Processes or apparatus for liquefying or solidifying gases or gaseous mixtures


  • CPC
  • F25J1/00
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F25J1/0002characterised by the fluid to be liquefied F25J1/0005Light or noble gases F25J1/0007Helium F25J1/001Hydrogen F25J1/0012Primary atmospheric gases F25J1/0015Nitrogen F25J1/0017Oxygen F25J1/002Argon F25J1/0022Hydrocarbons F25J1/0025Boil-off gases "BOG" from storages F25J1/0027Oxides of carbon F25J1/003characterised by the kind of cold generation within the liquefaction unit for compensating heat leaks and liquid production F25J1/0032using the feed stream itself or separated fractions from it F25J1/0035by gas expansion with extraction of work F25J1/0037of a return stream F25J1/004by flash gas recovery F25J1/0042by liquid expansion with extraction of work F25J1/0045by vaporising a liquid return stream F25J1/0047using an "external" refrigerant stream in a closed vapor compression cycle F25J1/005by expansion of a gaseous refrigerant stream with extraction of work F25J1/0052by vaporising a liquid refrigerant stream F25J1/0055originating from an incorporated cascade F25J1/0057after expansion of the liquid refrigerant stream with extraction of work F25J1/006characterised by the refrigerant fluid used F25J1/0062Light or noble gases, mixtures thereof F25J1/0065Helium F25J1/0067Hydrogen F25J1/007Primary atmospheric gases, mixtures thereof F25J1/0072Nitrogen F25J1/0075Oxygen F25J1/0077Argon F25J1/008Hydrocarbons F25J1/0082Methane F25J1/0085Ethane; Ethylene F25J1/0087Propane; Propylene F25J1/009Hydrocarbons with four or more carbon atoms F25J1/0092Mixtures of hydrocarbons comprising possibly also minor amounts of nitrogen F25J1/0095Oxides of carbon F25J1/0097Others F25J1/02requiring the use of refrigeration F25J1/0201using only internal refrigeration means F25J1/0202in a quasi-closed internal refrigeration loop F25J1/0203using a single-component refrigerant [SCR] fluid in a closed vapor compression cycle (not used) F25J1/0204as a single flow SCR cycle F25J1/0205as a dual level SCR refrigeration cascade F25J1/0207as at least a three level SCR refrigeration cascade F25J1/0208in combination with an internal quasi-closed refrigeration loop F25J1/0209as at least a three level refrigeration cascade F25J1/021using a deep flash recycle loop F25J1/0211using a multi-component refrigerant [MCR] fluid in a closed vapor compression cycle F25J1/0212as a single flow MCR cycle F25J1/0214as a dual level refrigeration cascade with at least one MCR cycle F25J1/0215with one SCR cycle F25J1/0216using a C3 pre-cooling cycle F25J1/0217as at least a three level refrigeration cascade with at least one MCR cycle F25J1/0218with one or more SCR cycles F25J1/0219in combination with an internal quasi-closed refrigeration loop F25J1/0221using the cold stored in an external cryogenic component in an open refrigeration loop F25J1/0222in combination with an intermediate heat exchange fluid between the cryogenic component and the fluid to be liquefied F25J1/0223in combination with the subsequent re-vaporisation of the originally liquefied gas at a second location to produce the external cryogenic component F25J1/0224in combination with an internal quasi-closed refrigeration loop F25J1/0225using other external refrigeration means not provided before F25J1/0227within a refrigeration cascade F25J1/0228Coupling of the liquefaction unit to other units or processes, so-called integrated processes F25J1/0229Integration with a unit for using hydrocarbons F25J1/023for the combustion as fuels F25J1/0231for the working-up of the hydrocarbon feed F25J1/0232integration within a pressure letdown station of a high pressure pipeline system F25J1/0234Integration with a cryogenic air separation unit F25J1/0235Heat exchange integration F25J1/0236providing refrigeration for different processes treating not the same feed stream F25J1/0237integrating refrigeration provided for liquefaction and purification/treatment of the gas to be liquefied F25J1/0238Purification or treatment step is integrated within one refrigeration cycle only F25J1/0239Purification or treatment step being integrated between two refrigeration cycles of a refrigeration cascade F25J1/0241wherein the overhead cooling comprises providing reflux for a fractionation step F25J1/0242Waste heat recovery F25J1/0243Start-up or control of the process; Details of the apparatus used; Details of the refrigerant compression system used F25J1/0244Operation; Control and regulation; Instrumentation F25J1/0245Different modes F25J1/0247start-up of the process F25J1/0248Stopping of the process F25J1/0249Controlling refrigerant inventory F25J1/025Details related to the refrigerant production or treatment F25J1/0251Intermittent or alternating process, so-called batch process F25J1/0252Control strategy F25J1/0254controlling particular process parameter F25J1/0255controlling the composition of the feed or liquefied gas F25J1/0256Safety aspects of operation F25J1/0257Construction and layout of liquefaction equipments F25J1/0258vertical layout of the equipments within in the cold box F25J1/0259Modularity and arrangement of parts of the liquefaction unit and in particular of the cold box F25J1/0261Details of cold box insulation, housing and internal structure F25J1/0262Details of the cold heat exchange system F25J1/0263using different types of heat exchangers F25J1/0264Arrangement of heat exchanger cores in parallel with different functions F25J1/0265comprising cores associated exclusively with the cooling of a refrigerant stream F25J1/0267using flash gas as heat sink F25J1/0268using a dedicated refrigeration means F25J1/0269Arrangement of liquefaction units or equipments fulfilling the same process step F25J1/027Inter-connecting multiple hot equipments upstream of the cold box F25J1/0271Inter-connecting multiple cold equipments within or downstream of the cold box F25J1/0272Multiple identical heat exchangers in parallel F25J1/0274Retrofitting or revamping of an existing liquefaction unit F25J1/0275adapted for special use of the liquefaction unit F25J1/0276Laboratory or other miniature devices F25J1/0277Offshore use F25J1/0278Unit being stationary F25J1/0279Compression of refrigerant or internal recycle fluid F25J1/0281characterised by the type of prime driver F25J1/0282Steam turbine as the prime mechanical driver F25J1/0283Gas turbine as the prime mechanical driver F25J1/0284Electrical motor as the prime mechanical driver F25J1/0285Combination of different types of drivers mechanically coupled to the same refrigerant compressor, possibly split on multiple compressor casings F25J1/0287including an electrical motor F25J1/0288using work extraction by mechanical coupling of compression and expansion of the refrigerant, so-called companders F25J1/0289Use of different types of prime drivers of at least two refrigerant compressors in a cascade refrigeration system F25J1/029Mechanically coupling of different refrigerant compressors in a cascade refrigeration system to a common driver F25J1/0291Refrigerant compression by combined gas compression and liquid pumping F25J1/0292Refrigerant compression by cold or cryogenic suction of the refrigerant gas F25J1/0294Multiple compressor casings/strings in parallel F25J1/0295Shifting of the compression load between different cooling stages within a refrigerant cycle or within a cascade refrigeration system F25J1/0296Removal of the heat of compression F25J1/0297using an externally chilled fluid F25J1/0298Safety aspects and control of the refrigerant compression system

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents