The Radio and Electronic Engineer, vol. 45, No. 3, Mar. 1975, pp. 116-120, London, GB; P. M. Thompson et al.: "Digital Arithmetic Units for a High Data Rate". |
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-24, No. 3, Mar. 1975, pp. 317-322, New York, US; J. Deverell: "Pipeline Iterative Arithmetic Arrays". |
Electronics Letters, vol. 8, No. 4, 24th Feb. 1972, pp. 100-101, Hitchin, Herts, GB; K. J. Dean et al.: "General Iterative Array". |
Signal Processing: Theories and Applications, Proceedings of Eusipco-80, First European Signal Processing Conference, 16th-18th Sep. 1980, Lausanne, CH, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, NL; L. Ciminiera et al.: "High Speed Correlator Circuits". |
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 21, No. 8, Aug. 1972, pp. 880-886, IEEE, New York, US; T. G. Hallin et al.: "Pipelining of Arithmetic Functions". |
Automatisme, vol. 21, No. 10, Oct. 1976, pp. 302-314, Paris, FR; M. Mrayati et al.: "Conception et Realisation de Filtres Numberiques". |
Electronics Letters, vol. 18, No. 6, Mar. 1982, pp. 241-243, London, GB; J. V. McCanny et al.: "Implementation of Signal Processing Functions Using 1-Bit Systolic Arrays". |
Computer, Jan. 1980 (IEEE), pp. 26-40, Foster, M. J. and Kung, M. T. |
Systolic Arrays (for VLSI), Kung and Leiserson, in "Introduction to VLSI Systems" by Mead & Conway, Addison-Wesley (1980). |
"Matrix Triangularization by Systolic Arrays", Proc. Spie, vol. 28, Real Time Signal Processing IV (1981) Kung and Gentleman. |
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Apr. 1976, pp. 418-425, Lyon, R. F. |