Charging Discharging Manipulation of charge


  • CPC
  • F27D3/00
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Sub Industries

F27D3/0021of ceramic ware F27D3/0022Disposition of the charge F27D3/0024of metallic workpieces F27D3/0025Charging or loading melting furnaces with material in the solid state F27D3/0026Introducing additives into the melt F27D3/0027Charging vertically with corbs F27D3/0028Corbs F27D3/003Charging laterally F27D3/0031Charging with tiltable dumpers F27D3/0032using an air-lock F27D3/0033charging of particulate material F27D3/0084Charging; Manipulation of SC or SC wafers F27D3/02Skids or tracks for heavy objects F27D3/022Skids F27D3/024Details of skids F27D3/026transport or conveyor rolls for furnaces; roller rails F27D3/028Roller rails or succession of small sized rollers F27D3/04Ram or pusher apparatus F27D3/06Charging or discharging machines on travelling carriages F27D3/08Screw feeders Screw dischargers F27D3/10Charging directly from hoppers or shoots F27D3/12Travelling or movable supports or containers for the charge F27D3/123Furnace cars F27D3/14Charging or discharging liquid or molten material F27D3/145Runners therefor F27D3/15Tapping equipment Equipment for removing or retaining slag F27D3/1509Tapping equipment F27D3/1518Tapholes F27D3/1527Taphole forming equipment F27D3/1536Devices for plugging tap holes F27D3/1545Equipment for removing or retaining slag F27D3/1554for removing the slag from the surface of the melt F27D3/1563by the use of scrapers F27D3/1572by suction F27D3/1581by the use of blowers F27D3/159for retaining slag during the pouring of the metal or retaining metal during the pouring of the slag F27D3/16Introducing a fluid jet or current into the charge F27D3/18Charging particulate material using a fluid carrier