L. M. Fraas et al., "Vacuum Chemical Epitaxy Utilizing Organometallic Sources," J. Elec. Materials, vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 175-180, May 1986. |
L. D. Partain et al., "Vacuum MOCVD Fabrication of High Efficiency Cells for Multi-Junction Applications", Space Photovoltaic Research & Tech. Conference, Apr. 30-May 2, 1985, pp. 1-9. |
Research on Multiband Gap Solar Cells, SERI Semiannual Control Report Mar. 31, 1985 to Aug. 31, 1985 submitted on or about Oct. 16, 1985 for initial approval and mailed to listed recipients on or about Dec. 16, 1985. |
Vacuum Chemical Epitaxy by Chevron Research Company, Aug. 1986. |
L. M. Fraas et al., "Epitaxial Growth from Organometallic Sources in High Vacuum", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B4(1) Jan./Feb. 1986. |
1985 Electronic Materials Conference Jun. 19-21, 1985 "The Use of Organometallic Sources . . . in a High Vacuum System", Fraas et al. |
Research on Multiband GAP Solar Cells-Annual Report Mar. 1, 1984 to Mar. 31, 1985 final report submitted Jul. 15, 1985. |
SERI Contract Monthly Report Apr. 1-30, 1985 submitted on or about May 15, 1985. (Applicants' understanding is that monthly reports are not published or available outside of reporting manager of government contract). |