This patent application claims priority from German Patent Application No. 10 2011 118 052.8 filed on Nov. 8, 2011, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
The invention relates to measuring cells and measuring methods in oscillation mass spectrometers in which clouds of the same species of ion can oscillate harmonically in a potential well in a longitudinal direction, decoupled from their motion transverse to this direction. A frequency analysis of the longitudinal oscillations of these ion clouds, which may be carried out by a Fourier analysis of the induced image currents between two detection electrodes, leads to frequency spectra of the ions and hence to mass spectra.
In the past, only ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometers (ICR-MS) were considered to be Fourier transform mass spectrometers (FT-MS). They record the mass-specific cyclotron motions of the ions via their image currents in suitable detection electrodes and convert them by a Fourier transform of the image current transients into a spectrum of the cyclotron frequencies. The frequency signals of these spectra are converted into mass signals of a mass spectrum by mathematical transformation functions. Calibration constants are incorporated into the transformation function to take account of distortions to the frequency spectra caused, for example, by superimposed magnetron motions.
However, it has since become known that there are a range of mass spectrometric principles which allow harmonic oscillations of ions to be used to produce mass spectra, and which use Fourier analyses for determining the oscillation frequencies. These principles are distinguished by the fact that ions of a specific cloud formation are stored in a suitable measuring cell in two spatial directions by centripetal forces making the ions oscillating or orbiting, and that the ion clouds oscillate freely in the third spatial direction in a harmonic potential. The centripetal forces that store the ion clouds in the first two spatial directions can be magnetic fields, RF-generated pseudopotentials or centripetal electrostatic fields between central electrodes and outer shell electrodes. The first two spatial directions are usually called “transverse directions r or y, x”, while the third direction, in which the ions oscillate harmonically, is called the “longitudinal direction z”.
In contrast to ICR mass spectrometers, these “oscillation mass spectrometers” do not detect an orbiting cyclotron motion of the ion clouds, but the back and forth oscillating motion in a harmonic potential in the z direction. The ions of different mass each oscillate as coherent and cohesive ion clouds in the longitudinal direction, but with different frequencies. The oscillations of the ion clouds can be measured in the form of induced image currents with suitably mounted detection electrodes. The measurement is carried out by a very sensitive amplifier with subsequent digitization of the measured values. A Fourier analysis of the temporal sequence of these digitized image current values, the so-called “image current transient”, results in the spectrum of the oscillation frequencies which occur in a mixture of oscillating ion clouds. The Fourier analysis is essentially carried out as a fast Fourier transform (“FFT”) of the digital values of the image current transient from the time domain into the frequency domain.
The generation of image currents in the detection electrodes by the ion clouds flying past is a complex process, which is easiest to visualize as the generation and shifting of mirror charges in the detection electrodes. The mirror charge is an aid to understanding the capacitively induced charge distribution on the surface of the detection electrodes. Usually two detection electrodes are used; the image currents measured are the integral currents between these two detection electrodes due to the motion of the surface charges induced by the oscillating ion clouds. The strength of the induced surface charge and its distribution depend on the proximity of the ions to the detection electrode and the shape and size of the detection electrodes.
A harmonic potential is characterized by the fact that a field is created which drives the ions deflected from the center back to the center again with a force proportional to the distance from the center. This condition is fulfilled when the potential has a minimum in a center and increases as a perfect parabola outside the center in the direction of the oscillation. The potential well of all oscillation mass spectrometers must always have a very good hair ionic form in the longitudinal direction so that the oscillation frequency is independent of the amplitude of the oscillating ions. If this were not the case, the ions of a spatially extended cloud would very quickly spread out and lose their coherence. If the ion clouds fill the whole space for oscillation, an image current is no longer produced. This would mean that the image currents of a spreading ion cloud would very rapidly decrease and it would not be possible to record long image current transients. A long image current transient of at least 100 milliseconds to several seconds in length is, however, crucial for a high resolution because the resolution is proportional to the number of detected oscillations.
The category of oscillation mass spectrometers includes the three-dimensional RF quadrupole ion traps operated with image current detectors, which are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,625,186 (V. E. Frankevich et al.) (
Oscillation mass spectrometers include the electrostatic Kingdon mass spectrometers, in which ions orbit around an inner electrode in an electric radial field, while at the same time oscillating in an electric potential well in a direction at right angles to this (
It is possible to design other oscillation mass spectrometers from the category of the electrostatic Kingdon ion traps, however. In particular, Kingdon ion traps can be designed so that the ions can oscillate transversely in a plane between one or more pairs of inner electrodes, as described in German Patent DE 10 2007 024 858 B4(C. Koster) and shown in
The image currents induced in the detection electrodes of these oscillation mass spectrometers can contain harmonics because, although the oscillation motions of the ion clouds in the harmonic field must be strictly sinusoidal in temporal projection, the image currents they induce do not have to be. The image currents depend on the distance between the ion clouds and the detection electrodes, the speed of the ion clouds, and the shape and size of the detection electrodes. Depending on the geometric arrangement and shape of the detection electrodes, and the position and proximity of the ions flying past, the image current of a harmonically oscillating ion cloud can deviate from a sinusoidal oscillation and thus contain more or fewer harmonics, which show up in the Fourier analysis. In “good” oscillation mass spectrometers, the harmonics in the spectrum can hardly ever be seen because one generally attempts to avoid, or at least minimize, these harmonics. The harmonics make the spectrum more complex and interfere with the evaluation, although they provide higher resolutions than the fundamental oscillation. U.S. Pat. No. 7,888,633 B2 (J. Franzen) describes how residual harmonics in the frequency spectra can be located and removed. The harmonics are also termed “higher harmonic oscillations”, the first “harmonic” (double frequency) being termed the “second harmonic oscillation”.
Oscillation mass spectrometers require a very good high vacuum so that, during the measuring period, the harmonically oscillating ion clouds do not diverge diffusely as the result of a large number of collisions. They furthermore require good ion injection conditions so that they can be captured in suitably shaped ion clouds. Injection methods into Kingdon ion traps are described in U.S. Patent Application Publication 2010/0301204 (C. Koster and J. Franzen). A characteristic feature of oscillation mass spectrometers is a high mass resolution in the order of R=m/dm=50 000 for ions with a mass-to-charge ratio m/z=1000 atomic mass units, where m is the mass and Δm the full width at half-maximum of the mass signal. Depending on the type of oscillation mass spectrometer, the resolution decreases roughly as the reciprocal of the mass-to-charge ratio m/z (for oscillations in pseudopotential wells), or as the reciprocal of the square root of the mass m/z (for oscillations in real potential wells). Despite this decrease in the resolution towards higher masses, they are preferably suitable for the investigation of larger organic molecules because, in principle, they have no upper mass limit. Larger organic molecules are generally ionized by electrospray ionization (ESI) or matrix-assisted laser desorption (MALDI). Electrospray ionization generates the ions by protonating the molecules of the substance under analysis; as a rule, not only singly charged ions but also large numbers of multiply charged ions are generated, the latter being generated by multiple protonation. As a rule, MALDI essentially produces only singly protonated ions.
In ICR-MS, the image currents of the ions orbiting on cyclotron orbits are measured with the aid of two opposing longitudinal electrodes which, together with two excitation electrodes, form a cylinder with several longitudinal divisions. There have been several attempts to increase the resolution of this ICR-MS by using not two, but four, six or even eight detection electrodes. The ions flying past then result in a twofold, threefold or fourfold frequency, and thus a correspondingly higher resolution. Most of the attempts so far have been unsuccessful, probably because the coherence of the ion clouds could not be maintained sufficiently well. There is a need for an improved oscillation mass spectrometer with a measuring cell in which ion clouds can oscillate harmonically.
In mass spectrometry, it is never the mass which is determined but always the ratio of mass m to the number z of excess charges of the ions under analysis. It is thus always the “charge-related mass” m/z of the ions that is determined, where m is the physical mass and z the number of not compensated elementary charges of the ions. When one of the terms “mass of the ions”, “ion mass” or simply “mass” for short, is used here, this usually means the charge-related mass m/z.
In a first aspect, the invention comprises using the position of the ion trajectories relative to the detection electrodes and the design of the measuring cells in the oscillation mass spectrometers to generate large proportions of harmonics in the image currents. The harmonics have a higher resolution in the frequency spectrum (and thus in the mass spectrum), and therefore allow resolving signals from ionic species of similar mass which are not resolved by the fundamental oscillation within a given measuring time. The accuracy of the mass determination also increases proportionally.
In Kingdon ion traps, the position of the ion trajectories is determined by, among other things, the location where the ions are introduced; the position can also be influenced by the operating mode, however.
In one aspect the invention comprises intentionally enhancing the harmonics, which are usually suppressed as efficiently as possible, compared to the fundamental oscillation by the operating mode and design of the oscillation mass spectrometers. The third harmonic oscillation produces a three times higher mass resolution, and the fifth harmonic even provides a five times higher mass resolution, for example. If a frequency resolution of R=50,000 is achieved for an ionic species in the fundamental oscillation, the third harmonic oscillation provides a resolution of R=150,000, and the fifth harmonic a resolution of R=250,000. The operating mode of the oscillation mass spectrometers, in particular the position of the ion trajectories in relation to the detection electrodes and the design of the oscillation mass spectrometers with their detection electrodes, can be utilized to deform the image currents for the image current transient in such a way that the third, or even the fifth, harmonic oscillation generates significant proportions of the frequency spectrum.
If the distortion between the position of the ion trajectories and the arrangement of the detection electrodes is symmetric, which is preferred here, harmonics occur which are odd multiples of the frequency of the fundamental oscillation. Frequencies thus occur with three, five and seven times the fundamental frequency. If the distortion is asymmetric, the even multiples of the fundamental frequency also occur, e.g., frequencies with twice, four times and six times the frequency of the fundamental oscillation.
In a second aspect, the invention comprises methods for identifying and evaluating the frequency signals of the harmonics. The signals of harmonics can be mistaken for the signals of multiply charged ions, especially if the whole isotope group of an ion type is not considered together in each case. The signals of the harmonics can be recognized by the greater separations between the isotopic peaks; but in order to recognize the signals of harmonics with certainty, each frequency signal is examined to establish whether it has associated harmonics or whether it is itself a harmonic of a frequency signal that is present as a fundamental oscillation. In order to identify the signals as harmonics with certainty, the signals of the other ions of the same isotope group must then be used in addition. These isotope signals have different separations compared to the signals of multiply charged ions, for the same width, but must possess the same signal height ratios as the isotope signals of the ions in fundamental oscillation. It is expedient to acquire an instrument-specific spectrum of the harmonics (the “sound spectrum” of this instrument in this operation mode, so to speak), and to use the knowledge of the signal height ratios between the harmonics to provide further certainty for the identification. This method of certain identification, and thus the use of harmonics also, can be performed automatically by computer programs.
After all the signals have been classified as fundamental oscillations or harmonics, it is possible to use mathematical filtering to generate frequency spectra which contain only the harmonics of the n-th order. If they stand out sufficiently from the noise, these frequency spectra exhibit an n-fold resolution and allow a mass determination which is n-times more accurate.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent in light of the following detailed description of preferred embodiments thereof, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings.
Aspects of the present invention comprise effecting strong harmonics in the image currents of oscillation mass spectrometers and using them for an improved mass separation and mass accuracy. In the frequency spectrum, these harmonics have a frequency ω which is several times higher and thus a several times higher frequency resolution Rω=ω/Δω at the same full width at half-maximum (FWHM) Δω. They therefore allow resolution of the signals from ionic species of similar mass which are not resolved in the fundamental oscillation, as is schematically shown in
An aspect of the invention therefore comprises intentionally enhancing the harmonics, which are usually suppressed as efficiently as possible, compared to the fundamental oscillation. The harmonics are enhanced by the operating mode and design of the oscillation mass spectrometers. In one embodiment, the third harmonic oscillation exhibits a three times higher mass resolution, and the fifth harmonic even exhibits a five times mass resolution. If a resolution of R=35,000 is achieved in the fundamental oscillation for an ionic species, as can be seen in
In the following, more detailed descriptions are provided with the example of Kingdon mass spectrometers according to
An increased occurrence of harmonics in the image currents can be achieved by changing the position of the trajectories of ion clouds relative to the detection electrodes, as shown for example in
The harmonics should not be generated by a non-harmonic distortion of the longitudinal oscillations, because then the coherence of the ions in the ion clouds is lost rapidly. The potential well should maintain a parabolic form in the longitudinal direction.
The intentional generation of harmonics is similar to the attempt to measure higher frequencies in the ICR-MS by increasing the number of detection electrodes, but is significantly more successful in practice. Higher frequencies can, however, also be generated in oscillation mass spectrometers by the multiple division of the detection electrodes, as shown in
The generation of image currents in the detection electrodes by the ion clouds flying past is a complex process, which is usually represented by the generation and shifting of mirror charges in the detection electrodes. As mentioned hereinabove, the mirror charge is an aid to understanding the capacitively induced charge distribution on the surface of the detection electrode for planar surfaces. The minor charge on a planar surface ensures that the electric field lines are perpendicular to the surface. In reality the mirror charge does not exist; a distribution of charges on the surface provides the perpendicular field lines; a conductive surface itself must be an equipotential surface, of course. An electric charge flying above the surface of two neighboring electrodes thus generates a shift, enhancement or attenuation of this charge distribution on the surfaces and thus generates an image current between the two adjacent electrodes to maintain the supply of charge.
Two detection electrodes are usually used; the image currents measured are the integral currents between these two detection electrodes due to the motions, enhancements and attenuations of the surface charges induced by the oscillating ion clouds. The induced surface charge and its distribution depend (quadratically) on the proximity of the ions to the detection electrode and the shape and size of the detection electrodes. If, for example, an ion cloud oscillates to and fro close to two detection electrodes, and if the oscillation amplitude of the ion cloud is much greater than its vertical distance from the detection electrodes, as is particularly the case in the arrangement according to
The position of the aperture for the introduction of the ions can also influence the harmonics content of the image currents. Two examples are shown in
Particularly large proportions of harmonics in the frequency spectra are obtained if split inner electrodes rather than split outer electrodes are used as detection electrodes in Kingdon ion traps, as shown in
If signals of harmonics occur in the frequency spectra, they can sometimes, if viewed uncritically, be mistaken for the signals of multiply charged ions, as are produced by electrospray ionization (ESI), for example. The signals of the harmonics have the same width as the signals from ion clouds in fundamental oscillation with similar frequency. But the signals of the harmonics can be recognized by their better resolution, e.g., by significantly larger separations of the signals of an isotope group; nevertheless, in order to recognize the harmonics with certainty, it is expedient to examine each frequency signal to establish whether it has associated harmonics or whether it is itself a harmonic of a frequency signal that is present as a fundamental oscillations. The method is described in the document U.S. Pat. No. 7,888,633 B2, already cited above. The signals of the other ions of the same isotope group, which display separations several times greater than those of multiply charged ions, can also be used for the certain identification of the signals as harmonics. Furthermore, the signal intensities must have the characteristic pattern of the isotopic distribution for this molecule.
An instrument-specific and method-specific spectrum of the harmonics (the “sound spectrum” of this instrument in a special operation mode, so to speak) can be acquired with the oscillation mass spectrometer which was modified according to an aspect of this invention; and the knowledge of the signal height ratios of the harmonics with respect to each other can be used to provide further certainty for the identification. This method of certain identification, and thus the use of harmonics also, can be carried out automatically, e.g., by a computer. In particular, it is possible to use mathematical filtering to generate frequency spectra which contain only the harmonics of the n-th order. If they stand out sufficiently from the noise, these spectra exhibit an n-fold resolution and allow a mass determination that is n-times more accurate.
The relationships between the oscillation frequencies and the associated ion masses are known in principle for every oscillation mass spectrometer. This also applies to the harmonic frequencies. The transformation functions depend on the type of potential in which the ions oscillate, and thus on the type of oscillation mass spectrometer.
If the oscillations take place in RF-generated pseudopotentials (
In the case of oscillation mass spectrometers with electrostatic potentials (
Many types of oscillation mass spectrometer are conceivable, but only a few of them have been realized as yet. The oldest type of oscillation mass spectrometer is the Fourier transform ion trap, which is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,625,186 (V. E. Frankevich et al.) and was investigated roughly ten years ago in the research group of Prof Graham Cooks. The arrangement is shown in
The only commercially available oscillation mass spectrometer to date is the Orbitrap™ mass spectrometer from Thermo-Fisher, whose principle is shown in
The list of oscillation mass spectrometers is not exhaustive; those skilled in the art can find further principles, especially principles which operate purely electrostatically. There will always be principles which contribute to enhancing the proportion of harmonics in the frequency spectra, so this invention can help to obtain mass spectra with very high mass resolution and mass accuracy.
Although the present invention has been illustrated and described with respect to several preferred embodiments thereof, various changes, omissions and additions to the form and detail thereof, may be made therein, without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
102011118052.8 | Nov 2011 | DE | national |