Local operating mechanisms for points or track-mounted scotch-blocks Visible or audible signals Local operating mechanisms for visible or audible signals


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  • B61L5/00
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B61L5/02Mechanical devices for operating points or scotch-blocks B61L5/023using funicular driving means B61L5/026fixing switch-rails to the driving means B61L5/04Fluid-pressure devices for operating points or scotch-blocks B61L5/045using electrically controlled fluid-pressure operated driving means B61L5/06Electric devices for operating points or scotch-blocks B61L5/062Wiring diagrams B61L5/065Construction of driving mechanism B61L5/067using electromagnetic driving means B61L5/08Underground actuating arrangements B61L5/10Locking mechanisms for points Means for indicating the setting of points B61L5/102Controlling electrically B61L5/105Controlling funicularly B61L5/107electrical control of points position B61L5/12Visible signals B61L5/125Fixed signals, beacons, or the like B61L5/14Form signals B61L5/16Local operating mechanisms for form signals B61L5/161using electromotive driving means B61L5/162Wiring diagrams B61L5/163Driving mechanisms B61L5/165using electromagnetic driving means B61L5/166using electrically controlled gravity operated driving means B61L5/167using electrically controlled fluid-pressure operated driving means B61L5/168using funicular driving means B61L5/18Light signals Mechanisms associated therewith B61L5/1809Daylight signals B61L5/1818using mobile coloured screen B61L5/1827using light sources of different colours and a common optical system B61L5/1836using light sources of different colours and seperate optical systems B61L5/1845Optical systems, lenses B61L5/1854Mounting and focussing of the light source in a lamp, fixing means B61L5/1863Lamp mountings on a mast B61L5/1872Mobile mounting arrangements on a mast; Arrangements for hoisting of the lamp along the mast B61L5/1881Wiring diagrams for power supply, control or testing B61L5/189using flashing light sources B61L5/20Audible signals B61L5/203Detonators; Track mounting means; Composition of the detonative product B61L5/206Signalling means for special purposes B61L5/22Devices for initiating the release of detonators in a certain position of a signal B61L5/24Replacement of detonators

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents