linear feedback shift register (LFSR). A typical response analyzer is a comparator with stored responses or a signature analyzer. The signature analyzer may be implemented in a number of ways known in the art, with the most common being a Multiple Input Shift Register (MISR).
A control module is usually required to activate the test and analyze the responses.
Self-test solutions have been well known for many years, but they have always been limited by the fixed nature of the coverage that can be achieved. Including the re-programmability option shown in this invention through employing a one time programmable eFuse for the Pseudo Random Pattern Generator (PRPG) seed data input and the Multiple Input Shift Register (MISR) signature output comparison, provides an enhanced capability to increase the coverage of the self-test solution after manufacture.
These and other aspects of this invention are illustrated in the drawings, in which:
As shown in 200, the LFSR consists of a plurality of flip/flop register circuits 209, 210 and 211, and feedback gates 212, 213, 214 and 215. The number of flip/flop circuit stages in an implementation is dependent on the application. If the application is a PRPG, the number of stages determines the length of the pseudo random sequence before repeating. In this application, the seed, or starting point of the sequence is input on lines 201, 202 and 203 to respective XOR gates 212, 213 and 214. When the LFSR is clocked on line 208, a new member of the pseudo random sequence is output on lines 204, 205 and 206 on every clock transition.
If the application is decompression or expansion, the initial pattern is input to XOR gates 212, 213 and 214, and the output from lines 204, 205 and 206 are used as the test stimulus to the circuit under test. For each pattern input, the LFSR is clocked a plurality of times thus generating a plurality of test patterns based on each instance of the input pattern. In this application, the number of stages is dependent upon the number of test stimuli needed for the particular circuit being tested.
The compressor and MISR functions may be combined in one function, and are essentially the reverse of the compressor function, with the same number of stages as the compressor. The signature representing the results of the test is recovered after the same number of clock transitions that was employed in the compressor.
The first output of MISR module 107 is connected to the first input of selector 306, and to the first input of XOR module 305. The second output of MISR module 107 is connected to second input of XOR module 305. The output of XOR module 305 is connected to the second input of selector 306. Selector 306 is controlled by an output from module 304, and is operable to select whether the output of selector 306 is the signature from MISR module 107, or is a further modified signature from XOR module 305. XOR module 305 further compresses the signature by masking off non applicable parts of the signature.
The output of selector 306 is connected to first input of comparator 307. The second input of comparator 307 is connected the output of selector 302. The output of comparator 307 is the pass/fail indication of the BIST.
First input of selector 302 is connected to second output of eFuse 301, with the second input of 302 is connected to the second (signature) output port of ROM/Register bank 101. Selector 302 thus, depending on the state of the control signal from module 304 selects whether the signature input to comparator 307 originates from the eFuse module 301 of the invention, or from the ROM/Register module 101 of the prior art.
It is understood that various instances of the invention may be implemented with different bus widths.