Method and apparatus for dicing electronic substrate

A manufacturing method and apparatus for dicing printed circuit boards is disclosed that permits PCB's to be manufactured with greater component density and cut less expensively. The disclosed method includes forming a raw substrate to include conductive traces, mounting components on the substrate, testing the PCB and then cutting off the waste edges. The PCB can be formed and tested with components mounted on one or both sides of the PCB, and the waste edges can be cut off even with components mounted on both sides of the board. A workpiece fixture is provided that includes a recessed cavity into which PCB components extend. Double-sided boards can be cut using the disclosed workpiece fixture. The cavity includes a vacuum hole through which suction is provided to hold the PCB in place during cutting. Additional vacuum holes preferably are provided to hold the wings in place after they are removed. If desired, one or more saw blade guides can be formed in the workpiece fixture to accommodate a saw blade to avoid damaging the top surface of the fixture. The guides also permit PCB's to be cut without the need for space tape and the cost and imprecision associated with such tape. If desired, the substrate can be formed to include test pads in the wings which are subsequently cut off during manufacturing, thereby providing more room for components in the central area. As a result, the manufacturing process is simplified, manufacturing cost is reduced, and component density is increased.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention generally relates to printed circuit boards. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method and apparatus for manufacturing printed circuit boards. Still more particularly, the present invention relates to a new, cost effective manufacturing technique for cutting (“dicing”) a circuit board substrate that also permits an increase in the density of components on the board.

2. Background of the Invention

Many types of electronic equipment include printed circuit boards. A printed circuit board (“PCB”) generally includes a substantially rigid substrate constructed from ceramic or other suitable material, semiconductors and other types of interconnected electronic components attached to the substrate. PCB's are widely used in a wide variety of electronic equipment such as computers, calculators, telephones, watches, pacemakers and cellular telephones.

Usually it is desirable, and in many instances imperative, that devices, such as laptop computers, implantable medical devices and cellular telephones, be as small as possible. Accordingly, the components used to construct such devices, including the PCB, must be miniaturized as much as possible. It is also desirable to reduce manufacturing cost whenever and wherever possible. Thus, designers and manufacturers of PCB's continuously strive to provide smaller, less expensive circuit boards that lower the cost of the finished product. The present invention generally relates to a method and apparatus for making PCB's smaller and less costly than previously possible. To fully appreciate the benefits of the invention, a conventional technique for manufacturing a typical PCB will now be described.

Referring first to

FIG. 1

, the layout of a conventional PCB


includes a substrate


and one or more electronic components


mounted on one or two sides of the substrate


. The components


are mounted in a central circuit area


of the substrate


. Usually, in the initial stages of manufacturing, the PCB


includes waste edges


(also referred to as “wings”) on either side of the central circuit area


. The waste edges


result from the fact that the raw substrate


typically is manufactured in a predefined width W, but the central circuit area


does not require the full width of the substrate


. Also, one or more conductive test pads


, electrically connected to various components


, are included in central circuit area


for testing purposes as explained below.

A typical PCB manufacturing process will now be explained. As shown in

FIG. 2

, the substrate


is manufactured in step


and prepared for use to assemble the PCB. Step


includes creating all of the conductive traces on and within the substrate


for interconnecting the components that will be mounted on the substrate in step


. In step


the waste edges


are removed using a conventional PCB chuck saw. The saw includes an electrically-controlled chuck table


as shown in

FIG. 3

which has a substantially flat workpiece fixture


on which the PCB is placed. A precision circular saw (not shown) then is used to cut the substrate along lines



FIG. 1

) separating waste edges


from central circuit area


. The table fixture


uses vacuum suction to hold the PCB


in place while the cutting step is performed. The vacuum is supplied from a vacuum pump (not shown) through slots or holes


in the workpiece fixture


. As can be seen in

FIG. 3

, the workpiece fixture


of the chuck table


is flat to permit adequate suction for holding the PCB


in place. To use this type of chuck table, the PCB


must also be flat during cutting step


, and thus the electrical components to be mounted on the substrate


typically are not mounted until after the waste edges are cut off.

Although it is desirable to cut through the substrate


in step


, for obvious reasons it is not desirable to cut the top surface of the workpiece fixture


holding the PCB


and place. To avoid cutting the workpiece fixture


, an adhesive polymer tape is applied to the bottom surface of the PCB


in step


. The polymer tape acts as a spacer and typically is 0.003-0.005 inches thick. Further, the substrate


and polymer tape are baked in step


to activate the adhesive in the tape.

It is important to maintain the PCB


as clean as possible and to protect it from damage during manufacturing. To avoid damaging the PCB once the waste edges


are removed, the PCB is placed in a protective carrier (carrier not shown) in step


. The carrier may be constructed from plastic or other suitable type of material and is generally a rigid structure whose purpose is to protect PCB during the remainder of the manufacturing process. In step


, the components are mounted on the substrate


using conventional surface mount technology (SMT) or other suitable manufacturing technology. In step


the completed PCB is tested to insure that it functions as intended. The testing process typically includes one or more electrical tests in which the circuit on the PCB


is activated and the signals on the test pads


are monitored for proper signal level and timing. If the PCB passes testing, it is then assembled into the electrical equipment or sold as a separate component.

Because of the relatively high complexity of the conventional manufacturing method of

FIG. 1

, the potential for errors to occur is significant. Each step of a manufacturing process has risks for errors to occur. A process with many steps, therefore, has a greater chance for errors to occur than a process with fewer steps. Accordingly, it would be desirable to have a PCB manufacturing process with fewer steps than the conventional process of FIG.



Additionally, the cost involved with the conventional manufacturing process shown in

FIG. 2

is substantial. The cost includes:

The carriers used to hold and protect the PCB after the waste edges


are removed.

Cleaning and recycling the carriers for use with subsequent PCB's.

The polymer tape applied to the bottom surface of the substrate



The oven needed to activate the polymer tape's adhesive.

These costs and others drive up the price of the finished PCB. It is desirable to minimize manufacturing costs as much as possible.

As noted above, it is also desirable to miniaturize many PCB's to the fullest extent possible. Miniaturization involves two related aspects: (1) implementing a circuit on a PCB so as to take up as little surface area as possible, and (2) manufacturing a PCB to include as many components as possible in a given space. In either case, the “density” of the circuit is increased. The goal of PCB miniaturization generally involves includes the component density.

It would be highly desirable to have a less costly PCB manufacturing process. It would also be desirable to have a PCB manufacturing process for making PCB's with higher component density. Such PCB's would result in lower priced, smaller equipment that incorporate such PCB's.


The problems noted above are solved in large part by a manufacturing method and apparatus for dicing printed circuit boards that permits PCB's to be cut without the need for a carrier. By avoiding the necessity for a carrier, the cost of the carrier is avoided as well as the cost of cleaning and otherwise recycling the carrier for subsequent use. Also, the method includes relatively fewer steps and thus has less potential for errors to occur. Further, the disclosed method and apparatus permits PCB's to be cut without the need for tape to be applied to the bottom surface of the substrate to act as a spacer. Thus, the cost of the tape is also avoided as well as the oven that is typically necessary to heat tape's adhesive.

The preferred manufacturing method generally comprises forming a raw substrate to include conductive traces, mounting components on the substrate, testing the PCB and then cutting off the waste edges (“wings”). The PCB can be formed and tested with components mounted on one or both sides of the PCB and the waste edges can be removed even with components mounted on both sides of the board. Because the wings are retained until after testing is completed, the PCB can be handled via the wings, thereby avoiding the necessity for a carrier.

To facilitate cutting a PCB including components mounted on the bottom side of the board, a workpiece fixture is provided that includes a recessed cavity into which PCB components protrude. Accordingly, double-sided boards (i.e., components mounted on both sides of the board) can be cut using the preferred workpiece fixture. The cavity includes a vacuum hole through which suction is provided to hold the PCB in place during cutting. Additional vacuum holes preferably are provided to hold the wings in place after being cut off. If desired, one or more saw blade guides can be formed in the workpiece fixture to accommodate a saw blade to avoid damaging the top surface of the fixture. The guides also permit PCB's to be cut without the need for space tape and the cost associated with such tape.

If desired, the substrate can be formed to include test pads in the wings which are subsequently removed during manufacturing. Locating the test pads on the wings, rather than on the central area of the board in which the components are mounted, provides more room for components in the central area. Component density advantageously is increased. These and other advantages will become apparent once the following disclosure and accompanying drawings are read.


For a detailed description of the preferred embodiments of the invention, reference will now be made to the accompanying drawings in which:

FIG. 1

is a top view of a conventional substrate with test pads located on the circuit board in the area containing the electronic components; and

FIG. 2

is a block diagram showing the conventional process for manufacturing a printed circuit board;

FIG. 3

is an isometric cut-away view of a conventional workpiece fixture for a PCB saw having a flat surface for receiving a PCB substrate;

FIG. 4

is a block diagram showing the steps for manufacturing and testing a PCB in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 5

is an isometric view of a PCB saw workpiece fixture in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 6

is a top view of the base fixture of

FIG. 5


FIG. 7

is top view of the workpiece fixture as in

FIG. 6

illustrating a substrate as in

FIG. 9

positioned on top of the workpiece fixture; and

FIG. 8

is an isometric view of a saw used in conjunction with the workpiece fixture of

FIG. 5

; and

FIG. 9

is a top view of a PCB substrate in accordance with a preferred embodiment including test pads located outside the central area containing the electronic components.


The preferred embodiment of the invention described below includes a method and apparatus for manufacturing printed circuit boards (PCB's) in a relatively simple manner to reduce the potential for errors to occur during manufacturing. The preferred embodiment also permits PCB's to be manufactured with greater component density than previously possible. Further, the preferred embodiment results in substantially lower cost than with conventional manufacturing techniques. The manufacturing apparatus includes a workpiece fixture that can receive PCB's with parts mounted on none, one or both sides of the substrate. The preferred manufacturing method is shown in FIG.


and will now be described. It should be noted, however, that although a particular set of manufacturing steps is shown in

FIG. 4

, numerous variations are possible without departing from the spirit of the invention.

Referring now to

FIG. 4

, the preferred method


for constructing a PCB generally includes four steps






, and


. In step


, the raw substrate is manufactured and a “blank” PCB is formed. A “blank” PCB refers to a PCB without components mounted on the board. The PCB in step


is provided with one or more layers bonded together according to known manufacturing techniques. Each layer may include one or more conductive traces to interconnect the components that will be mounted on the board in step


. Some of the layers in the substrate may be ground or power layers as would be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art. The PCB substrate processed during manufacturing step


preferably includes peripheral waste areas (referred to hereinafter as “wings”).

Referring still to

FIG. 4

, the electrical components are mounted on the substrate in manufacturing step


. Components can be mounted on one or both sides of the substrate as desired. Any suitable technique for attaching the components to the substrate, such as surface mount technology (SMT), can be used. At this point during the manufacturing method


, the components are mounted on the PCB, yet the wings still are attached (i.e., the wings have not yet been cut off). Exemplary PCB's are shown in

FIGS. 5 and 9

. In step


, the PCB preferably is tested using any suitable testing protocol and if the PCB passes the test, the wings are removed in step



The preferred manufacturing method


shown in

FIG. 4

advantageously permits a PCB to be manufactured and tested without the need for a carrier. The wings are not cut off until later in the manufacturing process in contrast to conventional manufacturing processes. More particularly, the wings preferably are not removed until after the PCB is tested in step


. Leaving the wings in place permits the PCB to be handled by hand without touching the circuit components on the board; the PCB can be handled by touching only the wings. The potential for contaminating the wings is acceptable because the wings will ultimately be removed anyway. Because the PCB can be handled by holding the wings, a protective carrier is not needed, and thus the cost of the carrier is avoided along with the cost of cleaning the carrier for subsequent use.

Because the wings are cut off after components are mounted on the PCB, the use of a conventional workpiece fixture may be difficult, particularly if components are mounted on the surface of the PCB that must be placed in contact with the flat surface of the conventional fixture. To solve this problem, a workpiece fixture that can accommodate non-flat workpieces, such as PCB's with parts mounted thereon, preferably is used.

FIG. 5

shows one embodiment of such a workpiece fixture.

The preferred workpiece fixture


shown in

FIG. 5

is shown and described with respect to the PCB


shown. The exemplary PCB


shown in

FIG. 5

includes a substrate


having a central circuit area


and a pair of wings


. The substrate includes a top surface


and a bottom surface


and various circuit components


mounted on the top surface


in the central circuit area


. If desired, components can also be mounted on the bottom surface


. A PCB assembled with components mounted on both sides of the substrate is referred to as a “double-sided” board.

Referring still to

FIG. 5

, the workpiece fixture


constructed in accordance with the preferred embodiment is shown to include a top surface


with a central portion


onto which a PCB


with components mounted thereon can be placed for cutting by a saw as shown in FIG.


. If desired, central portion


may be raised with respect to top surface


. Preferably, the central portion


is raised by approximately 0.005 inches. A raised central portion


provides a convenient way to calibrate, or “zero”, the height of the saw blade. The saw blade can be lowered to touch the top surface


and the vertical height can be calibrated as being at the “zero” position at that point. Once “zeroed”, the height of the blade then can be accurately adjusted by predetermined distances that are offsets from the zero point.

The workpiece fixture


preferably is made from a metal or other durable material. An exemplary saw for cutting the PCB


is shown in FIG.


. The preferred workpiece fixture


is mated with or otherwise coupled to a chuck table such as that shown in

FIG. 3

, with the flat workpiece fixture



FIG. 3

replaced by the preferred fixture


of FIG.



The PCB receiving portion


preferably includes a recessed cavity


. The recessed cavity generally is defined by side surfaces


. As shown, the recessed cavity


preferably has a rectangular shape to receive the substantially rectangular PCB


. Alternatively, the recessed cavity


can have any desired shape, and generally is constructed according to the shape of the PCB substrate desired to be cut using the table. For example, the recessed cavity


may be round to accommodate a round PCB.

Using the workpiece fixture


shown in

FIG. 5

, a PCB without electrical components mounted thereon or a PCB with components mounted on one or both sides of the substrate


can be cut. The depth of the recessed cavity


, which is defined by the side surfaces


, preferably is sufficient to permit the PCB


to be placed on top of the workpiece fixture


with the board's underside components, if included, protruding into the recessed cavity


. With a cavity


to receive the protruding components, the workpiece fixture


is able to accommodate non-flat PCB's for cutting.



preferably is maintained in place by vacuum suction created by a conventional vacuum source (not shown) such as Model H2/6T manufactured by Disco Hi-Tech. A plurality of bore holes are formed in the workpiece fixture


to which the vacuum source couples. A central vacuum hole


is shown for retaining the central circuit area


in place. The workpiece fixture


preferably also includes a pair of angled grooves


formed on either side of recessed cavity


. As best shown in

FIG. 6

, each groove


includes at least one vacuum hole


to which the vacuum source couples. Through angled vacuum grooves


, suction is provided to retain the wings


in place, particularly after being cut off to prevent the separated wings from moving and damaging the circuit area


and damaging the saw blade or from harming the saw operator. Additional vacuum holes can be included if desired to help retain the PCB


in place. An inner ring seal


, shown in

FIG. 5

, may be included to insure adequate vacuum suction through holes





The workpiece fixture


also is shown in

FIGS. 6-7

in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIGS. 6 and 7

show the top surface


of the workpiece fixture


with (

FIG. 7

) and without (

FIG. 6



in place. Central portion


includes vertical retaining tabs




on either end of recessed cavity


. Retaining tabs




are provided to prevent the PCB


from moving along the Y-axis while being cut. If desired for increased stability, retaining tabs


can be separated from recessed cavity


by a distance D


which may be, for example, approximately 2 to 3 inches. This spacing provides the workpiece fixture with a “lip”


on which one end of the PCB


will be disposed. The central portion


of workpiece fixture


also includes lateral retaining tabs


to prevent the workpiece from moving laterally along the X-axis while being cut.

When the PCB


is placed on top of the workpiece fixture


, as best seen in

FIG. 7

, the circuit area


substantially covers the recessed cavity


. Vacuum suction provided through vacuum hole


substantially evacuates the air enclosed by the PCB cavity


, thereby providing the force to retain the PCB in place. The wings


of the PCB


generally cover the angled vacuum grooves


and are retained in place by suction from vacuum grooves


after the wings are cut from the circuit area



Referring to

FIG. 6

, if desired, a pair of saw blade guides


can be formed in the top surface


of workpiece fixture


. If included, the guides


are wide enough to accommodate the saw blade (not shown). The guides


permit the blade to be lowered sufficiently to insure that the blade cuts completely through the substrate without cutting the top surface


of the workpiece fixture


. Preferably, the guides


are approximately 0.005 inches deep and 0.1 inches wide, although other dimensions are acceptable as well. The guides permit the PCB


to be cut without the need for polymer tape to act as a spacer as has typically been used in conventional PCB manufacturing methods.

As noted above, increasing component density on a PCB is highly desirable for miniaturization of electronics. Referring briefly to the conventional PCB


shown in

FIG. 1

, it is noted that the test pads


are included within the central circuit area


of the PCB


. Each test pad


occupies a certain amount of surface area on the substrate. By contrast, in the present invention, the preferred embodiment of the manufacturing method


and the workpiece fixture


permits higher density PCB's to be manufactured by forming the test pads on the wings


of the PCB


. Accordingly, manufacturing step


may include forming the substrate with test pads on the wings and connecting the test pads via conductive traces to the central circuit area



As shown in

FIGS. 5 and 9

, test pads


preferably are formed using conventional etching techniques in the wings


of the PCB


rather than in the central circuit area


. With the test pads


on the wings


, the components


can be located in closer proximity to each other, thereby increasing component density. After the PCB


is tested in step


of the preferred manufacturing method



FIG. 4

, the wings and, accordingly, the test pads


are removed in step


. As such, the test pads


advantageously are located on portions of the PCB that are subsequently eliminated and thus the central circuit area


need not have dedicated surface area for the test pads.

Many PCB's are manufactured as double-sided boards (i.e., components mounted on both sides of the substrate) for increased component density. A double-sided PCB with test pads on the wings as shown in

FIG. 9

would be difficult, if not impossible, to cut using a conventional workpiece fixture such as that shown in FIG.


. The prior art workpiece fixture surface


shown in

FIG. 3

requires the PCB to have a flat surface in contact with the surface


. As such, if a double-sided PCB was to be manufactured with test pads on the wings and components mounted on both sides, the wings could not thereafter be cut off using a conventional workpiece fixture


. Accordingly, PCB's cut using the conventional workpiece fixture


shown in

FIG. 3

may not have components mounted on both sides nor may they have test pads on the wings. PCB's can be cut using a conventional workpiece fixture if the PCB is blank or has components mounted on only one side of the substrate.

In the present invention, however, the recessed cavity


of workpiece fixture


, permits double-sided PCB's to be cut. Thus, single or double-sided PCB's with test pads on the wings can be manufactured and tested using the preferred manufacturing method


shown in FIG.


. The resulting PCB's are no longer required to have test pads positioned in the central circuit area


and, therefore, the PCB's can have a higher component density than previously possible. Usually, once a PCB passes testing, access to the test pads is no longer needed. If, however, continued access to the test pads is desired, PCB's with test pads in the central circuit area


can be manufactured using the method


and workpiece fixture


described above.

The above discussion is meant to be illustrative of the principles of the present invention. Numerous variations and modifications will become apparent to those skilled in the art once the above disclosure is fully appreciated. It is intended that the following claims be interpreted to embrace all such variations and modifications.

  • 1. A method of manufacturing a printed circuit board (PCB), comprising:mounting electrical components on a substrate, the substrate having a peripheral area; testing the printed circuit board with the components mounted thereon; holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum; and removing the peripheral area of the substrate.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 further including forming test pads on the peripheral areas.
  • 3. A method of manufacturing a printed circuit board (PCB), comprising:forming a substrate to include a central circuit area and a peripheral area; forming test pads in the peripheral area; connecting the test pads via conductive traces to the central circuit area; mounting electrical components on the substrate in the central circuit area; testing the printed circuit board with the electrical components mounted thereon; and holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum while removing the peripheral area of the substrate.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein the method of removing the peripheral area of the substrate comprises sawing.
  • 5. The method of claim 1 wherein the mounting electrical components on a substrate further comprises mounting electrical components on one or more sides of the printed circuit board.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum comprises:placing the printed circuit board in a sawing fixture, the sawing fixture comprising: a base; a recessed cavity formed in the base adapted to accept a printed circuit board; and a first vacuum hole formed in the recessed cavity; and creating a vacuum suction through the first vacuum hole formed in the recessed cavity.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, the base further comprising one or more retaining tabs adjacent the recessed cavity, the one or more retaining tabs adapted to retain the printed circuit board from sliding.
  • 8. The method of claim 6, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum further comprises:forming one or more vacuum holes in the base adjacent the recessed cavity; and creating a vacuum suction through the one or more vacuum holes adapted to retain the peripheral area after being sawed.
  • 9. The method of claim 2 wherein the testing of the printed circuit board with the components mounted thereon further comprises testing the electrical components via the test pads.
  • 10. The method of claim 3 wherein the method of removing the peripheral area of the substrate comprises sawing.
  • 11. The method of claim 3 wherein the mounting electrical components on a substrate further comprises mounting electrical components on one or more sides of the printed circuit board.
  • 12. The method of claim 3, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum comprises:placing the printed circuit board in a sawing fixture, the sawing fixture comprising: a base; a recessed cavity formed in the base adapted to accept a printed circuit board; and a first vacuum hole formed in the recessed cavity; and creating a vacuum suction through the first vacuum hole formed in the recessed cavity.
  • 13. The method of claim 12, the base further comprising one or more retaining tabs adjacent the recessed cavity, the one or more retaining tabs adapted to retain the printed circuit board from sliding.
  • 14. The method of claim 12, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum further comprises:forming one or more vacuum holes in the base adjacent the recessed cavity; and creating a vacuum suction through the one or more vacuum holes adapted to retain the peripheral area after being sawed.
  • 15. A method, comprising:forming a substrate to include a central circuit area and a peripheral area; forming one or more test pads in the peripheral area; connecting the one or more test pads via one or more conductive traces to the central circuit area; mounting one or more electrical components on the substrate in the central circuit area; testing the printed circuit board with the one or more electrical components mounted thereon; holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum; and removing the peripheral area of the substrate.
  • 16. The method of claim 15 wherein the method of removing the peripheral area of the substrate comprises sawing.
  • 17. The method of claim 15, wherein the mounting one or more electrical components on a substrate further comprises mounting one or more electrical components on one or more sides of the printed circuit board.
  • 18. The method of claim 15, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum comprises:placing the printed circuit board in a sawing fixture, the sawing fixture comprising: a base; a recessed cavity formed in the base adapted to accept a printed circuit board; and one or more vacuum holes formed in the recessed cavity; and supplying a vacuum suction through the one or more vacuum holes formed in the recessed cavity.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum further comprises:placing the printed circuit board adjoining one or more retaining tabs, the one or more retaining tabs adjacent the recessed cavity, the one or more retaining tabs adapted to prevent the printed circuit board from sliding.
  • 20. The method of claim 18, wherein the holding the printed circuit board in place using a vacuum further comprises:forming one or more vacuum holes in the base adjacent the recessed cavity; and supplying a vacuum suction through the one or more vacuum holes adapted to retain the peripheral area after being sawed.
  • 21. The method of claim 15 wherein the testing of the printed circuit board with the one or more electrical components mounted thereon further comprises testing the one or more electrical components via the one or more test pads.
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