Monolithic, software-definable circuit including a power amplifier and method for use therewith

A monolithic, software-definable, power amplifier is provided. According to one embodiment of the invention, power amplifier circuits can be tuned to the most efficient power amplification characteristics as determined by a digital microprocessor based on varying data. The data may relate to user density, carrier frequency and spectral band. The power amplifier circuits may also be formed on semiconductor structures that include monocrystalline silicon substrates and layers of monocrystalline compound semiconductors. In these structures, the power amplifier may be integrated in a single integrated circuit wherein portions of the power amplifier circuits may be formed on the silicon substrate and portions may be formed on the compound semiconductor. This configuration may substantially increase efficiency of the integrated power amplifier according to the invention.


[0001] This invention relates to power amplifier circuits. One problem that exists with most conventional power amplifier circuits is that they are generally fixed in a particular configuration with respect to their power amplification characteristics. This may reduce efficiency of the power amplifier circuits because, depending on the implementation of the power amplifier circuits, the power requirements for the circuits may change substantially.

[0002] One example of a power amplifier circuit having dynamic requirements is a power amplifier circuit used in a cellular telephone. The optimal amplification requirements or settings for such a circuit may be dynamic. In one situation a particular amplification level, and concurrent distortion, is optimal and in another situation, the optimal amplification, and concurrent distortion, is different. These requirements may depend on user density in a particular region, carrier frequency, or spectral band. When the user changes location, each of these determinants may vary. The power amplification requirements may vary with each of these determinants.

[0003] It would be desirable to provide power amplification circuits and methods with dynamic power amplification characteristics.

[0004] It would also be desirable to provide power amplification circuits and methods with downloadable power amplification characteristics.

[0005] It would also be desirable to provide power amplification circuits and methods that have power amplification characteristics that are downloadable from a remote location.


FIGS. 1, 2, 3, 24, 25 illustrate schematically, in cross section, device structures that can be used in accordance with various embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 4 illustrates graphically the relationship between maximum attainable film thickness and lattice mismatch between a host crystal and a grown crystalline overlayer.

FIG. 5 is a high resolution Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) of illustrative semiconductor material manufactured in accordance with what is shown herein.

FIG. 6 is an x-ray diffraction taken on an illustrative semiconductor structure manufactured in accordance with what is shown herein.

FIG. 7 illustrates a high resolution Transmission Electron Micrograph of a structure including an amorphous oxide layer.

FIG. 8 illustrates an x-ray diffraction spectrum of a structure including an amorphous oxide layer.

[0012] FIGS. 9-12 illustrate schematically, in cross-section, the formation of a device structure in accordance with another embodiment of the invention;

[0013] FIGS. 13-16 illustrate a probable molecular bonding structure of the device structures illustrated in FIGS. 9-12;

[0014] FIGS. 17-20 illustrate schematically, in cross-section, the formation of a device structure in accordance with still another embodiment of the invention;

[0015] FIGS. 21-23 illustrate schematically, in cross section, the formation of a yet another embodiment of a device structure in accordance with the invention;

[0016] FIGS. 26-30 include illustrations of cross-sectional views of a portion of an integrated circuit that includes a compound semiconductor portion, a bipolar portion, and an MOS portion in accordance with what is shown herein.

[0017] FIGS. 31-37 include illustrations of cross-sectional views of a portion of another integrated circuit that includes a semiconductor laser and a MOS transistor in accordance with what is shown herein.

FIG. 38 is a block diagram of an apparatus for amplifying signals according to the invention.

FIG. 39 is a block diagram of a power amplifier circuit implemented on a semiconductor structure according to the invention.

FIG. 40 is a flow chart of an embodiment of a method according to the invention of optimizing power amplifier characteristics.

FIG. 41 is a flow chart of an embodiment of a method according to the invention of optimizing power amplifier characteristics.

FIGS. 42 and 43 show a cross-sectional and a plan view, respectively, of a hybrid semiconductor structure including compound semiconductor islands in a silicon substrate.

FIG. 44 shows an intermediate step in the formation of the hybrid structure of FIGS. 42 and 43.

FIG. 45 shows a further optional processing step in the formation of the hybrid structure of FIGS. 42 and 43.

FIG. 46 shows a cross-sectional view of a portion of an integrated circuit that includes a compound semiconductor portion and an MOS portion in accordance with what is shown herein.

[0026] Skilled artisans will appreciate that in many cases elements in certain FIGS. are illustrated for simplicity and clarity and have not necessarily been drawn to scale. For example, the dimensions of some of the elements in certain FIGS. may be exaggerated relative to other elements to help to improve understanding of what is being shown.


[0027] The present invention involves semiconductor structures of particular types. For convenience herein, these semiconductor structures are sometimes referred to as “composite semiconductor structures” or “composite integrated circuits” because they include two (or more) significantly different types of semiconductor devices in one integrated structure or circuit. For example, one of these two types of devices may be silicon-based devices such as CMOS devices, and the other of these two types of devices may be compound semiconductor devices such GaAs devices. Illustrative composite semiconductor structures and methods for making such structures are disclosed in Ramdani et al. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/502,023, filed Feb. 10, 2000, which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. Certain material from that reference is substantially repeated below to ensure that there is support herein for references to composite semiconductor structures and composite integrated circuits.

FIG. 1 illustrates schematically, in cross section, a portion of a semiconductor structure 20 which may be relevant to or useful in connection with certain embodiments of the present invention. Semiconductor structure 20 includes a monocrystalline substrate 22, accommodating buffer layer 24 comprising a monocrystalline material, and a layer 26 of a monocrystalline compound semiconductor material. In this context, the term “monocrystalline” shall have the meaning commonly used within the semiconductor industry. The term shall refer to materials that are a single crystal or that are substantially a single crystal and shall include those materials having a relatively small number of defects such as dislocations and the like as are commonly found in substrates of silicon or germanium or mixtures of silicon and germanium and epitaxial layers of such materials commonly found in the semiconductor industry.

[0029] In accordance with one embodiment, structure 20 also includes an amorphous intermediate layer 28 positioned between substrate 22 and accommodating buffer layer 24. Structure 20 may also include a template layer 30 between accommodating buffer layer 24 and compound semiconductor layer 26. As will be explained more fully below, template layer 30 helps to initiate the growth of compound semiconductor layer 26 on accommodating buffer layer 24. Amorphous intermediate layer 28 helps to relieve the strain in accommodating buffer layer 24 and by doing so, aids in the growth of a high crystalline quality accommodating buffer layer 24.

[0030] Substrate 22, in accordance with one embodiment, is a monocrystalline semiconductor wafer, preferably of large diameter. The wafer can be of a material from Group IV of the periodic table, and preferably a material from Group IVA. Examples of Group IV semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, mixed silicon and germanium, mixed silicon and carbon, mixed silicon, germanium and carbon, and the like. Preferably substrate 22 is a wafer containing silicon or germanium, and most preferably is a high quality monocrystalline silicon wafer as used in the semiconductor industry. Accommodating buffer layer 24 is preferably a monocrystalline oxide or nitride material epitaxially grown on the underlying substrate 22. In accordance with one embodiment, amorphous intermediate layer 28 is grown on substrate 22 at the interface between substrate 22 and the growing accommodating buffer layer 24 by the oxidation of substrate 22 during the growth of layer 24. Amorphous intermediate layer 28 serves to relieve strain that might otherwise occur in monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer 24 as a result of differences in the lattice constants of substrate 22 and buffer layer 24. As used herein, lattice constant refers to the distance between atoms of a cell measured in the plane of the surface. If such strain is not relieved by amorphous intermediate layer 28, the strain may cause defects in the crystalline structure of accommodating buffer layer 24. Defects in the crystalline structure of accommodating buffer layer 24, in turn, would make it difficult to achieve a high quality crystalline structure in monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 26.

[0031] Accommodating buffer layer 24 is preferably a monocrystalline oxide or nitride material selected for its crystalline compatibility with underlying substrate 22 and with overlying compound semiconductor material 26. For example, the material could be an oxide or nitride having a lattice structure matched to substrate 22 and to the subsequently applied semiconductor material 26. Materials that are suitable for accommodating buffer layer 24 include metal oxides such as the alkaline earth metal titanates, alkaline earth metal zirconates, alkaline earth metal hafnates, alkaline earth metal tantalates, alkaline earth metal ruthenates, alkaline earth metal niobates, alkaline earth metal vanadates, alkaline earth metal tin-based perovskites, lanthanum aluminate, lanthanum scandium oxide, and gadolinium oxide. Additionally, various nitrides such as gallium nitride, aluminum nitride, and boron nitride may also be used for accommodating buffer layer 24. Most of these materials are insulators, although strontium ruthenate, for example, is a conductor. Generally, these materials are metal oxides or metal nitrides, and more particularly, these metal oxide or nitrides typically include at least two different metallic elements. In some specific applications, the metal oxides or nitride may include three or more different metallic elements.

[0032] Amorphous interface layer 28 is preferably an oxide formed by the oxidation of the surface of substrate 22, and more preferably is composed of a silicon oxide. The thickness of layer 28 is sufficient to relieve strain attributed to mismatches between the lattice constants of substrate 22 and accommodating buffer layer 24. Typically, layer 28 has a thickness in the range of approximately 0.5-5 nm.

[0033] The compound semiconductor material of layer 26 can be selected, as needed for a particular semiconductor structure, from any of the Group IIIA and VA elements (III-V semiconductor compounds), mixed III-V compounds, Group II(A or B) and VIA elements (II-VI semiconductor compounds), and mixed II-VI compounds. Examples include gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium indium arsenide (GaInAs), gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs), indium phosphide (InP), cadmium sulfide (CdS), cadmium mercury telluride (CdHgTe), zinc selenide (ZnSe), zinc sulfur selenide (ZnSSe), and the like. Suitable template 30 materials chemically bond to the surface of the accommodating buffer layer 24 at selected sites and provide sites for the nucleation of the epitaxial growth of the subsequent compound semiconductor layer 26. Appropriate materials for template 30 are discussed below.

FIG. 2 illustrates, in cross section, a portion of a semiconductor structure 40 in accordance with a further embodiment. Structure 40 is similar to the previously described semiconductor structure 20 except that an additional buffer layer 32 is positioned between accommodating buffer layer 24 and layer of monocrystalline compound semiconductor material 26. Specifically, additional buffer layer 32 is positioned between the template layer 30 and the overlying layer 26 of compound semiconductor material. Additional buffer layer 32, formed of a semiconductor or compound semiconductor material, serves to provide a lattice compensation when the lattice constant of accommodating buffer layer 24 cannot be adequately matched to the overlying monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 26.

FIG. 3 schematically illustrates, in cross section, a portion of a semiconductor structure 34 in accordance with another exemplary embodiment of the invention. Structure 34 is similar to structure 20, except that structure 34 includes an amorphous layer 36, rather than accommodating buffer layer 24 and amorphous interface layer 28, and an additional semiconductor layer 38. As explained in greater detail below, amorphous layer 36 may be formed by first forming an accommodating buffer layer and an amorphous interface layer in a similar manner to that described above. Monocrystalline semiconductor layer 26 is then formed (by epitaxial growth) overlying the monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer. The accommodating buffer layer is then exposed to an anneal process to convert the monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer to an amorphous layer. Amorphous layer 36 formed in this manner comprises materials from both the accommodating buffer and interface layers, which amorphous layers may or may not amalgamate. Thus, layer 36 may comprise one or two amorphous layers. Formation of amorphous layer 36 between substrate 22 and semiconductor layer 38 (subsequent to layer 38 formation) relieves stresses between layers 22 and 38 and provides a true compliant substrate for subsequent processing—e.g., compound semiconductor layer 26 formation.

[0036] The processes previously described above in connection with FIGS. 1 and 2 are adequate for growing monocrystalline compound semiconductor layers over a monocrystalline substrate. However, the process described in connection with FIG. 3, which includes transforming a monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer to an amorphous oxide layer, may be better for growing monocrystalline compound semiconductor layers because it allows any strain in layer 26 to relax. Semiconductor layer 38 may include any of the materials described throughout this application in connection with either of compound semiconductor material layer 26 or additional buffer layer 32. For example, layer 38 may include monocrystalline Group IV or monocrystalline compound semiconductor materials.

[0037] In accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, semiconductor layer 38 serves as an anneal cap during layer 36 formation and as a template for subsequent semiconductor layer 26 formation. Accordingly, layer 38 is preferably thick enough to provide a suitable template for layer 26 growth (at least one monolayer) and thin enough to allow layer 38 to form as a substantially defect free monocrystalline semiconductor compound.

[0038] In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, semiconductor layer 38 comprises compound semiconductor material (e.g., a material discussed above in connection with compound semiconductor layer 26) that is thick enough to form devices within layer 38. In this case, a semiconductor structure in accordance with the present invention does not include compound semiconductor layer 26. In other words, the semiconductor structure in accordance with this embodiment only includes one compound semiconductor layer disposed above amorphous oxide layer 36.

[0039] The layer formed on substrate 22, whether it includes only accommodating buffer layer 24, accommodating buffer layer 24 with amorphous intermediate or interface layer 28, or an amorphous layer such as layer 36 formed by annealing layers 24 and 28 as described above in connection with FIG. 3, may be referred to generically as an “accommodating layer.”

[0040] The following non-limiting, illustrative examples illustrate various combinations of materials useful in structures 20, 40 and 34 in accordance with various alternative embodiments. These examples are merely illustrative, and it is not intended that the invention be limited to these illustrative examples.


[0041] In accordance with one embodiment, monocrystalline substrate 22 is a silicon substrate oriented in the (100) direction. Silicon substrate 22 can be, for example, a silicon substrate as is commonly used in making complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits having a diameter of about 200-300 mm. In accordance with this embodiment, accommodating buffer layer 24 is a monocrystalline layer of SrzBal−zTiO3 where z ranges from 0 to 1 and amorphous intermediate layer 28 is a layer of silicon oxide (SiOx) formed at the interface between silicon substrate 22 and accommodating buffer layer 24. The value of z is selected to obtain one or more lattice constants closely matched to corresponding lattice constants of the subsequently formed layer 26. Accommodating buffer layer 24 can have a thickness of about 2 to about 100 nanometers (nm) and preferably has a thickness of about 10 nm. In general, it is desired to have an accommodating buffer layer 24 thick enough to isolate the monocrystalline material layer 26 from substrate 22 to obtain the desired electrical and optical properties. Layers thicker than 100 nm usually provide little additional benefit while increasing cost unnecessarily; however, thicker layers may be fabricated if needed. The amorphous intermediate layer 28 of silicon oxide can have a thickness of about 0.5-5 nm, and preferably a thickness of about 1.5-2.5 nm.

[0042] In accordance with this embodiment, compound semiconductor material layer 26 is a layer of gallium arsenide (GaAs) or aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) having a thickness of about 1 nm to about 100 micrometers (μm) and preferably a thickness of about 0.5 μm to 10 μm. The thickness generally depends on the application for which the layer is being prepared. To facilitate the epitaxial growth of the gallium arsenide or aluminum gallium arsenide on the monocrystalline oxide, a template layer 30 is formed by capping the oxide layer. Template layer 30 is preferably 1-10 monolayers of Ti—As, Sr—O—As, Sr—Ga—O, or Sr—Al—O. By way of a preferred example, 1-2 monolayers 30 of Ti—As or Sr—Ga—O have been shown to successfully grow GaAs layers 26.


[0043] In accordance with a further embodiment, monocrystalline substrate 22 is a silicon substrate as described above. Accommodating buffer layer 24 is a monocrystalline oxide of strontium or barium zirconate or hafnate in a cubic or orthorhombic phase with an amorphous intermediate layer 28 of silicon oxide formed at the interface between silicon substrate 22 and accommodating buffer layer 24. Accommodating buffer layer 24 can have a thickness of about 2-100 nm and preferably has a thickness of at least 5 nm to ensure adequate crystalline and surface quality and is formed of a monocrystalline SrZrO3, BaZrO3, SrHfO3, BaSnO3 or BaHfO3. For example, a monocrystalline oxide layer of BaZrO3 can grow at a temperature of about 700 degrees C. The lattice structure of the resulting crystalline oxide exhibits a 45 degree rotation with respect to the substrate 22 silicon lattice structure.

[0044] An accommodating buffer layer 24 formed of these zirconate or hafnate materials is suitable for the growth of compound semiconductor materials 26 in the indium phosphide (InP) system. The compound semiconductor material 26 can be, for example, indium phosphide (InP), indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), aluminum indium arsenide, (AlInAs), or aluminum gallium indium arsenic phosphide (AlGaInAsP), having a thickness of about 1.0 nm to 10 μm. A suitable template 30 for this structure is 1-10 monolayers of zirconium-arsenic (Zr—As), zirconium-phosphorus (Zr—P), hafnium-arsenic (Hf—As), hafnium-phosphorus (Hf—P), strontium-oxygen-arsenic (Sr—O—As), strontium-oxygen-phosphorus (Sr—O—P), barium-oxygen-arsenic (Ba—O—As), indium-strontium-oxygen (In—Sr—O), or barium-oxygen-phosphorus (Ba—O—P), and preferably 1-2 monolayers of one of these materials. By way of an example, for a barium zirconate accommodating buffer layer 24, the surface is terminated with 1-2 monolayers of zirconium followed by deposition of 1-2 monolayers of arsenic to form a Zr—As template 30. A monocrystalline layer 26 of the compound semiconductor material from the indium phosphide system is then grown on template layer 30. The resulting lattice structure of the compound semiconductor material 26 exhibits a 45 degree rotation with respect to the accommodating buffer layer 24 lattice structure and a lattice mismatch to (100) InP of less than 2.5%, and preferably less than about 1.0%.


[0045] In accordance with a further embodiment, a structure is provided that is suitable for the growth of an epitaxial film of a II-VI material overlying a silicon substrate 22. The substrate 22 is preferably a silicon wafer as described above. A suitable accommodating buffer layer 24 material is SrxBal−xTiO3, where x ranges from 0 to 1, having a thickness of about 2-100 nm and preferably a thickness of about 5-15 nm. The II-VI compound semiconductor material 26 can be, for example, zinc selenide (ZnSe) or zinc sulfur selenide (ZnSSe). A suitable template 30 for this material system includes 1-10 monolayers of zinc-oxygen (Zn—O) followed by 1-2 monolayers of an excess of zinc followed by the selenidation of zinc on the surface. Alternatively, a template 30 can be, for example, 1-10 monolayers of strontium-sulfur (Sr—S) followed by the ZnSeS.


[0046] This embodiment of the invention is an example of structure 40 illustrated in FIG. 2. Substrate 22, monocrystalline oxide layer 24, and monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 26 can be similar to those described in example 1. In addition, an additional buffer layer 32 serves to alleviate any strains that might result from a mismatch of the crystal lattice of the accommodating buffer layer and the lattice of the monocrystalline semiconductor material. Buffer layer 32 can be a layer of germanium or a GaAs, an aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs), an indium gallium phosphide (InGaP), an aluminum gallium phosphide (AlGaP), an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), an aluminum indium phosphide (AlInP), a gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP), or an indium gallium phosphide (InGaP) strain compensated superlattice. In accordance with one aspect of this embodiment, buffer layer 32 includes a GaAsxPl−x superlattice, wherein the value of x ranges from 0 to 1. In accordance with another aspect, buffer layer 32 includes an InyGal−yP superlattice, wherein the value of y ranges from 0 to 1. By varying the value of x or y, as the case may be, the lattice constant is varied from bottom to top across the superlattice to create a match between lattice constants of the underlying oxide and the overlying compound semiconductor material. The compositions of other materials, such as those listed above, may also be similarly varied to manipulate the lattice constant of layer 32 in a like manner. The superlattice can have a thickness of about 50-500 nm and preferably has a thickness of about 100-200 nm. The template for this structure can be the same of that described in example 1. Alternatively, buffer layer 32 can be a layer of monocrystalline germanium having a thickness of 1-50 nm and preferably having a thickness of about 2-20 nm. In using a germanium buffer layer, a template layer of either germanium-strontium (Ge—Sr) or germanium-titanium (Ge—Ti) having a thickness of about one monolayer can be used as a nucleating site for the subsequent growth of the monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer. The formation of the oxide layer is capped with either a monolayer of strontium or a monolayer of titanium to act as a nucleating site for the subsequent deposition of the monocrystalline germanium. The monolayer of strontium or titanium provides a nucleating site to which the first monolayer of germanium can bond.


[0047] This example also illustrates materials useful in a structure 40 as illustrated in FIG. 2. Substrate material 22, accommodating buffer layer 24, monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 26 and template layer 30 can be the same as those described above in example 2. In addition, a buffer layer 32 is inserted between accommodating buffer layer 24 and overlying monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 26. Buffer layer 32, a further monocrystalline semiconductor material, can be, for example, a graded layer of indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) or indium aluminum arsenide (InAlAs). In accordance with one aspect of this embodiment, buffer layer 32 includes InGaAs, in which the indium composition varies from 0 to about 47%. Buffer layer 32 preferably has a thickness of about 10-30 nm. Varying the composition of buffer layer 32 from GaAs to InGaAs serves to provide a lattice match between the underlying monocrystalline oxide material 24 and the overlying layer 26 of monocrystalline compound semiconductor material. Such a buffer layer 32 is especially advantageous if there is a lattice mismatch between accommodating buffer layer 24 and monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 26.


[0048] This example provides exemplary materials useful in structure 34, as illustrated in FIG. 3. Substrate material 22, template layer 30, and monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 26 may be the same as those described above in connection with example 1.

[0049] Amorphous layer 36 is an amorphous oxide layer which is suitably formed of a combination of amorphous intermediate layer materials (e.g., layer 28 materials as described above) and accommodating buffer layer materials (e.g., layer 24 materials as described above). For example, amorphous layer 36 may include a combination of SiOx and SrzBal−zTiO3 (where z ranges from 0 to 1), which combine or mix, at least partially, during an anneal process to form amorphous oxide layer 36. The thickness of amorphous layer 36 may vary from application to application and may depend on such factors as desired insulating properties of layer 36, type of semiconductor material comprising layer 26, and the like. In accordance with one exemplary aspect of the present embodiment, layer 36 thickness is about 2 nm to about 100 nm, preferably about 2-10 nm, and more preferably about 5-6 nm.

[0050] Layer 38 comprises a monocrystalline compound semiconductor material that can be grown epitaxially over a monocrystalline oxide material such as material used to form accommodating buffer layer 24. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, layer 38 includes the same materials as those comprising layer 26. For example, if layer 26 includes GaAs, layer 38 also includes GaAs. However, in accordance with other embodiments of the present invention, layer 38 may include materials different from those used to form layer 26. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the invention, layer 38 is about 1 monolayer to about 100 nm thick.

[0051] Referring again to FIGS. 1-3, substrate 22 is a monocrystalline substrate such as a monocrystalline silicon substrate. The crystalline structure of the monocrystalline substrate is characterized by a lattice constant and by a lattice orientation. In similar manner, accommodating buffer layer 24 is also a monocrystalline material and the lattice of that monocrystalline material is characterized by a lattice constant and a crystal orientation. The lattice constants of accommodating buffer layer 24 and monocrystalline substrate 22 must be closely matched or, alternatively, must be such that upon rotation of one crystal orientation with respect to the other crystal orientation, a substantial match in lattice constants is achieved. In this context the terms “substantially equal” and “substantially matched” mean that there is sufficient similarity between the lattice constants to permit the growth of a high quality crystalline layer on the underlying layer.

FIG. 4 illustrates graphically the relationship of the achievable thickness of a grown crystal layer of high crystalline quality as a function of the mismatch between the lattice constants of the host crystal and the grown crystal. Curve 42 illustrates the boundary of high crystalline quality material. The area to the right of curve 42 represents layers that tend to be polycrystalline. With no lattice mismatch, it is theoretically possible to grow an infinitely thick, high quality epitaxial layer on the host crystal. As the mismatch in lattice constants increases, the thickness of achievable, high quality crystalline layer decreases rapidly. As a reference point, for example, if the lattice constants between the host crystal and the grown layer are mismatched by more than about 2%, monocrystalline epitaxial layers in excess of about 20 nm cannot be achieved.

[0053] In accordance with one embodiment, substrate 22 is a (100) or (111) oriented monocrystalline silicon wafer and accommodating buffer layer 24 is a layer of strontium barium titanate. Substantial matching of lattice constants between these two materials is achieved by rotating the crystal orientation of the titanate material 24 by 45° with respect to the crystal orientation of the silicon substrate wafer 22. The inclusion in the structure of amorphous interface layer 28, a silicon oxide layer in this example, if it is of sufficient thickness, serves to reduce strain in the titanate monocrystalline layer 24 that might result from any mismatch in the lattice constants of the host silicon wafer 22 and the grown titanate layer 24. As a result, a high quality, thick, monocrystalline titanate layer 24 is achievable.

[0054] Still referring to FIGS. 1-3, layer 26 is a layer of epitaxially grown monocrystalline material and that crystalline material is also characterized by a crystal lattice constant and a crystal orientation. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, the lattice constant of layer 26 differs from the lattice constant of substrate 22. To achieve high crystalline quality in this epitaxially grown monocrystalline layer, accommodating buffer layer 24 must be of high crystalline quality. In addition, in order to achieve high crystalline quality in layer 26, substantial matching between the crystal lattice constant of the host crystal, in this case, monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer 24, and grown crystal 26 is desired. With properly selected materials this substantial matching of lattice constants is achieved as a result of rotation of the crystal orientation of grown crystal 26 with respect to the orientation of host crystal 24. If grown crystal 26 is gallium arsenide, aluminum gallium arsenide, zinc selenide, or zinc sulfur selenide and accommodating buffer layer 24 is monocrystalline SrxBa1−xTiO3, substantial matching of crystal lattice constants of the two materials is achieved, wherein the crystal orientation of grown layer 26 is rotated by 45° with respect to the orientation of the host monocrystalline oxide 24. Similarly, if host material 24 is a strontium or barium zirconate or a strontium or barium hafnate or barium tin oxide and compound semiconductor layer 26 is indium phosphide or gallium indium arsenide or aluminum indium arsenide, substantial matching of crystal lattice constants can be achieved by rotating the orientation of grown crystal layer 26 by 45° with respect to host oxide crystal 24. In some instances, a crystalline semiconductor buffer layer 32 between host oxide 24 and grown compound semiconductor layer 26 can be used to reduce strain in grown monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 26 that might result from small differences in lattice constants. Better crystalline quality in grown monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 26 can thereby be achieved.

[0055] The following example illustrates a process, in accordance with one embodiment, for fabricating a semiconductor structure such as the structures depicted in FIGS. 1-3. The process starts by providing a monocrystalline semiconductor substrate 22 comprising silicon or germanium. In accordance with a preferred embodiment, semiconductor substrate 22 is a silicon wafer having a (100) orientation. Substrate 22 is preferably oriented on axis or, at most, about 0.5° off axis. At least a portion of semiconductor substrate 22 has a bare surface, although other portions of the substrate, as described below, may encompass other structures. The term “bare” in this context means that the surface in the portion of substrate 22 has been cleaned to remove any oxides, contaminants, or other foreign material. As is well known, bare silicon is highly reactive and readily forms a native oxide. The term “bare” is intended to encompass such a native oxide. A thin silicon oxide may also be intentionally grown on the semiconductor substrate, although such a grown oxide is not essential to the process. In order to epitaxially grow a monocrystalline oxide layer 24 overlying monocrystalline substrate 22, the native oxide layer must first be removed to expose the crystalline structure of underlying substrate 22. The following process is preferably carried out by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), although other epitaxial processes may also be used in accordance with the present invention. The native oxide can be removed by first thermally depositing a thin layer of strontium, barium, a combination of strontium and barium, or other alkali earth metals or combinations of alkali earth metals in an MBE apparatus. In the case where strontium is used, the substrate 22 is then heated to a temperature of about 850° C. to cause the strontium to react with the native silicon oxide layer. The strontium serves to reduce the silicon oxide to leave a silicon oxide-free surface. The resultant surface, which exhibits an ordered 2×1 structure, includes strontium, oxygen, and silicon. The ordered 2×1 structure forms a template for the ordered growth of an overlying layer 24 of a monocrystalline oxide. The template provides the necessary chemical and physical properties to nucleate the crystalline growth of an overlying layer 24.

[0056] In accordance with an alternate embodiment, the native silicon oxide can be converted and the surface of substrate 22 can be prepared for the growth of a monocrystalline oxide layer 24 by depositing an alkali earth metal oxide, such as strontium oxide or barium oxide, onto the substrate surface by MBE at a low temperature and by subsequently heating the structure to a temperature of about 850° C. At this temperature a solid state reaction takes place between the strontium oxide and the native silicon oxide causing the reduction of the native silicon oxide and leaving an ordered 2×1 structure with strontium, oxygen, and silicon remaining on the substrate 22 surface. Again, this forms a template for the subsequent growth of an ordered monocrystalline oxide layer 24.

[0057] Following the removal of the silicon oxide from the surface of substrate 22, the substrate is cooled to a temperature in the range of about 200-800° C. and a layer 24 of strontium titanate is grown on the template layer by molecular beam epitaxy. The MBE process is initiated by opening shutters in the MBE apparatus to expose strontium, titanium and oxygen sources. The ratio of strontium and titanium is approximately 1:1. The partial pressure of oxygen is initially set at a minimum value to grow stochiometric strontium titanate at a growth rate of about 0.3-0.5 nm per minute. After initiating growth of the strontium titanate, the partial pressure of oxygen is increased above the initial minimum value. The overpressure of oxygen causes the growth of an amorphous silicon oxide layer 28 at the interface between underlying substrate 22 and the growing strontium titanate layer 24. The growth of silicon oxide layer 28 results from the diffusion of oxygen through the growing strontium titanate layer 24 to the interface where the oxygen reacts with silicon at the surface of underlying substrate 22. The strontium titanate grows as an ordered (100) monocrystal 24 with the (100) crystalline orientation rotated by 45° with respect to the underlying substrate 22. Strain that otherwise might exist in strontium titanate layer 24 because of the small mismatch in lattice constant between silicon substrate 22 and the growing crystal 24 is relieved in amorphous silicon oxide intermediate layer 28.

[0058] After strontium titanate layer 24 has been grown to the desired thickness, the monocrystalline strontium titanate is capped by a template layer 30 that is conducive to the subsequent growth of an epitaxial layer of a desired compound semiconductor material 26. For the subsequent growth of a layer 26 of gallium arsenide, the MBE growth of strontium titanate monocrystalline layer 24 can be capped by terminating the growth with 1-2 monolayers of titanium, 1-2 monolayers of titanium-oxygen or with 1-2 monolayers of strontium-oxygen. Following the formation of this capping layer, arsenic is deposited to form a Ti—As bond, a Ti—O—As bond or a Sr—O—As. Any of these form an appropriate template 30 for deposition and formation of a gallium arsenide monocrystalline layer 26. Following the formation of template 30, gallium is subsequently introduced to the reaction with the arsenic and gallium arsenide 26 forms. Alternatively, gallium can be deposited on the capping layer to form a Sr—O—Ga bond, and arsenic is subsequently introduced with the gallium to form the GaAs.

FIG. 5 is a high resolution Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) of semiconductor material manufactured in accordance with the present invention. Single crystal SrTiO3 accommodating buffer layer 24 was grown epitaxially on silicon substrate 22. During this growth process, amorphous interfacial layer 28 is formed which relieves strain due to lattice mismatch. GaAs compound semiconductor layer 26 was then grown epitaxially using template layer 30.

FIG. 6 illustrates an x-ray diffraction spectrum taken on a structure including GaAs compound semiconductor layer 26 grown on silicon substrate 22 using accommodating buffer layer 24. The peaks in the spectrum indicate that both the accommodating buffer layer 24 and GaAs compound semiconductor layer 26 are single crystal and (100) orientated.

[0061] The structure illustrated in FIG. 2 can be formed by the process discussed above with the addition of an additional buffer layer 32 deposition step. The additional buffer layer 32 is formed overlying template layer 30 before the deposition of monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 26. If buffer layer 32 is a compound semiconductor superlattice, such a superlattice can be deposited, by MBE for example, on the template 30 described above. If instead buffer layer 32 is a layer of germanium, the process above is modified to cap strontium titanate monocrystalline layer 24 with a final layer of either strontium or titanium and then by depositing germanium to react with the strontium or titanium. The germanium buffer layer 32 can then be deposited directly on this template 30.

[0062] Structure 34, illustrated in FIG. 3, may be formed by growing an accommodating buffer layer, forming an amorphous oxide layer over substrate 22, and growing semiconductor layer 38 over the accommodating buffer layer, as described above. The accommodating buffer layer and the amorphous oxide layer are then exposed to an anneal process sufficient to change the crystalline structure of the accommodating buffer layer from monocrystalline to amorphous, thereby forming an amorphous layer such that the combination of the amorphous oxide layer and the now amorphous accommodating buffer layer form a single amorphous oxide layer 36. Layer 26 is then subsequently grown over layer 38. Alternatively, the anneal process may be carried out subsequent to growth of layer 26.

[0063] In accordance with one aspect of this embodiment, layer 36 is formed by exposing substrate 22, the accommodating buffer layer, the amorphous oxide layer, and semiconductor layer 38 to a rapid thermal anneal process with a peak temperature of about 700° C. to about 1000° C. and a process time of about 1 to about 10 minutes. However, other suitable anneal processes may be employed to convert the accommodating buffer layer to an amorphous layer in accordance with the present invention. For example, laser annealing or “conventional” thermal annealing processes (in the proper environment) may be used to form layer 36. When conventional thermal annealing is employed to form layer 36, an overpressure of one or more constituents of layer 30 may be required to prevent degradation of layer 38 during the anneal process. For example, when layer 38 includes GaAs, the anneal environment preferably includes an overpressure of arsenic to mitigate degradation of layer 38. As noted above, layer 38 of structure 34 may include any materials suitable for either of layers 32 or 26. Accordingly, any deposition or growth methods described in connection with either layer 32 or 26, may be employed to deposit layer 38.

FIG. 7 is a high resolution Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) of semiconductor material manufactured in accordance with the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIG. 3. In accordance with this embodiment, a single crystal SrTiO3 accommodating buffer layer was grown epitaxially on silicon substrate 22. During this growth process, an amorphous interfacial layer forms as described above. Next, GaAs layer 38 is formed above the accommodating buffer layer and the accommodating buffer layer is exposed to an anneal process to form amorphous oxide layer 36.

FIG. 8 illustrates an x-ray diffraction spectrum taken on a structure including GaAs compound semiconductor layer 38 and amorphous oxide layer 36 formed on silicon substrate 22. The peaks in the spectrum indicate that GaAs compound semiconductor layer 38 is single crystal and (100) orientated and the lack of peaks around 40 to 50 degrees indicates that layer 36 is amorphous.

[0066] The process described above illustrates a process for forming a semiconductor structure including a silicon substrate 22, an overlying oxide layer, and a monocrystalline gallium arsenide compound semiconductor layer 26 by the process of molecular beam epitaxy. The process can also be carried out by the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD), metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE), atomic layer epitaxy (ALE), physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical solution deposition (CSD), pulsed laser deposition (PLD), or the like. Further, by a similar process, other monocrystalline accommodating buffer layers 24 such as alkaline earth metal titanates, zirconates, hafnates, tantalates, vanadates, ruthenates, and niobates, perovskite oxides such as alkaline earth metal tin-based perovskites, lanthanum aluminate, lanthanum scandium oxide, and gadolinium oxide can also be grown. Further, by a similar process such as MBE, other III-V and II-VI monocrystalline compound semiconductor layers 26 can be deposited overlying monocrystalline oxide accommodating buffer layer 24.

[0067] Each of the variations of compound semiconductor materials 26 and monocrystalline oxide accommodating buffer layer 24 uses an appropriate template 30 for initiating the growth of the compound semiconductor layer. For example, if accommodating buffer layer 24 is an alkaline earth metal zirconate, the oxide can be capped by a thin layer of zirconium. The deposition of zirconium can be followed by the deposition of arsenic or phosphorus to react with the zirconium as a precursor to depositing indium gallium arsenide, indium aluminum arsenide, or indium phosphide respectively. Similarly, if monocrystalline oxide accommodating buffer layer 24 is an alkaline earth metal hafnate, the oxide layer can be capped by a thin layer of hafnium. The deposition of hafnium is followed by the deposition of arsenic or phosphorous to react with the hafnium as a precursor to the growth of an indium gallium arsenide, indium aluminum arsenide, or indium phosphide layer 26, respectively. In a similar manner, strontium titanate 24 can be capped with a layer of strontium or strontium and oxygen, and barium titanate 24 can be capped with a layer of barium or barium and oxygen. Each of these depositions can be followed by the deposition of arsenic or phosphorus to react with the capping material to form a template 30 for the deposition of a compound semiconductor material layer 26 comprising indium gallium arsenide, indium aluminum arsenide, or indium phosphide.

[0068] The formation of a device structure in accordance with another embodiment of the invention is illustrated schematically in cross-section in FIGS. 9-12. Like the previously described embodiments referred to in FIGS. 1-3, this embodiment of the invention involves the process of forming a compliant substrate utilizing the epitaxial growth of single crystal oxides, such as the formation of accommodating buffer layer 24 previously described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2 and amorphous layer 36 previously described with reference to FIG. 3, and the formation of a template layer 30. However, the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 9-12 utilizes a template that includes a surfactant to facilitate layer-by-layer monocrystalline material growth.

[0069] Turning now to FIG. 9, an amorphous intermediate layer 58 is grown on substrate 52 at the interface between substrate 52 and a growing accommodating buffer layer 54, which is preferably a monocrystalline crystal oxide layer, by the oxidation of substrate 52 during the growth of layer 54. Layer 54 is preferably a monocrystalline oxide material such as a monocrystalline layer of SrzBal−zTiO3 where z ranges from 0 to 1. However, layer 54 may also comprise any of those compounds previously described with reference to layer 24 in FIGS. 1-2 and any of those compounds previously described with reference to layer 36 in FIG. 3 which is formed from layers 24 and 28 referenced in FIGS. 1 and 2.

[0070] Layer 54 is grown with a strontium (Sr) terminated surface represented in FIG. 9 by hatched line 55 which is followed by the addition of a template layer 60 which includes a surfactant layer 61 and capping layer 63 as illustrated in FIGS. 10 and 11. Surfactant layer 61 may comprise, but is not limited to, elements such as Al, In and Ga, but will be dependent upon the composition of layer 54 and the overlying layer of monocrystalline material for optimal results. In one exemplary embodiment, aluminum (Al) is used for surfactant layer 61 and functions to modify the surface and surface energy of layer 54. Preferably, surfactant layer 61 is epitaxially grown, to a thickness of one to two monolayers, over layer 54 as illustrated in FIG. 10 by way of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), although other epitaxial processes may also be performed including chemical vapor deposition (CVD), metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE), atomic layer epitaxy (ALE), physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical solution deposition (CSD), pulsed laser deposition (PLD), or the like.

[0071] Surfactant layer 61 is then exposed to a Group V element such as arsenic, for example, to form capping layer 63 as illustrated in FIG. 11. Surfactant layer 61 may be exposed to a number of materials to create capping layer 63 such as elements which include, but are not limited to, As, P, Sb and N. Surfactant layer 61 and capping layer 63 combine to form template layer 60.

[0072] Monocrystalline material layer 66, which in this example is a compound semiconductor such as GaAs, is then deposited via MBE, CVD, MOCVD, MEE, ALE, PVD, CSD, PLD, or the like to form the final structure illustrated in FIG. 12.

[0073] FIGS. 13-16 illustrate possible molecular bond structures for a specific example of a compound semiconductor structure formed in accordance with the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIGS. 9-12. More specifically, FIGS. 13-16 illustrate the growth of GaAs (layer 66) on the strontium terminated surface of a strontium titanate monocrystalline oxide (layer 54) using a surfactant containing template (layer 60).

[0074] The growth of a monocrystalline material layer 66 such as GaAs on an accommodating buffer layer 54 such as a strontium titanium oxide over amorphous interface layer 58 and substrate layer 52, both of which may comprise materials previously described with reference to layers 28 and 22, respectively in FIGS. 1 and 2, illustrates a critical thickness of about 1000 Angstroms where the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) growth shifts because of the surface energies involved. In order to maintain a true layer by layer growth (Frank Van der Mere growth), the following relationship must be satisfied:


[0075] where the surface energy of the monocrystalline oxide layer 54 must be greater than the surface energy of the amorphous interface layer 58 added to the surface energy of the GaAs layer 66. Since it is impracticable to satisfy this equation, a surfactant containing template was used, as described above with reference to FIGS. 10-12, to increase the surface energy of the monocrystalline oxide layer 54 and also to shift the crystalline structure of the template to a diamond-like structure that is in compliance with the original GaAs layer.

FIG. 13 illustrates the molecular bond structure of a strontium terminated surface of a strontium titanate monocrystalline oxide layer. An aluminum surfactant layer is deposited on top of the strontium terminated surface and bonds with that surface as illustrated in FIG. 14, which reacts to form a capping layer comprising a monolayer of Al2Sr having the molecular bond structure illustrated in FIG. 14 which forms a diamond-like structure with an sp3 hybrid terminated surface that is compliant with compound semiconductors such as GaAs. The structure is then exposed to As to form a layer of AlAs as shown in FIG. 15. GaAs is then deposited to complete the molecular bond structure illustrated in FIG. 16 which has been obtained by 2D growth. The GaAs can be grown to any thickness for forming other semiconductor structures, devices, or integrated circuits. Alkaline earth metals such as those in Group IIA are those elements preferably used to form the capping surface of the monocrystalline oxide layer 54 because they are capable of forming a desired molecular structure with aluminum.

[0077] In this embodiment, a surfactant containing template layer aids in the formation of a compliant substrate for the monolithic integration of various material layers including those comprised of Group III-V compounds to form high quality semiconductor structures, devices and integrated circuits. For example, a surfactant containing template may be used for the monolithic integration of a monocrystalline material layer such as a layer comprising Germanium (Ge), for example, to form high efficiency photocells.

[0078] Turning now to FIGS. 17-20, the formation of a device structure in accordance with still another embodiment of the invention is illustrated in cross-section. This embodiment utilizes the formation of a compliant substrate which relies on the epitaxial growth of single crystal oxides on silicon followed by the epitaxial growth of single crystal silicon onto the oxide.

[0079] An accommodating buffer layer 74 such as a monocrystalline oxide layer is first grown on a substrate layer 72, such as silicon, with an amorphous interface layer 78 as illustrated in FIG. 17. Monocrystalline oxide layer 74 may be comprised of any of those materials previously discussed with reference to layer 24 in FIGS. 1 and 2, while amorphous interface layer 78 is preferably comprised of any of those materials previously described with reference to the layer 28 illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2. Substrate 72, although preferably silicon, may also comprise any of those materials previously described with reference to substrate 22 in FIGS. 1-3.

[0080] Next, a silicon layer 81 is deposited over monocrystalline oxide layer 74 via MBE, CVD, MOCVD, MEE, ALE, PVD, CSD, PLD, and the like as illustrated in FIG. 18 with a thickness of a few hundred Angstroms but preferably with a thickness of about 50 Angstroms. Monocrystalline oxide layer 74 preferably has a thickness of about 20 to 100 Angstroms.

[0081] Rapid thermal annealing is then conducted in the presence of a carbon source such as acetylene or methane, for example at a temperature within a range of about 800° C. to 1000° C. to form capping layer 82 and silicate amorphous layer 86. However, other suitable carbon sources may be used as long as the rapid thermal annealing step functions to amorphize the monocrystalline oxide layer 74 into a silicate amorphous layer 86 and carbonize the top silicon layer 81 to form capping layer 82 which in this example would be a silicon carbide (SiC) layer as illustrated in FIG. 19. The formation of amorphous layer 86 is similar to the formation of layer 36 illustrated in FIG. 3 and may comprise any of those materials described with reference to layer 36 in FIG. 3 but the preferable material will be dependent upon the capping layer 82 used for silicon layer 81.

[0082] Finally, a compound semiconductor layer 96, shown in FIG. 20, such as gallium nitride (GaN) is grown over the SiC surface by way of MBE, CVD, MOCVD, MEE, ALE, PVD, CSD, PLD, or the like to form a high quality compound semiconductor material for device formation. More specifically, the deposition of GaN and GaN based systems such as GaInN and AlGaN will result in the formation of dislocation nets confined at the silicon/amorphous region. The resulting nitride containing compound semiconductor material may comprise elements from groups III, IV and V of the periodic table and is defect free.

[0083] Although GaN has been grown on SiC substrate in the past, this embodiment of the invention possesses a one step formation of the compliant substrate containing a SiC top surface and an amorphous layer on a Si surface. More specifically, this embodiment of the invention uses an intermediate single crystal oxide layer that is amorphized to form a silicate layer which adsorbs the strain between the layers. Moreover, unlike past use of a SiC substrate, this embodiment of the invention is not limited by wafer size which is usually less than 2 inches in diameter for prior art SiC substrates.

[0084] The monolithic integration of nitride containing semiconductor compounds containing group III-V nitrides and silicon devices can be used for high temperature RF applications and optoelectronics. GaN systems have particular use in the photonic industry for the blue/green and UV light sources and detection. High brightness light emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers may also be formed within the GaN system.

[0085] FIGS. 21-23 schematically illustrate, in cross-section, the formation of another embodiment of a device structure in accordance with the invention. This embodiment includes a compliant layer that functions as a transition layer that uses clathrate or Zintl type bonding. More specifically, this embodiment utilizes an intermetallic template layer to reduce the surface energy of the interface between material layers thereby allowing for two dimensional layer by layer growth.

[0086] The structure illustrated in FIG. 21 includes a monocrystalline substrate 102, an amorphous interface layer 108 and an accommodating buffer layer 104. Amorphous interface layer 108 is formed on substrate 102 at the interface between substrate 102 and accommodating buffer layer 104 as previously described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2. Amorphous interface layer 108 may comprise any of those materials previously described with reference to amorphous interface layer 28 in FIGS. 1 and 2. Substrate 102 is preferably silicon but may also comprise any of those materials previously described with reference to substrate 22 in FIGS. 1-3.

[0087] A template layer 130 is deposited over accommodating buffer layer 104 as illustrated in FIG. 22 and preferably comprises a thin layer of Zintl type phase material composed of metals and metalloids having a great deal of ionic character. As in previously described embodiments, template layer 130 is deposited by way of MBE, CVD, MOCVD, MEE, ALE, PVD, CSD, PLD, or the like to achieve a thickness of one monolayer. Template layer 130 functions as a “soft” layer with non-directional bonding but high crystallinity which absorbs stress build up between layers having lattice mismatch. Materials for template 130 may include, but are not limited to, materials containing Si, Ga, In, and Sb such as, for example, AlSr2, (MgCaYb)Ga2, (Ca,Sr,Eu,Yb)In2, BaGe2As, and SrSn2As2.

[0088] A monocrystalline material layer 126 is epitaxially grown over template layer 130 to achieve the final structure illustrated in FIG. 23. As a specific example, an SrAl2 layer may be used as template layer 130 and an appropriate monocrystalline material layer 126 such as a compound semiconductor material GaAs is grown over the SrAl2. The Al—Ti (from the accommodating buffer layer of layer of SrzBal−zTiO3 where z ranges from 0 to 1) bond is mostly metallic while the Al—As (from the GaAs layer) bond is weakly covalent. The Sr participates in two distinct types of bonding with part of its electric charge going to the oxygen atoms in the lower accommodating buffer layer 104 comprising SrzBal−zTiO3 to participate in ionic bonding and the other part of its valence charge being donated to Al in a way that is typically carried out with Zintl phase materials. The amount of the charge transfer depends on the relative electronegativity of elements comprising the template layer 130 as well as on the interatomic distance. In this example, Al assumes an sp3 hybridization and can readily form bonds with monocrystalline material layer 126, which in this example, comprises compound semiconductor material GaAs.

[0089] The compliant substrate produced by use of the Zintl type template layer used in this embodiment can absorb a large strain without a significant energy cost. In the above example, the bond strength of the Al is adjusted by changing the volume of the SrAl2 layer thereby making the device tunable for specific applications which include the monolithic integration of III-V and Si devices and the monolithic integration of high-k dielectric materials for CMOS technology.

[0090] Clearly, those embodiments specifically describing structures having compound semiconductor portions and Group IV semiconductor portions, are meant to illustrate embodiments of the present invention and not limit the present invention. There are a multiplicity of other combinations and other embodiments of the present invention. For example, the present invention includes structures and methods for fabricating material layers which form semiconductor structures, devices and integrated circuits including other layers such as metal and non-metal layers. More specifically, the invention includes structures and methods for forming a compliant substrate which is used in the fabrication of semiconductor structures, devices and integrated circuits and the material layers suitable for fabricating those structures, devices, and integrated circuits. By using embodiments of the present invention, it is now simpler to integrate devices that include monocrystalline layers comprising semiconductor and compound semiconductor materials as well as other material layers that are used to form those devices with other components that work better or are easily and/or inexpensively formed within semiconductor or compound semiconductor materials. This allows a device to be shrunk, the manufacturing costs to decrease, and yield and reliability to increase.

[0091] In accordance with one embodiment of this invention, a monocrystalline semiconductor or compound semiconductor wafer can be used in forming monocrystalline material layers over the wafer. In this manner, the wafer is essentially a “handle” wafer used during the fabrication of semiconductor electrical components within a monocrystalline layer overlying the wafer. Therefore, electrical components can be formed within semiconductor materials over a wafer of at least approximately 200 millimeters in diameter and possibly at least approximately 300 millimeters.

[0092] By the use of this type of substrate, a relatively inexpensive “handle” wafer overcomes the fragile nature of compound semiconductor or other monocrystalline material wafers by placing them over a relatively more durable and easy to fabricate base material. Therefore, an integrated circuit can be formed such that all electrical components, and particularly all active electronic devices, can be formed within or using the monocrystalline material layer even though the substrate itself may include a monocrystalline semiconductor material. Fabrication costs for compound semiconductor devices and other devices employing non-silicon monocrystalline materials should decrease because larger substrates can be processed more economically and more readily compared to the relatively smaller and more fragile substrates (e.g. conventional compound semiconductor wafers).

FIG. 24 illustrates schematically, in cross section, a device structure 50 in accordance with a further embodiment. Device structure 50 includes a monocrystalline semiconductor substrate 52, preferably a monocrystalline silicon wafer. Monocrystalline semiconductor substrate 52 includes two regions, 53 and 54. An electrical semiconductor component generally indicated by the dashed line 56 is formed, at least partially, in region 53. Electrical component 56 can be a resistor, a capacitor, an active semiconductor component such as a diode or a transistor or an integrated circuit such as a CMOS integrated circuit. For example, electrical semiconductor component 56 can be a CMOS integrated circuit configured to perform digital signal processing or another function for which silicon integrated circuits are well suited. The electrical semiconductor component in region 53 can be formed by conventional semiconductor processing as well known and widely practiced in the semiconductor industry. A layer of insulating material 58 such as a layer of silicon dioxide or the like may overlie electrical semiconductor component 56.

[0094] Insulating material 58 and any other layers that may have been formed or deposited during the processing of semiconductor component 56 in region 53 are removed from the surface of region 54 to provide a bare silicon surface in that region. As is well known, bare silicon surfaces are highly reactive and a native silicon oxide layer can quickly form on the bare surface. A layer of barium or barium and oxygen is deposited onto the native oxide layer on the surface of region 54 and is reacted with the oxidized surface to form a first template layer (not shown). In accordance with one embodiment, a monocrystalline oxide layer is formed overlying the template layer by a process of molecular beam epitaxy. Reactants including barium, titanium and oxygen are deposited onto the template layer to form the monocrystalline oxide layer. Initially during the deposition the partial pressure of oxygen is kept near the minimum necessary to fully react with the barium and titanium to form monocrystalline barium titanate layer. The partial pressure of oxygen is then increased to provide an overpressure of oxygen and to allow oxygen to diffuse through the growing monocrystalline oxide layer. The oxygen diffusing through the barium titanate reacts with silicon at the surface of region 54 to form an amorphous layer of silicon oxide 62 on second region 54 and at the interface between silicon substrate 52 and the monocrystalline oxide layer 60. Layers 60 and 62 may be subject to an annealing process as described above in connection with FIG. 3 to form a single amorphous accommodating layer.

[0095] In accordance with an embodiment, the step of depositing the monocrystalline oxide layer 60 is terminated by depositing a second template layer 64, which can be 1-10 monolayers of titanium, barium, barium and oxygen, or titanium and oxygen. A layer 66 of a monocrystalline compound semiconductor material is then deposited overlying second template layer 64 by a process of molecular beam epitaxy. The deposition of layer 66 is initiated by depositing a layer of arsenic onto template 64. This initial step is followed by depositing gallium and arsenic to form monocrystalline gallium arsenide 66. Alternatively, strontium can be substituted for barium in the above example.

[0096] In accordance with a further embodiment, a semiconductor component, generally indicated by a dashed line 68 is formed in compound semiconductor layer 66. Semiconductor component 68 can be formed by processing steps conventionally used in the fabrication of gallium arsenide or other III-V compound semiconductor material devices. Semiconductor component 68 can be any active or passive component, and preferably is a semiconductor laser, light emitting diode, photodetector, heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT), high frequency MESFET, or other component that utilizes and takes advantage of the physical properties of compound semiconductor materials. A metallic conductor schematically indicated by the line 70 can be formed to electrically couple device 68 and device 56, thus implementing an integrated device that includes at least one component formed in silicon substrate 52 and one device formed in monocrystalline compound semiconductor material layer 66. Although illustrative structure 50 has been described as a structure formed on a silicon substrate 52 and having a barium (or strontium) titanate layer 60 and a gallium arsenide layer 66, similar devices can be fabricated using other substrates, monocrystalline oxide layers and other compound semiconductor layers as described elsewhere in this disclosure.

FIG. 25 illustrates a semiconductor structure 72 in accordance with a further embodiment. Structure 72 includes a monocrystalline semiconductor substrate 74 such as a monocrystalline silicon wafer that includes a region 75 and a region 76. An electrical component schematically illustrated by the dashed line 78 is formed in region 75 using conventional silicon device processing techniques commonly used in the semiconductor industry. Using process steps similar to those described above, a monocrystalline oxide layer 80 and an intermediate amorphous silicon oxide layer 82 are formed overlying region 76 of substrate 74. A template layer 84 and subsequently a monocrystalline semiconductor layer 86 are formed overlying monocrystalline oxide layer 80. In accordance with a further embodiment, an additional monocrystalline oxide layer 88 is formed overlying layer 86 by process steps similar to those used to form layer 80, and an additional monocrystalline semiconductor layer 90 is formed overlying monocrystalline oxide layer 88 by process steps similar to those used to form layer 86. In accordance with one embodiment, at least one of layers 86 and 90 are formed from a compound semiconductor material. Layers 80 and 82 may be subject to an annealing process as described above in connection with FIG. 3 to form a single amorphous accommodating layer.

[0098] A semiconductor component generally indicated by a dashed line 92 is formed at least partially in monocrystalline semiconductor layer 86. In accordance with one embodiment, semiconductor component 92 may include a field effect transistor having a gate dielectric formed, in part, by monocrystalline oxide layer 88. In addition, monocrystalline semiconductor layer 90 can be used to implement the gate electrode of that field effect transistor. In accordance with one embodiment, monocrystalline semiconductor layer 86 is formed from a group III-V compound and semiconductor component 92 is a radio frequency amplifier that takes advantage of the high mobility characteristic of group III-V component materials. In accordance with yet a further embodiment, an electrical interconnection schematically illustrated by the line 94 electrically interconnects component 78 and component 92. Structure 72 thus integrates components that take advantage of the unique properties of the two monocrystalline semiconductor materials.

[0099] Attention is now directed to a method for forming exemplary portions of illustrative composite semiconductor structures or composite integrated circuits like 50 or 72. In particular, the illustrative composite semiconductor structure or integrated circuit 102 shown in FIGS. 26-30 includes a compound semiconductor portion 1022, a bipolar portion 1024, and a MOS portion 1026. In FIG. 26, a p-type doped, monocrystalline silicon substrate 110 is provided having a compound semiconductor portion 1022, a bipolar portion 1024, and an MOS portion 1026. Within bipolar portion 1024, the monocrystalline silicon substrate 110 is doped to form an N+ buried region 1102. A lightly p-type doped epitaxial monocrystalline silicon layer 1104 is then formed over the buried region 1102 and the substrate 110. A doping step is then performed to create a lightly n-type doped drift region 1117 above the N+ buried region 1102. The doping step converts the dopant type of the lightly p-type epitaxial layer within a section of the bipolar region 1024 to a lightly n-type monocrystalline silicon region. A field isolation region 1106 is then formed between the bipolar portion 1024 and the MOS portion 1026. A gate dielectric layer 1110 is formed over a portion of the epitaxial layer 1104 within MOS portion 1026, and the gate electrode 1112 is then formed over the gate dielectric layer 1110. Sidewall spacers 1115 are formed along vertical sides of the gate electrode 1112 and gate dielectric layer 1110.

[0100] A p-type dopant is introduced into the drift region 1117 to form an active or intrinsic base region 1114. An n-type, deep collector region 1108 is then formed within the bipolar portion 1024 to allow electrical connection to the buried region 1102. Selective n-type doping is performed to form N+ doped regions 1116 and the emitter region 1120. N+ doped regions 1116 are formed within layer 1104 along adjacent sides of the gate electrode 1112 and are source, drain, or source/drain regions for the MOS transistor. The N+ doped regions 1116 and emitter region 1120 have a doping concentration of at least 1E19 atoms per cubic centimeter to allow ohmic contacts to be formed. A p-type doped region is formed to create the inactive or extrinsic base region 1118 which is a P+ doped region (doping concentration of at least 1E19 atoms per cubic centimeter).

[0101] In the embodiment described, several processing steps have been performed but are not illustrated or further described, such as the formation of well regions, threshold adjusting implants, channel punchthrough prevention implants, field punchthrough prevention implants, as well as a variety of masking layers. The formation of the device up to this point in the process is performed using conventional steps. As illustrated, a standard N-channel MOS transistor has been formed within the MOS region 1026, and a vertical NPN bipolar transistor has been formed within the bipolar portion 1024. As of this point, no circuitry has been formed within the compound semiconductor portion 1022.

[0102] All of the layers that have been formed during the processing of the bipolar and MOS portions of the integrated circuit are now removed from the surface of compound semiconductor portion 1022. A bare silicon surface is thus provided for the subsequent processing of this portion, for example in the manner set forth above.

[0103] An accommodating buffer layer 124 is then formed over the substrate 110 as illustrated in FIG. 27. The accommodating buffer layer will form as a monocrystalline layer over the properly prepared (i.e., having the appropriate template layer) bare silicon surface in portion 1022. The portion of layer 124 that forms over portions 1024 and 1026, however, may be polycrystalline or amorphous because it is formed over a material that is not monocrystalline, and therefore, does not nucleate monocrystalline growth. The accommodating buffer layer 124 typically is a monocrystalline metal oxide or nitride layer and typically has a thickness in a range of approximately 2-100 nanometers. In one particular embodiment, the accommodating buffer layer is approximately 5-15 nm thick. During the formation of the accommodating buffer layer, an amorphous intermediate layer 122 is formed along the uppermost silicon surfaces of the integrated circuit 102. This amorphous intermediate layer 122 typically includes an oxide of silicon and has a thickness and range of approximately 1-5 nm. In one particular embodiment, the thickness is approximately 2 nm. Following the formation of the accommodating buffer layer 124 and the amorphous intermediate layer 122, a template layer 126 is then formed and has a thickness in a range of approximately one to ten monolayers of a material. In one particular embodiment, the material includes titanium-arsenic, strontium-oxygen-arsenic, or other similar materials as previously described with respect to FIGS. 1-5. Layers 122 and 124 may be subject to an annealing process as described above in connection with FIG. 3 to form a single amorphous accommodating layer.

[0104] A monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132 is then epitaxially grown overlying the monocrystalline portion of accommodating buffer layer 124 (or over the amorphous accommodating layer if the annealing process described above has been carried out) as shown in FIG. 28. The portion of layer 132 that is grown over portions of layer 124 that are not monocrystalline may be polycrystalline or amorphous. The monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer can be formed by a number of methods and typically includes a material such as gallium arsenide, aluminum gallium arsenide, indium phosphide, or other compound semiconductor materials as previously mentioned. The thickness of the layer is in a range of approximately 1-5,000 nm, and more preferably 100-500 nm. In this particular embodiment, each of the elements within the template layer are also present in the accommodating buffer layer 124, the monocrystalline compound semiconductor material 132, or both. Therefore, the delineation between the template layer 126 and its two immediately adjacent layers disappears during processing. Therefore, when a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photograph is taken, an interface between the accommodating buffer layer 124 and the monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132 is seen.

[0105] At this point in time, sections of the compound semiconductor layer 132 and the accommodating buffer layer 124 (or of the amorphous accommodating layer if the annealing process described above has been carried out) are removed from portions overlying the bipolar portion 1024 and the MOS portion 1026 as shown in FIG. 29. After the section is removed, an insulating layer 142 is then formed over the substrate 110. The insulating layer 142 can include a number of materials such as oxides, nitrides, oxynitrides, low-k dielectrics, or the like. As used herein, low-k is a material having a dielectric constant no higher than approximately 3.5. After the insulating layer 142 has been deposited, it is then polished, removing portions of the insulating layer 142 that overlie monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132.

[0106] A transistor 144 is then formed within the monocrystalline compound semiconductor portion 1022. A gate electrode 148 is then formed on the monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132. Doped regions 146 are then formed within the monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132. In this embodiment, the transistor 144 is a metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET). If the MESFET is an n-type MESFET, the doped regions 146 and monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132 are also n-type doped. If a p-type MESFET were to be formed, then the doped regions 146 and monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132 would have just the opposite doping type. The heavier doped (N+) regions 146 allow ohmic contacts to be made to the monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 132. At this point in time, the active devices within the integrated circuit have been formed. This particular embodiment includes an n-type MESFET, a vertical NPN bipolar transistor, and a planar n-channel MOS transistor. Many other types of transistors, including P-channel MOS transistors, p-type vertical bipolar transistors, p-type MESFETs, and combinations of vertical and planar transistors, can be used. Also, other electrical components, such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, and the like, may be formed in one or more of the portions 1022, 1024, and 1026.

[0107] Processing continues to form a substantially completed integrated circuit 102 as illustrated in FIG. 30. An insulating layer 152 is formed over the substrate 110. The insulating layer 152 may include an etch-stop or polish-stop region that is not illustrated in FIG. 30. A second insulating layer 154 is then formed over the first insulating layer 152. Portions of layers 154, 152, 142, 124, and 122 are removed to define contact openings where the devices are to be interconnected. Interconnect trenches are formed within insulating layer 154 to provide the lateral connections between the contacts. As illustrated in FIG. 30, interconnect 1562 connects a source or drain region of the n-type MESFET within portion 1022 to the deep collector region 1108 of the NPN transistor within the bipolar portion 1024. The emitter region 1120 of the NPN transistor is connected to one of the doped regions 1116 of the n-channel MOS transistor within the MOS portion 1026. The other doped region 1116 is electrically connected to other portions of the integrated circuit that are not shown.

[0108] A passivation layer 156 is formed over the interconnects 1562, 1564, and 1566 and insulating layer 154. Other electrical connections are made to the transistors as illustrated as well as to other electrical or electronic components within the integrated circuit 102 but are not illustrated in the FIGS. Further, additional insulating layers and interconnects may be formed as necessary to form the proper interconnections between the various components within the integrated circuit 102.

[0109] As can be seen from the previous embodiment, active devices for both compound semiconductor and Group IV semiconductor materials can be integrated into a single integrated circuit. Because there is some difficulty in incorporating both bipolar transistors and MOS transistors within a same integrated circuit, it may be possible to move some of the components within bipolar portion into the compound semiconductor portion 1022 or the MOS portion 1024. Therefore, the requirement of special fabricating steps solely used for making a bipolar transistor can be eliminated. Therefore, there would only be a compound semiconductor portion and a MOS portion to the integrated circuit.

[0110] In still another embodiment, an integrated circuit can be formed such that it includes an optical laser in a compound semiconductor portion and an optical interconnect (waveguide) to a MOS transistor within a Group IV semiconductor region of the same integrated circuit. FIGS. 31-37 include illustrations of one embodiment.

FIG. 31 includes an illustration of a cross-section view of a portion of an integrated circuit 160 that includes a monocrystalline silicon wafer 161. An amorphous intermediate layer 162 and an accommodating buffer layer 164, similar to those previously described, have been formed over wafer 161. Layers 162 and 164 may be subject to an annealing process as described above in connection with FIG. 3 to form a single amorphous accommodating layer. In this specific embodiment, the layers needed to form the optical laser will be formed first, followed by the layers needed for the MOS transistor. In FIG. 31, the lower mirror layer 166 includes alternating layers of compound semiconductor materials. For example, the first, third, and fifth films within the optical laser may include a material such as gallium arsenide, and the second, fourth, and sixth films within the lower mirror layer 166 may include aluminum gallium arsenide or vice versa. Layer 168 includes the active region that will be used for photon generation. Upper mirror layer 170 is formed in a similar manner to the lower mirror layer 166 and includes alternating films of compound semiconductor materials. In one particular embodiment, the upper mirror layer 170 may be p-type doped compound semiconductor materials, and the lower mirror layer 166 may be n-type doped compound semiconductor materials.

[0112] Another accommodating buffer layer 172, similar to the accommodating buffer layer 164, is formed over the upper mirror layer 170. In an alternative embodiment, the accommodating buffer layers 164 and 172 may include different materials. However, their function is essentially the same in that each is used for making a transition between a compound semiconductor layer and a monocrystalline Group IV semiconductor layer. Layer 172 may be subject to an annealing process as described above in connection with FIG. 3 to form an amorphous accommodating layer. A monocrystalline Group IV semiconductor layer 174 is formed over the accommodating buffer layer 172. In one particular embodiment, the monocrystalline Group IV semiconductor layer 174 includes germanium, silicon germanium, silicon germanium carbide, or the like.

[0113] In FIG. 32, the MOS portion is processed to form electrical components within this upper monocrystalline Group IV semiconductor layer 174. As illustrated in FIG. 32, a field isolation region 171 is formed from a portion of layer 174. A gate dielectric layer 173 is formed over the layer 174, and a gate electrode 175 is formed over the gate dielectric layer 173. Doped regions 177 are source, drain, or source/drain regions for the transistor 181, as shown. Sidewall spacers 179 are formed adjacent to the vertical sides of the gate electrode 175. Other components can be made within at least a part of layer 174. These other components include other transistors (n-channel or p-channel), capacitors, transistors, diodes, and the like.

[0114] A monocrystalline Group IV semiconductor layer is epitaxially grown over one of the doped regions 177. An upper portion 184 is P+ doped, and a lower portion 182 remains substantially intrinsic (undoped) as illustrated in FIG. 32. The layer can be formed using a selective epitaxial process. In one embodiment, an insulating layer (not shown) is formed over the transistor 181 and the field isolation region 171. The insulating layer is patterned to define an opening that exposes one of the doped regions 177. At least initially, the selective epitaxial layer is formed without dopants. The entire selective epitaxial layer may be intrinsic, or a p-type dopant can be added near the end of the formation of the selective epitaxial layer. If the selective epitaxial layer is intrinsic, as formed, a doping step may be formed by implantation or by furnace doping. Regardless how the P+ upper portion 184 is formed, the insulating layer is then removed to form the resulting structure shown in FIG. 32.

[0115] The next set of steps is performed to define the optical laser 180 as illustrated in FIG. 33. The field isolation region 171 and the accommodating buffer layer 172 are removed over the compound semiconductor portion of the integrated circuit. Additional steps are performed to define the upper mirror layer 170 and active layer 168 of the optical laser 180. The sides of the upper mirror layer 170 and active layer 168 are substantially coterminous.

[0116] Contacts 186 and 188 are formed for making electrical contact to the upper mirror layer 170 and the lower mirror layer 166, respectively, as shown in FIG. 33. Contact 186 has an annular shape to allow light (photons) to pass out of the upper mirror layer 170 into a subsequently formed optical waveguide.

[0117] An insulating layer 190 is then formed and patterned to define optical openings extending to the contact layer 186 and one of the doped regions 177 as shown in FIG. 34. The insulating material can be any number of different materials, including an oxide, nitride, oxynitride, low-k dielectric, or any combination thereof. After defining the openings 192, a higher refractive index material 202 is then formed within the openings to fill them and to deposit the layer over the insulating layer 190 as illustrated in FIG. 35. With respect to the higher refractive index material 202, “higher” is in relation to the material of the insulating layer 190 (i.e., material 202 has a higher refractive index compared to the insulating layer 190). Optionally, a relatively thin lower refractive index film (not shown) could be formed before forming the higher refractive index material 202. A hard mask layer 204 is then formed over the high refractive index layer 202. Portions of the hard mask layer 204, and high refractive index layer 202 are removed from portions overlying the opening and to areas closer to the sides of FIG. 34.

[0118] The balance of the formation of the optical waveguide, which is an optical interconnect, is completed as illustrated in FIG. 36. A deposition procedure (possibly a dep-etch process) is performed to effectively create sidewalls sections 212. In this embodiment, the sidewall sections 212 are made of the same material as material 202. The hard mask layer 204 is then removed, and a low refractive index layer 214 (low relative to material 202 and layer 212) is formed over the higher refractive index material 212 and 202 and exposed portions of the insulating layer 190. The dash lines in FIG. 36 illustrate the border between the high refractive index materials 202 and 212. This designation is used to identify that both are made of the same material but are formed at different times.

[0119] Processing is continued to form a substantially completed integrated circuit as illustrated in FIG. 37. A passivation layer 220 is then formed over the optical laser 180 and MOSFET transistor 181. Although not shown, other electrical or optical connections are made to the components within the integrated circuit but are not illustrated in FIG. 37. These interconnects can include other optical waveguides or may include metallic interconnects.

[0120] In other embodiments, other types of lasers can be formed. For example, another type of laser can emit light (photons) horizontally instead of vertically. If light is emitted horizontally, the MOSFET transistor could be formed within the substrate 161, and the optical waveguide would be reconfigured, so that the laser is properly coupled (optically connected) to the transistor. In one specific embodiment, the optical waveguide can include at least a portion of the accommodating buffer layer. Other configurations are possible.

[0121] Clearly, these embodiments of integrated circuits having compound semiconductor portions and Group IV semiconductor portions, are meant to illustrate what can be done and are not intended to be exhaustive of all possibilities or to limit what can be done. There is a multiplicity of other possible combinations and embodiments. For example, the compound semiconductor portion may include light emitting diodes, photodetectors, diodes, or the like, and the Group IV semiconductor can include digital logic, memory arrays, and most structures that can be formed in conventional MOS integrated circuits. By using what is shown and described herein, it is now simpler to integrate devices that work better in compound semiconductor materials with other components that work better in Group IV semiconductor materials. This allows a device to be shrunk, the manufacturing costs to decrease, and yield and reliability to increase.

[0122] Although not illustrated, a monocrystalline Group IV wafer can be used in forming only compound semiconductor electrical components over the wafer. In this manner, the wafer is essentially a “handle” wafer used during the fabrication of the compound semiconductor electrical components within a monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer overlying the wafer. Therefore, electrical components can be formed within III-V or II-VI semiconductor materials over a wafer of at least approximately 200 millimeters in diameter and possibly at least approximately 300 millimeters.

[0123] By the use of this type of substrate, a relatively inexpensive “handle” wafer overcomes the fragile nature of the compound semiconductor wafers by placing them over a relatively more durable and easy to fabricate base material. Therefore, an integrated circuit can be formed such that all electrical components, and particularly all active electronic devices, can be formed within the compound semiconductor material even though the substrate itself may include a Group IV semiconductor material. Fabrication costs for compound semiconductor devices should decrease because larger substrates can be processed more economically and more readily, compared to the relatively smaller and more fragile, conventional compound semiconductor wafers.

[0124] It is a further advantage of one embodiment of the invention to provide power amplification circuits and methods with dynamic power amplification characteristics. It is another advantage of an embodiment of the invention to provide power amplification circuits and methods with downloadable power amplification characteristics. It is yet another advantage of an embodiment of the invention to provide power amplification circuits and methods that have power amplification characteristics that are downloadable from a remote location.

[0125] These circuits and methods are related to U.S. Pat. No. 5,920,596 which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.

FIG. 38 shows a block diagram of an illustrative embodiment of an apparatus 3810 for amplifying signals. Apparatus 3810 includes a digital processor 3812 (such as a microprocessor), a modulator 3814, a frequency upconverter 3816 and a power amplifier 3818. The modulator 3814 includes a pulse width modulator 3832 and an amplitude restoration module including a driver circuit 3834, switching transistors 3836, such as a metal oxide semiconductor, bipolar, or similar electronic transistors and accompanying analog circuitry, such as low pass filter 3838. It should be noted that in some applications, one or both of the switching transistors 3836 may be replaced with other electronic devices, such as a diode.

[0127] Apparatus 3810 operates as follows. A baseband signal 3824, which preferably includes a first component, such as an inphase component and a second component, such as a quadrature phase component, is received at an input by digital processor 3812. Digital processor 3812 produces a first digital signal 3821 and a second digital signal 3822. In the preferred embodiment, the first digital signal 3821 is computed by taking the square root of the sum of the square of the first component and the second component of the input signal 3824. The first digital signal 3821 may be approximated to reduce the processing necessary in digital processor 3812.

[0128] The first digital signal 3821 is applied to the pulse width modulator (PWM) 3832 of the modulator device 3814. The PWM 3832 performs pulse width modulation of the first digital signal 3821 to produce a pulse width modulated signal that is fed to the driver 3834. The switching transistors 3836 and low pass filter 3838, in response to the driver 3834, produce a signal 3826 that is an amplified version of the PWM 3832 output. Filtering by low pass filter 3838 causes the resultant envelope signal 3826 to be further time delayed with respect to the first digital signal 3821.

[0129] Digital processor 3812 also produces a second digital signal 3822. Second digital signal 3822 is preferably a phase and time delayed signal, which may be represented by an amplitude limited phase shifted sinusoidal function. Once again, to reduce processing demands on digital processor 3812, an estimate of the sinusoidal phase shifted function may be used. Such an estimation may be calculated by using a polynomial approximation such as a Taylor series expansion of a cosine function. Second digital signal 3822 is fed to upconverter 3816 to produce an amplitude limited frequency modulated signal 3828. The amplitude limited frequency modulated (FM) signal 3828 is then input to a first input of power amplifier 3818. It should be noted that the phase shift in second signal 3822 is calculated to match the time delay in envelope signal 3826, so that the amplitude limited FM signal 3828 is timed to reach power amplifier 3818 at substantially the same time that the corresponding amplified envelope signal 3826 drives the bias (or supply voltage) input of power amplifier 3818. In this manner, power amplifier 3818 can produce an amplified signal 3830 which may be applied to a load, such as to an antenna of a transmitter in a wireless communications system (not shown).

[0130] In another aspect of the circuit shown in FIG. 38 according to the invention, an error correction circuit 3840 can be implemented to correct error—e.g., phase shift—between the amplitude envelope and the frequency modulated signal. Error correction circuit 3840, which may preferably be implemented as a phase correction circuit, may preferably sample the amplitude envelope signal, the frequency modulated signal and the amplified signal. Then, error correction circuit 3840 preferably transmits this information to the microprocessor 3812. The microprocessor 3812 uses this information to correct the frequency by which it produces the first digital signal and the second digital signal such that the amplitude envelope signal and the frequency modulated signal arrive substantially in phase at the power amplifier. Measurements of apparatus 3810 provide data suggesting a significant improvement in power amplification efficiency over conventional power amplifier circuits. An integrated circuit formed according to the embodiments and the teachings as described above may further improve performance and efficiency as follows.

FIG. 39 shows an integrated circuit 3900 formed according to the invention. Integrated circuit 3900 is preferably formed as a multilayer semiconductor structure from a monocrystalline silicon substrate 3910, an amorphous oxide layer (not shown in FIG. 39, but as described above with respect to FIGS. 1-37) overlying silicon substrate 3910, a monocrystalline oxide film (not shown in FIG. 39, but as described above with respect to FIGS. 1-37) overlying the oxide layer and a compound semiconductor layer 3920 formed overlying the oxide layer. The components of circuit 3900 are similar to circuit 3800 but, because of the structure in which circuit 3900 is formed and implementation of particular components in different layers, circuit 3900 provides greater efficiency than circuit 3800.

[0132] Individual components of circuit 3900 may be implemented as follows. It is well known that the digital CMOS circuitry incorporated by digital processor 3912 may be implemented in silicon for high performance. Thus, digital processor 3912 should preferably be implemented in silicon substrate 3910. Also, PWM 3932 should preferably be implemented on silicon substrate 3910.

[0133] As is well known in the art, filter 3938 should preferably be implemented discretely because of the size of the components—e.g., the inductor—required to filter the signal.

[0134] Finally, driver 3934, local oscillator 3916 and power amplifier 3918 may preferably be implemented in the compound semiconductor layer 3920 of circuit 3900 because of the gain and frequency requirements of these components. In FIG. 39, compound semiconductor layer 3920 has been shown as “islands” in silicon substrate 3910. Preferable embodiments of methods of formation of these islands are described in detail below with respect to FIGS. 42-46.

[0135] If one, or all, of these components are implemented in compound semiconductor layer 3920, the efficiency of the circuit is improved, as stated above. In addition, because all the components are integrated on a single integrated chip according to the invention, performance is further improved and the expense of the device is substantially lowered. In conventional circuits constructed according to the '596 patent, a separate chip was required for the digital microprocessor 3912 and for the compound semiconductor components such as power amplifier 3918 because the two were formed on two different, previously incompatible, substrates. By reducing the requirement for two separately integrated circuits, the higher efficiency of the circuit shown in the '596 patent can be obtained for a de minimis cost.

[0136] In another embodiment of the present invention, the characteristics of the power amplifier circuit can be modified to compensate for changing conditions. One example of an implementation where compensation for changing conditions obtains benefits is a power amplifier circuit in a cellular telephone. The power amplification requirements of a cellular telephone change according to the conditions under which the telephone is operating. For example, when the telephone operates in a region that is saturated with cellular traffic, high-accuracy cellular signals are required to limit interference from other cellular signals. In a less saturated region, the cellular signals can be relatively less accurate because there are fewer competing cellular signals to avoid. In an alternative embodiment of a circuit according to the invention, the temperature of the power amplifier circuit may be measured—e.g., with a silicon diode (not shown) implemented on the silicon substrate and thermo-coupled to power amplifier 3918 shown in FIG. 39. This temperature information may be transmitted to the processor. This information may allow the processor to more efficiently govern the operation of power amplifier circuit 3900.

[0137] The need for more, or less, accuracy translates into different power amplifier requirements. For a higher accuracy signal, the distortion of the signal must be limited—e.g., to about 0.5 decibels—whereas for a lower accuracy signal the telephone may operate at 2 decibels distortion. The distortion level is a function of the amplification level provided by the power amplifier—i.e., greater amplification of the signal causes greater distortion.

[0138] One problem with operating at low distortion levels is that the efficiency of the power amplifier circuit is reduced because it is not amplifying at its highest capability. However in a circuit according to the invention, the conditions—e.g., subscriber density rate, carrier frequency or spectral band of the RF signal—can all be fed into the digital microprocessor. Then, the digital microprocessor can set the level of distortion, and the commensurate rollback of amplification, of the power amplifier as required by the conditions. Therefore, a circuit according to the invention can preferably adjust its power amplification to changing circuit conditions. The circuit may preferably sample the circuit conditions by sampling the local RF propagation that it is currently receiving. By adjusting the power amplification characteristics to the existing conditions, power amplification efficiency is greatly improved.

[0139] In an alternative embodiment, software can be loaded onto the digital microprocessor which defines the power amplification characteristics of the circuit, which are preferably defined by the microprocessor, without physically changing the architecture of the circuit. This may be useful, for example, when a cellular phone according to the invention is being transported between different regions having different spectral bands of cellular phone communication. Thus, for each particular region, software can be downloaded onto the microprocessor that optimizes the efficiency for the region.

[0140] Thus, a method of utilizing the circuit according to the invention provides a software-definable power amplifier. The software-definable power amplifier is preferably monolithic according to the structures described above.

FIG. 40 shows a flow chart of a method for dynamically optimizing the power characteristics of a software-definable power amplifier according to the invention. Box 4010 shows that the power amplifier circuit receives and samples the incoming RF signals. Box 4020 shows that the power amplifier circuit analyzes the incoming RF signals. Box 4030 shows determining the characteristics of the incoming signals as relating to user density, carrier frequency and spectral band. Box 4040 shows the optimizing the performance characteristics of the power amplifier based on the determining. The optimizing is preferably performed by the digital microprocessor. Such optimization can be dynamic in that it can occur continually automatically on an as-needed basis (triggered by, for example, sufficient alteration of some one or more monitored internal operating condition or environmental operating condition) or on a regularly scheduled or otherwise temporally governed optimization process schedule.

FIG. 41 shows an alternative embodiment of a method according to the invention. Box 4110 shows downloading of relevant RF propagation characteristics into the microprocessor. In this embodiment, box 4120 shows the microprocessor optimizing the power characteristics for the previously downloaded RF characteristics. In an alternative embodiment shown in box 4130, downloading of the optimal power amplification characteristics into the microprocessor can occur directly. In either embodiment, box 4140 shows that the digital microprocessor implements the high efficiency operation of the power amplifier. It should be noted that the downloading of the relevant RF propagation characteristics, or, alternatively, power amplification characteristics, can occur remotely or from a hard-wired connection to the power amplification circuits according to the invention.

[0143] In an alternative embodiment, power amplifier circuits according to the invention may be implemented in circuits for use in a wireless communications network. This network, for example, may include wireless modems, wireless LAN, wireless Personal Area Network (PAN), digital communication systems, etc. The wireless communications network may also be adapted to work with a low-powered radio system which allows products containing similar technology to be interconnected via wireless communication. This low-powered radio technology may preferably provide connection to a wide range of computing and telecommunication devices via wireless connections as is known in the art. Specifications and other information regarding suitable low-powered radio technology are available at the Bluetooth Internet site

[0144] Particularly preferred structures and methods for implementing the compound semiconductor on silicon are shown in FIGS. 42-46. These FIGS. show a semiconductor structure or integrated circuit having both (a) one or more compound semiconductor portions and (b) at least one non-compound semiconductor portion such as a monocrystalline silicon portion, but with the compound semiconductor portions preferably flush with the surface of the non-compound semiconductor portion. Although the discussion of this embodiment, which may be referred to as a “hybrid” semiconductor, focuses for convenience on silicon as the non-compound semiconductor portion, it will be understood that any non-compound semiconductor portion, such as a different Group IV semiconductor portion, may also be used.

[0145] A cross section of a portion of a preferred embodiment of a hybrid semiconductor 4200 according to this embodiment is shown in FIG. 42. As seen in FIG. 42, hybrid semiconductor 4200 includes a monocrystalline silicon substrate 4201 in which depressions or wells 4202 have been formed. Each well 4202 is filled with a compound semiconductor portion, which may be thought of as an “island” 4204 of compound semiconductor in the non-compound semiconductor, as seen in the plan view of FIG. 43.

[0146] Hybrid semiconductor 4200 may be made by forming wells 4202 in the non-compound—e.g., monocrystalline silicon—semiconductor substrate 4201. Wells 4202 may be formed, e.g., by any well-known etching process including both wet and dry etching processes, operating on the silicon or on a layer of oxide grown on the silicon. While wells 4202 may be substantially circular or of other shapes, they preferably are substantially rectangular as shown, with dimensions on the order of hundreds of micrometers on a side, providing an area sufficient to form a useful amount of circuitry.

[0147] After wells 4202 have been formed in silicon substrate 4201, the process described above is carried out to form, preferably, amorphous layer 4228, accommodating buffer layer 4224 and template layer 4230, respectively similar to amorphous layer 28, accommodating buffer layer 24 and template layer 30 described with reference to FIGS. 1-3. As with the structures described above with reference to FIGS. 1-3, amorphous layer 4228 and accommodating buffer layer 4224 may be annealed to form a single amorphous accommodating layer.

[0148] Monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer 4226 of, e.g., GaAs, is then grown on template layer 4230, resulting in a structure such as that shown in cross section in FIG. 44. GaAs layer 4226 substantially follows the contours of monocrystalline silicon substrate 4201, including the contours of wells 4202.

[0149] A polishing step, which can be any conventional semiconductor polishing technique such as chemical/mechanical polishing (CMP), is then used to remove GaAs layer 4226, template layer 4230, accommodating buffer layer 4224, and amorphous layer 4228, down to the original surface 4203 of substrate 4201. The result is the hybrid structure 4200 shown in FIGS. 42 and 43, in which islands 4204 of GaAs (or other monocrystalline compound semiconductor) are present in the surface of the non-compound semiconductor substrate 4201. Preferably, template layer 4230, accommodating buffer layer 4224, and amorphous layer 4228, (whether 3821ed or not) or as many of those layers as are present (one or more may be omitted)—which may be referred to collectively as insulating layer 4205, insulate the compound semiconductor islands 4204 from the non-compound semiconductor 4201. If insulating layer 4205 does not grow sufficiently on the side walls of wells 4202 to provide adequate insulation at the edges of island 4204, then as shown in FIG. 45 a trench 4206 may be cut around the periphery of island 4204, using conventional semiconductor trench-forming techniques, and filled with a suitable insulating material 4207, which may be, e.g., a silicon oxide, or one of the components of insulating layer 4205.

[0150] The depth of each well 4202, and thus the thickness of each island 4204 (the thicknesses of the template layer 4230, accommodating buffer layer 4224, and amorphous layer 4228 total between about 10° and about 100° and are therefore negligible), preferably is between about 0.5 μm and about 2 μm.

[0151] Once hybrid structure 4200 has been formed, electronic circuitry can be created by forming electronic components 4256 and 4268 in substrate 4201 and island 4204, respectively. Alternatively, component 4256 may be formed in substrate 4201 prior to the formation of island 4204. Either way, the components can be interconnected by appropriate metallization 4270 as shown in FIG. 46, resulting in hybrid integrated circuit device 4215.

[0152] Component processing in materials such as monocrystalline silicon is typically carried out at temperatures above about 800□C., while component processing in compound semiconductor materials such as GaAs is typically carried out at lower temperatures, between about 300° C. and about 800° C., and components formed in GaAs would be damaged by the higher temperatures of silicon processing (although the unprocessed GaAs itself would not be damaged). Therefore, preferably components such as component 4256 are formed first in silicon substrate 4201 using high-temperature processing. Components such as component 4268 are then formed in the GaAs island 4204 at the lower processing temperatures, which will not damage the already formed silicon components 4256.

[0153] Benefits, other advantages, and solutions to problems have been described above with regard to specific embodiments. However, the benefits, advantages, solutions to problems, and any element(s) that may cause any benefit, advantage, or solution to occur or become more pronounced are not to be construed as a critical, required, or essential feature or element of any or all the claims. As used herein, the terms “comprises,” “comprising,” or any other variation thereof, are intended to cover a non-exclusive inclusion, such that a process, method, article, or apparatus that comprises a list of elements does not include only those elements but may include other elements not expressly listed or inherent to such process, method, article, or apparatus.

  • 1. A circuit comprising: a monocrystalline silicon substrate; an amorphous silicon oxide layer formed on the substrate; a monocrystalline oxide film formed on the oxide layer; a monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer formed on the oxide film; a digital microprocessor that produces a first digital signal and a second digital signal, the microprocessor being at least partially formed in the silicon substrate; a pulse width modulator circuit at least partially formed in the silicon substrate that receives the first digital signal and that produces a pulse width modulated signal; an amplitude restoration module that receives the pulse width modulated signal and produces an amplitude envelope signal based on the pulse width modulated signal; a frequency upconverter that receives the second digital signal and produces a frequency modulated signal based on the second digital signal; and a power amplifier at least partially formed in the compound semiconductor that receives the amplitude envelope signal and the frequency modulated signal and that produces an amplified output signal.
  • 2. The circuit of claim 1 further comprising an error correction circuit that compares the amplitude envelope signal to the frequency modulated signal, and that transmits information derived from the comparison to the digital microprocessor.
  • 3. The circuit of claim 2, wherein the error correction circuit compares phase of the amplitude envelope signal to phase of the frequency modulated signal.
  • 4. The circuit of claim 2, wherein the error correction circuit compares time delay of the amplitude envelope signal to time delay of the frequency modulated signal.
  • 5. The circuit of claim 1, wherein the frequency upconverter is at least partially formed in the compound semiconductor.
  • 6. The circuit of claim 1, wherein the amplitude restoration module is at least partially formed in the compound semiconductor.
  • 7. The circuit of claim 1, further comprising a temperature circuit that obtains the temperature of the power amplifier circuit and transmits that temperature of the power amplifier circuit to the digital microprocessor.
  • 8. A method for processing a modulated signal using an integrated circuit, the integrated circuit comprising a monocrystalline silicon substrate portion and a monocrystalline compound semiconductor portion, the method comprising: providing a digital microprocessor that is at least partially formed in the silicon substrate; using the digital microprocessor to produce a first digital signal and a second digital signal based on the modulated signal; providing a pulse width modulator circuit that is at least partially formed in the silicon substrate; using the pulse width modulator circuit to receive the first digital signal and to produce a pulse width modulated signal; providing an amplitude restoration module; using the amplitude restoration module to receive the pulse width modulated signal and to produce an amplitude envelope signal based on the pulse width modulated signal; providing a frequency upconverter; using the frequency upconverter to receive the second digital signal and to produce a frequency modulated signal based on the second digital signal; providing a power amplifier that is at least partially formed in the compound semiconductor; and using the power amplifier to receive the amplitude envelope signal and the frequency modulated signal and to produce an amplified output signal.
  • 9. The circuit of claim 8, further comprising comparing the amplitude envelope signal to the frequency modulated signal, and transmitting information derived from the comparison to the digital microprocessor.
  • 10. The circuit of claim 8, further comprising correcting phase of the amplitude envelope signal to substantially match phase of frequency modulated signal.
  • 11. The circuit of claim 8, further comprising correcting time delay of the amplitude envelope signal to substantially match time delay of the frequency modulated signal.
  • 12. The circuit of claim 8, further comprising at least partially forming the frequency upconverter in the compound semiconductor.
  • 13. The circuit of claim 8, further comprising at least partially forming the amplitude restoration module in the compound semiconductor.
  • 14. The circuit of claim 8, further comprising measuring the temperature of the power amplifier circuit and transmitting the temperature to the digital microprocessor.
  • 15. A method of optimizing power amplifier characteristics of a monolithic power amplifier circuit, the method comprising: obtaining local RF propagation conditions; analyzing the local RF propagation conditions; determining the characteristics of the RF propagation conditions as relating to at least one of user density, carrier frequency and spectral band; and dynamically optimizing performance characteristics of the monolithic power amplifier circuit based on the determining.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, further comprising monitoring local RF propagation conditions and continuing to optimize the performance characteristics based on the monitoring.
  • 17. A method of optimizing power amplifier characteristics comprising: downloading local RF propagation conditions into a monolithic power amplifier circuit; analyzing the RF propagation conditions; determining characteristics of the RF propagation conditions as relating to at least one of user density, carrier frequency and spectral band; and optimizing at least one performance characteristic of the power amplifier circuit based on the determining.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, further comprising monitoring local RF propagation conditions and continuing to optimize the at least one performance characteristic based on the monitoring.
  • 19. The method of claim 17, wherein the downloading occurs remotely from the power amplification circuit.
  • 20. A method of defining at least one power amplifier characteristic comprising downloading performance characteristics to a monolithic power amplifier circuit based on at least one of local user density, local carrier frequency and local spectral band.
  • 21. The method of claim 20, further comprising monitoring local RF propagation conditions and continuing to again define the at least one performance characteristic based on the monitoring.
  • 22. The method of claim 20, wherein the downloading occurs remotely from the power amplifier circuit.
  • 23. A monolithic, software-definable, power amplifier circuit.
  • 24. A circuit comprising: a monocrystalline silicon substrate; an amorphous silicon oxide layer formed on the substrate; a monocrystalline oxide film formed on the oxide layer; a monocrystalline compound semiconductor layer formed on the oxide film; a digital microprocessor that produces a first digital signal and a second digital signal; a pulse width modulator circuit that receives the first digital signal and that produces a pulse width modulated signal; an amplitude restoration module that receives the pulse width modulated signal and produces an amplitude envelope signal based on the pulse width modulated signal; a frequency upconverter that receives the second digital signal and produces a frequency modulated signal based on the second digital signal; a power amplifier at least partially formed in the compound semiconductor that receives the amplitude envelope signal and the frequency modulated signal and that produces an amplified output signal; wherein at least one of the digital microprocessor, the pulse width modulator circuit, the amplitude restoration module, the frequency upconverter, and the power amplifier is at least partially formed in the silicon substrate; and wherein at least one of the digital microprocessor, the pulse width modulator circuit, the amplitude restoration module, the frequency upconverter, and the power amplifier is at least partially formed in the compound semiconductor layer.