Semiconductor integrated circuit device

In the semiconductor integrated circuit device, an AND-type flash memory is formed on a substrate in which stripe-like element separation regions 5 are formed and active regions L sandwiched between the element separation regions 5 are formed like stripes. A silicon monocrystal substrate containing nitrogen or carbon is used as the semiconductor substrate, to reduce dislocation defects and junction leakages so that the reliability and yield are improved.


The present invention relates to a semiconductor integrated circuit device and a method of manufacturing the same, and particularly, to a technique which can be advantageously applied to improvements of reliability of a non-volatile semiconductor memory device.


Known as an electrically rewritable non-volatile semiconductor memory device is a so-called AND-type Flash memory described in the Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Publication No. 07-273231. This publication describes the following manufacturing method as a technique for improving the integration of transistors called as memory cells in the chips.

That is, a three-layer film comprised of a gate oxide film, a first polycrystal silicon layer, and a silicon nitride film is coated on a semiconductor substrate made of monocrystal silicon. These layered films are patterned into stripe shapes. Next, n-type impurities are implanted into such a portion of the semiconductor substrate that is not covered by the patterned layer film, thereby to form column lines of an n-type impurity semiconductor region on the surface of the semiconductor substrate. Next, a CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) oxide film is coated thereon, and thereafter, a silicon oxide film formed by the CVD method is etched thereby to form a side wall spacer on the side wall portions of the first polycrystal silicon layer and the silicon nitride film. Next, using the first polycrystal silicon layer and the side wall spacer as a mask, grooves are formed on the semiconductor substrate by anisotropic dry etching. In this manner, the n-type impurity semiconductor region is separated, and column lines and source lines are each formed. Next, a silicon oxide film is formed on the surface of the grooves. Thereafter, the second polycrystal silicon layer is coated (deposited) on the entire surface of the semiconductor substrate, and the second polycrystal silicon layer is etched back by isotropic dry etching until the silicon nitride film is exposed. Next, the surface of the second polycrystal silicon layer which has been etched back is oxidized, thereby to form an element separation region made of polycrystal silicon covered with a silicon oxide film. Subsequently, the silicon nitride film is removed, and a third polycrystal silicon layer is coated. Patterning is carried out so as to protect the first polycrystal silicon layer. Floating gates parallel to the column lines are thus formed. Next, an interlayer insulating film and a fourth polycrystal silicon layer are coated, and patterning is carried out, thereby to form row lines which are made of the forth polycrystal silicon layer and are vertical to the column lines. In this manner, the first and third polycrystal silicon layers are separated from each other, and floating gates are formed.

In the AND-type flash memory formed in this kind of method, the semiconductor device is constructed to have a non-volatile memory function by storing electrons in the floating gates. In particular, n-type impurity semiconductor regions formed in both sides of the first polycrystal silicon layer serve as source or drain regions. In this method, processing on the first polycrystal silicon layer and formation of the element separation region are achieved by a mask pattern of one single layer. Therefore, no matching margin is necessary between the gates and the element separation region, so the cell area is reduced to be small.

As a method for much higher integration of an AND-type flash memory, for example, the PCT International Publication No. WO98/44567 describes a technique in which a shallow-groove-type element separation region is formed on the main surface of a semiconductor substrate and a memory cell is formed in an active region surrounded by the element separation region. In the technique according to this publication, the element separation region is formed like a stripe, so that the active region is formed also like a stripe. The lower electrode of a floating gate is formed also like a stripe, layered on a center portion of the active region. With this lower electrode used as a mask, an ion implantation method is applied so that source lines and data lines are formed by self-alignment in the active region. Thereafter, an insulating film is filled between the lower electrodes. Upper electrodes of floating gates are formed as an upper layer thereof. In this manner, the area of the upper electrode is enlarged so that coupling with a control gate (word line) is enhanced and down-sizing is realized simultaneously.


However, the present inventors have found the following problems in the technique for forming a stripe-like element separation region as described above.

That is, many leakages have been found to occur between the sources and drains of memory elements (i.e., between source lines and data lines) in case where stripe-like element separation regions are formed and an active region is formed to be inserted between element separation regions Therefore, this is a large obstacle which hinders securing of the reliability and the yield of the semiconductor integrated circuit device.

According to the experiments and discussions made by the present inventors, it has been found that a defective leakage is one of factors that cause an element junction leakage. FIG.




) is a TEM photograph when an active region (channel portion) of a portion which causes a defect is observed. FIG.




) is a schematic view in which FIG.




) is traced. An active region ACL is formed between element separation regions SGI, and a floating gate electrode FG is formed on the active region ACL with a tunnel oxide film FNO inserted therebetween. On the floating gate electrode FG, a control gate electrode CG is formed with an inter-layer insulating film INS inserted therebetween. The control gate electrode CG is constructed in a two-layer structure comprised of a polycrystal silicon film and a tungsten silicide film. As shown in FIG.




), a crystal defect D is formed on the active region ACL. It is considered that a leakage current is caused due to this kind of crystal defect.

Even if existence of a crystal defect does not directly involve an element defect, it is considered that it may become a factor which deteriorates the reliability. FIG.




) is a circuit diagram which explains a read sequence, and FIG.




) is a graph showing discharge-time-dependence of the number of defective sectors that cause a read error. As shown in FIG.




), a read sequence from memory cells turns on a STD and turns off a STS, thereby to charge (precharge) electric charges from a global data line to a local data line. Next, the STS is turned on and the local source line is connected to a common source line, thereby to discharge the remaining electric charges from the local source line. Thereafter, the SDT is turned off to start sensing. In the sensing, a necessary voltage is applied to word lines (control gates), and each memory cell transistor is turned on or off in correspondence with the charge amount stored in its floating gate. If it is turned on, the electric potential of the local data line is lowered. This potential can be detected by a sense amplifier, so information in the memory cell can be extracted. At this time, if the electric potential of the local source line is not at a sufficiently low value, the following situation appears. Remaining electric charges exist in the local source line and therefore, the electric potential is not lowered, although the memory cell transistor is turned on and the potential of the local data line is lowered. That is, a read error is caused. Therefore, it is necessary to spend a sufficient time discharging electric charges from the local source line prior to the sensing. However, as shown in FIG.




), there has been an experimental result showing that the number of defective sectors increases if the discharge time is elongated. Occurrence of defective sectors in accordance with increase of the discharge time is considered as being caused due to leakage currents between the source and drains (source lines and data lines) or due to leakage currents between the substrates during the discharging. The present inventors have confirmed that it is also related to a crystal defect as describe previously. Consequently, in the present situation, a discharge time of 1.6 μs is required, and 500 defective sectors or so occur as can be seen from the graph. This situation is not satisfactory from the viewpoint of reliability. Particularly in case of a multi-value memory, there are demands for a high sensing accuracy and a much elongated discharge time.

As another factor which causes deterioration of the reliability, there is a problem which occurs in write-disabled cells during the writing operation. FIG.




) is a graph which normally plots the shifts of a threshold voltage caused by drain disturbance. FIG.




) is a circuit diagram which explains the drain disturbance. FIG.




) is a cross-sectional conceptual view showing memory cell portions. For example, during the operation of writing into a memory cell M


, 18 V is applied to a control gate WL


and 4.5 V is applied to control gates WL


to WLn. To perform writing into the cell M


, the data line DL


is set to 0 V so that a sufficient voltage is applied between the drain (data line) and the control gate of the cell M


, while 6 V is applied to a data line DL


to inhibit writing into the memory cell M


. At this time, the source line S is open. Taken into consideration the memory cells M


to M



, their drains (data line) are applied with 6 V although their sources are open. Therefore, if a leakage current occurs between junctions of the memory cells, hot electrons are generated. A part of the hot electrons passes through the tunnel oxide film and reaches the floating gates. This part of hot electrons is very small so that problems are not particularly caused in a short time period. However, this will cause a problem in consideration of the severest conditions. Suppose, for example, a case that data is always written into memory cells M


to M



1 but is not written into the memory cell M



at all. Even in this case, the information held in the memory cell M



must be maintained till the end of the lifetime of the product. Where rewriting up to 105 times is guaranteed by the product and the voltage application time is 1 ms, the memory cell M



encounters the situation as described above for a total time of 10


×1 ms×127=12700 s since 128 memory cells on one local data line are connected (n=128). That is, in case of the severest condition, it is demanded that Vth should not be shifted even if the memory cell is exposed to the situation described above. However, as shown in FIG.




), 0.1% of the sectors reach 2.1 V or more as a demanded specification in about 1000 s. This result is not sufficient for ensuring high reliability.

An object of the present invention is to reduce crystal defects inside a non-volatile memory in which stripe-like element separation regions are formed to attain higher integration.

Another object of the present invention is to reduce junction leakages in a non-volatile memory in which stripe-like element separation regions are formed to attain higher integration.

Also, another object of the present invention is to improve the reliability and yield of a non-volatile memory in which stripe-like element separation regions are formed to attain higher integration.

The above-described and other objects of the present invention as well as the noble features of the present invention will be clearly understood from the description of the present specification and the appended drawings.

Of the inventions disclosed in the present application, representative one will be explained in brief below.

A semiconductor integrated circuit device comprises: a semiconductor substrate made of silicon monocrystal; stripe-like element separation regions formed on a main surface of the semiconductor substrate; and a plurality of MISFETs (Metal Insulator Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors) or MIS-type memory elements formed in an active region between the element separation regions, the MISFETs or MIS-type memory elements being connected in series or parallel with each other, wherein a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced into the semiconductor substrate.

In this semiconductor integrated circuit device, a light element is introduced into the semiconductor substrate. Oxygen is attracted to the vicinity of the light element, and micro defects are formed, so that occurrence of dislocation defects can be reduced. According to experiments made by the present inventors, defects caused by leakages could be reduced by using a substrate to which a light element introduced, in place of a substrate which is conventionally used. That is, a conventional device uses a silicon monocrystal substrate which contains a large amount of oxygen. In this device, oxygen is drawn by a reduction atmosphere used when epitaxial growth is carried out on the surface of the silicon substrate. Therefore, the function of restricting dislocation defects does not work sufficiently. In the present invention, a light element such as nitrogen or carbon is introduced into the substrate, in place of oxygen, and is used to form memory elements having stripe-like element separation regions. Thus, an expected characteristic is attained.

The semiconductor substrate described above is advantageous for a substrate including an epitaxial layer on a base substrate to which a light element is introduced. The epitaxial growth layer has a film thickness within a range of 1 to 5 μm. The base substrate is formed by a CZ (Czochralski) method.

The light element is nitrogen or carbon. Or, boron may be used. Nitrogen is introduced at a concentration of 1×10


to 1×10




and oxygen is introduced at a concentration of 6×10


to 9×10




, into the semiconductor substrate or the base substrate. Or, carbon is introduced at a concentration of 1×10


to 1×10




and oxygen is introduced at a concentration of 6×10


to 9×10




, into the semiconductor substrate or the base substrate.

A silicon oxide film is embedded in a shallow groove and a surface of the silicon oxide film is flattened.

Also, the stripe-like element separation regions are formed in parallel with a direction (cleavage direction) or direction equivalent thereto in which the semiconductor substrate tends to cleave most easily according to crystallography, or a direction vertical to the cleavage direction or equivalent thereto. If the main surface of the semiconductor substrate is a (100) surface or a surface equivalent thereto, stripe-like patterns of the element separation regions are formed in parallel with a direction [011] of silicon crystal or a direction equivalent thereto, or a direction [011{overscore ( )}] or a direction equivalent thereto. By forming elements in this direction, the wafer area can be used effectively and the costs can be reduced. [1{overscore ( )}] means 1 bar or bar 1.

The semiconductor substrate is cut by scribing it in the cleavage direction or the direction equivalent thereto and in the direction vertical to the cleavage direction or the direction equivalent thereto. If the main surface of the semiconductor substrate is a (100) surface or a surface equivalent thereto, the semiconductor substrate is cut by scribing it in the direction [011] of silicon crystal or the direction equivalent thereto and in the direction [011{overscore ( )}] or the direction equivalent thereto.

The size of each of the active regions in a direction parallel to stripe-like patterns of the active regions is 100 or more times longer than a size thereof in a direction vertical to the stripe-like patterns.

The MIS-type memory elements are AND-type or NAND-type non-volatile memory elements.

The semiconductor substrate or the base substrate has a crystal defect density of 3×10




or more according to a bulk micro defect measurement. According to discussions made by the present inventors, it is possible to prevent dislocation defects and to obtain a non-volatile memory element with a sufficiently high reliability if a defect density of 3×10




is found by a BMD measurement.

A method of manufacturing a semiconductor integrated circuit device, according to the present invention, comprises: a step (a) of forming a pattern having a stripe-like opening on a main surface of a semiconductor substrate and of etching the semiconductor substrate with the pattern used as a mask, thereby to form a stripe-like groove on the main surface of the semiconductor substrate; a step (b) of depositing an insulating film for filling internally the groove; a step (c) of etching or polishing the insulating film such that the insulating film remains in the groove, thereby to form an element separation region; a step (d) of depositing a polycrystal silicon film on the main surface of the semiconductor substrate, and of patterning the polycrystal silicon film into a stripe-like shape in a direction parallel to the element separation region formed like a stripe; and a step (e) of ion-implanting impurities into an active region surrounded by the element separation region, using the polycrystal silicon film formed in the stripe-like shape as a mask, thereby to form a semiconductor region which functions as a source/drain region and a wire of a MIS-type element, wherein a monocrystal silicon substrate into which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as the semiconductor substrate.

Another method of manufacturing a semiconductor integrated circuit device, according to the present invention, comprises: a step (a) of forming a pattern having a stripe-like opening on a main surface of a semiconductor substrate and of etching the semiconductor substrate with the pattern used as a mask, thereby to form a stripe-like groove on the main surface of the semiconductor substrate; a step (b) of depositing an insulating film for filling internally the groove; a step (c) of etching or polishing the insulating film such that the insulating film remains in the groove, thereby to form an element separation region; a step (d) of depositing a polycrystal silicon film on the main surface of the semiconductor substrate, and of patterning the polycrystal silicon film into a stripe-like shape in a direction vertical to the element separation region formed like a stripe; and a step (e) of ion-implanting impurities into an active region surrounded by the element separation region, using the polycrystal silicon film formed in the stripe-like shape as a mask, thereby to form a semiconductor region which functions as a source/drain region which is shared in common between adjacent MIS-type elements, wherein a monocrystal silicon substrate into which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as the semiconductor substrate.

According to the methods for manufacturing a semiconductor integrated circuit device, as described above, it is possible to form a memory element in which reduce dislocation defects of crystal are reduced and junction leakages are restricted.

A substrate in which a silicon layer is grown within a range of 1 to 5 μm by epitaxial growth on a silicon monocrystal substrate to which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as the semiconductor substrate.

The light element is nitrogen or carbon. Or, boron may be used. The concentration of the nitrogen ranges from 1×10


to 1×10




and the concentration of the carbon ranges from 1×10


to 1×10





The pattern like a stripe is formed in a direction (cleavage direction) in which the semiconductor substrate tends to cleave most easily according to crystallography or in a direction equivalent thereto, or a direction vertical to the cleavage direction or a direction equivalent thereto. Or, if the main surface of the semiconductor substrate is a (100) surface or a surface equivalent thereto, the pattern like a stripe is formed in parallel with a direction equivalent to a direction [011] of silicon crystal or a direction equivalent to a direction [011{overscore ( )}] of silicon crystal.

The active region formed like a stripe has a longer edge which is 100 or more times longer than a shorter edge.

The methods described above further comprise a step of scribing the semiconductor substrate in a direction (cleavage direction) in which the semiconductor substrate tends to cleave most easily according to crystallography or a direction equivalent thereto and in a direction vertical or equivalent to the cleavage direction and thereby cutting the semiconductor substrate into silicon chips. Or, a step of scribing the semiconductor substrate in a direction [011] of silicon crystal or a direction equivalent thereto and in a direction [011{overscore ( )}] or a direction equivalent thereto and thereby cutting the semiconductor substrate into silicon chips is comprised if the semiconductor substrate has a (100) surface or an equivalent surface as the main surface. If scribing is made in the direction in which crystal easily cleaves, dislocation defects are reduced so that a non-volatile memory element can be formed with sufficiently high reliability.


FIG. 1

is a plan view of a chip showing an example of an AND-type flash memory as an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 2

is a circuit diagram showing memory cell regions of the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1.

FIG. 3

is a plan view showing a part of a structure of memory cells and selection transistors in the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1.

FIG. 4

is a cross-sectional view cut along the line A—A in FIG.



FIG. 5

is a cross-sectional view cut along the line B—B in FIG.



FIG. 6

is a table showing operating voltages of the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1.

FIG. 7

is a graph showing multi-value recording of the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1.

FIG. 8

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 9

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 10

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 11

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 12

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 13

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 14

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 15

is a plan view showing a state where element separation regions are formed on the entire surface of a wafer W.

FIG. 16

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 17

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 18

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 19

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 20

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 21

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 22

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 23

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 24

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 25

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 26

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 27

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 28

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 29

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 30

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 31

is a plan view showing a dicing step of the embodiment 1.





) is a TEM photograph observing a memory element part of an AND-type flash memory manufactured by applying the embodiment 1, and FIG.




) is a schematic view obtained by tracing the photograph.

FIG. 33

is a graph showing a result of measuring the dependency of read errors on the discharge time in an AND-type flash memory manufactured by applying the embodiment 1.

FIG. 34

is a graph in which the shifts of the threshold voltage of an AND-type flash memory manufactured by applying the embodiment 1 are normally plotted.

FIG. 35

is an equivalent circuit diagram showing an example of a NAND-type mask ROM as another embodiment (embodiment 2) of the present invention.

FIG. 36

is a table showing read voltage conditions of the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2.

FIG. 37

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 38

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 39

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 40

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2 in the order of its steps.





) is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2 in the order of its steps, and FIG.




) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line B—B in

FIG. 38

in this step.

FIG. 42

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the embodiment 2 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 43

is an equivalent circuit diagram showing an example of a NAND-type flash memory as further another embodiment (embodiment 3) of the present invention.

FIG. 44

is a table showing voltage conditions for reading, writing, and erasure of the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3.

FIG. 45

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 46

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 47

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.





) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line A—A in FIG.


and FIG.




) is a cross sectional view cut along the line B—B in

FIG. 47

, showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 49

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 50

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.

FIG. 51

is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.





) is a cross-sectional view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps, and FIG.




) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line B—B in FIG.



FIG. 53

is a plan view showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 3 in the order of its steps.





) is a TEM photograph observing an active region (channel part) at a portion which causes a defect, and FIG.




) is a schematic view obtained by tracing the photograph.





) is a circuit diagram explaining a read sequence of an AND-type flash memory, and FIG.




) is a graph showing the dependency of the number of defective sectors which cause read errors on the discharge time.





) is a graph in which the shifts of the threshold voltage are normally plotted, FIG.




) is a circuit diagram explaining the drain disturbance, and FIG.




) is a conceptual cross-sectional view showing a memory cell part.


In the following, embodiments of the present invention will be explained in details with reference to the drawings. In all figures explaining the embodiments, those components that have an equal function will be denoted at an equal reference symbol, and reiterative explanation of those components will be omitted herefrom.

(Embodiment 1)

FIG. 1

is a plan view showing an example of an AND-type flash memory according to an embodiment of the present invention. The chip


has memory cell arrays MA. Provided in the periphery of the arrays are a sense latch circuit, data latch circuits, a word detector circuit, an internal voltage generator circuit, a main processing unit MPU, and a read-only memory ROM. Within the memory cell arrays MA, stripe-like active regions L are formed.

FIG. 2

is a circuit diagram showing a memory cell region of the AND-type flash memory according to the present embodiment. Memory cells M and switch transistors SWMOSes are constructed by MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors). The memory cells M are arranged in 128 columns in the direction of data lines DL and in rows equivalent to 2 k byte (one sector) in the direction of word lines WL. The respective memory cells M are connected in parallel in the data line DL direction, and drain and source regions thereof are determined by a local data line LDL and a local source line LSL. Each local data line LDL is connected to a global data line DL through a switch transistor SWMOS


, and each local source line LSL is connected to a global source line SL through a switch transistor SWMOS


. Each word line WL is connected with control electrodes of memory cells M.

FIG. 3

is a plan view partially showing memory cells and selection transistors.

FIG. 4

is a cross-sectional view along the line A—A in FIG.



FIG. 5

is a cross-sectional view along the line B—B in FIG.



Near the main surface of the semiconductor substrate


, a p-type epitaxial layer


is formed. Further, an n-type well


is formed in the epitaxial layer


, and a p-type well


is formed in the main surface. The n-type well


has a function to insulate the p-type well


, and potentials can be applied to individual p-type wells


. The film thickness of the epitaxial layer


is within a range of 1 to 5 μm, e.g., 3 μm.

The semiconductor substrate


uses a wafer which is made of silicon monocrystal by means of a CZ method. Also, nitrogen is introduced at a concentration of 1×10


to 1×10




into the semiconductor substrate


. By thus introducing nitrogen, it is possible to reduce dislocation defects caused in the direction in which silicon easily cleaves due to micro defects caused in the semiconductor substrate



That is, if nitrogen exists within the semiconductor substrate


, oxygen is attracted to the part (impurity side) of the nitrogen. The nitrogen and the attracted oxygen act to generate a micro defect which will not influence the electric characteristic. If a dislocation defect grows and reaches the micro defect part, the dislocation is interrupted there so the dislocation does not grow any more. Therefore, if a lot of micro defects exist, dislocation defects are reduced so as to contribute to improvements of the yield.

As will be explained later, in the present embodiment, stripe-like grooves are formed and a silicon oxide film is embedded in these grooves, thereby to form element separation regions. Therefore, active regions are formed also in stripe-like shapes, and dislocations tend to cause in the direction of the stripe-like pattern. Taken into consideration that the wafer is scribed later, scribing should preferably be performed in the direction silicon easily cleaves, which is the direction [011] or [011{overscore ( )}], in case of using the (100) surface as a main surface. Once a scribe line is decide, it is preferable that the narrow long pattern is parallel to the scribe line (chip end surface) as much as possible, in order to use effectively the area of the wafer (chip). Therefore, the pattern of the narrow long active regions according to the present invention is compelled to have longer edges extended in the direction along the cleaving direction. Therefore, dislocation defects grow in the direction along the longer edges. In addition, the memory cells according to the present embodiment are formed on the active regions, so that influences from the dislocation defects become particularly severe.

However, since nitrogen is introduced into the semiconductor substrate


, dislocation defects can be reduced and occurrence of dislocations can be prevented, even if such a stress is effected. Therefore, defects such as junction leakages caused by dislocation defects can be prevented. In addition, drain disturbances caused by junction leakages can be prevented. Further, defects caused by dislocations can be reduced, so the source discharge time required for reading can be elongated and the reading accuracy is improved. Particularly in case of multi-value recording which will be described later, the present invention can be applied more advantageously since improvements of the reading accuracy are required.

If nitrogen is introduced to the extent described above, the content of oxygen is 6×10


to 9×10




or so. After introducing nitrogen to this extent and carrying out a heat treatment at 700° C. for 4 hours and at 1000° C. for 16 hours, scanning in the z-direction (depth direction) was carried out by Oxygen Precipitate Profiler (manufactured by HYT) to evaluate bulk micro defects. Then, a defect density of 3×10




or more was found. The heat treatment is equivalent to a heat load which is received totally through the steps of the present embodiment. If a higher defect density than the above value is found, advantages of the present invention can be attained sufficiently.

Although the above example shows a case of introducing nitrogen into the semiconductor substrate


, carbon may be introduced. Carbon may be introduced at a concentration of 1×10


to 1×10




. In this case, oxygen is contained at a concentration of 6×10


to 9×10




. Also, the element that can be introduced to the semiconductor substrate


is not limited to nitrogen or carbon, any element that has a smaller mass number than that of silicon may be introduced. For example, boron may be introduced.

Near the main surface of the p-type well


, element separation regions


are formed. The element separation regions


are formed by embedding a silicon oxide film in shallow grooves. The element separation regions


are formed like stripes as shown in the plan view. Therefore, active regions L defined by the element separation regions


are also formed like stripes.

Memory cells M, dummy gates DM, and switch transistors SWMOS are formed on the main surface of the semiconductor substrate


(p-type well



Each memory cell M includes a lower floating gate


formed on the center portion of an active region L with a tunnel oxide film


inserted therebetween, an upper floating gate


, an interlayer insulating film


on an upper floating gate


, a control gate CG on the interlayer insulating film


, a source region


, and a drain region


. The source region


and drain region


are formed in both sides of the lower floating gate


. The control gate CG has a two-layer structure comprising a polycrystal silicon film


and a tungsten silicide film


. The lower floating gate


and the upper floating gate


are made of polycrystal silicon films. The interlayer insulating film


is constructed by a layered film comprised of a silicon oxide film and a silicon nitride film.

The control gates CG are formed so as to be extending in a direction vertical to the stripe-like pattern of the active regions L, and function as word lines WL. Each control gate CG is formed to be common to the control gate between memory cells adjacent to the gate in the extending direction of the control gates CG, and connected to each other.

The source regions


are connected to each other between the memory cells adjacent to each other in the direction of the stripe-like pattern of the active regions L. The drain regions


are connected in the same manner as above. The source regions


form local source lines LSL, and the drain regions


form local data lines LDL. The local data lines LDL are connected to a source/drain region


of the switch transistor SWMOS


. Another source/drain region


of the switch transistor SWMOS


is connected to the global data lines DL through contact holes


. The local source lines LSL are connected to a source/drain region


of the switch transistor SWMOS


. Another source/drain region


of the switch transistor SWMOS


is connected to global source lines SL through contact holes



An insulating film


is formed between each pair of adjacent lower floating gates


. The floating gates


are formed partially on the insulating films


. In this manner, the area of the floating gates


can be increased thereby improving their coupling with the control gates CG.

Dummy gates DM are formed as absorbers between the memory cells M and the switch transistors SWMOS, and do not particularly operate. The gate insulating films of the switch transistors SWMOS are formed at the same time when the interlayer insulating film


is formed. The gate electrodes of the switch transistors SWMOS are made of coating films formed in the same step as the step of forming the control gates CG.

The memory cells M, dummy gates DM, and switch transistors SWMOS are covered with an insulating film IL


, and the global source lines SL are formed as first-layer wires on the insulating film IL


. An insulating film IL


is further formed, and the global data lines DL are formed as a second-layer wire on the insulating film IL



Operation of the AND-type flash memory will be explained next.

FIG. 6

is a table showing voltages during operation.

FIG. 6

shows voltages applied to the word line WL


in case where batch-reading, batch-writing, and batch-erasure are made on one sector.

For reading, WL


to WL


are all set to 0 V, and all the global lines DL are applied with 1 V. The global source lines SL and the DPWL are set to 0V. To apply a voltage to the local data lines and local source lines, the SWMOS




are applied with a voltage Vcc and are turned on. In this state, voltages of 2 V, 3 V, and 4 V are sequentially applied to the word line WL


, and potential changes of the data lines are detected. Three different voltages are thus applied to the word line WL


in order to read four recorded states (2-bit) from one memory cell with utilizing of shifting of the threshold voltage in accordance with the change amount stored in the floating gate as shown in FIG.


. Three kinds of voltages are applied to the WL


and the threshold value is detected. Information for 2 bits can be detected depending on what level the threshold value is.

For writing, the word lines WL


to WL


are set to 4.5 V, and the data line DL


of the memory cell (M


) which is selected for writing is applied with 0 V. In order to inhibit writing into non-selected memory cells in the same sector, the other data lines (DL


to DLm) are applied with 6 V. The source lines SL and DPWL are set to 0 V. To apply a voltage to the local data lines, the switch transistor SWMOS


is applied with a high voltage of 10 V. In order that the local source lines are open, the switch transistor SWMOS


is set to 0 V (off). In this state, the word line WL


is applied with 16 V, 17 V, or 18 V, and potential changes of the data lines are detected. Any one of potentials 16 V, 17 V, and 18 V is selected depending on the contents of data to be written. In this manner, the charge amount injected into the floating gate is controlled as shown in

FIG. 7

, and multi-value recording is realized.

For erasure, all the potentials are set to 0 V, except for the potential of the word line WL


as an erasure-target sector. The word line WL


is applied with −16 V. In this manner, electrons are drawn from the floating gates of all the memory cells connected to the WL


, so data is erased. Note that each of the switch transistors SWMOS




is applied with the Vcc and is turned on, in order to supply the local data lines and local source lines with a potential of 0 V.

Next, a method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory will be explained with reference to








are cross-sectional views and plan views showing the method of manufacturing the AND-type flash memory according to the embodiment 1, in the order of its steps.

As shown in

FIG. 8

, a semiconductor substrate


having an epitaxial layer


on the surface of the substrate is prepared. A silicon oxide film


and a silicon nitride film


are formed on the surface of the epitaxial layer


. The film thickness of the silicon oxide film


is set to 10 nm, and the film thickness of the silicon nitride film


is set to 12 nm. The silicon oxide film


is a sacrifice oxide film formed to relax the film stress of the silicon nitride film


. The silicon nitride film


is used as a mask for forming grooves.

The present embodiment uses a silicon monocrystal substrate as the semiconductor substrate


, to which nitrogen is introduced. Since the present embodiment uses a CZ substrate, oxygen is contained at 6 to 9×10




or so in the substrate. It is unnecessary to introduce oxygen at a much higher concentration. That is, oxygen is drawn in a reduction atmosphere for forming the epitaxial layer


. This drawing of oxygen is not preferred in case where oxygen is expected as a site for generating a micro defect because occurrence of micro defects is reduced. However, since nitrogen is introduced in the present embodiment, oxygen is precipitated around introduced nitrogen at the same time when the epitaxial layer


is formed in the epitaxial step which also is a heat treatment step. That is, oxygen is gradually trapped near introduced nitrogen, and micro defects are thereby formed. Accordingly, it is unnecessary to use a substrate to which oxygen is introduced at a high concentration, as the semiconductor substrate


. It is possible to avoid a problem that even necessary impurities are eliminated due to formation of the epitaxial layer


. The amount of nitrogen required in this stage should preferably fall in the range of 1×10


to 1×10





Since elimination of oxygen in accordance with epitaxial growth does not cause a problem any more, the epitaxial layer


can be formed to be thick. The film thickness of the epitaxial layer


is set to 1 to 5 μm.

Note that carbon may be introduced in place of nitrogen. The concentration of carbon should preferably fall in a range of 1×10


to 1×10





Next, as shown in

FIG. 9

, the silicon oxide film


and the silicon nitride film


are patterned such that openings are formed at regions where grooves are to be formed. This patterning uses photolithography and etching. The photoresist film is removed. The patterning is performed so that a striped pattern is formed. The flat pattern will be explained later.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 10

, dry etching is performed with the patterned silicon nitride film


used as a mask, shallow grooves


are formed in the semiconductor substrate


(epitaxial layer


). The depth of each shallow groove


is 0.4 μm and the width thereof is 0.35 μm. Each of regions to be active regions L located between the shallow grooves


has a width of 75 μm.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 11

, the internal surfaces of the shallow grooves


are oxidized to form a silicon oxide film


. The silicon oxide film


recovers damages inside the shallow grooves


which are caused by dry etching. The film thickness of the silicon oxide film


is set to 10 nm.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 12

, a silicon oxide film


which completely fills internally the shallow grooves


is formed. The silicon oxide film


is formed by a CVD method, for example, and the film thickness thereof is set to 600 nm. After depositing the silicon oxide film


, a heat treatment is carried out for densification (baking). The heat treatment is carried out at a temperature of 1000° C. in a nitrogen atmosphere.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 13

, a CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) method is used to polish the silicon oxide film


. This polishing is performed until the silicon oxide film


is exposed. Since the polishing speed of the silicon nitride film


is lower than that of the silicon oxide film


, the silicon nitride film


functions as a polishing stopper.

Next, the silicon nitride film


is removed with use of thermal phosphoric acid. As a result, the silicon oxide film


is embedded in the shallow grooves


, as shown in

FIG. 13

, so element separation regions


are formed. Thereafter, ion implantation is carried out to form an n-type well


and a p-type well



FIG. 14

is a plan view showing a flat pattern of the memory cell region up to the stage described above. As shown in

FIG. 14

, the element separation regions


are formed like stripes, and active regions L located between the regions


are also formed like stripes. As describe previously, each element separation region has a width di of 0.35 μm in the direction of its shorter edges. Each active region L has a width dL of 0.75 μm in the direction of its shorter edges.

FIG. 15

is a plan view showing a state where element separation regions are formed. A large number of element separation regions


are formed on the memory cell arrays MA for every chip


. Simultaneously, a large number of active regions L are formed. The length dL1 of each active region L (i.e., the length di1 of the element separation region


in the direction of its longer edges) reaches 4.5 mm. As described above, in the AND flash memory according to the present embodiment, 128 memory cells are formed in every one block. The length of each block is about 70 μm. Since 64 blocks are repeated, the length of the blocks reaches 4.5 mm. Throughout this length, each active region L is not interrupted but is formed as one stripe pattern. Therefore, the ratio of the longer edge of the stripe pattern of the active region L to the shorter edge thereof reaches 6000 times. According to discussions made by the present inventors, a probability of causing an error due to dislocation defects appears when the ratio of the longer edge of the stripe pattern of the active region L to the shorter edge thereof reaches 100 times or so. Accordingly, advantages of the present invention can be obtained effectively when the ratio of the longer edge to the shorter edge is 100 times or more.

As shown in the figure, the stripe patterns of the active regions L are formed in parallel with each other so as to extend in the direction [011] as a crystal orientation. The main surface of the semiconductor substrate


is the (100) surface. This is required from the following grounds. The chip


is rectangular and each strip pattern is elongated as described above, and therefore, the stripe patterns should preferably be formed to be parallel or vertical to the end surfaces of the chip, to effectively use the chip area. In addition, taken into consideration that the end surfaces of the chip are scribed later to cut out the chip, the end surfaces should preferably be matched with the direction [011] or [011{overscore ( )}] in which the end surfaces of the chip easily cleave. That is, to adopt a pattern layout which allows easy cut-out of a chip and effective use of the chip area, the stripe patterns of the active regions L are compelled to extend in the [011] direction or the [011{overscore ( )}] direction. Accordingly, the stripe patterns of the active regions L are matched with the [011] direction. This means easy occurrence of dislocation defects in the direction of the longer edges of the element separation regions


. Also, a silicon oxide film is embedded in the element separation regions


as described above. The silicon oxide film has a compressive stress with respect to the silicon substrate. Further, from the pattern shape, it is possible to estimate that a stress tends to be applied easily in the direction of the longer edges. Therefore, the above-described requirements concerning the surface orientation and the factors depending on the stripe patterns are superimposed on each other, resulting in a possibility to cause dislocation defects over a very long distance (about 4.5 mm at most). Dislocation defects of this kind lowers the yield of the flash memory and deteriorates the reliability, as explained previously.

If another surface orientation than the (100) surface is selected as the main surface of the semiconductor substrate


, the direction of the stripe patterns is selected to be parallel or vertical to the cleavage surfaces.

However, in the present embodiment, since a silicon monocrystal substrate doped with nitrogen is used as the semiconductor substrate


, occurrence of dislocation defects in the active regions L can be reduced more effectively. In this mechanism of reducing dislocation defects, oxygen is trapped by an impurity side caused by nitrogen or carbon, and micro crystal defects are caused. These micro defects terminate the growth of dislocation defects and restricts more growth of dislocation defects. If these preferable micro defects are caused, i.e., if a large amount of nitrogen or carbon impurities is doped, it is possible to effectively restrict dislocation defects as a result and to contribute to improvements in the yield of the elements and the reliability, even in the stress circumstance which easily causes dislocation or even under the condition concerning the crystal orientation.

The present embodiment shows an example in which the (100) surface is used as the main surface of the semiconductor substrate


and the stripe patterns of the active regions L are formed to be longer in the direction [011] of the wafer W. Needless to say, however, the stripe patterns may be formed to be longer in the direction [011{overscore ( )}], or stripe patterns elongated in the direction [011] and stripe patterns elongated in the direction [011{overscore ( )}] may be mixed on one chip.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 16

, a silicon oxide film to form a tunnel oxide films is formed to be 9 nm thick. Thereafter, a polycrystal silicon film to form lower floating gates


is formed to be 100 nm thick. Further, a silicon nitride film to form a cap insulting film is formed to be 170 nm thick. Thereafter, these films are subjected to patterning. In this manner, a tunnel oxide film


, a pattern



to form lower floating gates


, and a cap insulating film


are formed. Photolithography and dry etching are used for the patterning.

FIG. 19

is a plan view showing the flat pattern of this patterning.

FIG. 19

shows the pattern



to form lower floating gates


. As shown in the figure, in the region where memory cells are formed, the pattern



is shaped like stripes along the stripe lines of the active regions L. The regions where switch transistors SWMOS are formed are covered so that impurities might not be doped by ion-implantation in the next step.

Next, a source diffusion layer (source regions


and local source lines LSL) and a drain diffusion layer (drain regions


and local data lines LDL) are formed as shown in FIG.


. At this time, the lower floating gates


and the cap insulating films


serve as a mask for ion implantation. Further, a silicon oxide film is deposited on the entire surface and is subjected to anisotropic etching, to form side wall spacers


on the side walls of the lower floating gates


and the cap insulating films



Next, as shown in

FIG. 18

, a silicon oxide film


for filling the gaps of the lower floating gates


is deposited. As shown in

FIG. 20

, this silicon oxide film


is polished by the CMP method until the cap insulating films


are exposed. Further, etching-back may be carried out. In this manner, insulating films


are formed between the lower floating gates


. The film thickness of the silicon oxide film


is set to 600 nm. After deposition of this film, a heat treatment may be carried out for densification. The heat treatment is carried out under a condition of 850° C. in a nitrogen atmosphere.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 21

, the cap insulating films


are removed by thermal phosphoric acid, thereby to expose the surfaces of the lower floating gates



Next, a polycrystal silicon film entirely doped with impurities is deposited. This film is subjected to patterning as shown in

FIG. 22

, thereby to form a pattern



to form upper floating gates



FIG. 23

is a plan view showing the flat pattern of the pattern



. As shown in this figure, the pattern



is formed to be such a pattern that has slits in the memory cell forming region. The regions where switch transistors SWMOS are formed are removed together with the lower floating pattern



Next, as shown in

FIG. 24

, an interlayer insulating film


for insulating the floating gates from the control gates is formed. The interlayer insulating film


is formed by the CVD method and is made of a layer film comprised of a silicon oxide film, a silicon nitride film, and a silicon oxide film.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 25

, a polycrystal silicon film



doped with impurities are formed on the interlayer insulating film


. Further, a tungsten silicide film



is formed. The tungsten silicide film



has a function to raise the conductivity of the control gates (word lines WL).

FIG. 26

is a cross-sectional view showing a cross-section cut along the line A—A in

FIG. 3

in this stage.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 27

, the tungsten silicide film



, the polycrystal silicon film



, the interlayer insulating film


, the upper floating gate pattern



, the lower floating gate pattern



, and the tunnel oxide film


are subjected to patterning. In this manner, the lower floating gates


, the upper floating gates


, and the control gates CG (




) are formed in the memory cell region. Meanwhile, the dummy gates DM and the gate electrodes of the switch transistors SWMOS are formed in the peripheral portion.

FIG. 28

shows a flat pattern in this stage. The control gates CG (




), the dummy gates DM, and the gate electrodes of the switch transistors SWMOS are patterned so as to extend in a direction vertical to the stripe patterns of the active regions L.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 29

, source/drain regions






, and


of the switch transistors SWMOS are formed by ion implantation, using a photoresist film as a mask. Further, a silicon oxide film is deposited and is thereafter subjected to anisotropic etching, thereby to form side wall spacers


on the side walls of the patterns.

Further, as shown in

FIG. 30

, for example, a silicon oxide film is deposited to form an insulating film IL


. Contact holes are formed in the insulating film IL


. A source line SL to be connected to the source/drain region


of the switch transistor SWMOS


, is formed. A lead wire ML to be connected to the source/drain region


of the switch transistor SWMOS


is formed. To form the source line SL and the lead wire ML, for example, a layered film comprised of a titanium nitride film and a tungsten film can be used. A metal silicide layer can be formed at the bottom portions of through holes, thereby to reduce the contact resistance. Also, a sputtering method or a CVD method can be used for forming the layered film comprised of the titanium nitride film and the tungsten film. Photolithography and etching can be used for patterning of the layered film.

Further, upper-layer wires can be formed in a similar manner. Thus, the AND-type flash memory shown in




, and


is completed.

The wafer after completion of wafer processing is put into a dicing step, as shown in

FIG. 31

, and is cut into chips. The (100) surface is used as the main surface of the semiconductor substrate


. The cutting is carried out in the directions [011] and [011{overscore ( )}], as shown in the figure. By the dicing in these directions, the wafer can be easily cut by utilizing cleavage of the wafer. Although a mechanical load is applied to some extent through the dicing step, the wafer according to the present embodiment is excellent in mechanical strength so that occurrence of dislocation defects is restricted within the active regions L.

According to the present embodiment, a monocrystal substrate doped with nitrogen is used as the semiconductor substrate


. Therefore, dislocation defects can be prevented, and junction leakages of elements can be prevented.





) shows a TEM photograph in which the memory element part of an AND-type flash memory manufactured by applying the present embodiment is observed. FIG.




) shows a schematic view in which the TEM photograph is traced. Although distortion exists in the active region, no defect is found and the mechanical strength is improved.

FIG. 33

shows a result (line S) of a measurement in which the dependency of read errors on the discharge time explained with reference to

FIG. 55

was measured with respect to a flash memory according to the present embodiment. A prior art example (line R) to which the present embodiment is applied is shown together to make a comparison. As is apparent from the figure, it is found that the number of defective sectors is greatly reduced in the flash memory according to the present embodiment.

FIG. 34

is a graph in which shifts of the threshold voltage caused by the drain disturbance explained with reference to

FIG. 56

are expressed as a normal plot. The shifts are measured by a flash memory according to the present embodiment. Compared with the graph shown in FIG.




), the drain disturbance is improved apparently. That is, if a voltage is applied for about 1000 s, the rate of those sectors that incur a shift of Vth exceeding 2.1 V as a required specification stays at 0.001%. In case where the present invention is not applied, the rate of those sectors reaches 0.1%. Compared with this case, the reliability is improved progressively.

(Embodiment 2)

FIG. 35

is an equivalent circuit diagram showing an example of a NAND mask ROM according to another embodiment of the present invention. Eight memory cells each constructed by one transistor are connected in series thereby forming one block. Of the cells at two ends of each block, one is connected to a data line DL and the other is connected to a source line SL. The source line SL is constructed by a diffusion layer. One data line DL is assigned to each block. Gate electrodes of MISFETs of each block are respectively connected to gate electrodes of MISFETs of an adjacent block, thereby forming word lines WL.

FIG. 36

is a table showing a condition concerning read voltages of the NAND-type mask ROM according to the present embodiment. This table shows a case where the word line WL


is selected. The data lines DL are applied with a voltage Vcc, and the source lines SL are set to 0 V. The other word lines (WL


and WL


to 8) than the selected word line WL


are maintained at a high voltage (VGH). Transistors connected to these non-selected word lines are turned on. Meanwhile, the selected word line WL


is maintained at 0 V. Information is read out by determining whether or not the corresponding cell (transistor) is turned on.

FIGS. 37



are plan views or cross-sectional views showing the method of manufacturing the NAND-type mask ROM according to the present embodiment in the order of its steps.

In the method according to the present embodiment, element separation regions


are formed on the main surface of the semiconductor substrate


having an epitaxial layer


, like the embodiment 1. The element separation regions according to the present embodiment are formed like stripes as shown in

FIG. 37

, like the embodiment 1. The semiconductor substrate


is also the same as the semiconductor substrate in the embodiment 1. That is, a silicon monocrystal substrate is used as the semiconductor substrate


. Therefore, the present embodiment has also stripe-like active regions L. However, errors such as junction leakages caused by dislocation defects can be reduced because the semiconductor substrate


doped with nitrogen or carbon is used.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 38

, gate electrodes G are formed. The gate electrodes G are formed by depositing a polycrystal silicon film and a tungsten silicide film with a gate insulating film


inserted thereunder, and by patterning the tungsten silicide film and the polycrystal silicon film.

FIG. 39

shows a cross-sectional view in this stage.

FIG. 39

is a cross-sectional view cut along the line A—A in FIG.


. On he main surface of the semiconductor substrate


having the epitaxial layer


, gate electrodes G made of a polycrystal silicon film


and a tungsten silicide film


are formed with a gate insulating film


inserted thereunder, as described previously. In the present embodiment, it is unnecessary to apply a well potential, and therefore, n-type wells for isolating p-type wells


are not formed. The gate insulating film


, the polycrystal silicon film


, and the tungsten silicide film


can be formed in the same manner as described in the embodiment 1. Of course, channel ion plantation is carried out for programs.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 40

, ion implantation is carried out with the gate electrodes G used as a mask, thereby to form source/drain regions


. Memory cells are connected in series by these source/drain regions


. Thereafter, side wall spacers


are formed on the side walls of the gate electrodes. The side wall spacers


are formed in the same manner as that in the embodiment 1.

Next, as shown in FIG.




), an insulating film


which covers the gate electrodes G is formed, and data lines DL are formed thereon. The data line DL is connected to the source/drain regions


of the WL


through a contact hole formed in the insulating film


. FIG.




) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line B—B in

FIG. 38

in this stage. For every active region, i.e., for every block, a data line DL is provided. The wire ML is connected to the gate electrodes G through contact holes and further to wires in upper layers.

FIG. 42

is a plan view showing a flat layout in this stage. The gate electrodes G are formed at right angles to the active regions L. MISFETs are respectively connected in series by the source drain regions


formed between the gate electrodes G. The data lines DL are formed substantially above the active regions L, such that one data line DL is arranged for every active region L (or block).

Although metal wires can be formed in much upper layers in the same manner as described in the embodiment 1, explanation thereof will be omitted herefrom.

According to the present embodiment, it is possible to reduce dislocation defects caused in stripe-like active regions L like the embodiment 1. In this manner, junction leakages between mask ROMs can be prevented, so that the yield of elements and the reliability can be improved.

(Embodiment 3)

FIG. 43

is an equivalent circuit diagram showing an example of a NAND-type flash memory according to further another embodiment of the present invention. One block is constructed by connecting


memory cells in series and by switch transistors SW at two ends of the block. One (SW


) of the switch transistors is connected to a data line DL and the other (SW


) of the switch transistors is connected to a source line SL. One data line DL is provided for every block. Each block is provided in a p-type well PW so that a well potential can be applied thereto. Control gates of the memory cells are respectively connected to memory cells of an adjacent block, thereby forming word lines WL.

FIG. 44

is a table showing voltage conditions for reading, writing, and erasure of the NAND-type flash memory according to the present embodiment. The table shows a case where the word line WL


is selected.

For reading, all the other word lines WL than the selected word line WL


are set to a high voltage (VGH), to turn on the transistors. The switch transistors SW


and SW


are turned on so that the data lines DL and source lines SL are applied with a voltage. Further, with the data line DL


and the source lines SL respectively applied with Vcc and 0 V, the selected word line WL


is set to 0 V, and it is detected whether a corresponding memory cell is turned on or off. The on state or the off state corresponds to information of 1 bit.

For writing, the data line DL


, the source lines SL, and the PW are all set to 0 V, and the switch transistors SW


and SW


are respectively turned on and off. Writing is carried out by applying such a high voltage (Vp1) that passes through an oxide film to the word line WL


selected for writing, thereby to inject electrons. The other word lines WL are not selected for writing and are therefore applied with a voltage (Vp2) enough to turn on transistors so that writing might not be performed. To inhibit writing into memory cells connected to other word lines WL


in other blocks (BL


and the like), the data lines (DL


and the like) of non-selected blocks are applied with a voltage Vdp (Vdp<Vp2), and the potential difference between the channels and the control gates is lowered thereby to inhibit writing.

Erasure is carried out in units of blocks. The data lines and source lines are all opened. The switch transistors SW are all turned on, too. All the word lines WL are set to 0 V. A high voltage (Ve) is applied to the wells thereby to draw electrons from the floating gates of all memory cells. Thus, erasure is performed.

FIGS. 45



are plan views and cross-sectional views showing the method of manufacturing the NAND flash memory according to the present embodiment in the order of its steps.

In the manufacturing method according to the present embodiment, element separation regions


are formed on the main surface of a semiconductor substrate


having an epitaxial layer


, like the embodiment 1. As shown in

FIG. 45

, the element separation regions


according to the present embodiment are also formed like stripes, like the embodiment 1. The semiconductor substrate


is the same as that of the embodiment 1. That is, the present embodiment also uses a silicon monocrystal substrate to which nitrogen or carbon is introduced. Therefore, since the present embodiment also uses a semiconductor substrate


which includes stripe-like active regions L and introduces nitrogen or carbon, it is possible to restrict defects such as junction leakages and the like which are caused by dislocation defects.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 46

, patterns


to form floating gates are formed. The patterns


are formed so as to cover active regions L and overlap partially element separation regions


. The patterns


are formed by etching a polycrystal silicon film deposited with a gate insulating film


inserted thereunder. Next, an interlayer insulating film


is formed on the patterns


. Thereafter, as shown in

FIG. 47

, openings


are formed at parts of the interlayer insulating film







) and




) show cross-sectional views in this stage. FIG.




) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line A—A in FIG.


. FIG.




) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line B—B in FIG.


. The semiconductor substrate


, an epitaxial layer


, an n-type well


, a p-type well


, and element separation regions


are the same as those in the embodiment 1. As described before, patterns


made of a polycrystal silicon film are formed on the p-type well


, with the gate insulating film


inserted thereunder. An interlayer insulating film


is formed on the pattern


. Further, openings


are formed in the interlayer insulating film



Next, a polycrystal silicon film and a tungsten silicide film are formed on the interlayer insulating film


. As shown in

FIG. 49

, these films are subjected to patterning, to form word lines WL (control gates) and gate electrodes of switch transistors SW


and SW


. Floating gates are formed below the word lines in the memory cells. Also, the gate electrodes of the switch transistors SW


and SW


are connected through the openings


to the floating gates provided below the transistors.

FIG. 50

sows a cross-sectional view in this stage.

FIG. 50

shows a cross-sectional view cut along the line A—A in FIG.


. As previously described, a polycrystal silicon film


is formed on the interlayer insulating film


, and a tungsten silicide film


is formed on the polycrystal silicon film


. Also, the patterns


and the polycrystal silicon film


are electrically connected to each other through the openings


, at the parts of the gate electrodes that form switch transistors SW. Therefore, switch transistors SW do not have floating gates but function as normal MISFETs.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 51

, ion-implantation is performed with the patterns of the word lines (control gates) used as a mask, thereby to form source/drain regions


. Adjacent memory cells and switch transistors SW in the direction vertical to the word lines WL are connected in series by these source/drain regions


. Further, side wall spacers


are formed on the side walls of the word line patterns.

Next, as shown in

FIG. 52

, an insulating film


is formed, and data lines DL are formed as an upper layer thereon. The data lines DL are connected to the source/drain regions


of the SW


through contact holes


opened in the insulating film


. FIG.




) is a cross-sectional view cut along the line B—B in

FIG. 49

in this stage. For every active region, i.e., for every block, one data line DL is provided. Note that a wire ML is connected to the word lines WL through a contact hole


and is further connected to wires in much upper layers.

FIG. 53

is a plan view showing a flat layout in this stage. The word lines WL are formed at right angles to the active regions L. Memory cells are connected in series with each other by the source/drain regions


formed between adjacent memory cells in the direction vertical to the word lines. The data lines DL are formed substantially above the active regions L, such that one data line DL is provided for every active region L (for every block).

Metal wires may be formed in much upper layers. However, since those wires are the same as those in the embodiment 1, explanation thereof will be omitted herefrom.

According to the present embodiment, it is possible to reduce dislocation defects which occur in the stripe-like active regions L, like the embodiment 1. As a result, junction leakages of the NAND-type flash memory can be prevented, so the yield and reliability of elements can be improved.

In the above, inventions made by the present inventors have been specifically explained on the basis of the embodiments of the inventions. However, the present invention is not limited to the embodiments described above but may be variously modified without deviating from the scope of the invention.

For example, explanation has been made with respect to AND-type and NAND-type flash memories and a NAND-type mask ROM in the above embodiments. However, the present invention is not limited hitherto but is applicable to any elements that include stripe-like active regions.

Also, the embodiments described above have cited the directions [011] and [011{overscore ( )}] as examples. However, the directions are not limited hitherto but the present invention is applicable to any directions in which silicon crystal tends to cleave easily, as log as silicon crystal cleaves in those directions.

Although the above embodiments have been explained with respect to cases where nitrogen or carbon is introduced as impurities into the semiconductor substrate. However, the present invention is not limited hitherto but is applicable to any elements that have a smaller mass number than silicon, e.g., boron.

Representative ones of the inventions disclosed in the present application provide advantages as will be explained in brief below.

It is possible to reduce crystal defects (dislocation defects) in a non-volatile memory in which stripe-like element separation regions are formed to improve integration.

It is possible to reduce junction leakages in a non-volatile memory in which stripe-like element separation regions are formed to improve integration.

It is possible to improve the reliability and yield of a non-volatile memory in which stripe-like element separation regions are formed to improve integration.

  • 1. A semiconductor integrated circuit device comprising:a semiconductor substrate comprised of silicon monocrystal; stripe-like element separation regions formed on a main surface of said semiconductor substrate; and a plurality of MISFETs or MIS-type memory elements formed in an active region between said element separation regions, said MISFETs or MIS-type memory elements being connected in series or parallel with each other, wherein a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced into the semiconductor substrate; and wherein said light element is nitrogen or carbon.
  • 2. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said semiconductor substrate has an epitaxial growth layer on a base substrate into which said light element is introduced.
  • 3. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 2, wherein said epitaxial growth layer has a film thickness within a range of 1 to 5 μm.
  • 4. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 3, wherein said base substrate is formed by a CZ (Czochralski) method.
  • 5. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said device has a first structure in which nitrogen is introduced at a concentration of 1×1013 to 1×1017 atomics/cm3 and oxygen is introduced at a concentration of 6×1017 to 9×1017 atomics/cm3, into said semiconductor substrate or the base substrate, or a second structure in which carbon is introduced at a concentration of 1×1016 to 1×1017 atomics/cm3 and oxygen introduced at a concentration of 6×1017 to 9×1017 atomics/cm3, into said semiconductor substrate or the base substrate.
  • 6. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said element separation regions, a silicon oxide film is embedded in a shallow groove and a surface of the silicon oxide film is flattened.
  • 7. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said stripe-like element separation regions are formed in parallel with a direction (cleavage direction) or direction equivalent thereto in which said semiconductor substrate tends to cleave most easily according to crystallography, or a direction vertical to the cleavage direction or equivalent thereto.
  • 8. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 7, wherein said semiconductor substrate is cut by scribing in said cleavage direction or said direction equivalent thereto and in said direction vertical, to said cleavage direction or said direction equivalent thereto.
  • 9. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, whereinsaid main surface of said semiconductor substrate has a (100) surface or a surface equivalent thereto, and wherein stripe-like patterns of said element separation regions are formed in parallel with a direction [011] of silicon crystal or a direction equivalent thereto, or a direction [011] or a direction equivalent thereto.
  • 10. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 9, wherein said semiconductor substrate is cut by scribing in said direction [011] of silicon crystal or said direction equivalent thereto and in said direction [011] or said direction equivalent thereto.
  • 11. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein a size of each of said active region in a direction parallel to stripe-like patterns of said active region is 100 or more times longer than a size thereof in a direction vertical to said stripe-like patterns.
  • 12. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said MIS-type memory elements are AND-type or NAND-type non-volatile memory elements.
  • 13. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said semiconductor substrate has a crystal defect density of 3×109 cm−3 or more according to a bulk micro defect measurement.
  • 14. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 1, wherein said active region is formed to have a stripe-like shape between said stripe-like element separation regions.
  • 15. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 14, wherein said stripe-like active region has a longer edge which is 100 or more times longer than a shorter edge.
  • 16. A semiconductor integrated circuit device comprising:stripe-like element separation regions formed in a semiconductor substrate; a conductor film formed on a main surface of said semiconductor substrate, and serving as a gate electrode of a MIS-type element; and semiconductor regions formed in self alignment with said conductor film in a stripe-like active region formed between said element separation regions, and serving as source/drain regions of said MIS-type element, wherein a monocrystal silicon substrate into which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as said semiconductor substrate, wherein said light element is nitrogen or carbon, and wherein said plurality of MIS-type elements are formed in said stripe-like active region.
  • 17. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 16, wherein said stripe-like active region has a longer edge which is 100 or more times longer than a shorter edge.
  • 18. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 16, wherein a substrate in which a silicon layer is grown within a range of 1 to 5 μm by epitaxial growth on a silicon monocrystal substrate into which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as said semiconductor substrate.
  • 19. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 16, wherein a concentration of said nitrogen ranges from 1×1013 to 1×1015 atomics/cm3 and a concentration of said carbon ranges from 1×1016 to 1×1017 atomics/cm3.
  • 20. A semiconductor integrated circuit device comprising:stripe-like element separation regions formed in a semiconductor substrate; a conductor film formed on a main surface of said semiconductor substrate, and serving as a gate electrode of a MIS-type element; and semiconductor regions formed in self alignment with said conductor film in a stripe-like active region formed between said element separation regions, and serving as source/drain regions of the MIS-type element, wherein a monocrystal silicon substrate into which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as said semiconductor substrate, wherein said light element is nitrogen or carbon, and wherein said stripe-like active region has a longer edge which is 100 or more times longer than a shorter edge.
  • 21. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 20, wherein a substrate in which a silicon layer is grown within a range of 1 to 5 μm by epitaxial growth on a silicon substrate into which a light element having a smaller mass number than silicon is introduced is used as said semiconductor substrate.
  • 22. The semiconductor integrated circuit device according to claim 20, wherein a concentration of the nitrogen ranges from 1×1013 to 1×1015 atomics/cm3 and a concentration of said carbon ranges from 1×1016 to 1×1017 atomics/cm3.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
11-285953 Oct 1999 JP
Parent Case Info

This is a divisional application of U.S. Ser. No. 10/179,217, filed Jun. 26, 2002 U.S. Pat. No. 6,583,467; which is a divisional application of U.S. Ser. No. 09/677,758, filed Oct. 3, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,444,514.

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