Interconnector with contact pads having enhanced durability

A structure of an enhanced durability interconnector to reliably interconnect modules having high density type contacts, such as found in modules having solder ball connections (SBC), to a connecting article such as a printed circuit board. The structure comprising a means to provide the SBC type contact a mating surface having a wide contact area. Furthermore, the electrical connecting medium within the interconnector, which is embedded in an elastomeric material to provide compliance, is strengthened by using two or more embedded wires in combination for each wide contact area contact. The interconnector is incorporated into a fixture to compress the interconnector between the SBC module and the connecting article. The fixture having further capability to align the connections, control the compression pressure and to prevent over-compression.


The present invention is directed to an electrical interconnector, in particular the connection of an electrical module to a circuit board, and more particularly to the provision of socket type inter-connection means for modules having contacts suitable for high density applications.


It is a constant endeavor to find ways of increasing the pinout density of integrated circuits (ICs). This is particularly important in ICs with high pin counts and relatively small packages. Solder ball connection (SBC) technology was developed to satisfy this growing need. In general the number of electronic circuits that can be manufactured per unit area of silicon or board space has increased dramatically in recent years. This increase in circuit density has produced a corresponding increase in the number of connections required between the various electronic circuits, integrated circuit modules, and boards to facilitate the manufacture of more complex products. High density integrated circuit modules such as microprocessors are typically housed in a protective package such as a pin grid array (PGA) module, that provides a means of connecting to other electronic circuits on a printed circuit board. PGA modules have an array of metal pins on the bottom side of the package. The

PGA module is often connected and disconnected through these pins to a test card to evaluate the individual electronic circuit components before they are assembled into a final product. Connector sockets are available for PGA modules to facilitate the connection and disconnection of the PGA module for service, upgrade, or testing requirements.

Solder ball connection (SBC) modules have recently been developed to address the need for more signal and ground connections, higher density packaging, and compatibility with surface mount technology processes. SBC modules are different than PGA modules in that the SBC module uses solder balls instead of metal pins to provide for interconnections between the module and the printed circuit board. Whereas PGA pins are spaced 0.10 inches apart, the solder balls are typically arranged in an area array pattern with 0.05 inch spacing. This close spacing makes it difficult to use previous interconnector technologies for SBC sockets. Thus, although SBC modules have service, upgrade, burn-in and testing requirements similar to PGA modules, SBC interconnecting sockets are not commonly available.

Because of the SBC pin densities, a specialized technology such as that generally used in elastomeric connectors is one of the various interconnection technologies that can be used for an SBC socket. The elastomeric connector provides a conductive path through an elastomeric material to connect the solder balls on the SBC module to the contact pads on the printed circuit board. A wide variety of elastomeric connectors are available that use conductive particles or conductive wires embedded in the elastomer material. The electrical, mechanical, and thermal performance of the elastomeric connector can vary significantly depending on the size, shape, orientation, and density of the conductive particles as well as the properties of the elastomer material . An SBC socket has unique requirement which need to be satisfied if the socket is to be useful, reliable and durable. Elastomeric connectors that are suitable for area array interconnections have previously been described.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,998,885, issued Mar. 12, 1991 to Beaman et al., is directed to an elastometer area array interposer. It provides for an elastomeric interposer surrounding fine metal wires which extend through the elastomeric materials permanently bonded to a rigid wiring substrate. It is useful for electrically connecting two substrates having high density interconnections. The structure described is comprised of conductive wires embedded in an elastomer material that are permanently bonded to the rigid wiring substrate. The contact interface is comprised of ball shaped gold wire conductors surrounded by an elastomer material. It is specifically adapted to interconnecting with flat gold plated pads on the surface of the mating substrate. The ball shaped contact surface is not large enough for use with an SBC type contact. SBC interconnection with this type of a ball shaped contact surface would cause excessive degradation of the connecting wires and ball shaped contact and limit the durability and reliability of the interface for socket applications.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,371,654, issued Dec. 6, 1994 to Beaman et al., is directed to a structure for packaging electronic devices, such as semiconductor chips, in a three dimensional structure. The structure includes a multilayer wiring substrate for X-Y connections along with an elastomeric connector for Z axis connections. The elastomeric connector described is specifically adapted to a three dimensional packaging approach and does not require a contact interface with high durability. Also, the contact interface in this patent is comprised of an elastomeric connector having gold wire conductors mated to flat gold plated pads on the surface of the multilayer wiring substrate. The contact interface on the elastomeric connector would not be compatible for connection to the solder ball on an SBC module.

The present invention provides solutions to the unique SBC module interconnecting problems. The following interconnector requirements should be considered in order to satisfactorily connect to a module whose pinouts are solder ball connections.

Firstly, the solder ball connections have irregular ball sizes. Additionally, the printed circuit board to which the module is connected has planarity variations of its contact pads. Thus, the interconnector contact interface should have high compliance to enable it to yield elastically when contact forces are applied.

Secondly, the SBC interconnector should have a contact metallurgy such that it does not form a high resistance intermetallic layer with the solder balls even for high temperature applications.

Thirdly, the interconnector should be such as to minimize deformation of the solder ball while the SBC module is connected to the interconnecting structure.

Fourthly, the SBC interconnector contact interface should be of high durability to allow multiple repeated connections and disconnections of the SBC module without degradation.

In addition, the SBC interconnector should act as a clamping fixture so as to provide consistent pressure between the SBC module and the interconnector contacts. Preferably, the fixture should include a means of aligning the corresponding contacts on the interconnector with the solder balls on the module and also with the connecting article.


It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved electrical connecting device. Another object of the present invention is to provide a means for the connecting device to act as a clamping fixture so as to provide consistent pressure between the contacts of a module being interconnected, the interconnecting device and a connecting article. Preferably, the fixture should include a means of aligning the corresponding contacts on the interconnecting device with the module contacts and also with the connecting article.

A broad aspect of the present invention is a structure having a dielectric body. The dielectric body has a first surface, a second surface, and at least one embedded conductive member. Each conductive member has a first end extending to or through the first body surface, and a second end extending to or through the second surface. At least one of the ends being enlarged and having a wide top surface area.

In a particular aspect of the present invention, an enlarged end is comprised of a grouping means for grouping together a combination of at least two embedded members.

In another particular aspect of the present invention, the structure further comprises a compression means: for compressing a solder ball connection on an external component to an enlarged end of the structure; for compressing an enlarged end of an embedded wire to a solder ball connection on an external component; and to compress the other end of the embedded wire to a contact on an external article.

In still another particular aspect of the present invention, the structure further comprises a component having at least one solder ball connection making contact with an enlarged end of an embedded wire or wire grouping, and a connecting article having at least one article contact making connection with the other end of the embedded wire or a wire grouping of embedded wires. The structure also has a compression means for compressing the solder ball connection to the enlarged end and preferably to also compress the article contact to the other wire end or wire grouping.

In another particular aspect of the present invention, the structure's compression means further comprises: one or more spacers disposed such as to prevent over compression; one or more contact alignment means to align the structure with a connecting article and/or a connecting component; and/or a stiffener disposed so as to prevent bowing of the external article.

Another broad aspect of the present invention is a process to make a structure comprising the steps of: providing an electrically conductive substrate having a periphery, a first substrate surface and a second substrate surface; attaching a first plurality of conductive pads to the first substrate surface; attaching a second plurality of conductive pads to the second substrate surface disposed to correspond with and be opposite to the first plurality of conductive pads and leaving an exposed substrate area on the substrate; attaching at least one conductive member to each of the first plurality of conductive pads, with the conductive member disposed such as to form a free standing structure having a straight end; forming at each straight end an enlarged wire bonding contact having a wide top area surface; placing a dam upon the first surface such as to enclose its periphery, with the dam being disposed such as to surround the conductive members; filling the dam with a dielectric material such as to leave each wire bonding contact exposed at a top face of the dielectric material; and etching away the substrate at its exposed substrate area such as to leave an array of individual button contacts.

In a more particular aspect of the process according to the present invention, the enlarged contact is formed by bonding a conductive contact pad to one or more of the wire bonding contacts at the enlarged contact surface, or the enlarged contact is formed by bonding a polymer pad to one or more of the wire bonding contacts at the enlarged contact surface


FIG. 1

shows a magnified view of a solder ball contact in typical relationship to an unmodified wire bonding contact.

FIG. 2

shows a magnified view of a solder ball contact in relationship to a conductive pad contact attached to a single embedded wire.

FIG. 3

shows a magnified view of a solder ball contact in relationship to a conductive pad contact attached to a two wire grouping.

FIG. 4

shows a magnified view of a solder ball contact in relationship to a polymer contact attached to a single embedded wire.

FIG. 5

shows a magnified view of a solder ball contact in relationship to a polymer contact attached to a two wire grouping.

FIG. 6

shows a magnified view of a solder ball contact in relationship to wire bonding contact leading from a two wire grouping which is surrounded by a thin layer of flexible polymer.

FIG. 7

shows an interconnector fixture using the interconnector of this invention.

FIG. 8

shows another interconnector fixture using the interconnector of this invention.

FIG. 9

shows an interconnector fixture for a connecting article having SBC type contacts.

FIG. 10

shows the application of gold plating to an area array on the substrate.

FIG. 11

shows the bonding of wires to the gold plated areas.

FIG. 12

shows the formation of laser balls on the bonded wires.

FIG. 13

shows the wires enclosed in a casting dam.

FIG. 14

shows the etching of the exposed substrate surface.

FIG. 15

shows the first interconnector assembly.

FIG. 16

shows the second interconnector assembly.

FIG. 17

shows a typical stamped substrate on the bonded wires.

FIG. 18

shows an expanded view of a stamped substrate.

FIG. 19

shows a magnified side view of the second substrate sub-assembly.

FIG. 20

shows the third interconnector assembly.

FIG. 21

shows a magnified side view of the third substrate subassembly.


The present invention provides an improved electrical connecting device useable for interconnecting a module having high density type contacts with a printed circuit board or with another module. In particular, this invention is a structure, to be referred henceforth as an interconnector, for the interconnection of a connecting article with a module having contacts preferably of the SBC type. The significance of the SBC interconnector contact area problem is observed by considering the illustration of FIG.



FIG. 1

shows a magnified view of an SBC module


mated with an interconnector


. The solder ball contact


is shown in typical relationship to a heretofore typical elastomeric socket wire bonding contact


formed at an end of an embedded wire


. The wire bonding contact


is 1 to 10 mils in diameter. Thus, the irregular




mil diameter solder ball


cannot make reliable or durable contact with the wire bonding contact


. It has been found that when the wire bonding contact


is not modified or supported, repeated engagements and disengagements with the solder ball contact


causes degradation of the wire contact end and its embedded wire. The inventors have shown experimentally that enlarging and/or supporting the top surface area of the wire bonding contact


increases the durability and reliability of the interconnector



Experiments have shown that a means to achieve repeated, long term and reliable connectivity is to enlarge the top surface area of the wire bonding contact. Several alternative means are herein described which provide the needed enlarged top surface area. In one means shown in

FIG. 2

, a conductive contact pad


having a wide top-surface-area


is attached to each wire bonding contact


on the interconnector top surface


of interconnector


. The contact pad


is attached to the wire bonding contact


along the pad's bottom surface


. The pad's bottom surface is generally plated with a noble metal to enable formation of a low resistance attachment. The contact pad's


top surface area


makes available to the solder ball a wide area of contact surface area. The top surface area


is also generally plated. Compression of the solder ball contact


of an SBC module


against a contact pad


results in a reliable and durable electrical connection. It has also been found that difficulty in providing durable connection and consistent pressure between the SBC module


and the interconnector contacts is largely due to the small size and weakness of each individual embedded wire


which is used as the interconnecting medium. The medium is inadequate to withstand the long-term and repeated applied pressure from a module's solder ball contact


. A means is desirable for strengthening the interconnecting medium used to make connection with each solder ball contact.

A means to strengthen the interconnector medium is to group two or more embedded wires for connection to a common contact pad


. A two wire grouping


is shown in FIG.


. The grouping


provides enhanced ability to the embedded wires to withstand the pressure resulting from a compressed connection of the solder ball


to the contact pad


. It results in an increased strength and compliant connective medium. Combining three or more wires in a grouping for attachment to a common contact pad further strengthens the connecting medium. In a three wire grouping the wires are best attached to the pad to form a triangle. In a four wire grouping the wires are preferably attached to the pads to form a square.

A third alternative capable of providing connection of an SBC module to a circuit board and having enhanced durability is shown in FIG.


. In this embodiment the conducting contact pad is replaced with a polymer pad


. Use of a polymer pad enhances the overall compliance of the contact. The polymer pad


is coated with a metal


. The metal coating


is attached to make electrical contact with an embedded wire


. The metal coating


is generally plated with a noble metal.

A fourth embodiment combines the attributes of the second and third embodiments by having the polymer pad


enclose two or more wire bonding contacts


to form a wire group


as shown in FIG.


. The enclosed wire bonding contacts


are all attached to make electrical contact with the common metal coating


. This provides both a wide top end contact area for the solder ball contact


and also increases the strength, compliance and durability of the connecting medium which is a wire group


rather than an individual wire



FIG. 6

shows a magnified view of another alternative means for an interconnector with enhanced durability. It uses a thin layer of flexible polymer


placed upon the top surface


of the interconnector


. The polymer is made to surround and essentially captivate the wire bonding contacts. Increased strength results when the polymer surrounds and captivates together two or more wire bonding contacts.

FIG. 6

shows a two wire grouping. The wire bonding contact


on the end of the conductor wire


should have its top surface exposed and is best placed to be flush with the polymer surface


of the layer of polymer


. The exposed wire bonding contact should be able to make direct electrical contact with the solder ball


on the SBC module


. The thin layer of polymer distributes the contact force from the solder balls


on the SBC module over a wider area of the polymer surface


thereby preventing excessive deformation of the wire grouping


in the dielectric material


. The dielectric material


is generally an elastomeric material.

In the present invention either or both ends of an embedded wire may have an enlarged end. An enlarged end may be attached to a single embedded wire or to a grouping means for grouping together a combination of at least two embedded members at the enlarged end. This is applicable when the grouping means is comprised of a conductive pad, or when the grouping means is comprised of a polymer pad which has a metallic coating which makes electrical contact with the enlarged end, especially when the coating is a metal selected from the group consisting of Au, Pd, Pt, or one of their alloys, or when an enlarged end extends to or through the body surface at a surface location wherein the grouping means is comprised of a polymer layer disposed over a body surface, and wherein the polymer layer has a hole corresponding to the surface location.

The enhanced durability connection methods described are best employed when the interconnector includes a fixture which can provide controlled connectivity of the SBC module to the connecting article. Therefore another object of the present invention is to provide a means to the connecting device to act as a clamping fixture so as to provide consistent pressure between the contacts of a module being interconnected, the interconnecting device and a connecting article. Preferably, the fixture should include a means of aligning the corresponding contacts on the interconnecting device with the module contacts and also with the connecting article.

FIG. 7

shows an embodiment of such a fixture


. The interconnector


is held by a dam


in a position such that its lower laser ball contacts


are aligned with printed circuit board pads


on the connecting article


. The SBC module


is positioned such that its solder balls


are aligned with the contact pads


. A top plate


is placed over the SBC module


. The entire assembly is held in place with fasteners


such as the nut and bolt shown in FIG.



FIG. 8

shows improvements that can be made to the fixture


. These include the use of a cushion


between the SBC module


and the top plate


. The cushion is a polymer cushion


which is used to transfer the clamping force from the top plate


of the clamping fixture


to the top surface of the SBC module


. Use of a controlled thickness spacer


prevents over-compression of the solder ball contacts


with the connecting pads


. The spacer


should also have an alignment feature


for fine alignment of the SBC module


. The fixture


should also have a stiffener


placed between the fastener


and the connecting article


. Use of a stiffener


prevents bowing of the connecting article



The same methods employed for enabling reliable connection to the SBC module are useable for connection to the connecting article when desired or necessary.

FIG. 9

shows a modified interconnector


useable to connect with an article


having SBC type contacts


or other similar contacts. In this situation, a second alignment feature


could be used for aligning the interconnector article pads


with the connecting article solder balls


. A second spacer


could be used between the connecting article


and the enlarged first spacer


. The second spacer


could be made of an elastic polymer.

In a similar fashion, the alternate techniques described and shown in

FIGS. 2-6

can be used for either or both contact sides of the interconnector


. The large pads


could be either of polymer or of a metallic material. A desirable process to fabricate large polymer pads


on the interconnector's article connecting surface is the following. A metallic sheet prestamped with a pattern having holes centered around, matching and larger than the article surface laser board arrangement is formed and attached to the interconnector surface. The patterned hole openings are filled partially or wholly with a polymer material. To form polymer pads, the structure is cured and the mask is removed either physically or by etching. To form metallic pads, the patterned holes are not filled wholly so as to leave room to spot or evaporate a desirable contact metallurgy over the laser ball and polymer surface before the mask is removed.

FIG. 10

shows the first step used to fabricate an interconnector assembly, such as the interconnector assembly


shown in

FIG. 8

, with conductive contact pads


for the fixture


. A substrate


, made of copper or other suitable conductive material, is fabricated with an area array of gold plated bottom surfaces


on the substrate bottom surface


, and a correspondingly positioned area array of gold plated top surfaces


on the substrate top surface


. Other noble metal such as Pt or Pd can be used for the substrate area array plating instead of gold. A barrier layer is typically used under the noble metal to prevent diffusion of the substrate to the surface.

FIG. 11

shows the next step of bonding the wire bonding contacts


of two bond wires


. The bond wire


is formed at an angle and cut to form a free standing structure with a straight end


. Although

FIG. 11

shows two bonding wires


bonded to the gold plated top surface, the same process would be followed when bonding laser balls emanating from one, three or more bond wires to each gold plated top surface.

FIG. 12

shows the laser ball forming process at ends


of the angled bond wires


to create ball shaped contacts


. The size of a ball shaped contact


on the end of the angled bond wires


is controlled by the laser power density and the alignment of the focal point from the end


of the wire. The resulting array of angled bond wires


forms the first substrate sub-assembly


upon which a casting dam


is placed.

A casting dam


is placed around the array of angled bond wires as shown in FIG.


. The casting dam


is used to contain an uncured dielectric material


until it is cured. The dielectric is usually a liquid elastomer. A controlled volume of dielectric material


is dispensed into the cavity formed by the casting dam


such as to leave the ball shaped contacts


exposed. The dielectric material is allowed to settle out before curing. Once the dielectric has cured, the substrate


is chemically etched as shown in FIG.


. The etching process selectively removes the exposed unplated substrate on the substrate bottom surface


thereby leaving an array of individual conductive contact pads


. The resulting first interconnector assembly


is inverted as shown in FIG.


. The interconnector assembly


becomes an integral part of fixture


, as shown in FIG.



Any of the alternative methods described for forming high durability contacts on an interconnector


to connect to a module having solder ball contacts


can be used in producing a different interconnector assembly. Thus,

FIG. 16

shows a second interconnector assembly


resulting when using polymer pads of the type illustrated in FIG.



A process to form the polymer pads includes the following steps. A conductive substrate, usually a copper substrate, is prestamped with the desired shape and dimensions.

FIG. 17

shows such a typical substrate


in relation to a substrate carrier


. The stamping is such as to form a crater


in the substrate


at each point where it is desired to locate a polymer pad. An expanded view of the stamped substrate for a




pad array is shown in FIG.


. The substrate


is thus capable of having up to



FIG. 19

shows a magnified portion of a side view of the stamped substrate


with craters


. The craters


generally have fixed pitch and height. Wires


, having thermionic wire bonds


at one end, are put down at the bottom


of a crater


as shown in FIG.


. The wires are formed at an angle and cut to form a free standing structure with a straight end


. A laser ball


is formed at the straight end


of each wire. A polymer


is poured into each crater


so as to cover the wire bond


, but not to reach the top of the crater


. The polymer may be epoxy, polyimide or others known to those skilled in the art. The polymer is fully cured thereby forming a hard and large polymer pad. The resulting array of angled bond wires


forms the second substrate sub-assembly


upon which a casting dam


is placed.

The second interconnector


, shown in

FIG. 16

, can be formed by placing a casting dam


around the array of angled bond wires


of second substrate sub-assembly


in a similar fashion as was described for the embodiment shown in FIG.


. The casting dam


, shown inverted in

FIG. 16

, is used to contain an uncured dielectric material


, usually an elastomeric solution, until it is cured. A controlled volume of dielectric material


is dispensed into the cavity formed by the casting dam


such as to leave the ball shaped contacts


exposed. The dielectric material is allowed to settle out before curing. Once the dielectric has cured, the substrate


is chemically etched. The etching process is such as to selectively remove the substrate crater walls


so as to leave an array of individual metallic covered polymer pads


. The metallic cover


is generally plated with a noble metal. The plating serves as the contact interface with the solder ball


on an SBC module. The spaces


between contact pads


provides a means of mechanical decoupling from the adjacent contact pads and allows the contact pads


to compress independently for high compliance applications. The resulting second interconnector assembly


is inverted to the configuration shown in FIG.


. The second interconnector assembly


can become an integral part of fixture


replacing first interconnector



FIG. 7

, and an integral part of fixture


replacing first interconnector


in FIG.



FIG. 20

shows a third interconnector assembly


resulting when the technique shown in

FIG. 6

is used. It uses plated wire bonding contacts


to connect directly with the solder ball connections. The wire bonding contacts


are captivated in a flexible polymer


. It is best to have the balls bonds


on the ends of the conductive wires


flush with the polymer top surface


of the thin layer of polymer


so as to provide a direct contact interface with the solder ball contacts of the SBC module. The third interconnector assembly


can be formed by using a thin, essentially flat substrate


shown in FIG.


. The substrate is marked correspondingly on both its flat surfaces to indicate the desired positions of the wire bonding contacts. Wires


, having thermionic wire bonds


at one end, are put down according to the substrate marking. The wires are formed at an angle and cut to form a free standing structure with a straight end


. A laser ball


is formed at the straight end


of each wire. The resulting array of angled bond wires


forms the third substrate sub-assembly


upon which a casting dam


is placed.

The third interconnector


shown in

FIG. 20

, is formed by placing a casting dam


around the array of angled bond wires


, contained in the third substrate sub-assembly


, in a similar fashion as was described for the embodiment shown in FIG.


. The casting dam


, shown inverted in

FIG. 20

, is used to receive a polymer


poured upon the substrate so as to enclose the wire bonding contacts


. The polymer may be epoxy, polyimide or others known to those skilled in the art. The polymer is fully cured thereby forming a thin polymer layer captivating the wire bonding contacts. A controlled volume of dielectric material


is dispensed into the cavity on top of the polymer layer


such as to leave the ball shaped contacts


exposed. The dielectric material, usually an elastomeric solution, is allowed to settle out before curing. Once the dielectric has cured, the substrate


is chemically etched. The etching process is such as to remove the substrate so as to leave an array of exposed individual, or groupings of, wire bonding contacts


. The wire bonding contacts


are generally plated with a noble metal. The plating serves as the contact interface with the solder ball


on an SBC module. Encasing the wire bonding contacts


in the thin layer of polymer


distributes the contact force from the solder balls


on the SBC module over a wider area on the top surface


of the interconnector socket


to prevent excessive deformation of the wire conductors


in the elastomer material


. The resulting third interconnector assembly


is inverted to the configuration shown in FIG.


. The third interconnector assembly


can become an integral part of fixture


replacing first interconnector



FIG. 7

, and an integral part of fixture


replacing first interconnector


in FIG.



While several embodiments of the invention have been described, it is understood to those skilled in the art, that many variations are available using the inventive structure and processes disclosed in this invention. It is also understood that although the inventive structures and processes were described variously using SBC contacts, wire bonding contacts, laser ball contacts and particular materials any other suitable contact technology or material may be used to achieve the intent and purpose of the present invention.

  • 1. A process for forming an electrical interconnector having contact pads with enhanced durability comprising the steps of:providing an electrically conductive substrate having a periphery, a first substrate surface and a second substrate surface; attaching a first plurality of conductive pads to said first substrate surface; attaching a second plurality of conductive pads to said second substrate surface, said second plurality of conductive pads being disposed to correspond with and be opposite to said first plurality of conductive pads, and leaving an exposed substrate area on said second substrate surface; forming at least one conductive member, said conductive member having a first end and a second end; attaching said first end of at least one conductive member to said first plurality of conductive pads, said conductive member disposed such as to form a free standing structure at said second end; forming a ball shaped contact at said second end; bonding a conductive contact pad to at least one ball shaped contact; placing a dam upon said first substrate surface such as to enclose said periphery, and being disposed such as to surround said conductive members; filing said dam with a liquid elastomer dielectric material such as to leave said ball shaped contact exposed at a top face of said dielectric material; placing a polymer layer upon said dielectric material to surround said ball shaped contact; etching away said substrate at said exposed substrate area such as to leave an array of individual button contacts, thereby forming a structure.
  • 2. The process as in claim 1, further comprising the step of loading said dam with a polymer sufficient to cover said attaching end.
  • 3. The process as in claim 2, further comprising the step of removing said polymer corresponding and opposite to said exposed substrate area.
  • 4. A process as in one of claims 1-3, in which said first end is enlarged, and further comprising the step of enclosing said structure, an external module having at least one solder ball connection, and an external article having at least one article contact, in a compression means for compressing said solder ball connection to said first end and for compressing said article contact to said second end.
  • 5. The process as in claim 1, in which said first end is enlarged and further comprising the steps of:enclosing said structure, an external module having at least one solder ball connection, and an external article having at least one article contact, in a compression means for compressing said solder ball connection to said first end and for compressing said article contact to said second end; providing said compression means with a first alignment means to align said solder ball contact with said first end; providing said compression means with a second alignment means to align said article contact with said second end; and providing said compression means with a stiffener disposed so as to prevent bowing of said external article.

This application is a Div of Ser. No. 08/527,733 Sep. 13,1995, U.S. Pat No. 5,810,607.

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