Alignment process using serial detection of repetitively patterned alignment marks


  • Patent Grant
  • 4327292
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, May 13, 1980
    44 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, April 27, 1982
    42 years ago
The specification discloses a process for accurately aligning a chosen member with a focused beam of radiation or for aligning two chosen members with each other. A set of alignment marks having a predetermined spatial pattern is first provided on the surface of each member. Next, a detection signal is generated from the set of alignment marks, comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the relative position of each mark in the set of alignment marks. Then, the detection signal is electronically processed to generate an alignment signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Next, the alignment signal is compared to a reference signal signifying a predetermined criterion of alignment, to generate an error signal which is indicative of the extent of misalignment. Finally, lateral movement of one chosen member is produced in response to the error signal until accurate alignment of the chosen member with the focused beam of radiation or of the two chosen members with each other is achieved.

1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to micropattern generation and replication techniques, and, more particularly, to a novel alignment process for accurately aligning a given object with a focused beam or for accurately aligning two given objects with each other, by using serial detection of repetitively patterned alignment marks and special information processing techniques.
2. Description of the Prior Art
In the fabrication of semiconductor integrated circuits and devices, an important goal has been the increased microminiaturization of these circuits and devices in order to produce structures having minimized size and maximized component density, speed, and complexity. At various points during such fabrication processes, it is frequently necessary to align a semiconductor wafer or substrate with a mask or a source of radiation, or both, for processes such as etching, forming ion-implanted regions, or depositing metal patterns. In order to achieve increased microminiaturization of certain types of integrated circuits, an alignment process is needed which will provide very accurate alignment that is compatible with high resolution of pattern dimensions.
This accurate alignment becomes extremely important when it is necessary to overlay patterns, i.e., to align a given sample or target with several patterns in succession. For example, a representative process for forming an integrated circuit might require 10 levels of masking and registration. Since alignment errors become additive in such a succession of alignment procedures, the necessity for highly accurate alignment is manifest. In addition, the requirement for high resolution imposed by submicrometer design rules further emphasizes the criticality of achieving highly accurate level-to-level registration.
There are two types of precision alignment processes which are of particular current interest in the fabrication of microminiaturized circuits, i.e., circuits having structures with one or more dimensions of one micrometer or less. The first such process uses a focused or shaped beam of radiation, such as a laser, electron, or ion beam, and scans the beam across an alignment mark. The back-scattered or secondary radiation that is generated when the primary beam strikes the alignment mark is collected with a suitable detector. The data from the detector is processed and analyzed in order to determine the position of the beam with respect to the alignment mark. Alignment is achieved either by visually matching an alignment signal with a reference signal on a display screen or by using the risetime of the signal produced by the detection means, such as a photocell or video display system, to implement a servo control system.
A system of the type just described is set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 4,056,730, to D. E. Davis et al. In the process of Davis et al, a square shaped beam of electrons is scanned over a registration mark on the surface of a wafer and the back-scattered electrons are detected by a diode detector. The detector then produces a signal which shows a peak when the electron beam passes over each edge of the registration mark. This signal is then processed and analyzed to provide an indication of the location of the registration marks with respect to the electron beam. One disadvantage of a process such as that of Davis et al is that the resolution, or smallest dimension that the process is capable of achieving, is limited by both the diameter and other variable characteristics of the focused beam. If the same electron beam that is subsequently used for the alignment process was also used to fabricate the alignment marks, the mark so formed may have an imperfect or fuzzy edge due to variations in beam current and skewing of the current density profile. Thus, a sharp edge on the alignment mark is not presented for alignment purposes. In addition, these beam imperfections cause further ambiguity when the beam is scanned across the alignment mark and thus interfere with accurate alignment. The ability to tolerate such beam imperfections and alignment mark imperfections is low in a process in which it is typically required that the beam be aligned to a dimension which is a fraction of the beam diameter. For example, in a process in which a target is to be aligned with a pattern on a mask for the purpose of transferring the pattern to the target, it is often necessary to align the beam to within one-tenth of the dimension of a line on the mask.
More specifically, the alignment mark used in such a prior art focused beam technique typically consists of simple patterns, for example, a cross or L-shape, and often has dimensions which are many times larger than the size of the focused beam. However, in a process which detects primarily or only the edge of the alignment mark, the width of the edge is small with respect to the size of the beam and it is therefore difficult to locate the edge. The ideal conditions for such a process would be to have a zero width-edge and an infinitely small beam size so that when the beam is scanned across the edge, the detected signal would show a sharp rise. However, it is not possible to form an edge with a zero thickness. The edge has a finite width which is determined by the process used to form it, and this width is usually related to the beam diameter, for example, being one-half the beam diameter. Thus, it is difficult to very accurately detect the edge of the alignment mark with a focused beam by such prior art processes. In addition, the actual location of the edge of the alignment mark on the target has a degree of uncertainty because of the uncertainties inherent in the processes used to fabricate these marks (e.g. forming a mask and etching). Further, in these prior art processes, there are inherent alignment mark irregularities, which produce noise in the detection signal.
Another disadvantage of such a prior art edgedetection alignment process is that the signal produced from the information collected by the detecting means is not a square waveform with an edge corresponding to an edge of the alignment mark, but rather is a waveform which shows a gradual rise and fall. Thus, determination of the exact position of the alignment mark edge is not possible from such a gradually sloped signal. In addition, the signal generated from the information from the detection means will have variations due to nonuniformity in the beam, such as fluctuation in current and skewing of the current density profile. Furthermore, there are problems associated with the electrical noise present in the detector means, which give rise to the necessity of increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in order to enhance the signal. Excessive low-pass filtering of the signal to remove noise degrades the risetime and results in no net increase in accuracy.
One approach to increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of the detected signal in an edge-detection alignment process is set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 4,123,661, to Edward D. Wolf and Walter E. Perkins, Jr., assigned to the present assignee, in which high atomic number metals or compounds are used as electron beam registration alignment marks on low atomic number substrates in order to enhance the secondary and back-scattered electron video signals. In addition, it may be noted that in the process of Wolf et al, the enhanced signal contrast so produced is further augmented by placing two registration marks sufficiently close together (e.g., at a distance of less than 3 micrometers) that the separation therebetween will provide sharply definable maximum dip and rise slopes in the video signals, which reflect the position of the edges of the alignment marks. While the process of Wolf et al represents a significant improvement over the prior art, it still relies on edge detection for alignment purposes.
Thus, in an edge-detection system, determination of the exact edge of the alignment mark to an accuracy that is a small fraction of the risetime of the alignment signal is difficult and is further complicated by the presence of noise. Finally, in the case where a scanning focused ion beam is used, the ion beam causes sputtering or removal of material from the edge of the alignment mark as it scans over it, which leads to a degradation in edge definition of the alignment mark and consequent deterioration in alignment accuracy.
The second type of precision alignment process of particular current interest in the fabrication of microminiaturized circuits and devices uses a matched pair of patterned marks on two separate objects, for example, a mask and a target. A flood of radiation is passed through the first set of alignment marks toward the second set of alignment marks. When the radiation strikes the second set of alignment marks, it causes either reflected radiation or a secondary emission of radiation from the marks, which is then detected by a suitable detector means. The amount of radiation striking the second set of alignment marks is proportional to the extent of alignment of the first and second sets of alignment marks. When the two sets of alignment marks are perfectly aligned, the maximum amount of radiation will strike the second set of marks. The information from the detector means is processed to produce a signal whose magnitude is related to the amount of alignment of the first and second alignment mark patterns. Such a system using x-rays is set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 3,984,680 to Henry I. Smith.
One disadvantage of such a patterned mark alignment process is that the maximum resolution achievable is limited by the resolution of an element in the pattern of the alignment mark. In addition, there are frequently imperfections in both sets of alignment mark patterns which are inherent in the process steps by which these patterns are formed (e.g., forming a resist pattern, and etching). Thus, when alignment of these two imperfect patterns is attempted, the waveform of the signal produced does not have a perfect maximum, but rather is a "flat" maximum (i.e., a signal with a truncated or flat top). This flat maximum leads to ambiguity in determining the maximized reflected signal and thus the optimized alignment between the two sets of patterned alignment marks. For example, if the two sets of alignment mark patterns are visually aligned, the patterns may appear fuzzy and the exact edge of the patterns cannot be determined.
In a related alignment technique which uses matched sets of patterned alignment marks in the form of diffraction gratings, both sets of alignment marks are illuminated with radiation, such as a laser beam, as described, for example, by D. C. Flanders, H. I. Smith, and S. Austin in the publication entitled "A New Interferometric Alignment Technique", in Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 7, Oct. 1, 1977, pp. 426-428. The radiation diffracted from each set of alignment marks is detected, corresponding detection signals are generated, and an optical interference pattern is generated from the detection signals as a means of comparing the position of the two sets of alignment marks. An error signal is then generated which indicates the extent of alignment of the two sets of alignment marks with respect to each other. However, there are potential systematic errors affecting the accuracy of the alignment process, such as the partial dependence of the magnitude of the error signal on the spacing between the grating marks and the possible non-symmetry in the profile of the grooves of the grating as formed. In addition, the diffraction gratings must be formed to have a frequency which is reasonably close to that of the laser light and the spatial frequency of the marks must be uniform or else multiple beams of differing intensities are formed rather than a collimated, sharply defined beam as is desired for alignment purposes. Further, the diffraction grating marks must have optical contrast in order to be effective and must have a structure with a periodicity that is accurately controlled to a fraction of a wavelength of the radiation used. In some cases, these optical and structural requirements may not necessarily be compatible with semiconductor processing techniques which would be necessary to fabricate a semiconductor device. In addition, rotational misalignment of the two diffraction grating marks causes imperfect meshing of the interference pattern and leads to an error signal that has a soft maximum. Further, the separation between the two diffraction gratings must be accurately controlled or else spurious results are obtained. Finally, such a diffraction grating system is mechanically complex, requiring, for example, special mirrors and special alignment procedures therefor, which give rise to systematic errors.
It is the alleviation of many of the above-mentioned problems in prior art alignment processes to which the present invention is directed. More particularly, some of the problems that the present invention seeks to overcome are: the limitations on maximum achievable resolution imposed by process parameters such as beam diameter or resolution of an element of the alignment mark pattern; the inability to accurately detect the edge of an alignment mark; and the inability to generate an accurate alignment signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio.
The general purpose of this invention is to provide a new and improved alignment process for aligning a chosen member with a focused beam of radiation or for aligning two chosen members with each other, which is highly accurate and provides high resolution, and which possesses most, if not all, of the advantages of the above prior art alignment processes, while overcoming many, if not all, of the above-mentioned limitations.
The above general purpose of this invention is accomplished in a process for aligning the surface of a first chosen member with a chosen object by first providing a set of alignment marks having a predetermined spatial pattern, on the surface of the chosen member. A detection signal is generated from the set of alignment marks and comprises a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the relative position of each mark in the alignment mark set. The detection signal is electronically processed to generate an alignment signal with high signal content pertinent to the location of the set of alignment marks. A reference electrical signal is provided which has a predetermined waveform, corresponding to the waveform of the alignment signal, and signifies a predetermined criterion of alignment. Then, the waveform of the alignment signal is compared to the waveform of the reference signal to generate an error signal which is a function of the time displacement between the waveforms of the alignment and reference signals. Finally, lateral relative movement between the chosen member and the chosen object is provided in response to the error signal until accurate alignment of the chosen member with the chosen object is achieved. The chosen object may be, for example, a focused beam of radiation or a second chosen member.
More particularly, by a first process embodiment of the present invention a chosen member is aligned with respect to the scan field of a focused beam of radiation by: (a) providing a set of fine alignment marks having a predetermined periodicity on the surface of the chosen member; (b) scanning the focused beam over the set of alignment marks at a predetermined and fixed velocity to generate a serial detection electrical signal that is indicative of the periodicity of spacing of the marks in the alignment mark set and whose phase angle corresponds to the relative position of the set of alignment marks; (c) electronically processing the detection signal to generate an alignment signal comprising a fundamental periodic signal of a selected frequency; (d) providing a reference electrical signal comprising a periodic signal of the selected frequency and a predetermined phase which has a predetermined relationship to the scan field of the focused beam; (e) comparing the phase angle of the alignment signal and the phase angle of the reference signal and generating an error signal which is proportional to the phase difference of the alignment signal and the reference signal; and (f) providing lateral relative movement between the focused beam scan field and the set of alignment marks in response to the error signal until the alignment signal and reference signal become congruent in phase and the chosen member is accurately aligned with the focused beam of radiation.
In a second process embodiment of the present invention, a process is provided for aligning the surface of a first chosen member with the surface of a second chosen member by: (a) providing a first set of alignment marks on the surface of the first member, with the marks being spaced at a predetermined periodicity; (b) providing a chosen fixed reference point for determining the relative positions of the first and second chosen members; (c) generating from the first set of alignment marks a first detection signal comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of the first set of alignment; (d) electronically processing the first detection signal to generate a first alignment signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio; (e) providing a first reference electrical signal comprising a periodic signal of a selected frequency and phase; (f) comparing the phase angle of the first alignment signal and the phase angle of the first reference signal and generating a first error signal proportional to the phase difference of the first alignment and first reference signals; (g) providing lateral movement of the first set of alignment marks with respect to the chosen reference point, in response to the first error signal until the first alignment signal and first reference signal become congruent in phase and the first chosen member is accurately aligned with the chosen reference point. Then, the second chosen member is similarly aligned with the chosen reference point by: (h) providing a second set of alignment marks on the surface of the second chosen member which is substantially identical to the first set of alignment marks; (i) generating from the second set of alignment marks a second detection signal comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time; (j) electronically processing the second detection signal to generate a second alignment signal; (k) providing a second reference signal; (l) comparing the phase angles of the second alignment signal and the second reference signal to generate a second error signal proportional to the phase difference of the second alignment and second reference signals; (m) providing lateral movement of the second set of alignment marks with respect to the chosen reference point in response to the second error signal until the second alignment and second reference signals become congruent in phase and the second chosen member is accurately aligned with the chosen reference point and thus with the first chosen member.
In a third process embodiment of the present invention, yet another process is provided for aligning the surface of a first chosen member with the surface of a second chosen member by: (a) providing a first set of alignment marks on the surface of the first member and spaced at a first predetermined periodicity; (b) providing a second set of alignment marks on the surface of the second member and spaced at a second predetermined periodicity; (c) providing a chosen fixed reference point for determining the relative positions of the first and second chosen members; (d) generating from the first and second sets of alignment marks a composite detection signal comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of the first set of alignment marks and of the second set of alignment marks; (e) electronically processing the composite detection signal to generate two alignment signals, one representing the position of each set of alignment marks; (f) providing first and second reference electrical signals comprising periodic signals of predetermined frequency and phase; (g) comparing the phase angle of the first alignment signal with the phase angle of the first reference signal to generate a first error signal proportional to the phase difference of the first alignment signal and the first reference signal; (h) providing relative lateral movement of the first chosen member with respect to the chosen reference point in response to the error signal until the first alignment signal and the first reference signal become congruent in phase, to produce accurate alignment of the first chosen member with the chosen reference point; (i) comparing the phase angle of the second alignment signal with the phase angle of the second reference signal to generate a second error signal proportional to the phase difference of the second alignment signal and the second reference signal; and (j) providing relative lateral movement of the second chosen member with respect to the chosen reference point in response to the second error signal until the second alignment signal and the second reference signal become congruent in phase, to produce accurate alignment of the second chosen member with the chosen reference point and thus with the first chosen member.
Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a new and improved highly accurate alignment process of the type described which is capable of providing high resolution.
Another object is to provide a new and improved alignment process for very accurately aligning a chosen member with a focused beam of radiation or particles.
Still another object is to provide a new and improved alignment process for very accurately aligning a first chosen member with a second chosen member.
Another object is to provide a process for accurately aligning two chosen members with each other by aligning each member with a chosen reference point, either in sequence or simultaneously.
Yet another object is to provide a process of the type described in which a periodic or encoded serial electronic signal as a function of time is generated from a spatial alignment mark.
Another object is to provide a process of the type described in which point information for each alignment mark in a set is generated.
Another object is to provide a process of the type described in which a detection signal is specially processed to provide a signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio which permits positioning of the alignment marks to a fraction of a resolution element.
Still another object is to provide a process of the type described in which the negative effects of localized surface defects and irregularities in alignment marks are minimized.
Another object is to provide a process of the type described in which localized sputtering of an alignment mark by a scanning beam is minimized.
The foregoing and other objects, advantages, and features of the present invention will become more readily apparent from the following more particular description of the preferred embodiments of the invention as illustrated in the accompanying drawings.

FIG. 1 is a block diagram representation of one suitable system useful for practicing one process embodiment of the present invention in which a chosen member is aligned with a focused beam of radiation.
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a one-axis alignment target for carrying out one process embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a two-axis alignment target for carrying out one process embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a block diagram representation of one suitable system useful for practicing second and third process embodiments of the present invention in which a first chosen member is aligned with a second chosen member.
FIG. 5 shows, in schematic form, the detection and alignment signals generated in practicing one process embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 1 shows, in block diagram form, the stages in one suitable system useful for practicing one process embodiment of the present invention in which a chosen member is aligned with a focused beam of radiation. A chosen member 10, such as a wafer of a selected semiconductor material (e.g. silicon), is placed on the surface of a platform or stage 12. The wafer 10 of semiconductor material may optionally have layers of other materials, such as oxide or photoresist, formed thereon. The wafer 10 may optionally be formed of an optical material, such as lithium niobate.
A set of alignment marks 14 is formed at a predetermined location on the surface of the member 10, for example, at the peripheral edge thereof, as shown in FIG. 1. The set of alignment marks 14 has a predetermined spatial pattern and may be in the form of a repetitive pattern of fine bars which form a grating structure as described in FIG. 2 or in the form of a two-dimensional array of fine dots of uniform size as described in FIG. 3. Optionally, the set of alignment marks may be formed to have a coded periodicity, such as a Barker code, whose structure, function, and use is described in the book entitled "Radar Signals, An Introduction to Theory and Application", by Charles E. Cook and Marvin Bernfeld, Academic Press, New York, 1967, Chapter 8--Discrete Coded Waveforms, at page 226 et seq. When using a set of alignment marks such as those shown in FIGS. 2 or 3, the periodicity of the alignment marks 14 is typically chosen to be equal to the diameter of the spot size of the focused beam 16 in order to maximize the alignment accuracy. Since displacement of the alignment mark pattern by a distance equal to the period of the pattern spacing would produce ambiguity in determining the exact location of the alignment mark, it is necessary to include a means for achieving coarse alignment of the alignment mark as a preliminary procedure, as discussed in relation to FIGS. 2 and 3.
Spaced at a predetermined distance above the member 10, there is a beam source 18 which produces a focused beam of particles or radiation 16 that strikes the alignment marks 14 and the portion of the surface of member 10 adjacent thereto. The beam source 18 may produce an ion beam, an electron beam, or a laser beam. As a practical matter, if possible, the beam source 18 for the alignment process described herein would be identical to the beam source used in the further processing steps (e.g., ion implantation) to be performed subsequent to the alignment process, in order to simplify equipment requirements. An ion or electron beam is focused as described, for example, in the book entitled "Electron Optics", by P. Grivet, Pergamon Press, New York, 1965, pp. 3-257. Adjacent to the focused beam 16, there are conventional beam deflectors 20, which are controlled by a deflection signal generator means 21 and which are used to deflect the focused beam 16 and thus control its position. The beam deflectors 20 comprise conventional electrostatic or magnetic structures which apply the appropriate force to deflect the focused beam 16 in a desired direction. The deflection signal generator means 21 provides a deflection signal to the beam deflectors 20, via lines or conductors 19, and this deflection signal determines the configuration of the selected region that is scanned by the focused beam 16. Such a deflection system for ion or electron beams is described, for example, in the book entitled "Theory and Design of Electron Beams", by J. R. Pierce, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1954, Chapter III. Simple Electron Motions.
When the focused beam 16 strikes the alignment marks 14, it causes secondary emissions 22 from the alignment marks 14 to be produced. For example, if the focused beam 16 comprises a beam of ions, the secondary emissions 22 produced from the alignment marks 14 comprise secondary electrons. By detecting the secondary electrons produced by impingement of the beam on the alignment mark rather than detecting the back-scattered electrons as in the prior art processes previously discussed, this embodiment of the present invention offers the advantage that ion beams (which produce only secondary electrons) may be used as the radiation source. In addition, when using an electron beam source in practising the present invention, a higher yield of detected electrons may be achieved for lower quantum noise than by some prior art processes previously discussed. If the focused beam 16 comprises a beam of electrons, the secondary emissions 22 consist of back-scattered primary electrons. If the focused beam 16 comprises a laser beam, the secondary emissions 22 comprise secondary electrons or scattered photons.
The secondary emissions 22 are detected by a detector means 24, which may be, for example, a video display system comprising an electron detector, a high bandwidth amplifier, an X-Y raster deflection synchronized to the primary focused beam deflection, and a cathode ray tube display in which the intensity is modulated by the detected electron current. The detector means 24 produces an electrical output signal, referred to herein as a detection signal, which is a serial electronic signal that is indicative of the periodicity of spacing of the set of alignment marks and whose phase angle corresponds to the relative position of the set of alignment marks with respect to the scanfield of the focused beam. The detection signal passes via line or conductor 25 to the special signal processing means 26, which comprises narrow bandpass filtering and tuned amplification means and is discussed in more detail below.
The detection signal is passed through a narrow bandpass filter, which filters out noise and passes through the signal at a selected frequency which has previously been determined from Equation (1) below.
f.sub.bp =(scan velocity/line spacing) (1)
f.sub.bp =center frequency of bandpass filter;
scan velocity=velocity of beam scanning the alignment marks;
line spacing=distance between adjacent alignment marks in a set.
One advantage of the present invention is that for the type of detection signal produced, the optimum filter to reject random noise is a simple bandpass filter. Such filtering is especially useful when the alignment mark has a low signal-to-noise ratio, which could occur when the detection signal is produced by detecting secondary electrons from relatively shallow profile alignment marks.
From the narrow bandpass filter, the signal is passed through an amplifier which amplifies only the signal at the previously selected frequency. To be effective for the purposes intended herein, the tuned amplifer would preferably have low input noise. Thus, by the combination of filtering the detection signal to obtain a signal of a selected narrow bandwidth and then amplifying this signal only at a selected frequency, an alignment signal is thus produced as a fundamental periodic signal of a predetermined frequency. The signal produced by this special signal processing means 26 is referred to herein as an alignment signal.
A reference signal generator 28, comprising conventional and commercially available electronic circuitry, generates a reference signal having a predetermined waveform that approximates the waveform of the detection signal. Using the set of alignment marks shown in FIG. 2 in this first process embodiment of the present invention, the detection signal is in the approximate form of a sine wave. The reference signal generated is a sine wave signal of predetermined frequency and phase. The frequency of the reference periodic signal is selected so that one full period of the signal is generated for each mark in the alignment mark set 14. The phase of the reference signal is adjusted to have a predetermined relationship to the scan field of the beam 16, and, for example, is adjusted and so that the beginning of the reference signal is synchronized with the beginning of the deflection signal generated by the deflection signal generator 21, optionally referred to as a scan generator. More particularly, the sawtooth, or repetitive ramp, signal which is indicative of the manner in which the focused beam 16 is deflected, is used as the trigger to start the reference signal, as indicated by legend on signal path 22 in FIG. 1. (The step signal resulting from the differentiation of the ramp signal to form the derivative thereof is the trigger for the reference signal to start.) The frequency of the reference signal generator 28 is then electronically adjusted to equal the frequency of the alignment signal discussed above, as indicated by the legend on signal path 27 shown in FIG. 1.
The reference signal need not be in the form of a sine wave, but may take the form of another periodic or encoded signal. If the set of alignment marks is formed to have a selected coded periodicity such as a Barker code, from which corresponding detection and alignment signals in Barker code are generated, the reference signal generated would be a corresponding encoded signal.
The reference signal generated by the reference signal generator 28 is input via line or conductor 29 to a comparator means 30. The alignment signal from the special signal processing means 26 is also input to the comparator means 30 via line 31. The comparator means 30 comprises electronic circuitry which compares the phase angles of the alignment and reference signals applied thereto and generates an error signal which is proportional to the phase difference of these two signals, which, in turn, is indicative of the extent of misalignment of the chosen member 10 with the scan field of the focused beam 16.
If the detection signal and the alignment signal derived therefrom and the reference signal are in a code such as a Barker code, the comparison of the alignment and reference signals is performed by a known correlation technique to generate an error signal which reflects the extent of correlation of the alignment and reference signals in time.
The error signal from the comparator means 30 is subjected to low-pass filtering to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and is then input via line 33 to a means for providing lateral relative movement between the scan field of the focused beam 16 and the chosen member 10. For example, as shown in FIG. 1, the error signal from the comparator means 30 may be sent via line 33 to a stage controller 32, which generates drive signals applied via line 35 to a transducer means 34, which, in turn, causes mechanical motion of the stage 12 holding the wafer 10 by means of a signal on line 37, in a direction and magnitude determined by the error signal, in a manner similar to that described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,019,109 to John H. McCoy and Paul A. Sullivan, and in U.S. Pat. No. 4,109,029 to Faik S. Ozdemir and Dall D. Loper, both assigned to the present assignee and both incorporated herein by reference with all references cited therein.
Optionally, the error signal from the comparator means 30 may be input to a DC offset circuit (not shown), which provides a signal to the beam deflectors 20 to shift the position of the focused beam 16 in a direction and magnitude determined by the error signal. Such a beam deflection system is described, for example, by J. R. Pierce previously referenced.
It should be noted that when an ion beam or electron beam is used, the beam source 18, the beam deflectors 20, the detector means 24, the wafer 10, and usually the stage 12 are all enclosed within a high vacuum chamber indicated by the dashed line in FIG. 1, as is normally required for the functioning of a focused ion or electron beam system.
In practicing the present invention in accordance with the process embodiment as illustrated in FIG. 1, and using the set of alignment marks shown in FIG. 2, a coarse alignment procedure is first performed as discussed in relation to FIG. 2. The beam source 18 is used to produce the focused beam 16, using the beam deflector means 20 as required to position the focused beam 16 above the alignment marks 14 on the chosen member 10. The focused beam 16 is continuously scanned back and forth across the set of alignment marks 14 at a predetermined and fixed velocity, which is determined, in part, by the maximum velocity that is consistent with system constraints, and is typically within a frequency range of 1 kilohertz to 1 megahertz. The focused beam 16 is raster scanned over the entire set of alignment marks so that impringement of the beam is evenly distributed over the entire set of alignment marks 14 and over the entire length of each mark in the set. As the focused beam 16 strikes each alignment mark in the set 14 in sequence, it causes secondary emissions in quantity as a function of time, and more specifically, as a function of the scanning speed of the focused beam 16.
The detector means 24 detects the secondary emissions as a function of time and generates a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of each mark in the set of alignment marks 14.
Thus, by the process of the present invention, spatial information concerning the position of the alignment marks 14 is converted into a time periodic signal. This periodic signal contains serial information on the position of each mark in the set of alignment marks 14. In addition, because a plurality of fine lines is used in the alignment marks of the present invention, the alignment mark set has a high signal content to indicate the position of the alignment mark set. The alignment mark pattern used in the prior art edge-detection method previously discussed usually presents only two edges in each alignment direction, whereas the multiple bar pattern used in the present invention contributes far more positional information in a given scan frame than does a single bar. Because of the abundance of this point information and high signal content pertinent to the location of the set of alignment marks, it is possible by the process of the present invention to determine the position of the set of alignment marks 14 with a much higher degree of accuracy than the prior art edge-detection process previously discussed, in which only information reflecting the position of the edges of the alignment marks is used for alignment.
In addition, the use of a set of alignment marks 14 with fine dimensions, e.g. 0.1 to 0.2 micrometers, further enhances the high resolution of the process of the present invention. For example, in a prior art edge-detection process of the type previously described, achievable resolution is reported to be on the order of the width of the risetime of the video signal used for alignment, or 0.25 micrometers. By the process of the present invention, the resolution achievable is at least 0.05 to 0.10 of the nominal spacing between the alignment marks in the set, which corresponds to approximately 0.1 of the beam diameter used to form the alignment marks, as previously discussed. For the embodiment illustrated in Example 1, the resolution achievable is 50 to 100 angstroms.
The electrical signal from the detector means 24 is subjected to special signal processing, as previously described in detail, to generate a fundamental periodic signal of a specified frequency, which is used as an alignment signal. This alignment signal may be, for example, in the form of a sine wave as shown in FIG. 5, which is capable of being accurately compared in stage 30 to the reference signal sine wave. Thus, by the process of the present invention, the accuracy of the alignment process is significantly improved by producing an alignment signal of high signal-to-noise ratio.
The alignment signal from the special signal processing means 26 is compared to the reference signal from the reference signal generator 28 by the comparator means 30, to produce an error signal which is proportional to the phase difference of the alignment signal and the reference signal. This error signal is filtered and is then used to cause lateral movement of either the chosen member 10 or the scan field of the focused beam 16 until the alignment signal and reference signal become congruent in phase, indicating accurate alignment of the chosen member and the scan field of the focused beam.
Thus, by the process of the present invention as illustrated in FIG. 1, it is possible to very accurately align a chosen member, such as a semiconductor wafer, with the scan field of a focused beam and to position the chosen member to a fraction of a resolution element. This accurate alignment and high resolution made possible by the present invention are achieved by generating a serial electronic signal as a function of time which contains serial information corresponding to the position of each mark in the alignment mark set. Acquisition of this signal is then maximized by filtering the signal through a narrow bandpass filter which very effectively removes noise with negligible loss of signal, and which averages out irregularities in the detection signal. In addition, this periodic signal has a high signal content since numerous marks in the set of alignment marks are detected. Consequently, a signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio and uniformity is produced for alignment purposes so that the chosen member can be positioned to a fraction of a resolution element.
In addition, the distributed nature of the alignment information provided by the process of the present invention reduces the effect of localized surface defects on the alignment marks, such as contamination or insufficient smoothness of the surface, and resulting irregularities in the alignment pattern, and consequently, provides increased alignment accuracy and increased alignment reproducibility. Further, since the focused beam is raster scanned over the total surface of the alignment marks, localized erosion of the alignment marks by a scanning focused ion beam is minimized and the lifetime of the alignment marks is maximized.
In FIG. 2, there is shown a one-axis alignment target for use in one process embodiment of the present invention. This target comprises a repetitive pattern of fine bars 50 which form a grating-like structure. The aggregate of bars 50 is referred to herein as an alignment mark set or as a set of alignment marks. Each bar 50 is referred to herein as a mark in the alignment mark set. In order to optimize the alignment accuracy, the periodicity of the grating structure and the width of each bar 50 are chosen preferably to be equal to the spot size of the focused beam 16 in FIG. 1 or the minimum video resolution element for the system in FIG. 4.
Since displacement of the grating pattern by a distance equal to the period of the grating spacing results in ambiquity in position, it is necessary to have a coarse alignment bar 52 at the periphery of the grating structure comprising bars 50. A preliminary, coarse alignment of the beam and the alignment mark set to within one period of the spacing between the alignment marks in the set is first performed using the coarse alignment mark 52 by performing a procedure in accordance with, for example, the process of Davis et al, discussed in the prior art section herein. Then, the fine alignment bars 50 are used as described in relation to FIG. 1, for example, to accomplish the process of the present invention. Optionally, if the set of alignment marks is formed with a coded periodicity, such as a Barker code, then a coarse alignment procedure is not required prior to the fine alignment process of the present invention. The alignment target shown in FIG. 2 is useful when alignment need be performed only along one axis.
These alignment marks 50 and 52 may be formed by depositing a layer of a known electron beam resist material on the surface of the wafer, exposing the resist layer to a beam of electrons in a predetermined pattern corresponding to the alignment marks, and using the patterned resist as a mask for chemical or ion beam etching of the pattern into the wafer. Etching is performed to a depth that is consistent with both the requirements of the present invention and the constraints of time required to perform the etching process. Typical dimensions of a bar 50 for use with an ion or electron beam are 0.1 to 0.2 micrometer wide, approximately 100 micrometers long, and 100 to 1000 angstroms deep. If longer wavelength radiation, such as visible light is used, the alignment mark dimensions must be correspondingly larger. As a practical matter, it is desirable to minimize the amount of wafer space which is dedicated to the alignment marks.
Optionally, the alignment marks may be formed as raised marks on the surface of the wafer by depositing a layer of a material such as tantalum, aluminum, gold, plastic, or wafer material and forming the desired pattern therein by known lithographic procedures. The alignment marks used in the present invention, may be left bare or may be coated with a layer of oxide or a layer of resist as a result of further processing steps to which the wafer is subjected after a first alignment procedure in accordance with the process of the present invention. In prior art processes such as those previously discussed, degradation of the alignment marks results from deposition of a layer of resist or oxide thereon since the edge of the covered mark is less readily detected than the uncovered mark. Since the process of the present invention, on the other hand, is inherently a more accurate process using alignment signals with high signal-to-noise ratio, these degraded alignment marks can still be accurately detected.
In FIG. 3, there is shown, in schematic form, a two-axis alignment target for use in the process of the present invention. This target comprises a two-dimensional array of fine dots 54 of uniform size. This array of dots 54 is referred to herein as a set of alignment marks. Each dot 54 is referred to herein as a mark in the alignment mark set. The diameter of each dot and the separation between adjacent dots are typically chosen to equal the spot size of the focused beam 16 shown in FIG. 1 or the minimum video resolution element for the system shown in FIG. 4, in order to optimize alignment accuracy. The distance between adjacent dots 54 does not necessarily have to equal the dot diameter. To avoid ambiquity caused by displacement of the pattern by a distance equal to the period of the dot spacing, a larger, coarse alignment pattern 56 is added to the periphery of the fine alignment dots 54. Thus, a coarse alignment process is first performed using coarse alignment pattern 56 and, for example, an edge-dection alignment process in a manner similar to that described in relation to FIG. 2, and then a fine alignment process in accordance with the present invention is performed using the fine alignment dots 54. The alignment pattern 56 and dots 54 shown in FIG. 3 may be formed in a manner similar to the process for forming the bars 50 and 52 described in FIG. 2.
Directing attention now to FIG. 4, there is shown, in block diagram form, the stages in one suitable system useful for practicing second and third process embodiments of the present invention in which a first chosen member is aligned with a second chosen member. A first chosen member 60, such as a wafer of a selected semiconductor material, is placed on the surface of a stage or platform 62. On the surface of the first chosen member 60, there is formed a first set of alignment marks 64, which may be of the type shown in FIG. 2 or FIG. 3 or may have a coded periodicity.
In accordance with the second process embodiment of the present invention, the second chosen member 66 shown in FIG. 4 is not present initially. The first chosen member 60 is first aligned with respect to a fixed reference point. Then, the second chosen member 66 is aligned with respect to the same reference point. Because this second process embodiment of the present invention can be more readily illustrated by showing the alignment of the second chosen member 66, the details of this process are described in relation to alignment of the second member 66. The following description of the alignment of the first chosen member 60 is presented in summary form and the details may be found in the corresponding description of the alignment of the second chosen member 66 which follows. The first set of alignment marks 64 on the first chosen member 60 is exposed to a flood of incoherent radiation 70 to produce reflected radiation which passes through a lens 76 and is imaged on one surface 78 of an imaging detector means 80. The imaging detector means 80 produces a serial electronic detection signal as a function of time, which is input via line 81 to a special signal processing means 82 and then via line 85 to a comparator means 86 for comparison with a reference signal produced by a reference signal generator means 84 in the same manner as described in relation to FIG. 1. The generation of an error signal by the comparator means and the subsequent movement of the member 60 relative to the imaging detector means 80 by the stage controller 88 via line 94 and the transducer means 89 via line 95 are performed in a manner analogous to that discussed in relation to FIG. 1, to achieve alignment of the member 60 with the imaging detector means 80.
After the first chosen member 60 has been aligned with the imaging detector means 80, the second chosen member 66, which is an opaque member or a member with an opaque pattern formed thereon, such as a mask which has formed thereon the set of alignment marks 68 as well as a pattern 67 required for the processing step to be performed subsequent to alignment in accordance with the process of the present invention, is placed above and spaced at a predetermined, relatively small distance from the first chosen member 60. The distance between the first member 60 and the second member 66 is chosen to be compatible with the depth of field of the lens in the imaging detector, which is discussed in more detail below. On the surface of the second chosen member 66, there is formed a second set of alignment marks 68 which are substantially identical to the set of alignment marks 64. The illustration in FIG. 4 shows an alignment mark set of the type described in FIG. 2. The periodicity of the alignment marks 64 and 68 are typically chosen to be equal to the minimum video resolution element of the imaging detector means 80, in order to maximize the alignment accuracy.
A source of incoherent radiation 72 is located above and to one side of the second chosen member 66 at a predetermined distance therefrom and is used to produce the flood radiation 70, comprising, for example, light radiation in the ultraviolet to far infrared wavelength range. The flood radiation 70 passes through the second chosen member 66 and strikes the second set of alignment marks 68. A flood pattern 74 of reflected primary radiation from the second set of alignment marks 68 is reflected toward a lens member 76 located within the imaging detector means 80. The lens 76 forms an image on one selected surface 78 of the imaging detector means 80. The imaging detector means 80 receives the reflected flood pattern in parallel, but reads this pattern serially in time to generate a serial electronic detection signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of each mark in the set of alignment marks 68.
More specifically, the imaging detector means may be a vidicon which comprises, for example, a magnifying lens system 76, a photoconductor surface 78, a means for converting a photon picture to an electron charge picture, and a means for scanning an electron beam across the electron-charged surface to generate an electrical signal output. An image of the set of alignment marks 68, comprising a pattern of light and dark areas, is focused and magnified by the lens 76 onto the surface 78, which comprises a material (such as an array of p-n junctions formed on a silicon substrate) whose conductivity is affected by photons. The portions of the surface 78 exposed to photons have their conductivity changed, while the portions of the surface 78 not exposed to photons do not have their conductivity altered. Thus, at the surface 79, there is formed a pattern of electron charges which corresponds to the pattern of the radiation striking the surface 78, which, in turn, corresponds to the pattern of the set of alignment marks 68. A beam, such as an electron beam, is scanned across the surface 79 having the electron charge pattern to produce a serial electronic signal corresponding to the electron charge pattern and thus corresponding to the pattern of the set of alignment marks 68.
The electronic signal produced by the imaging detector means 80 is a serial electronic signal having the same characteristics as the detection signal discussed in relation to FIG. 1. This detection signal is input via line or conductor 81 to the special signal processing means 82 which comprises narrow bandpass filtering and tuned amplification means. The special signal processing means 82 generates an alignment signal which is subsequently input via line 85 to the comparator means 86 for comparision to the reference signal generated by the reference signal generator means 84 and input to the comparator means 86 via line 87, in a manner analgous to that described in relation to FIG. 1. The reference signal frequency and phase are predetermined as discussed in relation to FIG. 1. The beginning of the reference signal is synchronized with the beginning of the deflection signal (not indicated) from the electron beam scan generator which is part of the imaging detector means 80, as indicated by the legend on signal path 81 in FIG. 4. Then, the frequency of the reference signal is electronically adjusted to equal the frequency of the alignment signal, as indicated by the legend on signal path 83 in FIG. 4.
An error signal which is indicative of the extent of misalignment of the second chosen member 66 with a chosen fixed reference point, namely, the scan field of the imaging detector means 80, is generated by the comparator means 86. The error signal is subjected to low-pass filtering and is input via line 91 to a means for producing the appropriate lateral movement of the second chosen member 66 to produce alignment thereof with the scan field of the imaging detector means 80. For example, the the error signal may be input to the stage controller means 88 which generates drive signals via line 92 to the transducer means 90 to cause mechanical motion of a stage (not shown) holding the member 66, via line 93, in a manner similar to that described in relation to FIG. 1. Since the second chosen member 66 and the first chosen member 60 have been accurately aligned with respect to the same fixed reference point (i.e. the scan field of the imaging detector means 80), the members 60 and 66 are accurately aligned with each other. It should be noted that during such an alignment process, the imaging detector means 80 must be maintained in a stable location.
Since displacement of either of the alignment mark patterns by a distance equal to the period of the pattern spacing would produce ambiguity in determining the exact location of the alignment marks, it is necessary to include a means for achieving coarse alignment of each of the sets of alignment marks 64 and 65 as a preliminary procedure, as discussed in relation to FIGS. 2 and 3.
Alternatively, by this second process embodiment of the present invention, alignment marks with a selected coded periodicity may be used to generate corresponding detection and alignment signals in the selected code. The reference signal generated has a corresponding code and the alignment and reference signals are correlated to generate an error signal indicative of the extent of correlation of the alignment and reference signals in time, as discussed in more detail in relation to FIG. 1.
Optionally, instead of comparing the detection signals from each of members 60 and 66 with a reference signal and aligning each member independently as described above, the detection signals from each of members 60 and 66 may be directly compared to each other to generate an appropriate error signal. More specifically, the alignment signal produced from the set of alignment marks 64 may be used in place of the reference signal, for comparison to the alignment signal produced from the set of alignment marks 68. An error signal indicative of the extent of misalignment of the two sets of alignment marks 64 and 68 is generated as a result of this comparison and one of the members 60 or 66 is moved in order to achieve alignment, as previously discussed.
In practicing the present invention in accordance with the second process embodiment just described, and using the set of alignment marks as illustrated in FIG. 2, the first chosen member 60 is placed on the platform 62 and a coarse alignment of the member 60 with the imaging detector means 80 to within one period of the spacing between the marks in the first set of alignment marks 64 is performed as discussed in relation to FIG. 2. The source of flood radiation 72 is used to produce a flood of radiation, such as light in the visible to infrared wavelength range, which strikes the first set of alignment marks 64. Light reflected from the first set of alignment marks 64 is imaged by the lens 76 onto the photoconductive surface 78 of the imaging detector means 80. The parallel information received by the imaging detector means 80 is read serially, to produce a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of each mark in the alignment mark set 64. This serial electronic signal, or detection signal, is subjected to special signal processing, including narrow bandpass filtering and amplification, to generate a fundamental periodic signal of specified frequency which is used as an alignment signal. The alignment signal is compared in the comparator means 86 to the reference signal generated by the reference signal generator means 84, to produce an error signal which is proportional to the phase difference of the alignment signal and the reference signal. The error signal is used to cause lateral movement of the first chosen member 60 until the alignment signal and reference signal become congruent in phase, indicating accurate alignment of the first set of alignment marks 64 on the chosen member 60 with the chosen reference point (i.e. the scan field of the imaging detector means 80).
Next, the second chosen member 66 is placed in position as indicated in FIG. 4 and a coarse alignment of the member 66 with the imaging detector means 80 to within one period of the spacing between the marks in the second set of alignment marks 68 is performed in the manner discussed above in relation to the coarse alignment of the member 60. The procedure described above for aligning the first chosen member 60 with respect to the imaging detector means is repeated using the second chosen member 66 and the second set of alignment marks 68 as the target for the flood radiation. Detection, alignment, and error signals are produced as discussed above. Finally, the second chosen member 66 is moved laterally with respect to the imaging detector means 80 until the alignment signal and reference signal become congruent in phase, indicating accurate alignment of the second set of alignment marks 68 on the second chosen member 66 with the chosen reference point (i.e. the imaging detector means 80. Since both the first and second chosen members have been accurately aligned with respect to the same reference point, the first chosen member 60 is accurately aligned with the second chosen member 66.
Thus, by this second process embodiment of the present invention just described, it is possible to very accurately align two chosen members with respect to each other, to a fraction of a resolution element. This accurate alignment and high resolution of the second process embodiment of the present invention are achieved in a manner similar to that discussed in relation to FIG. 1, by generating serial electronic signals as a function of time which have a high signal content and which contain serial information corresponding to the position of each of the two sets of alignment marks. These serial signals are then optimized by narrow bandpass filtering to remove noise with negligible loss of signal. The alignment signals so produced have a high signal-to-noise ratio which enables highly accurate alignment to be achieved, as discussed in more detail in relation to FIG. 1. In addition, the localized effects of surface defects in the alignment marks is minimized by this second process embodiment of the present invention by virtue of the distributed nature of the alignment information generated.
By a third process embodiment of the present invention, the first chosen member 60 and the second chosen member 66 may be aligned with respect to each other using simultaneous generation of the detection signal. The system shown and described in relation to FIG. 4 may be used except that a different special signal processing means 82 is used. The second chosen member 66 is selected to be a material which is transparent to the flood radiation 70 so that this flood radiation 70 may pass through the second chosen member 66 and strike the first chosen member 60 when the two members are positioned as shown in FIG. 4. The two sets of alignment marks 64 and 68 are selected to have different periodicities. For example, the set of alignment marks 64 may have the fine dimensions described in relation to FIG. 2 and the set of alignment marks 68 may have coarser dimensions and lower periodicity.
When the flood radiation 70 strikes the second chosen member 66, part of the radiation is reflected to the imaging detector means 80 in a pattern imaging the set of alignment marks 68 and part of the radiation passes through the second chosen member 66 and strikes the first chosen member 60 and the set of alignment marks 64. The radiation reflected from the set of alignment marks 64 passes through the member 66 and images the set of alignment marks 64 in the imaging detector means 80 as discussed in detail above. The detection signal produced by the imaging detector means 80 comprises a composite of two sine waves of differing periodicity superimposed one on the other. The detection signal is input via line 81 to the special signal processing means 82 and is subjected to special signal processing of the general type described in relation to other process embodiments of the present invention, including special filtering and amplification at a selected frequency. However, two filters set at two different predetermined frequencies, are used in order to separate the composite detection signal into its two components, and to provide a first sine wave alignment signal of one periodicity representing the set of alignment marks 64 and a second sine wave alignment signal of a second periodicity representing the set of alignment marks 68. Each sine wave alignment signal is then input via lines 85 to a separate comparator, such as comparator means 86, for comparison to a reference signal of corresponding frequency generated by a reference signal generator means, such as reference signal generator means 84, and input via line 87 to the comparator means 86, to generate an error signal in a manner analogous to that described in relation to FIG. 1. Each reference signal frequency and phase are predetermined as described in relation to FIG. 1. The beginning of each reference signal is synchronized with the beginning of the deflection signal from the electron beam scan generator which is part of the vidicon means previously discussed in detail, as indicated by the legend on signal path 81 shown in FIG. 4. Then, the frequency of each reference signal is electronically adjusted to equal the frequency of the corresponding alignment signal, as indicated by the legend on signal path 83 in FIG. 4.
Next, the first and second chosen members are moved in response to the corresponding error signal as discussed in relation to the second embodiment of the present invention, until the corresponding alignment and reference signals are congruent, indicating that the chosen member is aligned with the fixed reference point--i.e. the beginning of the scan field in the imaging detector means or vidicon. In actual practice, the first chosen member 60 remains stationary and the electron beam scan field of the vidicon is deflected to achieve alignment thereof with the member 60. Then, the chosen member 66 is moved by using a stage controller and transducer means until member 66 is aligned with the beam scan field. Since the first and second members are thus accurately aligned with respect to the same reference point, the two members are accurately aligned with each other.
A preliminary coarse alignment procedure is performed prior to this fine alignment process by using a conventional alignment process such as that described in the prior art section herein, using a matched set of alignment marks.
In practicing the present invention in accordance with the third process embodiment just described, using the set of alignment marks shown in FIG. 2, the first and second chosen members are placed in position as shown in FIG. 4 and a coarse alignment of the two members is performed by a conventional alignment process as discussed above. The source of flood radiation 72 is used to produce a flood of radiation which strikes both the first set of alignment marks 64 and the second set of alignment marks 68. The light reflected from both sets of alignment marks is imaged by the lens 76 onto the photoconductive surface 78 of the imaging detector means 80. The parallel information received by the imaging detector means 80 is read serially, to produce a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of each mark in each of the alignment mark sets 64 and 68. This serial electronic signal, or detection signal, is subjected to special signal processing to separate it into two component parts, one sine wave alignment signal representing the first set of alignment marks 64 and one sine wave alignment signal representing the second set of alignment marks 68. Each alignment signal is compared to a corresponding reference signal to generate an error signal indicative of the extent of misalignment of the chosen member with the chosen reference point (i.e. the scan field of the imaging detector means.) Relative lateral movement of each member is provided in response to the corresponding error signal until each alignment signal and corresponding reference signal become congruent in phase, indicating accurate alignment of the chosen member with the chosen reference point and thus of the two chosen members with each other.
Thus, by this third process embodiment of the present invention, it is possible to very accurately align two chosen members with respect to each other, to a fraction of a resolution element. This accurate alignment and high resolution are achieved by generating a composite serial electronic signal as a function of time which contains serial information indicative of the position of each mark in each of the two sets of alignment marks. This composite signal is then subjected to special signal processing to separate the composite signal into two component alignment signals and to optimize the alignment signals to produce unambiguous signals with high signal-to-noise ratios, which enable highly accurate alignment to be achieved.
As an option to the third process embodiment of the present invention just described, the alignment mark sets 64 and 68 need not be superimposed one on the other. Instead, the alignment mark sets 64 and 68 may be positioned to be side-by-side in different horizontal planes and with ends of the marks in one alignment mark set facing the ends of the marks in the second alignment mark set. The detection signal generated by the imaging detector means contains serial information corresponding to the position of one set of alignment marks in the first half of the signal and serial information corresponding to the position of the second set of alignment marks in the second half of the signal. The detection signal is electronically processed to produce a corresponding two-component alignment signal. The first half of the alignment signal is compared to a reference signal of predetermined frequency and phase to generate a first error signal which is used to cause relative lateral movement of the first chosen member to produce accurate alignment thereof with the fixed reference point (i.e. the scan field of the imaging detector means). The second half of the alignment signal is compared to the same reference signal to generate a second error signal which is used to cause relative lateral movement of the second chosen member to produce accurate alignment thereof with the fixed reference point and thus with the first chosen member. (In some instances, it may be necessary to use two separate reference signals for the two halves of the alignment signal.)
FIG. 5 shows, in schematic form, the detection and alignment signals generated in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, using the system shown in FIG. 1 and the alignment mark shown in FIG. 2. The sine wave A shown in FIG. 5 represents the alignment signal produced after the special signal processing in accordance with the present invention as discussed in relation to FIG. 1. The waveform B shown in FIG. 5 represents the detection signal produced in accordance with the present invention, from which the alignment signal A is formed by special signal processing. The waveform B comprises the sine wave A with noise of height N superimposed thereon. The detection signal is described by Equation (2) below. ##EQU1## where Y=detection signal
S=height of sine wave
.DELTA.=period of grating alignment mark pattern
X=distance along the plane being scanned
The uncertainty in the position of the alignment signal with respect to the reference signal can be estimated from the uncertainty in the position of the zero crossing, .delta., of the "noisy" sine wave. This uncertainty in zero crossing, .delta., is related to the noise amplitude shown in Equation (3) below. ##EQU2## where N=noise amplitude
.delta.=uncertainty at zero crossing
S=height of sine wave
.DELTA.=period of grating of alignment mark pattern,
From Equation (3), the value of .delta. may be derived as shown in Equation (4) below: ##EQU3## Given a value for S/N of 7 and for .DELTA. of 0.2 micrometers, .delta. may be calculated from Equation (4) to be .+-.45 angstroms. Thus, the required alignment accuracy of 0.1 of the beam diameter can be easily attained in this specific illustration by the process of the present invention.
In practicing the present invention using the system described in FIG. 1, an alignment target of the type described in FIG. 2 was formed in a wafer of bare silicon having dimensions of 1 inch by 1 inch. The alignment target comprised 24 bars, each having a width of 0.15 micrometer, a length of 100 micrometers and a depth of 100 to 1000 angstroms, and the space between adjacent bars was approximately 0.4 micrometer. The dimensions of the total set of alignment marks was 10 micrometers by 10 micrometers. The focused beam comprised a beam of gallium ions, at an energy of 60 kiloelectronvolts and a fluence of 1 ampere per centimeter.sup.2, focused to a spot size of 1500 A. The focused ion beam was scanned at a velocity approximately 6.8 millimeters per second. The special signal processing was performed by a spectrum analyzer (Hewlett-Packard, model 3580A) and the alignment signal was displayed on the spectrum analyzer. A predominant peak at 17 kilohertz was obtained and represented the sinusoidal component of the bar pattern. From the frequency spectrum display of the spectrum analyzer, the signal-to-noise ratio was determined to be 7. The potential alignment precision was then calculated using Equation (4) above and was found to be .+-.90 angstroms.
An alignment process of the type described using a focused ion beam finds utility in such semiconductor device fabrication processes as ion implantation to form doped regions in a substrate, ion beam milling or etching to directly structure a substrate or layer deposited thereon, and pattern generation for forming a mask structure.
In practicing the present invention in accordance with the second process embodiment described in relation to FIG. 4, an alignment target of the type described in FIG. 2 is formed on the surface of a bare silicon wafer and a matching set of alignment marks is formed on the surface of a mask member located above the wafer. The target comprises 24 bars each having a width of 10 micrometers, a length of 1 millimeter(mm), and a depth of 1 micrometer, and spaced from adjacent bars by a distance of approximately 20 micrometers. The dimensions of the total set of alignment marks are 1 mm by 1 mm. In addition, a coarse alignment bar is formed adjacent the fine alignment bar pattern. The radiation consists of incoherent radiation having wavelengths within the visible range. The imaging detector means used is a solid state vidicon (i.e. using charge-coupled devices). The special signal processing is performed by a spectrum analyzer (e.g. Hewlett-Packard, Model 3508A).
Alignment processes of the type described in relation to the second and third process embodiments of the present invention find utility, for example, in processes for making microminiaturized semiconductor devices in which a pattern from a mask is replicated in a substrate or layer formed thereon, such as during ion implantation, etching, or depositing a patterned layer on a substrate.
While the present invention has been particularly described with respect to the preferred embodiments thereof, it will be recognized by those skilled in the art that certain modifications in form and detail may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. In particular, the scope of the invention is not limited to the use of a beam of ions or of light waves, which were used merely as examples, but may include any radiation which is capable of producing secondary emissions (i.e. reflected primary radiation or secondary radiation) from the alignment target as described herein. In addition, the present invention is not limited to the particular signal detection and processing means described herein, but is intended to include any means for generating a periodic or encoded serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of each mark in the set of alignment marks.
Further, the present invention is not limited to the special signal processing operations described herein but is intended to include any means for generating a periodic signal at a selected frequency which may be used for the purpose of very accurate alignment. In addition, the means for moving one chosen member with respect to another or with respect to a focused beam is not limited to the mechanical means or beam deflection means discussed herein, but includes any means for providing such motion in response to an error signal.
Moreover, the novel process and system concepts set forth herein are not dependent on or limited to the particular functional electronics of the various stages or blocks illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 4. The functions and capabilities of each stage shown in FIGS. 1 and 4, such as a comparator, a detector, a reference signal generator, and a tuned amplifier, are well-known to those skilled in the art and are commercially available, and any such suitable electronics means known to those skilled in the art may be used in practising the present invention.
Further, the present invention is not limited to the alignment of a wafer of a semiconductor material, but may be used for any material which is compatible with the alignment process described herein. Finally, it is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention to processes for manufacturing microminiaturized devices and circuits, which was used merely as an example, but rather to include any process in which a chosen member is aligned with a focused beam or in which a first chosen member is aligned with a second chosen member as, for example, in target acquisition in missile systems or in precision machining procedures.
  • 1. A process for aligning the surface of a chosen member with the scan field of a focused beam of radiation or particles which includes the steps of:
  • (a) providing a set of alignment marks on said surface of said member, said marks in said set being spaced at a predetermined periodicity;
  • (b) providing a continuous back and forth scanning movement of said beam over said set of alignment marks at a predetermined and fixed velocity to produce a serial detection electrical signal that is indicative of the periodicity of spacing of said set of alignment marks and whose phase angle corresponds to the relative position of said set of alignment marks;
  • (c) electronically processing said detection signal to generate an alignment signal comprising a fundamental periodic signal of a selected frequency;
  • (d) providing a reference electrical signal comprising a periodic signal of said selected frequency and predetermined phase, said phase having a predetermined relationship to said scan field of said beam;
  • (e) comparing the phase angle of said alignment signal and the phase angle of said reference signal and generating an error signal which is proportional to the phase difference of said alignment signal and said reference signal;
  • (f) providing lateral relative movement between said scan field of said beam and said set of alignment marks in response to said error signal until said alignment signal and said reference signal become congruent in phase whereby highly accurate alignment of said surface of said chosen member with said scan field of said focused beam of radiation is produced.
  • 2. The process set forth in claim 1 which includes, prior to said scanning movement between said beam and said set of alignment marks, coarsely aligning said beam and said set of alignment marks to within one period of the spacing between marks in said set of alignment marks.
  • 3. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said chosen member is a wafer of a selected semiconductor material.
  • 4. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said radiation is selected from the group consisting of ions, electrons, and a laser beam.
  • 5. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said set of alignment marks comprises a repetitive pattern of fine bars which form a grating structure.
  • 6. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said set of alignment marks comprises a two-dimensional array of fine dots of uniform and predetermined size, with adjacent dots being separated by a distance equal to the dot diameter.
  • 7. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said electronically processing said detection signal comprises passing said detection signal through a relatively narrow bandpass filter and through an amplifier tuned to said selected frequency.
  • 8. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said reference signal is generated by electronic circuitry comprising a sine wave generator.
  • 9. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said lateral relative movement is provided by mechanical motion of a platform supporting said chosen member.
  • 10. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein said lateral relative movement is provided by controllably deflecting said focused beam of radiation.
  • 11. The process set forth in claim 1 wherein:
  • (a) said chosen member comprises a wafer of silicon;
  • (b) said radiation comprises a beam of gallium ions at an energy of 60 kiloelectronvolts and a fluence of 1 ampere per centimeter, focused to a spot size of approximately 1500 angstoms;
  • (c) said alignment marks comprise a repetitive pattern of fine bars forming a grating structure, the width of each of said bars being 0.15 micrometer and the spacing between adjacent said bars being 0.4 micrometer;
  • (d) said scanning movement is at a velocity of approximately 6.8 millimeters per second;
  • (e) said processing said detection signal comprises passing said detection signal through a relatively narrow bandpass filter and through an amplifier tuned to said selected frequency;
  • (f) said reference signal is formed by a sine wave generator;
  • (g) said lateral relative movement is provided by controllably deflecting said focused beam of radiation.
  • 12. A process for aligning the surface of a first chosen member with the surface of a second chosen member which includes the steps of:
  • (a) providing a first set of alignment marks on said surface of said first member and spaced at a predetermined periodicity;
  • (b) providing a chosen fixed reference point for determining the relative positions of said first and said second chosen members;
  • (c) generating from said first set of alignment marks a first detection signal comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of said first set of alignment marks;
  • (d) electronically processing said first detection signal to generate a first alignment signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio;
  • (e) providing a first reference electrical signal comprising a periodic signal of a predetermined frequency and phase;
  • (f) comparing the phase angle of said first alignment signal and the phase angle of said first reference signal and generating a first error signal proportional to the phase difference of said first alignment signal and said first reference signal;
  • (g) providing lateral movement of said first set of alignment marks with respect to said chosen reference point in response to said first error signal until said first alignment signal and said first reference signal become congruent in phase, to produce accurate alignment of said surface of said first chosen member with said chosen reference point;
  • (h) providing a second set of alignment marks on said surface of said second member and which is substantially identical to said first set of alignment marks;
  • (i) generating from said second set of alignment marks a second detection signal comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of said second set of alignment marks;
  • (j) electronically processing said second detection signal to generate a second alignment signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio;
  • (k) providing a second reference electrical signal comprising a periodic signal of predetermined frequency and phase;
  • (l) comparing the phase angle of said second alignment signal and the phase angle of said second reference signal and generating a second error signal proportional to the phase difference of said second alignment signal and said second reference signal;
  • (m) providing lateral movement of said second set of alignment marks with respect to said chosen reference point in response to said error signal until said second alignment signal and said second reference signal became congruent in phase, to produce accurate alignment of said surface of said second chosen member with said chosen reference point and thus produce accurate alignment of said surface of said first chosen member with said surface of said second chosen member.
  • 13. The process set forth in claim 12 wherein said generating of said first or second detection signal comprises:
  • (a) providing a source of incoherent flood radiation for illuminating said first or said second set of alignment marks, respectively;
  • (b) illuminating said first or said second set of alignment marks with said flood radiation to produce reflected radiation therefrom;
  • (c) imaging said reflected radiation onto an imaging detector means;
  • (d) serially reading the image of said reflected radiation in said imaging detector means to generate said first or said second serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing said serial information.
  • 14. The process set forth in claim 13 which includes, prior to said illuminating, coarsly aligning each of said first and second sets of alignment marks with respect to said chosen reference point to within one period of the spacing between marks in said first or second sets of alignment marks respectively.
  • 15. The process set forth in claim 12 wherein said electronically processing said first or second detection signal comprises passing said first or second detection signal through a relatively narrow bandpass filter and through an amplifier tuned to a selected frequency.
  • 16. A process for aligning the surface of a first chosen member with the surface of a second chosen member which includes the steps of:
  • (a) providing a first set of alignment marks on said surface of said first member and spaced at a first predetermined periodicity;
  • (b) providing a second set of alignment marks on said surface of said second member and spaced at a second predetermined periodicity which is different from said first predetermined periodicity;
  • (c) providing a chosen fixed referenced point for determining the relative positions of said first and second chosen members;
  • (d) generating from said first and said second sets of alignment marks a composite detection signal comprising a serial electronic signal as a function of time and containing serial information corresponding to the position of said first set of alignment marks and of said second set of alignment marks;
  • (e) electronically processing said composite detection signal to generate a first alignment signal representing the position of said first set of alignment marks and a second alignment signal representing the position of said second set of alignment marks;
  • (f) providing first and second reference electrical signals comprising periodic signals of predetermined frequency and phase;
  • (g) comparing the phase angle of said first alignment signal with the phase angle of said first reference signal to generate a first error signal proportional to the phase difference of said first alignment signal and said first reference signal;
  • (h) providing relative lateral movement of said first chosen member with respect to said chosen reference point in response to said error signal until said first alignment signal and said first reference signal become congruent in phase, to produce accurate alignment of said first chosen member with said chosen reference point;
  • (i) comparing the phase angle of said second alignment signal with the phase angle of said second reference signal to generate a second error signal proportional to the phase difference of said second alignment signal and said second reference signal; and
  • (j) providing relative lateral movement of said second chosen member with respect to said chosen reference point in response to said second error signal until said second alignment signal and said second reference signal become congruent in phase, to produce accurate alignment of said second chosen member with said chosen reference point and with said first chosen member.
  • 17. The process set forth in claim 16 wherein said generating said composite detection signal comprises:
  • (a) providing a source of incoherent flood radiation for illuminating said first and said second sets of alignment marks;
  • (b) simultanteously illuminating said first and said second sets of alignment marks with said flood radiation, to produce reflected radiation therefrom;
  • (c) imaging said reflected radiation onto an imaging detector means;
  • (d) serially reading the image of said reflected radiation in said imaging detector means to generate said composite detection signal.
  • 18. The process set forth in claim 13 or claim 17 wherein said flood radiation comprises radiation having a wavelength within the ultraviolet to far infrared range.
  • 19. The process set forth in claim 12 or claim 16 wherein said first chosen member is a wafer of a selected semiconductor material and said second chosen member is a mask structure located above said wafer.
  • 20. The process set forth in claim 12 or claim 16 wherein each of said first and second sets of alignment marks comprises a repetitive pattern of bars which form a grating structure.
  • 21. The process set forth in claim 16 wherein said electronically processing said composite detection signal comprises passing said detection signal through two relatively narrow bandpass filters and through two corresponding amplifiers.
  • 22. The process set forth in claim 16 wherein said lateral relative movement is provided by mechanical motion of a platform supporting said first member.
  • 23. The process set forth in claim 16 wherein said lateral relative movement is provided by mechanical motion of a platform supporting said second member.
  • 24. The process set forth in claim 1, 12 or 16 wherein:
  • (a) said set of alignment marks is formed to have a selected coded periodicity;
  • (b) said reference signal comprises an encoded signal with coding corresponding to said selected coded periodicity of said set of alignment marks; and
  • (c) said comparing comprises correlating said alignment signal and said reference signal to generate said error signal which is indicative of the extent of correlation of said alignment signal and said reference signal in time.
Government Interests

The Government has rights in this invention pursuant to Contract No. N00123-78-C-0195 awarded by the Department of the Navy.

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