X-ray apparatus involving X-ray tubes circuits therefor


  • CPC
  • H05G1/00
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H05G1/02Constructional details H05G1/025Means for cooling the X-ray tube or the generator H05G1/04Mounting the X-ray tube within a closed housing H05G1/06X-ray tube and at least part of the power supply apparatus being mounted within the same housing H05G1/08Electrical details H05G1/085Circuit arrangements particularly adapted for X-ray tubes having a control grid H05G1/10Power supply arrangements for feeding the X-ray tube H05G1/12with dc or rectified single-phase ac or double-phase H05G1/14with single-phase low-frequency ac also when a rectifer element is in series with the X-ray tube H05G1/16Reducing the peak-inverse voltage H05G1/18with polyphase ac of low frequency rectified H05G1/20with high-frequency ac with pulse trains H05G1/22with single pulses H05G1/24Obtaining pulses by using energy storage devices H05G1/26Measuring, controlling, protecting H05G1/265Measurements of current, voltage or power H05G1/28Measuring or recording actual exposure time Counting number of exposures Measuring required exposure time H05G1/30Controlling H05G1/32supply voltage of the X-ray apparatus or tube H05G1/34anode current, heater current, heater voltage of X-ray tube H05G1/36temperature of anode brightness of image power H05G1/38exposure time H05G1/40using adjustable time-switch H05G1/42using arrangements for switching when a predetermined dose of radiation has been applied H05G1/44in which the switching instant is determined by measuring the amount of radiation directly H05G1/46Combined control of different quantities H05G1/48Compensating the voltage drop occurring at the instant of switching-on of the apparatus H05G1/50Passing the tube current only during a restricted portion of the voltage waveform H05G1/52target size or shape direction of electron beam H05G1/54Protecting or lifetime prediction H05G1/56Switching-on Switching-off H05G1/58Switching arrangements for changing-over from one mode of operation to another H05G1/60Circuit arrangements for obtaining a series of X-ray photographs or for X-ray cinematography H05G1/62Circuit arrangements for obtaining X-ray photography at predetermined instants in the movement of an object H05G1/64Circuit arrangements for X-ray apparatus incorporating image intensifiers H05G1/66Circuit arrangement for X-ray tubes with target movable relatively to the anode H05G1/68Circuit arrangements for Lilienfield tubes Circuit arrangements for gas-filled X-ray tubes H05G1/70Circuit arrangements for X-ray tubes with more than one anode Circuit arrangements for apparatus comprising more than one X ray tube or more than one cathode

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