This invention relates to imaging devices and in particular to scintillator based microscopes.
In most microscopes, the visible light spectrum is used for imaging. X-ray microscopes are known. Two principal advantages of an x-ray microscope over a visible light microscope are (1) better potential resolution of extremely small features due to shorter wavelengths; and (2) some internal features can be observed which cannot be seen with a visible light microscope.
Traditional x-ray imaging devices involve directing a beam of x-rays through an object onto a phosphor screen, which converts each x-ray photon into a large number of visible photons. The visible photons expose a sheet of photographic film placed close to the phosphor thus forming an image of the attenuation of x-rays passing through the object.
There are several limitations to film-screen x-ray devices. A major limitation is that the film serves the combined purpose of both the image acquisition function and the image display function. In addition, the range of contrast or latitude of the film is too limited to display the entire range of contrast in many objects of interest. Because of the limited latitude and dual acquisition/display function of film, a film-screen x-ray is often overexposed in one area and underexposed in another area due to the thickness and composition variations of the object across the image. The gray-scale level of x-ray film has a sigmoidal response as a function of exposure which results in difficulties in distinguishing contrast differences at the extremes of the exposure range; that is, in the most radiodense and in the most radiolucent areas of the image.
Digital x-ray techniques have been proposed as a technology which replaces the phosphor/film detector with a digital image detector, with the prospect of overcoming some of the limitations of film-screens in order to provide higher quality images. A potential advantage of digital x-ray technology involves the separation of the image acquisition function from the image display function. Digital detectors also provide a much greater range of contrast than film and the contrast response function is linear over the entire range. This would allow a digital detector to more easily distinguish subtle differences in attenuation of x-rays as they pass through various paths of the object. Differences in attenuation due to thickness and composition variations across the object can be subtracted out of the digital data in the computer and the residual contrast can then be optimized for the particular viewing mechanism, be it film or computer monitor. The residual contrast differences can then be analyzed to search for things of interest. Other advantages of digital x-ray technology include digital image archival and image transmission to remote location for viewing purposes.
A prior art scintillator based microscope designed and patented by Applicant and others is shown in
X-ray sources with very small spot sizes have been reported. For example, the following is an excerpt from a recent report from the Argonne National Laboratory:
Current digital x-ray devices have fairly limited resolution and so they are limited in their applications. The device described in Applicant's '796 patent has good resolution but improvements are needed for it to have extensive application, particularly in biomedical applications. What is needed is high resolution imaging devices with a sub-micron radiation source and an optical microscopic system for providing geometric magnification for imaging nanometer size internal features of tiny targets.
The present invention provides a scintillation based microscopic imaging system. The device utilizes a single-crystal inorganic scintillator to convert ionizing radiation to light in a spectral range or ranges within the visible or ultraviolet spectral ranges. The conversion takes place inside the single crystal material, preserving spatial resolution. The single crystal scintillator is sandwiched between a first plate that is substantially transparent to the ionization radiation and a second plate that is transparent to the visible or ultraviolet light. The ionization radiation is directed from the submicron source through a target to create a shadow image of the target inside the scintillator crystal. The image created in the scintillator crystal is in preferred embodiments viewed through a standard visible light optical microscope or a camera with magnifying optical components.
Several sources of radiation are described including sub micron sources. These include submicron x-ray and high-energy ultraviolet sources, submicron electron beam sources, submicron alpha particle sources, submicron proton sources, submicron positron sources and sub-micron neutron sources. Also, Applicants describe small spot size x-ray sources produced using electron beams alpha particles, protons and positrons.
In other preferred embodiments larger size x-ray sources are utilized with the sample positioned very close to the scintillator and the source positioned far enough away form the sample so as to produce a precise shadow image of the sample.
In preferred embodiments using a Thallium-doped Cesium Iodide CsI (Tl) crystal having a peak scintillation wavelength at 550 nanometers portions or all of the shadow image is viewed at the crystal's 550 nm scintillation wavelength with a magnifying optical element such as the optical elements of a conventional inverted optical microscope to provide a very high resolution image of the target or portions of the target. The green light image may be directly observed with the eyes of a human operator through the magnifying optical elements and/or the image may be captured on film or an image sensor. In preferred embodiments the surface of the target is illuminated with visible light (with the green portion of the spectrum filtered out) so that a surface image can be compared with the x-ray image. This preferred embodiments is accomplished using a dual focus feature with one focus at or near the illumination surface of the scintillation crystal and the other focus at the surface of the target.
A preferred embodiment includes facilities to rotate the target samples permitting 360 degree imaging of the samples. Special software is identified to permit tomographic imaging.
FIGS. 8B(1) and 8B(2) show how to fabricate a scintillator sandwich for the present invention.
Preferred embodiments of the present invention are described below by references to the figures.
A prototype device having important features of the present invention can be described by reference to
A prototype design of an x-ray and scintillator housing is shown in
Essential to the usefulness of any general-purpose scintillator is adequate structural integrity as well as resistance to any potentially damaging moisture while exposed to expected environmental conditions. The CsI (Tl) and other related crystals are typically hygroscopic and therefore require a barrier between their outer surfaces and nearly all environments. We accomplished this sealing through the implementation of optical-quality polycarbonate plastic plates. Polycarbonate was chosen because its coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) in addition to its optical indexes is relatively close to that of CsI. However, other transparent materials with similar thermal expansion and optical characteristics may also be used.
The substantially polycarbonate plate 5 which is placed on the optical side of the sandwich is also designed to enhance the structural integrity as well as seal out the moisture. The plate is relatively thick (.about.4 mm) and is anti-reflection coated with coating 98 to minimize Fresnel reflections from its outer surface. As indicated by the following formula, optical indices of adjoining materials should be closely matched to reduce unwanted reflections:
where n1—index of material 1, n2=index of material 2 and R is the Fresnel reflection.
For our CsI crystal, the index of refraction at the peak scintillation wavelength (of 550 nm) is 1.793. The index of refraction for our optical adhesive is 1.6. This gives a Fresnel reflection of about 0.4% at the x-ray illumination surface of the crystal. It is important that this reflection be kept low especially at this junction. The reflection here should preferably be kept less than about 0.5%. For some applications we have learned that the reflection problem can become acute if the Fresnel reflection exceeds about 1%.
The overall thickness of our preferred scintillation sandwich is slightly larger than 3.5 mm consisting of the following layers starting at the x-ray incident side:
The main components of this embodiment are:
1) a 50 kV x-ray source 206 provided by Oxford Instruments with offices in Scotts Valley Calif. This unit operates with an anode current of 0 to 1.0 mA with anode target voltages of 4 kV to 50 kV. Its spot size is 35 microns. The preferred target materials are tungsten, molybdenum and copper. Its length and diameter are 163.4 mm and 69.8 and it weighs about 4 pounds 1816 grams). The 50 kV power supply 208 for the unit was also provided by Oxford.
2) an X-Y motion stage 208 (ThorLabs Model PT1-Z7) 210 with 25 millimeter travel (both directions) was supplied by Thor Labs with offices in Newton, N.J. It has 0.05 micron resolution, and can travel at up to 425 microns/sec. A sheetmetal attachment is bolted to the x-y stage which then moves a sample carrier tray in front of the CsI crystal assembly. Samples are placed on sample tray 220 for inspection with the system.
3) the video camera (not shown but a part of the microscope system) is a 1.3 mega pixel CCD video camera (Photometrics Model CoolSnap ES2) supplied by Photometrics with offices in Tucson, Ariz. It has a 1392×1040 pixel array with 6.45 micron pixels. It has a 12 bit digitizer and can be cooled down to 0 degrees C.
In this embodiment the x-ray spot size is 35 microns so the sample is placed as close as feasible (in this case less than ¼ inch) to the scintilator to produce precise shadow images and the 35 micron source is located about 1 to 5 inches from the sample. This arrangement is shown in
Applicant expects to market this x-ray scintillator system 204 to customers who already own one or more microscope systems. Applicant's x-ray scintillator system is compatible with inverted microscopes available from Olympus and Nikon as well as many other microscope suppliers.
Conceptually the 2D and 3D are very similar. The only major difference in 3D hardware is the addition of the rotation axis so we can rotate the sample to acquire the 2D images for each degree of rotation. The X-Z stage on the 3D system serves the same purpose as the X-Y stage in the 2D system, namely, it positions a region of interest of the sample in the center of the x-ray beam. In software, the major difference is the use of the cone beam reconstruction software from Exxim to process all the 2D images to create the 3D voxel image of the sample.
The main components of this embodiment are:
1) a 50 kV x-ray source 206 provided by TruFocus with offices in Watsonville, California. This unit operates with an anode current of 0 to 0.160 mA with anode target voltages of 5 kV to 50 kV. Its spot size is 8 microns. The preferred target material is tungsten. Its size is 125×75×43 mm. The 50 kV power supply 208 for the unit was also provided by TruFocus.
2) an X-Z-R motion stage (Model CMA25-CC and URS75BPP) 210 with 25 millimeter linear travel for X and Z axes (0.5 micron resolution), and 360 degree rotation for the R axis (0.0002 degree resolution), was supplied by Newport with offices in Irvine, Calif. Samples are placed on the sample pedestal for inspection.
3) the video camera 212 is a 1.3 mega pixel CCD video camera (Photometrics Model CoolSnap ES2) supplied by Photometrics with offices in Tucson, Ariz. It has a 1392×1040 pixel array with 6.45 micron pixels. It has a 12 bit digitizer and can be cooled down to 0 degrees C.
4) the cone beam reconstruction software is provided by Exxim of Pleasanton, Calif. Their Cobra software is used to read in the raw 2D x-ray images and produce a 3D dataset for subsequent visualization. The Cobra software uses the Feldkamp cone beam reconstruction method to quickly generate the 3D dataset. The software is very flexible and can take 2D x-ray images that are evenly spaced in the angular dimension. The more angular images, the more accurate the 3D reconstruction, but this must be balanced with processing time and the resolution required for the final 3D dataset. In general, 180 images are acquired and processed to produce an acceptable dataset.
The procedure for taking the 3D data is as follows:
For high-resolution applications that require soft x-rays (<20 keV) for optimal contrast, such as biological samples, a small-spot, high current, low potential x-ray tube is needed. Currently there are no commercial sources available. However, as described above and as shown in
A larger source can be turned into a submicron source using a submicron pinhole as shown in
Another technique for producing small spot sizes is to utilize a funnel type pinhole as suggested by
In other preferred embodiments an adjustable pinhole (as described at Col. 5 in the '796 patent) could be utilized to provide an adjustable trade-off between resolution and photon count.
Another preferred source is a needle as shown in
Since a basic limitation on resolution is wavelength related diffraction, x-rays and high-energy UV have an advantage over visible light when it is necessary to distinguish micron and especially submicron size features. The above described scintillator based microscope provides excellent resolution. This excellent resolution is attributable to three special features of this system: (1) the use of x-rays or high-energy UV photons to form the basis image, (2) atomic neighborhood size pixel and (3) optical quality of the scintillation crystal.
The second basic advantage provided by the above-described scintillator based microscope is derived from the utilization of the atomic structure of the crystal to provide the photon detecting pixels. X-ray or high-energy UV photons illuminating the illumination surface of the CsI (Tl) crystal undergo a photoelectron collision with an inner shell electron, which ejects the electron with substantial energy. This ejected electron then scatters within the atomic structure of the crystal for a distance of a few microns to up to about 100 microns depending on the energy of the illuminating photon. There is a forward directional preference so that the horizontal component of the ejected electron track is much shorter than that of the total track. The ejected electron loses its energy principally by reacting with electrons along its track transferring its energy to these electrons. These energetic electrons then move about within the crystal until they are captured within an atomic structure. Excited conduction electrons move reasonably freely through the CsI structure but can be trapped when they pass sufficiently near a Tl atom. Visible green light with wavelengths of about 550 nm is produced when an excited Tl atom releases a photon to return to a ground or lower energy state. The net result is that visible light is produced very near the point at which the illuminating photon underwent the photoelectron event. Thus, the size of each pixel is on the order of the atomic dimensions of the neighborhood surrounding each event.
The third special feature of this microscope system results from Applicants' ability to create a high quality optical element out of CsI (Tl) salt crystals. By polishing the surfaces of the crystal and greatly minimizing Fresnel reflection, Applicants are able to look through the crystal at the illumination-reflection surface of the crystal with their eyes and the visible light detecting optical devices with no significant distortion. Using standard microscopic optical elements, Applicants are able to resolve the light produced in the crystals down to less than 5 microns. With geometric magnification, even greater resolution can be achieved. When photons from a very small spot photon source are imaged over long periods of time, Applicants expect to be able to image details in the Angstrom range.
For many applications, the optical objective 16 for collecting the light generated in the scintillator is preferably a very low f/#, high numerical aperture objective, in order to optimize the system efficiency, preferably on the order of f/1.0 (N.A.=0.5) or faster. This is especially important when viewing the target with the naked eye and when operating with a very tiny point source for providing high resolution geometric magnification. In addition, the objective preferably is achromatized due to the broadband spectrum of the CsI (Ti) scintillation and well corrected over the entire field-of-view to retain the inherently high resolution of the crystal. Several commercially available microscope objectives meet these requirements. Two such commercially available optical microscope systems which could be utilized to magnify images produced at the mirror-illumination surface of scintillator 55 are NIKON binocular microscope model #LABPHOT 2 and NIKON model #5MZ-2T. Both of these microscopes are fitted with a camera port for video or microscopic film photography. For higher resolution or for larger fields-of-view and other special situations, a custom optical design may be required as can be designed by persons skilled in the optics art with the current optical CAD programs such as CODE V or ZEMAX.
Scintillator with Reflecting Surface
Each x-ray photon typically generates one scintillator spot as it is absorbed in the CsI (Tl) crystal. The most likely absorption location is at the point of x-ray entrance into the crystal, just down stream of aluminum mirror 92. However, many x-ray photons are absorbed at greater depths into the crystal. For scintillator designs utilizing a reflecting surface layer as shown at 92 in
A further feature of preferred embodiments is a 3-dimensional CT imaging capability based on the same geometry. If either the sample or the source is capable of being rotated relative to the microscope, a series of exposures can be taken that, when combined and registered to each other via software, can form a three-dimensional representation of the sample.
Since preferred embodiments leverage the use of conventional microscopes, many of the advanced imaging techniques that have been developed for conventional microscopes can be used to enhance the imagery of the x-ray images collected with our system. For example, confocal microscopy is a technique that enhances image contrast by scanning both the illumination and imaging fields-of-view using rapidly moving apertures (pinholes). Also as indicated in the
While the above description contains many specifications, the reader should not construe these as limitations on the scope of invention, but merely as exemplifications of preferred embodiments thereof. Those skilled in the art will envision many other possible variations are within its scope. CCD camera 16 could be any of many commercially available cameras which could produce either digital images or an analog image. An index matching fluid could be used as the interface between the illumination surface of the CsI crystal and the reflective surface of the reflector plate. For example, CARGILLE Company distributes an index matching fluid that closely matches the index of refraction of CsI the scintillator sandwich can be made as large as available crystal permits. Accordingly, the reader is requested to determine the scope of the invention by the appended claims and their legal equivalents, and not by the examples which have been given. Crystals as large as 24 inches by 24 inches are currently available, with some significant defects. Good quality crystals as large as 12 inches by 12 inches are currently available.
This application is a continuation-in-part of Utility application Ser. No. 11/409,461 filed Apr. 20, 2008 (which is incorporated herein by reference) and claims the benefit of Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/959,912 filed Jul. 17, 2007.
Number | Date | Country | |
60959912 | Jul 2007 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 11409461 | Apr 2006 | US |
Child | 12218536 | US |