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G.K. Ananthasuresh, S. Kota and N. Kikuchi, “Strategies for Systematic Synthesis of Compliant MEMS,” Dynamic Systems and Control: vol. 2, DSC-vol. 55-2, pp. 677-6686 (ASME, 1994). |
G.K. Anathasuresh, S. Kota and Y. Gianchandani, “A Methodical Approach to the Design of Compliant Micromechanisms,” Proceedings of the Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, Jun. 13-16, 1994, pp. 189-192. |
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M.I. Frecker, G.K. Anathasuresh, S. Nishiwake, N. Kikuchi and S. Kota, “Topoligical Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms Using Multi-Criteria Optimization, ” Transactions of the ASME, vol .119, pp. 238-245, Jun. 1997. |
J.A. Hetrick and S. Kota, “Size and Shape Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms: An Efficiency Formulation,” in Proceedings of the 1998 ASME Design Technical Conference, Sep. 13-16, 1998, Atlanta, GA. |