The present invention relates to magnetoresistive devices and, more particularly, to nanopillar magnetoresistive devices.
Nanopillar magnetic devices in which interactions between spin-polarized electrical currents established therein and the magnetic moment of a ferromagnetic material layer therein result in a torque on the magnetization of that ferromagnet through the transfer of angular momentum from that current to that magnetization. These devices formed with a nonmagnetic material provided in the pillar between two ferromagnetic material layers in that pillar have been found to react to electrical currents through these layers by switching the direction of magnetization therein in some circumstances and, in others, by emitting microwaves tunable in frequency by selecting differing values of that current. These effects have been found to occur in such devices where one of the ferromagnetic layers is sufficiently thick to be energetically favorable to nucleate a vortex magnetization state in that layer but there is a desire to be able to select such responses through using the currents established therein to suitably bias the device to yield the desired response.
The present invention provides a ferromagnetic thin-film based device that is transitioned between alternative magnetic states thereof through having electrical currents established therethrough and which has a reference magnetization provided therein by a vortex magnetization established in a thin-film, this device comprising a substrate and a device structure layer stack. The stack extends in a stack direction from the substrate on which it is supported and has an outer surface curved at least in part about said stack direction with a lateral dimension between opposite curved side portions thereof. The stack comprises a nonmagnetic intermediate layer that has two major surfaces each on an opposite side thereof with a free layer of a ferromagnetic material on one of the major surfaces that has a thickness sufficient to permit a vortex magnetization therein and a reference magnetization layer. This reference magnetization layer has therein a reference ferromagnetic material layer on that remaining one of the major surfaces with its magnetization being a vortex magnetization that is maintained so by a reference antiferromagnetic layer on the reference ferromagnetic material layer.
A layer diagram representation of a two state magnetoresistive nanopillar device structure, 10, that is generally common to both a “giant magnetoresistive effect” device and a magnetic tunnel junction device, is shown in a “pinned sandwich” structure arrangement in
A substrate, 11, such as an integrated circuit chip containing much of the device operating circuitry, supports an electrical interconnection structure, 12, typically of copper or aluminum, and an intermediate lead structure, 13, typically of 100 to 500 nm of tantalum, serving together as the bottom contact electrode to a magnetic material (ferromagnetic material) free layer, 14, (meaning its magnetization is relatively free to be rotated to an alternative orientation by a forcing torque). Free layer 14 is thick enough to have a vortex magnetization, or be in a vortex magnetization state, in which the layer magnetization is oriented more or less circularly, or toroidally, around the approximately central axis of the pillar extending along its length. The necessary thickness has a minimum to exceed set by the value thereof needed to pass the boundary between a single domain state and a vortex state at which the exchange energy contribution of the vortex state equals the demagnetization energy of the uniformly saturated state of the layer which, for such a pillar, is typically between 5 nm and 20 nm. A nickel and iron perinalloy material can be used for this layer which will provide a positive spin polarization in electrical currents established therethrough.
Free layer 14 is separated by a nonmagnetic material spacer layer, 15, from another magnetic material (ferromagnetic material) relative fixed layer, 16, (meaning its magnetization is much less free to be rotated to an alternative orientation, i.e. is “pinned. If spacer layer 5 is chosen to be an electrical conductor, such as Cu having a thickness typically of around 30 Å, then the device will exhibit the giant magnetoresistive (GMR) effect. If spacer layer 15 is instead chosen to be an electrical insulator, such al Al2O3 or MgO, having a thickness around 17 Å, then the device will exhibit the spin dependent tunneling effect. In either situation, the electrical resistance of the device is typically higher when the magnetizations of the free and fixed layers on either side of the spacer layer are oriented in opposite directions, and is lower when these magnetizations are oriented in the same direction.
Pinned ferromagnetic material layer 16 is again a nickel and iron permalloy material having a typical thickness of 10 nm or more, and has either a clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) oriented vortex magnetization state set therein. This “pinning” of layer 6 is provided by a further magnetic material layer, 17, the “pinning” layer, that is of an antiferromagnetic material such as IrMn having a typical thickness of 10 nm or more which is magnetically coupled to pinned layer 16 and thereby serves to make this two layer pinned structure relatively resistant to rotation of its initial joint magnetization orientation in the presence of moderate external applied magnetic fields. A tantalum cap layer, 18, of typically 80 nm serves as the device top contact electrode providing a conductive path to a further electrical interconnection, 19, typically of aluminum, supported on silicon dioxide provided about the pillar layer stack to electrically isolate same from other such devices.
This setting into pinned layer 16 of a selected one of two oppositely oriented vortex magnetization states allows the choice of alternative device behaviors upon the subsequent establishment of electrical currents therein between electrical interconnections 12 and 19. A dual vortex magnetization states device results with a vortex magnetization state set into pinned layer 16, as indicated, and a resulting vortex magnetization state in free layer 14. The spin-momentum torque resulting on the magnetization of free layer 14 can either be assisted by the torque resulting from electrical currents established between interconnections 12 and 19 or oppose it. Generally, for a spin polarization, a, that is positive, with the pinned layer 16 vortex magnetization state set CW, the free layer 14 vortex magnetization state shows a well-defined switching behavior that has the orientation of the final vortex state in free layer 14 being dependent on the current direction through nanopillar device 10, and the switching current needed to cause such switching decreases as the magnitude of η is increased.
In devices where pinned layer is magnetized CCW, the magnetization dynamics of free layer 14 show a more complicated dependence on η. Such nanopillar devices 10 show vortex state orientation switching in layer 14 induced by the magnetic fields resulting from relatively large electrical currents at low η, but chaotic oscillation in the presence of such currents at intermediate values of η, and well defined switching of vortex states induced by the magnetic fields resulting from relatively small electrical currents at high values of η. If alternative free layer materials are used that exhibit negative values of η, rather than positive, the results of pinned layer 16 having its vortex state being oriented either CCW and CW, in this negative value η situation, leads again to the free layer 14 dynamics results described above for the positive η situation again for both of these orientation conditions. However, the dynamics occurring for one of these orientations for positive values of η occurs for the opposite orientation in the negative values of η situation.
Setting the orientation of the vortex magnetization state in pinned layer 16 is accomplished through various means. One method would be to supply a large current through the nanopillar device 10 at elevated temperature greater than the blocking temperature (TB) of the pinned layer antiferromagnet 17. If the current is directed from the bottom to the top (electrode 12 to 19), then the pinned layer 16 magnetization would magnetize into a CCW vortex. If the current is directed from layer 19 to layer 12, then the pinned layer 16 magnetization will be set CW. If the temperature is then reduced below TB and the current through the nanopillar 10 is switched off, the vortex will be locked into the preferred direction.
An alternative means for setting the vortex magnetization state orientation does not require a current to be applied to the nanopillar, and is thus more compatible with mass fabrication, involves choosing nanopillar device 10 having the layers thereof between electrical interconnections 12 and 19 together in the shape of a right cylinder but with one side thereof flattened. The vortex magnetization state orientation can be set relative to the direction of a magnetic field that is applied parallel or anti-parallel to the flat side. The layer tends to magnetize in the shape of the letter C, or a C-state magnetization, (see
This vortex orientation setting procedure is shown in
The temperature and field profiles necessary for programming a vortex in a pinned layer composed of an antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic pinned layer are given in
As indicated above, spin angular momentum transfer or spin momentum transfer (SMT) describes the transfer of spin angular momentum between a spin-polarized current and a ferromagnet. The transfer of angular momentum from the spin-current to the ferromagnet exerts a torque on the magnetization of the ferromagnet. The SMT induced torque can be used to reverse the direction of the magnetization or to induce microwave oscillation of the magnetization of a ferromagnet. SMT can thus be applied to free layer 14 of nanopillar device 10 formed either as a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) or vertical giant magnetoresistive (VGMR) structure in order to produce oscillators or magnetic memory devices.
The SMT effect is most often of interest in very small GMR or MTJ nanopillar devices that are patterned with dimensions of less than about 200 nm. In this size range, and as the thickness of the ferromagnetic layers increases above roughly 5 nm, it becomes energetically favorable for the ferromagnetic layers to magnetize into vortex magnetization states. In addition, the current flowing through the nanopillar cylinder also tends to reinforce vortex formation. The direction of the magnetization in pinned layer pinned layer 16, either CW or CCW, is found to determine the type of dynamic behavior the dual vortex nanopillar will exhibit, and is confirmed in the analysis given below.
The general behavior of this equation is that after application of a field, H, the magnetization, {right arrow over (M)}=Ms{circumflex over (m)}, will precess around {right arrow over (H)} and the precessional cone angle will gradually decrease as {right arrow over (M)} aligns with {right arrow over (H)} as indicated in
In this monodomain zero-temperature example, the effective field {right arrow over (H)} is given in terms of an externally applied field, and the demagnetizing field of the free layer.
{right arrow over (H)}=(Hx−NxMs cos(Ψ)cos(φ)){circumflex over (x)}−NyMs cos(Ψ)sin(Ψ)ŷ−NzMs sin(Ψ){circumflex over (z)}
Here the constants Nx, Ny, and Nz describe the demagnetizing field and can also be used to describe magnetic anisotropy. The effective field is dependent on the orientation of {right arrow over (M)}, and the unit vector representing the direction of the magnetization of the free layer is given in terms of the angles a follows:
{circumflex over (m)}=cos(ψ)cos(φ){circumflex over (x)}+cos(ψ)sin(φ)ŷ+sin(ψ){circumflex over (z)}
SMT is incorporated into the LLG equation as an effective field from spin-polarized current, which is given as
where, e is the electron charge, Planck's constant, V the volume of the free layer, and η is the degree of spin polarization of the applied current, I.
The magnetization reversal mechanism due to SMT is quite different from that due to a magnetic field alone. In the case of a spin-polarized current, SMT causes a reduction in damping which allows spin waves to grow as long as current is supplied and the orientation of {right arrow over (M)} does not cross beyond the hard axis of the ferromagnetic film. To understand how SMT causes magnetization reversal, it's useful to solve the spin-polarized field supplemented Lifshitz-Gilbert equation first given above in the case where the precession angle is small. This permits the equation to be linearized into a second-order differential equation that is analogous to a damped harmonic oscillator.
The magnitude and sign of the second term determine the oscillatory behavior of the magnetization. The second term becomes negative if
and the precession angle would thus grow with increasing time, eventually increasing past the equator causing {right arrow over (M)} to reverse direction. Once the direction of {right arrow over (M)} is reversed, the damping becomes positive and {right arrow over (M)} stabilizes in the new orientation. A reversing of the polarity of the current causes {right arrow over (M)} to switch into the opposite direction. Note that even the damped oscillator equation above, the equation preceding the last equation above, for a SMT nanopillar with monodomain free and pinned layers is dependent on the polarity of the applied field Hx with respect to HS, which can either increase or decrease the current for the onset of oscillation. The applied field either assists or opposes the SMT effect, thereby increasing or decreasing the critical switching current.
For the dual vortex structure disclosed herein, micromagnetic simulation is needed to account for non-uniform magnetization of the ferromagnetic layers and also for the non-uniform field produced by the current flowing through the nanopillar. Briefly, the LLG equation is solved on a three dimensional mesh by extending the effective field to account for non-uniformity and temperature. Here, H=Heff=Hexc+Hd+Hk+Hext+HI+Hns, the total local vector magnetic field within the ferromagnetic object due to exchange, demagnetization, anisotropy, external sources, current, and thermal agitation. The Gaussian distributed Hns field sequence is calculated using the Box-Müller algorithm, with a standard deviation of Hns=√{square root over (2αkBT/(γMsVΔt))} and zero mean. HI is computed for all current flowing within the mesh using
In this notation, “test” indicates the point where the B field from a current filament of length L=√{square root over (Lx2+Ly2+Lz2)} at the “source” point is computed. Thus, {right arrow over (R)}test=xtest{circumflex over (x)}+ytestŷ+ztest{circumflex over (z)} and {right arrow over (R)}source=xsource{circumflex over (x)}+ysourceŷ+zsource{circumflex over (z)}. The deltas are Δx=xtest−xsource, Δy=ytest−ysource, and Δz=ztest−zsource. Hs is also extended to three dimensions.
The simulated stack is a FM/Non-magnetic-spacer/FM/AF nanopillar device of circular cross-section ranging from 100 to 400 nm on a 5 nm cubic mesh in accord with nanopillar device 10 of
Typical simulation results for a 400 nm diameter dual-vortex nanopillar are shown in
With positive a, it appears that for the CW vortex orientation in pinned layer 16, the H field produced by the spin-polarized current reinforces the SMT effect, and for the CW sense, it opposes SMT reversal. To make this clear, the different configurations and associated effective fields are illustrated in
A phase diagram that explains the dependence of the dual-vortex nanopillar's dynamics on the orientation of the magnetization of the pinned layer 16 vortex is given in
A dual-vortex scheme for producing either memory or oscillator SMT nanopillar devices without the need for external bias fields hence is described in the foregoing. Dual-vortex nanopillar SMT devices were simulated using a custom micromagnetic code. The simulations were performed as a function of pinned layer vortex magnetization state orientation, spin polarization, and nanopillar dimensions. Generally, for positive η it is found that when the orientation of the magnetization of the pinned layer 16 vortex is set CW, the free layer vortex magnetization orientation shows a well-defined switching behavior. In devices where orientation of the magnetization of the pinned layer 16 vortex is CCW, the free layer magnetization dynamics show a more complicated dependence on η. The CCW magnetized pinned layer nanopillars show magnetic field-induced vortex switching induced by relatively large currents at low η, chaotic oscillation at intermediate η, and well-defined small-current induced field switching at high η. For negative η, the CCW and CW results would be switched with one another.
Although the present invention has been described with reference to preferred embodiments, workers skilled in the art will recognize that changes may be made in form and detail without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
This application claims the benefit of Provisional Patent Application No. 61/001,496 filed Nov. 1, 2007 for VORTEX SPIN MOMENTUM TRANSFER MAGNETORESISTIVE DEVICE.
This invention was made with Government support under HQ0006-06-C-7520 awarded by the Missile Defense Agency. The Government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
61001496 | Nov 2007 | US |