Field-Repair System and Method

With increasing capacity, testing of three-dimensional mask-programmed read-only memory (3D-MPROM) becomes too time-consuming and expensive. Accordingly, the present invention discloses a field-repair system. Most of the 3D-MPROM data are not checked in the factory, but checked and repaired in the field. The field-repair system comprises a playback device with a communicating means. The playback device checks the 3D-MPROM data as they are read out. When bad data are detected, the good data to replace the bad data are fetched from a remote server with the communicating means. The remote server stores at least a copy of the content being read.

1. Technical Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to the field of the integrated circuit, more particularly to mask-programmed read-only memory (mask-ROM).

2. Prior Arts

With the advent of three-dimensional mask-programmed read-only memory (3D-MPROM), the storage capacity of the mask-ROM greatly improves. U.S. Pat. No. 5,835,396 discloses a 3D-MPROM. It is a monolithic semiconductor memory. As illustrated in FIG. 1, a typical 3D-MPROM comprises a semiconductor substrate 0 and a 3-D stack 10 stacked above. The 3-D stack 10 comprises M (M≧2) vertically stacked memory levels (e.g. 10A, 10B). Each memory level (e.g. 10A) comprises a plurality of upper address lines (e.g. 2a), lower address lines (e.g. 1a) and memory cells (e.g. 5aa). Each memory cell stores n (n≧1) bits. Memory levels (e.g. 10A, 10B) are coupled to the substrate 0 through contact vias (e.g. 1av, 1av′). The substrate circuit 0X in the substrate 0 comprises a peripheral circuit for the 3-D stack 10. Hereinafter, xMxn 3D-MPROM denotes a 3D-MPROM comprising M memory levels with n bits-per-cell (bpc).

3D-MPROM is a diode-based cross-point memory. Each memory cell (e.g. 5aa) typically comprises a diode 3d. The diode can be broadly interpreted as any device whose electrical resistance at the read voltage is lower than that when the applied voltage has a magnitude smaller than or polarity opposite to that of the read voltage. The memory level 10A further comprises a data-coding layer 6A, i.e. a blocking dielectric 3b. It blocks the current flow between the upper and lower address lines. Absence or existence of a data-opening 6ca in the blocking dielectric 3b indicates the state of a memory cell. Besides the blocking dielectric 3b, the data-coding layer 6A could also comprise a resistive layer (referring to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/785,621) or an extra-dopant layer (referring to U.S. Pat. No. 7,821,080).

Inevitably, a manufactured mask-ROM contains faulty memory cells. In prior arts, a mask-ROM is factory-repaired, i.e. the data in the mask-ROM (i.e. the mask-ROM data) are checked and repaired in the factory. As illustrated in FIG. 2, this factory-repair process is carried out in a tester and comprises the following steps: read data at address A (step 61); check the data (step 63); if no bad data are detected, increment the address A (step 65); otherwise, fetch the good data for the address A from the tester (step 67), and write the address A and the associated good data to a redundancy ROM (step 69). Hereinafter, bad data refer to the data that are stored in the faulty memory cells and are un-correctable.

Factory-repair requires reading out all data in a mask-ROM. In the past, this is not difficult for the conventional mask-ROM, which stores a limited amount of data. However, this is very difficult for a large-capacity mask-ROM, more particularly for a 3D-MPROM. By way of example, it takes almost half a week to read out all data from a 3D-MPROM, which could store ˜1TByte data but has a slow read speed of ˜3MByte/s. In other words, its testing time will be almost half a week. Such a long testing time makes the factory-repair expensive for the large-capacity mask-ROM, more particularly for the 3D-MPROM. Furthermore, during the course of its use in the field, the mask-ROM may suffer additional failures due to aging of its memory cells. Apparently, factory-repair cannot repair the bad data caused by these failures.

Objects and Advantages

It is a principle object of the present invention to provide a large-capacity mask-ROM, more particularly a 3D-MPROM, with a lower testing cost.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method to reduce the testing time and testing cost for a large-capacity mask-ROM, more particularly a 3D-MPROM.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method to repair the bad data caused by the aging memory cells during the field-use of a semiconductor memory.

In accordance with these and other objects of the present invention, field-repair system and method are disclosed.


The present invention discloses field-repair system and method for a large-capacity mask-ROM, more particularly for a 3D-MPROM. The field-repair system comprises a playback device (e.g. cellular phone, internet TV, or computer) and a memory card containing 3D-MPROM (i.e. a 3D-MPROM card). Most of the 3D-MPROM data are not checked in the factory, but checked and repaired in the field, i.e. during the use of the playback device. A feature that distinguishes the present invention from prior arts is that the 3D-MPROM data are checked and repaired by a playback device, not by a tester. The playback device, which is a consumer device, is not on a par in price and complexity with a tester, which is an industrial equipment.

Field-repair uses internet communication and takes full advantage of the communicating means (e.g. internet, WiFi and cellular communication means) that is part of the playback device and can communicate with a remote server anytime. The remote server stores a copy of the 3D-MPROM contents, whose data are used as the correct version of the 3D-MPROM data. An error-detecting means checks the data as they are read out from the 3D-MPROM. When bad data are detected, the good data to replace the bad data are fetched from a remote server with the communicating means. Field-repair can significantly reduce the testing time and lower the testing cost.


FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a 3D-MPROM;

FIG. 2 discloses a factory-repair process for a mask-ROM in prior arts;

FIG. 3 discloses a preferred field-repair system and its communication with a remote server;

FIGS. 4A-4B illustrate two preferred playback devices;

FIG. 5 is a flow chart showing a preferred testing/repair method;

FIG. 6 discloses more details of the preferred field-repair system;

FIG. 7 is a flow chart showing a preferred field-repair method;

FIG. 8 is cross-sectional view of a preferred 3D-MPROM card.

It should be noted that all the drawings are schematic and not drawn to scale. Relative dimensions and proportions of parts of the device structures in the figures have been shown exaggerated or reduced in size for the sake of clarity and convenience in the drawings. The same reference symbols are generally used to refer to corresponding or similar features in the different embodiments.


Those of ordinary skills in the art will realize that the following description of the present invention is illustrative only and is not intended to be in any way limiting. Other embodiments of the invention will readily suggest themselves to such skilled persons from an examination of the within disclosure.

The present invention uses 3D-MPROM as an example to explain the concept of field-repair. The preferred embodiments disclosed herein can be extended to any large-capacity mask-ROM. A large-capacity mask-ROM has a storage capacity on the order of GB, even on the order of TB. In the present invention, the primary data-recording means for a mask-ROM includes photo-lithography and imprint-lithography. The “mask” in the mask-ROM includes data-mask used in photo-lithography, as well as nano-imprint mold or nano-imprint template used in imprint-lithography.

Referring now to FIG. 3, a field-repair system 40 and its communication channel 50 with a remoter server 100 are disclosed. The field-repair system 40 comprises a memory card 20 and a playback device 30. The memory card 20 could comprise a memory package or a memory module. It contains at least one 3D-MPROM die, more generally, at least a large-capacity mask-ROM die. The memory card 20 stores contents such as movies, video games, maps, music library, book library, and/or softwares.

The playback device 30, more generally, a consumer processing apparatus, can read and process data from the memory card 20, e.g. playing a movie or video game, reading a map, listening to music, reading books, or running software. The playback device 30 communicates with a remote server 100 through a communication channel 50. The remote server 100 stores a mass-content library, including a copy of the 3D-MPROM contents. The communication channel 50 includes internet, WiFi and cellular (e.g. 3G, 4G) signals.

FIG. 4A illustrates a preferred playback device 30—a cellular phone. It communicates with the remote server 100 via cellular signals 50. The cellular phone 30 further comprises a slot 32 for holding the memory card 20, which can be inserted into or removed from the cellular phone 30. During the use of the cellular phone 30, the data in the memory card 20 will be checked and repaired. FIG. 4B illustrates another preferred playback device 30—an internet TV (or, a computer). It communicates with the remote server 100 via internet signals (including wired and wireless internet signals) 50. The internet TV (or, computer) 30 further comprises a slot 32 for holding the memory card 20, which can be inserted into or removed from the internet TV (or, computer) 30. During the use of the internet TV (or, computer) 30, the data in the memory card 20 will be checked and repaired.

FIG. 5 discloses a preferred testing/repair method for the memory card 20. It comprises a factory-testing step 60 and a field-repair step 80. The factory-testing step 60 performs a basic testing on the memory card 20 in the factory, e.g. the integrity of its substrate circuit. At this step, most data in the memory card 20 are not checked. In other words, most of the 3D-MPROM data are not checked in the factory! The factory-testing step 60 requires little testing time and incurs little testing cost.

The field-repair step 80 is carried out in the field where the playback device 30 is used. After the memory card 20 is inserted into the playback device 30, the 3D-MPROM data are checked and repaired in one of the following situations: 1) when the playback device 30 is idle (i.e. idle repair); 2) when the memory card 20 is in use, more particularly during its 1st use (i.e. 1st-use repair). Generally speaking, after it is repaired, the memory card 20 no longer needs to be repaired again. It can be directly used in other playback devices, e.g. the one that does not have internet access.

FIG. 6 discloses more details of the preferred field-repair system 40. It comprises a 3D-MPROM 10, a read-only memory (ROM) 28, an error-detecting means 32, a random-access memory (RAM) 38, and a communicating means 36. Details of these components will be explained in the following paragraphs.

The 3D-MPROM 10 stores the content data. The 3D-MPROM data should use a coding scheme that facilitates error-detection. In the present invention, this coding scheme is referred to as error-detection code. Preferably, this error-detection code can be used to correct errors. Overall, the error-detection code should be stronger in error detection than error correction. Its examples include Reed-Solomon code, Golay code, BCH code, multi-dimensional parity code, Hamming code, and convolutional code.

The ROM 28 functions as a redundancy memory for the 3D-MPROM 10. It stores the addresses of the bad data from the 3D-MPROM 10 and the associated good data. The ROM 28 could be a non-volatile memory that can be programmed at least once, e.g. a one-time-programmable memory (OTP), an EPROM memory, an EEPROM memory, or a flash memory. The redundancy ROM 28 is preferably located in a same memory card 20 as the 3D-MPROM 10. This way, the repaired memory card 20 can be used by other playback devices (including those without internet access). To read a repaired memory card 20, address 41 is first compared with those stored in the redundancy ROM 28. If there is a match, the data 49 from the ROM 28, instead of the data 43 from the 3D-MPROM 10, are read out. This is indicated by the dash lines of FIG. 6.

The error-detecting means 32 detects errors in the data 43 from the 3D-MPROM 10. Preferably it can also correct error(s). This error-detecting means 32 should use an error-detecting algorithm suitable for the coding scheme used by the 3D-MPROM data. The error-detecting means 32 can be located either in the memory card 20 or in the playback device 30.

The RAM 38 is part of the playback device 30 and it functions as a buffer (or, cache) for the 3D-MPROM data to be used by the playback device 30. Because fetching good data from the remote server 100 to the playback device 30 causes a considerable latency, this buffer RAM 38 is used in the playback device 30 to eliminate the effect of this latency on the user's playback experience. During the field use of the 3D-MPROM, particularly during its 1st use, a large amount of the RAM 38 is needed to buffer the 3D-MPROM data, because a virgin 3D-MPROM 10 may contain a lot of faulty memory cells.

The communicating means 36 is part of the playback device 30 and it provides communication between the playback device 30 and the remote server 100. Through the communication channel 50, the communicating means 36 fetches good data from the remote server 100. The communicating means 36 includes internet, WiFi and cellular communication means.

FIG. 7 is a flow chart showing a preferred field-repair method. It will be explained in combination of FIG. 6. First of all, the data 43 at address 41 are read out from the 3D-MPROM 10 (step 71). The error-detecting means 32 checks the data 43 (step 73). If no bad data are detected, the data 43 are written into the buffer RAM 38 (step 75). Otherwise, an error-signal 45 is asserted, the good data 47 for the address 41 are fetched from the remote server 100 with the communicating means (step 77). Then the good data 47 are written into the buffer RAM 38, while the good data 47 and the address 41 are saved into the redundancy ROM 28 (step 78). In the present invention, the good data 47 and the address 41 are collectively referred to as redundancy information. These steps 71-78 are repeated for the incremented addresses 41 (step 88) until all data have been checked (step 89). Because bad data are only a small proportion of the total data stored in a 3D-MPROM, the field-repair step 80 needs a small bandwidth from the communicating channel 50.

FIG. 8 discloses a preferred 3D-MPROM card 20. It is a multi-die package and comprises a plurality of vertically stacked 3D-MPROM dice 10A, 10B and a redundancy ROM die 28. These dice 10A, 10B, 28 are located in a package housing 91 and stacked on a package substrate (e.g. an interposer) 93. Bond wires 95 provide electrical connection among the dice 10A, 10B, 28. In this preferred embodiment, a single redundancy ROM die 28 stores the redundancy information for a plurality of 3D-MPROM dice (e.g. 10A, 10B).

Besides mask-ROM, field-repair can be applied to any content memory. Hereinafter, a content memory is a semiconductor memory that stores at least a content. This content memory could be mask-ROM, one-time-programmable memory (OTP), EPROM, EEPROM and flash memory. During the course of its use in the field, the content memory may suffer additional failures due to aging of its memory cells. Accordingly, the present invention discloses a later-use repair. Although the content memory is repaired during the 1st use, the later-use repair continues to monitor and repair the content data during the later uses. To be more specific, an error-detecting means checks the content data as they are read out from the content memory. When bad data are detected, the good data to replace the bad data are fetched from a remote server with a communicating means. Here, the remote server stores at least a copy of the content being read. Overall, field-repair is carried out whenever data are read out from the content memory. It ensures that the data processed by the playback device 30 are always good data.

While illustrative embodiments have been shown and described, it would be apparent to those skilled in the art that may more modifications than that have been mentioned above are possible without departing from the inventive concepts set forth therein. The invention, therefore, is not to be limited except in the spirit of the appended claims.

  • 1. A field-repair system for a three-dimensional mask-programmed read-only memory (3D-MPROM), comprising: a consumer processing apparatus comprising a communicating means;a 3D-MPROM comprising a plurality of vertically stacked memory levels;an error-detecting means for checking the 3D-MPROM data;wherein, when said error-detecting means detects bad data from said 3D-MPROM, said consumer processing apparatus fetches the good data to replace said bad data from a remote server with said communicating means.
  • 2. The field-repair system according to claim 1, wherein said consumer processing apparatus is a cellular phone, an internet TV, or a computer.
  • 3. The field-repair system according to claim 1, wherein said communicating means include internet, WiFi and cellular communication means.
  • 4. The field-repair system according to claim 1, wherein the 3D-MPROM data use an error-detection code.
  • 5. The field-repair system according to claim 1, further comprising a random-access memory (RAM) for buffering the data from said 3D-MPROM.
  • 6. The field-repair system according to claim 1, further comprising a read-only memory (ROM) for storing the redundancy information for said 3D-MPROM.
  • 7. The field-repair system according to claim 6, wherein said 3D-MPROM and said ROM are located in a memory card.
  • 8. The field-repair system according to claim 6, wherein said ROM stores the redundancy information for said 3D-MPROM dice.
  • 9. A field-repair method for a three-dimensional mask-programmed read-only memory (3D-MPROM), comprising the steps of: 1) reading data from said 3D-MPROM;2) checking data from said 3D-MPROM;3) when bad data are detected, fetching the good data to replace said bad data from a remote server with a communicating means;wherein the steps 1)-3) are carried out by a consumer processing apparatus comprising said communicating means.
  • 10. The field-repair method according to claim 9, wherein said consumer processing apparatus is a cellular phone, an internet TV, or a computer.
  • 11. The field-repair method according to claim 9, wherein said communicating means include internet, WiFi and cellular communication means.
  • 12. The field-repair method according to claim 9, wherein the 3D-MPROM data use an error-detection code.
  • 13. The field-repair method according to claim 9, further comprising the step of buffering the data from said 3D-MPROM in a random-access memory (RAM) after the step 1).
  • 14. The field-repair method according to claim 9, further comprising the step of writing the redundancy information for said 3D-MPROM to a read-only memory (ROM) after the step 3).
  • 15. A field-repair method for a semiconductor memory storing at least a content, comprising the steps of: 1) reading data from said semiconductor memory;2) checking data from said semiconductor memory;3) when bad data are detected, fetching the good data to replace said bad data from a remote server with a communicating means;wherein the steps 1)-3) are carried out by a consumer processing apparatus, and said consumer processing apparatus comprises said communicating means.
  • 16. The field-repair method according to claim 15, wherein said semiconductor memory is a mask-programmed read-only memory (mask-ROM).
  • 17. The field-repair method according to claim 16, wherein said mask-ROM is a three-dimensional mask-programmed read-only memory (3D-MPROM).
  • 18. The field-repair method according to claim 15, wherein said semiconductor memory is selected from a group of memory including OTP, EPROM, EEPROM and flash memory.
  • 19. The field-repair method according to claim 15, wherein said consumer processing apparatus is a cellular phone, an internet TV, or a computer.
  • 20. The field-repair method according to claim 15, wherein said communicating means include internet, WiFi and cellular communication means.

This application relates to a provisional application, “Field-Repair System and Method for Pre-Recorded Three-Dimensional Read-Only Memory”, Application Ser. No. 61/529,923, filed Sep. 1, 2011.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61529923 Sep 2011 US