Power conditioning module

In one aspect, the present invention is a technique of, and a system for conditioning power for a consuming device. In this regard, a power conditioning module, affixed to an integrated circuit device, conditions power to be applied to the integrated circuit device. The power conditioning module includes a semiconductor substrate having a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface. The power conditioning module further includes a plurality of interface vias, to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface, and a first set of pads, disposed on the first interface and a second set of pads disposed on the second interface. Each of the pads is connected to a corresponding one of the interface vias on either the first or second interface. The power conditioning module also includes electrical circuitry, disposed within semiconductor substrate, to condition the power to be applied to the integrated circuit device. The electrical circuitry may be disposed on the first interface, the second interface, or both interfaces. Moreover, the electrical circuitry includes at least one voltage regulator and at least one capacitor.


This invention relates to a method and an apparatus for electrical power conditioning and thermal capture/rejection management systems; and more particularly, in one aspect, to integrating electrical power conditioning techniques and heat capture and removal techniques into or onto a common substrate, such as silicon, germanium, gallium arsenic.

Electronic and electrical devices continue to demand additional power as the number of transistors on a semiconductor device, for example a microprocessor, increase dramatically. As a result of that increasing demand, there is an increasing demand on the power conditioning and heat rejection capabilities of systems that support such devices. For example, as microprocessor speed and transistor count increase, there is an increasing requirement for electrical power (an increase in average power consumption) conditioning. Further, as more and more functions are integrated into the microprocessor, for example, the functions typically performed by the floating point processors and video or graphics processors, the power conditioning system must address or respond to the rapidly varying temporal and spatial levels of power consumption. Moreover, the increase in microprocessor speed and transistor count, and the incorporation of more and more functions into the microprocessor, have also created a rapidly increasing requirement to capture and remove heat generated by such microprocessors.

Power supplies are available to meet the power demands, however, the power supply is often located some distance from the consuming device. The finite wire lengths between the supply and the device include capacitance and inductance that introduce time delays in the delivery of power in response to changes in demand by the consuming device. As mentioned above, the temporal change in power consumption of, for example, a microprocessor, is increasing as processor speeds increase and as more and more functions are incorporated into the microprocessor. In response, power conditioning electrical/electronics systems are being placed closer and closer to the consuming device. Locating the power conditioning elements, such as voltage regulators, capacitors, DC-DC converters, near the consuming device may address the concerns regarding the power conditioning needs.

A conventional configuration of the power conditioning system is illustrated in FIG.


. That system often includes discrete capacitors, voltage regulators, and AC-DC or DC-DC converters. Briefly, discrete capacitors typically are located in physical proximity with and electrically connected to the integrated circuit device. As such, sudden demands by the device during operation may be satisfied by the charge stored on the capacitor, thereby maintaining a relatively constant input voltage for the time necessary for the increased demand to be addressed by the supply. Such capacitors are typically known as bypass capacitors, and are common elements in analog circuit design, digital circuit design, and power device circuit design.

Voltage regulators are employed to take input power at a high voltage (for example, 7 volts), and provide relatively stable output power at a lower voltage (for example, 1 to 5 volts). Voltage regulators tend to provide the lower voltage with greatly increased immunity to variations in the high voltage level, or to variations in current drawn by the consuming device. Regulators are commonly employed in designs of analog and digital electronic power conditioning systems, and are increasingly likely to be placed in proximity to devices that have rapidly time-varying power requirements.

AC-DC and DC-DC converters are employed to transform a particular supply voltage from a convenient source into an appropriate form for consumption by, for example, the integrated circuit device. In many cases, system power electronics provide for a single, relatively high voltage (for example, 48 volt DC, or 110 volt AC), whereas the integrated circuit device may require very different supply voltages (for example, 1 to 5 volts, DC). Under this circumstance, converters transform the power and provide the input voltage required by the device. In some systems, converters are located as close to the consuming device as possible so as to provide stable voltage during variations in power consumption by that device. (See, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,901,040; 6,191,945; and 6,285,550).

In addition to the power management considerations, the increase in power consumption of these devices has imposed an additional burden on the thermal management system (i.e., systems that capture, remove and/or reject energy in the form of heat). In response, thermal management systems have employed such conventional techniques as heat sinks, fans, cold plates systems that employ cooling water, and/or combinations thereof for heat-capture, removal and rejection from, for example, an integrated circuit device. Such conventional heat management designs locate the thermal capture and rejection elements on or very near the integrated circuit device packaging. (See, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,191,945 and 6,285,550).

For example, with reference to

FIG. 1

, heat sinks generally consist of metal plates with fins that transport heat from the consuming device to the surrounding air by natural convection. Heat sinks tend to be located or positioned directly on the integrated circuit device packaging. Heat sinks serve to increase the area of contact between the device and the surrounding air, thereby reducing the temperature rise for a given power.

One technique to enhance the heat transfer between a heat sink and the surrounding air is to employ a fan (typically rotating blades driven by electric motors) in conjunction with a heat sink. Fans may enhance the heat transfer between a heat sink and the surrounding air by causing the air to circulate through the heat sink with greater velocity than by natural convection.

Another technique used by conventional systems to enhance the capabilities of the thermal management system is to reduce the thermal resistance between the consuming device and the heat sink. This often involves reducing the number and thickness of the layers between the device, the device package and the heat sink. (See, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,191,945 and 6,285,550).

In sum, conventional systems address power conditioning and thermal management requirements by placing both the power conditioning and heat capture and rejection elements as close to the integrated circuit device as possible. This has led to the typical, conventional layout that is illustrated in FIG.


. With reference to

FIG. 1

, the consuming device is an integrated circuit device. The thermal management element is heat sink that is in contact with the consuming device. In some implementation, the heat capture, removal and rejection (via the heat sink) may be relatively high.

Further, the power conditioning circuitry (capacitors, voltage regulators, AC-DC and DC-DC converters) is positioned next to the consuming device to reduce the wiring length between the supply and the integrated circuit device.

While such conventional power conditioning and thermal management techniques may be suitable for power consumption and heat capture/rejection requirements for some current device, conventional techniques are unlikely to address the anticipated increases in both power consumption and heat capture, removal and rejection requirements of other current devices as well as future devices. Accordingly, there is a need for new power conditioning techniques to accommodate anticipated increases in both power consumption and heat capture, removal and/or rejection requirements.

Moreover, there is a need for improved power conditioning and thermal management techniques to accommodate increases in both power consumption and heat capture, removal and rejection requirements of current and future devices. Further, there is a need for improved power conditioning and thermal management techniques for devices that may be implemented in space-constrained applications (for example, portable computers). In this regard, there is a need for incorporating the power conditioning and heat capture/rejection elements into the same volume in a stacked configuration as well as address the anticipated increases in both power consumption and heat capture, removal and rejection requirements.

In addition, there is a need for an improved technique(s) of power conditioning and heat capture/rejection that integrate the power conditioning and heat capture/rejection elements with the consuming device (for example, an integrated circuit device) itself—thereby reducing the deficiencies in the power conditioning due to delays in signal propagation and reducing the thermal resistance from the device to the heat sink due to physical separation and additional interfaces. This results in increasing the overall efficiency of both power conditioning and thermal management capabilities of the system.

Moreover, there is a need for power conditioning and heat capture/rejection elements that are stacked in a compact configuration to facilitate a compact packaged device which limits deficiencies in the power conditioning due to delays in signal propagation and enhances the thermal attributes of the packaged device.

Further, while such conventional power conditioning techniques may be suitable for some applications, there is a need for a power conditioning technique that addresses the anticipated increases in power consumption in all applications. For example, there is a need for improved power conditioning techniques for devices that may be implemented in space-constrained applications. Accordingly, there is a need for improved power conditioning techniques to accommodate anticipated increases in power consumption as well as applications having stringent space requirements.


In a first principal aspect, the present invention is a power conditioning module, affixed to an integrated circuit device, for conditioning power to be applied to the integrated circuit device. The power conditioning module includes a semiconductor substrate having a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface. The power conditioning module further includes a plurality of interface vias, to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface, and a first set of pads disposed on the first interface, each of these pads is connected to a is corresponding one of the interface vias on the first interface. The power conditioning module also includes a second set of pads disposed on the second interface, each of these pads is connected to a corresponding one of the interface vias on the second interface.

In addition, the power conditioning module includes electrical circuitry, disposed within a semiconductor substrate, to condition the power to be applied to the integrated circuit device. The electrical circuitry may be disposed on the first interface, the second interface, or both interfaces. Moreover, the electrical circuitry includes at least one voltage regulator and at least one capacitor.

In one embodiment of this aspect of the invention, the power conditioning module also includes at least one power pad disposed on the second interface and at least one power via disposed in the semiconductor substrate. The power via is electrically connected to the power pad to provide electrical connection between the second interface and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor. The power via may be electrically connected to a power conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate. The combination of the power pad, via and conduit provides electrical connection between the second interface and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.

In another embodiment, the power conditioning module may include at least one output power conduit, coupled to the electrical circuitry, to provide conditioned power to the integrated circuit device. The output power conduit may connect to an input power pad disposed on the first interface. The input power pad may correspond to an input of the integrated circuit device.

The power conditioning module of this aspect of the invention may also include current sensor(s), disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to provide information that is representative of a current consumption of the integrated circuit and/or electrical circuit. A controller, coupled to the current sensor, may receive that information and, in response, may adjust the cooling of the integrated circuit and/or the power conditioning module.

The power conditioning module may also include temperature sensor(s), disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to provide information that is representative of a temperature of a region in proximity to the temperature sensor. A controller may be coupled to the temperature sensor to receive that information and, in response, may adjust the cooling of the integrated circuit and/or the power conditioning module.

In a second principal aspect, the present invention is a power conditioning and thermal management module adapted to couple to an integrated circuit device. The power conditioning and thermal management module includes a power conditioning element having a first interface and a second interface, wherein the first interface opposes the second interface. The power conditioning element includes a semiconductor substrate, a plurality of interface vias, disposed in the semiconductor substrate, and electrical circuitry to condition the power to be applied to the integrated circuit device. The electrical circuitry includes at least one voltage regulator and at least one capacitor. The electrical circuitry may be disposed on the first interface, second interface or both interfaces of the power conditioning element.

The power conditioning and thermal management module of this aspect of the invention further includes a thermal management element having a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface. The thermal management element, during operation, uses a fluid having a liquid phase to capture thermal energy. The thermal management element includes a substrate, wherein the substrate includes at least a portion of a micro channel disposed therein and configured to permit fluid flow therethrough.

The thermal management element also may include a plurality of interface vias to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface of the thermal management element. The plurality of interface vias of the thermal management element may connect to a corresponding one of the plurality of interface vias of the power management element to provide electrical connection between the first interface of the power conditioning element and the second interface of the thermal management element. In this regard, the first interface of the thermal management element may be physically bonded to the second interface of the power conditioning element.

The power conditioning and thermal management module of this aspect of the invention may also include a pump (for example, an electro-osmotic pump), adapted to connect to the micro channel, to produce the flow of the fluid in the micro channel.

In one embodiment of this aspect of the invention, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes current sensor(s); disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to provide information that is representative of a current consumption of the integrated circuit and/or the electrical circuitry. The power conditioning and thermal management module may also include a controller, coupled to the current sensor, to receive the information that is representative of the current consumption of the integrated circuit. In response to that information, the controller may adjust the flow of the fluid in the micro channel. In this regard, the controller may adjust a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.

In another embodiment, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes temperature sensor(s), disposed in the power conditioning and thermal management module, to provide information which is representative of the temperature of a region of the power conditioning and thermal management module or in a region of the integrated circuit. A controller, coupled to the temperature sensor, may receive the temperature indicative information and, in response thereto, may adjust the flow of the fluid in the micro channel. For example, the controller may adjust a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.

In yet another embodiment of this aspect of the invention, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes at least one power pad disposed on the second interface of the thermal management element and at least one power via. The power via is electrically connected to the power pad to provide electrical connection between the second interface of the thermal management element and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor. The power via may be electrically connected to a power conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate of the power management element. The power conduit provides electrical connection between the power via and the electrical circuitry (i.e., at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor).

In another embodiment, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes at least one power via disposed in the substrate of the thermal management element, at least one power pad disposed on the second interface of the thermal management element, and at least one output power conduit, coupled to the electrical circuitry, to provide conditioned power to the integrated circuit device. The power pad of this embodiment is electrically connected to the power via to provide electrical connection between the second interface of the thermal management element and the electrical circuitry. The output power conduit may connect to an input power pad disposed on the first interface of the power conditioning element. The input power pad corresponds to the power input pin/pad of the integrated circuit device.

In a third principal aspect, the present invention is a power conditioning and thermal management module that couples to an integrated circuit device. The power conditioning and thermal management module has a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface. The power conditioning and thermal management module includes a semiconductor substrate, a plurality of interface vias to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface, and a first plurality of pads disposed on the first interface, each of the first plurality of pads is connected to a corresponding one of the interface vias on the first interface. The power conditioning and thermal management module also includes a second plurality of pads disposed on the second interface, each of the second plurality of pads is connected to a corresponding one of the interface vias on the second interface.

In addition, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes electrical circuitry and a micro channel structure. The electrical circuitry is disposed in the semiconductor substrate and conditions the power to be applied to the integrated circuit device. The electrical circuitry may be disposed on the first interface, the second interface or both interfaces. The electrical circuitry includes at least one voltage regulator and at least one capacitor. The micro channel structure includes at least one micro channel disposed in the semiconductor substrate to capture thermal energy.

The power conditioning and thermal management module of this aspect of the invention may also include current sensor(s), temperature sensor(s), and a controller. The current sensor(s), temperature sensor(s), and/or controller may be disposed in the power conditioning and thermal management module. The controller, may be coupled to the current sensor(s) and/or temperature sensor(s), to receive the current or temperature indicative information and, in response thereto, may adjust the rate of capture of thermal energy by the micro channel structure. In this regard, the controller may adjust the flow of the fluid in the micro channel and/or a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.

In one embodiment of this aspect of the invention, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes at least one power pad disposed on the second interface and at least one power via. The power pad is electrically connected to the power via to provide electrical connection between the second interface and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor. The power via may be electrically connected to a power conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate. The power conduit provides electrical connection between the power pad and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.

In another embodiment, the power conditioning and thermal management module includes at least one output power conduit, coupled to the electrical circuitry, to provide conditioned power to the integrated circuit device. The output power conduit may connect to an input power pad disposed on the first interface of the power conditioning element. The input power pad may correspond to the power input of the integrated circuit device.


In the course of the detailed description to follow, reference will be made to the attached drawings. These drawings show different aspects of the present invention and, where appropriate, reference numerals illustrating like structures, components and/or elements in different figures are labeled similarly. It is understood that various combinations of the structures, components and/or elements other than those specifically shown are contemplated and within the scope of the present invention.

FIG. 1

is a block diagram representation of a conventional approach to power conditioning and heat capture/rejection for integrated circuit, for example, microprocessors;

FIG. 2

is a cross-sectional view of a discrete power conditioning module in accordance with one aspect of the present invention;

FIG. 3

is a block diagram representation of an embodiment of the power conditioning module of

FIG. 2

incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 4

is a block diagram representation of another embodiment of the power conditioning and heat capture/rejection module according to the present invention incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 5

is a cross-sectional view of a discrete power conditioning module, including power and ground conduits, in accordance with an aspect of the present invention;

FIG. 6

is a block diagram representation of a top view of the interface of the power conditioning module according to one aspect of the present invention;

FIG. 7

is a block diagram representation of an embodiment of a power conditioning and thermal management module according to one aspect of the present invention incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 8

is a cross-sectional view of a power conditioning and thermal management module in accordance with one aspect of the present invention;

FIG. 9

is a block diagram representation of the power conditioning and thermal management module of

FIG. 8

incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 10A

is a top of a micro channel configuration of a thermal management element in accordance with one aspect of the present invention;

FIG. 10B

is a cross sectional view, along line AA, of the micro channel configuration of a thermal management element illustrated in

FIG. 10A


FIG. 11

is a block diagram representation of another embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module, incorporated in a dual-in-line package, face-down integrated circuit application;

FIG. 12A

is a block diagram representation of another embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module, incorporated in a dual-in-line package, face-up integrated circuit application;

FIG. 12B

is a block diagram representation of the embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module, incorporated in a dual-in-line package, face-up integrated circuit application of

FIG. 12A

in conjunction with a package lid;

FIG. 13

is a cross-sectional view of another embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module, mounted on a printed circuit board, in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 14

is a cross-sectional view of another embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module of the present invention;

FIG. 15

is a block diagram representation of an embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module of

FIG. 12

incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 16

is a cross-sectional view of another embodiment of the power conditioning and thermal management module of the present invention;

FIG. 17A

is a block diagram representation and cross-sectional view of an embodiment of the integrated power conditioning and heat capture/rejection module of

FIG. 16

, in conjunction with a discrete heat capture/rejection module, incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 17B

is a block diagram representation and cross-sectional view of an embodiment of the integrated power conditioning and heat capture/rejection module of

FIG. 16

, in conjunction with a discrete thermal capture element, incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 18

is a cross-sectional view of a power conditioning and thermal management module in accordance with another aspect of the present invention;




B and


C are block diagram representations of the power conditioning and thermal management modules incorporated in an integrated circuit application;

FIG. 20

is a block diagram representation of one embodiment of a closed-loop power conditioning and thermal management system according to the present invention;

FIG. 21

is a block diagram representation of another embodiment of the closed-loop power conditioning and thermal management system according to the present invention;

FIG. 22

is a block diagram representation of another embodiment of the closed-loop power conditioning and thermal management system according to the present invention;

FIG. 23

is a block diagram representation of another embodiment of the power conditioning system according to the present invention; and

FIG. 24

is a block diagram representation of a closed loop power conditioning and thermal management system, including power and thermal buses, according to another aspect of the invention.


The present invention is directed to a technique of, and system for conditioning the power applied to a consuming device (for example, an integrated circuit device). The technique and system of the present invention optimize or enhance the power conditioning of the input power for a consuming device by stacking the power conditioning circuitry on or under the consuming device. Several embodiments of the present invention are well suited for use in space-constrained applications, such as portable or handheld applications, that require a well conditioned input power supply for the consuming device. As such, these embodiments provide an efficient, compact (reduced volume), cost effective power conditioning system.

The present invention is also directed to a technique of, and system for conditioning the power applied to a consuming device as well as managing the heat capture, removal, and/or rejection of a consuming device and the electrical circuitry for conditioning the power. The technique and system of the present invention optimize or enhance the power conditioning and thermal management capabilities according to constraints dictated by, for example, the environment of the application and the needs of the consuming device and system. In this regard, in several of the embodiments, the technique and system of the present invention are also well suited for use in space-constrained applications that also require high heat capture, removal and rejection capabilities. The techniques and systems of these embodiments may combine or integrate the power conditioning circuitry and thermal management element into the same substrate, substrates that have similar footprints, and/or the substrate of the consuming device. As such, the power conditioning and thermal management system of these embodiments provide an efficient, compact, cost effective power conditioning and thermal management techniques.

The present invention also includes embodiments that employ a thermal management element that includes a controller that receives feedback signals from parameter sensors (for example, temperature, pressure and flow) and, responsively modifies the fluid flow from a pump(s), or modifies the fluid flow in the micro channel structure of a heat capture, removal and/or rejection element.

The present invention may also employ a current sensor(s) to provide information representative of the current consumption of the consuming device and/or power conditioning circuitry to a controller. The controller may, in response to that information, anticipate a change in the heat generation of the consuming device and/or power conditioning circuitry and modify the heat capture, removal and/or rejection capabilities of the thermal management element(s). For example, where a pump is employed to provide a working fluid to capture and remove heat, the controller may modify the fluid flow from a pump(s), or modify the fluid flow in the micro channels, to address the anticipated thermal management needs of the consuming device and/or the power conditioning element caused by the change in power consumption.

To further reduce the footprint presented by the power conditioning and thermal management system, the thermal management elements may be integrated with the power management module into a common substrate or structure. In this regard, the thermal management element(s) may employ a micro channel structure to capture and remove heat from the consuming device and/or the power conditioning circuitry.

Moreover, the present invention provides a power and thermal management module that may be located or arranged in a manner to efficiently enhance or optimize the power conditioning capabilities depending on the needs or requirements of the system. In addition, location or arrangement of the power and thermal management module of the invention may enhance or optimize the heat capture, removal and/or rejection capabilities of the system. In this regard, the relative location or position of the power conditioning element(s) and thermal management element(s) to each other, and to the consuming device, may enhance or optimize the thermal management as well as power conditioning performance of the system. Under certain circumstances, more than one thermal management element may be implemented in order to further enhance the heat capture and rejection capabilities that may further enhance the reliability of the system (for example, the power management module and the consuming device).

With reference to






, in one embodiment, the present invention is power conditioning module


that may be disposed between device


(for example, an integrated circuit device such as a microprocessor) and printed circuit board


, as illustrated in

FIG. 3

, or between device


and thermal management module


, as illustrated in FIG.


. The location of power conditioning module


, relative to consuming device


and thermal management module


, may be selected according to power, thermal and space considerations of system



The power conditioning module



FIG. 2

includes a semiconductor substrate


, interface vias





, interface pads





, power and ground vias






, power and ground pads






, and electrical circuitry


. The semiconductor substrate


includes a first interface for mating or interfacing with device


and a second interface for mating or interfacing with a substrate or board


(for example, a system printed circuit board such as a mother or daughter board).

The semiconductor substrate


may be fabricated from a number of well known materials including, for example, silicon or germanium. In certain circumstances, it may be advantageous to use a material that is the same as, or has similar properties (for example, thermal expansion) to the material used for the substrate of device


. Such a configuration may provide for enhanced operating reliability since the similar thermal expansion properties of power conditioning module


and device


may minimize the potential for defects in the electrical connections between power conditioning module


and device


typically caused during operation because of differences in thermal expansion coefficients. Moreover, using the same material or materials permits the use of the same or similar fabrication techniques and facilities/equipment thereby potentially reducing manufacturing costs.

The interface vias





provide electrical connection for signals used by device


but not used by power conditioning module


in conditioning the power for device


. In this regard, power conditioning module


provides the electrical interconnects for other signals, such as the data and address signals, used by device


. For example, where device


is a microprocessor device, interface vias





may provide an electrical pathway, through power conditioning module


, between the microprocessor and, for example DRAM or SRAM memory devices. Thus, signals from other parts of system


(for example, DRAM or SRAM memory devices) may travel or propagate by way of signal traces on printed circuit board


—through power conditioning module


—to device


by way of interface vias





The interface vias





may be fabricated using conventional processing techniques. Where the number of signals that travel to and from device


is large, it may be preferable to employ highly anisotropic etching to form narrow pathways in substrate


and to deposit (for example, using CVD or LPCVD techniques) a highly conductive material such as gold, copper, aluminum, or highly doped polysilicon into the pathways to facilitate a highly conductive interconnection.

With continued reference to

FIG. 2

, power conditioning module


of this embodiment may further include interface pads





to facilitate greater conductivity between power conditioning module


and device


or board


. In this regard, the interface pads





allow for greater tolerance in mating or interfacing power conditioning module


to board


and/or device


. The interface pads





may be fabricated using conventional techniques from highly conductive material such as gold, copper or aluminum. In a preferred embodiment, the same material is used for both interface vias





and interface pads





. Indeed, pads





may be fabricated in the same or similar manner and materials as used in ball grid array (“BGA”) or chip scale package (“CSP”) devices. The term “pad”, as used herein, includes the “ball” connection technology used in BGA packages, CSP packages, and the like.

With continued reference to

FIG. 2

, power conditioning module


may also include power and ground vias






to provide a supply voltage, supply current, reference voltages, and/or ground (supply) voltages to electrical circuitry


. The power and ground vias






may be designed and fabricated in the same manner as interface vias





It should be noted that, while only two power and ground vias are illustrated, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that additional power and ground vias may be employed where necessary or advantageous. Moreover, it should be noted that power and ground vias






may provide other voltages or currents that are necessary for electrical circuitry


to perform the functions described herein or any other desirable functions.

The power conditioning module


may also include power and ground pads






to enhance electrical conductivity between power conditioning module


and printed circuit board


. The power and ground pads






, like interface pads





, permit for greater tolerance or mismatch in mating or interfacing power conditioning module


to board


. The power and ground pads






may be designed and fabricated in the same manner as interface pads





The power conditioning module


also includes electrical circuitry


. The electrical circuitry


delivers the conditioned power to device


. In particular, electrical circuitry


provides appropriate conditioning of the voltage parameters (for example, supply voltage and ground) and current parameters (for example, supply, peak and typical operating currents) required by device


so that the voltage and current available to device


during, for example, normal operation, standby, start-up and/or shutdown, are within the ranges or tolerances required for proper and reliable operation. The electrical circuitry


may include voltage regulators, bypass capacitors, DC-DC converters, and/or AC-DC converters arranged, configured, designed and interconnected using conventional techniques and designs (for example, conventional CMOS or BJT design and fabrication techniques). A brief overview of these elements is provided in the background of the invention and, for the sake of brevity, will not be repeated here.

Importantly, by locating electrical circuitry


, such as voltage regulators, bypass capacitors, ferrite beads, DC-DC converters, and/or AC-DC converters near device


, the considerations identified above regarding power conditioning are addressed. In addition, the horizontal and vertical space consumed by electrical circuitry


is considerably reduced in relation to the conventional techniques and systems illustrated in FIG.


and contemplated in U.S. Pat. No. 6,285,550. Moreover, locating power conditioning module


on or near thermal management module


facilitates efficient capture and rejection of heat generated by electrical circuitry


in power conditioning module



The electrical circuitry


illustrated in

FIG. 2

is disposed on the first interface of substrate


. This embodiment may facilitate interfacing with the electrical power and ground inputs of device


. However, it should be noted that electrical circuitry


may also be disposed on the second interface as illustrated in FIG.


. This configuration may, for example, enhance the thermal capture and rejection capabilities with respect to the electrical circuitry of power conditioning module


and enhance signal conductivity between device


and signal traces on printed circuit board


. In addition, the configuration illustrated in

FIG. 4

may also suit the packaging requirements of device


and reduce the thermal exchange between power conditioning module


and consuming device


. The embodiment of

FIG. 4

may also accommodate manufacturing constraints of electrical circuitry


of power conditioning module



The electrical circuitry


may also be disposed on both the first and second interfaces. A layout having electrical circuitry


disposed on the first and second interfaces may provide many of the advantages of both

FIGS. 3 and 4


While it is contemplated that the power conditioning requirements of device


are satisfied by power conditioning module


, it should be noted that additional discrete electrical power conditioning elements (for example, by-pass capacitors (not shown) to provide filtering, in addition to that performed by power conditioning module


, also may be employed and disposed in manners similar to that of conventional systems. Under this circumstance, power conditioning module


does not perform all power conditioning functions of system


. Rather, power conditioning module


performs power conditioning in conjunction with discrete electrical power conditioning elements. These discrete electrical power conditioning elements may perform initial and/or supplemental conditioning of the voltage and current. For example, a system may include a primary power supply (having discrete components) to provide initial power conditioning of an externally supplied power. The power conditioning module


, in turn, provides localized power conditioning of the power for device


. In this embodiment, the primary power supply may provide initial power conditioning for a plurality of devices in the system, including device


(See, for example, FIG.


). Thus, many of the advantages of power conditioning module


are still realized, however, the additional discrete electrical power conditioning elements may increase the footprint of the power conditioning of the overall system.

The reference voltages and currents used by electrical circuitry


may be provided or routed to the particular elements (for example, voltage regulators) of electrical circuitry


in many ways. For example, with reference to

FIG. 5

, in one embodiment, the voltage and current may be provided to electrical circuitry


using power and ground conduits






that are embedded within semiconductor substrate


. The power and ground conduits






extend from power and ground vias






and connect to electrical circuitry


as dictated by the specific power conditioning circuit design implemented. In this embodiment, power and ground vias






need not extend the entire length of semiconductor substrate


(as illustrated in

FIG. 2

) since power and ground conduits






connect well within substrate


. The power and ground conduits






may be fabricated using conductive materials (for example, gold, copper, aluminum or a highly doped polysilicon) and deposited using conventional semiconductor processing or fabrication techniques (for example, conventional photolithography, etching and deposition processes).

With reference to

FIG. 6

, power and ground conduits






may also be formed more towards the interface of semiconductor substrate


(but still in substrate


). In this embodiment, power and ground vias





may extend the entire or nearly the entire length of semiconductor substrate


since power and ground conduits






connect to electrical circuitry


nearer the surface of the interface of substrate


. The power and ground conduits







FIG. 6

extend from power and ground vias






(not illustrated in

FIG. 6

) and connect to electrical circuitry


which is also fabricated near the interface of substrate


. The power and ground conduits






may be fabricated using conventional processing or fabrication techniques from conductive materials (for example, gold, copper, aluminum or a highly doped polysilicon).

Another alternative for supplying power and ground to electrical circuitry


is illustrated in

FIGS. 4 and 7

. In these embodiments, power and ground are provided to electrical circuitry


using conventional wire bonding techniques that employ conventional wires


and bond pads


as illustrated in FIG.


. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that there are many techniques for providing power and ground connections from board


(or a power supply, not shown) to electrical circuitry


. All techniques for providing power and ground connections to and from electrical circuitry


, whether now known or later developed, are intended to be within the scope of the present invention.

As mentioned above, electrical circuitry


conditions the power, in a conventional manner, and delivers the required power to device


. The electrical circuitry


(for example, voltage regulators, bypass capacitors, DC-DC converters, and/or AC-DC converters) may be arranged and interconnected using conventional techniques and designs (for example, conventional CMOS and/or BJT circuit designs to accomplish the necessary power conditioning functions) to provide device


with the appropriate voltage and current during all aspects of operation as well as during start-up, standby and shutdown.

The output power and/or ground of power conditioning module


may be provided or routed to device


using techniques similar to those used in providing electrical circuit


with the “unconditioned” power and ground from board


(or power supply, not shown). In this regard, with reference to

FIG. 5

, in one embodiment, electrical circuitry


supplies the conditioned power and/or ground to device


using output power conduit



, output ground conduit



, output power via



, and output ground via



. Signal traces may then provide electrical connection between output power and ground conduits






to power and ground inputs of device



Alternatively, with continued reference to

FIG. 5

, output power and output ground conduits






may be directly routed to the specified pads on the interface of substrate


that match or correspond to the power and ground inputs of device


. In this embodiment, vias






may be eliminated because output power and ground conduits






are routed to the appropriate power and ground inputs of device


without an intermediate connection. For example, the output power and/or ground of power conditioning module


may be routed to device


in the manner illustrated in FIG.



With reference to

FIG. 6

, output power and ground conduits









are formed in substrate


using conventional fabrication techniques and routed to a predetermined pads









which corresponds to power or ground inputs of device


. In this embodiment, there may be no need for output power and ground vias






since output power and ground conduits






are routed directly to specified pads









on the interface of substrate


that match or correspond to the power and ground inputs of device


. The power and ground conduits






may be fabricated from electrically conductive materials (for example, gold, copper, aluminum or a highly doped polysilicon).

Further the output power and ground of power conditioning module


may also be routed to device


in the manner illustrated in FIG.


. In this embodiment, output power and ground are provided to device


using conventional wire bonding techniques. In short, conventional wires


(and bond pads, not shown) interconnect the output of power conditioning module


to the appropriate inputs of device



It should be noted that power conditioning module


may be fabricated using a


-stage process, in which vias




(and other elements, for example power and ground conduits




) are formed first and electrical circuitry


fabricated using conventional CMOS or BJT processing is formed second. Indeed, it should be understood that any techniques for fabricating (as well as the materials used therein) power conditioning module


now known or later developed are intended to be within the scope of the present invention.

Moreover, it should also be noted that with respect to all of the embodiments described herein, those skilled in the art will recognize and understand that there are many other suitable techniques for providing the conditioned or output power and ground from electrical circuitry


to device


. Indeed, it should be understood that any techniques for designing and fabricating the pads, vias, conduits, electrical circuitry and wire bonds now known or later developed are intended to be within the scope of the present invention; in addition, it should be understood that any materials used therein for the substrate, pads, vias, conduits, electrical circuitry, and wire bonds which are now known or are later developed are intended to be within the scope of the present invention.

The present invention is advantageously suitable for use in space-constrained environments. In this regard, locating the power conditioning elements in essentially the same basic footprint as the integrated circuit device permits the space around the integrated circuit device to be used for other purposes. For example, external static or dynamic memory may be located closer to the microprocessor thereby reducing the flight times of signals communicating with the memory. This may result in faster system operation.

The power conditioning module


may be located between device


and board


as illustrated in FIG.


. In this embodiment, a configuration of power conditioning module


as illustrated in

FIG. 2

is more suitable because the vias, among other things, facilitate electrical connection for those signals used by device


(but not by power conditioning module


), for example data and address signals for DRAM or SRAM memory devices.

Alternatively, power conditioning module


may be located between device


and thermal management module


as illustrated in

FIGS. 4 and 7

. In light of the active electrical layer (for example, electrical circuitry


) of power conditioning module


being separated from board


, it is necessary to form discrete electrical connections from the active electrical layer to board


. As mentioned above, this may be accomplished using wire bonds


as illustrated in

FIGS. 4 and 7

, or by using other known or later developed interconnect technologies, all of which are intended to be within the scope of the present invention.

Under certain circumstances, it may be advantageous to locate thermal management module


remotely from the other elements of system


. In this regard, thermal management module


may be a fan that causes air to travel over the elements of system


and thereby remove the heat generated by module


and device


. Such a configuration facilitates use of system


in a space-constrained environment yet provides sufficient power conditioning in a small footprint. In this embodiment, the remotely located thermal management module


may be placed in an area having sufficient volume for a fan, without interfering with other system needs for placement of peripherals, such as memory or data storage, in close proximity to device



Further, in certain implementations, it may be advantageous to implement a more compact thermal management module


than a conventional fin-array heat sink as illustrated in FIG.


. For example, as will be discussed below, it may be advantageous to employ a thermal capture element having a micro channel structure to capture and remove heat generated by device


and/or electrical circuitry


. The heat energy may then be rejected by a heat rejection element that is either local or remote relative to device


. Indeed, it should be understood that any techniques known or later developed for heat capture and rejection apparatus or sub-system, including any of those described herein, are intended to be within the scope of the present invention.

Finally, under certain circumstances, thermal management module


may be unnecessary altogether. For example, the introduction of “cool chips” such as the “Crusoe” processor from Transmeta Inc., feature low thermal profiles. As such, system


may be implemented in a space-constrained environment (for example, portable or handheld devices), due to its small footprint, and be unconcerned with thermal capabilities and space considerations of thermal management module



In another aspect, the present invention is an integrated power and thermal management module that incorporates the functions of the power conditioning element (i.e., power conditioning) and the thermal management element (i.e., heat capture, removal and/or rejection) into a single structure. In contrast, in the previously discussed embodiments, the modules for power conditioning and heat capture, removal and rejection were separate structures that were stacked, with device


, in various configurations to form a 3-layer structure. In this aspect of the invention, the power conditioning element and the thermal management element are incorporated into a single structure. As such, additional advantages (beyond those advantages described above) may be realized including, for example, a significant reduction in the total volume occupied and direct physical contact may be achieved between the consuming device, the power conditioning module and the thermal management module—thereby facilitating enhanced thermal capture and rejection for the power conditioning structure and/or the consuming device.

This aspect of the invention also provides unique packaging configurations of the combined power conditioning and thermal management module—consuming device structure. It should be noted that since the consuming device and the power conditioning module capitalize on the thermal management capabilities of the integrated power conditioning and thermal management module, additional heat capture and rejection elements may be unnecessary. This may be important because, in some instances, the operational temperatures of the power conditioning module may approach that of device



Moreover, “miniaturizing” the thermal management element facilitates implementation of the integrated power conditioning and thermal management module in highly space-constrained environments. Where the heat capture and heat rejection aspects of the thermal management element of module


are separated such that the thermal capture functions are integrated into a single structure with the power conditioning functions, that single structure (i.e., power conditioning and thermal management module


as in

FIG. 8

) may be implemented within the packaging of an integrated circuit device. (See, for example, FIG.


). The heat rejection functions may be accomplished using a heat sink disposed on a surface of the device/package or located distant from the device/package.

With reference to

FIGS. 8 and 9

, power conditioning and thermal management module


includes power conditioning element


. The power conditioning element


may be substantially similar to power conditioning module



FIGS. 2-7

and may include, for example, vias, pads, and electrical circuitry as described above. For the sake of brevity, the details and functions of power conditioning element


will not be repeated here.

The power conditioning and thermal management module


also includes thermal management element


. Thermal management element


captures and removes the heat generated by device


and/or power conditioning element


so that the temperature of device


and/or power conditioning element


does not exceed a given temperature. The thermal management element


may also reject the heat. Thus, in operation, thermal management element


captures the heat generated by device


and power conditioning element


and removes that heat so that it may be dispersed in the surrounding environment by convection or a heat rejection element (for example, a conventional heat sink).

Power conditioning and thermal management module


may include substrate



, in which a substantial portion of power conditioning element


is formed, and substrate



, in which a portion of thermal management element


is formed. The two substrates may be bonded by, for example, anodic or fusion bonding, or eutectic bonding, or adhesive bonding for glass and semiconductor structures. Employing metal structures permits bonding by welding, soldering, eutectic bonding, or adhesives. The combined substrates






form power conditioning and thermal management module



In this configuration, interface vias that provide electrical connection between signal traces on printed circuit board


and inputs/outputs of device


may be fabricated in two steps. A separate set of interface vias are formed in each of the substrates of power conditioning element


and thermal management element


. Thereafter, when the two substrates are bonded, a corresponding one of the interface vias in substrate



mates with a corresponding one of the interface vias in substrate



to form the interface via for module



To enhance the electrical continuity between the interface vias in substrate






, intermediate interface pads may be disposed on each of the mating interfaces of substrate






. The pads on each mating interface, after the two substrates are bonded, contact a corresponding pad on the other mating interface. This configuration allows for greater tolerance when mating or interfacing power conditioning element


and thermal management element


and, as such, may enhance the electrical continuity between the exposed interfaces of power conditioning and thermal management module


when the bonded substrates are not perfectly aligned.

Moreover, in those instances where external power is provided to power conditioning element


by way of power and ground vias, the same fabrication techniques described above may be employed to fabricate the power and ground vias. However, in those instances where external power is provided to power conditioning element


by way of wire bonds, power and ground vias may not be necessary.

With continued reference to

FIGS. 8 and 9

, in one embodiment, thermal management element


includes a micro channel heat exchanger


having a plurality of micro channels


. The micro channel heat exchanger


also includes pump


, fluid inlet


, fluid outlet


, and tubing


to provide a fluid to micro channels



With reference to

FIGS. 10A and 10B

, micro heat exchanger


may be, for example, a micro fabricated semiconductor substrate, machined metal substrate, or machined glass substrate.

FIGS. 10A and 10B

illustrate a top and cross sectional view, respectively, of an exemplary micro channel structure


. The substrate of thermal management element


includes a pattern of micro channels








etched into an interface. The micro channels








may be arranged on the interface of thermal management element


according to the needs for heat removal from particular regions of power conditioning element


. The density of micro channel structure


may be increased in regions that correspond to anticipated or measured sources of excessive heat, or the routing of micro channels








may be designed to reduce and/or minimize temperature gradients from the inlet to the outlet of micro heat exchanger


. The widths, depths, and shapes of micro channels








may also be designed and fabricated to improve device temperature uniformity or address a hot spot on device


and/or power conditioning element


. Indeed, the shape and arrangement of micro channel structure


may be designed or determined through the assistance of thermal modeling tools described in a U.S. Patent Application entitled “Electroosmotic Microchannel Cooling System”, filed by Kenny, et al. on Jan. 19, 2002. Many different types of arrangements, layouts and configurations of micro heat exchanger


and micro channels








are described and illustrated in the U.S. Patent Application filed by Kenny et al. on Jan. 19, 2002.

The U.S. Patent Application filed by Kenny et al. on Jan. 19, 2002 (entitled “Electroosmotic Microchannel Cooling System”) has been assigned Application Ser. No. 10,053,859. The Kenny et al. U.S. Patent Application will be referred to hereinafter as “the Kenny et al. Application”). The Kenny et al. Application is hereby incorporated, in its entirety, by reference herein.

It should be noted that micro channels


may also extend into the interface of power conditioning element


as well. In addition, micro channel structure


may be formed on both the first and second mating interfaces of thermal management module


. In this embodiment, micro heat exchanger


may more efficiently capture and remove heat from both device


and power conditioning element


due, in part, to more intimate physical contact between the heat exchanger


and both device


and power conditioning element



The micro heat exchanger


may also include more than one fluid path, as illustrated in

FIG. 10A

, by micro channels








. These independent paths may be connected to different pumps


and/or different heat rejection elements


, according to the particular needs and/or designs of the application. As mentioned above, many different types of arrangements, layouts and configurations of micro heat exchanger


and micro channels








, including the multiple independent micro channel configuration, are described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application, which are again hereby incorporated by reference.

The pump


may be any type of pumping device that provides the flow and pressure necessary to capture the heat generated in device


and/or power conditioning element


. In this regard, pump may be an electro-osmotic type pumping device like that described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application. The electro-osmotic type pumping device is not discussed in detail here, rather the corresponding discussion in the Kenny et al. Application is incorporated herein by reference.

The power conditioning and thermal management module



FIGS. 8 and 9

facilitates efficient packaging of power conditioning element


in close proximity to device


, and provides an additional advantage that the heat generated by power conditioning element


and/or device


is captured within, and removed by thermal management element


. Further, by positioning the power conditioning and heat capture elements within a single module beneath device


, a surface (for example, the top or upper surface) of device


is available for other modes of access, such as optical or RF telecommunications, and/or for placement of memory devices. This positioning also permits that surface of device


to be used for other functions, including, for example, additional thermal management elements such as a heat sink as illustrated in

FIG. 3

or a second thermal management element as illustrated in

FIGS. 17A and 17B


In addition, power conditioning and thermal management module



FIGS. 8 and 9

facilitates efficient packaging as a discrete device. In this regard, with reference to

FIGS. 11 and 12A

, module


may be incorporated into a typical electronic package


, having pins


, that is modified to accommodate fluid required for thermal management element



The device


illustrated in the embodiment of

FIG. 11

may employ a conventional face-down, ball-bond mounting configuration to an electrical interconnect array. The device


may be mounted to power and thermal management module


in a manner similar to that described above with respect to the embodiment illustrated in

FIGS. 2-7

. Employing a face-down, ball-bond mounting configuration for device


provides several additional advantages, including, for example, providing intimate contact between device


with the heat capture capabilities of thermal management element


(and the fluid-filled micro channels


); and permitting back-surface access to device


for other purposes, as described above.

The device


illustrated in the embodiment of

FIG. 12A

may employ a conventional face-up, wire bond mounting configuration where wire bonds provide connection from device


to package


. In this embodiment, the interconnect vias are unnecessary since conventional wire bonding techniques provide the electrical connection to device


. However, this embodiment provides several significant advantages, including, for example, incorporation of power conditioning and heat capture elements into package


thereby providing close proximity of power conditioning element


to device


. In addition, this embodiment provides an advantage of providing intimate contact between device


, power conditioning element


and thermal management element


so that energy (in the form of heat) generated by device


and/or power conditioning element


may be efficiently captured (by the fluid in micro channels


) are removed from package


. A further advantage of the embodiment in

FIG. 12A

is that the operating surface of device


is optically accessible, which would be suitable for use by another device, for example, an electro-optic device, such as a modulator, a display device, an optical imaging device, such as a CCD, and/or an optical switch.

Under those circumstances where device


is to be implemented in a harsh environment, it may be advantageous to hermetically-seal package


. As illustrated in

FIG. 12B

, a lid


may be attached to package


thereby providing a hermetically-sealed environment with integrated power conditioning and thermal management capabilities of module


in intimate contact with device


. The lid


may be opaque, as would be appropriate for an opto-electronic device, or lid


may be transparent in the infrared or visible spectrums, as would be appropriate for a display device, or an imaging device. Integration of the power and thermal management functions within this package may allow optimal operation of thermally-sensitive devices, such as imaging arrays.

Under those circumstances where device


is to be mounted directly onto a substrate (for example, printed circuit board


), it may be advantageous to supply the working fluid to thermal management element


by way of channels fabricated in the substrate to which the module


is affixed. With reference to

FIG. 13

, the working fluid is provided to micro heat exchanger


from beneath power conditioning and thermal management module


using channels or tubing


that are embedded or formed in the substrate. Press fits, solder and/or adhesives may secure the channels or embedded tubing


directly to fluid inlet (not shown) and fluid outlet (not shown) of micro heat exchanger


. The configuration of

FIG. 13

may facilitate implementation of module


in a chip pick-place assembly process.

It should be noted that there are many possible techniques of attaching channel or tubing


to module


, including, for example, formation of openings in module


to permit tubing segments and/or other couplings to be inserted into module


and bonded into place. These bonds may be press-fits, or utilize solder or adhesives. Alternatively, it is possible to form openings in module


on the top or bottom surfaces, and to bond a fitting to one or both of these surfaces over the opening(s) with a port for connecting the tube. Indeed, all techniques, now known or later developed, for securing embedded channels or tubing


to the fluid inlet and outlet of micro heat exchanger


are intended to be within the scope of the present invention.

The embedded channel configuration of

FIG. 13

also may be employed in those circumstances where the consuming device and power conditioning and thermal management module


are packaged and that package is affixed to a substrate. As illustrated in

FIG. 13

, the working fluid may be provided to the micro heat exchanger of power conditioning and thermal management module using channels or tubing that are embedded or formed in the substrate to which the consuming device is affixed. The fittings may be employed to secure the channels (or embedded tubing) directly to the fluid inlet and outlet of the micro heat exchanger or the fluid inlet and outlet of the package. In those circumstances where the channels (or embedded tubing) are connected to the fluid inlet and outlet of the package, tubing or channels embedded or formed in the package may provide the interconnection between the channels (or tubing) in the substrate and the fluid inlet and outlet of the micro heat exchanger.

The power and thermal management module


may also include circuits or devices that provide information regarding the operating parameters of module


for more efficient and responsive cooling and power conditioning. With reference to

FIGS. 14 and 15

, power and thermal management module


of this embodiment additionally includes sensors


(for example, temperature, pressure and flow sensors) and controller


. The sensors


provide information that is representative of the operating conditions of device


and module


(for example, operating temperature). The signals from sensors


may be routed to controller


to provide a closed-loop control of the functionality of power and thermal management module



In particular, where sensors


include a temperature measuring sensor, controller


may use information provided by the temperature sensor to modify or adjust the operation of thermal management element


, power conditioning element


and/or device


. Under these circumstances, power conditioning and thermal management module


is being operated in a thermal control mode, in which the temperature variations measured by one or more temperature sensors that are distributed throughout module


are provided as feedback signals to controller


. The controller


may use the information provided by sensors


to determine, for example, the average temperature of module


and/or device


and spatial variations in temperature with respect to module


and/or device


. In response to this information, controller


may adjust the fluid flow rate through micro channels


of micro channel heat exchanger


. The controller


may adjust the rate of fluid flow in micro channels


by controlling the operation of pump


or by adjusting the distribution of the fluid through the different channel manifolds of micro channel heat exchanger



In addition, controller


, after determining a temperature sensitive condition, may alert device


that it may exceed (or has exceeded) its normal operating temperature. In response device


may initiate a low power mode in order to lower its operating temperature and power consumption. Consuming less power will result in less heat generation by device


as well as power conditioning element


. The device


, in response to information regarding its operating temperature, may enter a system shut down process as a protective measure. Other actions in response to changes in temperature are described in the Kenny et al. Application, which are hereby incorporated by reference herein.

The placement or location of sensors


(for example, temperature, pressure, and/or flow sensors) within substrates






may be based on many factors. For example, there may be advantages to place the temperature sensors laterally with respect to the micro channels


and the anticipated or measured sources of heat of electrically circuitry


and/or device


. Moreover, there may be advantages to placement of temperature sensors at different depths (vertical locations) in substrates














illustrate sensors


disposed in various locations in power conditioning element


and thermal management element


. The sensors


provide information indicative of the operating conditions (for example, temperature) of a specific region(s) of device


and module


to controller



A detailed discussion of sensors


, their operation, and considerations regarding their placement or location, is provided in the Kenny et al. Application, which is hereby incorporated by reference herein.

It should be noted that although the embodiments of

FIGS. 9 and 15

illustrate one pump, namely, pump


, power and thermal management module


may include more than one pumping mechanism. Additional pumping mechanisms may be implemented to provide more immediate and direct control of fluid flow in particular regions of module


. This may be important in those situations where there are expected hotspots in device


and/or power conditioning elements


. For example, more than one pump may be implement in configuration where micro heat exchanger


includes separate and independent micro channels


paths, as illustrated in FIG.


A. Additional embodiments employing more than one pumping mechanism are described in detail in the Kenny et al. Application, which is hereby incorporated by reference herein.

Thus, to briefly summarize, power and thermal management module



FIG. 15

, provides, among other things, power conditioning functions for device


, and cooling functions for maintaining device


and/or power conditioning elements


within acceptable temperature ranges. The controller


, in conjunction with sensors


, permits analysis and detection of changes in the operating parameters of device


and power and thermal management module


. Such changes may result from changes in the power usage by device


. In response, thermal management element


may adjust the cooling capability (by, for example, control signals to the fluid pump(s) to increase the rate of fluid flow) in order to maintain the temperature of device


within acceptable temperature ranges.

The power and thermal management module


may also include current sensors to detect the current consumption of device


. With reference to

FIG. 16

, current sensor


may be embedded in semiconductor substrate



to provide information which is representative of the current consumption of device


and/or electrical circuitry


to controller


. The controller


may use the detected current consumption to modify the operation of thermal management element


. For example, in response to a change in demand of current detected by current sensor


, controller


may adjust the fluid cooling capability of thermal management element


by increasing or decreasing the fluid flow of pump


. In this embodiment, by detecting and analyzing changes in current demand by device


, controller


may anticipate a change in temperature of device


and/or power conditioning element



With continued reference to

FIG. 16

, current sensor(s)


mayalso detect the current passing through electrical circuitry


of power conditioning element


(for example, the voltage regulation devices). The current passing through electrical circuitry


may be representative of the current and/or power consumption or demand of device


. The controller


may use the information from sensor(s)


to determine appropriate actions to be taken in anticipation of an increase or decrease in temperature as a result of a change in the current consumption of device


and/or power conditioning element


. The controller may also use that information to determine anticipated heat capture and rejection requirements as a result of a change in the current consumption.

Based on a measurement of the current through the voltage regulation circuits, it may be possible to determine the power consumption in the voltage regulators and/or the power dissipation in device


, thereby enabling controller


to determine the total power dissipation and adjust the heat capture and removal capabilities of micro channel heat exchanger


accordingly. The heat capture and removal capabilities of micro channel heat exchanger


may be modified by altering the rate of flow of the working fluid in micro channels


(for example, by adjusting the output flow rate of pump


). Further, controller


may also adjust the heat rejection capabilities after the heat is captured and removed from device


and module


. Other techniques for changing the heat capture and removal capabilities of micro channel heat exchanger


are described in the Kenny et al. Application, which are hereby incorporated by reference.

In the embodiment of

FIG. 16

, sensor(s)


are integrated with the voltage regulators in power conditioning element


. It should be noted that controller


may also determine the power requirements and/or consumption of device


indirectly from the power consumed during operation of device


. The controller


may then use that information to determine or implement an appropriate course of action, for example, by adjusting the heat capture and removal capabilities of micro channel heat exchanger


or heat rejection capabilities of the system, as discussed above.

Moreover, it should be noted that the functions/operations performed by controller


may be implemented within device


. Under this circumstance, device


determines its power consumption using, for example, information from sensors


(for example, temperature, pressure, flow) and/or current sensor


, or information regarding clock rate, electrical activity in subsystems such as floating-point processors, image processing circuits, and analog current output circuits. In response, device


may adjust the power delivery capabilities of power conditioning element


. The device


may also adjust the heat capture, removal and/or rejection capabilities of thermal management element


. Employing device


to perform some or all of the functions/operations previously performed by controller


facilitates use of information typically available to devices (for example, clock rate), as well as use of computational resources that may already exist in device



In addition, for devices that execute repetitive or predictable functions, it may be possible to predict variations in the power consumption of devices, and to use thermal dynamic models of the entire system to produce an optimal or enhanced strategy for heat capture and rejection management that minimizes temporal or spatial variations in the temperature within device


. The device


and/or controller


may implement sophisticated control algorithms that allow device


and/or controller


to determine an appropriate action or response of thermal management element


so that the temperature of device


and/or power conditioning element


is maintained within a narrow range. That information may be used to develop a heat capture/rejection operational procedure that achieves an optimal balance between temperature variations of device


and operational costs of power and thermal management module


. Such operational costs may be power consumption by device


, computational complexity, and/or operation within preferred flow and thermal ranges.

Moreover, device


and/or controller


may use information indicative of the operation of device


to predict variations in the spatial distribution of the power dissipation within device


. For example, if device


is a microprocessor, the power consumption of the floating point processor, which takes up a small fraction of the processor's surface, may temporarily exceed the power consumption of the remainder of the microprocessor. In such a case, the temperature of this subsystem of the microprocessor may rise rapidly to temperatures that exceed the recommended operational temperatures. Thus, it may be advantageous for device


and/or controller


to predict the concentrated power dissipation in device


and, in response, provide the necessary heat capture capabilities dynamically to those concentrated power dissipation regions of device



In another aspect, the present invention is a closed-loop power conditioning and thermal management system. With reference to

FIG. 17A

, in one embodiment, closed-loop power conditioning and thermal management system


includes power conditioning and thermal management module


, as discussed above, in conjunction with thermal capture and rejection module


. In this embodiment, power conditioning and thermal management module


is disposed on printed circuit board


, device


is disposed on power conditioning and thermal management module


, and thermal capture and rejection module


is disposed on device


. In this configuration, power conditioning element


of power conditioning and thermal management module


is disposed in close proximity to device


thereby providing the power conditioning advantages described above. Moreover, micro channel heat exchanger


is disposed in close proximity to power conditioning element


thereby facilitating enhanced heat capture, removal and rejection in order to maintain the temperature of power conditioning element


within an acceptable range. The heat captured by thermal management element


is provided (via fluid flow) to heat rejection element


of thermal capture and rejection module



The thermal capture and rejection module


rejects the heat provided by thermal management element


using heat rejection element


, which is illustrated as a heat sink having fins, and thermal capture element


. The heat rejection element


may employ many different types of heat rejection techniques, including a design having a fluid flow path or paths throughout the high-surface-area structures (such as fluid channels in the fins) as described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application. All of the thermal capture, removal and rejection techniques described and illustrated the Kenny et al. Application are hereby incorporated by reference.

Thermal capture element


includes a micro channel heat exchanger


which facilitates localized heat capture, removal and, in conjunction with heat rejection element


, rejection of heat generated primarily by device


. The micro channel heat exchanger


includes a plurality of micro channels


(which, in operation contain a fluid) for efficient heat capture from device


. The micro channel heat exchanger


, including micro channels


, may be fabricated in the same manner and using the same materials as micro heat exchanger


and micro channels



The micro channel heat exchanger


may be, for example, arranged at the interface of thermal capture element


in accordance with the needs for heat removal from particular regions of device


. The density of micro channels


may be increased in regions that correspond to anticipated or measured sources of excessive heat. In addition, the routing of micro channels


may be designed to reduce and/or minimize temperature gradients from the inlet to the outlet of micro heat exchanger


. The widths, depths, and shapes of micro channels


may also be designed and fabricated to improve device temperature uniformity across device


. Indeed, the shape and layout of micro channels


may be designed through the assistance of thermal modeling tools described in the Kenny et al. Application. Many different types of arrangement, layouts, configurations and design techniques of micro heat exchanger


and micro channels


are described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application, which are hereby incorporated, in total, by reference.

Similar to description above relative to thermal management module


, the micro channels of micro heat exchanger


may be disposed on both interfaces of thermal capture element


to enhance the thermal capture, removal and/or rejection from the heat generating device(s). Moreover, it should be noted that micro channel heat exchanger


may be configured as an array of micro channel pillars. In this regard, an array of vertical channels are interconnected laterally on an interface (or on both interfaces) of thermal capture element


. This configuration may further enhance the thermal capture, removal and/or rejection of heat energy generated by device


and/or power conditioning and thermal management module



With continued reference to

FIG. 17A

, in this embodiment, pump


is disposed between thermal capture and rejection module


and heat rejection element


. The pump


may be an electro-osmotic pumping device as described in detail in the Kenny et al. Application. Many different types of configurations and designs of pump


are acceptable including those described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application, which are hereby incorporated by reference.

It should be noted that system


may employ multiple pumps and/or independent fluid cooling loops to allow for independent control of the heat capture capabilities at different locations within module


. This feature is also discussed in detail in the Kenny et al. Application, and is also hereby incorporated by reference.

With reference to

FIG. 17B

, under certain circumstances, it may be advantageous to locate heat rejection element


remotely from the other elements of system


. Such a configuration facilitates use of system


in a space-constrained environment yet provides sufficient power conditioning and thermal management in a small footprint. Where heat rejection element


is located remotely, tubing


provides a fluid path for fluid heated by device


and power conditioning element


to heat rejection element


. In this embodiment, the remotely located heat rejection element


may be placed in an area having sufficient volume for a fin array (and possibly with a fan), without interfering with other system needs for placement of peripheral system elements such as memory or data storage in proximity to device


. Indeed, as mentioned above, under certain circumstances, heat rejection functionality may be unnecessary altogether.

The power conditioning and thermal management module



FIGS. 8-17B

illustrate the power conditioning element disposed on the thermal management element. In the embodiment of

FIG. 18

, however, thermal management element


is disposed on power conditioning element


. In this embodiment, thermal management element


may more efficiently capture and remove heat generated by device


because of the proximity of the micro channels to device


. Moreover, the capture and removal of heat from electrical circuitry


of power conditioning element


may remain relatively unchanged. Thus, thermal management element


may more efficiently capture and remove heat generated by both device


and power conditioning element


. Accordingly, in this embodiment, there may be no need to incorporate a heat rejection element (for example, a heat sink, not shown) because of the heat capture and removal functions performed by thermal management element



It should be noted that, like in the embodiment illustrated in

FIG. 8

, micro channels


(illustrated in

FIG. 18

) may also extend into the interface of power conditioning element


. In addition, micro channel structure


may be formed on both the first and second mating interfaces of thermal management module


. Under this circumstance, micro heat exchanger


may even more efficiently capture and remove heat from both device


and power conditioning element


due, in part, to more intimate physical contact of the heat exchanger


with both device


and power conditioning element



In addition to the thermal consideration, the electrical circuitry of the power conditioning element remains in close proximity with the device thereby providing all of the power conditioning advantages described above.

The power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18

may be fabricated and implemented in the same manner as the power conditioning and thermal management module


illustrated in FIG.


. In addition, power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18

may include all of the features, additions, attributes, and embodiments of power conditioning and thermal management module



FIGS. 8-17B

. In this regard, power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18

may include, for example, a controller, parameter sensor(s) (for example, temperature, pressure and flow) to measure or detect the operating conditions of device


and/or power conditioning element


, and current sensor(s) to monitor the current consumed by device


and/or power conditioning element


. The power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18

may also include pump(s) to provide working fluid to the micro channels, including for example, electro-osmotic pump(s) having a small footprint to facilitate incorporation of the module in a space-constrained environment. The power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18

may also include multiple independent micro channels to allow independent thermal capture and removal of designated areas of device


and/or power conditioning element



Moreover, power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18

may be implemented in the packaging configurations of

FIGS. 11



A and


B in essentially the same manner as the embodiment of FIG.


. Indeed, all of the features and attributes of power conditioning and thermal management module


illustrated in

FIGS. 8-17B

, and described above, are equally applicable to the power conditioning and thermal management module of FIG.


. For the sake of conciseness, the details of the features and attributes of the embodiments will not be repeated here.

With continued reference to

FIG. 18

, power conditioning and thermal management module


may route the signals to and from device


using all of the same techniques as described above with respect to

FIGS. 2-17B

. Moreover, power and ground may be routed to and from electrical circuitry


and device


using those same techniques. For example, the embodiment of

FIG. 18

may employ the routing technique described in the embodiment of

FIG. 6

wherein the output power and ground conduits are formed in substrate using conventional fabrication techniques and are routed to predetermined pads which corresponds to power or ground inputs of device


. Under this circumstance, output power and ground conduits are routed directly to the power and ground inputs of device



In yet another embodiment, the power conditioning element and the micro channel structure of the thermal management element are fabricated in the same substrate—rather than two substrates






, as described above and illustrated in FIGS.




. With reference to

FIG. 19A

, micro channel structure


and power conditioning element


are fabricated in the same substrate. In this embodiment, the assembly costs may be reduced because the thermal management element and the power conditioning element need not be assembled from two separate substrates before interfacing with the consuming device and another substrate (for example, a printed circuit board). In addition, the capture and removal of heat from the consuming device may be enhanced, relative to the embodiment of

FIG. 9

, because of the proximity of the micro channels to the heat generating circuitry disposed on the consuming device. Moreover, the capture and removal of heat from electrical circuitry


of power conditioning element


may be sufficient and, as such, this embodiment may not require additional heat removal, capture and rejection capabilities from, for example a heat sink and/or fan.

With continued reference to

FIG. 19A

, in this embodiment, micro channel structure


of thermal management element


may be fabricated using conventional micro channel fabrication techniques and/or those techniques described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Thereafter, electrical circuitry


of power conditioning element


may be fabricated using conventional CMOS or BJT design and fabrication techniques. In this embodiment, the interface, power and ground vias may be fabricated before or after the formation of the micro channel structure. The pads (if any) that connect to the vias may be fabricated after fabrication of electrical circuitry


and micro channels



It should be noted that all of the features, attributes, alternatives and embodiments of power conditioning and thermal management module


that include multiple substrates (i.e.,






) are fully applicable to the embodiment of FIG.


A. In this regard, power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 19A

may include, for example, a controller, parameter sensor(s) (for example, temperature, pressure and flow), and current sensor(s). The power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 19A

may also include pump(s) and multiple independent micro channels to allow independent thermal capture and removal of designated areas of device


and/or power conditioning element



Moreover, power conditioning and thermal management module



FIG. 18A

may be implemented in the packaging configurations of

FIGS. 11



A and


B. Indeed, all of the features and attributes of the power conditioning and thermal management module


illustrated in

FIGS. 8-18

, and described above, are equally applicable to the power conditioning and thermal management module of FIG.



With continued reference to

FIG. 19A

, power conditioning and thermal management module


may route the signals to and from device


using any of the signal routing techniques described above. Power and ground may be routed to and from electrical circuitry


and device


using those same techniques, including the techniques illustrated in FIG.


and described above.

It should be noted that under those circumstances where electrical circuitry


of power conditioning element


may be subjected to micro channel processing without damage, electrical circuitry


may be fabricated before fabrication of the micro channel structure. As such, the interface, power and ground vias may be fabricated before or after the formation of the micro channel structure. The pads (if any) that connect to the vias may be fabricated after the other elements of power conditioning and thermal management module



In the embodiment of

FIG. 19A

, the power conditioning element and micro channel structure of thermal management element


are fabricated in one substrate. In still yet other embodiments, the entire micro channel structure, or a portion of that structure, may be fabricated on the backside of device


. With reference to

FIGS. 19B and 19C

, micro channels


of micro channel structure


may be fabricated entirely in device



FIG. 19B

) or partially in device


and power conditioning element




C). The discussion above with respect to

FIG. 19A

is fully and equally applicable to power conditioning and thermal management modules illustrated in

FIGS. 19B and 19C

. For the sake of brevity, that discussion will not be repeated.

Another aspect of the present invention is the use of the module and/or elements described herein (for example, power conditioning module


, power conditioning and thermal management module


, thermal capture and rejection module


, heat rejection element


and thermal capture element


) as building blocks in designing a system having local power conditioning functionality as well as heat capture, removal and/or rejection capabilities. For example, with reference to

FIG. 20

, in one embodiment, device


is disposed on printed circuit board


, and thermal capture element


is disposed on device


to facilitate capture of localized heat generated by device


. The power conditioning and thermal management module


is disposed on thermal capture element


. In this embodiment, it may be advantageous to locate power conditioning element


between thermal capture element


and thermal management element


to enhance the capture of heat generated by. power conditioning element


. Further, heat rejection element


(for example, a heat sink having fins) may be disposed on thermal management element


to permit enhanced rejection of the heat captured by thermal management element


(generated primarily by power conditioning element


) and thermal capture element


(generated primarily by device



In the embodiment illustrated in

FIG. 20

, power conditioning element


is in close proximity to device


. Power and ground connections to and from power conditioning element


may be accomplished using a wire bond configuration described herein. (See, for example, FIGS.





With continued reference to

FIG. 20

, the pump (not shown) may be an electro-osmotic type pump(s) located in thermal management module


and/or thermal capture element


. Moreover, the pump need not be located in thermal management module


or thermal capture element


but rather may be a “stand alone”) device. As suggested above, the pump may include a plurality of pumping mechanisms, including mechanisms having configurations as described in the Kenny et al. Application.

Another example of using modules and/or elements as building blocks is illustrated in FIG.


. With reference to

FIG. 21

, in this embodiment, power conditioning and thermal management module


is disposed on device


and thermal capture element


is disposed on power conditioning element


of power conditioning and thermal management module


. Further, heat rejection element


is disposed on thermal capture element


to enhance the rejection of the heat captured by thermal management element


(generated primarily by device


) and thermal capture element


(generated primarily by power conditioning element



In addition, the power conditioning and thermal management functions may be incorporated (in whole or in part) into other modules or elements, or even the consuming device itself. In this regard, these function(s) may be combined in consuming device to facilitate a more compact and cost effective system. With reference to

FIG. 22

, in this embodiment of the invention, power conditioning and thermal management module


is disposed in device


and thermal capture element


may be disposed on device


to enhance the rejection of the heat captured by thermal management element


(generated by device


and power conditioning element


). In addition, due to the close proximity of thermal rejection element


to device


, thermal rejection element


directly captures and rejects heat generated by device


. However, under those circumstances where additional thermal capture and rejection capacity provided by thermal rejection element


is not necessary, thermal rejection element


may be omitted.

It should be noted that power conditioning and thermal management module


may be disposed on the back side of device


or power conditioning element


and/or thermal management element


may be disposed on the both the front and back sides of device


. Moreover, power conditioning element


may be disposed on the front side of device


and thermal management element


may be disposed on the backside.

With reference to

FIG. 23

, in another embodiment of the invention, system


includes power conditioning module


that is disposed in device


and thermal capture and rejection module


may be disposed on device


to provide thermal management of device


and power conditioning element


. As with the embodiment illustrated in

FIG. 22

, power conditioning module



FIG. 23

may be disposed on the back side of device


or on the front side of device


. Moreover, power conditioning module


may be disposed on the both the front and back sides of device



It should be noted that in all of the embodiments illustrated in

FIGS. 20-23

, the elements and modules, as well as the consuming device that includes the power conditioning and/or thermal management functions/elements, may include the features, attributes, alternatives and advantages of the corresponding elements and modules illustrated in

FIGS. 2-19

, and described above. For the sake of brevity, those features, attributes, and advantages will not be restated here.

In addition, under those circumstances where thermal capture and rejection capacity provided by thermal rejection element


is not necessary, thermal rejection element


may be omitted altogether.

Another aspect of the present invention is a system including a plurality of consuming devices, each having a power conditioning and thermal management module that receives power from a primary power supply and a working fluid from a fluidic pumping mechanism. With reference to

FIG. 24

, in this embodiment, primary power supply


provides initial power conditioning of an external power source (not shown). The output of primary power supply


is provided to each of the power conditioning elements



of power conditioning and thermal management module



, respectively. The power conditioning elements



provide localized power conditioning for the consuming device



, respectively. The power conditioning elements



may be any one of the embodiments described above and illustrated in

FIGS. 8-19


The primary power supply


provides the initially conditioned power to each power conditioning elements



by way of power bus


. The power bus


may be routed in parallel to each of power conditioning elements



The primary power supply


may include discrete components, similar to that illustrated in

FIG. 1

, or may be a power conditioning module


, similar to that described above with respect to FIG.


. Moreover, primary power supply


may also include additional power supply circuitry positioned more locally to the devices



. The additional power supply circuitry may provide additional initial conditioning of the power before being supplied to power conditioning elements



With continued reference to

FIG. 24

, fluidic pumping mechanism


provides a working fluid to each of the thermal management elements



of power conditioning and thermal management module



, respectively. The thermal management elements



captures and removes heat generated by devices



and/or power conditioning elements



. The thermal management elements



may be any one of the embodiments described above and illustrated in

FIGS. 8-19

. Moreover, system



FIG. 24

may also include local heat rejection elements (not shown) that are disposed on or near devices



. System


may also, or alternatively include a global heat rejection element (not shown) that rejects heat for one or more of the thermal management elements



. The heat rejection element(s) may include the features of the heat rejection element and thermal rejection module as illustrated in

FIGS. 2-19

and described above.

The fluidic pump mechanism exchanges the working fluid with each thermal management element



by way of fluid bus


. That is, pumping mechanism


provides cool fluid to each thermal management element



using fluid bus


; and fluid bus


provides a path for the heated fluid from thermal management element



to fluidic pump mechanism


. The fluid bus


may be routed in parallel or series to each of thermal management elements



It should be noted that system



FIG. 24

may be implemented using power conditioning module


illustrated in

FIGS. 2-7

, and described above. Under this circumstance, the thermal management operations or functions may be performed in any manner, including those described above and illustrated in

FIGS. 2-7





. Thus, depending on the type of thermal management technique employed, a fluidic pump mechanism


and fluid bus


may be unnecessary.

Various embodiments of the present invention have been described herein. It is understood, however, that changes, modifications and permutations can be made without departing from the true scope and spirit of the present invention as defined by the following claims, which are to be interpreted in view of the foregoing. For example, other permutations of the module(s) and element(s) combinations are possible to provide a system having a power conditioning feature and a thermal management feature. In this regard, other combinations of the modules and elements in a building block approach, as illustrated in

FIGS. 20-23

, are suitable and are contemplated, and, as such, fall within the scope of the present invention.

In addition, the power conditioning and thermal management features may be combined in other modules, elements, or devices of the system, including the consuming device as illustrated in

FIGS. 22 and 23

, and described above. Incorporating features in this manner is clearly contemplated, and, thus falls within the scope of the present invention. Moreover, many different types of arrangement, layouts, configurations, designs, and techniques of micro heat exchangers, micro channels, sensors, and pump mechanisms are described and illustrated in the Kenny et al. Application, which are all hereby incorporated by reference. Indeed, the Kenny et al. Application is incorporated by reference herein in total.

  • 1. A power conditioning and thermal management module to couple to an integrated circuit device, the power conditioning and thermal management module comprises:a power conditioning element having a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface, the power conditioning element includes: a semiconductor substrate; a plurality of interface vias to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface of the power conditioning element; and electrical circuitry, disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to condition the power to be applied to the integrated circuit device, wherein the electrical circuitry includes at least one voltage regulator and at least one capacitor; and a thermal management element having a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface, the thermal management element, during operation, uses a fluid having a liquid phase to capture thermal energy, the thermal management element including; a substrate, wherein the substrate includes at least a portion of a micro channel disposed therein and configured to permit a flow of the fluid therethrough; a plurality of interface vias to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface of the thermal management element; and a pump, adapted to connect to the micro channel, to produce the flow of the fluid in the micro channel; and wherein each of the plurality of interface vias of the thermal management element connect to a corresponding one of the plurality of interface vias of the power management element to provide electrical connection between the first interface of the power conditioning element and the second interface of the thermal management element.
  • 2. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 1 further including:a current sensor, disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to provide information which is representative of a current consumption of the integrated circuit; and a controller, coupled to the current sensor, to receive the information which is representative of the current consumption of the integrated circuit and, in response thereto, to adjust the flow of the fluid in the micro channel.
  • 3. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 2 wherein the controller is disposed in the semiconductor substrate.
  • 4. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 2 wherein the controller, in response to the information which is representative of the current consumption, adjusts a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.
  • 5. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 1 further including:a temperature sensor, disposed in the power conditioning and thermal management module, to provide information which is representative of the temperature of a region of the power conditioning and thermal management module; a controller, coupled to the temperature sensor, to receive the information representative of the temperature and, in response thereto, to adjust the flow of the fluid in the micro channel.
  • 6. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 5 wherein the region is in proximity to the location of the temperature sensor.
  • 7. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 5 wherein the temperature sensor and the controller are disposed in the semiconductor substrate.
  • 8. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 5 wherein the controller, in response to information representative of the temperature, provides a signal to control the pump.
  • 9. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 5 wherein the controller, in response to information representative of the temperature, adjusts a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.
  • 10. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 5 further including a current sensor coupled to the controller to provide information which is representative of the current consumption of the integrated circuit, wherein the controller, in response to the information which is representative of the current consumption, adjusts the flow of the fluid in the micro channel.
  • 11. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 10 wherein the controller, in response to information representative of the current consumption of the integrated circuit, adjusts a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.
  • 12. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 1 wherein the first interface of the thermal management element is physically bonded to the second interface of the power conditioning element.
  • 13. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 12 wherein the electrical circuitry is disposed on the first interface of the power conditioning element.
  • 14. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 13 further including:at least one power pad disposed on the second interface of the thermal management element; and at least one power via, wherein the power via is electrically connected to the power pad to provide electrical connection between the second interface of the thermal management element and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 15. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 14 wherein the power via is electrically connected to a power conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate of the power management element and wherein the power conduit provides electrical connection between the power via and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 16. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 13 further including:at least one power via disposed in the substrate of the thermal management element; at least one power pad disposed on the second interface of the thermal management element, wherein the power pad is electrically connected to the power via to provide electrical connection between the second interface of the thermal management element and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor; and at least one output power conduit, coupled to the electrical circuitry, to provide conditioned power to the integrated circuit device.
  • 17. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 16 wherein the output power conduit connects to an input power pad disposed on the first interface of the power conditioning element wherein the input power pad corresponds to an input of the integrated circuit device.
  • 18. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 12 wherein the electrical circuitry is disposed on the second interface of the power conditioning element.
  • 19. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 18 further including:at least one ground pad disposed on the second interface of the thermal management element; and at least one ground via, wherein the ground via is electrically connected to the ground pad to provide electrical connection between the second interface of the thermal management element and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 20. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 19 wherein the ground via is electrically connected to a ground conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate of the power conditioning element and wherein the ground conduit is electrically connected to least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 21. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 20 further including:at least one power via disposed in the substrate of the thermal management element; at least one power pad, disposed on the second interface of the thermal management element, wherein the power pad is electrically connected to the power via to provide electrical connection between the second interface of the thermal management element and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor; and at least one output power conduit, coupled to the electrical circuitry, to provide conditioned power to the integrated circuit device.
  • 22. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 21 wherein the output power conduit connects to an input power pad disposed on the first interface of the power conditioning element wherein the input power pad corresponds to the power input of the integrated circuit device.
  • 23. A power conditioning and thermal management module to couple to an integrated circuit device, the power conditioning and thermal management module having a first interface and a second interface wherein the first interface opposes the second interface, the power conditioning and thermal management module comprises:a semiconductor substrate; a plurality of interface vias to provide electrical connection between the first interface and the second interface; a first plurality of pads disposed on the first interface, each of the first plurality of pads is connected to a corresponding one of the interface vias on the first interface; a second plurality of pads disposed on the second interface, each of the second plurality of pads is connected to a corresponding one of the interface vias on the second interface; and electrical circuitry, disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to condition the power to be applied to the integrated circuit device, wherein the electrical circuitry includes at least one voltage regulator and at least one capacitor; a micro channel structure, including at least one micro channel disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to capture thermal energy.
  • 24. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 23 further including:a current sensor, disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to provide information which is representative of the current consumption of the integrated circuit; and a controller, coupled to the current sensor, to receive the information which is representative of the current consumption of the integrated circuit and, in response thereto, to adjust a rate of capture of thermal energy by the micro channel structure.
  • 25. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 23 further including:a pump, adapted to connect to the micro channel structure, to produce the flow of the fluid in the micro channel structure; a current sensor, disposed in the semiconductor substrate, to provide information which is representative of a current consumption; and a controller, coupled to the current sensor, to receive the information which is representative of the current consumption and, in response thereto, to adjust a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.
  • 26. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 25 further including:a temperature sensor, disposed in the power conditioning and thermal management module, to provide information which is representative of a temperature; wherein the controller is coupled to the temperature sensor and receives the information representative of the temperature.
  • 27. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 26 wherein the controller, in response to the information representative of the temperature, adjusts the flow of the fluid in the micro channel structure.
  • 28. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 26 wherein the controller, in response to the information representative of the temperature, adjusts a rate of flow of fluid output by the pump.
  • 29. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 26 wherein the temperature sensor and the controller are disposed in the semiconductor substrate.
  • 30. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 23 wherein the electrical circuitry is disposed on the second interface.
  • 31. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 30 further including:at least one power conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate; and at least one power pad, disposed on the second interface, wherein the power pad is electrically connected to the power conduit to provide electrical connection between the second interface and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 32. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 30 further including:at least one output power pad disposed on the first interface; and at least one output power via, wherein the output power via is coupled to the electrical circuitry and the output power pad.
  • 33. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 32 wherein the output power pad corresponds to an input of the integrated circuit device.
  • 34. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 23 wherein the micro channel structure is disposed on the first interface and wherein the power conditioning and thermal management module further includes a pump to provide a fluid, having a liquid phase, to the at least one micro channel.
  • 35. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 23 wherein the electrical circuitry is disposed on the first interface.
  • 36. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 35 further including:at least one power pad disposed on the second interface; and at least one power via, wherein the power pad is electrically connected to the power via to provide electrical connection between the second interface and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 37. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 36 wherein the power via is electrically connected to a power conduit disposed in the semiconductor substrate and wherein the power conduit provides electrical connection between the power pad and at least one of the voltage regulator and capacitor.
  • 38. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 37 further including at least one output power conduit, coupled to the electrical circuitry, to provide conditioned power to the integrated circuit device.
  • 39. The power conditioning and thermal management module of claim 38 wherein the output power conduit connects to an input power pad disposed on the first interface of the power conditioning element wherein the input power pad corresponds to the power input of the integrated circuit device.
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6034425 Chiang et al. Mar 2000 A
6052287 Palmer et al. Apr 2000 A
6054034 Soane et al. Apr 2000 A
6068752 Dubrow et al. May 2000 A
6090251 Sundberg et al. Jul 2000 A
6096656 Matzke et al. Aug 2000 A
6100541 Nagle et al. Aug 2000 A
6101715 Fuesser et al. Aug 2000 A
6121682 Kim Sep 2000 A
6127726 Bright et al. Oct 2000 A
6129145 Yamamoto et al. Oct 2000 A
6133631 Belady Oct 2000 A
6137693 Schwiebert et al. Oct 2000 A
6146103 Lee et al. Nov 2000 A
6154363 Chang Nov 2000 A
6154370 Degani et al. Nov 2000 A
6171067 Parce Jan 2001 B1
6174675 Chow et al. Jan 2001 B1
6176962 Soane et al. Jan 2001 B1
6186660 Kopf-Sill et al. Feb 2001 B1
6191945 Belady et al. Feb 2001 B1
6201302 Tzu Mar 2001 B1
6204562 Ho et al. Mar 2001 B1
6210986 Arnold et al. Apr 2001 B1
6215193 Tao et al. Apr 2001 B1
6216343 Leland et al. Apr 2001 B1
6221226 Kopf-Sill Apr 2001 B1
6227809 Forster et al. May 2001 B1
6234240 Cheon May 2001 B1
6238538 Parce et al. May 2001 B1
6268660 Dhong et al. Jul 2001 B1
6277257 Paul et al. Aug 2001 B1
6278190 Tomita Aug 2001 B1
6285550 Belady Sep 2001 B1
6287440 Arnold et al. Sep 2001 B1
6297551 Dudderar et al. Oct 2001 B1
6301109 Chu et al. Oct 2001 B1
6313992 Hildebrandt Nov 2001 B1
6321791 Chow Nov 2001 B1
6322753 Lindberg et al. Nov 2001 B1
6324058 Hsiao Nov 2001 B1
6335566 Hirashima et al. Jan 2002 B1
6337794 Agonafer et al. Jan 2002 B1
6344682 Tomita Feb 2002 B1
6351384 Daikoku et al. Feb 2002 B1
20010016985 Insley et al. Aug 2001 A1
20010024820 Mastromatteo et al. Sep 2001 A1
20010044155 Paul et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010046703 Burns et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010055714 Cettour-Rose et al. Dec 2001 A1
20020011330 Insley et al. Jan 2002 A1
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