Lumelsky is related to Dynamic Path Planning for a Planar Articulated Robot Arm Moving Unknown, Automatica, vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 551-570 (1987) wnich is recited in this US Patent Application by the applicant.* |
Lumelsky is related to Algorithmic and Complexity issues of Robots Motion in an Uncertain Environment, Journal of Complexity 3, 146-182 (1987) wnich is recited in this US Patent Application by the applicant.* |
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory—“Processor Would Find Best Paths on Map”—NASA Tech Briefs, May 1990, pp. 40-41.* |
Oussama Khatib, “Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance for Manipulators and Mobile Robots”, The International Journal of Robotics Research pp 90-98, vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring 1986). |
N. J. Nilson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, (Tioga Pub. Comp. Calif. 1980). |
B. J. HVerwer, Abstract, 3rd Conf on Artificial Intell. for Space Applications (Nov. 1, 1987) p. 153. |
B. J. H. Verwer, unpublished paper, “Heuristic Search in Robot Configuration Space Using Variable Metric”. |
Ichikawa et al—“A Heuristic Planner and an Executive for Mobile Robot Control”—IEEE Trans. on systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. smc-15, No. 4, Jul./Aug. 1985, p 558-563.* |
Dorst et al.—“The Constrained Distance Transformation: a Pseudo-Euclidean Recursive Implementation of the LEE-Algorithm”, Signal Processing III: Theories and Applications;Elsevier Science Publishers B. (North Holland);1986; p 917-920.* |
Verbeek et al—“Collision Avoidance and Pathfinding Through Constrained Distance Transformation in Robot State Space”, Proc. Conf. 8-11, Dec. 1986 Amsterdam(North Holland) p. 627-634. |