The present invention relates to a tandem mass spectrometry method for structural analysis.
In mass spectrometry sample molecules are ionized and then the ions are analyzed to determine their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios. The ions can be produced by a variety of ionization techniques, including electron impact, fast atom bombardment, electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI). The analysis by m/z is performed in analyzers in which the ions are either trapped for a period of time or fly through towards the ion detector. In the ion trapping analyzers, such as radiofrequency quadrupole ion trap (Paul trap), linear ion trap and ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) analyzers (Penning trap), the ions are spatially confined by a combination of magnetic, electrostatic or alternating electromagnetic fields for a period of time typically from about 0.1 to 10 seconds. In the transient-type mass analyzers, such as magnetic sector, quadrupole, and time-of-flight analyzers, the residence time of ions is shorter, in the range of about 1 to 100 μs.
Tandem mass spectrometry is a general term for mass spectrometric techniques where sample ions (precursor ions) of desired m/z values are selected and dissociated inside the mass spectrometer and the obtained fragment ions are analyzed according to their m/z values. Dissociation of mass-selected ions can be performed in a special cell between two m/z analyzers. This cell is usually a multipole ion trap, i.e. quadrupole, hexapole, etc. ion trapping device. In ion trap mass spectrometry instruments, the dissociation occurs inside the trap (cell). Tandem mass spectrometry can provide much more structural information on the sample molecules.
Tandem mass spectrometry is a general term for mass spectrometric techniques, where sample ions (precursor ions) of desired m/z values are selected and dissociated inside the mass spectrometer once (MS/MS or MS2) or multiple times (n-times: MSn) before the final mass analysis takes place.
To fragment the ions in the mass spectrometer, collision-induced dissociation (CID) or infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) are most commonly employed. Both of these techniques produce vibrational excitation (VE) of precursor ions above their threshold for dissociation. In collision-induced dissociation, VE is achieved when precursor ions collide with gas atoms or molecules, such as e.g. helium, argon or nitrogen, with subsequent conversion of the collisional energy into internal (vibrational) energy of the ions. Alternatively, the internal energy may be increased by sequential absorption of multiple infrared (IR) photons when the precursor ions are irradiated with an IR laser. These precursor ions with high internal energy undergo subsequent dissociation into fragments (infrared multiphoton dissociation, IRMPD), one or more of which carry electric charge. The mass and the abundance of the fragment ions of a given kind provide information that can be used to characterize the molecular structure of the sample of interest.
All VE techniques have serious drawbacks. Firstly, low-energy channels of fragmentation always dominate, which can limit the variety of cleaved bonds and thus reduce the information obtained from fragmentation The presence of easily detachable groups results in the loss of information on their location. Finally, both collisional and infrared dissociations become ineffective for large molecular masses.
To overcome these problems, a number of ion-electron dissociation reactions have been proposed (see the review by Zubarev, Mass Spectrom. Rev. (2003) 22:57–77). One such reaction is electron capture dissociation (ECD) (see Zubarev, Kelleher and McLafferty J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 3265–3266). In the ECD technique, positive multiply-charged ions dissociate upon capture of low-energy (<1 eV) electrons produced either by a heated filament, or by a dispenser cathode as in Zubarev et al. Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 2998–3005. Electron capture can produce more structurally important cleavages than collisional and infrared multiphoton dissociations. In polypeptides, for which mass spectrometry analysis is widely used, electron capture cleaves the N—Cα backbone bonds, while collisional and infrared multiphoton excitation cleaves the amide C—N backbone bonds (peptide bonds). Moreover, disulfide bonds inside the peptides, that usually remain intact in collisional and infrared multiphoton excitations, fragment specifically upon electron capture. Finally, some easily detachable groups remain attached to the fragments upon electron capture dissociation, which allows the determination of their positions. This feature is especially important in the analysis of post-translational modifications in proteins and peptides, such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, γ-carboxylation, etc. as the position and the identity of the post translationally attached groups are directly related to the biological function of the corresponding peptides and proteins in the organism.
Other ion-electron fragmentation reactions also provide analytical benefits. Increasing the electron energy to 3–13 eV leads to hot-electron capture dissociation (HECD), in which electron excitation precedes electron capture. The resulting fragment ions undergo secondary fragmentation, which allows to distinguish between the isomeric leucine and isoleucine residues (see Kjeldsen, Budnik, Haselmann, Jensen, Zubarev, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2002, 356, 201–206). In electron detachment dissociation (EDD) introduced by Budnik, Haselmann and Zubarev (Chem. Phys. Lett. 2001, 342, 299–302), 20 eV electrons ionize peptide di-anions, which produces effect similar to ECD. EDD is advantageous for acidic peptides and peptides with acidic modifications, such as sulfation.
In order to make the bookkeeping of the hydrogen atom transfer to and from the fragments easier, the “prime” and “dot” notation has been introduced. In this notation the presence of an unpaired electron is always noted with a radical sign “.”, e.g. homolytic N—Cα bond cleavage gives c. and z. fragments. Hydrogen atom transfer to the fragment is denoted by a “′”, e.g. hydrogen transfer to c. gives c′ species, while hydrogen atom loss from z. results in z′ fragments.
Combined use of ion-electron fragmentation reactions with VE techniques provides additional sequence information (see Horn, Zubarev and McLafferty, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2000, 97, 10313–10317). First, ion-electron reactions produce not only more abundant, but also different kind of cleavage (e.g. N—Cα bond cleavage giving c′n and z.n ions) than VE techniques (C—N bond cleavage yielding bn and y′n ions). Comparison between the two types of the cleavage allows one to determine the type of the fragments. For example, the mass difference between the N-terminal c′n and bn ions is 17 Da, while that between the C-terminal y′ and z. ions is 16 Da. Second, the cleavage sites are often complementary. For instance, VE techniques cleave preferentially at the N-terminal side of the proline residues, while this site is immune to ECD. On the other hand, ECD cleaves S—S bonds preferentially, while these bonds remain intact in most VE experiments. Finally, polypeptides with post-translational modifications exhibit in VE characteristic losses, which allows one to identify the presence and type of the modification. At the same time, ECD affords determination of the sites of modifications (see Kjeldsen, Haselmann, Budnik, Sørensen and Zubarev, R. A. Anal. Chem. (2003), 2003, 75:2355–2361). Although ion-electron reactions can be used simultaneously with VE techniques, the complementary character of the analytical information obtained in these techniques favors independent consecutive use of them (Tsybin, Witt, Baykut, Kjeldsen, and H{dot over (a)}kansson, Rapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2003, 17, 1759–1768).
A drawback of current tandem mass spectrometry utilizing both ion-electron reactions and VE techniques is that the consecutive use of these reactions demands at least twice as much time for the analysis as is required by the fastest of these techniques. This time of the analysis is especially critical while analyzing low-concentration samples, which is the case in biological mass spectrometry where the sample quantity is often limited. Low-concentration samples require either long (several seconds) accumulation of the precursor ions in the trapping device, or integration of many individual MS/MS spectra. In both cases, the time loss due to the consecutive use of ion-electron reactions and VE techniques can be in the order of several seconds. This severely limits the analytical utility of tandem mass spectrometry when it is combined with the separation techniques, such as liquid chromatography (HPLC) or capillary electrophoresis (CE), where the entire signal from an individual compound often lasts for just a short period of time not exceeding some seconds. Therefore, while separating or simultaneously using VE and ion-electron reactions on-line with both HPLC and CE has been demonstrated, consecutive use of these fragmentation techniques on-line with separation techniques, although deemed highly advantageous in e.g. Kjeldsen, Haselmann, Budnik, Sørensen and Zubarev, Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 2355–2361, has not been achieved yet because of the time-of-analysis limitations.
According to the present invention, methods are provided for reducing the time of analysis (alternatively, increasing the sensitivity for fixed analysis time) in tandem mass spectrometry employing an ion trapping device with consecutive use of an ion-electron reaction and a vibrational excitation technique. The positive effect is achieved by using the same population of precursor ions for independent and consecutive use of both kinds of ion excitation. The invention provides means for first employing one type of reactions with subsequent analysis of the m/z values of the fragment ions, but not of the unreacted precursor ions. The latter remain trapped in the cell and undergo the second kind of reaction, while means are provided for subsequent analysis of the m/z values of the fragments. Thus, for each precursor ion population accumulated in the ion trap, two independent fragmentation mass spectra are recorded, one each for each of the fragmentation techniques employed, by means of which the total analysis time is reduced by the time interval corresponding to accumulation of precursor ions in the trap for the second fragmentation reaction. Thus, time reduction close to 50% can be achieved. Alternatively, for a fixed total analysis time, the accumulation time for precursor ions can be doubled, which should lead to increase in the sensitivity by a factor of two or higher.
The above and further advantages of the invention may be better understood by referring to the following description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:
A method of the present invention for reducing the time of analysis, or increasing the sensitivity for a fixed analysis time, in tandem mass spectrometry may involve several steps. These include providing a beam of positive or negative precursor ions that accumulate during a certain period of time in a spatially limited region, and using a radiofrequency potential or potentials to confine these precursor ions within the region for a period of time. The ions are then transported to a static or dynamic electromagnetic ion trap or into a radiofrequency ion trap in which said precursor ions are confined for a period of time. A beam of electrons is provided inside the trap with sufficiently low kinetic energy, e.g., below approximately 20 eV, to allow ion-electron reactions, in which at least a fraction of the ions, but not all of them, dissociate into fragments. The fragments are then analyzed by their mass-to-charge ratios. A vibrational excitation is then applied to the unreacted ions, by means of which said ions dissociate into fragments. The vibrational excitation fragments are then analyzed by their mass-to-charge ratios, thereby allowing separate recording of fragment mass spectra from both ion-electron reactions and vibrational excitation from the same population of said precursor ions.
The spatially limited region is typically within a mass spectrometer, or adjacent space such as a region of an ionization source, where sample ions are confined and accumulated or pass through such that they are located within the region for a period of time before being transferred into an ion trap.
The static or dynamic electromagnetic ion trap may be Penning trap or three-dimensional Paul trap, or linear multipole trap, or Kingdon trap, or any other electromagnetic trap where conditions are created for efficient ion-electron reactions and vibrational excitation reactions.
A source may be provided for production of electrons outside or inside the electromagnetic ion trap, such as thermal emission from a hot surface, field emission, secondary electron emission or photoemission from a surface or gas-phase molecules. Means may be provided such as magnetic or electrostatic or electromagnetic field, or any combination thereof, for assisting ion-electron reactions. A means may also be provided for damping the motion of electrons and ions, both precursor and fragment, inside the spatially limited region, such as a buffer gas.
Analysis of fragment ions by their m/z values may use Fourier transform analysis of their motion frequencies inside the ion trap, m/z-selective ejection of ions from the trap, or unselective ejection of the ions from the trap to another m/z analyzer, such as a time-of-flight analyzer. The vibrational excitation of ions may be based on collisions with gas-phase neutrals, infrared multiphoton dissociation, or collisions with a surface.
The method of the invention for providing ion-electron reactions of precursor ions will in useful embodiments cause them to dissociate to provide fragment ions. Electron detachment dissociation utilizes the following ion-electron reaction:
where multiply-deprotonated molecules [M−nH]n− (n≧2) are provided, most suitably by electrospray ionization. (The parent ion needs to have a charge of 2 or higher, to obtain at least one charged fragment after ejection of an electron wherein the negative charge is decreased by one unit charge). The cross section of electron detachment reaches appreciable values above 10 eV and maximum around 20 eV, and therefore for effective reaction the electrons (or a substantial portion thereof) should preferably have kinetic energy between 10 and 20 eV, more preferably between 17 and 20 eV.
Electron capture dissociation utilizes the following ion-electron reaction:
where multiply-protonated molecules [M+nH]n+ (n≧2) are provided, most suitably by electrospray ionization. (The parent ion needs to have a charge of 2 or higher, to obtain at least one charged fragment after capture of an electron wherein the positive charge is decreased by one unit charge.) The cross section of electron capture rapidly decreases with electron energy, and therefore for effective reaction the electrons (or a substantial portion thereof) should preferably have kinetic energy below about 1 eV, more preferably below about 0.5 eV, and even more preferably about 0.2 eV or less. The cross section of electron capture is also quadratically dependent upon the ionic charge state, meaning that capture by doubly charged ions is four times more efficient than by singly-charged ions. Therefore, the less charged fragments that are formed from the parent ions, capture electrons with a very low rate compared with the parent ions.
In hot electron capture dissociation, the electrons should have energy in the range between 3 and 13 eV, more preferably around 11 eV. Such hot electrons are captured directly and simultaneously produce electronic excitation. The excess energy in HECD is typically dissipated in secondary fragmentation reactions, such as losses of H. and larger radical groups near the position of primary cleavage.
Ions suitably analyzed with the current invention include many different classes of chemical species that can be ionized to provide multiply charged ions, e.g., polymers, carbohydrates, and biopolymers, in particular proteins and peptides, including modified proteins and peptides.
It is postulated herein that, contrary to what has been suggested by the prior art, recording of tandem mass spectra with two different excitation techniques can be performed using one and the same ion population, by means of dissociating in the second reaction the unreacted precursor ions from the first reaction.
The present invention uses the fact that the highest fragmentation yield is achieved in fragmentation reactions, including ion-electron reactions, where some fraction (usually 10–30%) of the precursor ions remain unreacted. Moreover, the unreacted ions in ECD remain intact in terms of the primary and secondary structure, because the energy of the electrons used in ECD is too low to excite electronic or vibrational degrees of freedom in the ion that did not capture an electron. Although in ion-electron reactions that utilize higher electron energies than used in ECD, the secondary structure of unfragmented ions may change due to inelastic collisions with electrons, the primary structure of these ions is preserved, and thus VE fragmentation of these ions yields representative structural information.
This invention utilizes also the ability of ion trap mass spectrometers to select for m/z analysis a range of m/z values of ions of interest, while ions with m/z values outside this range can remain in the trap for further reactions. Another feature of tandem mass spectrometers used in this invention is the ability to accumulate precursor ions in a storage device while performing fragmentation and m/z analysis of a previously accumulated ion population. The present invention reaches this objective by utilizing for the VE fragmentation the fraction of precursor ions left undissociated in ion-electron reactions. The reverse order, that is first use of VE dissociation and then ion-electron reactions, is also possible but less advantageous because vibrational excitation is more difficult to control than ion-electron reaction.
In a preferred, useful embodiment the invention is implemented on a tandem mass spectrometer based on an ion trap. Such a tandem mass spectrometer comprises suitable means to select ions of desired mass to charge ratio to be located in the spatially limited region prior to the step of transferring the ions into the ion trap to perform electron-induced fragmentation and vibrational excitation dissociation, or alternatively to select ions after fragmentation reaction for subsequent fragmentation.
Tandem mass spectrometry using a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer: The first particular embodiment is illustrated in
Positive ions produced continuously by the electrospray source (1) are accumulated in the linear RF multipole trap (8). At the beginning of each analysis cycle, the positive potential of the trap/extract electrode (9) is of sufficiently high value, so that the ions cannot pass this electrode and remain trapped in the multipole (8). The duration of this accumulation period depends on the ion current (shorter period for higher current) and the desired number of accumulated ions, the potential of the trap/extract electrode (9) is made sufficiently negative, so that the trapped ions pass through the trap/extract electrode (9) and through the ion transfer optics (10), reach the ICR trap (11). The ions are captured and trapped in the ICR trap (11) by one of the conventional methods, such as sidekick, or gated trapping, or gas-assisted trapping. Immediately after the ions are trapped in the ICR trap (11) the polarity of the potential on the trap/extract electrode (11) is made again blocking for the ions, in order to start a new storage period. The mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of the precursor ions for dissociation is selected either in the storage multipole (8) during the accumulation period, or in the ion transfer optics (10) during the ion transfer, or in the ICR trap (11) following the ion trapping. After that, the electron source (17) produces an electron beam (18) of suitable energy, which passes through the ICR trap (11) and interacts with the trapped ions, upon which a number of ions undergo electron capture dissociation (ECD). After a period of time sufficient to provide efficient ion-electron reaction, but not long enough to dissociate all the precursor ions, the cyclotron motion of the ions in the ICR trap is excited to sufficiently high orbits. The excitation frequencies are selected in such a way that the ions with m/z equal to and near to the m/z of the precursor ions remain unexcited. This is performed by one of the conventional techniques for selective ion cyclotron orbit excitation, such as stored waveform inverse Fourier transform (SWIFT) technique, correlated sweep technique, or others. After that, the frequencies of ion motion are detected by induced image currents, as is customary in the FTICR mass spectrometry. The spectrum of detected frequencies is stored in the computer memory of the data system (16). After the frequency measurements, the fragment ions may be ejected from the ICR trap (11) by applying the same or different cyclotron orbit excitation technique. Now the IR laser (19) emits for a period of time a beam of photons (20) that passes the IR window (21) and is sufficiently intense to produce infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) of the ions remaining intact (precursor ions) in the ICR trap after irradiation with electrons. Another cyclotron orbit excitation event is now produced followed by the frequency detection event. Again, a frequency spectrum is acquired and stored in the computer memory of the data station (16). After obtaining of two subsequent tandem mass spectra from the same population of precursor ions, the data station (16) initiates the “quench pulse” which purges the remaining ions from the ICR trap (11) and begins another cycle of measurements by lowering the potential on the trap/extract electrode (9). Since during both fragmentation events the ions are continuously accumulated in the accumulation multipole (8), no ion current is wasted and the analysis can be performed with a higher sensitivity than suggested by the prior art, where two accumulation periods are needed for performing the two fragmentation experiments.
The electron source (17) shown in this figure is a hollow cathode which allows the laser beam go through its bore. However any setup capable of exposing the ions in the ICR trap to electrons and photons can be used in the experiments. One of the other methods is the use of an on-axis electron source and an angled on-axis laser beam. Another possible setup would be an off-axis electron source and an on-axis laser beam.
A tandem mass spectrometry method may take place in a three-dimensional quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. Similar to the method applied in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in a radiofrequency quadrupole trap (Paul trap) mass spectrometer, ions can be generated by electrospray and before they are transferred into the trap for analysis, they can be accumulated in a spatially limited region, in a radiofrequency multipole which is used as a linear trap.
In the experiment, the ions are generated in the electrospray source (1) and accumulated in the hexapole (8). The accumulated ions are subsequently injected into the Paul trap (36) by reversing the potential at the trap/extract electrode (9). The ions trapped in the Paul trap (36) are then exposed to the electrons of suitable energy generated by the filaments (45). These electrons interact with the trapped ions. After a period of time sufficient to provide efficient ion-electron reaction, but not long enough to dissociate all the precursor ions, the product ions in the Paul trap (36) are mass selectively ejected for detection without ejecting the remaining parent ions. The spectrum of detected ions is stored in the computer memory of the data system (47). After that, the IR laser (19) emits for a period of time a beam of photons (20) that passes the IR window (21) and is sufficiently intense to produce infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) of the ions remaining intact (precursor ions) in the Paul trap (36) after irradiation with electrons. Another ejection and detection leads to the IRMPD mass spectrom of ions, which stored in the computer memory of the data station (47). After obtaining of two subsequent tandem mass spectra from the same population of precursor ions, the data station (47) initiates a pulse to purge the remaining ions from the Paul trap (36) and begins another cycle of measurements by lowering the potential on the trap/extract electrode (9). Since during both fragmentation events the ions are continuously accumulated in the accumulation multipole (8), no ion current is wasted and the analysis can be performed with a higher sensitivity than suggested by the prior art, where two accumulation periods are needed for performing the two fragmentation experiments.
The method in the present invention allows the sequential application of two different fragmentation methods, electron capture dissociation and vibrational excitation dissociation onto the same ensemble of ions in the ICR trap. The method is often applied in a way that the fragmentation of primary ions by electron capture is performed first. After the cyclotron excitation and detection of the ECD fragments, the remaining undissociated primary ions undergo vibrational excitation, for instance by being exposed to an infrared laser beam. The fragment ions of the second step are also excited and detected. However, the order of these two steps can be switched, that is, the primary ions can be vibrationally excited first, after which a part of them undergo fragmentation. The fragment ions can be excited and detected without exciting the remaining undissociated primary ions. The undissociated ions can now be exposed to an electron beam and dissociated by electron capture. The electron capture dissociation products are then also excited and detected.
The electron capture dissociation of ions normally occurs by interaction with free electrons. However, multiply positive charged ions (as in multiply protonated species) can also interact with negative ions where an electron of the negative ion is “captured” by this multiply charged positive ion. This process may also lead to an electron capture dissociation of the positive ion. Thus, not necessarily free electrons can be used for the electron capture dissociation, but also electrons attached to molecules or radicals with sufficiently high electron affinity, thus forming anions.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
5055677 | Amirav et al. | Oct 1991 | A |