Cutaneous administration system

Bioactive agents are cutaneously delivered by a jet dispenser using inkjet technology, such as that used in printing. The dispenser propels precise volumes of bioactive agent toward the skin, where they exert a local or topical effect, or move through the skin for transdermal systemic delivery. Drugs are either delivered directly to the skin, or are introduced into a transdermal patch, which may receive repeated dosages. A controller in the dispenser may control delivery of multiple different drugs, timing of drug administration, or change drug regimens in response to a changing medical condition of a patient, such as those monitored by a sensor in communication with the controller, for example to prevent an overdose. The dispenser may act as an electromechanical patch, capable of long term administration of drugs to the skin, to achieve local or systemic pharmaceutical effects. Administration methods are also provided, along with replacement kits.


This invention relates generally to the administration of compositions (such as pharmaceutical compositions) for cutaneous administration, including transdermal absorption through the skin. In particular, this invention combines the previously unrelated technologies of pharmaceutical administration and inkjet technology.

Pharmaceutical compositions provide effective treatments for a variety of illnesses. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles to the administration of therapeutically effective doses of many medications. For example, some drugs (particularly peptide based drugs such as insulin) are partially or totally inactivated following oral ingestion, by the highly acidic environment of the stomach. Another problem is the “first pass” effect, which refers to the partial inactivation of orally ingested drugs in the liver, after they have been absorbed from the gastrointestinal system, but before they have exerted their full therapeutic effect. Even when these problems are overcome, patients often fail to take their medications at the proper prescribed intervals, or for the necessary period of time, to achieve an optimal therapeutic response.

Inhalational and intranasal administration have been used as alternative routes of drug delivery. Inhaled drugs can be absorbed directly through the mucous membranes and epithelium of the respiratory tract, thereby minimizing initial inactivation of bioactive substances by the liver. Inhalational delivery can also provide drugs directly to therapeutic sites of action (such as the lungs or the sinuses). This mode of administration has been particularly effective for the delivery of pulmonary drugs (such as asthma medications) and peptide based drugs (usually via intranasal administration), using metered dose inhalers (MDIs). However, MDIs often require coordinating inspiration with actuation of the MDI, and some patients are not able to master this technique. Moreover, patients still often forget to take the medication at prescribed times, or for the necessary period of time to achieve clinical goals. Other patients inadvertently or inappropriately use medications, leading to hospitalizations, morbidity, and even death.

In an effort to overcome such problems, some drugs are administered by passive cutaneous routes, such as transdermal delivery of drugs from a patch applied to the skin. Examples of drugs that are routinely administered by this route are nitroglycerin, steroid hormones, and some analgesics (such as fentanyl). Transdermal administration avoids initial inactivation of drugs in the gastrointestinal tract, and provides continuous dosages usually over a relatively short period of time (such as a day), without requiring active participation by the patient. Continuous sustained administration provides better bioavailability of the drug, without peaks and troughs, and eliminates the problem of the patient forgetting to take multiple doses of the drug throughout the day. However the patch must be changed regularly, usually each day, to provide a necessary drug concentration in the patch to establish the correct concentration gradient for delivery of the appropriate dose of the drug across the skin.

In addition to transdermal systemic delivery of drugs, topical delivery of drugs to the surface of the skin is also used for treating many skin conditions. For example, antibiotics are topically administered to the skin to treat infection, anesthetics to treat pain, retinoids to treat acne, and minoxidil to treat hair loss. These drugs must be repeatedly applied to the skin to achieve their effect, and much of the dosage may be lost by drainage of liquid from the application site, or being inadvertently wiped away. Moreover, excess drug is usually applied to the skin, which can lead to undesired toxic effects particularly if the drug is absorbed through the skin.

Devices and methods are disclosed herein for improving the cutaneous delivery of drugs, by using inkjet-like applicators for transdermal and other cutaneous delivery of drugs. Kits and systems for administrating drugs in this fashion are also described.


FIG. 1

is a perspective, fragmented, and partially schematic, view of one form of a transdermal application system illustrated herein, having a dispenser and a transdermal patch applied to a human arm.

FIG. 2

is an enlarged, side elevational view of the transdermal application system of

FIG. 1

, shown in place over a transdermal patch for dispensing.

FIG. 3

is an enlarged, front elevational view of the dispenser of

FIG. 1

, showing a container module removed from the applicator and a protective cap for placement on the droplet head during periods of inactivity. This figure also schematically illustrates how the applicator may be connected to a remote control device, such as a computer.

FIG. 4

is a top plan view of another form of a transdermal patch, which may be used in conjunction with the transdermal application system of FIG.



FIG. 5

is a perspective, fragmented, and partially schematic, view of a more compact alternative form of a transdermal application system illustrated herein, having a compact dispenser which may be used with or without a patch, here shown retained against a human arm.

FIG. 6

is a cross-sectional, side elevational view of a removable module of the dispenser of FIG.



FIG. 7

is a bottom plan view of the module of FIG.



FIG. 8

is a schematic view, partially in cross-section, of an alternative embodiment, in which a bioactive agent is administered from a thermal jet dispenser to a cutaneous target, such as a pad, acting as a substitute for conventional intravenous (“IV”) administration of the bioactive agent.

FIG. 9

is a side elevational view, partially in cross-section, of the transdermal application system of

FIG. 5

, taken along lines



thereof, showing application of a bioactive-composition-attracting agent, such as a cream, a paste, or a salve to the skin, here on a skin blemish, such as a wart.


Unless otherwise noted, technical terms are used according to conventional usage. Definitions of common terms in pharmacology may be found in

Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy,



Edition, published by Mack Publishing Company, 1995 (ISBN 0-912734-04-3). Transdermal delivery is discussed in particular at page 743 and pages 1577-1584.

The singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the” refer to one or more than one, unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. The term “comprising” means “including.”

An “array” refers to a predetermined pattern, which can be either regular or irregular. Examples of arrays are linear distributions or two-dimensional matrices.

A “bioactive” composition, substance or agent is a composition which affects a biological function of a subject to which it is administered. An example of a bioactive composition is a pharmaceutical substance, such as a drug, which is given to a subject to alter a physiological condition of the subject, such as a disease. Bioactive substances, compositions and agents also include other biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, or liposomes and other carrier vehicles that contain bioactive substances.

“Cutaneous” refers to the skin, and “cutaneous delivery” means application to the skin. This form of delivery can include either delivery to the surface of the skin to provide a local or topical effect, or transdermal delivery, in which a drug diffuses through the skin surface and into the underlying microvasculature, often for systemic administration of the drug.

The present disclosure concerns an applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition using a jet dispenser, such as a piezoelectric or thermal jet dispenser, for instance of a construction used in the inkjet printing arts. The dispenser includes a container for holding the bioactive agent and delivering it to a dispenser orifice, or an array of dispenser orifices. The thermal or piezoelectric jet propels precise amounts of droplets from the dispenser toward a cutaneous target. In one embodiment, a spacer is also provided between the dispenser orifice and a cutaneous target, to space the dispenser a desired distance away from the cutaneous target during delivery of the bioactive agent. This spacer may be attached to either the skin or the dispenser, or merely be interposed between them, to provide an interface across which the bioactive substance may be distributed from the orifice, or from an array of orifices, to a cutaneous target. The target may include skin or a skin patch, such as a transdermal drug delivery patch, which acts as a reservoir for subsequent prolonged transdermal delivery of the agent.

In certain embodiments, the dispenser includes the bioactive agent in the container. Examples of agents that can be included in the container include pharmaceutical compositions that are capable of transdermal delivery. Such agents include drugs having sufficient lipophilicity or hydrophilicity to move through the skin surface and stratum corneum. Certain of these agents are designed to reach the microvasculature of the skin, for subsequent systemic absorption and distribution. Examples of agents that are suitable for transdermal delivery include scopolamine, nitrates such as nitroglycerine, an antihypertensive or anti-adrenergic drug such as clonidine, steroid hormones such as 17-beta-estradiol and testosterone, analgesics, such as the opioid analgesic fentanyl, and treatments for nicotine withdrawal, such as nicotine. Many analogues of these drugs retain their biological activity, and are also suitable for transdermal delivery. Although the disclosed dispenser is particularly suited for transdermal delivery of drugs, it can also be used for topical surface application of drugs, such as antibiotics, corticosteroids, minoxidil or retinoids (such as Retin A).

The dispenser may also include a controller for manually or automatically dispensing the bioactive substance from the dispenser at selected times. The controller may take the form of an actuator that is manually depressed to activate the dispenser and dispense the agent. Alternatively, the controller may be a microprocessor which is programmed to dispense the bioactive substance at predetermined intervals, for example several times a day, directly on to the skin or on to a patch. Alternatively, the controller can be used to adjust dosages of drug administered, for example for a particular time of day, an event (such as an activity that will require a dosage modification), or detection of a physiological condition (such a an adverse drug reaction that requires reduction or cessation of drug administration). When the dispenser is used with a patch, the dispenser may be used to recharge the patch and avoid the necessity of changing the patch as often. Either with or without a patch, complex administration protocols may be followed, for example applying different drugs at different times throughout the day or longer period, for example as long as a week, a month, or even longer.

In certain examples, the container may carry multiple container modules, such as removable and replaceable modules that contain the bioactive agent(s). Several modules may contain the same or different agents, for example different agents that combine before or at the time of delivery to modify one or both of the agents, or to produce a desired bioactive effect. An example of a modifying substance that may be combined at the point of ejection is a penetration enhancer that improves cutaneous penetration of the other bioactive substance. Penetration enhancers that may be mixed with a bioactive agent at the time of delivery include solvents such as water; alcohols (such as methanol, ethanol and 2-propanol); alkyl methyl sulfoxides (such as dimethyl sulfoxide, decylmethyl sulfoxide and tetradecylmethyl sulfoxide); pyrrolidones (such as 2-pyrrolidone, N-methyl-2-pyrroloidone and N-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyrrolidone); laurocapram; and miscellaneous solvents such as acetone, dimethyl acetamide, dimethyl formamide, and tetrahyrdofurfuryl alcohol. Other penetration enhancers include amphiphiles such as L-amino acids, anionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, amphoteric surfactants, nonionic surfactants, fatty acids and alcohols. Additional penetration enhancers are disclosed in

Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy,



Edition (1995) on page 1583. Of course agents such as penetration enhancers can also be premixed with the bioactive agent prior to the point of ejection, for example the bioactive agent and modifying substance can be present together in the container.

The bioactive agent may be any flowable fluid (for example a liquid, gel or powder), although liquids are particularly of use in the dispenser. In some embodiments, at least one of the container modules may contain a bioactive agent in powder or other dry form. The powder or other agent is dispensed from the container, and may be combined with a liquid (such as a penetration enhancer) en route to the cutaneous delivery site. The interface provided by a spacer between the orifice plate and the target allows chemical reactions to occur, as well as phase changes to stabilize (such as a change from a solid to a liquid state). This interface may also provide flexibility in the distribution of the drug across a larger target area, as compared to application of the agent from an orifice that abuts the target. Using existing inkjet technology, distribution of the drug to the target may be carefully controlled, and exact dosing of the drug may be achieved. Controllers may be used to dispense simple or complex drug regimens, which is of particular advantage in patients who require numerous daily medications. Computerized control of medication dosing, which may be programmed by medical personnel for subsequent automated delivery, can help avoid toxic drug interactions, overdosages, and deaths.

The applicator is suitable for use in a variety of ways. For example, the applicator may be intermittently applied to the skin to administer a dosage of a drug directly to the skin. Alternatively, the applicator may be applied to a transdermal patch to recharge it with medication, instead of replacing the patch. In another embodiment, the applicator may be selectively retained in prolonged contact with the cutaneous target, for example by securing the applicator to the skin with an attachment member, such as a strap or adhesive. In this manner, the active agent may be administered from the dispenser for a prolonged period of time into a transdermal patch, or directly onto the skin. A replaceable container module may be removed from the applicator and replaced, to avoid the necessity of removing the applicator from the patient.

In some embodiments, the applicator forms a substantially sealed chamber directly against the skin, without an intervening transdermal patch, and effectively become a direct cutaneous or transdermal applicator. In particularly effective embodiments, an elastomeric seal (such as a continuous seal) is provided between the applicator and the skin to form the sealed chamber in which the drug can be maintained until it is absorbed. Conditions in the sealed chamber may be altered to enhance absorption of the drug, for example by increasing humidity in the chamber by dispensing water droplets, or intermittently applying a penetration enhancer to the skin from the dispenser.

One particularly disclosed embodiment of the device includes a piezoelectric or thermal jet dispenser that includes a plurality of removable modules in fluid communication with one or more fluid orifices (such as an array of orifices) ejecting and directing a pharmaceutical fluid from the modules toward a cutaneous target. A spacer may be carried by the dispenser and positioned to be disposed against the cutaneous target while the dispenser ejects the pharmaceutical fluid from the dispenser. A programmable microprocessor in the dispenser may control ejection of the pharmaceutical fluid from the orifice plate at pre-selected intervals, such as every three or four hours, or even every few minutes or seconds, or ejection can be triggered by a sensor or other feedback mechanism.

The device may further include a programming module, such as a keyboard for entering dosage information, a display screen for showing what information has been entered, and indicators (such as one or more lights or a display screen on the exterior of the device) that provide information about how much drug remains in the device. Display screens may also provide information about medications in the device, and provide an interface through which other information about the medications or their administration can be entered and/or obtained.

The following detailed description of the device is illustrated in the accompanying figures.

Embodiment of FIGS.




The medication dispensers disclosed herein may be similar to liquid dispensers known as inkjet printheads used in inkjet printing mechanisms, such as printers, plotters, facsimile machines and the like, some of which are described for example in Durbeck and Sherr, Output Hardcopy Devices, Academic Press Inc., 1987 (ISBN 0-12-225040-0), particularly in chapter 13, pages 311-370. These technologies have in common the extraction of small quantities of a fluid from a reservoir, which are converted into fine droplets, and transported through the air to a target medium by appropriate application of physical forces. This technology has been implemented in a variety of ways, but one of the common approaches has been thermal inkjet technology, in which liquids are heated using resistors to form drops and propel them from a chamber through an orifice toward a target. Another approach is piezoelectric inkjet technology, in which movement of a piezoelectric transducer changes a chamber volume to generate the drop. An additional approach is known as silicon electrostatic actuator (“SEA”) inkjet technology, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,739,831 to Nakamura (assigned to Seiko Epson Corporation).

A typical jet printing mechanism uses cartridges (often called “pens”) which shoot drops of liquid colorant (generally referred to as “ink”) onto a page. Each cartridge has a printhead formed with very small nozzles through which the ink drops are fired. Most often, the printhead is held in a carriage which slides back and forth along a guide rod in a reciprocating printhead system, with a target or print media, such as paper, being advanced in steps between each pass of the printhead. To print an image on media, the printhead is scanned back and forth across the page, shooting drops of ink in a desired pattern as it moves. Other printing systems known as “page-wide array” printers, extend the printhead across the entire page in a stationary location, and print as the media advances under the printhead. The particular liquid ejection mechanism within either type of printhead may take on a variety of different forms known to those skilled in the art, such as the piezoelectric or thermal printhead technology.

For instance two thermal ink ejection mechanisms are shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,278,584 and 4,683,481, both assigned to the present assignee, Hewlett-Packard Company. In a thermal system, a barrier layer containing fluid channels and vaporization chambers is located between a nozzle orifice plate and a substrate layer. The substrate layer typically contains linear arrays of heater elements, such as resistors, which are energized to heat ink within the vaporization chambers. Upon heating, an ink droplet is ejected from a nozzle associated with the energized resistor. By selectively energizing the resistors as the printhead moves across the page, the ink is expelled in a pattern on the print media to form a desired image (e.g., picture, chart or text).

In piezoelectric inkjet technology, an activating pulse is applied to a piezoelectric plate or member attached to a plate, which then responds by flexing to propel an ink drop out of a nozzle. Several examples of piezo-electric inkjet printheads are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,992,808; 6,186,619; and 6,149,968 (assigned to Xaar Technology Ltd.) and U.S. Pat. No. 6,193,343 and WO 00/16981 (assigned to Seiko Epson Corporation).

Some printhead designs use “snapper” reservoir systems, in which permanent or semi-permanent printheads are used in conjunction with a detachable reservoir carrying a fresh liquid supply, with the reservoir being snapped into place on the printhead. Another design uses permanent or semi-permanent printheads in what is known in the industry as an “off-axis” printer. In an off-axis system, the printheads carry only a small liquid supply reciprocally back and forth across the printzone, with this on-board supply being replenished through tubing that delivers liquid from an “off-axis main reservoir” placed at a remote, stationary location within or near the printhead. In both the snapper and off-axis systems, rather than purchasing an entire new cartridge which includes a costly new printhead, the consumer buys only a new supply of liquid for the main reservoir.

In striving to duplicate the quality of photographic film images, the inkjet industry has focused on decreasing the size of ink droplets ejected from the nozzles, as well as accurately placing these droplets on the print media. For instance, some of the more recent inkjet print cartridges are able to deliver droplets of a size on the order of 0.5-6 picoliters, although larger droplets can also be generated, for example droplets of 10, 50, 100 or more picoliters. The resolution within which currently commercially available inkjet printing mechanisms may place ink droplets on a page is on the order of 1200-4800 dots per inch (known in the industry as a “dpi” rating). Thus, while striving to achieve photographic print quality, inkjet printing technology has become very adept at accurately metering and dispensing fluids. The ability to dispense very small and accurate amounts of fluids (including liquids and powders) is taken advantage of in constructing the transdermal cutaneous application systems illustrated herein.

While these inkjet printheads may be used in the cutaneous application systems illustrated here, rather than using a printing analogy, the printhead will instead be referred to in a more general nature as a “dispenser head” or “applicator head.”

FIGS. 1-3

illustrate one embodiment of a transdermal application system


, constructed in accordance with the present invention, for applying a bioactive substance to a subject, such as to a forearm of an animal or person


, through the skin


. While the bioactive agent, which is typically dispensed as a fluid, may be applied directly to skin


, the illustrated embodiment shows applying the agent to an absorbent member, such as a patch


of a fabric or other absorbent material which is adhered to skin


. Patch


has an upper exposed surface


, and an opposing under surface


which is in contact with skin


. A removable protective layer


, such as a layer of a liquid impermeable thin polyester, may be selectively removed and reapplied to patch


. In one particular embodiment, the fluid is applied to patch


, which then allows skin


to gradually absorb the fluid from patch



Any of the many types of transdermal patches may be used, or modified for use with the dispenser. For example the Testoderm® transdermal system (Alza Pharmaceuticals) uses a flexible backing of transparent polyester, and a testosterone containing film of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer membrane that contacts the skin surface and controls the rate of release of active agent from the system. The surface of the drug containing film is partially covered by thin adhesive stripes of polyisobutylene and colloidal silicon dioxide, to retain the drug film in prolonged contact with the skin. In the present system, adhesive can be provided on both surfaces of the drug containing film, for example on both upper face


and under face


of patch


, so that the flexible polyester backing


may be selectively removed to provide access to the drug-containing layer without removing the patch. An adhesive release layer with openings in it can be provided between the patch and backing


, to help protect upper face


of patch


during repeated removals of backing


. Alternatively, the patch may be removed, recharged with the drug, and then reapplied, in which event the impermeable backing


may be permanently applied to patch


. In this case, adhesive need only be present on under surface


of patch


. In yet other embodiments, there may be no impermeable backing, such as layer


, over patch


, so, for instance the selected drug may be continually administered, or the absorbency of the patch is sufficient to retain the drug in the patch without an impermeable backing. Further examples of transdermal patches that may be used or modified for use in the present system and method include the Nicoderm® and Duragesic® patch.

The transdermal application system


illustrated in

FIG. 1

includes an applicator or dispenser


, which is illustrated as an applicator for dispensing a fluidic chemical composition either directly to skin


, or to patch


. The applicator


includes a main body


which may be coupled to a rectangular application head


via a linkage, such as a hollow ball and socket linkage


which allows applicator head


to pivot with respect to main body


. To assure even and controlled application of a chemical composition to skin


or patch


, the illustrated applicator head


is provided with a pair of spacer bars




at opposing edges of applicator head


. Alternatively, a series of discrete spacer protrusions or bumps, or roller or wheel assemblies (not shown) may be used. As further alternative embodiments, one or more spacers may be formed on the patch


, or a separate spacer unit (not shown) may be positioned between the dispenser head


and the patch upper surface


during delivery of the bioactive agent. While the illustrated applicator


includes a separate body


and applicator head


, it is apparent that in some embodiments a simpler design may eliminate linkage


, such that the applicator is a one-piece member.

As shown in

FIG. 3

, applicator head


includes one or more ejection heads, such as fluid ejection heads








. Ejection heads




may be constructed according to principles in the thermal inkjet technology, using piezoelectric ejection techniques, or other manners of fluid ejection known to those skilled in the inkjet arts. Indeed, the ejection of some chemicals may be benefited by a thermal ink ejection technology, in which elevated temperature can activate the agent. In contrast, other agents may chemically degrade and lose some or all bioactivity when heated in a thermal system, and such compositions would preferably be dispensed using a piezoelectric or other non-thermal ejecting head technology. Preferably, the spacer bars




maintain a spacing between the ejection heads




and the upper exposed surface


of the patch


or skin


of greater than about 30 mil (30×10


inch), for example 1-3 mm, or even 3-5 mm or more. One preferred spacing of 0.2-2.0 mm after the patch has swollen from soaking up the applied fluid permits a smooth even application of fluid over patch


. Additionally, this ejection head to receiving surface spacing advantageously protects ejection heads




from unnecessarily coming into contact with the patch


, which avoids forcing fibers or other debris from the surface of the patch into the printhead nozzles. Adequate spacing between the nozzles and patch also avoids capillary wicking of drug from the nozzles, than can result in inadvertent or unwanted administration of drug to the patch. Such debris or other fibers in the nozzles could potentially damage the ejection head nozzles, leading to fully or partially blocked nozzles that dispense less fluid than intended. Such debris could also lead to misdirected droplets which would miss the target area on patch


. Applicator head


may also include a feedback mechanism, for instance such as a mechanical sensor or an optical sensor


which may be used by applicator


in a closed-loop system, as described further below.

The fluid dispensed by ejection heads








may be stored in replaceable fluid reservoirs








, respectively. As shown in the specific example of

FIG. 3

, the reservoirs




may be inserted into receptacles formed within main body


. Following insertion of the reservoirs




into the main body


, a multi-conduit fluid tubing system


delivers fluid from the reservoirs




, through the hollow ball and socket linkage


, into applicator head


. As shown in

FIG. 3

, a multi-conduit system


may include four discrete fluid conduits, such as tubing running through applicator head


, or conduits molded, bored or otherwise formed therein, such as conduits








. In the illustrated embodiment, the conduits








deliver fluid from the respective reservoirs








to their respective associated ejection heads









To maintain ejection heads




relatively moist and free of clogs during periods of applicator inactivity, the application system


may include a protective ejection head storage and/or servicing member


, which in the illustrated embodiment is rectangularly shaped to mate with the open face of rectangular application head


. Head storage member


has four ejection head sealing members, for example elastomeric or foam caps








, which are positioned to seal ejection heads








respectively, for instance, using various printhead cap designs known to those skilled in the inkjet arts. To maintain caps




against their respective ejection heads




, the storage member


may include a securement means, such as a pair of clips


that mate with applicator head


to selectively connect member


to applicator head



In a more sophisticated embodiment, storage member


may also include one or more ejection head wipers, such as elastomeric wipers








. In one embodiment of the storage member


having only caps




, the storage member


may be positioned over applicator head


by movement in a direction parallel with the Z-axis, with securement member


being formed with a snap-fit feature to hold member


securely in place, with each of the ejection heads




resting securely against their respective caps




. Such a capping system having foam caps may be constructed as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,635,965 currently assigned to the Hewlett-Packard Company. A more sophisticated combination storage and servicing member


may have securement member


formed so that member


is applied over the applicator head


in a direction parallel to the negative Y axis, and removed in a direction parallel to the positive Y axis. Such a lateral application of the storage and service member


over applicator head


allows elastomeric wipers




to wipe liquid or other residue from ejection heads




as member


is applied, as well as upon removal of the service member after uncapping. When the storage/service member


has wiping capability, it may be desirable to have a back wall portion


of the service member hinged or otherwise retractable to fold downwardly, so upon installation of member


the heads




first contact wiper blades




, and upon removal of member


, the last items which contact the heads




are the wipers





As illustrated in

FIG. 1

, the applicator


includes an onboard ejection head controller


, illustrated schematically for convenience. Controller


and ejection heads




receive power either from an onboard battery storage system, which may be located in either main body


, applicator head


, or both. Alternatively, power may be supplied from an external source, such as a standard electrical outlet. Of course, rechargeable or replaceable batteries may be preferred in some embodiments for ease of portability and use. Controller


operates to apply firing signals to the ejection heads




, which respond by ejecting fluid from reservoirs




, respectively. In a simple embodiment, applicator


may include an ON/OFF power switch


, to which controller


responds by beginning and/or ending a fluid ejection sequence. Alternatively, switch


may simply serve as an ON switch, with controller


determining the precise amount of fluid to be ejected from heads




, and then stopping ejection automatically after the selected metered amount has been dispensed.

In a more sophisticated embodiment, applicator


may include an input keypad


, such as an alpha or alpha numeric keypad. Using keypad


, a physician, nurse, pharmacist or other health professional, or the subject


to which the fluid will be applied, may input variations in the amount of and types of fluids dispensed by applicator head


. Applicator


may also include a display screen, such as liquid crystal display


, to indicate which selections have been made using keypad


. Alternatively, keypad


may be eliminated, and the controller


programmed to display various selections on screen


. Use of a pair of scrolling buttons




may allow different instructions or selections to be scrolled across, or up and down along, screen


, including such information such as desired dosages, frequency, and potential side effects.

Display screen


may also indicate various selections along an upper portion of the screen, adjacent buttons






, allowing a user to then select a particular drug or dosage by depressing one or more of these buttons. Alternatively, depressing one of the buttons could indicate the occurrence of a particular event, such as an adverse medication response that would alter (for example decrease) a subsequent dosage administration, or an event (such as physical exertion) than can signal a need to alter a medication dosage. The controller can also be programmed to prevent unauthorized alteration of dosages, for example an increase in a dosage of a controlled substance above that authorized by the prescribing physician. Alternatively, the controller can permit certain ranges of dosages to be administered, for example various doses of an opioid pain reliever in response to fluctuating pain.

As shown in

FIG. 3

, a more expedient method of initially programming controller


, or supplying dosage and other information, may be to use a computer input conductor


, selectively attachable to a receptacle on main body


, to couple an external computer, microcomputer or other input device


to controller


. It is apparent that other linkage devices may be used to communicate between external computing device


and controller


, such as by using infrared signals, radio waves, modems, and the like. For example, a patient can download information stored in the device about self-regulated dosage administrations or symptoms experienced (as indicated for example by which buttons have been depressed on the device, and/or the pattern and frequency of the buttons that are pushed). This information can be transmitted over a modem to a physician's or other health care provider's office, where it can be displayed (in electronic or other form) to a health care professional, and appropriate action can be taken. For example, if symptoms are noted to be increasing in spite of administration of a therapeutic amount of a particular drug, consideration can be given to providing a new drug or reconsidering the diagnosis for which the drug has been administered.

Alternatively, as shown in

FIG. 2

, main body


may define an input slot


which is sized to receive an input device, such as a flash memory card


, which carries input data for controller


. Indeed, use of the flash memory card


in conjunction with the controller


may result in the only other input device of applicator


being the ON/OFF switch


. Alternatively, the switch may only be an ON switch, with the controller


ceasing fluid application after a selected dosage has been administered.

Thus, in one embodiment applicator


may only have an ON switch


, and be completely preprogrammed via an external computer


, such as at a doctor's office or pharmacy, prior to giving the applicator


to a patient. In another embodiment, the applicator


may be sold with only an ON switch


, and with the physician or pharmacy supplying one or more of the fluid reservoirs




in a kit with a flash memory card


. In such an example, the kit includes one or more reservoirs




, a flash memory card


, and may also include a supply of patches


, or the patches may be purchased separately. Alternatively, any combination of the components can be provided in the kit.

While each of the fluid reservoirs




may carry different bioactive agents, it may also be convenient to have each reservoir carry the same agent, with controller


applying fluid from first reservoir


until empty, followed by fluid from a second reservoir


, and so forth. In such a same-fluid embodiment, it would be preferable for applicator


to indicate to the person


, or an attendant, when fluid is being dispensed from the last reservoir, such as reservoir


. This indication may take the form of displaying a message on screen


, or simply by having an indicator light or a series of indicator lights mounted on the main body


. For example, switch


may be back lighted to turn a red color when the supply of active agent in the containers




is low. Alternatively, the indicator may be an audible signal, such as a beeping sound or a buzzer, or a tactile signal, such as a vibratory or vibrating signal similar to those used on pager devices.

As mentioned briefly above, applicator head


may also include an optical sensor


constructed to have a variety of different uses. For example, optical sensor


may be able to determine whether the storage/service member


is in place protecting applicator head


. When so engaged, it may be practical for the controller


to periodically purge fluid from the ejection heads




, to keep the caps




moist and to purge any blockages of dried or partially drying fluid from the ejection head nozzles, or to prevent any inadvertent or undesired administration of the bioactive agent. Additionally, optical sensor


may indicate to controller


whether ejection heads




are located over bare skin


, or over the exposed surface


of patch


. In some embodiments, to distinguish patch


from clothing or other fabric, patch


has its exposed surface


treated with a visual indicator, such as a coating of infrared or ultraviolet ink which is detectable by the sensor



Embodiment of FIG.


Furthermore, the optical sensor


may be used in conjunction with a segmented pad


shown in FIG.


. The pad


is divided into regions, here shown as four regions








, separated from one another by a non-absorbing region


, shown in this symmetrical embodiment as a plus (+) sign. Each of the four absorbent regions








has an identifying indicia








, respectively. The patch


may be covered with a moisture impervious layer, such as layer


described above. The optical sensor


may be used to recognize various identifying indicia




, and apply a selected corresponding fluid from one of reservoirs




to a selected region




associated with each of indicia




. For instance, optical sensors which can distinguish the colors of black, cyan, magenta and yellow from one another are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,036,298. Each of the indicia




may be a different one of these colors, and controller


recognizes each of the different indicia, and dispenses a corresponding fluid agent from ejection heads








to a selected area of the patch associated with the appropriate color. Moreover, if a tint, pigment or other colorant is added to the fluids in reservoirs




, optical sensor


may be used to distinguish which agent has previously been applied by applicator


to patch


, allowing the controller to apply more of the same fluid over this area, a different fluid over another area, or no fluid over previously applied areas. Alternatively, changes in color of the substrate may be sensed by optical sensor


as a drug leaves patch


, and this color change may be used to indicate to the controller


that additional drug must be dispensed to patch



In some embodiments of patch


, such as shown in

FIG. 4

, patch


may be constructed of a non-woven material which has selected regions which may be made absorbent, and other regions which may be made non-absorbent. In the illustrated example, patch


is divided into four absorbent quadrants








by the non-absorbent border region


. While a circular patch is illustrated, it is apparent that the patch


may have other shapes, and each of the regions




need not be symmetrical, but may be of differing sizes and/or shapes. One manner of making absorbent and non-absorbent regions in the non-woven fabric arts is to form pad


as a multi-layer pad, with the layers bonded together by applying heat along the border region


. Typically non-woven fabrics, such as those of polyethylene and polyurethane, are moisture impervious when manufactured, with moisture pervious or absorbent regions being formed by applying surfactants in regions









It may be preferable in some embodiments to provide various indicia or markings on pad


, such as indicia








appearing within the absorbent quadrants








, respectively. Indicia




may be fashioned to change color after administration of the bioactive agent to the pad


. Thus, a user of a single agent system may apply the agent at different times of the day. Rather than continually tearing off a depleted patch and replacing it with a new one, a situation which may be bothersome, time consuming and irritating or painful, a single patch


may be used throughout the day, with fluid applied at various intervals (such as prescribed intervals) to the different quadrants




. The patch


may be replenished daily or at even longer intervals, to prolong the effective life of the patch. In some embodiments, a single patch might be retained in place for days or even months.

Moreover, by allowing indicia




to change color, or otherwise change appearance after application of the bioactive agent, a patient


would have a clear visual indicator or reminder as to whether or not a certain dosage had been administered. Alternatively, indicia




may be color coded, or otherwise provided with indicia displayed on the various fluid reservoirs




. For example, each indicium may be a color that corresponds to a color of a fluid reservoir








, or a distinctive shape cut in a release layer on top of pad


, such as the letters A, B, C and D, each of which may correspond to a particular fluid reservoir. An external surface of each reservoir can also be provided with identifiers, such as bar codes, that are recognized by an optical sensor in the dispenser, to assure that the correct prescribed agent it being dispensed from each reservoir.

Furthermore, while the illustrated applicator


has been shown as a rather large box like device capable of dispensing at least four different types of fluids, it is apparent that the configuration of the housing may be simplified and modified to provide a more compact unit, particularly for application of a single fluid. Such a more compact unit may easily be concealed within the palm of ones hand, allowing for more discrete application of the composition, such as when a dosage is required while shopping, in a meeting, or otherwise in public, particularly if the patch is positioned in an accessible location beneath loose fitting clothing.

In use, transdermal patch




is applied to the skin of a subject


. Impermeable backing


is peeled away from patch




and applicator


is applied to the patch, with spacers




resting on the skin. Applicator


is then actuated, either manually by pressing switch


or automatically by sensors in applicator


, to apply a bioactive agent from applicator


to patch




. This application can occur several times a day, or at longer intervals. The applicator may be programmed to remind the user (for example by an audible beep) to use the applicator to replenish the supply of drug in the patch





Embodiment of FIGS.




An example of a more compact dispenser


is shown in

FIGS. 5-7

, in which the dispenser applies a bioactive agent directly to the skin of a subject, without the necessity of an intervening patch. Dispenser


is applied to forearm


of a subject to whom a bioactive substance is to be administered. In the illustrated example, dispenser


is retained in place by a strap


which wraps around forearm


. An elastomeric seal


extends around the base of dispenser


, to simultaneously act as a spacer and form a substantially closed chamber between the ejection head and the skin. Although dispenser


is shown attached to an arm


, it may also be applied to many other parts of the body (such as the torso or leg) which have sufficient permeability to receive the bioactive agent. Many different attachment devices can also be substituted for the strap


, such as a suction device or adhesive. For example, a relative vacuum can be created within seal


to hold dispenser


in place, for instance if the seal is formed to act as a suction cup device.



includes a removable, replaceable, and/or refillable module


, which includes a container


and an enlarged endplate


(or other means to facilitate removal) which may be grasped to manipulate, insert and remove module


from dispenser


. As particularly shown in

FIG. 6

, container


has an upper storage chamber


for holding a bioactive liquid (such as a drug), and a lower piezoelectric dispenser portion


that includes an array of piezoelectric chambers


that communicate with storage chamber


through small openings


. Droplet orifices are also provided through the lower face of dispenser


, as shown in

FIG. 7

, to form an array of dispenser orifices


. At least a portion of one or more walls of each chamber is a piezoelectric member that expands when electrical current is passed through it. The chambers


are sufficiently small so that liquid supplied to the chambers


from storage chamber


remains in each of the chambers


(for example by surface tension or back pressure) until the liquid is expelled as a droplet by the expansion of the piezoelectric member. Expansion of the piezoelectric member reduces a volume of the chamber


to expel a carefully regulated volume of the liquid.

A controller


, such as one in the form of a programmable microchip, is attached to an interior wall of dispenser


. Information may be pre-programmed into controller


, or controller


may be activated by pressing a switch


on the exterior of dispenser


. Alternatively, controller


may be programmed by a computer (not illustrated) which communicates with controller


through a port (not illustrated) on the exterior of dispenser


. Controller


is capable of selectively activating different piezoelectric members to expel liquid from each chamber, and may also precisely modulate a volume of liquid that is expelled, by regulating a drive signal that passes through the piezoelectric member. Controller


may also communicate with one or more remote bio-sensors which monitor one or more parameters of a subject's condition, such as a pulse oximetry device



FIG. 5

) shown clipped on a finger of the subject. The pulse oximetry device


may provide information about pulse rate and blood oxygenation levels to controller


by an electrical lead (not illustrated) or other remote communication device, such as infrared or radiowave communication.

In operation, module


is placed in dispenser


, and dispenser


is applied to the skin of the subject and secured in place by latching strap


around forearm


. The elastomeric seal


provides a substantially liquid impermeable seal that helps form a closed chamber between dispenser


and the skin. Switch


is then depressed to activate controller


, which sends one or more electrical signals to selected piezoelectric members to change shape or other feature a selected number of times, and induce a vibration that discharges one or more droplets of liquid from corresponding piezoelectric chambers


. The pattern of discharge may be controlled by selectively activating different piezoelectric members, but in one embodiment all the piezoelectric members are simultaneously activated to expel small droplets from all of dispenser orifices


. Very small liquid droplet sizes may be dispensed in this manner to provide a fine mist of droplets that adhere to the skin, for example by surface tension. The applied liquid then moves through the skin by transdermal flux, to deliver a bioactive agent.

Expulsion of liquid droplets may be repeated at selected intervals, for example every few seconds, minutes, hours or days, to provide a concentration gradient of the drug on the skin surface sufficient to provide transdermal flux across the cutaneous barrier. Generally, the amount of liquid applied is not sufficient to causing a pooling of liquid on the surface of the skin, although such pooling is certainly an option in some embodiments. In this manner, the dispenser can replace a transdermal patch




, which avoids problems of patch degradation and dislodgment (for example caused by bathing or sweating). Dispenser


effectively becomes an electromechanical patch that may in some embodiments be removed for short periods (such as for bathing) and replaced, unlike traditional patches which degrade or become non-adhesive following prolonged use or exposure to moisture. Dispenser


may also provide very prolonged administration of a drug, for days, weeks, months, or even years. All that is required is that module


be replaced or refilled when depleted.

The electromechanical patch may also be programmed to administer multiple different drugs at different times. In such an embodiment, module


may contain multiple liquid sub-compartments that contain different drugs to be administered. The different sub-compartments supply different liquids to different piezoelectric chambers


, which can be selectively activated to dispense different drugs either simultaneously or at different times. Patients who require complex drug regimens, for example taking multiple different drugs at many different times of day, will benefit from the ability of controller


to track and administer the drugs. Moreover, controller


may be repeatedly reprogrammed as pharmaceutical dosage regimens are changed in response to a changing medical condition of a subject. Dosage regimens may even be automatically and/or remotely changed in response to varying clinical parameters, such a the results of laboratory tests.

The electromechanical patch


provides even greater versatility for substantially immediately responding to the changing medical status of the wearer. Sensors applied to the subject, such as pulse oximetry sensor




), may provide real time feedback to the controller


to alter dosage regimens. For example, if one of the drugs to be dispensed is clonidine (which reduces adrenergic stimulation), then sensor


provides continuous feedback about pulse rate, which often correlates with a degree of adrenergic stimulation. In a clinically correct situation, the dosage of clonidine administered may be correlated to the pulse rate detected by sensor


, such that the dosage is increased as pulse rate rises and decreased as pulse rate declines. Alternatively, if the medication being dispensed is an opiate analgesic that has a potential adverse effect on respiratory rate, then further administration of the drug would be halted if blood oxygenation levels fall below a predetermined value, for example 94%.

Although the electromechanical patch dispenser


has been described as a substitute for a conventional transdermal patch, it may also be used in conjunction with such a patch




. In such an embodiment, dispenser


is used to apply drug to the patch




, which retains the drug against the skin until transdermal flux of the drug occurs. Drug in the patch may be repeatedly replenished by dispenser



In yet other embodiments, the dispenser may be an iontophoretic dispenser, in which ionized drugs are moved through the skin under the influence of an applied electric current. Alternatively, drug movement through the skin can be enhanced by phonophoresis or sonophoresis, in which drug molecules are moved through the skin under the influence of sonic energy, such as ultrasound waves applied to the cutaneous target. Iontophoretic and phonophoretic drug delivery are disclosed in greater detail in

Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy

at page 1584.

While the illustrated embodiment of applicator


is shown as being attached to the subject by the strap


, in other implementations it may be more advantageous to have the applicator


, perhaps in a smaller or disposable form, attached to the subject by an adhesive tape, for instance under a blouse or a shirt for discrete use. As mentioned above, the applicator


may be coupled to a remote sensor, or may include a sensor, such as the optical sensor



FIG. 3

, or a mechanical sensor, as mentioned briefly above. For example, a mechanical sensor such as an accelerometer


may be used, for instance to monitor physical parameters of a subject, such as a mechanical sensor positioned to monitor heartbeats, breathing for shortness-of-breath/excessively-fast-breathing, or, in a more practical daily application, to monitor a subject's activity. For instance, those jogging or involved in playing sports may need a boost of medication over the dosage used when they are working at a desk, watching television, or sleeping, with the mechanical accelerator sensor


monitoring the change in inertia of the individual (bouncing more when active). In response to increased activity signals generated by the mechanical sensor


, the controller


in most instances, administers more medication during these periods of increased activity.

In other embodiments, the applicator


may be activated by depressing the button or switch


, or additional switches, for instance in response to an event to administer an additional dosage or a booster dosage. In such an implementation, the button


may be labeled with the event or symptom for which the booster dose is required. For example, the button


may be labeled “pain” for addressing pain symptoms, such as chest pains, headaches or nausea, or perhaps “relief ” may be a more optimistic label. Examples of events may be eating, strenuous physical activity such as manual labor, playing sports or jogging. Indeed, several buttons may be provided to indicate a variety of events, each of which may administer different dosages or types of medication. As another example, the bioactive composition may not only be one to treat a symptom, but for various physical events, the bioactive composition may be a performance enhancing composition, such as one designed to provide a boost of energy.

Embodiment of FIG.


FIG. 8

shows another embodiment of a transdermal application system


, constructed in accordance with the present invention, for applying a bioactive substance or agent


to a skin surface


of a subject or patient


, preferably using a patch


, which may be constructed as described above for patch


. The bioactive agent


is stored in a remote reservoir, here shown as a flexible bladder


, such as a plastic bag similar or identical to the containers which are used to administer intravenous (“IV”) fluids to patients in hospitals, ambulances, nursing homes, and the like. The illustrated container


preferably includes a fixture, such as eyelet


, which may be used to hang the container from a conventional IV stand, allowing easy substitution of the system


for conventional IV's.

The transdermal application system


illustrated in

FIG. 8

includes an applicator or dispenser


, which may be constructed as described above for applicators




. The applicator



FIG. 8

shows one form of the internal workings of thermal fluid ejecting system, similar to that used in thermal inkjet printheads in the printing arts, for instance of the construction described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,420,627, which is assigned to the present assignee, Hewlett-Packard Company. The applicator


includes a main body


that defines a feed chamber


, which receives the bioactive fluid


(labeled “bioagent” in

FIG. 8

) from the ink reservoir


by way of a fluid conduit, such as tubing


, illustrated partially schematically in

FIG. 8. A

fluid ejection mechanism


is preferably located centrally within the chamber


, and held in place through attachment by an adhesive or other bonding agent to a flexible polymer tape


, such as Kapton® tape, available from the 3M Corporation, Upilex® tape, or other equivalent materials known to those skilled in the inkjet arts. The illustrated tape


serves as a nozzle orifice plate by defining at least one, but preferably more, fluid ejection nozzle hole or orifice


formed in tape


by, for example, laser ablation technology. The adhesive between the body


and the tape


may be of an epoxy, a hot-melt, a silicone, a UV curable compound, mixtures thereof, or their structural equivalents.

The ink ejection mechanism


includes a silicon substrate


that contains for each nozzle


an individually energizable thin film firing resistor


, each located generally behind an associated single nozzle


. The firing resistors


act as ohmic heaters when selectively energized by one or more enabling signals or firing pulses


, which are delivered from a controller


through conductors (omitted for clarity) carried by the polymer tape


. The controller


may operate as described above for controllers





FIGS. 1 and 5

. In the illustrated embodiment of

FIG. 8

, the controller


receives a patient condition input signal


from a patient monitoring device


, which may be a remote bio-sensor monitoring one or more parameters of a subject's condition, similar to the pulse oximetry device



FIG. 5

, or a conventional hospital patient monitoring device for gathering information concerning a patient's blood pressure, oxygen level, respiration, etc.

The ink ejection mechanism


also includes a barrier layer


which may be formed on a surface of the substrate


using conventional photolithographic techniques. The barrier layer


may be a layer of photoresist or some other polymer, which in cooperation with tape


defines a vaporization chamber


surrounding an associated firing resistor


. The barrier layer


is bonded to the tape


by a thin adhesive layer, such as an uncured layer of polyisoprene photoresist. Fluid


from the feed chamber


flows through one or more feed channels


, around the edges of the substrate


, and into the vaporization chamber


. When the firing resistor


is energized, fluid


within the vaporization chamber


is ejected, as illustrated by an emitted bioactive fluid droplet


. In the illustrated embodiment, the fluid droplet


is shown traveling through an air gap between the orifice plate tape


and the patch


, with this air gap being defined by spacer members, such as spacers




shown extending from the applicator body


, for instance in the same manner as described above for spacers





FIGS. 1-3

. Alternatively, an elastomeric lip, such as lip



FIG. 5

, may be used instead of spacers




, with or without the patch



In operation, the dispenser


supplies accurate, metered doses of the bioactive fluid


received via tubing


at intervals (such as controlled or selected intervals) to the patch


when used. The patch


absorbs the fluid


and retains the fluid against the patient's skin


to achieve transcutaneous delivery of the bioactive liquid


. In this manner, long term administration of the agent


to the patch


may be achieved, without the necessity of repeatedly applying a dispenser to the patch.

The transdermal application system


illustrated in

FIG. 8

is particularly suitable for drug administration in a hospital, clinic, or other health care delivery facility in which medication is administered for a prolonged period to a subject. Furthermore, anyone who has had an IV knows it is painful to have a needle inserted into their vein, followed by the pain and annoyance of dealing with the needle remaining taped to their hand while the IV fluid is administered. Emergency medical personal often have to deal with trying to insert an IV needle into a trauma patient with low blood pressure, where locating a viable vein is often difficult. Medical personal treating the elderly or infirm often encounter the same difficulties, with their patients suffering the pain of the needle probing for a vein. Clearly, the transdermal application system


alleviates these problems for both patients and medical personal alike by providing a non-invasive method of administering medications or other bioactive agents.

Embodiment of FIG.


FIG. 9

shows an alternate embodiment a transdermal application system using the applicator



FIG. 5

, for instance, in conjunction with a bioactive composition attracting agent, such as a cream, a paste, or a salve


applied to the skin


of a subject


, here on a skin blemish, such as a wart


. The applicator


is shown by way of illustration, and it is apparent that applicators




may also be used with cream


, shown here without use of a patch






. Here we see the applicator


ejecting bioactive fluid droplets


into a chamber


defined between the ejection head defining nozzles


(see FIGS.




), the patient's skin


, and the sealing lip


. The droplets


accumulate in a puddle


′ which is drawn toward the wart


as indicated by arrows




by the fluid's affinity with the cream


. The fluid


′ and the cream


mix together so the fluid travels through the cream to contact and treat the wart


. In this manner, the bioactive-agent-attracting cream


assists in drawing or pulling the treatment fluid


toward the location to be treated, here, wart


. Examples of bioactive-agent-attracting creams, pastes or salves include a product sold under the trade name Recepta-gel®, as well as dimethyl sulfoxide (“DMSO”). Such a bioactive composition attracting agent


may also enhance the penetration of the bioactive composition


′, for instance, in the same manner as DMSO or glycerin works to enhance transcutaneous flux of the bioactive agent


′ that is delivered to wart


. Thus, when provided as a refill kit, the a fresh module carrying the treatment fluid


may be supplied with a container of the cream


, for instance in a tear-away container(s), similar to those in which single servings of mustard and ketchup are supplied, or in a resealable tube.


Many other variations of devices and methods are within the scope of this disclosure. For example, instead of mixing a bioactive agent with another agent (such as another bioactive agent, for example a penetrant such as DMSO) at the time of ejection from a jet dispenser, the agents can be mixed prior to ejection (for example, as illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 5,980,014 assigned to Sony Corporation). Also, instead of mixing bioactive agents prior to delivery, one of the bioactive agents can be applied to the cutaneous surface, or the penetrant can be present in the pad itself. For example, DMSO or other agents can be applied to the skin, or can be present in the patch, to enhance transcutaneous flux of a bioactive agent that is delivered to the skin or pad. Another variation uses the optical sensor


to read patient identification, such as a bar code on a patient's hospital identification bracelet, with this patient information then being used by controller


to adjust the dosage and/or type of medication administered. Such a system avoids accidentally administering the wrong medication to a patient. As another example, the embodiments shown in the drawings are given to illustrate the principles and concepts covered by the claims below, and it is apparent that the applicator may be constructed larger or smaller than those shown here.

This specification has described several detailed examples, which are not intended to be limiting. Rather, these examples are provided to illustrate some of the embodiments which come within the scope of the following claims.

  • 1. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; a main body which supports said container; and a dispensing head which supports said orifice; wherein said dispensing head supports plural orifices each fluidically coupled to said container.
  • 2. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the spacer is supported by the dispenser.
  • 3. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the spacer is for attachment to the cutaneous target.
  • 4. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising an adhesive applicator patch for application to the cutaneous target.
  • 5. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the applicator is an applicator for transdermal delivery of a bioactive composition capable of transdermal flux.
  • 6. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a bioactive composition in the container.
  • 7. An applicator according to claim 6, wherein the bioactive composition is a pharmaceutical composition.
  • 8. An applicator according to claim 7, wherein the pharmaceutical composition is capable of transdermal delivery.
  • 9. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the dispenser is a thermal droplet jet dispenser.
  • 10. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the dispenser is a piezoelectric droplet jet dispenser.
  • 11. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a controller which automatically ejects the bioactive composition from the dispenser orifice at selected times.
  • 12. An applicator according to claim 11, wherein the controller is a microprocessor programmed to dispense the bioactive composition at predetermined intervals.
  • 13. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the container comprises multiple container modules.
  • 14. An applicator according to claim 13, wherein the multiple container modules are removable from the dispenser.
  • 15. An applicator according to claim 13, wherein at least two of the container modules contain a bioactive substance.
  • 16. An applicator according to claim 15, wherein at least one of the container modules contains a bioactive agent in powder form.
  • 17. An applicator according to claim 15, wherein at least two of the container modules contain different bioactive substances that combine after ejection to produce a bioactive effect.
  • 18. An applicator according to claim 17, wherein at least one of the bioactive substances is a penetration enhancer that improves cutaneous penetration of another bioactive substance.
  • 19. An applicator according to claim 18, wherein the penetration enhancer is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
  • 20. An applicator according to claim 15, wherein the bioactive composition is a nitrate, an anti-hypertensive drug, an analgesic, a hormone or an analogue thereof, or nicotine or an analogue thereof.
  • 21. An applicator according to claim 20, wherein:the dispenser is a piezoelectric droplet jet dispenser; and the nitrate is nitroglycerin.
  • 22. An applicator according to claim 20, wherein the anti-hypertensive drug is clonidine or minoxidil, the analgesic is fentanyl, or the hormone is estrogen or testosterone.
  • 23. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising an attachment member for selectively retaining the dispenser in prolonged contact with the cutaneous target.
  • 24. An applicator according to claim 23, wherein the attachment member comprises a strap.
  • 25. An applicator according to claim 23, wherein the attachment member comprises an adhesive.
  • 26. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein:the spacer comprises a sealing member that for selectively substantially sealing the dispenser against the skin of a subject to form a substantially closed chamber when the dispenser is in contact with the skin.
  • 27. An applicator according to claim 26, wherein the sealing member is a continuous elastomeric seal.
  • 28. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising an indicator which indicates a degree of depletion of the bioactive composition in the dispenser.
  • 29. An applicator according to claim 1 further comprising:a bio-sensor which monitors a measurable parameter of a subject and generates a signal in response thereto; and a controller which automatically dispenses the bioactive composition from the dispenser orifice in response to said signal.
  • 30. An applicator according to claim 29 wherein the bio-sensor comprises a pulse oximetry device.
  • 31. An applicator according to claim 30 wherein said parameter comprises pulse rate.
  • 32. An applicator according to claim 30 wherein said parameter comprises blood oxygenation levels.
  • 33. An applicator according to claim 30 wherein said bio-sensor communicates said signal to the controller by infrared communication.
  • 34. An applicator according to claim 30 wherein said bio-sensor communicates said signal to the controller by radiowave communication.
  • 35. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a display which displays information about said composition.
  • 36. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising an interface which receives a memory storage device containing dosage information concerning administration of said composition.
  • 37. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a keypad input which receives dosage information concerning administration of said composition.
  • 38. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising:a display which displays information about said composition, including various dosages; and a keypad input including scroll keys which when activated cause the display to selectively show said various dosages.
  • 39. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a controller which is programmable.
  • 40. An applicator according to claim 39 wherein said controller is programmable from a remote computer in communication with said controller.
  • 41. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a flexible link which couples together said main body and said dispensing head.
  • 42. An applicator according to claim 41, wherein said flexible link is hollow and contains a fluid conduit which fluidically couples said container to said orifice.
  • 43. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a main body which supports said container and said orifice.
  • 44. An applicator according to claim 43, wherein said container is removable from the main body.
  • 45. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a sensor.
  • 46. An applicator according to claim 45, further comprising a controller in communication with said sensor.
  • 47. An applicator according to claim 46, wherein:said sensor comprises an optical sensor; said target changes color following delivery of the bioactive composition; and said optical sensor detects said color change and in response thereto, the controller ceases ejection of said composition.
  • 48. An applicator according to claim 46, wherein:said sensor comprises an optical sensor; said target changes color following absorption of the bioactive composition; and said optical sensor detects said color change and in response thereto, the controller causes said orifice to eject said composition.
  • 49. An applicator according to claim 46, wherein:said sensor comprises an optical sensor; the container comprises two container modules each containing different bioactive substances; the target has indicia detectable by said optical sensor indicative of one of said different bioactive substances; and the controller causes said orifice to eject said one of said different bioactive substances.
  • 50. An applicator according to claim 1, further comprising a dermal patch between said orifice and said target.
  • 51. An applicator according to claim wherein the dermal patch is of an absorbent material which receives said delivery of said composition.
  • 52. An applicator according to claim 1, wherein the dispenser comprises a silicon electrostatic actuated droplet jet dispenser.
  • 53. An applicator according to claim 28, wherein said indicator comprises an indicator light.
  • 54. An applicator according to claim 28, wherein said indicator comprises an audible signal.
  • 55. An applicator according to claim 28, wherein said indicator comprises a tactile signal.
  • 56. An applicator according to claim 55, wherein said tactile signal comprises a vibratory signal.
  • 57. An applicator according to claim 45, wherein said sensor comprises an optical sensor.
  • 58. An applicator according to claim 45, wherein said sensor comprises a mechanical sensor which monitors a physical parameter of a subject.
  • 59. An applicator according to claim 58, wherein said mechanical sensor comprises an accelerometer.
  • 60. An applicator according to claim 59, wherein said accelerometer monitors activity of a subject bearing said cutaneous target and adjusts said delivery in response to said monitoring.
  • 61. An applicator according to claim 1, further including an activation device which may be manually triggered to eject said bioactive composition from the jet dispenser.
  • 62. An applicator according to claim 61, further including plural activation devices each bearing a label corresponding to an event, with different dosages of the bioactive composition being ejected from the jet dispenser according to which of the plural activation devices is triggered.
  • 63. An applicator according to claim 61, wherein the jet dispenser contains plural bioactive compositions, and the applicator further includes plural activation devices with different bioactive compositions being ejected from the jet dispenser according to which of the plural activation devices is triggered.
  • 64. An applicator according to claim 1, further including a reservoir containing said bioactive composition and a fluid conduit to convey the bioactive composition from the reservoir to the jet dispenser.
  • 65. An applicator according to claim 64, wherein said fluid conduit comprises tubing.
  • 66. An applicator according to claim 64, wherein said reservoir comprises a collapsible bladder.
  • 67. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; and a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; wherein the container comprises multiple container modules and at least two of the container modules contain a bioactive substance, the at least two of the container modules containing different bioactive substances that combine after ejection to produce a bioactive effect.
  • 68. An applicator according to claim 67, wherein at least one of the bioactive substances is a penetration enhancer that improves cutaneous penetration of another bioactive substance.
  • 69. An applicator according to claim 68, therein the penetration enhancer is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
  • 70. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; and a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; wherein the container comprises multiple container modules and at least two of the container modules contain a bioactive substance; wherein the bioactive composition is a nitrate, an anti-hypertensive drug, an analgesic, a hormone or an analogue thereof, or nicotine or an analogue thereof; wherein the dispenser is a piezoelectric droplet jet dispenser and the nitrate is nitroglycerin.
  • 71. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; and a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; wherein the container comprises multiple container modules and at least two of the container modules contain a bioactive substance; wherein the bioactive composition is a nitrate, an anti-hypertensive drug, an analgesic, a hormone or an analogue thereof, or nicotine or an analogue thereof; wherein the anti-hypertensive drug is clonidine or minoxidil, the analgesic is fentanyl, or the hormone is estrogen or testosterone.
  • 72. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and an attachment member for selectively retaining the dispenser in prolonged contact with the cutaneous target; wherein the attachment member comprises an adhesive.
  • 73. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; and a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; wherein the spacer comprises a sealing member that selectively substantially seals the dispenser against skin of a subject to form a substantially closed chamber when the dispenser is in contact with the skin; wherein the sealing member is a continuous elastomeric seal.
  • 74. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target comprising skin covering a subject having a measurable parameter, the applicator comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; a bio-sensor which monitors said parameter of the subject and generates a signal in response thereto; and a controller which automatically dispenses the bioactive composition from the dispenser orifice in response to said signal; wherein the bio-sensor comprises a pulse oximetry device.
  • 75. An applicator according to claim 74 wherein said parameter comprises pulse rate.
  • 76. An applicator according to claim 74 wherein said parameter comprises blood oxygenation levels.
  • 77. An applicator according to claim 74 wherein said bio-sensor communicates said signal to the controller by infrared communication.
  • 78. An applicator according to claim 74 wherein said bio-sensor communicates said signal to the controller by radiowave communication.
  • 79. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and a controller which is programmable, wherein said controller is programmable from a remote computer in communication with said controller.
  • 80. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; a main body which supports said container; a dispensing head which supports said orifice; and a flexible link which couples together said main body and said dispensing head.
  • 81. An applicator according to claim 80, wherein said flexible link is hollow and contains a fluid conduit which fluidically couples said container to said orifice.
  • 82. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bio active composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; a sensor; and a controller in communication with said sensor; wherein said sensor comprises an optical sensor, said target changes color following delivery of the bioactive composition, and said optical sensor detects said color change and in response thereto, the controller ceases ejection of said composition.
  • 83. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; a sensor; and a controller in communication with said sensor; wherein said sensor comprises an optical sensor, said target changes color following absorption of the bioactive composition, and said optical sensor detects said color change and in response thereto, the controller causes said orifice to eject said composition.
  • 84. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; a sensor; and a controller in communication with said sensor; wherein said sensor comprises an optical sensor, the container comprises two container modules each containing different bioactive substances, the target has indicia detectable by said optical sensor indicative of one of said different bioactive substances, and the controller causes said orifice to eject said one of said different bioactive substances.
  • 85. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bio active composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; and a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; wherein the dispenser comprises a silicon electrostatic actuated droplet jet dispenser.
  • 86. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and an indicator which indicates a degree of completion of the bioactive composition in the dispenser; wherein said indicator comprises an indicator light.
  • 87. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and an indicator which indicates a degree of completion of the bioactive composition in the dispenser; wherein said indicator comprises an audible signal.
  • 88. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and an indicator which indicates a degree of completion of the bioactive composition in the dispenser; wherein said indicator comprises a tactile signal.
  • 89. An applicator according to claim 88, wherein said tactile signal comprises a vibratory signal.
  • 90. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and an optical sensor.
  • 91. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and a mechanical sensor which monitors a physical parameter of a subject.
  • 92. An applicator according to claim 91, said mechanical sensor comprises an accelerometer.
  • 93. An applicator according to claim 92, wherein said accelerometer monitors activity of a subject bearing said cutaneous target and adjusts said delivery in response to said monitoring.
  • 94. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and a plurality of activation devices which may be manually triggered to eject said bioactive composition from the jet dispenser, each activation device bearing a label corresponding to an event, with different dosages of the bioactive composition being ejected from the jet dispenser according to which of the plural activation devices is triggered.
  • 95. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and an activation device which may be manually triggered to eject said bioactive composition from the jet dispenser; wherein the jet dispenser contains plural bioactive compositions, and the applicator further includes plural activation devices with different bioactive compositions being ejected from the jet dispenser according to which of the plural activation devices is triggered.
  • 96. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and a reservoir containing said bioactive composition and a fluid conduit to convey the bio active composition from the reservoir to the jet dispenser, wherein said fluid conduit comprises tubing.
  • 97. An applicator for cutaneous delivery of a bioactive composition to a cutaneous target, comprising:a jet dispenser comprising an orifice, and a container which holds and delivers the bioactive composition to said orifice for ejection therethrough; a spacer positioned between the dispenser orifice and the target during ejection of the bioactive composition to the target; and a reservoir containing said bioactive composition and a fluid conduit to convey the bioactive composition from the reservoir to the jet dispenser, wherein said reservoir comprises a collapsible bladder.
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