
  • Patent Application
  • 20130153084
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    November 22, 2010
    13 years ago
  • Date Published
    June 20, 2013
    11 years ago
The present invention relates to a system and compact method of bottling gas (1), that can be installed in any the retail sales establishment to bottle cylinders (3) directly to the consumer, or in vehicles to bottle the cylinders (3) in the residences where they are consumed, the compact system of bottling gas (1) comprising a device for transfer of gas, from a reservoir (2) to gas cylinders (3) located in closed compartments (4), allowing the consumer a choice of quantity of gas and further eliminating the inconveniences of exchanging the cylinder (3) or its transport to remote locations for refill.

The present invention relates to a system and compact method of bottling gas, that can be installed in any retail sales establishment to bottle cylinders directly to the consumer, or be installed in vehicles that can thus bottle gas cylinders in locations where it is used, avoiding its exchange or transport to the supplier company.


Pipeline systems for supplying gas are known for residences, their distribution network not yet reaching all metropolitan regions, making it necessary to use cylinders in locations not encompassed by such a network.

Consumers exchange the cylinders as soon as their content finishes, this exchange being able to be done, for example, directly in businesses that fill the cylinders, or await the passage of a truck of the supplier that, on scheduled dates, makes its sales with exchange of cylinders at the location.

These cylinder exchange systems have some disadvantages, such as the cost of transporting the cylinders between the company and the residences, whether they are empty or full, which is added to the product. Moreover, the cylinders experience wear in this transport or in their storage, requiring their maintenance and painting, which also increases the cost of the product.

Another disadvantage still is the exchange of cylinders without the complete exhaustion of their content. This occurs because, for fear that the gas finishes in the middle of cooking, the consumer exchanges the cylinder before it is empty, since he does not receive any reimbursement for the gas contained therein.

In order to make possible the sale of a determined quantity of gas, avoiding not only excessive filling of gas in cylinders, but also allowing the consumer to pay for only the gas bottled, there are filling systems that include dosing devices that assist in calculating the quantity of gas to bottle. These systems allow determining the density of the gas contained in the gas tank, choosing the density of the gas in the cylinder, calculating a predetermined quantity of gas to add to the cylinder, controlling the gas flow, etc.

In a disadvantageous way, although efficient, these filling systems are very complex, include many parts and are heavy. Moreover, they include many measurement and calculation devices, and in the event of failure of any one of them, filling is impaired or even made impossible.

Another disadvantage of these dosing devices is due to their not possessing any constructive arrangement that makes possible their use in vehicles filling gas cylinders.

In order to solve these inconveniences, the present invention presents a system and compact method of bottling gas that can be installed in any location or vehicle. In this way, the present system can be installed in retail sales establishments, such as fuel stations, which allows the user himself to take the cylinder to the location and to fill it. Or still, it can be installed in vehicles that go to residences, bottling the gas directly in the location of its use and in front of the consumer.

The present system and compact method of bottling gas represent a considerable reduction in the cost of transporting and preserving the cylinders, making possible a reduction in the final price of the product sold to the consumer.

Using the same trucks that currently serve to exchange cylinders, there is advantageously a reduction in the expenses for moving this vehicle, because they represent only the weight of the gas properly speaking, and no longer the weight of the cylinders, thus making possible a better exploitation of its load capacity.

The present system and method can be used in trucks, vans, motorcycles with sidecar, etc., which makes refilling possible in locations difficult to access, where trucks cannot go.

On installing the present system in retail sales posts, there is a bigger reduction in the value of the product, because the transportation cost is not added to that of the product, since it is the consumer himself who moves with the cylinder for purposes of refilling.

The present invention further presents a gas dosing device associated with the compact system for bottling gas that makes possible the bottling of a determined quantity of gas. It is of simple construction and works similar to a syringe, whose body is equipped with a gas input and output, its piston being moved from one extremity to another along the body, allowing the body to be filled with gas on withdrawal of the piston, and expelling the gas into a gas cylinder when the piston advances against the body.

The present system and dosing device further comprise a processing and management unit, and temperature sensors that, integrated in a computer program, exactly calculates the volume of gas according to the information received from the temperature sensor. The program calculates the mass or weight of the gas, according to its volume and temperature, determining how far back the piston must be, which is measured by a position sensor, so that the desired quantity of gas enters the said dosing device, to then be bottled when the piston is moved forward.

In order to better elucidate the present system and compact method of bottling gas, schematic drawings are presented below of one particular embodiment of the invention, whose dimensions and proportions are not necessarily real, because the drawings only serve to instructively present its various aspects, whose scope of protection is determined only by the purpose of the attached claims.


The system and compact method of bottling gas will be described below based on the attached drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 shows a schematic perspective view of the compact system of bottling gas (1) of the present invention;

FIG. 2 shows a schematic perspective view of a compartment (4) of the present system (1);

FIG. 3 shows a frontal perspective view of the interior of compartment (4) with gas cylinder (3);

FIG. 4 shows another frontal perspective view of the interior of compartment (4) without cylinder (3);

FIG. 5 shows a perspective view of the compact system of bottling gas (1), in one application example, which is a four-wheel vehicle (C);

FIG. 6 shows one another application example of the present system (1), where compartment (4) is equipped with a base structure in the form of vertical rods (41), which keeps it off the ground where is fastened;

FIG. 7 shows a lateral view in partial cross section of a gas dosing device (D) coupled to the present system (1), where the dosing device (D) is located outside the gas reservoir (2) of a truck (C);

FIG. 7A shows an enlarged view of detail A of FIG. 7;

FIG. 8 shows a cross section view of the gas dosing device (D);

FIG. 9 shows a cross section view of a constructive variant of the gas dosing device gas (D);

FIG. 10 shows a perspective view of the dosing device (D) of FIG. 9; and,

FIG. 11 shows a lateral view in partial cross section of the dosing device (D) located inside the gas reservoir (2);

FIGS. 11A shows an enlarged view of detail B of FIG. 10; and,

FIG. 12 presents a block diagram of the compact method of bottling gas.


As illustrated in the attached drawings, the present invention deals with a compact system of bottling gas (1) that can be installed in retail sales establishments (see FIG. 6), or in a vehicle (see FIGS. 5, 7 and 11), for reloading gas cylinders (3).

The compact system of bottling gas (1) comprises a gas reservoir (2) for filling gas cylinders (3); at least one compartment (4) equipped with a cradle (13), defined in non-limiting way as a recess, in its base to accommodate cylinders (3). The mentioned cradle (13) is supported on a weight measurement system (12), arranged on the base of the compartment (4) that is closed by a door (6). Each compartment (4) comprises a retractable support (10) of a fast coupler (9), and a gas hose (15) that connects the reservoir (2) to the coupler (9), the said fast coupler (9) can be coupled to a connecting assembly (7) with safety valve, already incorporated in the cylinders (3) to be bottled.

The mentioned safety valve of the connecting assembly (7) is associated with an overload controlling mechanism (not shown), arranged in the internal part of the cylinder (3), the said mechanism being responsible for locking the safety valve, interrupting the gas input in the cylinder (3).

Preferably, there is a pressure sensor (not shown) between the output of the reservoir (2) and the coupler (9) that allows monitoring the pressure of the system (1). In particular, the mentioned pressure sensor (not shown) is located in the coupler (9), which allows monitoring the internal pressure of the cylinder (3). In this way, when the internal pressure of the cylinder (3) exceeds a maximum value of its capacity, refilling of the cylinder (3) can be terminated. In case the cylinder (3) is completely loaded, the overload controlling mechanism automatically locks the safety valve of the connecting assembly (7). After this locking, the gas pressure of the supply system will rise, it being identified by the pressure sensor, terminating the refilling of cylinder (3).

Transfer of the gas from reservoir (2) to cylinder (3) is carried out by any known device of the prior art, for example, pump, dosing device, etc.

Optionally, the cradle (13) incorporates a box (40), conveniently fastened to the compartment (4), that can be used to support the retractable support (10) on its upper surface, the support (10) being located centered with the cradle (13), so as to allow precise control of the coupler (9) in relation to the connector (7) of the cylinder (3). In this way, the cylinder (3) is supported in the cradle (13) of the mentioned box (40), arranged on the measurement system (12), and the coupler (9) is precisely coupled to the connector (7).

Preferably, the mentioned measurement system (12) is a scale equipped with load cells for monitoring and control of the weight of the gas cylinder (3).

The system (1) further comprises a counterflow valve (not shown) in the hose (15), to prevent return of the gas from the cylinder (3) to the reservoir (2), in case the pressure inside the cylinder (3) is greater than the pressure inside the reservoir (2).

The compact system of bottling gas (1) further comprises a control panel (5) with a coupled processing and management unit that, through a loaded computer program, manages the operation of the system (1). The mentioned program manages the various functions of the system (1), such as the movement of the connection of the coupler (9) in the connecting assembly (7);

reception of the weight measurement of the cylinder (3) located in the cradle (13) of the compartment (4); reception of the weight measurement of the cylinder (3) after bottling; allows the choice of a quantity of gas to be bottled; notifies when the pressure or weight limit of the gas in the cylinder (3) is reached, and also monitors the validity date of the cylinder (3).

The said system (1) also comprises reading means (not shown), that identify and interpret the information specified by the manufacturer, referring to the validity date of the cylinder (3). This reading can be done by optical means, by a chip, installed on the cylinder (3), or by any other device that ensures reading of the validity date of the cylinder (3). In case this validity date has expired, the computer program informs the processing and management unit so that the refill is cancelled.

The mentioned joint connector (7) allows both the coupling of a fast coupler (9) for bottling of gas, as well as a coupling for use of the gas in a stove (not shown). The fast coupler (9) is any one suited for coupler in a connecting assembly (7) of gas cylinder (3), for example, of the bobtail type.

The measurement system (12) is used to check the weight of the cylinder (3) before and after the refill, as well as the quantity of gas applied, that can be complete filling of the cylinder (3) or a quantity defined by the user himself, in accordance with the value that he desires to pay. In this way, the measurement system (12) communicates with the program loaded in the processing and management unit, reporting when the predetermined quantity of gas was bottled, or when the predetermined maximum weight of the full cylinder was reached, through the weight measurement of the cylinder (3), plus the weight of the bottled gas, thus terminating the refill.

The compartment (4) is closed by the mentioned door (6) equipped with a connection means (8) to prevent cylinder (3) from being erroneously removed during its refill. The connection means (8) is actuated upon closing the door (6) and is unlocked on termination or cancellation of the bottling of the gas. The compartment (4) further comprises vents (14) that allow the escape of gas, in case there occurs emptying during the refill, avoiding them being confined inside the compartment (4).

In order to facilitate visualization of the various steps of refilling cylinders (3), the present system (1) comprises a digital display (50) in the control panel (5) (FIGS. 2, 5 and 6), where it is possible to visualize the initial weight data of the cylinder (3), chosen refill value; finishing of the refill procedure;

pressure limit reached; maximum load reached; etc. The display (50) is located preferably above the compartment (4). Payment for the bottled gas can be carried out by any means, such as credit or debit card, cash, fuel voucher, etc.

The system (1) further comprises a sensor (not shown) of the presence of non-coupling, partial coupling or disarrangement of the fast coupler (9) in relation to the connecting assembly (7), that detects the situation of non-connection or partial connection between the coupler (9) and the connector (7), sending a signal to the program controlling the bottling, for cancellation of the refill.

In particular, the present system (1) further comprises a gas dosing device (D) to inject gas in the cylinder (3). It is installed in the hose (15) of the gas output of the reservoir (2), so as to inject gas in the cylinder (3) through the coupler (9).

The dosing device (D) has a form similar to a syringe and is equipped with a hollow body (D2), a piston (D3) inserted in the body (D2), which is movable along it. The said body (D2) is equipped with a gas input (D4) and output (D5), so that, on moving the piston (D3) in the direction opposite to the input (D4) of the body (D2), an internal chamber (D6) is formed that is filled with gas from the input (D4). This chamber (D6) is emptied on moving the piston (D3) in the direction of the input (D4) of the body (D2), so as to expel the gas through the output (D5).

The dosing device (D) comprises temperature sensors (not shown), arranged in the body (D2) and/or in the hose (15), and sensor (D1) of the position of the piston (D3), being that the said sensors communicate with the program loaded in the processing and management unit of the panel (5) of the system (1), which receives and processes the information of the mentioned sensors.

The mentioned temperature sensors necessary due to the fact of GLP gas experience volumetric variations, because of the influence of the temperature. In this way, the processing and management unit will do an average of the readings obtained through the sensors and will determine the proportional advance of the piston (D3), in order to define precisely the quantity of gas to be bottled, the advance of the piston (D3) being monitored by the position sensor (D1).

The body (D2) is internally divided in two chambers (D6, D7) by the piston (D3), the first chamber (D6) being a temporary gas reservoir that supplies the cylinder (3), whereas the second chamber (D7) is used to assist the movement of the piston (D3) on injecting fluids through its opening (D11), causing the advance of the piston (D3) against the chamber (D6).

The gas input (D4) is connected to the reservoir (2) for a hose (D10); whereas the output (D5) is connected to the hose (15) that directs the gas to the cylinder (3) (see FIGS. 7 and 11).

The dosing device (D) also comprises two anti-return valves (D8, D9) installed in the gas input (D4) and output (D5), respectively. The valve (D8) allows the passage of gas from the reservoir (2) to the chamber (D6), on moving the piston (D3) of the body (D2) in the direction opposite to the input (D4) of the body (D2), but prevents passage in the opposite direction, whereas the valve (D9) allows the output of gas from the chamber (D6) but prevents its passage in the opposite direction, when the piston (D3) is shifted in the direction of the input (D4) of the body (D2), for bottling of gas in the cylinder (3).

The piston (D3) can be moved by any known means, for example, by a hydraulic pump (not shown) that injects or withdraws fluid through the opening (D11) of the chamber (D7) of the body (D2), opposite the chamber (D6) in relation to the piston (D3). In this way, on injecting fluid in the chamber (D7), the piston (D3) pushes against the gas of the chamber (D6), expelling it out of the body (D2) through the output (D5). Upon withdrawing the mentioned fluid or ceasing to inject it, the piston (D3) withdraws, due to the pressure of the gas contained in the chamber (D6) and also due to the negative pressure in the chamber (D7) with the withdrawal of fluid. The dosing device (D) can also contain a spring (not shown) arranged in the chamber (D6), pushing the piston (D3) and constantly forcing it in the direction opposite to the input (D4), allowing the chamber (D6) to remain full of gas, which is expelled through the output (D5), when the hydraulic pump (not shown) acts on the piston (D3).

The dosing device (D) can alternatively contain a plunger (D12) whose rod (D13) is connected to the piston (D3), promoting its backward or forward movement inside the body (D2). In this particular situation, the opening (D11) of the chamber (D7) allows air input or output, in accordance with the movement of the piston (D3), preventing the formation of vacuum in the chamber (D7). So that the dosing device (D) is refilled with gas, the rod (D13) of the plunger (D12) withdraws, withdrawing the piston (D3), allowing the gas to enter in the chamber (D6).

The position sensor (D1) can be installed in the piston (D3) or in the rod (D13) of the plunger (D12) or in the body (D2).

The dosing device gift (D) can be used connected to the reservoir (2) of the gas supply truck (C), which, in particular, comprises a funnel-shaped lower portion (21), so as to direct the liquefied gas to the input (D4) of the dosing device (D). In this situation, the hose (15) leaves the output (D5) and advances to the compartment (4) for gas cylinders (3).

The dosing device (D) can be installed inside or outside the gas reservoir (2). When installed inside the reservoir (2) (FIGS. 11 and 11A), due to being in an environment with gas, the input or output of gas occurs through the opening (D11), avoiding a vacuum in the chamber (D7). In this particular situation, the lower portion (21) of the reservoir (2) is closed by a cover (T) where the mentioned dosing device (D) is supported.

Additionally, when the said dosing device (D) is installed outside the reservoir (2) (see FIGS. 7 and 7A), the hose (D10) can comprise a coil (not shown) to assist in a primary stabilization of the temperature of the gas that enters the chamber (D6).

The gas enters the dosing device (D) through the hose (D10), passes through the valve (D8), proceeding to the chamber (D6), through the input (D4), at which time its temperature is measured for the beginning of the bottling process. After a quantity of gas by weight is chosen through the panel (5), the piston (D3) is actuated, making the gas exit the dosing device (D) toward the hose (15), which directs it to the cylinder (3).

As an additional safety measure, when the dosing device (D) is used, the weight measurement system (12) essentially assumes the function of assuring that the maximum weight of the cylinder (3) is not surpassed. Thus, if there should occur a system pressure monitoring failure, or a failure of the overload controlling mechanism associated with the safety valve of the connecting assembly (7), the weight measurement system (12) identifies the excess weight and communicates to the monitoring system to terminate the refill.

In accordance with the application example of the present system (1) illustrated in FIG. 5, there are three compartments (4) placed in a truck (C) with a gas reservoir (2), which thus moves to residences to fill the cylinders (3) directly in the location.

One another application example of the present system (1) is illustrated in FIG. 6, where the compartment (4) is fixed in a retail sales establishment, such as a gasoline station, a supermarket or shopping center parking lot, etc. In this particular situation, the compartment (4) is preferably located on a base structure, particularly in the form of vertical rods (41), which keep it off the floor.

Preferably, the bottling is done automatically, and therefore the present invention includes a gas bottling method that comprises the following steps:

1) Positioning of a cylinder (3) in the filling compartment (4);

2) Measurement of the weight of the cylinder (3);

3) Closing of the door (6) and activation of the connection means (8) of the compartment (4);

4) Reading of the information specified by the manufacturer concerning the validity date of the cylinder (3), by optical means, by a chip installed in the cylinder (3) or by any other means that ensures interpretation of the information;

5) Choice of a quantity of gas to bottle through the control panel (5);

6) Coupling of the fast coupler (9) on the connector (7) of the cylinder (3);

7) Transfer of the quantity of gas chosen in step (c), from the reservoir (2) to the cylinder (3);

8) Interruption of the gas transfer upon reaching the chosen value, the pressure limit of the cylinder (3) or the maximum weight of the cylinder (3);

9) Decoupling of the retractable support (9) from the fast coupler of the connector (7) of the cylinder (3);

10) Deactivation of the connection means (8) of the door (6) of the compartment (4);

11) Withdrawal of the cylinder (3).

As indicated in the first step (1), the cylinder (3) is located in the cradle (13) inside the box (40) which is on the measurement system (12), where its weight is measured. The cradle (13) keeps the connecting assembly (7) of the cylinder (3) centered with the fast coupler (9), allowing automatically a coupling of the coupler (9) on the connector (7).

In step (3), the safety door (6) of the compartment is closed (4), keeping the cylinder (3) enclosed. With the closing of the door (6), the connection means (8) is activated, at the same time as the retractable support (10) is actuated, moving the fast coupler (9) to its coupling in the connector (7) of the cylinder (3). A quantity of gas is then chosen to bottle, through the control panel (5).

A quantity of gas having been chosen, it is transferred from the reservoir (2) to the cylinder (3), while the measurement system (12) measures the change of weight of the cylinder (3). This transfer is carried out with the aid of a hydraulic or pneumatic pump (not shown) or with a dosing device (D).

The internal pressure of the cylinder (3) is monitored by the pressure sensor (not shown), located in the hose (15) or in the fast coupler (9), that thus interrupts the gas flow upon reaching the capacity limit of the cylinder (3). In this way, the gas transfer can be interrupted, not only when the chosen quantity of gas is reached, but also when the internal pressure of the cylinder (3) exceeds a predetermined maximum value for the cylinder (3).

When the level of gas chosen or the pressure limit of the cylinder (3) is reached, the refill is concluded, interrupting the gas flow from the reservoir (2) to the cylinder (3).

In this situation, the fast coupler (9) is decoupled from the connecting assembly (7), through drawing back of its retractable support (10), which releases the connection means (8) of the safety door (6), and the display (50) of the control panel (5) indicates the final price to be charged. The connection means (8) preferably is automated, it being able to be mechanical and equipped with a sensor that indicates if the door is closed or opened, releasing or terminating the gas refill.

The present compact system of bottling gas (1) can be used manually; in this option the fast coupler (9) in the connecting assembly (7) of the cylinder (3) is done by the operator before closing the compartment (4). After closing the compartment (4), the gas is released from the container (2) until the weight of the cylinder (3) reaches the desired value or its pressure limit is reached.

When a dosing device (D) is used or the present method further comprises the following steps, after step (6) of coupling the coupler (9) in the connector (7):

a) Activation of the dosing device (D) with verification of the temperature of the chamber (D6) and of the piston (D3) of the dosing device (D), for filling the total volume of the chamber (D6);

b) Calculation of the density of the gas, the quantity of gas in the chamber (D6) by mass; and the value of the advance of the piston (D3), from the temperature values of the chamber (D6), the initial position of the piston (D3) and the quantity of gas chosen in step (5);

c) Advance of the piston (D3) to the output of the gas to the hose (15);

d) Interruption of the advance of the piston (D3) if the pressure limit or the weight limit of the cylinder (3) is reached, or, if the position defined in step (b) is reached.

In this particular situation, the dosing device (D) is activated after coupling the coupler (9) in the connector (7), when the readings of the temperature of the chamber (D6) and the position of the piston (D3) are done, by the temperature (not shown) and position (D1) sensors.

After receiving these readings, the program of the processing and management unit of the panel (5) of the system (1) calculates the density of the gas, the quantity of gas by mass contained in the chamber (D6), and the advance of the piston (D3), so that the quantity of gas defined for the operator is bottled in the cylinder (3).

If the value of the mass contained in the chamber (D6) is inferior to the one chosen for refill of the cylinder (3), the piston (D3) is actuated for the input of more gas in the said chamber (D6), promoting its withdrawal from the body (D2).

If the value of the mass contained in the chamber (D6) is greater than the one chosen for refill of the cylinder (3), movement of the piston (D3) is activated to bottle the cylinder (3). This movement of the piston (D3) for bottling the cylinder (3) is interrupted after the chosen quantity of gas has been bottled in the cylinder (3).

In case the pressure in the cylinder (3) is surpassed, or the chosen weight is reached, the mentioned program of the processing and management unit interrupts the movement of the piston (D3), stopping the supplying of gas.

The scope of the present invention does not have to be limited to the illustrated example, but indeed, only to the terms defined in the claims and their equivalents.

  • 1. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS characterized by the fact that it comprises a gas reservoir (2) for the filling of gas cylinders (3); at least one compartment (4) that comprises a cradle (13) in its base to accommodate a cylinder (3); under the cradle (13), a weight measurement system (12); the compartment (4) is closed by a door (6) equipped with a connection means (8); the compartment (4) further comprises a fast coupler (9) and its retractable support (10), a gas hose (15) that connects the reservoir (2) to the coupler (9), the said fast coupler (9) being able to be coupled to a connecting assembly (7) with safety valve already incorporated in the cylinder (3); a gas transfer device located in the hose (15) transferring the gas from the reservoir (2) to the cylinder (3); and a bottling control panel (5) for each compartment (4), that comprises a processing and management unit, and an loaded program that manages the operation of the components of system (1).
  • 2. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the cradle (13) incorporates a box (40), in whose upper surface is fastened the said retractable support (10) of the fast coupler (9), centered with the cradle (13), the cradle (13) being a groove recess of the cylinder (3).
  • 3. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the weight measurement system (12) is a scale equipped with load cell.
  • 4. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that it comprises a pressure sensor between the output of the reservoir (2) and the coupler (9), that it sends a signal of its value to the bottling control program.
  • 5. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 4, characterized by the fact that the said pressure sensor is located in the coupler (9).
  • 6. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that transfer of the gas from the reservoir (2) fo the cylinder (3) is carried out by a device chosen between a pump or a dosing device.
  • 7. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that it comprises a counterflow valve in the hose (15).
  • 8. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the compartment (4) comprises vents (14).
  • 9. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the control panel (5) comprises digital displays (50) for visualization of the initial weight data of the cylinder (3), chosen refill value; termination of the refill procedure; pressure limit reached; and maximum load reached.
  • 10. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the mentioned program manages various functions, at least the movement of the connection of the coupler (9) in the connecting assembly (7); the weight measurement of the cylinder (3) upon being located in the compartment (4); the weight measurement of the cylinder (3) upon being bottled; the choice of a quantity of gas to bottle; and notification of the gas limit in the cylinder (3).
  • 11. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that it comprises a sensor of the presence of non-coupling associated with the coupler (9), of partial coupling or disarrangement of the fast coupler (9) in relation to the connecting assembly (7), whose signal is sent to the bottling control program, for cancellation of the refill.
  • 12. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the compartment (4) is fastened on a base structure, particularly in the form of vertical rods (41).
  • 13. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 6, characterized by the fact that it comprises a dosing device (D) for the transfer of gas from the reservoir (2) to the cylinder (3), of a form similar to a syringe, the said dosing device (D) equipped with a hollow body (D2), a piston (D3) inserted in the body (D2) and movable along it; the said body (D2) equipped with a gas input (D4) and output (D5), the input (D4) being connected to the reservoir (2), and the output (D5) connected to the hose (15), so that, on moving the piston (D3) in the direction opposite to the input (D4) of the body (D2), an internal chamber (D6) is formed that is filled with gas from the input (D4); the said chamber (D6) is emptied on moving the piston (D3) in the direction of the input (D4) of the body (D2), expelling the gas through the output (D5), which proceeds through the hose (15) to the cylinder (3); the dosing device (D) also comprises two anti-return valves (D8, D9) installed in the gas input (D4) and output (D5), respectively; the valve (D8) allows the passage of gas from the reservoir (2) to the chamber (D6), whereas the valve (D9) allows the output of gas from the chamber (D6).
  • 14. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 13, characterized by the fact that the dosing device (D) comprises temperature sensors, arranged in the body (D2), and position sensor (D1) of the piston (D3), the said sensors communicating with the mentioned program loaded in the processing and management unit of the panel (5) of the system (1), that receives and processes the information from the mentioned sensors.
  • 15. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 13, characterized by the fact that the piston (D3) is moved by a pump that injects or withdraws fluid, through the opening (D11), from the chamber (D7) of the body (D2).
  • 16. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 13, characterized by the fact that the piston (D3) is moved by a plunger (D12) whose rod (D13) is connected to the piston (D3), promoting its backward or forward movement in the body (D2).
  • 17. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with any one of the claims 13 to 16, characterized by the fact that it comprises a spring in the chamber (D6) that pushes the piston (D3) in the direction opposite to the input (D4) of the body (D2).
  • 18. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 14, characterized by the fact that the position sensor (D1) is located in the piston (D3), the rod (D13) of the plunger (D12), or in the body (D2).
  • 19. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with any one of the claims 13 the 18, characterized by the fact that the dosing device (D) is located outside the reservoir (2).
  • 20. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with any one of the claims 13 the 18, characterized by the fact that it is located inside the reservoir (2).
  • 21. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with any one of the claims 1 to 19, characterized by the fact that the hose (15) is thermally insulated.
  • 22. COMPACT SYSTEM OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 1, characterized by the fact that the hose (D10) comprises a coil.
  • 23. METHOD OF BOTTLING GAS that uses the system (1) of any one of the claims 1 to 22, characterized by the fact that it comprises the following steps: 1) Positioning of a cylinder (3) in the filling compartment (4);2) Measurement of the weight of the cylinder (3);3) Closing of the door (6) and activation of the connection means (8) of the compartment (4);4) Reading of the information specified by the manufacturer concerning the validity date of the cylinder (3), by optical means, by a chip installed in the cylinder (3) or by any other means that ensures interpretation of the information;5) Choice of a quantity of gas to bottle through the control panel (5);6) Coupling of the fast coupler (9) on the connector (7) of the cylinder (3);7) Transfer of the quantity of gas chosen in step (c), from the reservoir (2) to the cylinder (3);8) Interruption of the gas transfer upon reaching the chosen value, the pressure limit of the cylinder (3) or the maximum weight of the cylinder (3);9) Decoupling of the retractable support (9) from the fast coupler of the connector (7) of the cylinder (3);10) Deactivation of the connection means (8) of the door (6) of the compartment (4);11) Withdrawal of the cylinder (3).
  • 24. METHOD OF BOTTLING GAS in accordance with claim 23, characterized by the fact that it comprises the following additional steps, after step (6) of coupling the coupler (9) in the connector (7): a) Activation of the dosing device (D) with verification of the temperature of the chamber (D6) and of the piston (D3) of the dosing device (D), for filling the total volume of the chamber (D6);b) Calculation of the density of the gas, the quantity of gas in the chamber (D6) by mass; and the value of the advance of the piston (D3), from the temperature values of the chamber (D6), the initial position of the piston (D3) and the quantity of gas chosen in step (5);c) Advance of the piston (D3) to the output of the gas to the hose (15);d) Interruption of the advance of the piston (D3) if the pressure limit or the weight limit of the cylinder (3) is reached, or, if the position defined in step (b) is reached.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
PI1002740-8 Aug 2010 BR national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/BR10/00379 11/22/2010 WO 00 2/16/2013