The Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 56, No. 7, Sep. 1977 (Cover sheet and Index only are attached due to voluminous nature of publication-complete text will be furnished if requested. |
The Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 61, No. 7, Sep. 1982, "800 Service Using SPC Network Capability", Sheinbein et al, pp.1737-1744. |
Engineering and Operations in the Bell System, Second Ed. 1982-1983, Sec. 8.5.5, pp. 292-294. |
AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64, No. 6, Part, 2, "The 5ESS Switching System". |
Bellcore, TA-NWT-000394, Issue 3, Nov. 1990, "Switching System Requirements for Interexchange Carrier Interconnection Using the Integrated Services Digital Network User Part" (ISDNUP). |
J. Bouche et al., "The Freephone Service", Communication & Transmission by SOTELEC, No. 4, 1986, pp. 91-102. |