Method and apparatus for bilayer photoresist dry development

A method for etching an organic anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system comprising: introducing a process gas comprising nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O); forming a plasma from the process gas; and exposing the substrate to the plasma. The process gas can, for example, constitute an NH3/O2, N2/H2/O2, N2/H2/CO, NH3/CO, or NH3/CO/O2 based chemistry. Additionally, the process chemistry can further comprise the addition of helium. The present invention further presents a method for forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate, wherein the method comprises: forming the thin film on the substrate; forming an ARC layer on the thin film; forming a photoresist pattern on the ARC layer; and transferring the photoresist pattern to the ARC layer with an etch process using a process gas comprising nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).


[0002] The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for plasma processing a substrate, and more particularly to a method for bilayer photoresist dry development.


[0003] During semiconductor processing, a (dry) plasma etch process can be utilized to remove or etch material along fine lines or within vias or contacts patterned on a silicon substrate. The plasma etch process generally involves positioning a semiconductor substrate with an overlying patterned, protective layer, for example a photoresist layer, in a processing chamber. Once the substrate is positioned within the chamber, an ionizable, dissociative gas mixture is introduced within the chamber at a pre-specified flow rate, while a vacuum pump is throttled to achieve an ambient process pressure. Thereafter, a plasma is formed when a fraction of the gas species present are ionized by electrons heated via the transfer of radio frequency (RF) power either inductively or capacitively, or microwave power using, for example, electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). Moreover, the heated electrons serve to dissociate some species of the ambient gas species and create reactant specie(s) suitable for the exposed surface etch chemistry. Once the plasma is formed, selected surfaces of the substrate are etched by the plasma. The process is adjusted to achieve appropriate conditions, including an appropriate concentration of desirable reactant and ion populations to etch various features (e.g., trenches, vias, contacts, etc.) in the selected regions of the substrate. Such substrate materials where etching is required include silicon dioxide (SiO2), low-k dielectric materials, poly-silicon, and silicon nitride.


[0004] The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for plasma processing a substrate, and to a method and apparatus for bilayer photoresist dry development.

[0005] In one aspect of the invention, a method and apparatus are described for etching an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system. A process gas comprising one or more gasses collectively containing nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) is introduced. A plasma is formed from the process gas in the plasma processing system. The substrate is exposed to the plasma.

[0006] Additionally, a method and apparatus are described for forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate. The thin film is formed on the substrate. An anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer is formed on the thin film. A photoresist pattern is formed on the ARC layer. The photoresist pattern is transferred to the ARC layer by etching the ARC layer using a process gas comprising one or more gasses collectively containing nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).


[0007] In the accompanying drawings:

FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 1C show a schematic representation of a typical procedure for pattern etching a thin film;

FIG. 2 shows a simplified schematic diagram of a plasma processing system according to an embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram of a plasma processing system according to another embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 4 shows a schematic diagram of a plasma processing system according to another embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 5 shows a schematic diagram of a plasma processing system according to another embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 6 shows a schematic diagram of a plasma processing system according to another embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 7 presents a method of etching an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system according to an embodiment of the present invention; and

FIG. 8 presents a method of forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate according to another embodiment of the present invention.


[0016] In material processing methodologies, pattern etching comprises the application of a thin layer of light-sensitive material, such as photoresist, to an upper surface of a substrate, that is subsequently patterned in order to provide a mask for transferring this pattern to the underlying thin film during etching. The patterning of the light-sensitive material generally involves exposure by a radiation source through a reticle (and associated optics) of the light-sensitive material using, for example, a micro-lithography system, followed by the removal of the irradiated regions of the light-sensitive material (as in the case of positive photoresist), or non-irradiated regions (as in the case of negative resist) using a developing solvent. Multi-layer masks can be implemented for etching features in a thin film. For example, as shown in FIGS. 1A-C, a bilayer mask 6 comprising light-sensitive layer 3 with pattern 2 formed using conventional lithographic techniques and an organic anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer 7 can be utilized as a mask for etching the thin film 4, wherein the mask pattern 2 in the light-sensitive layer 3 is transferred to the ARC layer 7 using a separate etch step preceding the main etch step for the thin film 4.

[0017] In one embodiment, a process gas comprising a nitrogen (N) containing gas, a hydrogen (H) containing gas, and an oxygen (O) containing gas is utilized as a method of bilayer photoresist dry development. Alternatively, two or more of nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) can be included in a single gas. For example, an ammonia-oxygen (NH3/O2) based chemistry can be introduced as a method of bilayer photoresist dry development. In an alternate embodiment, a nitrogen-hydrogen-oxygen (N2/H2/O2) based chemistry can be employed to facilitate etching the organic ARC layer. Alternately, carbon monoxide (CO) can be added, or utilized to replace O2 in the former two chemistries. Alternately, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can further comprise helium (He). Such chemistries can be employed to create high aspect ratio features having an aspect ratio greater than or equal to about 3-to-1, or even greater than or equal to about 4-to-1.

[0018] According to one embodiment, a plasma processing system 1 is depicted in FIG. 2 comprising a plasma processing chamber 10, a diagnostic system 12 coupled to the plasma processing chamber 10, and a controller 14 coupled to the diagnostic system 12 and the plasma processing chamber 10. The controller 14 is configured to execute a process recipe comprising at least one of the above-identified chemistries (i.e. NH3/O2, N2/H2/O2, NH3/CO, N2/H2/CO, NH3/O2/CO, etc.) to etch an organic ARC layer. Additionally, controller 14 is configured to receive at least one endpoint signal from the diagnostic system 12 and to post-process the at least one endpoint signal in order to accurately determine an endpoint for the process. In the illustrated embodiment, plasma processing system 1, depicted in FIG. 2, utilizes a plasma for material processing. Plasma processing system 1 can comprise an etch chamber.

[0019] According to the embodiment depicted in FIG. 3, plasma processing system 1a can comprise plasma processing chamber 10, substrate holder 20, upon which a substrate 25 to be processed is affixed, and vacuum pumping system 30. Substrate 25 can be, for example, a semiconductor substrate, a wafer or a liquid crystal display. Plasma processing chamber 10 can be, for example, configured to facilitate the generation of plasma in processing region 15 adjacent a surface of substrate 25. An ionizable gas or mixture of gases is introduced via a gas injection system (not shown) and the process pressure is adjusted. For example, a control mechanism (not shown) can be used to throttle the vacuum pumping system 30. Plasma can be utilized to create materials specific to a pre-determined materials process, and/or to aid the removal of material from the exposed surfaces of substrate 25. The plasma processing system la can be configured to process 200 mm substrates, 300 mm substrates, or substrates of any size.

[0020] Substrate 25 can be, for example, affixed to the substrate holder 20 via an electrostatic clamping system. Furthermore, substrate holder 20 can, for example, further include a cooling system including a re-circulating coolant flow that receives heat from substrate holder 20 and transfers heat to a heat exchanger system (not shown), or when heating, transfers heat from the heat exchanger system. Moreover, gas can, for example, be delivered to the back-side of substrate 25 via a backside gas system to improve the gas-gap thermal conductance between substrate 25 and substrate holder 20. Such a system can be utilized when temperature control of the substrate is required at elevated or reduced temperatures. For example, the backside gas system can comprise a two-zone gas distribution system, wherein the helium gas gap pressure can be independently varied between the center and the edge of substrate 25. In other embodiments, heating/cooling elements, such as resistive heating elements, or thermo-electric heaters/coolers can be included in the substrate holder 20, as well as the chamber wall of the plasma processing chamber 10 and any other component within the plasma processing system 1a.

[0021] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 3, substrate holder 20 can comprise an electrode through which RF power is coupled to the processing plasma in process space 15. For example, substrate holder 20 can be electrically biased at a RF voltage via the transmission of RF power from a RF generator 40 through an impedance match network 50 to substrate holder 20. The RF bias can serve to heat electrons to form and maintain plasma. In this configuration, the system can operate as a reactive ion etch (RIE) reactor, wherein the chamber and an upper gas injection electrode serve as ground surfaces. A typical frequency for the RF bias can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 100 MHz. RF systems for plasma processing are well known to those skilled in the art.

[0022] Alternately, RF power is applied to the substrate holder electrode at multiple frequencies. Furthermore, impedance match network 50 serves to improve the transfer of RF power to plasma in plasma processing chamber 10 by reducing the reflected power. Match network topologies (e.g. L-type, π-type, T-type, etc.) and automatic control methods are well known to those skilled in the art.

[0023] Vacuum pump system 30 can, for example, include a turbo-molecular vacuum pump (TMP) capable of a pumping speed up to 5000 liters per second (and greater) and a gate valve for throttling the chamber pressure. In conventional plasma processing devices utilized for dry plasma etch, a 1000 to 3000 liter per second TMP is generally employed. TMPs are useful for low pressure processing, typically less than 50 mtorr. For high pressure processing (i.e., greater than about 100 mtorr), a mechanical booster pump and dry roughing pump can be used. Furthermore, a device for monitoring chamber pressure (not shown) can be coupled to the plasma processing chamber 10. The pressure measuring device can be, for example, a Type 628B Baratron absolute capacitance manometer commercially available from MKS Instruments, Inc. (Andover, Mass.).

[0024] Controller 14 comprises a microprocessor, memory, and a digital I/O port capable of generating control voltages sufficient to communicate and activate inputs to plasma processing system la as well as monitor outputs from plasma processing system 1a. Moreover, controller 14 can be coupled to and can exchange information with RF generator 40, impedance match network 50, the gas injection system (not shown), vacuum pump system 30, as well as the backside gas delivery system (not shown), the substrate/substrate holder temperature measurement system (not shown), and/or the electrostatic clamping system (not shown). For example, a program stored in the memory can be utilized to activate the inputs to the aforementioned components of plasma processing system 1a according to a process recipe in order to perform the method of etching an organic ARC layer. One example of controller 14 is a DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION 610™, available from Dell Corporation, Austin, Tex.

[0025] The diagnostic system 12 can include an optical diagnostic subsystem (not shown). The optical diagnostic subsystem can comprise a detector such as a (silicon) photodiode or a photomultiplier tube (PMT) for measuring the light intensity emitted from the plasma. The diagnostic system 12 can further include an optical filter such as a narrow-band interference filter. In an alternate embodiment, the diagnostic system 12 can include at least one of a line CCD (charge coupled device), a CID (charge injection device) array, and a light dispersing device such as a grating or a prism. Additionally, diagnostic system 12 can include a monochromator (e.g., grating/detector system) for measuring light at a given wavelength, or a spectrometer (e.g., with a rotating grating) for measuring the light spectrum such as, for example, the device described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,888,337.

[0026] The diagnostic system 12 can include a high resolution Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) sensor such as from Peak Sensor Systems, or Verity Instruments, Inc. Such an OES sensor has a broad spectrum that spans the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), and near infrared (NIR) light spectrums. The resolution is approximately 1.4 Angstroms, that is, the sensor is capable of collecting 5550 wavelengths from 240 to 1000 nm. For example, the OES sensor can be equipped with high sensitivity miniature fiber optic UV-VIS-NIR spectrometers which are, in turn, integrated with 2048 pixel linear CCD arrays.

[0027] The spectrometers receive light transmitted through single and bundled optical fibers, where the light output from the optical fibers is dispersed across the line CCD array using a fixed grating. Similar to the configuration described above, light emitting through an optical vacuum window is focused onto the input end of the optical fibers via a convex spherical lens. Three spectrometers, each specifically tuned for a given spectral range (UV, VIS and NIR), form a sensor for a process chamber. Each spectrometer includes an independent A/D converter. And lastly, depending upon the sensor utilization, a full emission spectrum can be recorded every 0.1 to 1.0 seconds.

[0028] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 4, the plasma processing system 1b can, for example, be similar to the embodiment of FIG. 2 or 3 and further comprise either a stationary, or mechanically or electrically rotating magnetic field system 60, in order to potentially increase plasma density and/or improve plasma processing uniformity, in addition to those components described with reference to FIG. 2 and FIG. 3. Moreover, controller 14 can be coupled to magnetic field system 60 in order to regulate the speed of rotation and field strength. The design and implementation of a rotating magnetic field is well known to those skilled in the art.

[0029] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 5, the plasma processing system 1c can, for example, be similar to the embodiment of FIG. 2 or FIG. 3, and can further comprise an upper electrode 70 to which RF power can be coupled from RF generator 72 through impedance match network 74. A typical frequency for the application of RF power to the upper electrode can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 200 MHz. Additionally, a typical frequency for the application of power to the lower electrode can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 100 MHz. Moreover, controller 14 is coupled to RF generator 72 and impedance match network 74 in order to control the application of RF power to upper electrode 70. The design and implementation of an upper electrode is well known to those skilled in the art.

[0030] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 6, the plasma processing system 1d can, for example, be similar to the embodiments of FIGS. 2 and 3, and can further comprise an inductive coil 80 to which RF power is coupled via RF generator 82 through impedance match network 84. RF power is inductively coupled from inductive coil 80 through dielectric window (not shown) to plasma processing region 45. A typical frequency for the application of RF power to the inductive coil 80 can range from about 10 MHz to about 100 MHz. Similarly, a typical frequency for the application of power to the chuck electrode can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 100 MHz. In addition, a slotted Faraday shield (not shown) can be employed to reduce capacitive coupling between the inductive coil 80 and plasma. Moreover, controller 14 is coupled to RF generator 82 and impedance match network 84 in order to control the application of power to inductive coil 80. In an alternate embodiment, inductive coil 80 can be a “spiral” coil or “pancake” coil in communication with the plasma processing region 15 from above as in a transformer coupled plasma (TCP) reactor. The design and implementation of an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source, or transformer coupled plasma (TCP) source, is well known to those skilled in the art.

[0031] Alternately, the plasma can be formed using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). In yet another embodiment, the plasma is formed from the launching of a Helicon wave. In yet another embodiment, the plasma is formed from a propagating surface wave. Each plasma source described above is well known to those skilled in the art.

[0032] In the following discussion, a method of etching an organic ARC layer utilizing a plasma processing device is presented. For example, the plasma processing device can comprise various elements, such as described in FIGS. 2 through 6, and combinations thereof.

[0033] In one embodiment, the method of etching an organic ARC layer comprises an NH3/O2 based chemistry. For example, a process parameter space can comprise a chamber pressure of about 20 to about 1000 mTorr, an NH3 process gas flow rate ranging from about 50 to about 1000 sccm, an O2 process gas flow rate ranging from about 5 to about 100 sccm, an upper electrode (e.g., element 70 in FIG. 5) RF bias ranging from about 500 to about 2000 W, and a lower electrode (e.g., element 20 in FIG. 5) RF bias ranging from about 10 to about 500 W. Also, the upper electrode bias frequency can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 200 MHz, e.g., 60 MHz. In addition, the lower electrode bias frequency can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 100 MHz, e.g., 2 MHz.

[0034] In a first example, a method of etching an organic ARC layer utilizing a plasma processing device such as the one described in FIG. 5 is presented. However, the methods discussed are not to be limited in scope by this exemplary presentation. Table I presents the critical dimensions of a feature etched in an organic ARC layer utilizing the following exemplary process recipe: Chamber pressure=100 mTorr; Upper electrode RF power=1200 W; Lower electrode RF power=100 W; Process gas flow rate NH3/O2=360/36 sccm; a 60 mm electrode spacing between the lower surface of electrode 70 (see FIG. 5) and the upper surface of substrate 25 on substrate holder 20; Lower electrode temperature (e.g., substrate holder 20 in FIG. 5)=20C; Upper electrode temperature (e.g., electrode 70 in FIG. 5)=60C; Chamber wall temperature=50C; Backside helium pressure Center/Edge=10/35 Torr; and an etch time of 184 seconds (equivalent to a 20% over-etch from the detection of endpoint using, for example, diagnostic system 12).
1TABLE INH3/O2CENTEREDGETop PR Remaining155 nm164 nmTop CD212 nm202 nmBottom CD200 nm286 nmCDbias +1 nm +0 nm

[0035] In Table I and the following Tables, PR refers to photoresist and CD refers to critical dimension. The Table reports results such as thickness of the remaining photoresist following the ARC layer etch, top and bottom critical dimensions for the ARC feature, and the critical dimension bias. Additionally, the data is reported at center and edge. The data demonstrates the success of the process in maintaining the CD.

[0036] In an alternate embodiment, the process chemistry can further comprise Helium (He). The introduction of Helium to the process can relieve feature side-wall roughness.

[0037] In a second example, Table II presents the critical dimensions of a feature etched in an organic ARC layer utilizing the following exemplary process recipe: Chamber pressure=100 mTorr; Upper electrode RF power=1200 W; Lower electrode RF power=100 W; Process gas flow rate NH3/O2/He=360/36/100 sccm; a 60 mm electrode spacing between the lower surface of electrode 70 (see FIG. 5) and the upper surface of substrate 25 on substrate holder 20; Lower electrode temperature (e.g., substrate holder 20 in FIG. 5)=20C; Upper electrode temperature (e.g. electrode 70 in FIG. 5)=60C; Chamber wall temperature=50C; Backside helium pressure Center/Edge=10/35 Torr; and an etch time of 168 seconds (equivalent to a 18% over-etch from the detection of endpoint using, for example, diagnostic system 12).
2NH3/O2/HeCENTEREDGETop PR Remaining168 nm171 nmTop CD213 nm208 nmBottom CD202 nm201 nmCDbias +7 nm +6 nm

[0038] Table II

[0039] Table II reports results such as thickness of the remaining photoresist following the ARC layer etch, top and bottom critical dimensions for the ARC feature, and the critical dimension bias. Additionally, the data is reported at center and edge. The data demonstrates the success of the process. Furthermore, the process associated with Table II reports similar results to that reported in Table I. However, SEM data indicates that the addition of He tends to relieve feature side-wall roughness (not shown) with a minor loss in CD.

[0040] In an alternate embodiment, the method of etching an organic ARC layer can comprise an N2/H2/O2 based chemistry. The process parameter space can comprise a chamber pressure of about 20 to about 1000 mTorr, an N2 process gas flow rate ranging from about 50 to about 1000 sccm, an H2 process gas flow rate ranging from about 50 to about 1000 sccm, an O2 process gas flow rate ranging from about 5 to about 100 sccm, an upper electrode (e.g., element 70 in FIG. 5) RF bias ranging from about 500 to about 2000 W, and a lower electrode (e.g., element 20 in FIG. 5) RF bias ranging from about 10 to about 500 W.

[0041] In a third example, a method of etching an organic ARC layer utilizing a plasma processing device such as the one described in FIG. 5 is presented. However, the methods discussed are not to be limited in scope by this exemplary presentation. Table III presents the critical dimensions of a feature etched in an organic ARC layer utilizing the following process recipe: Chamber pressure=100 mTorr; Upper electrode RF power=1200 W; Lower electrode RF power=100 W; Process gas flow rate N2/H2/O2=100/300/36 sccm; a 60 mm electrode spacing between the lower surface of electrode 70 (see FIG. 5) and the upper surface of substrate 25 on substrate holder 20; Lower electrode temperature (e.g., substrate holder 20 in FIG. 5)=20C; Upper electrode temperature (e.g., electrode 70 in FIG. 5)=60C; Chamber wall temperature=50C; Backside helium pressure Center/Edge=10/35 Torr; and an etch time of 150 seconds (equivalent to a 21% over-etch from the detection of endpoint using, for example, diagnostic system 12).
3TABLE IIIN2/H2/O2CENTEREDGETop PR Remaining177 nm163 nmTop CD273 nm295 nmBottom CD289 nm295 nmCDbias 94 nm100 nm

[0042] Table III also demonstrates the success of the method.

[0043] In an alternate embodiment, the N2/H2/O2 process chemistry can further comprise Helium (He). The introduction of Helium to the process can relieve feature side-wall roughness.

[0044] In an alternate embodiment, the method of etching an organic ARC layer comprises an NH3/CO or NH3/CO/O2 based chemistry. The process gas may also include helium. For example, a process parameter space can comprise a chamber pressure of about 20 to about 1000 mTorr, an NH3 process gas flow rate ranging from about 50 to about 1000 sccm, and a CO process gas flow rate ranging from about 5 to about 300 sccm. When O2 is included in the process gas, it can have a flow rate in the range of about 5 to about 100 sccm. When He is included in the process gas of this or any of the embodiments of this application, it can have a flow rate in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm. An upper electrode (e.g., element 70 in FIG. 5) RF bias can range from about 500 to about 2000 W, a lower electrode (e.g., element 20 in FIG. 5) RF bias can rang from about 10 to about 500 W, the upper electrode bias frequency can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 200 MHz, e.g., 60 MHz, and the lower electrode bias frequency can range from about 0.1 MHz to about 100 MHz, e.g., 2 MHz.

[0045] In a fourth example, a method of etching an organic ARC layer utilizing a plasma processing device such as the one described in FIG. 5 is presented. However, the methods discussed are not to be limited in scope by this exemplary presentation. Table IV presents the critical dimensions of a feature etched in an organic ARC layer utilizing the following exemplary process recipe: Chamber pressure=200 mTorr; Upper electrode RF power=1200 W; Lower electrode RF power=200 W; Process gas flow rate NH3/CO=300/100 sccm; a 60 mm electrode spacing between the lower surface of electrode 70 (see FIG. 5) and the upper surface of substrate 25 on substrate holder 20; Lower electrode temperature (e.g., substrate holder 20 in FIG. 5) =20C; Upper electrode temperature (e.g., electrode 70 in FIG. 5)=60C; Chamber wall temperature=50C; Backside helium pressure Center/Edge=10/35 Torr; and an etch time of 180 seconds.
4TABLE IVNH3/COISOLATEDNESTEDIL Thickness 68 nm 68 nmPR Depth598 nm589 nmBottom CD161 nm154 nmCD bias −2 nm−10 nm

[0046] In Table IV, IL thickness refers to the thickness of the upper layer of the bilayer mask (i.e., the thickness of the light-sensitive layer 3 in FIGS. 1A-C), PR depth refers to the thickness of the lower layer of the bilayer mask (i.e., the thickness of the anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer 7), Bottom CD refers to the critical dimension at the feature bottom following the transfer of the pattern in the light-sensitive, upper layer to the lower ARC layer via etching, and CD bias refers to the difference between the critical dimension at the feature bottom in the light-sensitive layer prior to etching the ARC layer and the critical dimension at the feature bottom in the ARC layer following etching the ARC layer. Additionally, the data is reported for both isolated features (i.e., broad spacing of features) and nested features (i.e., close spacing of features). The data demonstrates the success of the process in maintaining the CD, particularly, for feature aspect ratios greater than or equal to about 3-to-1 or greater than or equal to about 4-to-1.

[0047] In a fifth example, a method of etching an organic ARC layer utilizing a plasma processing device such as the one described in FIG. 5 is presented. However, the methods discussed are not to be limited in scope by this exemplary presentation. Table V presents the critical dimensions of a feature etched in an organic ARC layer utilizing the following exemplary process recipe: Chamber pressure=200 mTorr; Upper electrode RF power=1200 W; Lower electrode RF power=200 W; Process gas flow rate NH3/CO=250/150 sccm; a 60 mm electrode spacing between the lower surface of electrode 70 (see FIG. 5) and the upper surface of substrate 25 on substrate holder 20; Lower electrode temperature (e.g., substrate holder 20 in FIG. 5)=20C; Upper electrode temperature (e.g., electrode 70 in FIG. 5)=60C; Chamber wall temperature=50C; Backside helium pressure Center/Edge=10/35 Torr; and an etch time of 240 seconds.
5TABLE VNH3/COISOLATEDNESTEDIL Thickness 93 nm100 nmPR Depth696 nm643 nmBottom CD171 nm171 nmCD bias 7 nm 6 nm

[0048] In Table V, IL thickness refers to the thickness of the upper layer of the bilayer mask (i.e., the thickness of the light-sensitive layer 3 in FIGS. 1A-C), PR depth refers to the thickness of the lower layer of the bilayer mask (i.e., the thickness of the anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer 7), Bottom CD refers to the critical dimension at the feature bottom following the transfer of the pattern in the light-sensitive, upper layer to the lower ARC layer via etching, and CD bias refers to the difference between the critical dimension at the feature bottom in the light-sensitive layer prior to etching the ARC layer and the critical dimension at the feature bottom in the ARC layer following etching the ARC layer. Additionally, the data is reported for both isolated features (i.e., broad spacing of features) and nested features (i.e., close spacing of features). The data further demonstrates the success of the process in maintaining the CD, particularly, for feature aspect ratios in excess of 4.5-to-1.

[0049] In a sixth example, a method of etching an organic ARC layer utilizing a plasma processing device such as the one described in FIG. 4 is presented. However, the methods discussed are not to be limited in scope by this exemplary presentation. Table VI presents the critical dimensions of a feature etched in an organic ARC layer utilizing the following exemplary process recipe: Chamber pressure=100 mTorr; Lower electrode RF power=300 W; Process gas flow rate NH3/O2/CO=200/10/50 sccm; a 47 mm electrode spacing between the lower surface of the upper wall of chamber 10 (see FIG. 4) and the upper surface of substrate 25 on substrate holder 20; Lower electrode temperature (e.g., substrate holder 20 in FIG. 4)=40C; Upper wall of chamber 10 temperature=60C; Chamber wall temperature=40C; Backside helium pressure Center/Edge=10/40 Torr; and an etch time of 140 seconds (includes 15% over-etch).
6TABLE VI1:51:31:1.5NH3 w/OEBottom CD C/E158/158 nm156/158 nm162/155 nmCD bias C/E −5/−5 nm −3/−1 nm +2/−5 nmTop PR remaining C/E 79/88 nmTop PR loss C/E−71/−62 nmNH3/O2Bottom CD C/E176/158 nm173/169 nm178/170 nmCD bias C/E+16/+12 nm+14/+10 nm+16/+10 nmTop PR remaining C/E96/110 nmTop PR loss C/E−54/−40 nmNH3/CO/O2Bottom CD C/E164/160 nm164/159 nm165/159 nmCD bias C/E +4/−3 nm  +5/0 nm +3/−1 nmTop PR remaining C/E103/110 nmTop PR loss C/E−47/−40 nm

[0050] In Table VI, the results of the above-identified chemistry (i.e., NH3/CO/O2) are presented for three different feature spacings (or pitch), i.e., a feature width-to-spacing of 1:5, 1:3, and 1:1.5. The results are presented for substrate center and edge (C/E), wherein Bottom CD refers to the critical dimension at the feature bottom following the transfer of the pattern in the light-sensitive, upper layer to the lower ARC layer via etching, CD bias refers to the difference between the critical dimension at the feature bottom in the light-sensitive layer prior to etching the ARC layer and the critical dimension at the feature bottom in the ARC layer following etching the ARC layer, Top PR remaining refers to the thickness of the upper, light-sensitive layer following the etching of the ARC layer, and Top PR loss refers to the thickness of the upper, light-sensitive layer that remains following etching the ARC layer.

[0051] Also shown in Table VI are results for two other chemistries, namely, a pure ammonia (NH3) chemistry with 35% over-etch, and a NH3/O2 chemistry with 15% over-etch. In the former chemistry, the process recipe is similar to that of the NH3/CO/O2 chemistry except for a Lower electrode RF power=500 W, a Process gas flow rate NH3=400 sccm (no CO and O2 flow rate), and an etch time of 90 seconds (includes 35% over-etch). Furthermore, in the latter chemistry, the process recipe is similar to that of the NH3/CO/O2 chemistry except for a Process gas flow rate O2=20 sccm (no CO flow rate), and an etch time of 135 seconds (includes 20% over-etch). As shown in Table VI, the CD bias for the pure ammonia case is low, which, for example, is desirable; however, significant residue is formed at the bottom of the feature during the etching of the ARC layer. In contrast, when O2 is added to the process chemistry, the residue formation at the bottom of the feature is removed; yet, the CD bias is greater. However, when O2 and CO are added to the process chemistry, the residue formation at the bottom of the feature is removed, and the CD bias is low (as in the pure ammonia case).

[0052] In general, the etch time can be determined using design of experiment (DOE) techniques; however, it can also be determined using endpoint detection. One possible method of endpoint detection is to monitor a portion of the emitted light spectrum from the plasma region that indicates when a change in plasma chemistry occurs due to substantially near completion of the ARC layer etching and contact with the underlying material film. For example, portions of the spectrum that indicate such changes comprise wavelengths of 387.2 nm (CN), and can be measured using optical emission spectroscopy (OES). After emission levels corresponding to those frequencies cross a specified threshold (e.g., drop to substantially zero or increase above a particular level), an endpoint can be considered to be complete. Other wavelengths that provide endpoint information can also be used. Furthermore, the etch time can be extended to include a period of over-etch, wherein the over-etch period constitutes a fraction (i.e. 1 to 100%) of the time between initiation of the etch process and the time associated with endpoint detection.

FIG. 7 presents a flow chart of a method for etching an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system according to an embodiment of the present invention. Procedure 400 begins in 410 in which a process gas is introduced to the plasma processing system, wherein the process gas comprises a nitrogen (N) containing gas, a hydrogen (H) containing gas, and an oxygen (O) containing gas. For example, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), and diatomic oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can comprise diatomic nitrogen (N2), diatomic hydrogen (H2), and diatomic oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO). Alternately, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can comprise diatomic nitrogen (N2), diatomic hydrogen (H2), and carbon monoxide (CO). Alternately, the process gas can further comprise helium (He).

[0054] In 420, a plasma is formed in the plasma processing system from the process gas using, for example, any one of the systems described in FIGS. 2 through 6, and combinations thereof.

[0055] In 430, the substrate comprising the ARC layer is exposed to the plasma formed in 420. After a first period of time, procedure 400 ends. For example, the first period of time during which the substrate with the ARC layer is exposed to the plasma is generally dictated by the time required to etch the ARC layer, or the time required to transfer a photoresist pattern to the ARC layer. In general, the first period of time required to transfer a photoresist pattern through the thickness of the ARC layer is pre-determined. Alternately, the first period of time can be further augmented by a second period of time, or an over-etch time period. As described above, the over-etch time can comprise a fraction of time, such as 1 to 100%, of the first period of time, and this over-etch period can comprise an extension of etching beyond the detection of endpoint.

FIG. 8 presents a method for forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate in a plasma processing system according to another embodiment of the present invention. The method is illustrated in a flowchart 500 beginning in 510 with forming the thin film on the substrate. The thin film can comprise an oxide layer, such as silicon dioxide (SiO2), and it can be formed by a variety of processes including chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

[0057] In 520, an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer is formed on the substrate overlying the thin film. The ARC layer can, for example, be an organic ARC layer that is formed using conventional techniques such as a spin coating system.

[0058] In 530, a photoresist pattern is formed on the substrate overlying the ARC layer. The photoresist film can be formed using conventional techniques, such as a photoresist spin coating system. The pattern can be formed within the photoresist film by using conventional techniques such as a stepping micro-lithography system, and a developing solvent.

[0059] In 540, the photoresist pattern is transferred to the ARC layer in order to form the bilayer mask. The pattern transfer is accomplished using a dry etching technique, wherein the etch process is performed in a plasma processing system that utilizes a process gas comprising a nitrogen (N) containing gas, a hydrogen (H) containing gas, and an oxygen (O) containing gas. For example, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), and diatomic oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can comprise diatomic nitrogen (N2), diatomic hydrogen (H2), and diatomic oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO). Alternately, the process gas can comprise ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas can comprise diatomic nitrogen (N2), diatomic hydrogen (H2), and diatomic oxygen (O2). Alternately, the process gas, as described above, can further comprise helium (He). Plasma is formed in the plasma processing system from the process gas using, for example, any one of the systems described in FIGS. 2 through 6, and the substrate comprising the ARC layer is exposed to the plasma formed. A first period of time during which the substrate with the ARC layer is exposed to the plasma is generally dictated by the time required to etch the ARC layer, or the time required to transfer a photoresist pattern to the ARC layer. In general, the first period of time required to transfer a photoresist pattern through the thickness of the ARC layer is pre-determined. However, typically, the first period of time is further augmented by a second period of time, or an over-etch time period. As described above, the over-etch time can comprise a fraction of time, such as 1 to 100%, of the first period of time, and this over-etch period can comprise an extension of etching beyond the detection of endpoint.

[0060] Although only certain embodiments of this invention have been described in detail above, those skilled in the art will readily appreciate that many modifications are possible in the embodiments without materially departing from the novel teachings and advantages of this invention. Accordingly, all such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of this invention.

  • 1. A method for etching an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system comprising: introducing a process gas comprising one or more gasses collectively containing nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O); forming a plasma from said process gas in said plasma processing system; and exposing said substrate with said ARC layer to said plasma.
  • 2. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein said process gas comprises NH3.
  • 3. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein said process gas comprises N2 and H2.
  • 4. The method as recited in claim 1, 2, or 3, wherein said process gas comprises at least one of oxygen O2 and CO.
  • 5. The method as recited in claim 1, 2, or 3, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 6. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein said exposing said substrate with said ARC layer to said plasma is performed for a first period of time.
  • 7. The method as recited in claim 6, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection.
  • 8. The method as recited in claim 7, wherein said endpoint detection comprises optical emission spectroscopy.
  • 9. The method as recited in claim 6, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 10. The method as recited in claim 9, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 11. A method of forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate comprising: forming said thin film on said substrate; forming an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on said thin film; forming a photoresist pattern on said ARC layer; and transferring said photoresist pattern to said ARC layer by plasma etching said ARC layer using a process gas comprising one or more gasses collectively containing nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).
  • 12. The method as recited in claim 11, wherein said process gas comprises NH3.
  • 13. The method as recited in claim 11, wherein said process gas comprises N2 and H2.
  • 14. The method as recited in claim 11, 12, or 13, wherein said process gas comprises at least one of O2 and CO.
  • 15. The method as recited in claim 11, 12 or 13, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 16. The method as recited in claim 11, wherein said etching of said ARC layer is performed for a first period of time.
  • 17. The method as recited in claim 16, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection.
  • 18. The method as recited in claim 17, wherein said endpoint detection comprises optical emission spectroscopy.
  • 19. The method as recited in claim 16, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 20. The method as recited in claim 19, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 21. A plasma processing system for etching an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate comprising: a plasma processing chamber for facilitating the formation of a plasma from a process gas; and a controller coupled to said plasma processing chamber and configured to execute a process recipe utilizing said process gas, wherein said process gas comprises one or more gasses collectively containing nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).
  • 22. The system as recited in claim 21, wherein said system further comprises a diagnostic system coupled to said plasma processing chamber, and coupled to said controller.
  • 23. The system as recited in claim 22, wherein said diagnostic system is configured to receive a signal that is related to light emitted from said plasma.
  • 24. The system as recited in claim 21, wherein said process gas comprises NH3.
  • 25. The system as recited in claim 21, wherein said process gas comprises N2 and H2.
  • 26. The system as recited in claim 21, 24 or 25, wherein said process gas comprises at least one of O2 and CO.
  • 27. The system as recited in claim 21, 24 or 25, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 28. The system as recited in claim 22, wherein said controller causes said substrate with said ARC layer to be exposed to said plasma for a first period of time.
  • 29. The system as recited in claim 28, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection determined by said diagnostic system.
  • 30. The system as recited in claim 29, wherein said diagnostic system comprises an optical emission spectroscopy device.
  • 31. The system as recited in claim 28, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 32. The system as recited in claim 31, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 33. A method for etching a high aspect ratio feature in an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system comprising: introducing a process gas comprising ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO); forming a plasma from said process gas is said plasma processing system; and exposing said substrate with said ARC layer to said plasma, wherein said high aspect ratio feature comprises an aspect ratio greater than or equal to about 3-to-1.
  • 34. The method as recited in claim 33, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 35. The method as recited in claim 34, wherein the flow rate of helium is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 36. The method as recited in claim 33, wherein said exposing said substrate with said ARC layer to said plasma is performed for a first period of time.
  • 37. The method as recited in claim 36, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection.
  • 38. The method as recited in claim 37, wherein said endpoint detection comprises optical emission spectroscopy.
  • 39. The method as recited in claim 36, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 40. The method as recited in claim 39, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 41. The method as recited in claim 33, wherein the flow rate of NH3 is about 50 to about 1000 sccm.
  • 42. The method as recited in claim 41 wherein the flow rate of CO is about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 43. A method of forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate comprising: forming said thin film on said substrate; forming an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on said thin film; forming a photoresist pattern on said ARC layer; and transferring said photoresist pattern to said ARC layer by plasma etching a high aspect ratio feature in said ARC layer using a process gas comprising ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO), wherein said high aspect ratio feature comprises an aspect ratio greater than or equal to about 3-to-1.
  • 44. The method as recited in claim 43, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 45. The method as recited in claim 44, wherein the flow rate of helium is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 46. The method as recited in claim 43, wherein said etching of said ARC layer is performed for a first period of time.
  • 47. The method as recited in claim 46, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection.
  • 48. The method as recited in claim 47, wherein said endpoint detection comprises optical emission spectroscopy.
  • 49. The method as recited in claim 46, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 50. The method as recited in claim 49, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 51. The method as recited in claim 43, wherein the flow rate of NH3 is about 50 to about 1000 sccm.
  • 52. The method as recited in claim 51, wherein the flow rate of CO is about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 53. A plasma processing system for etching a high aspect ratio feature in an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate comprising: a plasma processing chamber for facilitating the formation of a plasma from a process gas; and a controller coupled to said plasma processing chamber and configured to execute a process recipe utilizing said process gas, said. process gas comprises ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO), wherein said high aspect ratio feature comprises an aspect ratio greater than or equal to 3-to-1.
  • 54. The system as recited in claim 53, wherein said system further comprises a diagnostic system coupled to said plasma processing chamber, and coupled to said controller.
  • 55. The system as recited in claim 54, wherein said diagnostic system is configured to receive a signal that is related to light emitted from said plasma.
  • 56. The system as recited in claim 53, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 57. The system as recited in claim 56, wherein the flow rate of helium is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 58. The system as recited in claim 53, wherein said controller causes said substrate with said ARC layer to be exposed to said plasma for a first period of time.
  • 59. The system as recited in claim 58, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection determined by said diagnostic system.
  • 60. The system as recited in claim 59, wherein said diagnostic system comprises an optical emission spectroscopy device.
  • 61. The system as recited in claim 58, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 62. The method as recited in claim 53, wherein the flow rate of NH3 is about 50 to about 1000 sccm.
  • 63. The method as recited in claim 62, wherein the flow rate of CO is about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 64. A method for etching a feature in an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate in a plasma processing system comprising: introducing a process gas comprising ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2); forming a plasma from said process gas is said plasma processing system; and exposing said substrate with said ARC layer to said plasma.
  • 65. The method as recited in claim 64, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 66. The method as recited in claim 64, wherein the flow rate of NH3 is in the range of about 50 to about 1000 sccm, the flow rate of O2 is in the range of about 5 to about 100 sccm and the flow rate of CO is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 67. The method as recited in claim 65, wherein the flow rate of helium is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 68. The method as recited in claim 64, wherein said exposing said substrate with said ARC layer to said plasma is performed for a first period of time.
  • 69. The method as recited in claim 68, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection.
  • 70. The method as recited in claim 69, wherein said endpoint detection comprises optical emission spectroscopy.
  • 71. The method as recited in claim 68, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 72. The method as recited in claim 71, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 73. A method of forming a bilayer mask for etching a thin film on a substrate comprising: forming said thin film on said substrate; forming an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on said thin film; forming a photoresist pattern on said ARC layer; and transferring said photoresist pattern to said ARC layer by plasma etching a feature in said ARC layer using a process gas comprising ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2).
  • 74. The method as recited in claim 73, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 75. The method as recited in claim 73, wherein the flow rate of NH3 is in the range of about 50 to about 1000 sccm, the flow rate of O2 is in the range of about 5 to about 100 sccm and the flow rate of CO is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 76. The method as recited in claim 74, wherein the flow rate of helium is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 77. The method as recited in claim 73, wherein said etching of said ARC layer is performed for a first period of time.
  • 78. The method as recited in claim 77, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection.
  • 79. The method as recited in claim 78, wherein said endpoint detection comprises optical emission spectroscopy.
  • 80. The method as recited in claim 77, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.
  • 81. The method as recited in claim 80, wherein said second period of time is a fraction of said first period of time.
  • 82. A plasma processing system for etching a feature in an anti-reflective coating (ARC) layer on a substrate comprising: a plasma processing chamber for facilitating the formation of a plasma from a process gas; and a controller coupled to said plasma processing chamber and configured to execute a process recipe utilizing said process gas, said process gas comprises ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2).
  • 83. The system as recited in claim 82, wherein said system further comprises a diagnostic system coupled to said plasma processing chamber, and coupled to said controller.
  • 84. The system as recited in claim 83, wherein said diagnostic system is configured to receive a signal that is related to light emitted from said plasma.
  • 85. The system as recited in claim 82, wherein said process gas further comprises helium.
  • 86. The system as recited in claim 82, wherein the flow rate of NH3 is in the range of about 50 to about 1000 sccm, the flow rate of O2 is in the range of about 5 to about 100 sccm and the flow rate of CO is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 87. The system as recited in claim 85, wherein the flow rate of helium is in the range of about 5 to about 300 sccm.
  • 88. The system as recited in claim 82, wherein said controller causes said substrate with said ARC layer to be exposed to said plasma for a first period of time.
  • 89. The system as recited in claim 88, wherein said first period of time is determined by endpoint detection determined by said diagnostic system.
  • 90. The system as recited in claim 89, wherein said diagnostic system comprises an optical emission spectroscopy device.
  • 91. The system as recited in claim 88, wherein said first period of time corresponds to the time to etch said ARC layer and is extended by a second period of time.

[0001] This non-provisional application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/435,286, which was filed on Dec. 23, 2002, U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/483,235, which was filed on Jun. 30, 2003, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/483,234, which was filed on Jun. 30, 2003; the contents of which are hereby incorporated in their entirety.

Provisional Applications (3)
Number Date Country
60435286 Dec 2002 US
60483235 Jun 2003 US
60483234 Jun 2003 US