Design rule checking system and method


  • Patent Grant
  • 6470489
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, September 16, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, October 22, 2002
    21 years ago
A method for performing design rule checking on OPC corrected or otherwise corrected designs is described. This method comprises accessing a corrected design and generating a simulated image. The simulated image corresponds to a simulation of an image which would be printed on a wafer if the wafer were exposed to an illumination source directed through the corrected design. The characteristics of the illumination source are determined by a set of lithography parameters. In creating the image, additional characteristics can be used to simulate portions of the fabrication process. However, what is important is that a resulting simulated image is created. The simulated image can then be used by the design rule checker. Importantly, the simulated image can be processed to reduce the number of vertices in the simulated image, relative to the number of vertices in the OPC corrected design layout. Also, the simulated image can be compared with an idea layout image, the results of which can then be used to reduce the amount of information that is needed to perform the design rule checking.


a. The Field of the Invention

This invention relates to the field of integrated circuit manufacturing. In particular, the invention relates to the concepts and implementation techniques to make fast and efficient integrated circuit layout design rule checking possible.

b. Description of Related Art

In designing an integrated circuit (IC), engineers typically rely upon computer simulation tools to help create a circuit schematic design consisting of individual devices coupled together to perform a certain function. To actually fabricate this circuit in a semiconductor substrate the circuit must be translated into a physical representation, or layout, which itself can then be transferred onto the silicon surface. Again, computer aided design (CAD) tools assist layout designers in the task of translating the discrete circuit elements into shapes which will embody the devices themselves in the completed IC. These shapes make up the individual components of the circuit, such as gate electrodes, field oxidation regions, diffusion regions, metal interconnections, and so on.

The software programs employed by these CAD systems are usually structured to function under a set of predetermined design rules in order to produce a functional circuit. Often, these rules are determined by certain processing and design limitations. For example, design rules may define the space tolerance between devices or interconnect lines so as to ensure that the devices or lines do not interact with one another in any unwanted manner. Design rule limitations are frequently referred to as critical dimensions. A critical dimension of a circuit is commonly defined as the smallest width of a line or the smallest space between two lines. Consequently, the critical dimension determines the overall size and density of the IC. In present IC technology, the smallest critical dimension for commercial circuits is approximately 0.25 microns for line widths and spacings.

Once the layout of the circuit has been created, the next step to manufacturing the integrated circuit (IC) is to transfer the layout onto a semiconductor substrate. Optical lithography is a well known process for transferring geometric shapes onto the surface of a silicon wafer. The optical lithography process generally begins with the formation of a photoresist layer on the top surface of a semiconductor wafer. A mask having fully light non-transmissive opaque regions, which are usually formed of chrome, and fully light transmissive clear regions, which are usually formed of quartz, is then positioned over the photoresist coated wafer. Light is then shone on the mask via a visible light source or an ultra-violet light source. The light is focused to generate a reduced mask image on the wafer typically using an optical lens system which contains one or several lenses, filters, and or mirrors. This light passes through the clear regions of the mask to expose the underlying photoresist layer, and is blocked by the opaque regions of the mask, leaving that underlying portion of the photoresist layer unexposed. The exposed photoresist layer is then developed, typically through chemical removal of the exposed/non-exposed regions of the photoresist layer. The end result is a semiconductor wafer coated with a photoresist layer exhibiting a desired pattern which defmes the geometries, features, lines and shapes of that layer. This pattern can then be used for etching underlying regions of the wafer.

Besides the aforementioned design rules, the resolution value of the exposure tool used in optical lithography also places limits on the designers of integrated circuit layouts. The resolution for an exposure tool is defined as the minimum feature that the exposure tool can repeatedly expose onto the wafer. Currently, the resolution for most advanced optical exposure tools is around 0.25 micron. As the critical dimensions of the layout become smaller and approach the resolution value of the lithography equipment, the consistency between the mask and the actual layout pattern developed in the photoresist is significantly reduced. Specifically, it is observed that differences in pattern development of circuit features depends upon the proximity of the features to one another.

With these limitations on IC design in mind, we note the data describing an IC pattern is usually represented in a condensed hierarchical fashion such as in a GDS-II data file. At the higher levels of pattern representation hierarchy, features are represented in a conceptual manner. For instance, a memory array may be described as having a given cell repeated for a certain number of rows and columns. The next lower level in the hierarchy might describe the basic memory cell, comprised of subcells A and B. Finally, at the lowest level, the most primitive subcells contain geometric primitives-rectangles and polygons. In order to generate a physical mask, the hierarchical data must first be flattened, enumerating every geometric instance described in the hierarchy. Flattening of the hierarchy typically results in several orders of magnitude increase in the size of data storage required to represent the pattern.

Since flattening the hierarchy results in such a large increase in the size of the file representing a given IC design, it is desirable to flatten the hierarchy at the latest point in the manufacture of a mask, which, in the best case, is at the time the mask design is loaded into the electron beam machine prior to physical manufacture. Currently however, this flattening process takes place at an earlier stage in the production of masks for some complicated IC's. This is because the original mask design for a complicated IC is typically manipulated after the original design is completed in order to perform one of a number of operations on the design. These operations are performed because of the precision needed in the masks for complicated IC's as the critical dimensions of these IC's approach the resolution limits of optical lithography. Currently, these operations require some sort of flattening of the original design data in order to be performed—resulting in an earlier than desired flattening of the design data. These operations include the performance of logical operations, the generation of optical proximity corrections, the generation of phase shifting masks, and the design rule checking of masks that have undergone these operations.

In particular, nearly all modern integrated circuits of even limited complexity require that the original mask design be corrected for optical proximity effects in order that the desired image be accurately reproduced on a wafer after photolithography. Proximity effects occur when very closely spaced pattern features are lithographically transferred to a resist layer on a wafer. The light waves passing through the closely spaced features interact and, as a result, distort the final transferred pattern features. Another problem that occurs when feature sizes and spacing approach the resolution limit of the lithographic tool is that corners (concave and convex) tend to overexpose or underexpose due to a concentration or scarcity of energy at each of the corners. Other types of problems, such as over- or under-exposure of small features when large and small features are transferred from the same mask pattern, also occur.

Numerous methods have been developed to overcome the proximity effect problem. These methods include: precompensating mask line widths, varying photoresist layer thicknesses, using multi-layer photoresist processes, using electron beam imaging in conjunction with optical imaging, and finally, adding additional features to the original mask pattern to compensate for proximity effects. This last method is known as “Optical Proximity Correction” (OPC).

The additional features that are added to the original mask when OPC is utilized are typically sub-resolution (i.e. have dimensions less than the resolution of the exposure tool) and thus do not transfer to the resist layer. Instead, they interact with the original pattern so as to improve the final transferred pattern and compensate for proximity effects.

Currently there are several known OPC software implemented products available that adjust mask definitions to include OPC features. However, thus far, the available products have a number of limitations in terms of correctness, speed, data volume, and verification of the resultant OPC corrected mask design.

One problem associated with OPC is that design rule checkers have difficulty determining whether the OPC corrected design conforms to the design rules. OPC typically introduces numerous serifs that cause the number of vertices in the design to increase tremendously. As the number of vertices increase, the amount of time required to perform design rule checking increases. Therefore, it is desirable to perform the design rule checking on OPC corrected designs more efficiently.

Therefore, what is desired is a method and apparatus for checking OPC corrected integrated circuit mask designs that solves the aforementioned problems.


One embodiment of the invention includes a method for performing design rule checking on OPC corrected or otherwise corrected designs. This method comprises accessing a corrected design and generating a simulated image. The simulated image corresponds to a simulation of an image which would be printed on a wafer if the wafer were exposed to an illumination source directed through the corrected design. The characteristics of the illumination source are determined by a set of lithography parameters. In creating the image, additional characteristics can be used to simulate portions of the fabrication process. However, what is important is that a resulting simulated image is created. The simulated image can then be used by the design rule checker. Importantly, the simulated image can be processed to reduce the number of vertices in the simulated image, relative to the number of vertices in the OPC corrected design layout.

In some embodiments, the hierarchy in the corrected design is maintained throughout the process. This allows for a more efficient creation of the simulated image and the design rule checking process.

In other embodiments, a method of adding corrections to a design is described. In these embodiments, a simulated image is compared with the desired design. Design rule errors identified in the comparison can then be used to add corrections to the original design (e.g., by adding OPC type corrections). In some embodiments, the hierarchy of the design can be maintained, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system.

Other embodiments are capable of checking all advanced masks such as OPC, PSM, and their derivatives, at a single process layer, and enables inter-layer dependence checking on the global process between individual mask layers. This embodiment begins by scanning through all patterns on the original mask design (also referred to as the ideal layout), and incorporating the newly corrected mask patterns (also referred to as the corrected layout) by simulating the aerial image intensity of the corrected mask at all locations. Aerial image simulation provides information about how the projected mask pattern will print when the physical mask is used in a photolithography stepper. Simulation of the aerial image can be reinforced by simulation of the resist and etch process to provide additional predictive accuracy. The simulation process provides quantitative information on both relative and absolute deviations of the simulated intensity edges or photoresist edges from the ideal layout.

The following heuristic describes this embodiment's checking process. If the corrected layout is “correct”, the resulting intensity edge from lithography simulation deviates within a given distance from the ideal layout's edge. On the other hand, if the all edge deviations between the ideal layout and the stepper intensity image of the corrected layout are within a given set of tolerances, the corrected layout can be considered “correct”.

There are several further applications based on the edge-checking technique. The geometry of the printed patterns from the corrected layout can now be conveniently generated in a format (e.g., GDS-II layout format) suitable for input to the conventional design rule checker, and this thus solves the problem of inter-layer dependence checking. In addition, this checking ability makes optical proximity corrections simple in two ways: First, if the corrected layout is identical to the ideal layout when the above-described checking is applied, by flagging the areas where the simulated edges deviate from the ideal layout, areas where corrections (e.g., OPC) are needed become immediately apparent. Second, by iteratively checking the intermediate design corrections against the ideal layout, this provides an efficient and flawless way for automated corrections (e.g., OPC).

In one embodiment, the simulation of a designed mask generates a designed image, which is compared against a physical image. The designed image is the image generated from the corrected layout (or other original mask layout). The physical image is an aerial image simulation that is generated from a physical mask picture. The picture of the physical mask is taken using a microscope, for example. The physical mask picture is, in one embodiment, a gray scale digital image of the physical mask. The physical image can then be generated using the same simulation techniques to generate the designed image. The designed image can then be compared against the physical image. The results of the comparison indicate whether the physical mask will generate the same structures as the designed mask would generate.

In one embodiment, these techniques are executed on a computer using software. In various embodiments, the computer is a Sun workstation, a personal computer running Windows NT, for example. The input of the ideal layout is in a file format such as GDS-II, but other embodiments use other layout description formats and languages.

Although many details have been included in the description and the figures, the invention is defined by the scope of the claims. Only limitations found in those claims apply to the invention.


The figures illustrate the invention by way of example, and not limitation. Like references indicate similar elements.

FIG. 1

illustrates a simple integrated circuit design layout and a hierarchical tree representation of the layout.

FIG. 2

illustrates a system level depiction of one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 3

illustrates a simple representation of a typical hierarchical data file that would be output from the system of FIG.



FIG. 4

illustrates in flowchart form, a method of performing a logical or arithmetic operation on a hierarchical integrated circuit design in which the hierarchical structure of the design layout is maintained according to one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 5

illustrates how the method of

FIG. 4

would provide for a logical NOT operation on one of the parent cells of

FIG. 1

according to one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 6

illustrates how the method of

FIG. 4

would generate the delta plane of one of the parent cells of

FIG. 1

for a logical NOT operation according to one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 7

illustrates examples of optical proximity corrections that can be made to design layouts.

FIG. 8

is a depiction of a system for providing OPC correction to a design layout in accordance with one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 9

illustrates how one embodiment of the system of

FIG. 8

would provide for OPC correction of the primitive geometries of one of the cells of FIG.









) illustrate how the method of

FIG. 4

would generate a correction layer for overlap areas within one of the parent cells of

FIG. 1

for an OPC operation according to one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 11

illustrates how the method of

FIG. 4

would generate the delta plane of one of the parent cells of

FIG. 1

for an OPC operation according to one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 12

illustrates a further method for providing OPC correction to an integrated circuit design layout using one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 13

illustrates an example screen snapshot of an input design layout from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction of the input design layout.

FIG. 14

illustrates an example screen snapshot of the final output from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction to the input design of FIG.



FIG. 15

illustrates a zoomed in example screen snapshot of the final output of FIG.



FIG. 16

illustrates an example screen snapshot of a −1 OPC correction layer from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction.

FIG. 17

illustrates an example screen snapshot of a +1 OPC correction layer from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction.

FIG. 18

illustrates an example screen snapshot of a −2 OPC correction layer from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction.

FIG. 19

illustrates an example screen snapshot of an individual cell that has been OPC corrected by a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 20

illustrates an example method of performing design rule checking on a corrected layout.

FIG. 21

illustrates an example of performing design rule checking using an ideal layout and a corrected layout.

FIG. 22

illustrates an example of generating transforming data using the example of

FIG. 21

for use in a conventional design rule checker.

FIG. 23

illustrates an example of performing optical proximity correction based on the results of the checking process described in FIG.



FIG. 24

illustrates checking and correction based upon checking.

FIG. 25

illustrates generating design rule checker input through the checking process of FIG.



Although many details have been included in the description and the figures, the invention is defined by the scope of the claims. Only limitations found in those claims apply to the invention.


Before describing the details associated with design rule checking, a description of how the hierarchy in the designs is maintained is while different types of corrections and checking is performed. Then, a description of how simplified design rule checking is performed is described.

a. Maintenance of Hierarchy in Designs

As described above, in the manufacture of photolithography masks, it is advantageous to flatten the data representing the IC design at the latest point in the actual manufacture of the masks. However, this flattening takes place earlier than desired in some instances. This is because the original layout for a complicated IC is typically manipulated after the original design is completed in order to perform one of a number of operations on the design. These operations include the performance of logical operations, the generation of optical proximity corrections, the generation of phase shifting masks, and the design rule checking of masks that have undergone these operations. Currently, these operations require some sort of flattening of the original design data in order to be performed—resulting in an earlier than desired flattening of the design data. This early flattening of data results in large increases in required data storage and a corresponding slow down in the performance of these operations. Further, because existing verification systems typically require the same input data hierarchies, operations which modify a design in a non-hierarchical manner make it difficult if not impossible to perform the important step of verifying these modified designs.

The present invention solves the above problems by providing for the performance of operations, such as OPC correction, on an input hierarchical IC design such that the original true hierarchy of the design is maintained. Various embodiments of the invention include computer systems for verifying and correcting masks for use in integrated circuit manufacturing, and for performance of logical operations on design layouts. These embodiments receive hierarchical mask definition data defining the look of a particular mask. These embodiments then generate an output set of data. In one embodiment, this output data includes OPC corrected mask definitions. Other embodiments of the invention include actual masks generated using systems that perform OPC correction or mask verification techniques. Still other embodiments of the invention include computer readable media (e.g., hard disks, CDs, and other computer program storage tools) having computer programs that implement the OPC correction or mask verification techniques.

Before turning to a description of the present invention with respect to the figures, an overview of one embodiment of the concept of the present invention is provided. Thus, one embodiment of the invention utilizes a hierarchy preserver to receive a hierarchical definition of a layout and to generate one or more additional data layers that hierarchically include correction information provided by an engine which performs the operation on the design layout. These additional layers are then stored such that they are associated with each node in the hierarchic definition of that layer.

The following definitions are used in this specification: A correction plane is associated with any node (cell) in the hierarchy such that, by applying the correction plane to the flattened node, the output is the corrected design for that node. A delta plane is essentially the difference between a node's correction plane and the sum of all its immediate children's delta planes. Thus, the correction plane of a cell is equal to the delta plane for that cell plus the delta planes of the immediate child cells of that cell. Since the leaf cells of the hierarchy have no child cells, the correction plane for any leaf cell is equal to the delta plane of that leaf cell. In this manner, in one instance of the invention, the correction plane for each cell need not be stored since the overall correction to the layout can be provided by only storing the delta plane for each cell in the hierarchy.

The basic idea behind one embodiment of the present invention is described in two stages which comprise compilation and linking. In the compilation stage, corrections are generated for all geometry primitives in the hierarchy in accordance with the operation to be performed on the design layout. At the link stage, extra corrections due to the optical overlap of a parent cell's child cells and the parent cell's primitive geometry will be made. Therefore, only the additional correction is stored.

A delta algorithm computes the delta/additional information by considering only the children cell overlaps and the overlap between the parent's geometry and child cells. Only these areas are considered because only the overlaps would contribute to the additional correction change needed for the parent cell. The overlap area is not limited to purely geometry overlap, but also includes proximity overlap. By employing a more general definition, all proximity effects/corrections can be taken into account. The output of the delta algorithm for a cell will be now called its delta plane. The leaves of the hierarchical tree thus have delta planes equal to their correction planes.

At compile time, the correction planes for all leaves can be generated by providing the flattened data describing the geometry primitives for each leaf to an operation engine which performs the desired operation on the provided flattened data. At link time, if there is no subcell overlap, then the correction plane for this parent cell equals to the sum of its children's delta planes (and as described above their would be no additional delta plane information to be stored for this parent cell). If there is an overlap, the overlap area is flattened, and an intermediate correction plane for the flattened overlap area is generated. Subsequently, this intermediate correction area is used to subtract the sum of all correction planes of its children, and the difference is the delta plane which is stored hierarchically to correspond to the cell being linked.

The current GDS-II, and most other design database formats describing a full layout, include placing different mask and chip levels on separate layers. What is being introduced in various embodiments of the invention is a twist on the layer concept—that an arithmetic layer capable of both logical (e.g., XOR, AND) and arithmetic operations can be based upon. For instance, with respect to an OPC operation, a correction layer representing a particular OPC feature can be based on an arithmetic layer such that for example, “−1” means a negative serif, a “+1” means a positive serif, and “−2” means end-butting where the overlap is infinitesimal in one direction. During linking, all correction layers are arithmetically generated using an algorithm to compute the incremental or differential corrections throughout the structure. These delta planes, or arithmetic layers, are exposed in the database format as distinct layers (e.g., +1, −1, −2, etc. mapping to layers 1, 2, and 3). This allows the final correction layer for a parent cell to equal to the parent cell's delta plane and the incremental sum of all the delta planes of the parent cell's children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and so on, from the leaves' compile-time correction layer.

Hierarchical data management is also possible in the generation of corrections in an alternate embodiment of the invention in which the delta algorithm or arithmetic layers discussed above are not used. In this alternate embodiment, instead of taking and storing the difference between the correction layers of a parent cell and its children cells, a logical operation can be used to compare the correction between the parent and its children, and the “logical” instead of “arithmetic” difference is then stored at the parent cell.

Thus, as summarized above, the present invention provides a method and apparatus for data hierarchy maintenance in a system for mask description. A detailed description of preferred embodiments of the present invention is now provided with respect to the figures in which

FIG. 1

illustrates a simple integrated circuit design layout


and a hierarchical tree representation of the layout


. The circuit layout


comprises a final cell A which comprises Parent Cells B, C, and D. Parent Cell C comprises identical cells G


, G


, G


, G


, G


, and G


. Parent Cell D comprises cell H and identical cells I


and I


. Parent cell B comprises identical Parent Cells E


and E


, and identical Parent cells F


and F


. Parent Cell E


comprises leaf cells J


and K


which comprise the primitive geometric structures illustrated in FIG.


. Parent Cell E


comprises Leaf cells J


and K


which comprise the same primitive geometric structures as cells J


and K


. Parent Cell F


comprises Leaf cells L


and M


which comprise the primitive geometric structures illustrated in FIG.


. Parent Cell F


comprises Leaf cells L


and M


which comprise the same primitive geometric structures as cells J


and K


. The hierarchical tree layout


illustrates the aforementioned cells in a tree format with the leaf cells at the bottom of the tree and with the final cell A at the top of the tree. Each of the leaf cells is also sometimes referred to herein as a leaf node or a child cell, while each of the cells above the leaf nodes is sometimes referred to herein as a parent cell or simply a node. The integrated circuit design layout



FIG. 1

is provided as a reference IC design with respect to which the embodiments of the present invention are described below. The simple IC illustrated in

FIG. 1

is used for example only, as the embodiments of the invention described below are capable of being applied to any IC which is described in a hierarchical format.

FIG. 2

illustrates in block diagram form a system incorporating one embodiment of the present invention. The system described is one in which a logical or arithmetic operation can be performed on a hierarchically described input IC design such that the resultant modified IC design retains the original true hierarchy of the input design. The basic elements of one embodiment of the system comprise a hierarchy preserver


and an operation engine


. The hierarchy preserver


comprises a compiler


and a linker



The hierarchy preserver


of the system accepts hierarchical design data


which describes an integrated circuit design


as an input. The hierarchy preserver


, in one embodiment, accepts hierarchical design data


in a GDS-II format. In other embodiments, the hierarchy preserver


accepts hierarchical design data


described in any hierarchical file format. The compiler


of the hierarchy preserver


acts in conjunction with the operation engine


to provide a correction data layer for the geometry primitives at each node of the design data


. The generated correction data layers are representative of the changes to be made to the geometry primitives at each node in accordance with the operation being performed by the operation engine


as will be described more fully below. In one embodiment of the invention, the operation engine


performs a logical operation such as AND or NOT on the input design data


. In another embodiment of the invention, the operation engine


performs optical proximity corrections on the input design data


. In still another embodiment of the invention, the operation engine


performs design rule checking of the input design data



After the compiler


has generated a correction data layer for each node of the input design data


, the linker


acts in conjunction with the operation engine


to generate a delta plane for each node of the design. The delta plane for each cell is generated such that it is equal to the difference between the correction data layer information for the particular cell and the sum of all the correction data layers of the particular cell's children cells. In one embodiment, the delta plane for each cell is generated by a delta algorithm processed by the linker


which computes the delta/additional information by only considering overlaps within each cell. In one embodiment, these overlaps consist of the overlaps between a cell's children cells and any overlaps between a parent cell's own primitive geometry and that of it's children cells. In one embodiment, these overlap areas are not limited to purely geometry overlap, but also include proximity overlap. The process by which the linker


generates a delta plane for each node of the input design


will be described more fully below.

After the linker


has generated the delta planes, the hierarchy preserver


generates output data


which represents the input design


modified in accordance with the operation performed by the operation engine


, where the output data


retains the original true hierarchy of the input design data


. This output data


comprises the original unaltered hierarchical design data


, and a hierarchical correction data file


. The hierarchical correction data file


comprises the delta plane data for each node of the design data


such that when the design data


and the correction data


are combined a modified design is produced which represents the operation performed on the original design data


by the operation engine



The hierarchical output data


can then be used for a number of purposes. First, it could be provided to the hierarchy preserver


on line


in order for a new logical or arithmetic operation to be performed on the output data


. Further, since it is in hierarchical form, it can be provided to a conventional design rule checker


which accepts hierarchical data, in order that the new modified output design can be checked to verify that it meets the design rules for the particular integrated circuit being designed. Still further, the output data


can be used in mask production


by combining the design data


with the correction data


to construct a final data layout


, flattening this combined data layout


, and providing this flattened data to an electron beam machine to generate the actual physical mask which embodies the modified design data



The generation of correction data layers and delta planes for each of the nodes of the design data


will now be developed further. With reference to

FIG. 1

, one embodiment of the compiler


accesses the design data using a depth wise traverse in which each branch of the final parent cell is accessed in order, and in which each branch is accessed from its leaf nodes upwards. Thus referring to

FIG. 1

, this embodiment of the compiler


would access the nodes of the integrated circuit layout


in the following order: J


, K


, E


, L


, M


, F


, L


, M


, F


, J


, K


, E


, B, G


, G


, G


, G


, G


, G


, C, H, I


, I


, D, and A. As the compiler


traverses the tree it provides the flattened data corresponding to the primitive geometry of each cell to the operation engine


. The operation engine


performs an operation on the flattened data and returns the results of this operation to the hierarchy preserver


. For instance, with respect to

FIG. 1

, if leaf cell J


were compiled, the operation engine


would return flattened data J′=J+ΔJ. In one embodiment, the amount of data storage is decreased by the hierarchy preserver


which solves the aforementioned equation for ΔJ, and stores the value of ΔJ as the correction layer for cell J. This process is repeated for every cell in the design until the entire tree is traversed. The design data


is then linked by the linker


in the following manner. The tree is again traversed in the manner described above, and for each cell the overlap area is found and flattened. The flattened overlap area is then input to the operation engine


which in turn operates on the data and returns it to the hierarchy preserver


. The linker


utilizes the return data from the operation engine


to produce an intermediate correction layer which is used by the linker


to generate a delta plane for each cell. The generation of the delta plane will be more fully described below with respect to

FIGS. 6 and 10

. The delta plane for each cell of the design is then stored in a hierarchical format corresponding to that of the input design data


in hierarchical correction data file



In one embodiment of the invention as described in

FIG. 2

, the hierarchy preserver


may comprise a computer system executing program code stored on computer readable media that performs the functions of the compiler


and the linker


. In one embodiment of the invention the operation engine


may also comprise a computer system executing program code stored on computer readable media. In one embodiment of the invention the hierarchy preserver


and the operation engine


comprise a single computer system executing a program code stored on computer readable media which performs the functions of the compiler


, linker


, and operation engine


together. In another embodiment, the hierarchy preserver


and the operation engine


comprise either a single computer system executing two or more different program codes or multiple separate computer systems executing two or more different program codes, one code for the functions of the hierarchy preserver


, and a separate code for the functions of the operation engine


. In this embodiment, the hierarchy preserver


may selectively provide data to the operation engine


through an API. With this embodiment, the hierarchy preserver


of the present invention can be modified to communicate and operate with currently existing operation engines


to provide the advantages of hierarchical data output.

The computer readable media referred to above may comprise any computer storage tools including but not limited to hard disks, CDs, floppy disks, and server memory. The computer systems executing the program code may, in the case of both the operation engine


and the hierarchy preserver


, comprise any suitable computer system including a desktop computer running a Windows NT operating system or a Sun Solaris workstation for instance.

Turning to

FIG. 3

, a simplified representation of a typical hierarchical data file that would be output from one embodiment of the system of

FIG. 2

is illustrated. Hierarchical data file of correction data


represents a simplified version of the correction data that would be generated if the system of

FIG. 2

were applied to operate on the simplified integrated circuit layout


of FIG.


. As described above, hierarchical design data


is provided to hierarchy preserver


which operates in conjunction with operation engine


to provide hierarchical correction data


. A simplified hierarchical data file of the design layout


is shown to illustrate the minimal effect the present invention has on the increase in data upon the performance of an operation. For, as shown, the hierarchical data file of correction data


is able to be stored in a structure which corresponds one to one with the input data file


. This facilitates quick combination of the two data files




in order to perform other functions on the overall modified design such as mask production and design rule checking.

Note also that when a cell is traversed by the hierarchy preserver


, the hierarchy preserver


determines whether or not that cell is identical to a cell that has already been traversed. If this is the case, then the hierarchy preserver does not take the processing time to directly determine a delta plane for that cell. Instead, the hierarchy preserver maintains the true hierarchy by providing a pointer to that cell's first instance of being defined. For instance, this is illustrated by the hierarchical data file of correction data


by cells F


and F


which are identical cell's as shown in FIG.


. As described earlier, in one embodiment of the invention, the hierarchy preserver


traverses the design data


in a depth wise manner from the leaf nodes to the final parent cell. In this manner, F


would be traversed before F


, and thus correction data ΔF


would be generated and stored for this cell as indicated in file


by label


. When cell F


is traversed however, only a pointer to the correction data for F


is stored and no direct correction data is processed for F


. This is indicated by label


. In this manner, both processing time and data volume are decreased.

FIG. 4

illustrates in flowchart form, a method of performing a logical or arithmetic operation on a hierarchical integrated circuit design in which the hierarchical structure of the design layout is maintained according to one embodiment of the invention. At its simplest level the method comprises a compiling process followed by a linking process. A hierarchical design data layout is provided at block


and the design tree is accessed at block


in the manner previously described with respect to

FIGS. 2 and 3

. The compile process begins at block


wherein the hierarchical data for the first cell in the tree is obtained. Next, at block


it is determined whether or not the cell has been previously defined. If it has been previously defined, the obtained cell is associated with the previously defined correction data at block


, and the next cell in the tree is obtained at block


. If the cell has not been previously defined, the flattened primitive structure data of the cell is obtained at block


and provided to block


where an arithmetic or logical operation is performed on the flattened primitive data. The modified flattened primitive data is then provided to block


, and this data is then processed at block


to separate the desired correction data as described earlier with respect to ΔJ of FIG.


. The separated correction data is then stored in a hierarchical fashion corresponding to the original design data at block


. At block


, it is determined whether all of the cells have been traversed. If they have, the linking process begins at block


, if not the compiling process continues at block


until such time when all the cells have been traversed and compiled.

The linking process begins in the same manner as the compile process with the accessing of the design tree at block


. The process continues at block


wherein the hierarchical data for the first cell in the tree is obtained. Next, at block


it is determined whether or not the cell has been previously defined. If it has been previously defined, the obtained cell is associated with the previously defined correction data at block


, and the next cell in the tree is obtained at block


. If the cell has not been previously defined, the overlaps of the cell are determined at block


as discussed earlier with respect to FIG.


. These overlap areas are then flattened at block


and the flattened data is provided to block


where the arithmetic or logical operation is performed on the flattened data as discussed previously. This operated upon flattened data is then used to generate an intermediate correction layer at block


, and at block


a delta plane for the cell is generated which is then stored in a hierarchical data format at block


. The delta plane is the only data which needs to be kept for each cell in the tree. For, as discussed above, given a parent cell and its child cells, the difference between the correction information for the parent cell and the sum of all of its children's correction data is equal to the delta plane. Thus, it follows then that the leaves of the hierarchical tree have delta planes equal to their correction planes determined at compilation. At block


it is determined whether or not all the cells in the tree have been traversed. If so, then the process is stopped, and the output data may then be used for a variety of functions as discussed previously—if not then the linking process continues at block


until all of the tree's cells have been traversed.

FIG. 5

illustrates how a specific embodiment of the present invention would perform a logical operation upon Parent cell F


of FIG.


. In this instance, suppose what was desired was to perform a logical NOT operation on Parent cell F


. The desired output is illustrated in

FIG. 5

as F


(NOT). To perform this operation directly would entail performing a NOT operation on the flattened data representing Leaf L


and a NOT operation on the flattened data representing M


using the operation engine



FIG. 2

in the manner described above with respect to block


of FIG.


. The results of these operations could then be stored in a hierarchical manner such that the correction data is associated with the appropriate nodes. These results are illustrated in

FIG. 5

as L


(NOT) and M


(NOT). Without the teachings of the present invention however, one can not obtain the desired F


(NOT) results simply by summing L


(NOT) and M


(NOT). This is illustrated by incorrect result


which is obtained by summing L


(NOT) and M



One embodiment of the present invention would operate to obtain the correct result F


(NOT) as follows. With reference to

FIG. 2

, the hierarchical design data


, which in this simple example consists of the data representing Parent cell F


, is provided to the compiler


of hierarchy preserver


. The compiler


provides the flattened data representing leaf L


to the operation engine


which in this case performs a logical NOT operation on the supplied data and returns flattened data representative of the NOT of leaf L


. As described above, the compiler


then generates the correction data for L


and stores this data in hierarchical correction data file


. The same process is then repeated for leaf M


. As there is no primitive geometry associated with Parent cell F


, compilation of Parent F


results in the generation of no correction data for F


. After the compilation of F


, the linker


operates to generate a delta plane


for Parent cell F


during the linking stage as described more fully below with respect to FIG.


. The delta plane


is generated such that, when summed with L


(NOT) and M


(NOT), the correct desired result F


(NOT) is obtained as shown in FIG.


. This delta plane data is then stored hierarchically in hierarchical correction data file


such that it is associated with parent cell F


. This example is solely for illustration of the use of one embodiment of the present invention in the performance of a particular logical operation on a sample IC layout. As such, it is clear that this embodiment of the present invention could be used to perform any logical operation on any IC layout described in a hierarchical manner.

FIG. 6

illustrates heuristically how the delta plane



FIG. 5

would be generated according to one embodiment of the present invention. With reference back to

FIG. 2

, after the operation engine


has performed a logical NOT operation on the flattened primitive data of leaf cells L


and M


respectively during the compile stage, the hierarchy preserver


operates during linking of Parent F


to find the overlap areas within the parent cell and flatten these areas


, which generates overlap area


. This flattened data for overlap area


is then provided to operation engine


at block


, and the NOT of the overlap


is generated by the operation engine


. The logical NOT operation is then performed on the parent F


to generate F


(NOT) in a flattened form at block


. Lastly, the delta plane


is generated by taking the difference between the NOT of the overlap area


and flattened F


(NOT), and storing this delta data in hierarchical correction data file



The use of the present invention in a system for generating OPC corrected layouts is now described. As stated previously, as the features of integrated circuit designs have become smaller and smaller, the resolution limits of optical lithography have had an increased effect on the exposure process. For instance, it has been observed that differences in pattern development of circuit features depend upon the proximity of the features to one another. Proximity effects occur when very closely spaced pattern features are lithographically transferred to a resist layer on a wafer. The light waves of the closely spaced features interact and, as a result, distort the final transferred pattern features. Another problem that occurs when feature sizes and spacing approach the resolution limit of the lithographic tool is that corners (concave and convex) tend to overexpose or underexpose due to a concentration or scarcity of energy at each of the corners. Other types of problems, such as over- or underexposure of small features when large and small features are transferred from the same mask pattern, also occur.

Numerous methods have been developed to overcome the proximity effect problem. These methods include: precompensating mask line widths, varying photoresist layer thicknesses, using multi-layer photoresist processes, using electron beam imaging in conjunction with optical imaging, and finally, adding additional features to the original mask pattern to compensate for proximity effects. This last method is known as Optical Proximity Correction (OPC).

FIG. 7

illustrates examples of optical proximity corrections that can be made to design layouts. The additional features that are added to the original mask when OPC is utilized are typically sub-lithographic (i.e. have dimensions less than the resolution of the exposure tool) and thus do not transfer to the resist layer. Instead, they interact with the original pattern so as to improve the final transferred pattern and compensate for proximity effects. For instance, as shown in

FIG. 7

, a desired pattern


may appear as actual pattern


when lithographically transferred without compensation for proximity effects. Using OPC techniques, positive serifs


and negative serifs


may be added to the desired pattern


to form the mask


needed to compensate for proximity effects. Similarly, in

FIG. 7

, the effects of proximity distortions on a typical desired transistor gate pattern


are shown by actual transferred pattern




. When OPC corrections represented by hammerheads


, assist bars


and bias bars


are added to the original desired mask pattern, the original desired shape will be more accurately transferred. In the case of transistor gates, the hammerhead shapes


are designed to eliminate the effect of line end shortening to ensure that the polysilicon portion of the gate extends beyond the active region


. The assist bars


are designed to compensate for the isolated gate effect which tends to decrease the width of the transferred gate pattern. Finally, the bias bars


are designed to eliminate the effect of densely packed gates which is shown by the additional transferred pattern


. In some instances, currently existing OPC products utilize a rule-based algorithm to generate proximity corrections for a given geometry. In this type of system, the design layout is analyzed for predetermined layout patterns and one of the aforementioned types of OPC features are generated for that area of the design layout. However, unlike one embodiment of the present invention, previous OPC products are not capable of retaining the true hierarchical data structure of the original design layout.

An embodiment of the present invention which is capable of providing for the generation of OPC corrections for an IC design layout while retaining the true hierarchical data structure of the original design layout is described below with respect to FIG.


. This description includes by reference the above discussions of

FIGS. 2 and 4

, as the system of

FIG. 8

is a specific embodiment of the system and method described in these FIGS. respectively.

Referring to

FIG. 8

, an integrated circuit chip design


is represented by hierarchical design data


, which in one embodiment is in a GDS-II data format. The design data


is provided as an input to a computer system running an OPC algorithm


which incorporates one embodiment of the present invention. The computer system


operates to produce hierarchical correction data


in the manner described previously with respect to

FIGS. 2 and 4

. In this respect, it can be seen that the computer system


comprises both the hierarchy preserver


and the operation engine



FIG. 2

, where the operation engine


of computer system


is a specifically defined OPC operation engine


that operates on the input design data


to provide for optical proximity corrections.

As shown in

FIG. 8

, the output hierarchical correction data


can be provided to a conventional design rule checker


along with the original design data


to design rule check the OPC corrected design. Similarly, the output could be used in the production of a lithography mask by combining the design data


with the correction data


as shown at block


. This combined data can then be flattened and written to an electron beam machine as shown at block


in order for the EB machine to operate to produce the mask



In one embodiment of the system of

FIG. 8

, the computer system


executes a computer program code stored on computer readable media that performs the functions of the compiler


, the linker


, and the OPC operation engine


. In another embodiment, the computer system


comprises either a single computer system executing two or more different program codes or multiple separate computer systems executing two or more different program codes, one program code for the functions of the hierarchy preserver


, and a separate program code for the functions of the OPC operation engine


. In this embodiment, the hierarchy preserver


may selectively provide data to the OPC operation engine


through an API. With this embodiment, the hierarchy preserver


of the present invention can be modified to communicate and operate with currently existing OPC operation engines


to provide the advantages of hierarchical data output.

The computer readable media referred to above may comprise any computer storage tools including but not limited to hard disks, CDs, floppy disks, and server memory. The computer systems executing the program code may, in the case of both the OPC operation engine


and the hierarchy preserver


, comprise any suitable computer system including a desktop computer running a Windows NT operating system or a Sun Solaris workstation for instance.

Operation engines which simply provide for OPC correction given a hierarchical input are well known in the field. In one embodiment of the system of

FIG. 8

, the OPC engine


is a rule-based OPC engine capable of generating OPC features in a manner that is controllable by the user of the system. For instance, the user can define the correction rules to be applied, and the size of the features to be applied to the design layout. Further, in one embodiment of the system, the location and size of bias lines


can be dependent upon the size and pitch of the IC pattern features being corrected, and/or restricted to being used only in critical areas of the design such as transistor gate regions. Still further, in another embodiment of the system the OPC engine


is capable of applying assist features


either in a localized manner to critical areas such as transistor gates or to the entire IC design globally. Still further, in another embodiment, the OPC engine can selectively place correction features in critical areas while not placing those correction features in areas that do not require them for accurate circuit performance. In one instance of this embodiment, the OPC engine can restrict the placing of biasing and assist features to transistor gates, while leaving the non-critical interconnect regions of the polysilicon gate layer uncorrected. In another instance, the OPC engine distinguishes critical transistor gate line-ends and applies hammerhead corrections to these areas to alleviate line-end shortening. Lastly, in another embodiment of the invention, the OPC operation engine is capable of providing for OPC correction of Phase Shifting Masks such as those disclosed in the United States patent application entitled, “Phase Shifting Circuit Manufacture Method and Apparatus” having Ser. No. 08/931,921, filed Sep. 17, 1997, and invented by Fang-Cheng Chang, Yao-Ting Wang and Yagyensh C. Pati which was previously incorporated by reference herein.

FIG. 9

illustrates how one embodiment of the system of

FIG. 8

provides for OPC correction of the primitive geometries of leaf cells J


and K


of FIG.


. Shown are uncorrected leaf cells J


and K


of Parent cell E


. The flattened primitive geometry data of J


is provided to the hierarchy preserver


, and the compiler


operates with the OPC engine


to provide a correction plane ΔJ


in the manner discussed previously with respect to FIG.


. In this case, the OPC engine has decided based on its rule definitions that the primitive geometry of J


requires positive serifs


in order to provide the proper result when the mask is produced and used to expose a wafer. The same process is performed on the flattened primitive geometry of K


to generate correction plane ΔK


, again comprising positive serifs


. Each of these cells is then linked by the linker


as discussed previously to generate delta planes for each cell. Since these cells are leaf nodes and have no overlap areas, their respective delta planes are equal to their compiled correction planes. Also illustrated are corrected leaf cells




which represent J




, and K











) illustrate how the method of

FIG. 4

would generate an intermediate correction layer for overlap areas within Parent cell E



FIG. 1

for an OPC operation according to one embodiment of the invention. FIG.


(b) illustrates the overlap area


between corrected leaf cell J



and the corrected leaf cell K



. As discussed above with respect to

FIGS. 2 and 4

, during the linking process for cell E


, this overlap area is determined and the data corresponding to this area is flattened. The flattened overlap area is then provided to the OPC operation engine


which operates on the data to provide an intermediate correction plane


. Note that in the case described here where the primitive structures overlap a discrete amount, negative serifs


are provided for the intermediate correction plane. In the situation described below with respect to FIG.




), an alternate parent E


is illustrated in which the corrected leaf cells K


and K


shown as






respectively. This situation illustrates an infinitesimal overlap between the two corrected primitive geometries. In one embodiment of the invention, an intermediate correction plane



is provided for these infinitesimal overlap situations such that a −2 layer is provided to compensate for end butting effects.

FIG. 11

illustrates how the method of

FIG. 4

would generate the delta plane of parent cell E



FIG. 1

for an OPC operation according to one embodiment of the invention. As described by block


, at the link stage for cell E


, the overlap areas within E


are determined and the area data is flattened. This is illustrated as overlap area


. Next, as described by block


, an intermediate correction plane


for this overlap area


is generated as described above with respect to FIG.




). At block


, the correction planes




of all the children cells of E


are summed to generate summed children correction data


. The last step as described by block


is to generate the delta plane


for cell E


and store this data hierarchically. This is accomplished in one embodiment by subtracting the summed children correction data


from the intermediate correction plane


to obtain the delta plane


. Also illustrated in

FIG. 11

is the final correction plane


for cell E


which as defined earlier represents the total of the corrections needed to be applied to the cell's design data in order to properly apply the particular operation, which here is OPC, to the cell. The correction plane


comprises the E


's delta plane summed with the correction planes




of its children J


and K



FIG. 12

illustrates a further method for providing OPC correction to a design layout using one embodiment of the present invention. At block


an integrated circuit design layout is first provided. The hierarchically formatted design data corresponding to this design layout is then provided to a system which performs a rule based OPC correction on the design data in accordance with the system of

FIG. 8

as shown at block


. The system of

FIG. 8

generates an output of hierarchical correction data as described above, and this correction data is combined with the original design data to generate a hierarchically described rule-based OPC corrected design data as shown at block


. Using this corrected design data a simulated image of the mask which this corrected design data would produce is generated at block


. This simulation can be generated utilizing a Hopkins equation based simulation device such as that described generally in the United States provisional patent application entitled, “Mask Verification, Correction, and Design Rule Checking” having Ser. No. 60/059,306, filed Sep. 17, 1997, and invented by Fang-Cheng Chang, Yao-Ting Wang and Yagyensh C. Pati, United States patent application entitled, “Mask Verification, Correction, and Design Rule Checking”, filed Sep. 16, 1998, and invented by Fang-Cheng Chang, Yao-Ting Wang and Yagyensh C. Pati, and also more specifically in the United States patent application entitled “Visual Inspection and Verification System”, filed Aug. 7, 1998, and invented by Fang-Cheng Chang, Yao-Ting Wang, Yagyensh C. Pati, and Linard Karklin, each of which were previously incorporated by reference herein.

The simulated image of the corrected mask is then compared to the desired design image at block


to determine whether or not the initial rule based OPC correction was sufficient to correct the design to within a set of user defined design parameters as shown at block


. Methods for performing this comparison are disclosed in the aforementioned United States provisional patent application entitled, “Mask Verification, Correction, and Design Rule Checking”, and the United States utility application of the same name. If the result of the comparison is that the design parameters have been achieved, the corrected design data can then be input to a design rule checker which analyzes the corrected design for any violations of the established design rules for the particular integrated circuit design as shown at block


. If the corrected design is within design rules, the corrected design data can then be flattened and a mask can be produced using an EB machine as shown at block


. If the design rules have not been met, a decision must be made as to whether or not to redesign the mask as shown at block



If the decision is not to redesign, but to try and fix the problem by continuing with the iterative correction process, a model based OPC algorithm is then run on the corrected design. Similarly, if the original corrected design data did not meet the design parameters of block


, the original corrected design data is input to a model based OPC algorithm. The model based OPC algorithm is then used to perform more detailed specific corrections to the original corrected design as shown at block


. The model based OPC corrected design can then be provided to block


where a simulated image of the model based OPC corrected design is produced and once again compared to the desired image. Before entering the OPC corrected design into a conventional design rule checker product for analysis of the design, the simulated image of the model based OPC corrected design must be manipulated into a format that is acceptable by a conventional design rule checker. One way of doing this is to generate a Manhattan geometry representation of the simulated image based on an edge checking technique as described more fully in the aforementioned and incorporated United States provisional patent application entitled, “Mask Verification, Correction, and Design Rule Checking” and the United States utility patent application of the same name. This whole process can be continued until a corrected design is produced which meets both the user defined design parameters and the circuit specific design rules.

In one embodiment of this process, the model based OPC algorithm is capable of responding to user defined input. For instance, in one embodiment, the user can control the complexity level of the corrections he wants to be applied in order to control data volume and overall process speed. Similarly, in another embodiment the user can control the size of correction features to be applied by the model based algorithm. Still further, in another embodiment, the user can define the correction criteria to be applied by the algorithm.

The remaining

FIGS. 13-19

illustrate example screen snapshots from a computer system executing one embodiment of the present invention to provide OPC corrections for a hierarchical input IC design layout. For instance,

FIG. 13

illustrates an example screen snapshot of the input design layout which is to be OPC corrected. The user interface


of the design program comprises a design window


in which is illustrated a portion of the IC design layout to be corrected. The design layout includes a diffusion layer


and a layer of polysilicon structures such as primitive structures


. A cell


, similar to the sample parent cells E


and F



FIG. 1

, is also depicted in design window



FIG. 14

illustrates an example screen snapshot of the final output from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction to the input design of FIG.


. The design window


of user interface


shows a cell


comprising primitive structures


which have been OPC corrected. The cell


comprises OPC features such as hammerheads


, assist lines


, bias lines


, positive serifs


, and negative serifs


. The output depicted in

FIG. 14

is representative of all of the corrections which would have to be made to compensate for all OPC effects on the entire design. Thus, these corrections represent the final linked output of this embodiment of the present invention in which all overlaps between cells in the hierarchy have been resolved and compensated for. The OPC features depicted in

FIG. 14

are shown in greater detail in

FIG. 15

which is a zoomed in example screen snapshot of FIG.



FIG. 16

illustrates an example screen snapshot of a −1 OPC correction layer from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction. This layer contains corrections to cell


including assist lines


, bias lines


, and negative serifs



FIG. 17

illustrates an example screen snapshot of a +1 OPC correction layer from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction. This layer contains corrections to cell


including hammerheads


, assist lines


, and positive serifs



FIG. 18

illustrates an example screen snapshot of a −2 OPC correction layer from a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention to provide OPC correction. This layer contains corrections to cell


including end butting correction feature



FIG. 19

illustrates an example screen snapshot of an individual cell


that has been OPC corrected by a computer system executing one embodiment of the invention. The design window


illustrates a cell


to which its linked correction layer has been applied. The corrections applied to the cell


include hammerheads


, assist lines


, positive serifs


, and negative serifs


. Note that the corrections to cell


are different than those illustrated in

FIG. 14


FIG. 14

is a representation of all the corrections to the entire design—while

FIG. 19

only illustrates those corrections necessary to correct cell


individually. In other words, the corrections illustrated in

FIG. 19

do not take into account the interactions of cell


with other cells adjacent to it. For instance, note that the bias lines



FIG. 14

are not present in FIG.



b. Design Rule Checking

As has been described above, various techniques can be used to maintain the hierarchy of a design even during mask checking, image simulation, OPC addition, and design rule checking. However, it is important to understand that not all embodiments of the invention require the maintenance of the hierarchical data. What is important for some embodiments of the inventions is that is that design rule checking can be performed on corrected designs, such as OPC corrected designs.

FIG. 20

illustrates one embodiment of a method for performing design rule checking on corrected design layouts. Note, in this section the use of the term design and design layout and design layout geometry are meant to be the same. In

FIG. 20

, the corrected design is processed at block


. Block


generates a simulated image. The simulated image corresponds to a simulation of an image which would be printed on a wafer if the wafer were exposed to an illumination source directed through the corrected design. The characteristics of the illumination source are determined by a set of lithography parameters. In creating the image, additional characteristics can be used to simulate portions of the fabrication process. However, what is important is that a resulting simulated image is created.

Next, at block


, the simulated image can be processed using an edge detection type of technique. Thus the processed image has fewer vertices than in the simulated image, and should have fewer vertices relative to the number of vertices in the OPC corrected design layout.

Next, at block


, the processed image can be provided to a standard design rule checker.

FIG. 21

illustrates the basic checking method used in one embodiment where an ideal layout is compared with a simulated image. In one embodiment, generating the simulated image includes generating an intensity contour from a lithography simulator. Multiple contours can also be used to check other variables, other than just the intensity variable (e.g., slope of intensity, or logarithm of slope). For a given simulated image, Δ


and Δ


are outer and inner distances to check whether the intensity contour(s) is bound by +Δ


and −Δ


respectively outside and inside of the ideal geometry. These distances can also be specified in non-absolute measures (e.g., percentage of width, or a function of the ideal geometry's dimensions). This edge checking method is not restricted to Manhattan geometry. It can be extended and applied to non-Manhattan geometry.

The lithography simulator, in one embodiment, uses Hopkins equation to simulate the resulting image of a given mask layout. The input data describing the mask layout can be a GDS-II description of a mask layout, a digital image of a physical mask, or some other description of a mask. The important parameters of the photolithography equipment used in Hopkins equation relate to NA—numerical aperture, sigma—the coherence value of the light in the photolithography system, and the wavelength of the light being used. Effectively, Hopkins equation is broken down into a number of low pass filters that are applied to the input data. The resulting images are added to generate the simulated image. In some embodiments, the optical response of the photolithography system is determined from scanned images of resulting structures and the physical masks used to create those structures. The sample mask and structure images are compared to determine the lithographic characteristics of the photolithography system.


FIG. 21

provides a basic flowchart schematic of the basic mask checking process using the ideal mask layout. At block


, the system simulates the aerial image of the input layouts using the parameters of the steppers (photolithography equipment). At block


, the difference between the ideal layout's image and the corrected layout for various light intensities are examined. A tolerance is used to determine areas that out of range of the acceptable deviation between the corrected layout's image and the ideal layout's image. (In some embodiments, the corrected layout's image is compared to the ideal layout itself.) At block


, in some embodiments, the deviations, which are outside of the tolerance level, are marked. The corrected mask can then automatically, or manually, be altered to compensate for the deviations. At block


, once the deviations are within the tolerance levels, the resulting corrected mask can be converted to a form for use by mask making equipment, or other tools. Alternatively, the resulting corrected mask's simulated image can be converted back into a layout for use in other tools. This can be done by converting the simulated image, which may be represented as a gray scale image, into a number of polygons, for example. Circuit extraction tools can then be used on the resulting layout to more accurately model the characteristics of the resulting fabricated circuits.

FIG. 22

illustrates how the simulation's geometry can be quickly and easily generated and input to conventional design rule checkers (see also FIG.


). In this case, the maximum deviation of the intensity edge is found to describe the simulation's geometry (see blocks






). In the case of

FIG. 25

, the resulting corrected mask's simulated image was converted into polygons. After the converted geometry is created, it can be put into a format for use by a design rule checker (block



FIG. 23

illustrates that corrected designs (such as OPC corrected designs) can be accomplished in a similar way by repeatedly checking and flagging locations that are not within the prescribed bounds of Δ


and Δ


(see also FIG.


). At block


, the basic checking is performed. At block


, areas that do not conform to the ideal image's design rule checking requirements are flagged. At block


, the flagged area's size and location are used to specify where to add or subtract OPC features from the ideal layout in order to modify the layout, and then the modified layout is fed back and used to check against the ideal layout. This process repeats until satisfactory tolerance criteria are met throughout the layout.

Note, the feedback arrows in

FIGS. 22 and 23

carry the meaning of feedback control and adaptive process.

FIG. 24

illustrates the basic checking method with some examples of OPC. The top left of the figure is a simple mask layout. The bottom left is a simulated aerial (stepper) image of the mask layout. The top middle of the figure is an edge trace around the aerial image plotted against the outline of the mask layout (this edge trace would be for a particular intensity level). The checking is done, as illustrated in the bottom middle, by marking the locations where the intensity contour deviates from the layout's outline. Note that first, intensity contour deviation to the inside or outside of the ideal edge is checked and marked with different colors and locations. Secondly, the locations of the markings are placed in an opposite way such that protruding contours are marked on the inside edge, and intruding contours are marked on the outside edge (top right). This is a convenient way of doing optical proximity correction (bottom right) by repeatedly, checking the new design against the ideal layout and correcting based on the checked result. The top right pattern in

FIG. 24

is obtained with just a single iteration.

FIG. 25

provides an example for how to perform inter layer dependence checking by supplying conventional design ruler checkers the new geometry information from the simulated image. By iteratively applying the basic checking method described in

FIG. 21

, the geometry of the simulated stepper image intensity can be obtained in a format (e.g., GDS-II) that is compatible with, and can be used as input to, conventional design rule checking tools. Note that the geometry is, for example, a polygon representation of an intensity level contour. The simple checking method outlined above is helpful, but may not be sufficient to state the correctness of the new design. It may not be until the overall geometry of the printed features are described, and against which layer-to-layer design rules are checked, that the corrected layout can be deemed “correct”. Note that the polygon conversion to the new design data, shown in

FIG. 25

, uses a relatively fine granularity during the conversion process. (Often, a user would want to use a coarser granularity.) This makes the polygons have many points and can overload some layout analysis tools such as design rule checkers or circuit extraction tools (e.g., the Dracula circuit extraction program).

For a multiple exposure mask process (e.g., double exposure PSM), the above mentioned checking methods can equally apply in the same manner, by generating an expected layout from an automated design tool (e.g., PSMShrinkIt™ by Numerical Technologies, Inc.) and against which multiple exposure lithography simulation is checked. One embodiment combines multiple exposure simulation with multiple exposure mask process before checking is applied. In one embodiment, the simulated images from different mask layouts, of the multiple exposure lithography process, are combined to given the final simulated image. For example, the simulated image from a phase shift mask and a simulated image from a trim mask can be combined (e.g., added and averaged) to generate the final simulated image.

One additional note about input to design rule checkers and OPC mask designs generated with methods described, the grid size of fractured geometry and OPC features can be easily controlled by snapping the checking or OPC design tolerance to a given size. The ability of this invention to control grid sizes is important in at least two ways. First, the data volume of input to conventional design rule checker and OPC designs can be reduced (e.g., because there are fewer points in the polygons). If the grid size is not controlled, the data volume can explode exponentially. Second, snapping OPC designs to some designated grid makes the mask manufacturing process more feasible.

c. Conclusion

Although illustrative embodiments of the invention have been described in detail herein with reference to the accompanying drawings, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited to those precise embodiments. They are not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. As such, many modifications and variations will be apparent to others. Accordingly, it is intended that the scope of the invention be defined by the following claims and their equivalents.

  • 1. A method for performing design rule checking for an integrated circuit layout having been subjected to optical proximity correction OPC so that the integrated circuit layout includes OPC features, comprising:taking said integrated circuit layout including OPC features; generating a simulation of an exposure made using said integrated circuit layout; using said simulation to construct a second layout data; and performing design rule checking of said second layout data.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said using said simulation includes tracing a contour of features in said simulation to produce said second layout data.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said second layout data comprises a GDS-II layout data.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein said OPC features include at least one serif.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein said using said second layout data comprises a machine-readable polygon representation of an intensity contour in an image of said simulation.
  • 6. A method for producing an integrated circuit layout, comprising:subjecting a layout to optical proximity correction OPC to produce an integrated circuit layout including OPC features; generating a simulation of an exposure made using said integrated circuit layout; using said simulation to construct a second layout data; performing design rule checking of said second layout data; and correcting said integrated circuit layout based upon results of said design rule checking.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, wherein said using said simulation tracing a contour of features in said simulation to produce said second layout data.
  • 8. The method of claim 6, wherein said second layout data comprises a GDS-II layout data.
  • 9. The method of claim 6, wherein said OPC features include at least one serif.
  • 10. The method of claim 6, wherein said using said second layout data comprises a machine-readable polygon representation of an intensity contour in an image of said simulation.
  • 11. The method of claim 6, wherein said generating, using and correcting are performed iteratively until the corrected layout is within predetermined tolerance.

This application relates to, claims benefit of the filing date of, and incorporates by reference, the following patent applications: U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/069,549 entitled “Data Hierarchy Advanced Mask Correction and Verification” having inventors Fang-Cheng Chang, et. al., filed Dec. 12, 1997; U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/059,306 entitled “Mask Verification, Correction, and Design Rule Checking” having inventors Fang-Cheng Chang, et al., filed Sep. 17, 1997; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/130,996 entitled “Visual Inspection and Verification System” having inventors Fang-Cheng Chang, et al., filed Aug. 7, 1998; and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/931,921 entitled “Phase Shifting Circuit Manufacturing Method and Apparatus” having inventors Yao-Ting Wang, et al., filed Sep. 17, 1997. Additionally, this application relates to the following co-pending applications filed on the same date as the instant application, and incorporates them by reference; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/154,397 entitled “Method and Apparatus for Data Hierarchy Maintenance in a System for Mask Description” having inventors Fang-Cheng Chang, et al., filed Sep. 16, 1998; and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/154,415 entitled “Data Hierarchy Layout Correction and Verification Method and Apparatus” having inventors Fang-Cheng Chang, et al. Each of the aforementioned patent applications are assigned to the assignee of the present invention.

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