Thin film MR head and method of making wherein pole trim takes place at the wafer level

A method of manufacturing a thin film merged magnetic head including an inductive write structure and a magnetoresistive sensor uses a patterned protection layer to protect a second shield/bottom pole layer in regions spaced from the pole tip of the inductive write structure. A window is provided in the protection layer. During manufacture, the configuration comprises a first shield layer, a magnetoresistive element, a second shield layer serving as a bottom pole, a protection layer, a protection window, a write gap, a top pole, and a pole tip structure. The use of a protection layer and window results in the formation of channels in the second shield layer adjacent to a pedestal that supports the inductive write structure. The channels prevent magnetic flux from extending toward the second shield layer beyond the width of the pole tip structure. This structure reduces side writing with a consequent improvement in off-track performance. The width of the second shield layer allows the magnetoresistive element to be shielded.


This invention relates to a merged thin film magnetic head incorporating an inductive head for writing data and a magnetoresistive (MR) sensor to read recorded data and in particular to a method of trimming to align the top and bottom poles at write gap of the write inductive head at wafer level with minimized impact on read sensor performance.


Personal computers store data on hard disk drives which consist of one or more magnetic disks that store data. Data are written to and read from the disks by read/write heads, one on each side of a single disk. These read/write heads determine the density of data that can be stored on a given size disk. The heads are more difficult and costly to manufacture than the disks, involving a variety of rigorous thin film deposition and patterning steps. The trend in the computer industry is toward higher densities with an increasing number of bits per square inch. Concurrently with this trend is the trend toward a high data rate.

In a disk drive, bits are stored magnetically, with a binary one or zero being determined by the direction of a magnetic field recorded on the surface of the disk. The read/write head writes data to the disk by switching the magnetic field in a given area, and it reads the data by sensing the direction of the recorded magnetic field. Conventional read/write heads perform both the write function and the read function with a single inductive head. An electrically conductive coil is used to induce a magnetic field at a transducing gap to write information on a magnetic disk. The same coil is used during the read mode to sense the magnetic field recorded on the disk.

A problem with inductive heads is that a large number of coil turns is required to sense read signals. The high coil turns increase head response time and therefore significantly reduce the data rate. As the area in which a bit is stored gets narrower, necessitated by the desired higher write densities and smaller disk sizes, the read pulse signals are narrower, and experience undesirable noise and therefore are more difficult to process.

Presently, magnetoresistive (MR) sensor elements are used to read recorded magnetic signals. The MR sensor measures changes in resistance when a magnetic field is applied to change the magnetization of the MR element. The MR element may operate using either the anisotropic MR (AMR) effect, the spin-valve (SV) effect or the giant magnetoresistive (GMR) effect. By measuring the resistance change, MR heads can be used for reading data, but the writing of data must still be performed with inductive heads. Therefore, a “merged” head design is employed wherein read/write heads have both an inductive write head and an MR read head.

In the structure of a merged AMR head, the AMR element consists of three layers, an MR sensor layer composed of Permalloy (NiFe), a tantalum spacer layer and a NiFe alloy soft adjacent layer (SAL). The SAL has a higher resistance than the low resistance MR sensor layer and provides an external bias which improves the linearity of the response. The MR sensor is coupled to external read circuits by interconnect leads, for example a tri-layer sandwich of Ta/Au/Ta, and the distance across the active MR sensing region defines the read track width.

NiFe shields are provided around the MR element to prevent stray magnetic flux and flux from adjacent tracks from affecting the MR sensor. Between shields, the flux is guided to the MR sensor. The shields are separated from the MR element and the interconnects by a dielectric thin film, such as aluminum oxide, 300-2000 Angstroms thick depending on linear recording density.

A write head consisting of copper coils, a write gap and a magnetic yoke structure is fabricated on top of the read head. The second shield of the MR element also functions as the bottom pole (P1) of the write head.

Specifically, thin film transducers are fabricated with a bottom pole layer P1 and a top pole layer P2, made of Permalloy or other high moment soft magnetic materials. The pole layers are connected at a back closure to complete a magnetic flux path. Opposite the back closure, a nonmagnetic transducing gap is formed at pole tips which are extensions of the bottom pole layer P1 and top pole layer P2. An electrical coil of one or more layers separated by insulation is fabricated between the two pole layers. Changes in electrical current supplied to the coil cause magnetic flux changes in the magnetic yoke (P1/P2) at the transducing gap which cause magnetization change representing data bits to be registered on an adjacent moving magnetic disk. Conversely, flux changes representing data bits on an adjacent magnetic disk may be read by the MR element and processed by read circuitry.

Inductive write head performance is determined in part by the precision of the alignment between the top pole tip (P1) and the bottom pole tip (P2). This alignment defines the characteristics of the fringe field at the transducing gap, such as magnetic field strength and gradient. It is important that the pole tips have the same width so that flux leakage is minimized. The alignment of pole tips has in the past been attempted by a pole trimming process during fabrication of the inductive thin film head.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,578,342 describes a process for producing a conventional thin film magnetic head which uses the top magnetic pole as a self-aligning mask for partially trimming the bottom magnetic pole. The yoke and pole tip regions to be trimmed are processed by separate and distinct photolithographic steps, attempting to achieve noncritical alignment in the yoke area, while maintaining critical alignment in the pole tip region which includes the transducing gap.

The bottom pole P1 is first deposited on a substrate, P1 being wider than is desired in the final product. Next an insulating layer is deposited over P1 which forms the transducing gap. After deposition of a coil assembly surrounded by insulation, a top pole P2 is deposited over an insulating layer. The nonaligned pole tip structure is aligned by using a material removal process such as ion milling. Ion milling is a process in which a surface is bombarded by high energy ions to remove the nonaligned portions of the pole tip. A protective photoresist mask shields the top pole and a portion of the insulating layer at the transducing gap. The result desired is an aligned pole tip structure. In practice, however, the self-masking of the top pole P1 during ion milling limits the accuracy of the final pole tip structure. Attempts at more precise masking have improved the process but it still falls short, especially as head designs have become smaller.

As described previously, a merged MR structure combines a magnetoresistive (MR) read head and a separate write head. The MR layer is sandwiched between a bottom shield layer S1 and a top shield layer S2. In this structure, the top shield layer S2 of the MR head is used as the bottom pole P1 of the write head. A problem with present MR heads of this type is that the write head generates significant side-fringe fields during writing, caused by flux leakage from the top pole P2 to parts of the bottom pole P1 that extend beyond the desired alignment. Side fringing fields limit track density by limiting the minimum track width possible. When a track written by such a write head is read by the MR element of the read head, off-track performance is poor because of interference with adjacent tracks.

In U.S. Pat. No. 5,438,747 a merged MR head is provided which has vertically aligned side walls to minimize side-fringing and improve off-track performance. The bottom pole piece P1, which comprises the second shield layer S2 of the read head, has a pedestal pole tip with a short length dimension. A pedestal pole tip with a length as short as two times the length of the gap layer G optimally minimizes the side writing and improves off-track performance. The bottom pole tip structure of the write head is constructed by ion beam milling using the top pole tip structure as a mask. The ion beam milling is directed at an angle to the side walls of the top pole tip structure which causes the bottom pole tip structure to be milled with side walls which align with the top pole tip structure. The ion beam milling can comprise two angled beams, either sequentially or simultaneously, the first beam performing primarily a cutting operation and some clean up work while the second beam primarily conducts clean up work of the redeposition of the debris caused by the cutting. In another embodiment, a single angled ion beam can be employed, provided its angle is within a particular range.

In U.S. Pat. No. 5,438,747, the pole trim structure was performed after magnetic yoke formation (P2-defined method). This requires that the effect of the topography of the coil and insulation structure be overcome in both the photoresist process and the ion milling process.

An alternative approach described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,452,164 describes a method of forming a pole trimmed structure right after the P1 process step (P1-define approach) where the structure of the device is substantially planar and therefore a superior patterning process for a narrow track can be obtained. In this method, a photoresist pattern was used as a hard mask, and ion milling was needed to remove both the top pole tip and the pedestal structure at the bottom shield.

A full pole trimmed structure is desired for better off track capability and superior nonlinear transition shift (NLTS) performance when writing onto a magnetic recording medium for high density recording. The critical issue for pole trimming in the MR structure of the prior art is intrusion into the S2/P1 layer by the ion milling process. In both methods described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,438,747 and 5,452,164, the S2/P1 layer suffered from damage due to the ion mill trimming process which causes write-induced instability during MR reading.


An object of this invention is to provide an MR head structure with vertically aligned pole tips after yoke formation (P2-defined) and a uniformly thick bottom shield layer to thereby reduce side writing for high track density.

Another object of this invention is to provide a method of fabricating an MR head structure with vertically aligned pole tips after yoke formation (P2-defined) and a uniformly thick bottom shield layer to thereby reduce side writing for high track density.

A further object of this invention is to provide an MR head structure with vertically aligned pole tips after the P1 pole process and before the formation of the coil and insulation layer (P1-defined) and a uniformly thick bottom shield layer to thereby reduce side writing for high track density.

A further object of this invention is to provide a process for protecting a bottom shield layer from intrusion from an ion milling process used to form vertically aligned pole tips.

This invention teaches a method of manufacturing a thin film merged magnetic head including an inductive write transducer and a magnetoresistive (MR) sensor wherein an MR read element consisting of either AMR, SV or a GMR sensor is sandwiched between a first shield layer S1 and a second shield layer S2/P1, wherein P1 serves as the bottom pole of the inductive transducer. In keeping with the invention, a protection layer is deposited on the shield layer S2/P1 in a pattern that forms a window. A pole tip region is formed over the window. Ion beam milling is used to trim the pole tip region resulting in the formation of channels in the second shield layer S2 adjacent to the pole tip region. The thin film magnetic head structure is supported by a nonmagnetic substrate.

The invention has the advantage that the trimmed region is limited to a localized area near the write pole and has minimum damage on S2/P1 so that the MR read sensor is properly shielded and the inductive writing process has the least effect on read performance.

The invention has the further advantage that the structure reduces side writing with a consequent improvement in off-track performance and inductive write performance to achieve high density magnetic recording.


FIG. 1

contains both air bearing surface (ABS) and cross sectional views of a prior art MR head structure;



illustrate a first embodiment of the present invention describing both air bearing surface (ABS) and crosssectional views of intermediate structures produced during manufacture of a merged MR head. In this embodiment, a trimmed pole structure is generated at a final top pole process step after the formation of the coil and insulation layer (P2-defined method);

FIG. 3

is a detailed flow diagram of a method of manufacturing the protection window used in the embodiment shown in








illustrate a second embodiment of the present invention describing both air bearing surface (ABS) and cross-sectional views of intermediate structures produced during manufacture of a merged MR head. In this embodiment, a trimmed pole structure was generated right after the bottom pole P1 process and prior to the formation of the coil and insulation layer (P1-defined approach).

FIG. 5

is a detailed flow diagram of a method of manufacture the protection window used in the embodiment shown in








illustrate a method of forming a protection window mask; and,






illustrate a method of a pole trim process using a combined ion milling and reactive ion milling process.



FIG. 1

, a read head formed on a substrate includes an MR element


sandwiched between a first shield (S1) layer


and second shield (S2) layer


. The MR read element consists of a sensing element, a domain stabilization layer and a bias layer where the sensing element is made of either AMR, SV or GMR material. The domain stabilization layer is used to suppress Barkhausen noise. The bias layer ensures that the sensor element works in the linear region and has the highest sensitivity. The second shield (S2) layer


of the read head also serves as the bottom pole P1 of a write head. The inductive write head includes the bottom pole P1 and a top P2 pole


. An insulating transducing write gap layer


is sandwiched between the P1 and P2 layers. The large width of the second shield S2 layer


beyond the sides




of the pole tip region causes flux to extend toward the second shield layer S2 beyond the width of the pole tip element P1. This flux causes side writing which degrades off-track performance. In practice this problem is overcome by ion milling the second shield layer on either side of the write gap to create a pedestal which is an extension of the bottom pole piece P1. The width of the second shield layer S2 is chosen to shield the MR element.

In practice, during ion milling to create the pedestal, the second shield layer S2 becomes sloped when forming the pole trim structures. Due to shadowing of the pole P2, S2/P1 becomes sloped and is thin at the outside regions




, away from the write pole. This is undesirable as the thin structure reduces the effect of shielding at the outside regions. Ideally, the structure would be flat as indicated by the broken lines in FIG.



Method of Manufacturing A Magnetoresistive (MR) Head Structure

The preferred method of the present invention is to fabricate a P2 defined write structure. In a P2 defined type of write structure, the write pole structure is formed after the coil layer, insulation and P2. The alternative embodiment of this invention is for a P1 defined write structure. In a P1 defined type of write structure the write pole structure is formed before the coil layer, insulation and P2.

A high Bsat layer at the bottom P2 tip and at the top of pedestal structure is provided near the write gap. High Bsat is a high moment soft magnetic metal which can be made of Ni




, (X=35, 45, and 55), CoZrX (X=Ta, Cr, Ru, Rh) and FeNX (X=Al, Ta, Rh).



provide a detailed description of a first embodiment with a P2-defined method. A first shield S1 layer


is provided upon which a sensing element


and a pair of lead connects


are deposited (

FIG. 2


). The MR read element consists of a sensing element, a domain stabilization layer and a bias layer where the sensing element can be made of either one of AMR, SV and GMR materials. A second shield S2 layer


is deposited on the MR element (

FIG. 2


). The MR element is therefore diposed between the first shield S1 layer


and the second shield S2 layer


and is separated from both shields by a first read gap


and a second read gap


. The second shield layer


will also serve as the bottom pole piece P1 of a write head, and is designated as S2/P1. The second shield material can be made of either Permalloy, or a bilayer structure of Permalloy and high Bsat soft magnetic material. A protection layer


is deposited on the S2/P1 shield layer



FIG. 2


). The preferred protection layer is made of a composite layer of dielectric material such as Al






or Si




, and nonmagnetic materials such Ta, W and Mo. The composite layer is then patterned to form a window


. A write gap layer


is deposited on the protection layer (

FIG. 2


). Following the write gap process, the first insulation layer


, coil


and the second insulation layer


are fabricated (

FIG. 2


). Optionally, a multiple layer coil structure can be fabricated. After the formation of the coil and insulation structure, a high Bsat layer


is deposited on the write gap layer


and insulation




. A top P2 pole


consisting of either plated or sputtered magnetic films is then deposited on the Bsat layer (

FIG. 2


). Ion beam milling is employed to trim the pole tip in order to achieve vertical side walls (

FIG. 2


). In the case of sputtered high Bsat materials used for both pole tip and yoke structure, a photoresist or other hard mask can be used for the ion milling mask. The protection layer


functions during ion milling to create a pedestal


which is an extension P1/P2 of the bottom pole P1.

Another embodiment can be extended to a P1-defined structure. The method is described in detail in






. Similar process steps as the first embodiment of

FIG. 2

are used for this embodiment up to write gap formation (

FIG. 4





). Following the write gap formation process, a high Bsat layer


is deposited on the write gap


and a top pole tip structure


is formed (

FIG. 4


). A combination of Ion beam milling and reactive ion milling is employed to trim the pole tip in order to achieve vertical side walls (

FIG. 4


). In the case of sputtered high Bsat materials used for both pole tip and yoke structure, a photoresist or other hard mask can be used for ion milling mask. The protection layer


functions during ion milling to create a pedestal


which is an extension P1/P2 of the bottom pole piece P1. After trimmed pole formation, a dielectric insulation layer such as Al




, SiO


and Si




is deposited (

FIG. 4


) and subsequently the structure is planarized by chemical mechanical polishing (

FIG. 4


). The planarized dielectric materials will function as the first insulation for coil



FIG. 4


). Optionally, a multiple layer coil structure can be fabricated using additional coil and insulation. After the formation of the coil and insulation structure, the top yoke structure


is fabricated (

FIG. 4



As shown in






, the use of a protection layer results in the formation of channels








, in the second shield S2 layer


adjacent to the pole tip region. The channels prevent flux from extending toward the second shield S@ layer


beyond the width of the pole tip element P1/P2. This structure reduces side writing with a consequent improvement in off-track performance. The width of the second shield S2 layer


is such that the MR element is shielded.

Method Of Forming A Window

For either a P1 defined type of write structure or a P2 defined type of write structure a protection layer and window is formed in accordance with the teachings of the present invention. A first embodiment is described with reference to FIG.



A trilayer structure formed with a thin Ta (100-300 Å) layer


, an Al




layer (5000-15000 Å)


and a thick Ta film (2000-10000 Å)


is formed on top of S2/P1



FIG. 6


). A protection window mask


is formed by a photoresist process (

FIG. 6


). Ion milling is then used to remove the top thick Ta film



FIG. 6


). When Al




is exposed, a wet etch process or reactive process can be applied to remove the Al






with bottom thin Ta film


as etch stop (

FIG. 6


). The thin Ta etch stop layer can be removed by sputter etch during depositing the write gap.

The top thick Ta film is chosen because of its high ion milling selectivity with respect to transition metal and alloys used for pole materials. Other types of materials such as TaW, W can also be used. The further advantage of using Ta materials is its high selectivity to write gap Al




in an Ar/fluorine reactive ion milling process.

Other types of an insulating dielectric material such as Al




, SiO


or Si




can be used for forming a window. This window can be patterned by either a liftoff technique or an etch back technique.

Pole Formation Process

After a protection layer is formed, the P2 pole structure is formed. The preferred method to form the pole structure is illustrated in FIG.



(1) Ion mill (physical bombardment) to remove either high Bsat layer or seed layer


completely. A hard mask


may be used made of either photoresist or pole materials.

(2) A reactive ion beam etch (RIBE) with Ar/fluorine chemistry is applied to remove write gap


. The preferred chemistry is Ar/CHF



(3) After removing the write gap, ion mill is used to form pedestal structure


in S2/P1 layer



Magnetoresistive (MR) Head Structure

The final structure of the first embodiment using a P2 defined method shown in

FIG. 2


is comprised of a first shield layer


, an MR read element


, a second shield layer


that also functions as a bottom pole P1, a P1/P2 region


, an extra write gap


, a write gap


, and a top pole


. The use of a protection layer and window results in the formation of channels




, in the second shield layer (S2)


near the sides of the pole tip region



The final structure of the embodiment using a P1 defined method shown in

FIG. 4


is comprised of a first shield layer


, an MR read element


, a second shield layer


that also functions as a bottom pole P1, a P1/P2 region


, an extra write gap


, a write gap


, and a P2 pole tip piece


. A coil


surrounded by insulation is disposed between the lower P1 pole and top P2 pole layers. A top P2 cap


, which is wider than the P2 pole tip, is connected to a yoke. The use of a protection layer and window results in the formation of channels




, in the second shield layer (S2)


near the sides of the pole tip region.

The channels of both structures prevent flux from extending toward the second shield layer S2 beyond the width of the pole tip element P1/P2. This structure reduces side writing with a consequent improvement in off-track performance. The width of the second shield layer S2 is such that the MR element is shielded.

It will be understood by those skilled in the art that the MR element described herein can be any element operated using an an isotropic MR (AMR) effect, spin-valve (SV) effect, or giant magnetoresistive (GMR) effect, or any other structures that are based on the phenomenon that the resistance of magnetic conductors change when a magnetic field is applied to change the magnetization of the element.

It will be understood by those skilled in the art that the ion beam process may be a combination of Ar ion beam milling process and Ar/CHF


reactive ion beam milling process, and that other fluorine chemistry such as CF


and CH




can also be applied.

It will also be understood by those skilled in the art that the protection layer may be any suitable nonmagnetic material, such as, but not limited to Ta, Al




, Ta film, a combination of thin Ta (100-300 Å), Al




(5000-15000 Å) and thick Ta film (2000-10000 Å), or other non-magnetic material such as SiO


, Si




, TaW, and Cr.

The top thick Ta film is chosen because of its high ion milling selectivity with respect to transition metal and alloys used for pole materials. Other types of materials such as TaW, W can also be used. The further advantage of using Ta materials is its high selectivity to write gap Al




in Ar/fluorine reactive ion milling process. Other types of an insulating dielectric material such as Al




, SiO


or Si




can be used for forming a window. This window can be patterned by either a liftoff technique or an etch back technique.

  • 1. A merged thin film magnetic head including an inductive write structure and a magnetoresistive sensor comprising:a nonmagnetic substrate; a first shield layer disposed above said substrate; a second shield/pole layer that serves as a first magnetic pole of said inductive write structure; a protection layer over said second shield/pole layer in a pattern that exposes a window for forming a pedestal to support said inductive write structure; a second magnetic pole layer over said second shield/pole layer and over said window; and a pedestal formed below said inductive write structure, and recessed channels formed in said second shield/pole layer for defining said pedestal.
  • 2. The merged magnetoresistive head of claim 1 wherein said magnetoresistive element is either an anisotropic magnetosresistive element, a spin-valve element or a giant magnetoresistive element.
  • 3. The merged magnetoresistive head of claim 1 wherein said protection layer is nonmagnetic.
  • 4. The merged magnetoresistive head of claim 1 wherein said protection layer consists essentially of thin Ta (100-300 Å), Al2O3 (5000-15000 Å) and thick Ta film (2000-10000 Å).
  • 5. The merged magnetoresistive head of claim 1 wherein said protection layer consists essentially of nonmagnetic material such as SiO2, Si3N4, TaW, and Cr.
  • 6. A thin film merged magnetic head including an inductive write structure having top and bottom poles, and a magnetoresistive sensor, comprising:a nonmagnetic substrate; a first shield layer disposed on said substrate; a second shield layer that functions as a bottom pole of said inductive write structure; a magnetoresistive read element disposed between said first and second shield layers; a pole tip region associated with said top and bottom poles; a write gap; an extra write gap over said write gap; a protection layer in the form of a window defining channels formed in said second shield layer.
Parent Case Info

This is a division of application Ser. No. 09/015,970 filed Jan. 30, 1998 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,996,213.

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