This disclosure concerns a device and method to select an isotope/element of interest by removing nuclear isobars from mass spectrometric techniques—such as secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and coupled SIMS-accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)—through the addition of a resonance ionization filter (RIF).
The RIF allows for the discrimination of nuclear isobars (analytical interferences) in-situ, without requiring separation chemistry.
This new device and method allow for maintaining the petrologic context of samples during analysis. For small (micrometer-sized) samples, there are no alternatives to this technique, since chemistry is not feasible.
The RIF will perform ion beam neutralization followed by resonant reionization (using tunable lasers) prior to ion beam detection.
Mass spectrometers, such as dynamic SIMS instruments, generate ion beams from samples under high vacuum and filter the ions by mass-to-charge ratio prior to detection. SIMS employs a beam of energetic “primary” ions (0.5-20 keV) to bombard the sample and sputter atoms from the sample surface. A small fraction of these atoms are ionized during the sputtering process.
Mass spectrometry (MS) cannot resolve isotopes of 2+ elements with the same mass (nuclear isobars).
In addition to atomic ions, molecular ions may also be produced from the sample. Therefore, it is routine to have interferences at the same nominal mass-to-charge ratio of an isotope of interest, either from a molecular ion or from a nuclear isobar. The magnitude of the interferences often depends upon the composition of the sample, and in some cases may be corrected for or adequately filtered. It is often the case, however, that nuclear isobars (e.g., 87Rb and 87Sr) cannot be measured by increasing the mass resolving power (MRP, typically defined as the full width at 10% peak height) of the mass spectrometer because of the simultaneous loss of ion transmission (essentially making the signals undetectable or highly imprecise).
The generally accepted method for removing nuclear isobaric interferences in mass spectrometry is to perform separation chemistry on the sample prior to measurement (e.g., by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-MS, thermal ionization MS (TIMS), or AMS), however this results in a loss petrologic context of the sample; furthermore, chemistry is not practical for individual microanalytical samples routinely measured by SIMS (e.g., micrometer-sized particles).
Resonance ionization MS (RIMS) uses 2-3 tunable lasers each to resonantly ionize individual elements from a neutral plume of atoms above a sample surface (generated by laser desorption or ion bombardment) prior to detection in a time-of-flight (ToF) MS. Since the spectroscopy is element-specific, nuclear isobars may be removed. Resonance ionization is many orders of magnitude more efficient than non-resonant ionization, so RIMS typically achieves high selectivity. However, RIMS is challenged by non-resonant ionization and molecules within the sample plume for many matrices (such as oxides), and the technical challenge of overlapping the ionization lasers with the expanding plume above the sample while achieving saturation of the atomic excited states.
The duty cycle of ToF-MS instrument is very low compared to dynamic SIMS, which can affect instrument stability and precision over long measurements.
Our invention mitigates the drawbacks of SIMS and RIMS by adding a RIF to a SIMS instrument, yielding atomically and elementally specific measurements from micrometer-sized volumes of material.
This disclosure teaches a device and method to select an isotope/element of interest by removing nuclear isobars from mass spectrometric techniques—such as secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and coupled SIMS-accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)—through the addition of a resonance ionization filter (RIF).
The RIF allows for the discrimination of nuclear isobars (analytical interferences) in-situ, without requiring separation chemistry.
Our invention mitigates the drawbacks of SIMS and RIMS by adding a RIF to a SIMS instrument, yielding atomically and elementally specific measurements from micrometer-sized volumes of material.
The following description and drawings set forth certain illustrative implementations of the disclosure in detail, which are indicative of several exemplary ways in which the various principles of the disclosure may be carried out. The illustrated examples, however, are not exhaustive of the many possible embodiments of the disclosure. Other objects, advantages and novel features of the disclosure will be set forth in the following detailed description when considered in conjunction with the drawings.
This disclosure teaches methods and devices to select an isotope/element of interest by removing nuclear isobars from mass spectrometric techniques—such as secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and coupled SIMS-accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)—through the addition of a resonance ionization filter (RIF).
The RIF allows for the discrimination of nuclear isobars (analytical interferences) in-situ, without requiring separation chemistry.
Our invention mitigates the drawbacks of SIMS and RIMS by adding a RIF to a SIMS instrument, yielding atomically and elementally specific measurements from micrometer-sized volumes of material.
The RIF will incorporate four processes that in combination remove nuclear isobars from SIMS-like ion beams—deceleration, neutralization, resonant reionization, and re-acceleration—prior to ion detection.
Neutralization of the SIMS ion beam is performed using an electron source (e.g., W filament or plasma) or a gas cell.
Following the neutralizer, a set of deflector plates will be used to deflect any non-neutralized beam fraction into a detector for a measure of neutralization efficiency and to ensure that ions reentering the NAUTILUS beamline are only those that have been resonantly reionized.
The lasers for a resonance ionization system are pulsed at a specific repetition rate, while the ion signal from the dynamic SIMS is continuous.
Deceleration of the 4.5 keV SIMS ions down to a few hundred eV is therefore required to maximize the flight time of the ions in the RIF and increase the interaction probability with the pulsed lasers.
Higher laser frequencies and longer transit times will increase the overall efficiency of the system.
Following reionization, accelerating and focusing optics will allow for higher efficiency detection of the ions. The region between the deceleration and acceleration lenses will contain an equipotential surface biased at the deceleration voltage so that reionized atoms are not accelerated towards any other potentials prior to arriving at the acceleration lenses.
The RIF will be housed in a high-vacuum beamline.
The SIMS or a similar type of mass spectrometer will be used in its conventional manner to mass- and energy-filter a beam of sample ions.
The resulting ion beam will have an energy typically between 4.5-10 keV depending upon the parameters of the SIMS, and will be of a single m/z. This m/z ion beam may contain atomic ions of different elements (e.g., 160Gd+ and 160Dy+) and molecular ion species (e.g., 160[144Nd16O]+ and 160[144Sm16O]+).
This ion beam will be electrostatically steered into a U-shaped vacuum system and bent by a spherical or cylindrical electrostatic analyzer (ESA) (
Each element of a nuclear isobar (e.g., 160Gd or 160Dy) may be serially reionized and counted by alternating shots of the reionization lasers (2-3 per element). Several different lasers are commercially available to be used (with modification) for the system. The choice of laser impacts the design geometry of the RIF and the overall efficiency of the system.
Examples of laser characteristics are shown in Table 1.
The RIF can be added to any dynamic SIMS instrument in place of an ion detector. At the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) we insert a RIF in between our combination SIMS-AMS instrument (NAUTILUS), to remove nuclear isobars prior to AMS molecule filtering and detection.
We estimate the efficiency of the system we designed for the NAUTILUS (based on equations 1-5) to be up to 80% based upon the types of lasers available and calculations of the ion beam profile from the SIMS (i.e. a loss of only 20% of the ions of interest).
Ion optical models of the SIMS ion beam using SIMION were fed into the equations below (e.g., beam size, energy, dispersion, etc.). We calculated the efficiency of the reionization component of the RIF by determining the residence time of the neutrals in the drift tube (Eq. 1), each laser's irradiance (power density) (Eq. 2), the number of laser pulses per neutral in the drift tube (Eq. 3), the ionization probability (Eq. 4), and the overall efficiency (Eq. 5). Note, units have been stripped from the following equations for clarity. For all equations: L=drift length, V=ion/neutral energy, M=atom mass, p=average laser power, f=laser frequency, w=laser pulse width, s=laser beam size, t=residence time of atoms overlapping the laser, n=# of laser pulses per atom, E=laser irradiance, S=the saturation irradiance (spectroscopic and atom-dependent parameter), IP=the ionization probability, and O=the spatial overlap fraction between the laser and neutral atom beam. (Note that Eq. 4 is an approximation and is generally correct to <1%.) The overall efficiency depends upon the precise choice of laser system and ion beam energy.
An examination of the efficiency equation (Eq. 5) shows that at its core, it depends most on the laser irradiance, laser frequency, and residence time. Laser frequency and irradiance are often inversely related.
The 10 kHz system experiences a significant efficiency boost with smaller neutral beam diameters due to its lower irradiance, though this effect saturates below 0.4 mm.
In contrast, the 1 kHz system is hardly influenced by the neutral beam diameter because its irradiance is already high, but it is limited by a low repetition rate, which results in only 8% of the atoms receiving a laser pulse as they transit the 1.5 m drift tube, as opposed to 77% for the 10 kHz system.
The example underpins the essential optimization of the RIF. If the RIF were based upon a 10 kHz laser setup, the most significant optimization would involve making the neutral beam size as small as possible, though this could require higher energy ions and therefore lower residence time.
If the RIF were based upon a 1 kHz laser, beam diameter has a less significant effect, and most optimization would center around increasing the residence time.
In both cases the drift tube length and ion energies would be modified to maximize efficiency and beam overlap.
Based upon preliminary SIMION models of the deceleration and focusing system, ion/neutral beam sizes of 0.25-0.5 mm for 500 eV ions, and 0.5-1 mm for 200 eV ions are achievable in the RIF. A modified SIMION model of the Cameca ims 4f was used to simulate ions entering the RIF. For the commercial systems, higher laser frequency results in higher efficiency. The developmental high-power 3 kHz system is advantageous where the neutral beam size cannot be constrained as well.
Case #1: V=200 eV, L=1.5 m, s=1 mm, S=2 MW/cm2, M=100 u
Case #2: V=500 eV, L=1.5 m, s=0.5 mm, S=2 MW/cm2, M=100 u
Case #3: V=500 eV, L=3 m, s=0.5 mm, S=2 MW/cm2, M=100 u
The three previous example cases above illustrate potential design parameters.
All cases assume the use of Radiant Dyes 10 kHz lasers.
Case #1 uses a low-energy (200 eV) atom beam over a 1.5 m drift length, with a laser and atom beam size of 1 mm for a total efficiency of 30%.
Case #2 uses more energetic 500 eV atoms to decrease the beam size (more energetic ions are easier to focus), which yields a lower residence time and fewer laser pulses/atom, but greatly increases the irradiance and ionization probability.
In Case #3, the drift length is increased for the 500 eV atoms, which increases the number of laser pulses/atom, and therefore the overall efficiency.
Optimization of these parameters via simulations is possible. Efficiencies of several 10s of percent are easily achievable. Even this level of efficiency will have immediate impact as it will enable previously unachievable measurements.
Other considerations include the specific tuning of the SIMS instrument that acts as an injector into the RIF.
Higher energy bandwidth (SIMS energy slit) increases the transmission through the SIMS, though this comes at a cost of increased angular and energy dispersion in the RIF, which could reduce RIF efficiency.
Smaller beam sizes in the RIF are achievable using a lower SIMS energy bandpass. Depending on the laser system employed, this would be one more optimization parameter for the NAUTILUS-RIF system.
This Resonance Ionization Filter (RIF) invention allows for nuclear isobars to be distinguished on SIMS and SIMS-like mass spectrometers.
It is currently impractical for the prior art or state-of-the-art SIMS instruments such as the Ametek Cameca ims 1300, ims 7f, or NanoSIMS 50(L) to separate nuclear isobars requiring a MRP>20,000 (and often >6000-10,000) (
Therefore, the only way to separate nuclear isobars above mass ˜50 on a SIMS is to use spectroscopy, such as described in the RIF invention. The RIF enables completely new measurements that have never been achieved on a SIMS or from micrometer-scale samples.
In geochronology, cosmochemistry, nuclear forensics, and materials science, there are plentiful examples of measurements that could only, prior to this invention, be performed on bulk samples using chemistry and pre-concentration. These include measurements of many short- and long-lived radiochronometers, such as Rb—Sr and Re—Os, and fission product abundance measurements.
The SIMS+RIF combination provides several advantages relative to standalone RIMS in particular. As mentioned previously, the molecular complement of the neutral sample plume in RIMS can have two adverse effects: (1) photofragmentation and non-resonant ionization can yield isobaric interferences and affect instrument mass fractionation, and (2) laser ablated or sputtered sample atoms that remain bound in molecules are lost from the measurement because they are not resonantly ionized.
By mass-filtering the ion beam with SIMS prior to the RIF, the overall background of molecule species will be greatly reduced in the RIF.
In addition, nearly all molecular and atomic ions entering the RIF will be neutralized, with essentially only a specific element reionized and detected.
This would dramatically reduce or eliminate the typical molecular background in SIMS in addition to separating out nuclear isobars.
In RIMS the ionization lasers are typically overlapped and shone orthogonally to the expanding sample neutral plume, which guarantees that much of the plume will be outside of the saturation overlap and will therefore not be ionized.
Here, the RIF uses a coaxial laser/atom beam design to maximize overlap and the interaction probability. SIMS is a continuous, high duty cycle technique, whereas RIMS has a low duty cycle necessary for ToF operation.
Here, with the coaxial laser design of the RIF, pulsed lasers still have multiple chances to saturate the neutral atom beam (this varies with the drift tube length).
The NRL NAUTILUS uses a single stage AMS system to eliminate molecules from SIMS ion beams. With the addition of the RIF, nuclear isobars are eliminated as well.
As mentioned, since the RIF would eliminate most molecules, the NAUTILUS AMS can operate with higher transmission due to the lower background. The AMS still provides a guarantee that no molecules would be present in the final signal (in case of some non-resonant ionization in the RIF).
Other prior art or state-of-the-art techniques that achieve elemental specificity (e.g., TIMS, ICP-MS, AMS) require bulk samples and/or chemical preparation prior to measurement.
In contrast, our technique does not require bulk samples and/or chemical preparation prior to measurement.
The SIMS+RIF and NAUTILUS+RIF systems retain the petrologic context of samples.
Additionally, samples smaller than can be treated by chemistry (e.g., micrometer-scale particles) are measured. Without chemistry or other additional sample preparation, the SIMS+RIF and NAUTILUS+RIF can analyze samples with elemental specificity more expediently than other techniques.
The design alternatives for the RIF invention rely primarily upon the choice of laser system used for resonant reionization, specifically the frequency and irradiance of the lasers. This choice affects the overall size and voltages required by the RIF. Ideally, the highest frequency and highest irradiance laser will be used to maximize efficiency.
A large number (>100s) and wide variety of SIMS and magnetic sector mass spectrometers are in use globally, especially in the areas of semiconductors/electronics, optics, national security, and cosmo/geochemistry.
Our RIF can be licensed to be an add-on capability to many of these instruments. Another goal of the RIF is to complement the capabilities of the instruments and not interfere with their OEM operation (e.g., to be an optional capability for specific measurements).
Our RIF is manufactured using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and in-house vacuum components (e.g., flanges, nipples, ports), high-voltage power supplies, ion optics, and lasers.
This Navy RIF invention eliminates nuclear isobaric interferences for SIMS-like microanalyses.
This Navy RIF improves standalone RIMS by decreasing non-resonant ionization and increasing laser overlap (efficiency).
This Navy RIF enables previously unachievable in-situ measurements.
The above examples are merely illustrative of several possible embodiments of various aspects of the present disclosure, wherein equivalent alterations and/or modifications will occur to others skilled in the art upon reading and understanding this specification and the annexed drawings. In addition, although a particular feature of the disclosure may have been illustrated and/or described with respect to only one of several implementations, such feature may be combined with one or more other features of the other implementations as may be desired and advantageous for any given or particular application. Also, to the extent that the terms “including”, “includes”, “having”, “has”, “with”, or variants thereof are used in the detailed description and/or in the claims, such terms are intended to be inclusive in a manner similar to the term “comprising”.
This application is a non-provisional of, and claims priority to and the benefits of, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/028,836 filed on May 22, 2020, the entirety of which is herein incorporated by reference.
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