Phase-change memory device and manufacturing process thereof

A phase-change memory device, wherein memory cells form a memory array arranged in rows and columns. The memory cells are formed by a MOS selection device and a phase-change region connected to the selection device. The selection device is formed by first and second conductive regions which extend in a semiconductor substrate and are spaced from one another via a channel region, and by an isolated control region connected to a respective row and overlying the channel region. The first conductive region is connected to a connection line extending parallel to the rows, the second conductive region is connected to the phase-change region, and the phase-change region is connected to a respective column. The first connection line is a metal interconnection line and is connected to the first conductive region via a source-contact region made as point contact and distinct from the first connection line.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a phase-change memory (PCM) device and the manufacturing process thereof.

2. Description of the Related Art

As is known, phase-change memory devices are based upon storage elements which use a class of materials that have the property of switching between two phases having distinct electrical characteristics, associated to two different crystallographic structures of the material forming the storage element, namely a disorderly amorphous phase and an orderly crystalline or polycrystalline phase.

Currently, the alloys of the elements of group VI of the periodic table, such as Te or Se, referred to as calcogenides or calcogenic materials, may be advantageously used in phase-change memory cells. The currently most promising calcogenide is formed by an alloy of Ge, Sb, and Te (Ge2Sb2Te5), which is now widely used for storing information in over-writable disks.

In the calcogenides, the resistivity varies by two or more orders of magnitude when the material passes from the amorphous phase (which is more resistive) to the crystalline one (which is more conductive), and vice versa.

The phase change can be obtained by increasing the temperature locally. Below 150° C., both the phases are stable. Above 200° C., starting from the amorphous phase, there is a rapid nucleation of the crystallites and, if the material is kept at the crystallization temperature for a sufficient time, it changes phase and becomes crystalline. To bring the calcogenide back into the amorphous state, it is necessary to raise the temperature above the melting point (approximately 600° C.) and then cool the calcogenide rapidly.

From the electrical standpoint, it is possible to reach the crystallization and melting temperatures by causing a current to flow through a resistive element (also referred to as a heater), which heats the calcogenic material by the Joule effect.

The structure of a phase-change memory array, which uses a calcogenic element as the storage element, is illustrated in FIG. 1. The memory array 1 of FIG. 1 comprises a plurality of memory cells 2, each including a storage element 3 of a phase-change type and a selection element 4 formed here by an NMOS transistor. Alternatively, the selection element 4 can be formed by a bipolar-junction transistor, by a PN diode or by a calcogenic switch (“ovonic threshold switch”).

The invention relates to a memory array wherein the selection element 4 is made as an MOS transistor, to which reference will then be made hereinafter.

The memory cells 2 are arranged in rows and columns. In each memory cell 2, the storage element 3 has a first terminal connected to an own bitline 6 (address bitlines BLn−1, BLn, . . . ), and a second terminal connected to a first conduction terminal of an own selection element 4. The selection element 4 has a control terminal connected to an own control line, also referred to as a wordline 7 (address wordlines WLn−1, WLn, . . . ) and a grounded second conduction terminal.

The storage element 3 is formed by a portion of a region of calcogenic material (which forms the proper memory portion) and by a heating element that enables the phase change.

FIG. 2 shows the cross-section through a wafer of conductive material wherein a memory cell 2 has been formed.

In detail, a wafer 10 comprises a substrate 11 of a P type accommodating a source region 12 and a drain region 13 of an N+ type. The source and drain regions 12, 13 are reciprocally spaced by a portion 14 of the substrate, which forms a channel region. A gate region 15 (formed by a wordline 7 of FIG. 1) extends on top of the substrate 11, vertically aligned to the channel region 14, but isolated with respect to the substrate 11. The source region 12, the drain region 13 and the gate region 15 form an MOS device forming the selection element 4 of FIG. 1.

A dielectric region 18 extends on top of the substrate 11 and accommodates within it, in addition to the gate region 15, a source line 19, a drain contact 20, a heating element 21, and a bitline 22.

The source line 19 is formed by a local interconnection line (LIL), which extends transversely with respect to the drawing plane (parallel to the wordline 7) and connects the source regions 12 of the memory cells 2 arranged on a same row of the memory array 1 of FIG. 1. The different source lines 19 of memory cells 2 belonging to a same sector are moreover connected to one another and to ground (as represented in the equivalent electrical circuit of FIG. 1). In currently proposed devices, the source line 19 is obtained using a contact technique, forming a via in the bottom portion of the dielectric layer 18 and filling the via with conductive material, for example tungsten, possibly coated with a barrier material, such as Ti/TiN.

Generally, the drain contact 20 is made simultaneously and using the same technique as the source line 19, albeit having a different area, of a square or circular shape, and thus it has the same cross-section as the source line 19 in the cross-sectional view of FIG. 2 (in particular, it has the same height) but differs in a section perpendicular thereto.

The heating element 21 is made of a resistive material having thermal stability and good compatibility with CMOS processes and with calcogenic materials. For example, TiSiN, TiAlN or TiSiC can be used, formed as a thin layer that coats the walls of a cavity formed in an intermediate portion of the dielectric layer 18. The cavity is then filled with dielectric material.

The bitline 22 preferably comprises a multilayer including at least one calcogenic layer 22a (for example, of Ge2Sb2Te5) and a metal electrode layer 22b (for example, of AlCu); an adhesive layer may moreover be provided (for example, of Ti or Si) underneath the calcogenic layer 22a and/or a barrier layer may be provided on top of the calcogenic layer 22a.

The heating element 21, the drain contact 20 (and thus the source line 19), and the bitline 22 can be obtained as described in detail, for example, in EP-A-1 318 552 or in EP-A-1 339 110, which refer, however, to the construction of memory cells having a selection element of a bipolar type.

The structure of FIG. 2 has the disadvantage that it cannot be implemented with all the currently available processes, in particular when the basic CMOS technology does not enable local interconnections of an LIL type to be made.


One embodiment of the invention provides a device and a manufacturing process that can be implemented with any currently used or future, CMOS-compatible technique.

One embodiment of the present invention is directed to a phase-change memory device. The memory device includes:

an array of memory cells arranged in rows and columns and each including a MOS selection device and a phase-change region connected to the selection device, the selection device having a first conductive region and a second conductive region, formed in a substrate of semiconductor material and spaced from one another by a channel region, and an isolated control region connected to a respective one of the rows of the array and overlying the channel region;

a connection line extending parallel to the rows and connected to the first conduction region, the second conductive region being connected to the phase-change region, and the phase-change region being connected to a respective one of the columns of the array; wherein the connection line is a metal interconnection line; and

a source-contact region, distinct from the first connection line and connecting the first conductive region to the connection line.


For an understanding of the present invention a preferred embodiment thereof is now described, purely by way of non-limiting example, with reference to the attached drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 shows the equivalent electrical circuit of a phase-change memory array;

FIG. 2 shows the implementation of a cell of the memory of FIG. 1;

FIGS. 3-5 show two cross-sectional views and a top view of a first embodiment of a memory cell;

FIGS. 6 and 7 show a cross-sectional view and a top view of a second embodiment of a memory cell;

FIGS. 8 and 9 show two cross-sectional views of a third embodiment of a memory cell;

FIG. 10 shows a cross-sectional view of a fourth embodiment of a memory cell; and

FIG. 11 is a block diagram of a system that uses the present storage device.


FIGS. 3-5 refer to an embodiment wherein the source line is made in a metal layer, and precisely in the first metal level (meta11). Furthermore, the bitline is formed on top of the first metal level, and precisely between the first and second metal levels (not illustrated). Furthermore, the memory cells are split-gate cells, i.e., the selection element 4 is formed by two MOS transistors connected in parallel and thus equivalent to an individual MOS transistor having a width W twice the width of the defined active area.

In detail, a wafer 30 comprises a substrate 31 of a P type accommodating source regions 32 (two of which are visible in FIG. 3) and drain regions 33 (just one of which is visible in FIG. 3). Between each source region 32 and the adjacent drain region 33, the substrate 31 forms a channel region 34; a dielectric layer 35 coats all the surface of the substrate 31 and accommodates gate regions 36 that extend on the channel regions 34 and are formed by polysilicon lines WL forming the wordlines 7 of FIG. 1.

Source-contact regions 40 extend through the dielectric layer 35 between the source regions 32 and the source lines 42; likewise, drain-contact regions or memory-contact regions 41 extend between the drain regions 33 and the metal pad regions 43.

The source-contact regions 40 and drain-contact regions 41 are made in vias opened in the bottom portion of the dielectric layer 35 and are obtained using the contact technique, for example, with tungsten coated with a Ti/TiN barrier layer.

In practice, each source-contact region 40 defines a local contact with a respective source region 32, and the connection between the various source regions 32 is ensured by the source lines 42, which extend at a certain height on top of the substrate and are distinct from the source-contact regions 40 themselves.

The source lines 42 and the metal pad regions 43 are formed in the first metal level (metal1), which is for example of AlCu or Cu, and have the shape shown in the top view of FIG. 5; in particular, the source lines 42 extend parallel to the wordlines WL, while the metal pad regions 43 have a rectangular or square shape.

Heater elements 44, of resistive material, extend on top of the metal pad regions 43. Finally, bitlines 45 are formed on top of the heater elements 44, locally in contact with the heater elements 44.

The bitlines 45 are formed by a bottom layer 45a, of calcogenic material, and by a top layer 45b, of metal material, for example AlCu or Cu.

In practice, FIGS. 3 and 5 show in a complete way just one memory cell 2, comprising a column 41, 43, 44, a drain region 33, two gate regions 36 (wordlines WLn), and two source regions 32; the source regions 32 are moreover shared with the adjacent memory cells 2, connected to the wordlines WLn−1 and WLn+1.

It is emphasized that FIGS. 3-5 are only schematic as regards the heater elements 44 and the bitlines 45, and these could be modified as described in the European patents cited above so as to obtain sublithographic contact regions. For example, each heating element 44 could be formed by a wall of material deposited in an appropriate cavity, and the bitlines 45 could comprise further layers, such as an adhesion layer and/or a barrier layer and could be shaped so as to have a thinner bottom portion. For example, the bottom layer 45a could be formed by a thin line that crosses the walls forming the heater elements. Alternatively, should considerations of a thermal type not require the presence of submicrometric contact regions between the heating material and the calcogenic material, the structure of the heater elements 44 and of the bitlines 45 could correspond to the one illustrated in the drawings.

In any case, the portions of the bottom layer 45a of the bitlines 45 in contact with the heater elements 44 form storage regions, designated as a whole by 46, the phase whereof (whether crystalline or amorphous) represents the information stored.

For completeness, it is pointed out that, in the top view of FIG. 5, the line 48 represents the active-area mask which, in this embodiment, is strip-shaped and extends through the entire column. Furthermore, field-isolation regions 49 are visible in the cross-section of FIG. 4 (preferably formed through shallow-trench isolation—STI), and separate cells 2 that are adjacent in the direction of the wordlines WL (and thus of the source lines 42).

FIGS. 6 and 7 refer to a different embodiment of the invention, referred to as split-active, wherein the active areas 48′ are formed by rectangles of width W, corresponding to two adjacent memory cells 2. In practice, here, each active area accommodates two drain regions 33 and a single source region 32, which is intermediate and is shared by the two memory cells 2. In this case, the cross-section perpendicular to that of FIG. 6 coincides with that of FIG. 4.

The embodiments of FIGS. 3-5 and 6-7 are both characterized in that the definition of the storage element 46 occurs after definition of the metal1 level, and the heater elements 44 are defined between the metal1 level and the bitlines 45. This approach has the main advantage of reducing the thermal budget seen by the bottom layer 45a, of calcogenic material, of the bitlines 45, maintaining the same basic architecture of traditional memory cells 2, and thus without having to modify excessively the existing design criteria.

Furthermore, with the presented solutions it is possible to save a mask (LIL or pre-contact mask), if this is not required by the basic CMOS process.

In these two cases, the second metal level (metal2, not illustrated) can be advantageously used for strapping of the wordlines WL, in a per se known manner. The use of the first solution or of the second solution depends upon the technology adopted (layout rules) and upon the sizing of the MOS transistor (width W and length L of the gate); in practice, the two solutions provide different shape factors (i.e., the ratio between global width and length of each cell), and during the design phase it is possible to use the optimal solution for the required specifications.

FIGS. 8-10 show a third embodiment, wherein the storage region 46 is not formed by the bitline 45 but by an appropriate region (rectangular dot or pad) set underneath the metal1 level. Furthermore, the third embodiment implements a solution of the split-gate type, like the first embodiment. The third embodiment has a similar top view as the embodiment of FIG. 5, except, as mentioned, for the shape of the regions of calcogenic material, consequently the top view is not illustrated.

In detail, in FIGS. 8 and 9, the source-contact regions 40 are formed by different parts and comprise a bottom portion 40a, equivalent to the contact region 40 of FIGS. 3-7, and a top portion 40b, formed using the same technique and aligned to the bottom portion 40a, thereby, globally, the source-contact regions 40 of FIGS. 8 and 9 have a height greater than the height of those of FIGS. 3-7.

Furthermore, the heater elements 44 are formed immediately on top of the drain-contact or memory regions 41; the storage regions 46 (of calcogenic material) are arranged immediately on top of the heater elements 44; and first contact portions 50 are formed on top of the storage regions 46 and extend up to the level of the metal1 level. Metal pad regions 43 are here formed on top of the first contact portions 50, at the same height as the source lines 42, since both the source lines 42 and the metal pad regions 43 are formed in the first metal level (metal1).

On top of the metal pad regions 43, second contact portions 51 are present, which connect the metal pad regions 43 and thus the storage regions 46 to the bitlines 45, which are here formed by the second metal level (metal2) and are obtained with the techniques normally used for metal interconnections (for example, AlCu or Cu interconnections).

In practice, since the storage regions 46 are here made separately from the bitlines 45, underneath the metal1 level, the source-contact regions 40 are made by two different portions 40a, 40b, arranged on top of one another and made at two different times, the first portions 40a using the contact technique, before the formation of the heater elements 44, and the second portions 40b using the same contact technique, after the formation of the storage regions 46, and the deposition and planarization of an intermediate portion of the dielectric layer 35, together with the first contact portions 50. After formation of the source lines 42, of the metal pad regions 43, and possibly of other regions in the first metal level (metal1), deposition and planarization of a further portion of the dielectric layer 35, and formation of the second contact portions 51 (also these formed using the contact technique), the bitlines 45 are formed.

FIG. 10 shows an embodiment differing from the third embodiment of FIGS. 8-9, of the split-active type wherein, similarly to the embodiment of FIGS. 6 and 7, the active-area mask has separate windows for each memory cell 2. In this fourth embodiment, the cross-section perpendicular to FIG. 10 is the same as in FIG. 9 and the top view is similar to FIG. 7 (apart from the shape of the region of calcogenic material), and consequently said views are not shown.

The third and fourth embodiments illustrated in FIGS. 8-10 have the advantage that the storage regions 46 are separated from the bitlines 45 and can be located only where necessary. In this way, it is possible to avoid some process steps (such as deposition and definition of the top metal layer 45b, on top of the calcogenic material 45a), which are, instead, used for the first and second embodiments for reducing the resistivity of the bitlines 45.

FIG. 11 shows a portion of a system 500 according to an embodiment of the present invention. The system 500 can be used in wireless devices such as, for example, a personal digital assistant (PDA), a laptop or portable computer with wireless capacity, a “web tablet”, a wireless telephone, a pager, a device for sending instantaneous messages, a digital music player, a digital camcorder, or other devices that can be suitable for transmitting and/or receiving information in wireless mode. The system 500 can be used in any one of the following systems: a wireless local area network (WLAN) system, a wireless personal area network (WPAN) system, or a cellphone network, even though the extent of the present invention is not limited in this connection.

The system 500 comprises a controller 510, an I/O device 520 (for example, a keyboard or a display), a memory 530, a wireless interface 540, and a static random-access memory (SRAM) 560, connected to one another through a bus 550. A battery 580 supplies the system 500.

The controller 510 comprises, for example, one or more microprocessors, digital signal processors, microcontrollers, or the like. The memory 530 can be used for storing messages transmitted to or received by a system 500. The memory 530 can optionally be used also for storing instructions that are executed by the controller 510 during operation of the system 500, and can be used for storing user data. The instructions can be stored as digital information, and the user data, as described herein, can be stored in one section of the memory as digital data and, in another section, as analog memory. In another example, one data section at a time can be labeled as such and can store digital information, and can then be re-labeled and reconfigured for storing analog information. The memory 530 can be provided with one or more types of memory. For example, the memory 530 can comprise a volatile memory (any type of RAM), a nonvolatile memory, such as a flash memory, and/or a memory that includes the memory array 1 of FIG. 1, as implemented in one of the embodiments of FIGS. 3-10.

The I/O device 520 can be used for generating a message. The system 500 can use the wireless interface 540 for transmitting and receiving messages to and from a wireless communication network with a radio-frequency (RF) signal. Examples of wireless interfaces 540 comprise an antenna or a wireless transceiver, such as a dipole antenna, even though the scope of the present invention is not limited in this respect. Furthermore, the I/O device 520 can provide a voltage reflecting what is stored as either a digital output (if digital information was stored), or as analog information (if analog information was stored).

Finally, it is clear that numerous modifications and variations can be made to the storage device and to the manufacturing process described and illustrated herein, all of which fall within the scope of the invention, as defined in the attached claims.

All of the above U.S. patents, U.S. patent application publications, U.S. patent applications, foreign patents, foreign patent applications and non-patent publications referred to in this specification and/or listed in the Application Data Sheet, are incorporated herein by reference, in their entirety.

  • 1. A phase-change memory device, comprising: an array of memory cells arranged in rows and columns and each including a MOS selection device and a phase-change region connected to said selection device, said selection device having a first conductive region and a second conductive region, formed in a substrate of semiconductor material and spaced from one another by a channel region, and an isolated control region connected to a respective one of said rows of said array and overlying said channel region; a connection line extending parallel to said rows and connected to said first conduction region, said second conductive region being connected to said phase-change region, and said phase-change region being connected to a respective one of said columns of said array; wherein said connection line is a metal interconnection line; and a source-contact region, distinct from said first connection line and connecting said first conductive region to said connection line.
  • 2. The device according to claim 1, wherein said metal interconnection line is formed in a metal level.
  • 3. The device according to claim 2, wherein said metal level is a first metal level.
  • 4. The device according to claim 3, wherein said second conductive region is connected to said phase-change region through a memory-contact region and a metal-pad region formed in said first metal level and aligned horizontally with said metal interconnection line.
  • 5. The device according to claim 4, wherein each column comprises a strip of phase-change material extending on top of said first metal level, a heating element extending between said metal-pad region and said strip of phase-change material.
  • 6. The device according to claim 5, wherein a metal strip extends on top of said strip of phase-change material.
  • 7. The device according to claim 3, wherein said second conductive region is connected to said phase-change region through a memory-contact region, and said phase-change region forms a dot and is connected to a bit line of one of said columns through a first contact portion.
  • 8. The device according to claim 7, comprising a metal-pad region formed in said first metal level and aligned horizontally with said metal interconnection line, said metal-pad region being connected to said phase-change region through said first contact portion and to the bit line through a second contact portion.
  • 9. The device according to claim 8, comprising a heating element extending between said phase-change region and said memory-contact region.
  • 10. The device according to claim 7, wherein said bit line is formed by a line of metal material formed in a second metal level and extends on top of said phase-change region and said metal interconnection line.
  • 11. A manufacturing process of a phase-change memory device, including an array of memory cells arranged in rows and columns and each including a MOS selection device and a phase-change region connected to said selection device, the process comprising the steps of: forming a first conductive region and a second conductive region in a substrate of semiconductor material, said first and second conductive regions being spaced from one another by a channel region; forming a wordline defining an isolated control region, which extends on top of said channel region parallel to said rows; forming a memory-contact region on top of and electrically connected to said second conductive region; forming a phase-change region on top of and electrically connected to said memory-contact region; forming a connection line on top of and electrically connected to said first conductive region, said connection line extending parallel to said wordline; wherein the step of forming the connection line comprises: forming first a source-contact region on top of and in contact with said first conductive region simultaneously with forming said memory-contact region; and subsequently forming a metal interconnection line distinct from said source-contact region and extending parallel to said wordline.
  • 12. The process according to claim 11, wherein said metal interconnection line is formed in a first metal level.
  • 13. The process according to claim 12, further comprising forming a metal-pad region in said first metal layer, the metal-pad region being connected to the phase-change region and aligned horizontally with said metal interconnection line.
  • 14. The process according to claim 13, wherein the phase-change region is part of a strip of phase-change material extending above the first metal layer, the process further comprising forming a heating element extending between said metal-pad region and said phase-change region.
  • 15. The process according to claim 12, wherein said phase-change region forms a dot, the process further comprising: forming a bit line of one of said columns; and forming a first contact portion connecting the bit line to the phase-change region.
  • 16. The process according to claim 15, further comprising: forming a metal-pad region in said first metal level and aligned horizontally with said metal interconnection line, said metal-pad region being connected to said phase-change region through said first contact portion; and forming a second contact portion connecting the metal-pad region to the bit line.
  • 17. The process according to claim 15, wherein forming said bit line includes: forming a line of metal material in a second metal level, the bit line extending above said phase-change region and said metal interconnection line.
  • 18. A computer system, comprising: a controller for processing data; a bus; a phase-change memory device connected to the controller by the bus, the memory device including: an array of memory cells arranged in rows and columns and each including a MOS selection device and a phase-change region connected to said selection device, said selection device having a first conductive region and a second conductive region, formed in a substrate of semiconductor material and spaced from one another by a channel region, and an isolated control region connected to a respective one of said rows of said array and overlying said channel region; a connection line extending parallel to said rows and connected to said first conduction region, said second conductive region being connected to said phase-change region, and said phase-change region being connected to a respective one of said columns of said array; wherein said connection line is a metal interconnection line; and a source-contact region, distinct from said first connection line and connecting said first conductive region to said connection line.
  • 19. The computer system according to claim 18, wherein said metal interconnection line is formed in a first metal level, wherein said second conductive region is connected to said phase-change region through a memory-contact region and a metal-pad region formed in said first metal level and aligned horizontally with said metal interconnection line.
  • 20. The computer system according to claim 19, wherein each column comprises a strip of phase-change material extending on top of said first metal level, a heating element extending between said metal-pad region and said strip of phase-change material.
  • 21. The computer system according to claim 20, wherein a metal strip extends on top of said strip of phase-change material.
  • 22. The computer system according to claim 18, wherein said metal interconnection line is formed in a first metal level, wherein said second conductive region is connected to said phase-change region through a memory-contact region, and said phase-change region forms a dot and is connected to a bit line of one of said columns through a first contact portion.
  • 23. The computer system according to claim 22, comprising a metal-pad region formed in said first metal level and aligned horizontally with said metal interconnection line, said metal-pad region being connected to said phase-change region through said first contact portion and to the bit line through a second contact portion.
  • 24. The computer system according to claim 23, comprising a heating element extending between said phase-change region and said memory-contact region.
  • 25. The computer system according to claim 22, wherein said bit line is formed by a line of metal material formed in a second metal level and extends on top of said phase-change region and said metal interconnection line.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
05425024.6 Jan 2005 EP regional