Many electronic systems are being designed to accommodate high power transmitters that generate large thermal loads. Thus some semiconductor devices are limited in performance and end-of-life (EOL) reliability due to high device operating temperatures. High electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures that use compound semiconductors provide high energy efficiency, but maximum performance is limited by thermal management problems during device operation. The critical reliability challenge is to minimize thermal energy near the transistor junction or channel. To improve energy transport, it is important to maximize thermal conductivity as close as possible to the active region of the transistor. Diamond provides excellent thermal conductivity, making diamond thin films ideal for dissipating heat from high power/high frequency semiconductor devices. It would be useful to use diamond films as heat spreaders in compound semiconductor devices, thus improving performance, durability, and lifetime for the devices.
The foregoing aspects and others will be readily appreciated by the skilled artisan from the following description of illustrative embodiments when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
The widths of the layers in
For ease of description, the disclosure herein is directed to the compound semiconductor, gallium nitride (GaN). It should be understood that the disclosure pertaining to GaN is meant to include other compound semiconductors of the form AlxGayInzAsmPnNoSbk wherein x, y, z, m, n, o, and k are subject to the conditions that each has a value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one, x+y+z=1, and m+n+o+k=1.
The growth of compound semiconductors on silicon substrates for device applications had been studied for decades. As it has not been possible to produce bulk GaN wafers with low defect density, current GaN-based device technology relies on epitaxial growth of GaN layers. However, deposition of GaN on Si is difficult due to severe wetting problems and formation of SiNx regions, which disrupt epitaxial growth. In some cases it is useful to deposit a buffer layer onto the Si surface before growing GaN. A buffer material layer can mitigate lattice mismatch between Si and GaN and can also provide resistance against outdiffusion of Si from the substrate. Suitable buffer materials include nitrides such as aluminum nitride (AlN) and hafnium nitride (HfN).
One embodiment of the present invention is shown in the cross-section schematic diagram in
A second embodiment is shown in the cross section schematic diagram in
The embodiment shown in
There are several techniques possible for growing the diamond layer 120 on the substrate 110, and each yields diamond with slightly different characteristics. Within each technique there are also ways to modify diamond characteristics to tailor the film for specific applications. The three techniques are hot filament growth, direct current (DC) plasma torch growth, and microwave plasma growth. Hot filament technology provides very uniform films and good reproducibility along with very high carbon conversion efficiency. High temperature wires generate the gas species necessary for diamond growth and can be easily scaled to areas in excess of one square meter. DC plasma torch technology provides excellent instantaneous growth rates and can be scaled to at least 300 mm diameter areas. It uses very high power density plasmas based on DC arc jets with very high gas flow rates. Initial capital costs are high even though operational costs are relatively low. Microwave plasma technology can provide very pure diamond films but is difficult to scale up beyond diameters of 2-4 inches. There are also health and safety issues with this technology. Both hot filament and DC plasma torch methods are suited for growing diamond films on silicon wafers and both are used routinely to deposit such films on wafers with diameters as large as 200 mm or larger. Diamond thin films between 0.5 to 20,000 μm in thickness can be produced on both 200-mm and 300-mm silicon wafers.
It is useful to have the diamond layer of a thickness that can conduct sufficient heat away from the active portion of devices made from the structure 100. In some arrangements, the diamond layer 120 is between about 0.5 and 50 μm. In other arrangements, the diamond layer 120 is between about 10 and 30 μm.
Diamond is typically grown in the temperature range of 600-1000° C. When diamond is grown on silicon, a substantial interfacial stress develops as the structure is cooled down to room temperature due to both differences in thermal expansion and intrinsic film stress. The interfacial stress can cause significant bow in the silicon wafer that can make subsequent processing difficult or impossible.
It is possible to alter the stress in a diamond film on silicon without significantly compromising the thermal conductivity of the diamond to any large degree. Thus the stress in the diamond/silicon wafer structure can be balanced to achieve a diamond on silicon structure of sufficient flatness to allow subsequent processing using standard wafer bonding techniques.
The diamond layer 120 may be polished to improve the quality of the surface, making it more suitable for standard wafer bonding techniques. In one embodiment, a thin intermediate layer 125 can be deposited onto the diamond layer 120. The intermediate layer 125 can be one or more of polysilicon, silicon oxides, silicon nitride, III-V semiconductors, silicon carbide, and carbon. The intermediate layer 125 may also be polished to improve the quality of the surface, making it more suitable for standard wafer bonding techniques.
Prior to depositing the interlayer 125 standard cleaning steps which are employed during device fabrication processes, as are well known in the art, can be used. The cleaning steps have no negative effects on the diamond 120 to substrate 110 interface, and the interlayer 125 grown on the diamond 120 shows no unusual characteristics. When polysilicon is deposited as the interlayer 125, temperatures as high as 1100° C. are used with no visible degradation in the structure 100.
In the embodiment shown in
In other embodiments of the invention, after the wafer bonding step in the process, the roles of the original substrate 110, 210 and the bonded wafer can be reversed. The original substrate 110, 210 can be thinned down and become the base layer 130, 230. The bonded wafer becomes the new substrate.
It is useful to make the base layer 130 and the intermediate layer 125 as thin as possible to maximize heat transfer and the heat spreading efficiency of the diamond layer 120 and therefore the overall power efficiency of any GaN device made from the structure 100. In some arrangements, the thickness of the base layer 130, 230 is between about 0.2 and 20 μm. In other arrangements, the thickness of the base layer is between about 0.5 and 5 μm. In some arrangements, the thickness of the intermediate layer 125 is between about 0.2 and 20 μm. In other arrangements, the thickness of the intermediate layer 125 is between about 0.5 and 5 μm
It is useful to make the SOD structure 150 as flat as possible to insure that the GaN deposition process reaches completion without physical damage to the wafer. Typically, the GaN layer 140 is deposited onto the base layer 130 at temperatures above 700° C. as the SOD structure 150 is held an electrostatic or vacuum chuck and rotated. In some arrangements the vacuum chuck can mitigate bow in the SOD structure 150 by pulling the SOD structure 150 flat.
Measurements of wafer bow before and after polysilicon (intermediate layer 125) deposition show that the polysilicon film adds a net tensile stress component to the top surface which compensates the compressive stress generated by the diamond layer 120.
GaN layers are then grown onto either layer 135 or layer 230 using standard processes for growing compound semiconductor device layers onto base layers suitable for epitaxial growth.
Finished layered structures 100, 200 on substrates with diameters from about 100 to 300 mm have bow measurements of no more than about 25 μm concave shape and no more that about 300 μm convex shape as viewed facing the compound semiconductor layer 140, 240, respectively.
Growth of a device quality AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure on 100 mm silicon-on-diamond (SOD) substrates was performed. Growth was done on a initial SOD wafer with thin diamond and relatively thick silicon on top of the diamond. The 100 mm SOD substrate consisted of a base wafer (3-6 ohm-cm <111> p type silicon), a diamond layer (˜3 micron), a polysilicon layer (˜23 microns) and a top silicon layer (˜15 microns of <111> float zone (FZ) silicon [>10 kohm-cm]). Thickness values are based on interpretation of a focused ion beam (FIB) cross section of the finished wafer. The vast majority of the SOD substrate had the appearance of a typical epi-ready FZ Si wafer routinely used for growth of GaN on Si. Microscope inspection of the interior of the wafer before growth revealed a featureless surface.
The structure consisted of a (Al,Ga)N transition layer, a GaN buffer layer, a 175 Å Al0.26Ga0.74N device layer, and a ˜20 Å GaN cap layer. Growth was carried out in a vertical, cold wall, rotating disk reactor at ˜1020° C. The column III precursors used were trimethylaluminum (TMA) and trimethylgallium (TMG); ammonia (NH3, 9.5 grade) was used as the column V precursor and Pd-diffused H2 was used as the carrier gas. The wafer was loaded into the reactor as delivered; no cleaning or etching was performed prior to loading. After growth, the vast majority of the wafer was specular. Under microscope inspection, the surface morphology of the AlGaN/GaN structure was typical over the majority of the wafer.
Capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurement was performed using a mercury probe technique to confirm the presence of an electron channel at the AlGaN/GaN interface. The raw CV data, shown in
This invention has been described herein in considerable detail to provide those skilled in the art with information relevant to apply the novel principles and to construct and use such specialized components as are required. However, it is to be understood that the invention can be carried out by different equipment, materials and devices, and that various modifications, both as to the equipment and operating procedures, can be accomplished without departing from the scope of the invention itself.
This application claims priority to U.S. Patent Provisional Application 60/618,956, filed Oct. 14, 2004, which is incorporated by reference herein.
The invention described and claimed herein was made in part utilizing funds supplied by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098, and more recently under DE-AC02-05CH11231. The government has certain rights in this invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
60618956 | Oct 2004 | US |