Board games Raffle games


  • CPC
  • A63F3/00
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A63F3/00003Types of board games A63F3/00006Board games played along a linear track A63F3/00028Board games simulating indoor or outdoor sporting games A63F3/00031Baseball or cricket board games A63F3/00041Football, soccer or rugby board games A63F3/00044Tennis or squash board games A63F3/00047Basketball board games A63F3/0005Golf or putting board games A63F3/00053Snooker, pool or billiard board games A63F3/00056Darts board games A63F3/00059Bowling board games A63F3/00063Board games concerning economics or finance A63F3/00069Stock-market games A63F3/00072played along an endless track A63F3/00075War games A63F3/00082Racing games A63F3/00085Sailing races A63F3/00088Board games concerning traffic or travelling A63F3/00091concerning space ship navigation A63F3/00094Ticktacktoe A63F3/00097Board games with labyrinths, path finding, line forming A63F3/001Board games concerning astrology, religion, or fortune-telling A63F3/00119Board games concerning music, theatre, cinema, or art A63F3/00138Board games concerning voting, political or legal subjects; Patent games A63F3/00145Board games concerning treasure-hunting, fishing, hunting A63F3/00148Board games concerning westerns, detectives, espionage, pirates, murder, disasters, shipwreck rescue operations A63F3/00151Backgammon A63F3/00154Mastermind A63F3/00157Casino or betting games A63F3/00173Characteristics of game boards, alone or in relation to supporting structures or playing piece A63F3/00176Boards having particular shapes A63F3/00214Three-dimensional game boards A63F3/0023Foldable, rollable, collapsible or segmented boards A63F3/00261Details of game boards A63F3/0052with a plurality of boards used during one game A63F3/00529Board game without game board A63F3/00533Connection of game board or part of game board to supporting structure A63F3/00574Connections between board and playing pieces A63F3/00634Sliding connections A63F3/00643Electric board games;Electric features of board games A63F3/00694Magnetic board games A63F3/00697Playing pieces A63F3/00895Accessories for board games A63F3/02Chess Similar board games A63F3/022Recording or reproducing chess games A63F3/027Pocket chess A63F3/04Geographical or like games ; Educational games A63F3/0402for learning languages A63F3/0415Number games A63F3/0421Electric word or number games A63F3/0423Word games A63F3/0434Geographical games A63F3/0449concerning history A63F3/0457concerning science or technology A63F3/0478concerning life sciences A63F3/0494concerning the highway code A63F3/0497Games about time A63F3/06Lottos or bingo games Systems, apparatus or devices for checking such games A63F3/0605Lottery games A63F3/061in which the players select their own numbers A63F3/0615based on sporting events A63F3/062Bingo games A63F3/0625Devices for filling-in or checking A63F3/063Checking-cards with rupturable portions A63F3/0635Punchers for filling-in or checking lotto or bingo games A63F3/064Electric devices for filling-in or checking A63F3/0645Electric lottos or bingo games A63F3/065Tickets or accessories for use therewith A63F3/0655Printing of tickets A63F3/0665having a message becoming legible after rubbing-off a coating or removing an adhesive layer A63F3/068Accessories therefor A63F3/0685having a message becoming legible after a chemical reaction or physical action has taken place A63F3/069having a message becoming legible by tearing-off non-adhesive parts A63F3/0695with slidable, hinged or rotatable parts A63F3/08Raffle games that can be played by a fairly large number of people A63F3/081electric

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents