Foil for use in filing substrate recesses

To fill a hole or trench structure in an article, such as a semiconductor wafer, a layer is formed on the article. The layer extends over the structure so as to seal the mouth thereof. The layer may be deposited by sputtering, etc, or the layer may be deposited as a pre-formed foil. Then, the wafer and layer are subject to elevated pressure and elevated temperature such as to cause material of the layer to flow into the structure.


1. Field Of The Invention

The present invention relates to arrangements in which a layer of material is formed on a surface, so that the material is introduced into holes or trenches in the surface. It is particularly, but not exclusively, concerned with arrangements in which that surface is a surface of a semiconductor wafer (or substrate used for integrated circuits).

2. Description of the Related Art

There are a number of situations during the formation of a semiconductor device in a semiconductor wafer where it is necessary to deposit a layer onto the wafer. One such situation arises when conductive or semiconductive tracks are to be formed over the wafer, so that those tracks may make contact with active regions of the device or circuit. Normally, such tracks must then extend through an insulating layer on the surface of the wafer so as to make contact with active regions below that insulating layer, or with further conductive tracks below that insulating layer (when the holes are usually called “vias”). Where the track extends through a hole in this way, it is important that the amount of material e.g., metal filling that hole is sufficient to ensure good electrical contact.

Another situation is when an electrically insulating layer is to be formed over the wafer, in order to isolate active regions and/or conductive tracks from each other, or to form a protective covering known as a passivation layer. Such a layer is often required to cover conductive tracks or other structures on the wafer, and these structures may be close to each other so that the gaps between them form narrow trenches. It is important that the insulting material covers all the surface with sufficient thickness to provide good electrical insulation, and that the top surface of the insulating layer be sufficiently smooth for the next stage of wafer processing.

The normal way of forming layers on the surface of a semiconductor wafer, is by the use of a deposition technique, such as sputtering for conductive layers, or chemical vapor deposition for insulating layers. In such a technique, the surface on which the layer to be formed is bombarded with particles of the material to be deposited until a layer of a suitable thickness has been achieved.

Where that surface is the surface of a layer with a hole or trench therein extending to the surface of the wafer, the particles of the material are deposited on the sides and base of the hole or trench, but it has been found that there is a tendency for the particles to be deposited primarily at the mouth of the hole or trench, so that the width of the mouth is reduced as the deposition continues. The effect of this is that the interior of the hole or trench may suffer from shadowing, and a suitably thick layer of the material may not be deposited inside the hole before deposition at the mouth of the hole or trench effectively closes the hole or trench and prevents further deposition therein, or before the required thickness has already been deposited elsewhere on the surface. This problem becomes increasingly significant as the width of the structure decreases, and developments in semiconductor technology have resulted in moves towards smaller and narrower structures.

An alternative method of producing a suitable conductive layer is firstly to fill the hole with one metal, and then form the metal layer over the insulation and the filled hole. Thus, the hole may be filled with tungsten using a technique such as chemical vapor deposition, and then a more common metal, such as aluminum or aluminum alloy may be deposited over the surface by the sputtering technique discussed above. However, the gaseous sources for the materials used to fill the holes by chemical vapor deposition are expensive, and a two-stage process involving different materials is necessary, increasing the cost of the whole device.

Holes can be filled by sputtering at high temperature (>500° C.) and/or using bias sputtering, but the quality of the metal is degraded, and the process is inconsistent and hard to control. Aluminum CVD is possible and does fill holes, but the process is slow, hard to control, and requires previous deposition of a suitable seed layer. Again, a two-stage process involving different materials is then necessary.

There are alternative methods of producing a suitable insulating layer. One method is to deposit part of the required thickness by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and then to remove the parts of the layer that overhang the trench by sputter etching or reactive ion etching. This cycle may be repeated until sufficient thickness has been deposited, the etching steps being used to prevent the closing of the mouth of the trench. However, the process is slow, requires several steps, and must be adjusted for different geometries.

Another method is to deposit an insulating material that can be reflowed by melting, such as silicon oxide doped with boron or phosphorous. The material may be deposited by CVD, and then heated until it flows into the trench.

However the temperature required for reflow of such material is greater than 800° C., which will cause melting of any aluminum tracks present, and can cause undesirable diffusion in active regions of devices in the wafer.

A third method is to apply a liquid solution onto the surface of the wafer, where such liquid when subsequently heated forms a solid insulating layer, such as that known as “spin-on-glass”. The material flows into the trenches when first applied. However, the material tends to retain some moisture after the heating process, and this moisture can cause device unreliability due to corrosion. It may require a capping layer to seal against moisture, which increases the number of process steps and hence the device costs.


The present invention therefore proposes that a layer be formed on the surface of an article, in which surface there is a recess such as a hole or trench, the sides and base of which are to be provided with a covering so as, e.g., in a wafer, to provide electrical contact or insulation. Then, the article, including the layer, is subjected to elevated pressure and elevated temperature sufficient to cause the layer to deform.

It is thought that the primary factor causing the deformation is plastic flow by dislocation slips, which is activated by the elevated pressure and temperature. Surface diffusion, grain boundary diffusion and lattice diffusion may also have an effect, activated by the elevated temperature.

The precise temperature and pressure conditions necessary to achieve the deformation of the layer will depend on the materials used but, for aluminum or aluminum alloys, temperatures in excess of 350° C. and pressures in excess of 20×10


Pa (3,000 p.s.i.) have been found to be suitable, but lower temperature and/or pressures may also be effective. Alloys commonly used for forming conductive tracks are of composition Al/0-2% Si/0-4% Cu/0-2% Ti, and these have been found to deform suitably under such conditions.

The present invention is not limited to one particular method of forming the layer, and sputtering or chemical vapor deposition techniques may be used as discussed above, although other alternatives such as vacuum evaporation or application of a liquid may also be used. Indeed, in one embodiment of the invention, the layer is pre-formed, as a film, which film is then positioned on the article.

Thus, to form a conductive, insulating or semiconductive layer on a semiconductor wafer, which layer is to extend through holes or trenches in an underlying layer on the surface of the wafer, material for forming the layer (e.g., aluminum or other suitable material) is first deposited on the surface of the underlying layer by e.g., sputtering. The material may then be deposited on the sides and base of the hole or trench, although the thickness at the mouth of the structure will be greater. When a suitable amount of material has been deposited deposition stops and the result is subject to elevated temperatures and pressures for a period sufficiently long to cause movement of the material to fill the structure, or to move into the structure sufficiently to allow a reliable electrical contact if the material is a metal, or to provide a reliable electrical insulation if the material is an insulator.

It is important that the mouth of the structure is completely closed by the deposition, leaving a void below the closed mouth within the structure. Such closing of the mouth of the structure enables the material to be pushed down into the structure, collapsing the void by the elevated pressure outside it. The void will therefore be filled when the material moves under the elevated pressure and temperature conditions. Thus, unlike the prior art arrangements, the closing of the mouth of the structure does not represent a limit to the amount of the material that may, at the end of the procedure, fill the structure to achieve a satisfactory contact or insulator.

Aluminum, or some aluminum alloys, are particularly suitable for use with the present invention because their yield strengths decrease gradually with temperature. Thus, they will deform to move into or fill the hole at temperatures significantly below their melting point. For other materials, since it is often desirable to avoid very high temperatures, it may be difficult to ensure that suitable deformation occurs below the melting point.

However, it may still be possible to achieve this with suitably precise temperature control.

If aluminum is used, temperatures in the range 350° C. to 650° C. and pressures in excess of 3,000 p.s.i. have been found suitable. Indeed, it is believed that the pressures may be as high as 350×10


Pa (50,000 p.s.i.) or even higher enabling the use of temperatures less than 350° C. The duration of such pressure and temperature conditions is also not thought to be critical, and inert or reactive gases may be used to create the high pressure.

It has previously been mentioned that it is important for the mouth of the structure to be completely closed by the deposition, leaving a void below the closed mouth. If the deposition is vertical, or substantially vertical, it has been found that such closing of the mouth requires a long deposition of a thickness at least as great as the width of the hole. It may be desirable to reduce this thickness, so that after subsequent pattern etching of the layer, the step heights are reduced, to ease (for example) subsequent layer step coverage, or photolithography (by reducing the depth of focus field required). Therefore, in a further development of the present invention, it is proposed that the deposition be carried out by magnetron sputtering, such that the flux of material is from a large range of angles to the surface of the wafer, and that the wafer be heated to increase the mobility of the deposited material. Under the correct surface and heat conditions, the material deposited in the hole or trench can flow out of that hole or trench and contribute to the bridging. For magnetron sputter deposition of aluminum alloys, a platen temperature of 350°-550° C. has been found to be suitable, but other temperatures may also enhance the bridging effect.

Another aspect of the invention consists in a method of filling recesses (which term includes trenches, holes or vias) formed in a film or layer deposited on a substrate, comprising laying a metallic foil across the exposed surface of the film to bridge the recesses, heating the foil and applying pressure to the foil, whereby the foil or material therefrom is forced into the recesses to fill them.

The heating step may precede or be simultaneous with the application of pressure.

The pressure may be induced mechanically through a solid or fluid, or it may be applied by creating a pressure drop across the foil. In this latter case a step of creating a pressure drop may include evacuating the recesses either before, during or after the foil has been laid on the surface. The pressure may then be raised on the exposed side of the foil and preferably the initial increase in pressure is sufficiently sudden to seal the foil against the film and hence preclude the pressure in the recesses being raised. Alternatively, a mechanical seal could be formed around the periphery of the film.

The foil is preferably a highly-conducting ductile metal such as aluminum, an aluminum alloy, copper or gold.

A barrier or lubricating layer may be deposited on the exposed surface of the film prior to the foil being laid thereon. Alternatively, and in many cases preferably, the barrier or lubricating layer may be deposited on that surface of the foil, which engages the film surface. In either case, when the foil is aluminum or aluminum alloy, the barrier or lubrication layer may be Titanium or Titanium Nitride and there may be more than one such layer, for example, there may be a sandwich of Titanium, Titanium Nitride and Titanium.

The foil may be mounted on an organic carrier layer (such as mylar) and the method may further include the step of stripping the carrier layer. Usually the stripping step will be performed prior to the application of pressure, but if, for example, mechanical pressure is to be applied then there may be benefits in retaining the carrier layer at that stage.

Yet another aspect the invention may consists in the foil itself for laying on a semi-conductor wafer comprising a highly conducting ductile metal such as aluminum, aluminum alloy or copper.

One surface of the foil may be coated with one or more barrier and/or lubricating layers and these may be Titanium and or Titanium Nitride or a combination thereof. The foil may be mounted on an organic carrier layer on the opposite side to the barrier or lubricating layer or layers if they exist and that organic carrier layer may be a polyester film such as MYLAR.

It will be appreciated that the use of such foils in the method described above are particularly advantageous, because they can be pre-prepared in accordance with the specific situation in which they are intended to act and are not dependent either upon the environmental conditions within the processing chamber or the nature or topography of the substrate or film on which they are laid.


An embodiment of the present invention will now be described in detail, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

shows a cross-section of a semiconductor wafer prior to the formation of a layer according to the present invention;

FIG. 2

shows a cross-section of the wafer of

FIG. 1

, at an intermediate stage in the formation of a layer according to the present invention;

FIG. 3

shows a cross-sectional view of the wafer, after the layer has been completed;

FIG. 4

shows a cross-sectional view of the wafer, after exposure to elevated pressure and elevated temperature;

FIG. 5

is a sectional view corresponding to

FIG. 2

, but for higher temperatures;

FIG. 6

is a schematic plan view of an apparatus for carrying out the present invention;

FIG. 7

is a schematic sectional view of the part of the apparatus of

FIG. 6

, which part subjects the article to elevated pressures and temperatures;

FIG. 8

shows the cross sectional view of a part of a semi-conductor wafer with a foil laid on the top thereof;

FIG. 9

shows the cross sectional view of the wafer of

FIG. 8

after the foil has been subjected to elevated pressure and temperature;

FIG. 10

corresponds to

FIG. 8

, but in this case the foil includes a carrier layer and barrier or lubricating layers; and

FIG. 11

shows the wafer of

FIG. 10

after the foil has been subjected to elevated temperatures and pressures and the carrier layer has been stripped away.


FIG. 1

shows a semiconductor wafer


with a preexisting layer


thereon. The wafer


itself may contain a plurality of layers and/or regions of different properties, to form a semiconductor device, and will be the result of a fabrication process involving a plurality of stages for forming those layers and/or regions. The internal structure of the wafer


is not of significance in the present invention, and therefore these layers and/or regions will not be discussed further.

The layer


has a hole or trench structure


therein, and the present invention is concerned with the problem of forming a layer over the pre-existing layer


, e.g., so that either an electrical contact can be made by a metal layer to the surface


of the wafer


within the hole or trench structure


, or an electrical insulator can be formed on the surface


of the wafer


within the hole or trench structure


, or a layer can be formed that can be made semiconductive in a known manner. That surface


may thus be in contact with e.g., active regions within the wafer, or further conductive tracks within the structure on the wafer.

To form a metal layer, a material such as aluminum, is sputtered onto the surface of the layer


e.g., in a downward or sideways direction in FIG.


. Sputtering can also be done upwards if desired. To form an insulating layer, a material such as silicon dioxide is deposited onto the surface of the layer


by e.g., chemical vapor deposition. This process continues until the new layer over the pre-existing layer


has a suitable thickness. This is shown. in

FIG. 2

, with the new layer shown at


. With such deposition techniques, deposition of the material to form the layer


tends to occur more rapidly at the mouth of the structure


, as compared with its side walls and its base, formed by surface


. As a result, as shown in

FIG. 2

, the side walls


of the hole or trench structure


, and the surface


, have a relatively thin layer of material thereon, as compared with the layer


covering the surface of the pre-existing layer


. It can thus be seen that satisfactory reliable electrical connection or insulation to the wafer


at the surface


may not be achieved. Furthermore, it is not normally possible to increase the amount of deposition on the side walls


and the surface


by continuing the deposition process, because that deposition process will eventually close the gap


in the layer


above the hole or trench structure


, preventing further deposition within that structure


and leaving a void.

The technique described above represents the currently standard method, and the poor coverage to the surface


may thus become a defect or weak point in the device.

It is important that deposition should close the mouth of the structure. In some cases, this may require more thickness than required elsewhere to be deposited, in which case excess material can be removed by etching or mechanical means or both, for example chemical mechanical processing, after the structure has been filled.

FIG. 3

thus shows a processing stage similar to

FIG. 2

, but in which the mouth of the structure is closed, to have a void below the layer


. This idea of wholly sealing the void may also be achieved by providing a capping layer over the layer which thus may seal any open voids. Such a capping layer may also improve the configuration of the final surface. Such a capping layer may be any suitable material, and may have a higher Youngs modulus than the layer being capped at the temperature/pressure at which it is to deform. After the wafer has been subject to the elevated temperatures/pressure conditions, the capping layer may be removed or may be left in place depending on the material of that capping layer.

Therefore, according to the present invention, once the stage of

FIG. 3

has been reached, further deposition of the material ceases, and the structure shown in

FIG. 3

is then subjected to elevated temperature and pressure, e.g., temperatures above 350° C. to 400° C. and pressures above 13×10


Pa (2,000 p.s.i.), assuming that the material of the layer


is aluminum. Such elevated temperature and pressure causes the material of layer


to flow proximate the structure


, and this process may continue until the structure


is filled, as shown in FIG.


. Material then entirely fills the structure


and thus a satisfactory electrical contact to, or insulation of, the surface


may then be achieved. There may be a small depression


in the layer


above the structure


, due to the flow of material into the structure


to fill it, but this depression does not affect the electrical properties of the device.

In this way, a satisfactory contact or insulation can be achieved, and it is found that this method is not affected by the width of the structure



As has previously been mentioned, it is important for the layer


wholly to cover the hole or trench structure


, so that the void is sealed. This closing of the mouth of the structure


enables the material to be pushed down into the structure


, because of the pressure differential across the layer


at the site of the structure


. Therefore, there is little advantage to be gained by depositing material within the structure


, as shown in

FIGS. 2 and 3

. Although the arrangement described with respect to

FIGS. 2 and 3

assumes that a relatively thin layer of material is deposited on the side walls


of the structure


, and the surface


, such deposition retards closing of the mouth of the structure


, thereby increasing the thickness of the layer


which needs to be deposited in order to close that mouth. However, it has been found if deposition occurs at elevated temperatures, e.g., 400° C. to 550° C., the shape of the layer


adjacent the structure


, before the mouth of the structure


is closed, may be different, as shown in FIG.


. Deposition occurs preferentially at the mouth of the structure


, thereby speeding up the closing of the mouth of that structure


. Thus, it is preferable that the layer


is deposited at elevated temperatures. For deposition at lower temperatures, the thickness of the layer


is normally at least 2 times the width of the structure


, but this limit may be avoided by use of elevated temperatures as described above.

It should further be noted that it is important that the structure


must be wholly filled by the material


, as shown in FIG.


. If the pressures are not sufficiently high, or are not maintained for sufficiently long, the flow of material into the structure


may not wholly fill it, and consideration must be given to this during the carrying out of the present invention. It may also be desirable to form a barrier layer


between the layer


and the layer


. The barrier layer


may serve to lubricate or reduce the friction experienced by the deposited layer during deformation. Its presence greatly enhances the reliability of the process. In addition to the materials mentioned below, the barrier layer


could be formed by a separately deposited layer of the material forming the layer


. Furthermore, care needs to be taken if there are a multiplicity of adjacent structures


, to ensure that there is sufficient material in the layer


to fill them all.

An apparatus for carrying out the present invention, when the article is a semiconductor wafer, is shown in FIG.


. The majority of components of that apparatus are conventional, with the exception of the parts for subjecting the article (wafer) to elevated pressure and temperatures.

Thus, semiconductor wafers are loaded into the apparatus via an interface


, from which interface


the wafers are transferred individually to a lock chamber


. That lock chamber


acts as a seal between the interior of the apparatus, in which the wafer is processed, and the exterior. A transport arm


, receives a wafer from the lock chamber


and transports the wafer successfully to one of a series of modules, in which processing of the wafer occurs. Normally, the wafer is pre-heated in a pre-heat module


. The pre-heating of the wafer, in vacuum, ensures that the wafer is fully out-gassed, and a temperature of approximately 400° C. is maintained for 60s. For some hydroscopic wafers, a prolonged heating may be necessary.

From the pre-heat module


, the wafer may be transported by suitable movement and rotation of the transport arm


, to a sputter etch module


. This cleans out native oxide from the wafer, and may also further degas the wafer. Such sputter etching is optional.

The processing thus carried out causes the wafer to be in the state shown in FIG.


. If, as previously described, a barrier layer is to be formed on the layer


before the formation of the layer


, the wafer is transported to a barrier deposition module


either directly from the preheat module


or from the sputter etch module


. The barrier layer may be formed in a conventional manner, and may be e.g., of Ti—TiN. The TiN may be deposited by reactive sputtering of pure Ti, and R.F. bias, in-situ oxygen incorporation, or vacuum breaks can be used to increase the integrity of the barrier layer. The typical thickness of the barrier layer, if formed, is of the order of 100 nm. It should be noted that formation of a barrier layer on the structure shown in

FIG. 1

is known.

Then, the wafer is transported by the transporter arm


to a deposition module


, in which the layer


is deposited. Such deposition may be by known methods, and sputter deposition is preferred. As has previously been mentioned, it is preferable for such deposition to occur at elevated temperatures. The deposition of the layer


continues until all holes or trench structures on the article are sealed by the layer



The modules




of the apparatus described above may be conventional. In the conventional arrangement, where a layer


is formed, it will not seal the hole or trench structures, but the sealing of such structures may be carried out using a conventional module



Then, according to the present invention, the wafer is transported from the deposition module


to a module


in which the wafer is subjected to elevated temperatures and pressures so as to cause the layer


to deform so that material fills the hole or trench structures, as shown in FIG.


. The module


is shown in more detail in FIG.



FIG. 6

also shows a display


by which the operator can monitor the movement of the wafer.

As can be seen from

FIG. 7

, the module


comprises a pressure vessel


which is connected via a passageway


containing a gate valve


to the region of the apparatus containing the transport arm


. Thus, wafers may be introduced into, and removed from, the pressure vessel


via the passageway


by opening and closing of gate valve


, this movement being shown by arrow


. The interior of the pressure vessel


communicates with a vacuum chamber


connected to a pump


. This enables the interior of the pressure vessel


to be evacuated. Support pins


are provided for supporting a wafer


which has been introduced into the pressure vessel



In order to subject the wafer to elevated pressures, the pressure vessel


has an inlet


connected to e.g., a high pressure Argon source. By filling the interior of the pressure vessel


with Argon, the wafer and layers thereon may be subjected to suitably controlled pressures. Furthermore, the pressure vessel


contains heating plates


which permit the temperature within the pressure vessel


, and hence the temperature of the wafer to be controlled. Hence, a wafer


introduced into the pressure vessel


may be subjected to elevated pressures and temperatures so as to cause a layer


formed thereon to form into vias in the wafer.

Thus, although the trend in semiconductor devices is to smaller and smaller dimensions, including smaller dimensions for contact holes, the present invention permits satisfactory electrical contact to be achieved through small contact holes. In the existing techniques using sputtering, as can be seen from consideration of

FIG. 2

, deposition at the mouth of the hole would rapidly close a small hole, so that the existing techniques offered only poor electrical contact. With the present invention, on the other hand, the closing of the mouth of the hole during the initial deposition of the metal layer, before the elevated temperature and pressure conditions are applied, may improve the success of contact after those elevated pressure and temperature conditions have been applied. Further developments of these techniques are described in British Patent Applications Nos. 9624343.1 and 9702410.3, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/727,303, each of which is incorporated herein by reference. The first two describe reactivation of the barrier layer whilst the last describes the provision of an extra thin aluminum layer on top of the main layer.

Also the trend is for the spacing of conductive tracks to become closer and the trenches between them narrower, and the present invention permits satisfactory electrical insulation to be achieved between layers, by a similar mechanism and with similar advantages.

An embodiment of the invention in which a preformed foil is placed across the exposed surface of the film, and is then subjected to elevated heat and/or pressure, will now be described with reference to

FIGS. 8-11


FIG. 8

shows a semi-conductor wafer


with a pre existing layer or film


thereon. The wafer


itself may constitute a plurality of layers and/or regions of different properties, to form a semi conductor device, and will be the result of a fabrication process involving a plurality of stages for forming these layers and/or regions. Once again, the internal structure of the wafer


is not of significance in the present invention, and therefore these layers and/or regions will not be discussed further. The layer


has a hole or trench structure


therein, and this embodiment of the present invention is particularly concerned with the problem of filling the trench or hole


with material so as to allow vertically extending electrical connections to be formed between vertically spaced layers in the structure. In the simplest form of the proposed method, an aluminum foil


is laid over the exposed surface of the layer


which would normally contain a vast number of holes


. The foil


bridges all of these holes. Either before, during or after the foil


has been laid on the layer


, the holes


are evacuated to a reduced pressure. The foil


may then be sealed around its periphery to the layer


or preferably pressurised gas is suddenly introduced into the chamber containing the wafer


and this will cause the foil to seal against the layer


closing off the holes


and creating a pressure drop across the thickness of the foil


. Either before, or simultaneously with, the application of pressure the foil is heated to a temperature below its melting point and this combination of elevated pressure and temperature caused a localised movement of material in the foil so that the holes


are filled in the manner shown in FIG.



The thickness of the foil will usually be a function of the depth and/or the aspect ratio. Normally, prior to the application of the foil


a barrier layer of Titanium or Titanium Nitride may be deposited on the upper surface of the layer


and into the hole


. This can have two functions: first it may prevent spiking of the aluminum or aluminum alloy into the layer


or wafer


and secondly it may act as a “lubricating” layer which facilitates the moment of aluminum in the foil into the hole



As present day manufacturing techniques require smaller and smaller holes to be filled, the deposition of this barrier layer into the hole


can be extremely difficult if not impossible. This situation can be addressed using the arrangement shown in

FIGS. 10 and 11

. In this case the aluminum


is coated on one side with barrier/lubricating layers






which are made of Titanium/Nitride and Titanium respectively. However, a single layer of Titanium or Titanium Nitride may be used as may be layers of other suitable materials. For convenience the foil


is in this case carried on a carrier layer


, which is preferably organic and may be a polyester film such as MYLAR.

Once the foil


is laid onto the layer


the process continues as before, although at some stage the carrier layer


is stripped away, for example, using an oxygen or hydrogen plasma. As can be seen in

FIG. 11

, the layers






are cornered by the aluminum or alloy flowing into the hole


and form a lining of the hole


. Thus, the well known problems of shadowing etc. which occur when one tries to deposit a thin layer of material into an extremely narrow hole are overcome.

The holes of recesses filled may extend through many films or layers and they may form contacts on the layers or to pre-deposited conducting tracks.

As has been mentioned earlier the use of a foil, particularly one which is pre-prepared with lubricating or barrier layers, has considerable advantages, because the optimum arrangement of material, thickness etc can be provided irrespective of the process environment and the topography of the surface on which it is deposited.

  • 1. A foil comprising:a pre-fabricated body which is suitable for laying across a plurality of recesses on a semiconductor wafer and which is made of a highly conducting ductile metal which is deformable under pressure and heat to fill the plurality of recesses of the semiconductor wafer; and a carrier layer mounted to a principal surface of the pre-fabricated body which is to face away from the recesses.
  • 2. A foil as claimed in claim 1, wherein the metal is selected from aluminum, aluminum alloy and copper.
  • 3. A foil as claimed in claim 1, further comprising at least one layer coated onto another principal surface of the pre-fabricated body which is to face towards the recesses.
  • 4. A foil as claimed in claim 3, wherein the at least one layer includes at least one of Titanium and Titanium Nitride.
  • 5. A foil as claimed in claim 1, wherein the carrier layer is an organic material.
  • 6. A foil as claimed in claim 1, wherein the carrier layer is a polyester film.
  • 7. A semiconductor intermediate product comprising:a wafer having a plurality of recesses in a surface thereof; a pre-fabricated foil which lays across the plurality of recesses on the surface of the semiconductor wafer and which is made of a highly conducting ductile material which is deformable under pressure and heat to fill the plurality of recesses of the semiconductor wafer; and a carrier layer mounted to a principal surface of the pre-fabricated body which is to face away from the recesses.
  • 8. A semiconductor intermediate product as claimed in claim 7, wherein the metal is one selected from aluminum, aluminum alloy and copper.
  • 9. A semiconductor intermediate product as claimed in claim 7, further comprising at least one layer coated onto another principal surface of the pre-fabricated body which is to face towards the recesses.
  • 10. A semiconductor intermediate product as claimed in claim 9, wherein the at least one layer includes at least one of Titanium and Titanium Nitride.
  • 11. A semiconductor intermediate product as claimed in claim 7, wherein the carrier layer is an organic material.
  • 12. A semiconductor intermediate product as claimed in claim 7, wherein the carrier layer is polyester film.
Priority Claims (3)
Number Date Country Kind
9111440.5 May 1991 GB
9202745.7 Feb 1992 GB
9414145.4 Jul 1994 GB

This is a divisional of application Ser. No. 08/831,600, filed Apr. 10, 1997 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,932,289, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety for all purposes. Application Ser. No. 08/831,600 is continuation-in-part of two applications, i.e., application Ser. No. 08/632,098, filed Apr. 15, 1996, now abn. and application Ser. No. 08/612,860, filed Mar. 12, 1996. Now abandoned application Ser. No. 08/632,098 is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/291,575, filed Aug. 16, 1994 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,527,561, which in turn is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/147,438, filed Nov. 5, 1993 and now abandoned; which in turn was a continuation of application Ser. No. 07/888,819, filed May 27, 1992 and now abandoned.

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4372989 Menzel Feb 1983
4465716 Baber et al. Aug 1984
4502210 Okumura et al. Mar 1985
4654113 Tuchiya et al. Mar 1987
4673592 Porter et al. May 1987
5011793 Obinata Apr 1991
5052102 Fong et al. Oct 1991
5104482 Monkowski et al. Apr 1992
5231751 Sachdev et al. Aug 1993
5308793 Taguchi et al. May 1994
5416569 Goldberg May 1995
5527561 Dobson Jun 1996
5529954 Iijima et al. May 1996
5547902 Rohner Aug 1996
5599744 Koh et al. Feb 1997
5690837 Nakaso et al. Nov 1997
Foreign Referenced Citations (3)
Number Date Country
4020324-A1 Feb 1992 DE
516344-A1 Feb 1992 EP
WO-9413008 Sep 1994 WO
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/291575 Aug 1994 US
Child 08/612860 US
Continuation in Parts (4)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/632098 Apr 1996 US
Child 08/831600 US
Parent 08/612860 Mar 1996 US
Child 08/831600 US
Parent 08/147438 Nov 1993 US
Child 08/291575 US
Parent 07/888819 May 1992 US
Child 08/147438 US