The disclosed invention relates to methodology for analysis of sample systems utilizing electromagnetic radiation; and more particularly to the simultaneous use of wavelengths in at least two ranges selected from RADIO, MICRO, FIR, IR, NIR-VIS-NUV, UV, DUV, VUV, EUV and XRAY in a regression procedure to evaluate parameters in mathematical dispersion relationships.
It is well known to apply electromagnetic radiation to evaluate optical properties of sample systems. The disclosed invention can comprise any means for generating an electromagnetic beam and causing it to impinge upon a sample system, such as:
For breadth it is noted that while semiconductor sample systems with one or more thin film on their surface are typical of those to which ellipsometry can be applied, essentially any sample can be subjected to investigation using electromagnetic radiation. Non-limiting Examples are amples which comprise:
It is further noted that many types of ellipsometer systems exist. Examples are Nulling, Rotating Polarizer, Rotating Analyzer, Rotating Compensator, Modulation Element etc. but all have in common that they provide data which allow determination of PSI (Ψ) and DELTA (Δ) of a Sample, where (Ψ) and (Δ) are defined by:
ρ=rp/rs=Tan(Ψ) exp(iΔ)
Tan (Ψ) or Cos (Δ), coordinates on a Poincare Sphere or other descriptors of the Polarization State of electromagnetic radiation are to be understood as equivalents to PSI (Ψ) and DELTA (Δ), as are the Coefficients “IN” “S” & “C”:
in Modulation Ellipsometers, (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,416,588 and 5,956,145 which are incorporated by reference hereinto).
Further, evaluation can be achieved for at least one sample system characterizing selection from the group consisting:
It is also noted that data can be obtained which is characterized by at least one selection from the group consisting of:
Briefly, methodology provides that electromagnetic radiation be caused to interact with a sample system, with detected changes in intensity and/or polarization state being used to evaluate the sample system optical constants. Spectrophotometry and Reflectometry detect changes in Intensity of a beam of electromagnetic radiation resulting from interaction with a sample system. Ellipsometry characterizes change in polarization state caused by interaction of a beam of electromagnetic radiation with a sample system. And while strong correlation typically exists between thin film thickness and optical constants, Ellipsometric data can, at times, be sufficient to evaluate the thickness of a thin flim on a sample system and its refractive index and extinction coeficient, (or the mathematically equivalent real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function). Combined with Spectrophotometry and Reflectometry data serves to to enable less correlated determination of sample system properties.
Further, while use of data at a single wavelength can provide beneficial results in many situations, it is typical to obtain data at a multiplicity of wavelengths, and perhaps at a plurality of Angles of Incidence (AOI) at which a beam of electromagnetic radiation is caused to approach a sample system. This allows determining the refractive index and extinction coeficient or the mathematically equivalent real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function over a spectroscopic range.
Continuing, it is known to:
Again, where ellipsometry is applied the change is in polarization state, rather than intensity of the spectroscopic electromagnetic radiation caused by reflection from or transmission through the sample system.
By said known methodology insight to the composition and optical properties of the sample system can be determined.
Typically the spectroscopic electromagnetic radiation is obtained using an instrument which provides wavelengths in a range selected from the group:
The following provides insight to various Sample System Physical Parameters and Spectral Ranges typically utilized to provide insight thereto:
It is also noted that published Optical Constant data for many materials, (eg gold), even today often have discontinuous steps or jumps therein which result from the use of different investigating systems on either-side of the discontinuity. That is, the Optical Constants arrived at using data obtained from an Ellipsometer capable in the IR wavelength range, and Optical Constants arrived at using data obtained from an Ellipsometer capable in the NIR-VIS waelength range are often not continuous at the interface wavelengths. The discontinuity is, of course, an artifact.
In view of the above it should be apparant that simultaneous use of information gathered from various wavelength ranges from the same or different investigation systems in a single regression procudure, would enable the ability to better evaluate sample systems and provide more realistic results.
While it is often the practice to regress on a point by point, (ie. wavelength by wavelength), basis in wavelength regions where a sample system is opague, regression based evaluation of parameters in a mathematical model preferably involves parameterization in wavelength regions where a sample system, (eg. a bulk material and substrates with layers thereupon), is transparent and where reflected electromagnetic radiation demonstrates minimal absorption and typically interference efects resulting from reflections from interfaces between layers as well as from the surface. Parameterization can provide Kramers- Kronig consistency, resulting in physical optical constants, and often reduces the number of parameters that are required to be evaluated to accurately model very irregular data. Parameterization also avoids discontinuities and reduces the effects of noise in optical constants by modeling with smooth mathematical functions. Disclosed in the J.A. Woollam Co. W-VASE32 (Registered Trademark), Manual are various approaches, including the mathematics thereof, to Parameterization, including:
Following directly are mathematical descriptions of many of the foregoing Oscillator Structures, which are presently available in the J.A. Woollam Co. WVASE32 (Registered Trademark), GEMOSC™ Layer. Said GEMOSC™ layer can be invoked once Dielectric Function plots are known over a Spectroscopic Range by other means, and enables placing Oscillator Strurctures of appropriate shape at appropriate locations under, for instance, the imaginary part of said Dielectric Function such that summation of their contributions at each wavelength results in said Dielectric Function. The oscillator Structures are Kramers-Kronig consistant, hence modeling the Imaginary part allows calculation of the real part.
For additional insight see the J.A. Woollam Co. WVASE32 (Registered Trademark), Manual which describes the GENOSC™ Layer. Said J.A. Woollam Co. WVASE32 Manual is incorporated by reference herein. Also note that insight to the application of the Drude Model with mean scatteing time and resistivity as parameters is given in “Introduction to Solid Stae Physics”, Kittel, 6th Ed, John Wiley & Sons, (1986), P. 257. More insight to the Tauc-Lorentz Model can be found in “Parameterization of the Optical Functions of Amorphous Materials in the Interband Region”, Jellison & Modine, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 371 (1996). More insight to the Gauss-Lorentz Model can be found in an article by Kim et al., at Phys. Rev. B 45, 11749 (1992). More information about the CPPB Critical Point Parabolic Band Model can be found in “Modulation Spectroscopy/Electric Field Effects on the Dielectric Function of Semiconductors”, Handbook of Physics, Vol. 2 Editor Balkanski, North Holland Pages 125-127, (1980). More Information about CPM0, CPM1, CPm2 and CPm3 Models can be found in “Other Dispersion Relations for GaP, GAAS, GaSb, InP InAs, InSb Alx Ga1-x, GaxAsyP1-y”, J. Appl. Phys. 66, 6030 (1989). More Information about the Tangay Model can be found in “Optical Dispersion of Wannier Excitons”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4090 (1995) and Errata, Phys. Rev Lett. 76, 716 (1996).
Continuing, insight to Special Properties, Usefulness and what Materials some of said Oscillator Structures are applied to are:
Special Properties—Absorption is force to zero (K=0) at photon energies below Bandgap Energy (eg. Capable of asymetric absorption shape around center energy).
Useful For—UV-Visible Absorptions at Energies greater than Bandgap Energy.
Materials—UV-Visible Absorption in Amorphous and Glassy Materials. Works well with materials with an Energy Gap, including Polymers and Crystalline Semiconductors.
Special Properties—Absorption Tail rapidly approaches Zero beyond Full-Width-Half-Maximum (FWHM) Energies. K effectively=0.0.
Useful For—IR Molecular Vibrations (amorphous materials), UV Absorptions.
Materials—Amorphous Materials and Glasses (IR Spectral Region), Polymers (IR and UV-Visible), Crystalline Materials (UV-Visible). Works well with materials with an Energy Gap,
Special Properties—Absorption Tail approaches zero slowly beyond FWHM.
Useful For—UV Absorption in Metals, IR Active Phonons (crystalline Materials).
Materials—IR-measurements of Crystalline Materials, UV, Visible and IR Interband Absorptions.
Special Properties—Lorentz Oscillator with Center Energy=0.0, (no restoring force).
Useful For—Free Carrier Absorption (conductivity).
Materials—IR behavior of Semiconductors, Metals, and Transparent Conducting Oxides (ITO).
Special Properties—Convolution between Lorentz and Gaussian Absorptions. Can smoothly vary between the two shapes.
Useful For—IR Vibrational Absorptions.
Materials—Amorphous Materials and Glasses (IR spectral region).
Special Properties—Two Gauss-Lorentz Oscillators offset from a Common Center Energy, with Different Amplitudes.
Useful For—Asymetric Absorptions (ie. Shoulders), either TR Vibrational Absorptions or Semiconductor Critical Points.
Materials—IR Measurements of Amorphous Materials, UV Absorption around Asymetric Critical Points.
Special Properties—Triangualr Absorption Shape found near Bandgap of Direct Gap Materials
Useful For—Modeling Bandgap Region of Direct Gap Materials
Continuing, it is further known that methodology of analyzing a sample system using a beam of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths can be applied to a sample system characterized by one or more selection(s) from the group consisting of:
The beam of electromagnetic radiation which is applied to a sample system can further be characterized by being, before and monitored after said sample system, respectively:
Further, said method of analyzing a sample system using a beam of electromagnetic radiation can have modulation applied thereto during data accumulation, said modulation being of at least one selection from the group consisting of:
Further, methodology of analyzing a sample system using a beam of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing polarizer means and accumulating ellipsometric PSI data while ellipsometric DELTA is placed within a range near 90 degrees via adjustment of the angle-of-incidence of the beam of electromagnetic radiation with respect to the surface of said sample system.
Detector systems applied to detect electromagnetic radiation after its interaction with a sample system can be selected from the group consisting of:
It is also noted that anything having an effect on the optical response of a sample system should be modeled in a mathematical model thereof. Optical constant determining properties of a sample system which might require mathematical modeling are chemical bonds and phonon effects, the presence of a bandgap, the effect of energy band bending near a junction (eg. PN, Schottky barrier, P+P, N+N both at a surface and buried), free carrier profiles, ion implanted dopant profiles, electro-optic and/or magneto-optic effects, Kerr rotation, and etc. It is noted that various properties of a sample system are better investigated in one wavelength range. For instance, it might be best to evaluate a thin film layer thickness in the VIS wavelength range, then set said thickness value during investigations using IR wavelengths. This is an example of “coupling” parameters in different wavelength ranges can enable such as determining uncorrelated depolarization effects in the IR wavelength range, which otherwise might be attributed to a different thickness and evaluated as such in a regression procedure.
It is also noted that sample system surface roughness can be detected on many scales. Short wavelengths can detect small scale deviations from smoothness, whereas longer wavelengths detect such deviations on a larger scale.
The above discloses that it is known to investigate thin surface layers on objects with spectroscopic electromagnetic radiation, and that typically a mathematical model of the system is proposed for the entire system, and is data obtained corresponding to change in polarization state in a beam of electromagnetic radiation caused to interact with the system. A regression procedure is then performed to modify the values of parameters in the mathematical model to bring calculated results into agreement with measured data. It is also disclosed that In some cases, however, the state of a sample system as obtained, or entered into analysis, is initially unknown and proposing mathematical model therefore is not possible. For instance, it comprises a substrate which was subjected to previous processing, the specific nature of which is unknown. This can be the case, for instance, where articles are manufactured via deposition or removal of material, to or from, a process substrate.
In that light it is further disclosed that the present Invention enables application of ellipsometry to investigation of sample systems which are not easily subject to mathematical modeling by allowing definition of a Standard Result which is expected, when electromagnetic radiation is caused to interact with a sample system. This has application in manuacturing settings wherein expected ellipsometric data is known, (having been previously developed), and wherein newly manufacured sample systems are ellipsometrically investigated and data obtained compared thereto.
The present invention provides for obtaining ellipsometric data from a sample system and therefrom defining “Standard” ellipsometic data for data obtained from such sample systems. Data obtained from future sample systems of the same kind is then compared to said Standard data.
It is noted that the J.A. Woollam Co. WVASE Program has had the capability to determine Pseudo-Refractive Index and Pseudo-Extinction Coefficients for years. What that means is that for a sample system comprising many layers, each of which has determinable Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficients, it is posible to determine a “Global” representation which does not require determining specific Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficients for each layer. The sample system is in effect considered to be uniform with overall Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficients, which are therefore termed “Pseudo”. Said Psuedo Parameters are suitable for application in the present invention methodology. This takes the from of Psuedo Parameters for a Sample being obtained and defined as Standard Data for a Standard Sample. Ellipsometric Data are then obtained from Samples which are meant to be identical to the Standard Sample, and the Psuedo Parameters compared thereto. If the comparison is favorable then it is acepted that the Samples are indeed sbstantially identical.
As a specific example, in the IR range of wavelengths it can happan that sequentially obtained data sets of say Intensity vs. Wavelength, from the same sample system show generally similar patterns. Specific magnitudes at-specific wavelengths might differ. A present invention approach is to provide a “Composit” by perhaps finding an average Intensity at each Wavelength for some number of sequentially obtained data sets which are similarly obtained. The Composit data is then used as a reference to which data obtained from other similar sample systems is compared. If comparison shows substantially similar characteristics then the similar sample system can be acceptance. If, however, the Data shows the presence of non-correspondence, the sample systems can be determined to be non-similar. The point to be taken is that no mathematical model evaluation of specific layer thickneses and optical constants and/or surface rougness and/or concentration grading etc. is required. A method of applying ellipsometry to determine similarity between a standard sample system and test sample systems can then comprise the steps of:
The standard data comprises determined pseudo-refractive index and psuedo extinction coefficient; and statistical methods can be used to determine similarity or difference between the standard and second sample systems.
Background Prior Art References in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry.
“Proceedings of the 1st international conference on spectroscopic ellipsometry”, Paris, France January 1993, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, published by Elsevier, Sequoia, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Also, published in Thin Solid Films, volumes 233 and 234, 1993. Editors are A. C. Boccara, C. Pickering, and J. Rivory. The papers are published in groups by the following sub-topics:
Need remains for a methodology of characterizing sample systems utilizing wavelengths over a large wavelength range.
The disclosed invention comprises a method of simultaneously evaluating a plurality of parameters in a mathematical model of a sample system which describes the effect said sample system will have on electromagnetic radiation which is caused to interact therewith. Said method involves regression of the mathematical model onto data obtained by application of electromagnetic radiation to the sample system, at least one of said parameters in said mathematical model being subject to accurate evaluation using data obtained by applying one range of wavelengths selected from the group consisting of:
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing a source of FIR or IR, and a source of other than FIR or IR wavelength radiation, at least one of said sources being a part of an ellipsometer system which provides electromagnetic radiation of a known polarization state to said sample system.
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation, can involve providing a source of NIR-VIS-NUV, and a source of other than NIR-VIS-NUV wavelength radiation, at least one of said at least one source being a part of an ellipsometer system which provides electromagnetic radiation of a known polarization state to said sample system.
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing a source of UV, and a source of other than UV wavelength radiation, at least one of said at least one source being a part of an ellipsometer system which provides electromagnetic radiation of a known polarization state to said sample system.
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing a source of DUV, and a source of other than DUV wavelength radiation, at least one of said at least one source being a part of an ellipsometer system which provides electromagnetic radiation of a known polarization state to said sample system.
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing all wavelengths, RADIO; MICRO; FIR, IR, NIR, VIS, NUV, UV, DUV, EUV and XRAY.
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing wavelengths in the FIR, IR, UV, DUV, EUV and XRAY.
The step of providing said at least one source of electromagnetic radiation can involve providing wavelengths from any combination of sources of electromagnetic radiation.
The step of simultaneously or sequentially applying incident electromagnetic radiation from said at least two selected ranges of electromagnetic radiation can involve obtaining reflection data and/or transmission data.
The step of simultaneously regressing the mathematical model onto the data provided by said at least one detector can involve a selection from the group consiting of:
Another recital of a disclosed method involves providing a continuous plot of at least one optical constant of a sample system system, which at least one optical constant does not demonstrate discontinuities over a range of wavelengths from the FIR through the NIR-VIS-NUV, UV and into the DUV. The method involves regression of a mathematical model containing said optical constant as a parameter onto data obtained by application of electromagnetic radiation to said sample system either simultaneously or sequentially in the ranges of wavelengths from the IR through the NIR-VIS-NUV, UV, DUV, EUV into the XRAY, and comprises the steps of:
Another aspect of the disclosed invention is a method of determining the optical constants of a sample system comprising a substrate with at least one thin film on a surface thereof, utilizing a spectroscopic beam of electromagnetic radiation including wavelengths from at least two selections from the group consisting of:
The parameter which varies with wavelength is typically plotted as a selection from the group consisting of:
Another recitation of a disclosed invention method of determining the optical constants of a sample system comprising a substrate with at least one thin film on a surface thereof, utilizing a spectroscopic beam of electromagnetic radiation, comprising the steps of:
Step d can be performed at least one additional time with the range of wavelengths or energy or wave number set to include more of the obtained data range in which minimal interference effects are present in the obtained data, or the entire obtained data range in which interference effects are both present and not present in the obtained data. The determination as to when use the whole range of obtained data is determined based on results determined by trying it. If the point by point fit does not provide good results when the whole range of data is selected, then smaller steps into the range of data wherein absorption effects are not dominating and interference efects are present must be used.
The mathematical model can often be beneficially set to comprise a Cauchy or Sellemier function to represent the thin film in the transparent region of wavelengths.
It can also be beneficial to provide ellipsometric data obtained at at least two angles of incidence.
The method can further comprises saving the optical constants determined over the entire range of wavelengths or energy or wave number etc., and replacing the mathematical model of the thin layer with a mathematical model which allows fitting the refractive index or the imaginary part of the dielectric function with Mathematical Dispersion Models such as Kramers-Kronig consistent oscillators, plotting said refractive index or imaginary part of the dielectric function and fitting said refractive index or imaginary part of the dielectric function with at least one Mathematical Dispersion Model and performing a regression to evaluate parameters in said mathematical model.
The method can also further comprise saving determined optical constants over the entire range of wavelengths or energy or wave number, and replacing the mathematical model of the thin layer with a mathematical model which allows fitting the refractive index and extinction coefficient or the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function with Mathematical Dispersion Models such as Kramers-Kronig consistent oscillators, plotting said refractive index or imaginary part of the dielectric function and fitting said refractive index or imaginary part of the dielectric function with at least one oscillator, and performing a regression to simultaneously evaluate refractive index and extinction coefficient or real and. imaginary parts of the dielectric function parameters in said mathematical model.
Another method of determining the optical constants of a sample system comprising a substrate with a thin film on a surface thereof, utilizing a spectroscopic beam of electromagnetic radiation, comprises the steps of:
Parametric Dispersion models can be selected from the non-limiting group consisting of: Cauchy; Cauchy+Urbach absorption; Sellmeier Oscillator, (zero broadened); Lorentz Oscillator; Gaussian Oscillator; Harmonic Oscillator; Drude Oscillator; Tauc-Lorentz Oscillator; Cody-Lorentz Oscillator; Tanguay; Ionic Oscillator; TOLO; Gauss-Lorentz Oscillator; Gauss-Lorentz Oscillator Asymetric Doublet (Glad) Oscillator; Herzinger-Johs Parametric Semiconductor Oscillator Model; Psemi-Eo oscillator; Critical Point Parabolic band (CPPB); Adachi Oscillator Model; Pole;
where the Oscillators are preferably Kramer-Kronig consistent.
(Note, said Oscillator Structures are described in the J.A. Woollam Co. WVASE Manual, which is incorporated by reference herein. (WVASE is a Registered Tradeamrk of the J.A. Woollam Co. Inc.).
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize at least one selection from the group consisting of:
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize thin film composition, and said Effective Media Mathematical-Model can be selected from the group consisting of:
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize sample system anisotropy and/or optical constant grading.
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize at least one selection from the group consisting of:
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize sample system caused incoherent effects, including reflections from that back of transparent sample systems.
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize sample system composition effects (eg. alloy ratios).
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize sample system caused incoherent effects based upon patterns being present thereupon and reflections from interfaces and back surfaces-of transparent sample systems.
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize sample system caused rotary effects.
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize magneto-optic or electro-optic effects on a sample system.
The method can further comprise including parameters in said mathematical model which characterize sample system temperature effects.
The method can further comprise selecting staring numbers for parameters in the mathematical model which are input to the regression procedure by a method that tests mean square error after a small number of itterations for a segence of starting values.
Data utilized by the disclosed invention to determine sample system PSI or DELTA can be characterized by being:
The foregoing assumes that a mathematical model of a sample system, which contains parameters to be evaluated, can be postulated prior to performing a regression procedure onto acquired data. While inclusive of the foregoing teachings, the disclosed invention is not limited to application in said case, and further includes a method of ellipsometrically characterizing surface material present on an article manufactured by the deposition or removal of material, to or from, a process substrate, said method requiring no explicit knowledge of prior process substrate composition . That is, the step of providing a mathematical model can be replaced by the step or steps of obtaining data at at least two times' during sample system processing and using said data to predict results at another time, and then proceeding vith application of a regression procedure to bring the predicted result into agreement with data. The outer surface material is modeled mathematically by analytic model Fresnel equations. Said method can be generally understood as comprising the steps of;
A more specific recital of the disclosed invention method of characterizing the outermost material of an article manufactured by the deposition or removal of material, to or from, a process substrate, without explicit knowledge of any previously deposited underlying layers, comprises the steps of:
Note that the foregoing method specifically requires that data be obtained at Three (3) different times. The following recites disclosed invention methodology for the case in which data is obtained at Four (4) different times.
A method of characterizing the outermost material of an article manufactured by the deposition or removal of material, to or from, a process substrate, without explicit knowledge of any previously deposited underlying layers, comprising the steps of:
a) providing a material deposition or removal chamber and an ellipsometer system configured with respect thereto so as to, in use, cause a beam of polarized electromagnetic radiation to impinge upon a process substrate therevithin during a procedure in which material deposition or removal upon said process substrate is caused to occur over a period of time;
The following recites the disclosed invention methodology for the case in which data is obtained at more than three different times.
A method of characterizing the outermost material of an article manufactured by the deposition or removal of material, to or from, a process substrate, without explicit knowledge of any previously deposited underlying layers, comprising the steps of:
The minimization algorithm can be implemented by non-linear regression, and preferably the minimization algorithm is the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
The optical model for the outermost material deposition or removal can be parameterized by at least one of the parameters from the selected list:
The process substrate can be of a shape selected from the group consisting of:
It is also within the scope of the disclosed invention to provide a wittness sample system onto which material is deposited, said wittness sample system having a relatively thick transparent material thereupon onto which said material is deposited. Th reason for this is that ellipsometry is far more sensitive to ultrathin deposited layers when they are deposited onto such a wittness sample system.
Finally is is to be understood that the method step of obtaining ellipsometric data can be characterized by at least one selection from the group consisting of:
It is also disclosed that where investigated films are very thin, (eg. less than 100 Angstroms), it becomes difficult to identify content in spectroscopic data which is definitely correlated to thin film characterizing parameters, such as dielectric constant and/or thickness. The disclosed invention comprises a method of investigating a sample'system comprised of at least one thin layer of material on a substrate, which thin layer has a thicknesses on the order of less than about 100 Angstroms. One embodiment of said method comprises the steps of:
An application of the disclosed invention is in real time fabrication of sample systems comprising a sequence of high and low “K” dielectric constant layers of materials which have thicknesses on the order of 100 Angstroms, said method comprising the steps of:
Said method is preferably, though not limited to, utilizing spectroscopic data which corresponds to, or is derived from Ellipsometric PSI (Ψ) and/or DELTA (Δ) vs. Wavelength. As discussed in more detail in the Detailed Description Section of this Specification, N, C and S parameters, which are derived from PSI (Ψ) and DELTA (Δ) are often easier to utilize, said N, C and S being:
S=Sin(2Ψ)Sin (Δ).
It is also noted that typical, though non-limiting, thin layers on a sample system which has a sequence of high and low “K” dielectric constant layers present thereupon, can comprise at least one selection from the group consisting of:
Another example of the disclosed invention method provides that where a thin film being formed on a sample system substrate is to be monitored during its formation, a witness sample system is also provided onto which the same thin film is formed. The witness sample system is monitored and results obtained thereform are used to characterize the thin film on the sample system substrate. Important1y, the witness sample system need not be of the same composition as is the sample system substrate. In fact, it has been found very beneficial to intentionally provide a witness sample system which comprises a thick dielectric, (eg. greater than about 250 Angstroms and preferably greater than 1000 Angstronms), onto which the thin film is deposited. It is found that a very benefical method for evaluating thickness of an ultrathin film then comprising the steps of:
Note that the just recited example can be benefically applied to the case where a MOSFET Gate metalization is being deposited to a substrate on which is present less than 100 Angstroms of Gate Oxide or other Gate insulator material. The Witness Sample, having a much thicker layer of Oxide or other Insulator, enables acquisition of a spectra which makes the detection of the thickness of the deposited metal much more pronounced. The effect is demonstrated graphically in the Detailed Description Section of this Specification, using Amorphous Silicon and Amorphous Carbon thin films on thick transparent dielectric.
The disclosed invention will be better understood by reference to the Specification in conjunction with the Drawings, and the Claims.
a and 3b demonstrate postulated Dielectric Function results obtained over a large range of wavelengths conventionally, and by present invention methodology, respectively.
a and 3b demonstrate a postulated Dielectric Function over a large range of wavelengths. Note that the
Said Oscillator Structures, and more, are described in the J.A. Woollam Co. WVASE32 Manual and Addendums, which are incorporated by reference herein. (WVASE32 is a-Registered Tradeamrk of the J.A. Woollam Co. Inc.).
As an example of application of the J.A. Woollam CO. GEMOSC™ Layer, which was mentioned in the Disclosure Section of this Specification, the following simple Analysis of a SiNx film is presented. Generally, the GENOSC approach is applicable to analysis of thin films which are, transparent in one wavelength range and absorbing in another, (eg. transparent at visible wavelengths but demonstrating;significant absorption at UV wavelengths). The approach is applicable to modeling:
The Analysis Strategy for applying the GENOSC Layer is based in the realization that where a film is transparent over a portion of its measured spectral range, it is usually possible to accurately determine the film's thickness in that range. Further, once the film thickness is determined from one protion of a spectral range, it is often possible to determine the optical constants thereof over the entire measured spectral range. The strategy for analysis of sample systems using the J.A. Woollam CO. GEMOSC™ Layer is:
1. Determine the Thickness of the Layer
For instance, a film thickness can be determined in the NIR and VIS wavelength regions using a Cauchy or Sellmeier Optical Model.
2. Obtain Preliminary Optical Constants for the Entire Measured Spectral Region
Fix the Thickness, and possibly other fit parameters and obtain a preliminary set of Optical Constants from a Wavelength by Wavelength (eg. point by point), fit to data across the entire measured spectral range, then save the results.
3. Fit Tauc-Lorentz Oscillator to Step 2 Data Point by Point
Invoke the GENOSC Layer and Fit the defining parameters, of appropriate Oscillator Structure(s) appropriately positioned in the e2(λ) plot, (eg. Amplitude (AM) and Broadening (BR)) of a Tauc-Lorentz Oscillator, to model the preliminary set of Optical Constants obtained in Step 2. The initial fit is acomplished via regression onto the e2(λ) data only, and using initial conditions determined therereby in a fit to both e1(λ) and e2(λ) data.
4. Fit Thickness and Tauc-Lorentz Model Parameyers Simultaneously to the Ellipsometric Data
Fit letting the Thickness float along with Oscillator Structure definging Parameters
5. Refine the Model
Add refinements to the model in Step 4, such as surface roughness, grading, additional oscillator structures etc.).
6. Itterate
Repeat Steps 2-5 using the model developed in Step 5 as a starting model.
(It is noted that the terminology “Fit” indicates a mathematical procedure, such as squre error minimizing based-regression, wherein mathematical model parameters are assigned values so that calculations based thereon match the empirically obtained data being modeled).
Turning now to
d and 7e show Plots of PSI (Ψ) and DELTA (Δ) after the regression, and
With the Thickness evaluated, the next step is to fix the value of the Thickness, and then while still utilizing the same Model, (eg. Cauchy or Sellmeier Model), do a point by point fit beginning at the Long Wavelength and working toward the shorter Wavelength portion of the wavelength range, including below 300 nm where
To this point the work has utilized a Cauchy or Sellemier Dispersion Model. At this point the procedure, changes and replaces the Cauchy Layer with a GEMOSC™ Layer. If the Sellemier Dispersion Model was utilized, this step involves replacing it with a new GEMOSC™ Layer that comprises at least one Kronig-Krammer Oscillator Sturcture. In either case, the procedure continues with positioning said at least one Kronig-Krammer Oscillator Stucture in the Imaginary Part (e2) of the Dielectric Function.
The procedure continues by performing a global fit of the Tauc-Lorentz Oscillator and Film Thickness to the data. The results appear very similar to those in
The Model achievd in this example is already very good, however, close inspection of the wavelength region below about 245 nm indicates some descrepency between experimental data and model fit in the PSI (Ψ) data. Further, close inspection of e1 data in
The GEMOSC™ Procedure can be subjected to a second and additional itterations if results indicate. Further, it should be understood that the demonstrated GENOSE™ procedure was for a simple case where one Tauc-Lorentz Oscillator Structure was sufficient to fit the data. More usual situations require the simultaneous application of a plurality of Oscillator Structures.
It is to be apprecuated that the terminology “Sample System” as used in this Specification can mean a Substrate perse., or a Substrate with one or more Thin Films on its surface, and the terminology “Optical Constants” can refer to those of a Substrate per se. or to those of one or more Thin Films.
Having hereby disclosed the subject matter of the present invention, it should be obvious that many modifications, substitutions, and variations of the present invention are possible in view of the teachings. It is therefore to be understood that the invention may be practiced other than as specifically described, and should be limited in its breadth and scope only by the Claims.
This Application is a CIP of application Ser. No. 10/713,816 Filed Nov. 17, 2003 and Ser. No. 10/376,677 Filed Feb. 28, 2003now U.S. Pat. No. 6,982,792; and Claims Benefit of Provisional Applications Ser. Nos. 60/471,769 Filed May 20, 2003, and 60/485,009 Filed Jul. 5, 2003, and 60/527,553 Filed Dec. 6, 2003.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
7110912 | Tiwald | Sep 2006 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
20040257567 A1 | Dec 2004 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60471769 | May 2003 | US | |
60485009 | Jul 2003 | US | |
60527553 | Dec 2003 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 10713816 | Nov 2003 | US |
Child | 10849740 | US | |
Parent | 10376677 | Feb 2003 | US |
Child | 10713816 | US |