Transistor having a deposited dual-layer spacer structure

A transistor comprising a deposited dual-layer spacer structure and method of fabrication. A polysilicon layer is deposited over a gate dielectric, and is subsequently etched to form the polysilicon gate electrode of the transistor. Next, oxide is deposited over the surface of the gate electrode, followed by deposition of a second dielectric layer. Spacers are then formed adjacent to the gate electrode by etching back the second dielectric layer using a substantially anisotropic etch which etches the second dielectric layer faster than it etches the oxide.


The present invention relates to semiconductor processing and more particularly to a transistor having spacers formed from a deposited dual-layer film.


Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors are the primary building blocks for modem integrated circuits. Today, highly complex integrated circuits such as, for example, microprocessors and memory chips, contain millions of transistors on a single silicon substrate no bigger than a thumbnail. A transistor may be thought of as an electronic switch having three nodes. According to a voltage applied to a first node of the transistor, called the gate, the flow of electric current between the other two nodes, called the source and drain, is modulated. For example, to turn one type of n-channel (NMOS) transistor “on,” a positive voltage is applied to the gate, allowing electric current to flow between the source and drain. To turn this transistor “off,” zero volts is applied to the gate which cuts off the flow of electric current between the source and drain.

As the demand for cheaper, faster, lower power consuming electronic products increases, the speed of the integrated circuits utilized by these devices must be similarly increased. One way to increase the speed of an integrated circuit is to reduce the “switching speed” of the transistors contained within the integrated circuit. The switching speed of a transistor is the amount of time associated with turning the transistor from an “off” state to an “on” state, or from an “on” state to an “off” state. In addition to improving the switching speed of a transistor, the reliability of a transistor must similarly be improved to improve the reliability of the overall integrated circuit.

There are many factors which affect the speed and reliability of a transistor.


shows an edge of a transistor comprising a source/drain tip region


formed in a silicon substrate


. Gate oxide


separates polysilicon gate electrode


from semiconductor substrate


. Typically, after tip region


is formed in silicon substrate


by implanting dopants into the substrate, a reoxidation step is carried out. During reoxidation, the substrate of


is exposed to an oxidizing ambient at elevated temperatures. During reoxidation, any bare silicon exposed to the oxidizing ambient will grow a silicon dioxide (oxide) layer.


shows the cross-section of


after the substrate has been reoxidized. The exposed silicon of polysilicon gate electrode


and silicon substrate


combines with oxygen in the oxidizing ambient to grow reox layer


. Reox layer


serves many useful purposes. For example, the reox layer protects the underlying substrate from contamination by subsequently deposited materials such as, for example, photolithographic resist and interlayer dielectrics. The thermal process step used to grow reox layer


also helps to repair damage caused by implanting tip region



In addition, reox layer


will encroach underneath polysilicon gate electrode


within region


to round-off and separate the lower corner of the gate electrode from the underlying tip region


. By separating the gate electrode from the tip region in this manner, the gate-to-source and gate-to-drain capacitance, known as Miller capacitance, is reduced. Reduction in Miller capacitance is known to improve the switching speed of a transistor. Also, the portion of reox layer


which grows in region


serves to protect the delicate edges of gate oxide


from damage and serves to reduce hot electron damage to gate oxide


, a major reliability concern, during operation of the transistor.

While reox layer


provides certain benefits to a transistor, some of which have been described above, the reox layer also introduces some disadvantages. For example, the oxidation enhanced diffusion of tip region


caused by the growth of reox layer


results in the significant deepening of tip region


into silicon substrate


. Deepening of the tip region has been known to degrade the punch-through characteristics of the transistor, resulting in functionality and reliability problems, and reduces the usable drive current.

Another disadvantage of reox layer


is that the growth of this layer can create crystal defects




in the underlying silicon substrate. Defects




are oxide-induced stacking faults which significantly degrade the performance of the transistor. For example, crystal defects are known to increase leakage currents, degrade gate oxide quality, and reduce the breakdown voltage of the transistor. These problems result in poor yield, reliability, and performance of the overall integrated circuit.


A transistor comprising a deposited dual-layer spacer structure is described along with its method of fabrication. A polysilicon layer is deposited over a gate dielectric, and is subsequently etched to form the polysilicon gate electrode of the transistor. Next, oxide is deposited over the surface of the gate electrode, followed by deposition of a second dielectric layer. Spacers are then formed adjacent to the gate electrode by etching back the second dielectric layer using a substantially anisotropic etch which etches the second dielectric layer faster than it etches the oxide.

Other features and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from the accompanying drawings and the detailed description that follows.


The present invention is illustrated by way of example and not limitation in the figures of the accompanying drawings in which like references indicate similar elements and in which:

FIG. 1


is a cross-section of the edge of a polysilicon gate electrode formed on a semiconductor substrate.

FIG. 1


is the cross-section of

FIG. 1


after reoxidation.

FIG. 2


is a cross-section of a polysilicon gate electrode formed on a semiconductor substrate.

FIG. 2


is the cross-section of

FIG. 2


after two dielectric films have been formed in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 2


is the cross-section of

FIG. 2


after the dielectric films have been etched back to form spacers.

FIG. 3


is a cross-section of a polysilicon gate electrode formed on a semiconductor substrate.

FIG. 3


is the cross-section of

FIG. 3


after reoxidizing the substrate in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 3


is the cross-section of

FIG. 3


after two dielectric films have been formed in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 3


is the cross-section of

FIG. 3


after the dielectric films have been etched back to form spacers.


A transistor comprising a spacer structure which overcomes the deficiencies of the prior art is described. In general, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a polysilicon layer is first deposited over the surface of a gate oxide. This polysilicon layer is subsequently patterned and etched to form a polysilicon gate electrode of the transistor. Next, a heavily doped source/drain tip region is formed in the underlying semiconductor substrate adjacent to the edges of the polysilicon gate electrode by implanting a first dose of arsenic for n-channel transistors and boron for p-channel transistors.

Thereafter, a thin silicon dioxide (oxide) layer is conformally deposited over the surface of the substrate, substantially coating the surfaces of the semiconductor substrate and the polysilicon gate electrode. A thicker layer of silicon nitride (nitride) is then deposited conformally over the surface of the oxide layer. The nitride layer is subsequently substantially anisotropically etched back using an etch chemistry which is highly selective to the underlying oxide layer, leaving behind spacers adjacent to the polysilicon gate electrode comprising an upper nitride and a lower oxide. This dual layer spacer structure serves to block the underlying tip region from a subsequent source/drain implant of a second dose of arsenic or boron.

For another embodiment of the present invention, this deposited dual-layer spacer structure is implemented in conjunction with other layers which form a portion of the spacer structure such as, for example, a reox layer. Transistors comprising this deposited dual-layer spacer structure are described in more detail below along with methods of fabricating these devices.


is a cross-section of a gate dielectric


separating a polysilicon gate electrode


from an underlying semiconductor substrate


, having source/drain tip regions


formed therein. The structure of


is created by first forming gate dielectric


on the surface of bare semiconductor substrate


. Gate dielectric


comprises a layer of thermally grown oxide. For one embodiment, the gate dielectric further comprises a deposited dielectric layer such as oxide or nitride, or a thermal nitride may be formed. After gate dielectric


is formed, a layer of polysilicon is deposited on the surface of the gate dielectric. This polysilicon layer is then patterned and etched to form polysilicon gate electrode


. Thereafter, dopant material is implanted into the surface of semiconductor substrate


, using gate electrode


as an implant mask, to form the inner-portions of the source/drain regions of the transistor, known as source/drain “tip” regions


, which are substantially aligned to gate electrode



For the embodiment of the present invention shown in


, tip regions


are arsenic tip regions formed by implanting a high dose of arsenic at a low energy to form the shallow, heavily doped (n+) tip regions


. Arsenic is used to form tip regions


because arsenic will not rapidly diffuse through semiconductor substrate


, thereby maintaining the shallow profile and heavily doped nature of these tip regions. An arsenic tip implant of approximately 1×10




at an energy in the range of approximately 2 to 20 KeV has been found suitable for one embodiment, but the actual doseage may vary by approximately an order of magnitude, which is approximately a power of ten, for other embodiments. Also, for alternate embodiments of the present invention, phosphorus or antimony may be used in place of arsenic.

For another embodiment of the present invention in which a p-channel transistor is formed, the p-type tip regions of the transistor are created by implanting a moderate dose of boron at a low energy. A BF


tip implant of approximately 1×10




at an energy in the range of approximately 2 to 20 KeV has been found suitable for one embodiment, but the actual doseage may vary by approximately an order of magnitude for other embodiments. By forming shallow, relatively heavily doped n-type and p-type tip regions (in comparison to prior art processes) in this manner, the tip becomes an extension of its adjacent, heavily doped source/drain region. This source/drain region is formed later in the process, as described below.

Problems associated with hot electron trapping in the gate dielectric in transistors having heavily doped tip regions are minimized by using lower supply voltages during operation of the transistor. For another embodiment of the present invention, the transistor is operated under higher supply voltage conditions. For this embodiment, n

tip regions of n-channel transistors are formed by implanting a lower dosage of phosphorus, and p

tip regions of p-channel transistors are formed by implanting a moderate to low dosage of boron to form graded junction or low doped drain (LDD) tip regions. This embodiment of the present invention may be found useful in reducing the hot electron charging effects to acceptable levels.

For the embodiment of the present invention shown in


, gate dielectric


is removed from the surface of semiconductor substrate


above tip regions


before the tips are implanted. For another embodiment of the present invention, all or some portion of the gate dielectric remains on the surface of the semiconductor substrate during implantation of the tip regions. This embodiment may be found useful in applications in which a practitioner desires to use a screen oxide to reduce damage to the semiconductor substrate and channeling of dopant ions implanted perpendicular to the surface of the substrate. As such, for anther embodiment of the present invention, one or more layers of the subsequently formed spacer structures described below are deposited before the tip regions are formed. This embodiment may be found useful to further minimize the effects of channeling through the semiconductor substrate and to reduce damage to the surface of the substrate.

The width of polysilicon gate electrode


(which defines the gate length of the transistor, between the source and drain regions) is approximately 0.3 μm, but may be in the range of approximately 0.1 μm to 1 μm. For another embodiment of the present invention, the width of the gate electrode is well within the deep sub-micron regime of less than 0.11 μm. While the embodiment of the present invention shown in


is in accordance with a complimentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process, for other embodiments of the present invention, other types of devices are formed. For example, in an embodiment in which an erasable, programmable read-only memory (EPROM) device is formed, a floating gate, control gate dielectric, and control gate are formed over the gate dielectric, and subsequently patterned and etched, before tip regions are formed. Also, for another embodiment of the present invention, materials other than polysilicon, which are also capable of exhibiting conductive properties, are implemented in place of or in addition to the polysilicon.


shows the cross-section of


after two dielectric films, oxide


and nitride


, have been formed in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Dielectric layer


is an oxide deposited by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. Oxide


is formed to a thickness within the range of approximately 50 Å to 150 Å. One purpose served by oxide layer


is as a buffer layer, relieving lateral stresses between the subsequently deposited nitride layer


and the underlying polysilicon gate electrode


. Unless this stress is relieved, cracks, delamination, or other problems can occur in the nitride or polysilicon layers.

Another purpose served by oxide layer


is as an etch stop to the subsequent anisotropic nitride spacer etch. Therefore, oxide layer


is deposited thick enough to serve as a sufficient buffer between its overlying and underlying materials, and to prevent etching of the underlying material during etching of the overlying material. With these considerations in mind, for one embodiment of the present invention, the thickness of the oxide layer is selected from within the range of approximately 50 Å to 300 Å. For an alternate embodiment of the present invention in which, for example, a more highly selective spacer etch chemistry is used, an oxide less than 50 Å is deposited. For another embodiment of the present invention, an oxide layer as thick as approximately 500 Å may be necessary.

Dielectric layer


is a nitride formed by a CVD process to a thickness in the range of approximately 800 Å to 3000 Å. Nitride layer


provides the basis from which the bulk of the spacer structures are subsequently formed. One benefit to using nitride in a spacer structure is that nitride provides better hermeticity than oxide. Therefore, nitride layer


prevents the diffusion of moisture to gate dielectric


, thereby improving the electrical stability of the resulting transistor. For an alternate embodiment of the present invention, this second dielectric layer primarily comprises a silicon oxynitride material.

Consistent spacer width is dependent on the thickness and conformality of nitride layer


. Therefore, the thickness of nitride layer


is selected to provide sufficient hermeticity to the underlying transistor, as well as adequate spacer width. For one embodiment of the present invention, the thickness of nitride


is selected from within the range of approximately 500 Å to 2500 Å. Note that as the dimensions of transistors formed in accordance with more advanced processing techniques are reduced, the thickness of the nitride layer is similarly reduced. For example, for one embodiment the nitride layer is deposited to a thickness of less than 500 Å, to perhaps as thin as 100 Å or less.

As stated above, oxide layer


is deposited by a CVD process, rather than thermally grown from the surfaces of semiconductor substrate


and polysilicon gate electrode


. As a result, the lower corners of polysilicon gate electrode


lie predominantly flat and square with the surface of semiconductor substrate


, thereby improving the characteristics of the resulting transistor. In addition, because oxide layer


is deposited rather than grown, thermal oxide-enhanced diffusion of the source/drain tip regions is minimized, thereby maintaining the shallow profile and highly doped nature of tip regions


, and providing improved transistor performance.

To minimize the diffusion of tip regions


into semiconductor substrate


, the temperature to which the tip regions are exposed is minimized. Therefore, both dielectric layers




are deposited by low pressure CVD (LPCVD) processes at temperatures below approximately 900° C. For another embodiment of the present invention, the thermal budget seen by tip regions


is further reduced by depositing either oxide layer


, nitride layer


, or both by a plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD) process. Because a PECVD process can deposit materials at much lower temperatures than the materials can be deposited using an LPCVD process, the substrate upon which the material is deposited can be kept at a lower temperature. Therefore, for an embodiment in which PECVD is used to deposit the spacer layers, diffusion of the tip regions in the semiconductor substrate is reduced.


shows the cross-section of


after dielectric films




are etched back to form spacer structures


adjacent to polysilicon gate electrode


, and source/drain regions


are subsequently formed. Spacers


comprise upper nitrite layer


and lower oxide layer


. Dielectric layers




are etched back using two different etch techniques and etch chemistries.

Nitride layer


is etched back using a substantially anisotropic etch technique using an etch chemistry which etches nitride faster than it etches oxide. In a substantially anisotropic etch process, the layer being etched is etched primarily in the vertical direction, however, a small amount of horizontal etching (isotropic etch) may be allowed to take place. This slight isotropic component of the etch is enough to remove “micro-spacers” which have been found to form adjacent to very small, non-planar features of the substrate.

Using this etch process, nitride layer




is reduced to the upper portion of spacers


. The substantially anisotropic etch of nitride layer


removes the nitride from the upper surfaces of the polysilicon gate electrode and the source/drain regions of semiconductor substrate


without completely etching through the underlying oxide layer


. A SF


-based nitride etch chemistry has been found to provide suitable selectivity to oxide. Therefore, by optimizing the nitride spacer etch, along with the thickness of oxide layer


, the upper nitride portions of spacers


are isolated to the regions adjacent to polysilicon gate electrode


, without removing any portion of polysilicon from the gate electrode, semiconductor material from the surface of semiconductor substrate


, or trench oxide from trench isolation regions elsewhere in the substrate.

While nitride layer


is primarily etched back by the substantially anisotropic spacer etch process, a good portion of the underlying oxide layer


will also be etched, particularly during the period of time nitride layer


is undergoing overetch by the spacer etch process. Overetch is done to ensure the nitride is completely removed from all regions where the nitride is not desired. Therefore, some small portion of the lower oxide layer remains over the surface of the substrate. Increasing the thickness of this lower remaining oxide layer may be found useful in application in which a screen oxide is desired to reduce the channeling and damage caused by the subsequently implanted dopant ions in the source/drain regions of the transistor.

For an alternate embodiment of the present invention, after the upper nitride layer of the spacer is formed by the substantially anisotropic etch-back process step, the lower oxide layer is separately etched back using an isotropic etch such as, for example, a buffered oxide wet etch comprising HF. During this isotropic etch-back step, the upper nitride portion of the spacer acts as a mask for the underlying oxide layer, preventing the oxide from being removed from the spacer structure. However, elsewhere on the substrate, the oxide layer is substantially removed by the isotropic etch chemistry which etches oxide faster than it etches silicon. For an alternate embodiment of the present invention, the oxide layer is etched by a similarly selective anisotropic etch technique.

For other embodiments of the present invention, other film combinations are deposited from which spacer structures are formed using substantially anisotropic spacer etch chemistries which etch the upper layer of the spacer faster than it etches the lower layer of the spacer. Layers which may be found suitable for forming a spacer structure include oxide, nitride, silicon oxynitride, polysilicon, borosilicate glass (BSG), phosphosilicate glass (PSG), borophosphosilicate glass (BPSG), or organic materials such as polyimide. Also, for another embodiment of the present invention, three or more layers of dielectric or other types of materials are implemented to form multi-layered spacer structures wherein each layer is deposited on the surface of the substrate.

After spacers


are formed, n


source/drain regions


are created by a high energy and high dose blanket implant of arsenic into the surface of the substrate in the n-channel regions. This arsenic implant heavily dopes the source/drain regions and polysilicon gate electrode of the n-channel transistor. Arsenic, with its low diffusion coefficient, will experience little lateral spreading under spacers


during subsequent thermal steps. Too much lateral spreading of the source/drain region is known to reduce the punchthrough voltage and to degrade other electrical characteristics of the transistor. The implant dose used to form arsenic source/drain regions


is within approximately 1.5 orders of magnitude of the dose used to form tip regions


. Note that for other embodiments, phosphorus or antimony may be used to dope the source/drain region.

For example, for an embodiment of the present invention in which arsenic is implanted to form the arsenic tip regions


at a dose of approximately 1×10




at an energy in the range of approximately 2 to 20 KeV, arsenic source/drain regions


are formed at a dose of approximately 5×10




at approximately 100 KeV. For another embodiment of the present invention, particularly an embodiment in which a graded junction or LDD tip region is formed, the dose of the tip region is in the range of approximately 1.5 to 3 orders of magnitude less than the dose used to form the source/drain region.

For an embodiment of the present invention in which a p-channel transistor is formed, p-type source/drain regions are created by a blanket implant of boron into the surface of the substrate in the p-channel regions. This boron implant dopes the source/drain regions and polysilicon gate electrode of p-channel transistors. For example, for an embodiment of the present invention in which boron is implanted to form the boron tip regions at a dose of approximately 1×10




at an energy in the range of approximately 5 to 15 KeV, boron source/drain regions are formed at a dose of approximately 4×10




at an energy in the range of approximately 15 to 25 KeV.

As shown in


, spacers


define the location of source/drain regions


. The source/drain implants will be self-aligned to the outer edge of spacers


. Thus, the spacers allow heavily doped source/drain regions to be formed while protecting the underlying tip regions


from further doping. Because the location of source/drain regions


is defined by the width of spacers


, and the width of spacers


is closely related to the thickness of oxide layer


and nitride layer


, modulating the thickness of either or both dielectric layers




proportionally modulates the location of source/drain regions



For example, for one embodiment of the present invention the width of the spacers after spacer etch-back are less than or equal to, but proportional to, the total thickness of the deposited oxide and nitride layers from which the spacers are formed. The precise width of the spacers additionally depends on other factors including the uniformity of the deposited layers, the degree of overetch of the spacer etch process, and the isotropic etch component of the substantially anisotropic spacer etch. By properly selecting these parameters along with the thickness of the deposited oxide and nitride layers, the desired spacer width can be achieved.

After source/drain regions


are formed adjacent to tip regions


within semiconductor substrate


, the substrate is subjected to an anneal process step. When dopants are first implanted into the substrate, the dopants occupy interstitial sights in the semiconductor substrate. By subjecting the substrate to an anneal process step, the thermal energy associated with annealing is used to move the dopants into substitutional sights to induce electrical activation.

In addition, this thermal operation will cause the dopants in tip region


to slightly encroach underneath polysilicon gate electrode


. If the tip region encroaches too far underneath the polysilicon gate electrode, miller capacitance will increase, degrading the performance of the transistor. However, if the tip region doesn't encroach far enough, a constant electric field will not be attained in the channel region, also degrading the performance of the transistor. By subjecting the tip region to the proper amount of thermal energy during anneal or subsequent processing steps, lateral spreading can be controlled independent of the formation of any reox layer. This allows a practitioner to better optimize the tip encroachment under the gate electrode to improve transistor performance.

After annealing, the substrate of


is subjected to standard processing steps to complete the semiconductor device. For example, for one embodiment, the next step is to deposit a layer of refractory metal such as, for example, titanium, and heating the substrate to form silicide regions on the exposed silicon surfaces of the substrate. Excess, unreacted refractory metal is subsequently removed from the surfaces of the substrate by an etch chemistry which selectively etches titanium and not titanium silicide. Because titanium will not react with either oxide or nitride to form a silicide, the unreacted titanium is removed from the surfaces of the spacers. In this self-aligned silicide process, the spacers serve to separate silicide regions formed on the surface of the polysilicon gate electrode from silicide formed on the surface of the source/drain regions of the semiconductor substrate.

FIGS. 3A through 3D

illustrate an alternate embodiment of the present invention in which the dual-layer spacer structure described above is implemented in conjunction with a polysilicon reoxidation (reox) process.


shows a cross-section of gate oxide


separating polysilicon gate electrode


from the underlying silicon substrate


. Low doped LDD tip regions


are formed by implanting a low dose of phosphorus into silicon substrate


, using polysilicon gate electrode


as a mask, in an n-channel transistor fabrication process. For p-channel transistor fabrication, boron is implanted into the silicon substrate using the polysilicon gate electrode as a mask. Tip regions


are formed having a low dopant concentration to help suppress hot electron effects, particularly in applications in which the transistor is to be operated under higher supply voltages (5 volts or more). For an alternate embodiment of the present invention, tip regions


are formed by implanting dopants into the silicon substrate after the reox layer, described below, has been formed.


shows the cross-section of


, after the exposed surfaces of silicon substrate


and polysilicon gate electrode


have been oxidized in a thermal oxidizing ambient to form reox layer


. Reox layer


is formed to protect the edges of gate oxide


from damage. In addition, reoxidation of the substrate serves to form graded gate oxide regions


which round-off and separate the lower corners of polysilicon gate electrode


from the inner edges of tip regions


. As previously discussed, this separation of the gate electrode edges from the source/drain tip regions aids in reducing the Miller capacitance of the transistor, as well as reducing hot electron effects. Reox layer


is grown to a thickness within the range of approximately 50 Å to 500 Å.

For an embodiment of the present invention in which bipolar transistors are formed in conjunction with CMOS transistors in a BiCMOS process, the reox layer provides additional benefits to the bipolar transistors. For example, for one embodiment the reox layer additionally serves as the etch stop layer for a polysilicon emitter etch, as well as the dielectric layer which separates the polysilicon emitter from the underlying intrinsic base region of the bipolar transistor.

Because a deposited dual-layer spacer structure, formed in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, is created adjacent to polysilicon gate electrode


as described below, it is not necessary for reox layer


to be formed in consideration of the spacer structure. Instead, reox layer


is optimized to provide the desired electrical and reliability characteristics for the transistor, without regard to issues such as providing adequate etch stop material for the subsequent spacer etch. Because reox layer


is optimized in this manner, the reox layer can be formed much thinner than in prior art processing, thereby reducing or eliminating the crystal defects and oxide-enhanced diffusion associated with the growth of a reoxidation layer.


shows the cross-section of


after oxide layer


and nitride layer


are deposited over the surface of the substrate. The thickness of oxide layer


is within the range of approximately 50 Å to 300 Å while the thickness of nitride layer


is within the range of approximately 800 Å to 3000 Å. Note that for certain embodiments of the present invention, intermediate process steps between the growth of the reox layer and subsequent deposition of the two dielectric layers may etch the reox layer, thereby reducing the thickness of this layer. For example, the etch-back of a second polysilicon layer, formed over the reox layer and used to form the polysilicon emitter of a bipolar transistor in a BiCMOS process, also etches all or a significant portion of the underlying reox layer, which is used as an etch-stop layer.


shows the cross-section of


after deposited nitride layer


, deposited oxide layer


, and grown reox layer


are etched back to form spacers


. Nitride layer


is substantially anisotropically etched back using an etch chemistry which etches nitride faster than it etches oxide. For one embodiment of the present invention, a portion of the underlying oxide film is etched back during a nitride overetch process, and some remaining portion of the underlying oxide film will remain on the horizontal surfaces of the substrate during the subsequent source/drain formation process. However, for an alternate embodiment, the underlying oxide film is separately etched back using an etch chemistry which etches oxide faster than it etches silicon. As a result, tri-layer spacer structures


are formed comprising a deposited dual-layer spacer structure, including upper nitride layer


and lower oxide layer


, along with an underlying reox layer



After spacer structures


are formed, a high dose source/drain implant of arsenic is performed to create n-channel transistor source/drain regions


adjacent to tip regions


, within silicon substrate


, substantially aligned to the outer edges of spacers


. The dose used to form the phosphorus tip region is at least 1.5 orders of magnitude less than the dose used to form the n


arsenic source/drain region of the transistor. Alternatively, phosphorus or antimony may be used to form the n+ source/drain regions of the transistor. For an embodiment of the present invention in which a p-channel transistor is formed, the tip and source/drain regions of the transistor are formed by implanting boron into the semiconductor substrate.

In the foregoing specification, the invention has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments thereof. It will, however, be evident that various modifications and changes may be made thereto without departing from the broader spirit and scope of the invention. The specification and drawings are, accordingly, to be regarded in an illustrative rather than a restrictive sense.

  • 1. A transistor comprising:a gate dielectric disposed over a semiconductor substrate; a gate electrode disposed over said gate dielectric, said gate electrode having laterally opposed sidewalls; a pair of tip regions disposed within said semiconductor substrate adjacent to said gate electrode, said pair of tip regions being shallow, heavily doped, and substantially aligned to said sidewalls of said gate electrode; a pair of spacer structures disposed adjacent to said gate electrode, said pair of spacer structures being deposited and comprising: a first layer, said first layer covering said sidewalls of said gate electrode and said semiconductor substrate adjacent to said sidewalls; and a second layer, said second layer covering said first layer; and a pair of source/drain regions within said semiconductor substrate adjacent to said pair of spacer structures, wherein a supply voltage of less than 5 volts is coupled to said pair of source/drain regions to reduce hot electron charging effects in said gate dielectric to acceptable levels.
  • 2. The transistor of claim 1 wherein said second layer has a thickness of less than 100 Å.
  • 3. The transistor of claim 1 wherein said first layer has a thickness of less than 50 Å.
  • 4. The transistor of claim 1 wherein said first layer has a thickness of 50-300 Å and said second layer has a thickness of less than 500 Å.
  • 5. The transistor of claim 1 wherein the implant dose used to form said pair of tip regions is at least 0.5 order of magnitude less than the implant dose used to form said pair of source/drain regions.
  • 6. The transistor of claim 1 wherein said gate dielectric comprises oxide and nitride.
  • 7. The transistor of claim 1 wherein said gate electrode has a width of less than 0.1 um.
  • 8. The transistor of claim 1 wherein the lower corners of said gate electrode lie predominantly flat and square with the surface of said semiconductor substrate.
  • 9. The transistor of claim 1 therein said pair of spacer structures further comprises a third layer.
  • 10. The transistor of claim 9 wherein said third layer comprises one or more of the following: oxide, nitride, oxynitride, polysilicon, borosilicate glass (BSG), phosphosilicate glass (PSG), borophosphosilicate glass (BPSG), organic materials such as polyimide.
  • 11. The transistor of claim 9 wherein said third layer is disposed below said first layer.
  • 12. The transistor of claim 9 wherein said third layer is disposed above said second layer.
  • 13. The transistor of claim 1 wherein said pair of spacer structures separates suicide regions disposed over said gate electrode and over said source/drain regions.
  • 14. The transistor of claim 1 further comprising:a second gate dielectric disposed over said gate electrode, and a second gate electrode disposed over said second gate dielectric.
  • 15. A transistor comprising:a gate dielectric disposed over a semiconductor substrate; a gate electrode disposed over said gate dielectric; a pair of heavily-doped (n+) tip regions disposed within said semiconductor substrate adjacent to said gate electrode; a pair of deposited spacer structures disposed over said pair of heavily-doped (n+) tip regions; and a pair of source/drain regions disposed within said semiconductor substrate adjacent to said pair of heavily-doped (n+) tip regions, said tip regions being extensions of said source/drain regions.
  • 16. The transistor of claim 15 wherein the pair of deposited spacer structures comprises oxide with a thickness of less than 50 Å and nitride with a thickness of less than 500 Å.
Parent Case Info

This is a divisional of application application Ser. No. 08/570,726, filed Dec. 11, 1995 is now U.S. Pat. No. 5,714,413.

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