An EUV illumination device and related method for operating a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV. An EUV illumination device comprises a first reflective component, a second reflective component and an exchange apparatus by which the first reflective component and the second reflective component in the optical beam path are exchangeable for one another. A polarization degree, defined as a ratio between the reflectivities for s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, for the first reflective component is at least 1.5 times greater than for the second reflective component.

The disclosure relates to an EUV illumination device and to a method for operating a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV.


Microlithography is used for producing microstructured components, such as for example integrated circuits or LCDs. The microlithography process is conducted in what is called a projection exposure apparatus, which comprises an illumination device and a projection lens. The image of a mask (=reticle) illuminated via the illumination device is projected here via the projection lens onto a substrate (e.g. a silicon wafer) that is coated with a light-sensitive layer (photoresist) and arranged in the image plane of the projection lens, in order to transfer the mask structure onto the light-sensitive coating of the substrate.

In projection lenses designed for the EUV range, i.e. at wavelengths of, e.g., approximately 13 nm or approximately 7 nm, mirrors are used as optical components for the imaging process owing to the general lack of availability of suitable light-transmissive refractive materials.

During the operation of a projection exposure apparatus it is typically desirable to set specific polarization distributions in the pupil plane and/or in the reticle in a targeted manner in the illumination device for the purpose of optimizing the imaging contrast and also to be able to carry out a change in the polarization distribution during the operation of the projection exposure apparatus. Thus, the use of s-polarized radiation may be advantageous for the purposes of obtaining the highest possible image contrast especially in the case of a projection exposure apparatus for imaging specific structures when the so-called vector effect in the case of relatively large values of the numerical aperture (NA) is taken into account.

However, scenarios where the use of unpolarized radiation rather than an operation with polarized radiation is advantageous also occur in practice during the operation of a projection exposure apparatus. By way of example, this may be the case even for high values of the numerical aperture (NA) if the structures to be imaged within the scope of the lithography process are not linear structures or structures that otherwise define a preferred orientation but structures without a preferred orientation (e.g. contact holes). In the latter case, the use of linearly polarized radiation might not only fail to yield an advantage but might be found to be disadvantageous as a consequence of an induced unwanted asymmetry.

Further relevant circumstances are given by the fact that the initial production of unpolarized radiation by the utilized EUV source (e.g. a plasma source), as is conventional, is typically accompanied by a loss of radiant flux—specifically as a consequence of the desired output coupling of the respective unwanted polarization component—when polarized radiation is provided, which in turn impairs the performance of the projection exposure apparatus.

Consequently, if the aforementioned aspects are taken into account, it can be desirable in practice to be able to switch between an operating mode with polarized radiation and an operating mode with unpolarized radiation, depending on the operating scenario of the projection exposure apparatus—and for example depending on the structures to be imaged in each case.

However, the implementation of such a switchover might made more difficult in a projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in EUV because, firstly, it is generally desirable for the beam geometry applicable with respect to the beam entry into the illumination device or the beam exit from the illumination device to be maintained from practical points of view but, secondly, in general no suitable transmissive polarization-optical components such as beam splitters are available in the relevant EUV wavelength range. However, the polarization manipulation on the basis of a reflection below the Brewster angle, as is available in the EUV range, is usually accompanied by the introduction of one or more additional beam deflections and hence can involve a significant light loss if an unchanging beam geometry is ensured at the same time.

Reference is made, purely by way of example, to DE 10 2008 002 749 A1, DE 10 2018 207 410 A1 and publication M. Y. Tan et al.: “Design of transmission multilayer polarizer for soft X-ray using a merit function”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 17, No. 4 (2009), pp. 2586-2599.


The present disclosure seeks to provide an EUV illumination device of a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV and a method for operating a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV, which can help facilitate a flexible switchover without transmission losses between an operation with polarized radiation and an operation with unpolarized radiation.

According to an aspect, the disclosure provides an EUV illumination device of a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV including:

    • a first reflective component;
    • a second reflective component; and
    • an exchange apparatus by which the first reflective component and the second reflective component in the optical beam path are exchangeable for one another;
    • wherein a polarization degree, defined as a ratio between the reflectivities for s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, is greater for the first reflective component by a factor of at least 1.5 than for the second reflective component.

Within the meaning of the present application, an illumination device is understood to mean an optical system which illuminates a reticle with a defined spatial and angular distribution by virtue of the radiation of a real or virtual light source being suitably reshaped. In embodiments, for example, the EUV illumination device according to the disclosure can receive the radiation of a plasma (i.e. a real light source) via a collector. In further embodiments, the EUV illumination device can also receive the radiation from an intermediate focus (i.e. a virtual light source).

For example, the disclosure involves realizing a flexible switchover between a polarized operating mode and an unpolarized operating mode in an EUV illumination device, depending on the application scenario and depending on the structures to be imaged in the lithography process in each case, which switchover avoids additional beam deflections, by virtue of exchanging a reflective component situated in the optical beam path of the illumination device for another reflective component with an identical surface geometry but with a different reflection layer system.

According to the disclosure, the provision of two different reflective components which are exchangeable for one another and, as explained below, differ in terms of their spectral reflection profiles for s-polarized and p-polarized radiation but otherwise correspond to one another with respect to their surface geometry can have the consequence that the overall geometry of the beam path within the illumination device remains unchanged even after an exchange of one component for the other component taking place for the purpose of a switchover between polarized and unpolarized operation (i.e. a change between a polarizing and an unpolarizing illumination device) and hence that no additional beam deflections, which are accompanied by an unwanted light loss, are present.

In this case, the disclosure can involve the insight obtained by the inventor on the basis of comprehensive simulation investigations that the spectral reflection profiles which are respectively applicable to s-polarized and p-polarized radiation and which are provided by the respective reflection layer systems of the reflective components that have been exchanged for one another according to the disclosure can be shifted in a targeted manner by way of a suitable adaptation (e.g. thickness scaling of the individual layers forming the layer stack of the reflection layer system) relative to the relevant “transmission interval” of the entire optical system (i.e. in particular, the downstream optical components of the illumination device in the beam path).

This targeted adaptation or shift of the spectral reflection profiles applicable to the s-polarized and p-polarized radiation can in turn be implemented, for example, so that, for the reflective component used in the “polarized operation” of the illumination device or projection exposure apparatus, the spectral reflection profile applicable to s-polarized radiation but not the spectral reflection profile with the respective maximum reflectivity values applicable to p-polarized radiation is located within the transmission range of the optical system. By contrast, the targeted adaptation or shift of the spectral reflection profiles applicable to the s-polarized and p-polarized radiation can be implemented for the reflective component used in the “unpolarized operation” of the illumination device or projection exposure apparatus in such a way that the maximum reflectivity values of both spectral reflection profiles (i.e. both the spectral reflection profile for p-polarized radiation and the spectral reflection profile for s-polarized radiation) are located within the transmission range.

According to an embodiment, a wavelength λ0 exists as mean wavelength in a specified wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the first reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:















































where, in the reflection profiles (r1s(λ), r1p(λ)) of the first reflection layer system, λ1sl and λ1pl denote the shortest wavelength and λ1sr and λ1pr denote the longest wavelength for which in each case s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, respectively, is reflected with a reflectivity of at least 50% of the maximum reflectivity.

According to an embodiment, a wavelength λ0 exists as mean wavelength in a specified wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (20+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the second reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
















































where, in the reflection profiles (r2s(λ), r2p(λ)) of the second reflection layer system, λ2sl and λ2pl denote the shortest wavelength and λ2sr and λ2pr denote the longest wavelength for which in each case s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, respectively, is reflected with a reflectivity of at least 50% of the maximum reflectivity.

Analogously to the aforementioned considerations, it is also possible for the EUV illumination device for a wavelength interval [(custom-charactercustom-character);(custom-character+custom-character)] to be defined in which the transmissivity is at least 50% of the maximum transmissivity of the EUV illumination device. According to one embodiment, Δλ0 lies between custom-character and custom-character

The stated transmission range [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of the projection exposure apparatus differs from the transmission range [(custom-charactercustom-character);(custom-character+custom-character)] of the pure illumination device because a transmission range becomes narrower the more reflections take place at mirrors. The width of the transmission range falls approximately with the square root of the number of reflections. In a typical scenario, a fraction of between ½ and ¼ of the total number of reflections takes place in the illumination device, with the result that the width of the stated transmission range lies between 1/√{square root over (2)} and ½ of the width of the transmission range of the illumination device.

In embodiments of the disclosure, both the first and the second reflective component can be a facet mirror, such as a pupil facet mirror having a plurality of pupil facets or a field facet mirror having a plurality of field facets. In further embodiments, both the first and the second reflective components can also comprise at least one mirror facet of a facet mirror each, such as a pupil facet mirror or a field facet mirror.

In further embodiments, the first and the second reflective component can also each comprise at least one micromirror of a specular reflector.

In further embodiments, the first and the second reflective component can each be a collector mirror.

The disclosure furthermore also relates to a method of operating a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV, wherein an object plane of a projection lens is illuminated using an illumination device and wherein the object plane is imaged with the projection lens into an image plane of the projection lens, wherein a first reflective component with a first reflection layer system located in the optical beam path of the illumination device is exchanged for a second reflective component with a second reflection layer system for switching between a polarized operating mode and an unpolarized operating mode, and wherein a polarization degree, defined as a ratio between the reflectivities for s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, is greater for the first reflective component by a factor of at least 1.5 than for the second reflective component.

Further configurations of the disclosure are evident from the description and the dependent claims.

The disclosure is explained in greater detail below on the basis of exemplary embodiments illustrated in the accompanying figures.


In the figures:

FIGS. 1A-1D show diagrams for elucidating different values of the reflectivity for s-polarization and p-polarization, which are obtainable by varying the layer parameters of a reflection layer system;

FIG. 2 shows a typical wavelength-dependent profile of the intensity corresponding to an exemplary transmission interval of an optical system;

FIGS. 3A-3B show the wavelength-dependent profile of the reflectivity of two different reflection layer systems in each case for s-polarization and p-polarization;

FIGS. 4A-4B show the respective wavelength-dependent profile of the reflectivity of two different reflection layer systems over a larger wavelength range;

FIG. 5 shows a diagram for explaining terminology used within the present application;

FIGS. 6A-6F show diagrams which show layer thicknesses of periodic layer systems for exemplary angles of incidence, wherein, for the entire range of rs, the layers with minimum and maximum rp are represented in each case;

FIGS. 7A-7H show diagrams in which regions in the rs-rp diagram obtainable for exemplary periodic or aperiodic layer stacks are represented as a function of the angle of incidence;

FIG. 8 shows a schematic and much simplified representation of the possible structure of an illumination device;

FIG. 9 shows a schematic illustration for elucidating an exemplary realization of the disclosure in a pupil facet mirror;

FIG. 10 shows a schematic illustration for elucidating a further possible realization of the disclosure in segments of a pupil facet mirror;

FIG. 11 shows a schematic illustration for elucidating a further possible realization in individual pupil facets of a pupil facet mirror;

FIGS. 12A-12B show schematic illustrations for explaining a further possible realization of the disclosure in a field facet mirror; and

FIG. 13 shows a schematic illustration of a fundamentally possible structure of a projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV.


What is common to the embodiments of the disclosure described below is the basic concept of providing two reflective optical components with differing spectral reflection profiles in a manner such that, for a specified wavelength interval, one of the two components is suitable for a polarized operating mode and the other of the two components is suitable for an unpolarized operating mode. In this case, the aforementioned wavelength interval can be in particular a transmission interval of the respective optical system (e.g. the illumination device of a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus) for which the reflective optical components according to the disclosure are intended and which is typically determined by the reflection profile of the remaining optical components present in the optical system (in particular, the downstream optical components in relation to the optical beam path).

Below, the principle underlying the aforementioned targeted adjustment of the respective reflection layer systems of the reflective optical components according to the disclosure for the polarized and unpolarized operation, respectively, is initially explained with reference to the diagrams in FIGS. 1-5.

In general, a given reflection layer system for a specified angle of incidence and a specified wavelength spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation comprises a specific value Is for the reflectivity of s-polarized radiation and a specific value rp for the reflectivity of p-polarized radiation. Consequently, according to FIG. 1A, the reflection layer system can be represented as a single point in the rs-rp diagram.

For given materials of the individual layers within the reflection layer system, the values for rs and rp are, in turn, dependent on the respective layer thicknesses, and so reflection layer systems with different value pairs (rs, rp) can be provided by varying these layer thicknesses. As a result, the provision of a multiplicity of corresponding reflection layer systems with different value pairs (rs, rp) in each case allows coverage of a specific region in the rs-rp diagram, for example in accordance with FIG. 1B. The specific design of this “obtainable region” in the rs-rp diagram can in turn be varied by varying the material combinations of the individual layers within the reflection layer system, for the purposes of which FIG. 1C shows an exemplary further possible shape of an obtainable region in the rs-rp diagram.

Accordingly, a corresponding union of the relevant obtainable regions arises according to FIG. 1D if, over the multiplicity of provided reflection layer systems, corresponding different material combinations of the individual layers are admitted or are present in this multiplicity.

Hence, in general, the suitable selection of a defined point in the rs-rp diagram, which in turn corresponds to a uniquely defined layer structure, can be made depending on the intended use or operating mode and the correspondingly produced reflective optical component can be exchanged where desired following the simulation of a multiplicity of reflection layer systems or reflective optical components formed thereby. Once again, depending on the use scenario, this selection can alternatively be made either to maximize the total reflectance provided by the reflection layer system or to provide a specific degree of polarization (corresponding to a ratio of the reflectivities respectively obtained for s-polarized radiation and p-polarized radiation).

What can be observed in this context is that the ultimately practice-oriented or preferred value pairs (rs, rp) are located on the respective edge of the obtainable regions, for example according to FIGS. 1B-1D. These circumstances can be traced back to the fact that a point in the rs-rp diagram situated within the region enclosed by the edge is therefore generally not preferred because it is possible in each case to readily find a point located directly on the edge of the region or a corresponding value pair (rs, rp) which either has a higher reflectivity overall for the same degree of polarization or which yields a higher degree of polarization for the same reflectivity.

The reflection layer systems used according to the disclosure can be both periodic and aperiodic layer systems. To provide different spectral reflection profiles both for s-polarized and for p-polarized radiation, the corresponding layer designs are now suitably varied, with the consequence that the wavelength-dependent profile of the respective reflectivities Is and rp in the relevant transmission interval ultimately has the respective suitable shape for the polarized or unpolarized operation.

FIG. 2 initially shows the typical shape of the spectral radiant flux of an EUV radiation source. The curve has been cut off outside of the wavelength range which in fact also reaches the image plane or wafer plane in the optical system or in the illumination device when the respective spectral reflection profiles of the remaining optical components are taken into account. Since the spectral transmission profile of the optical system or the illumination device typically only approaches zero asymptotically, the two cut-off wavelengths can only be specified approximately in each case. FIG. 5 shows a diagram of a spectral reflection profile r(λ). Here, the maximum reflectivity rm occurs at the wavelength λm. The shortest wavelength for which radiation is reflected with a reflectivity of at least 50% of the maximum reflectivity is denoted by λ1. The longest wavelength for which radiation is reflected with a reflectivity of at least 50% of the maximum reflectivity (corresponding to a reflectivity of rm/2) is denoted by λf.

FIGS. 3A-3B show the respective wavelength-dependent curve of the reflectivity for s-polarization and p-polarization for two exemplary reflection layer systems (aperiodic Mo—Si layer systems in this example). In this case, the relevant multiple layer designs are chosen from a multiplicity of simulated layer designs such that the reflectivity rp obtained for p-polarized radiation is minimal for the reflection layer system according to FIG. 3A and maximal for the reflection layer system according to FIG. 3B. The qualitatively different curve of the wavelength-dependent reflectivity, readily identifiable from a comparison of FIG. 3A with FIG. 3B, becomes evident in terms of its practical relevance according to FIGS. 4A-4B during the respective consideration over a relatively large wavelength range.

As is evident from FIGS. 4A-4B, the peaks of the reflectivity respectively obtained for s-polarization and for p-polarization have different widths, with, according to expectations, the peak in the wavelength-dependent profile of the reflectivity having the greater width for s-polarization comparison with the peak for p-polarization. What is now achieved with the two aforementioned “extreme” layer designs with respect to the reflectivity rp applicable to p-polarization by taking advantage of this circumstance is that both peaks (i.e. for s-polarization and for p-polarization) are located within the transmission interval for the reflection layer system according to FIG. 4B, whereas the maximum reflectivity values for s-polarization but not for p-polarization are located within the transmission interval for the reflection layer system according to FIG. 4A (instead, for p-polarization, the falling slope of the corresponding peak of the reflectivity curve is situated within the transmission interval according to FIG. 4A).

As a consequence, the reflection layer system according to FIG. 4A has in comparison with that according to FIG. 4B a substantially stronger polarizing effect on the incident electromagnetic radiation. Expressed differently, the reflection layer system according to FIG. 4A is suitable for the operating mode with polarized radiation and the reflection layer system according to FIG. 4B is suitable for the operating mode with unpolarized radiation.

The realization of the above-described concept according to the disclosure in reflection layer systems in the form of aperiodic multiple layer systems now allows the influencing of the two parameters of width and position of the respective peak in the wavelength-dependent reflectivity profile independently of one another by changing the layer design. The corresponding values for s-polarization and p-polarization are correlated for a given layer design, and so width and position of the peaks for s-polarization and p-polarization cannot be chosen completely independently of one another. However, as already explained on the basis of FIGS. 4A-4B, this is not necessary either. By contrast, when realizing the disclosure with reflection layer systems in the form of periodic layer systems with an alternating periodic sequence of a given number of two different layer materials (“bilayer”), it is substantially only the position of the peak that can be chosen freely, while the width of the peak can only be influenced to a limited extent.

Tables 1-4 represent aperiodic layer designs in exemplary fashion, to be precise for systems made of molybdenum silicon (MoSi) or ruthenium silicon (RuSi). For fixed rs=0.7, the tables in each case specify the layer designs that have a maximum and minimum rp, respectively.

For exemplary angles of incidence, FIGS. 6A-6H depict the layer thicknesses of periodic layer systems. In this case, the layers with minimum and maximum rp are respectively depicted for the entire range of rs. FIGS. 6A and 6D each show the extremally achievable values of rp. FIGS. 6B and 6E each show the individual layer thicknesses: The thickness of silicon for maximum rp is represented by long dashes. The thickness of molybdenum or ruthenium for maximum rp is represented by short dashes.

The thickness of silicon for minimum rp is represented by a dash-dotted line. The thickness of molybdenum or ruthenium for minimum rp is represented by a line with a dash followed by two dots. FIGS. 6C and 6F show the respective period thickness, that is to say the sum of the two individual thicknesses (molybdenum and silicon or ruthenium and silicon).

FIGS. 7A-7H show the range in the rs-rp diagram achievable for MoSi or RuSi by periodic or aperiodic layer stacks, as a function of the angle of incidence. The two components that can be exchanged for one another need not correspond with respect to the material combination (MoSi or RuSi) and/or with respect to the structure (periodic or aperiodic sequence). Especially for angles that are sufficiently different from 0° and the Brewster angle of approximately 45°, the available selection range in the rs-rp diagram is surprisingly large.


(RuSi; 60° angle of incidence; rs = 0.7; rp minimal

The silicon layer of layer 1 is located directly on the

substrate. The ruthenium layer of layer 50 forms the

incidence surface for the EUV used radiation.)

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 2.3451 nm

dSi = 11.6620 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 13.9930 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 7.1140 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 6.0973 nm

dSi = 8.5758 nm
dRu = 13.5046 nm

dSi = 0.4454 nm
dRu = 11.4563 nm

dSi = 7.0244 nm
dRu = 12.3895 nm

dSi = 13.9996 nm
dRu = 10.4081 nm

dSi = 3.4224 nm
dRu = 12.4434 nm

dSi = 13.9985 nm
dRu = 13.9998 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 13.9996 nm

dSi = 4.9534 nm
dRu = 13.9966 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 13.9966 nm

dSi = 3.8489 nm
dRu = 12.8972 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 13.9958 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 9.6313 nm
dRu = 1.7682 nm

dSi = 11.4665 nm
dRu = 5.4774 nm

dSi = 10.1439 nm
dRu = 6.3766 nm

dSi = 9.7245 nm
dRu = 6.6627 nm

dSi = 9.6146 nm
dRu = 6.6180 nm

dSi = 9.6285 nm
dRu = 6.4776 nm

dSi = 9.6654 nm
dRu = 6.2996 nm

dSi = 9.6951 nm
dRu = 6.1137 nm

dSi = 9.7058 nm
dRu = 5.9241 nm

dSi = 9.6964 nm
dRu = 5.7233 nm

dSi = 9.6632 nm
dRu = 5.5086 nm

dSi = 9.6117 nm
dRu = 5.2655 nm

dSi = 9.5779 nm
dRu = 4.8707 nm

dSi = 9.7328 nm
dRu = 4.2078 nm

dSi = 10.0269 nm
dRu = 3.6662 nm

dSi = 10.2061 nm
dRu = 3.4160 nm

dSi = 10.2024 nm
dRu = 3.4533 nm

dSi = 10.0420 nm
dRu = 3.9104 nm

dSi = 9.8148 nm
dRu = 4.2305 nm


(RuSi; 60° angle of incidence; rs = 0.7; rp maximal

The silicon layer of layer 1 is located directly on the

substrate. The ruthenium layer of layer 50 forms the

incidence surface for the EUV used radiation.)

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 6.8950 nm

dSi = 8.7943 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 11.1499 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 14.0000 nm

dSi = 7.7458 nm
dRu = 12.7017 nm

dSi = 5.4784 nm
dRu = 9.9048 nm

dSi = 11.8243 nm
dRu = 9.2929 nm

dSi = 5.8627 nm
dRu = 10.5026 nm

dSi = 10.1953 nm
dRu = 10.0703 nm

dSi = 5.3878 nm
dRu = 10.7100 nm

dSi = 11.6359 nm
dRu = 9.1818 nm

dSi = 5.2900 nm
dRu = 0.0247 nm

dSi = 0.0904 nm
dRu = 0.0927 nm

dSi = 0.4027 nm
dRu = 11.7905 nm

dSi = 8.7352 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 0.0104 nm
dRu = 10.9638 nm

dSi = 5.8251 nm
dRu = 10.8651 nm

dSi = 10.1334 nm
dRu = 10.2689 nm

dSi = 4.7854 nm
dRu = 10.9044 nm

dSi = 11.1279 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 13.9900 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 13.4481 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 13.9864 nm
dRu = 6.4612 nm

dSi = 10.3630 nm
dRu = 0.7886 nm

dSi = 13.2990 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 13.0715 nm
dRu = 0.0000 nm

dSi = 13.1670 nm
dRu = 7.2923 nm

dSi = 14.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0350 nm

dSi = 0.0455 nm
dRu = 0.0508 nm

dSi = 0.0000 nm
dRu = 0.0052 nm

dSi = 9.0992 nm
dRu = 5.3858 nm

dSi = 9.1359 nm
dRu = 9.1692 nm

dSi = 9.0522 nm
dRu = 6.6343 nm

dSi = 9.4914 nm
dRu = 6.8441 nm

dSi = 9.7028 nm
dRu = 5.9849 nm

dSi = 10.0724 nm
dRu = 5.4631 nm

dSi = 10.2388 nm
dRu = 5.2962 nm

dSi = 10.3055 nm
dRu = 5.2011 nm

dSi = 10.3321 nm
dRu = 5.1586 nm

dSi = 10.3539 nm
dRu = 5.1052 nm

dSi = 10.3842 nm
dRu = 5.0677 nm

dSi = 10.4049 nm
dRu = 5.0421 nm

dSi = 10.4114 nm
dRu = 5.0427 nm

dSi = 10.3725 nm
dRu = 5.1956 nm

dSi = 10.1710 nm
dRu = 5.6085 nm

dSi = 9.9845 nm
dRu = 5.8591 nm

dSi = 10.0288 nm
dRu = 5.1012 nm


(MoSi; 25° angle of incidence; rs = 0.7; rp minimal

The silicon layer of layer 1 is located directly on the

substrate. The molybdenum layer of layer 50 forms the

incidence surface for the EUV used radiation.)

dSi = 7.7236 nm
dMo = 4.1247 nm

dSi = 3.7727 nm
dMo = 3.9637 nm

dSi = 3.8103 nm
dMo = 3.9256 nm

dSi = 3.8385 nm
dMo = 3.8985 nm

dSi = 3.8613 nm
dMo = 3.8772 nm

dSi = 3.8799 nm
dMo = 3.8583 nm

dSi = 3.8964 nm
dMo = 3.8414 nm

dSi = 3.9109 nm
dMo = 3.8256 nm

dSi = 3.9239 nm
dMo = 3.8104 nm

dSi = 3.9358 nm
dMo = 3.7956 nm

dSi = 3.9469 nm
dMo = 3.7812 nm

dSi = 3.9572 nm
dMo = 3.7669 nm

dSi = 3.9667 nm
dMo = 3.7531 nm

dSi = 3.9749 nm
dMo = 3.7412 nm

dSi = 3.9796 nm
dMo = 3.7352 nm

dSi = 3.9756 nm
dMo = 3.7421 nm

dSi = 3.9559 nm
dMo = 3.7678 nm

dSi = 3.9223 nm
dMo = 3.7969 nm

dSi = 3.8955 nm
dMo = 3.8291 nm

dSi = 3.8322 nm
dMo = 3.9131 nm

dSi = 3.7738 nm
dMo = 3.9415 nm

dSi = 3.7078 nm
dMo = 4.0771 nm

dSi = 3.5857 nm
dMo = 4.0850 nm

dSi = 3.7453 nm
dMo = 3.7996 nm

dSi = 3.8214 nm
dMo = 4.0151 nm

dSi = 3.6689 nm
dMo = 3.8402 nm

dSi = 3.8079 nm
dMo = 4.0464 nm

dSi = 3.4973 nm
dMo = 4.2351 nm

dSi = 3.4044 nm
dMo = 4.3481 nm

dSi = 3.1417 nm
dMo = 4.7698 nm

dSi = 3.2269 nm
dMo = 4.2264 nm

dSi = 3.0257 nm
dMo = 5.1157 nm

dSi = 2.9847 nm
dMo = 4.3411 nm

dSi = 3.2408 nm
dMo = 4.7565 nm

dSi = 2.9068 nm
dMo = 4.6206 nm

dSi = 3.2913 nm
dMo = 4.2183 nm

dSi = 3.2794 nm
dMo = 4.9177 nm

dSi = 2.8443 nm
dMo = 4.1465 nm

dSi = 3.9148 nm
dMo = 4.0578 nm

dSi = 3.1493 nm
dMo = 4.7295 nm

dSi = 2.9040 nm
dMo = 4.8262 nm

dSi = 3.2651 nm
dMo = 4.1901 nm

dSi = 3.4998 nm
dMo = 4.1952 nm

dSi = 3.6395 nm
dMo = 3.8621 nm

dSi = 3.9863 nm
dMo = 3.5529 nm

dSi = 4.2105 nm
dMo = 3.3495 nm

dSi = 4.4049 nm
dMo = 3.1676 nm

dSi = 4.5380 nm
dMo = 3.0782 nm

dSi = 4.5974 nm
dMo = 3.0348 nm

dSi = 4.6360 nm
dMo = 2.7202 nm


(MoSi; 25° angle of incidence; rs = 0.7; rp maximal

The silicon layer of layer 1 is located directly on the

substrate. The molybdenum layer of layer 50 forms the

incidence surface for the EUV used radiation.)

dSi = 7.7236 nm
dMo = 4.1079 nm

dSi = 3.7634 nm
dMo = 4.0723 nm

dSi = 3.7981 nm
dMo = 4.0300 nm

dSi = 3.8289 nm
dMo = 3.9941 nm

dSi = 3.8583 nm
dMo = 3.9596 nm

dSi = 3.8868 nm
dMo = 3.9262 nm

dSi = 3.9146 nm
dMo = 3.8937 nm

dSi = 3.9418 nm
dMo = 3.8612 nm

dSi = 3.9695 nm
dMo = 3.8301 nm

dSi = 3.9949 nm
dMo = 3.8004 nm

dSi = 4.0206 nm
dMo = 3.7699 nm

dSi = 4.0475 nm
dMo = 3.7368 nm

dSi = 4.0796 nm
dMo = 3.6934 nm

dSi = 4.1263 nm
dMo = 3.6282 nm

dSi = 4.1977 nm
dMo = 3.5317 nm

dSi = 4.2988 nm
dMo = 3.4037 nm

dSi = 4.4256 nm
dMo = 3.2523 nm

dSi = 4.5682 nm
dMo = 3.0900 nm

dSi = 4.7158 nm
dMo = 2.9279 nm

dSi = 4.8592 nm
dMo = 2.7741 nm

dSi = 4.9929 nm
dMo = 2.6332 nm

dSi = 5.1140 nm
dMo = 2.5072 nm

dSi = 5.2216 nm
dMo = 2.3959 nm

dSi = 5.3162 nm
dMo = 2.2988 nm

dSi = 5.3987 nm
dMo = 2.2143 nm

dSi = 5.4705 nm
dMo = 2.1410 nm

dSi = 5.5327 nm
dMo = 2.0777 nm

dSi = 5.5866 nm
dMo = 2.0230 nm

dSi = 5.6333 nm
dMo = 1.9757 nm

dSi = 5.6738 nm
dMo = 1.9348 nm

dSi = 5.7090 nm
dMo = 1.8994 nm

dSi = 5.7396 nm
dMo = 1.8687 nm

dSi = 5.7662 nm
dMo = 1.8423 nm

dSi = 5.7893 nm
dMo = 1.8196 nm

dSi = 5.8094 nm
dMo = 1.8002 nm

dSi = 5.8266 nm
dMo = 1.7837 nm

dSi = 5.8414 nm
dMo = 1.7701 nm

dSi = 5.8540 nm
dMo = 1.7589 nm

dSi = 5.8646 nm
dMo = 1.7502 nm

dSi = 5.8737 nm
dMo = 1.7438 nm

dSi = 5.8815 nm
dMo = 1.7397 nm

dSi = 5.8885 nm
dMo = 1.7380 nm

dSi = 5.8946 nm
dMo = 1.7395 nm

dSi = 5.8983 nm
dMo = 1.7449 nm

dSi = 5.9017 nm
dMo = 1.7537 nm

dSi = 5.9027 nm
dMo = 1.7675 nm

dSi = 5.8995 nm
dMo = 1.7883 nm

dSi = 5.8868 nm
dMo = 1.8176 nm

dSi = 5.8528 nm
dMo = 1.9389 nm

dSi = 5.7606 nm
dMo = 2.5331 nm

Exchanging at least one reflective component located in the optical beam path for a component that corresponds with respect to its surface geometry but differs with respect to the reflection layer system present, for the purposes of changing the operating mode between “polarized” and “unpolarized”, can generally be realized for different components of the optical system or of the illumination device.

FIG. 8 initially shows a schematic and much simplified representation of a possible basic structure of an illumination device of a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus designed for operation in the EUV wavelength range. In this case, the EUV radiation produced by an EUV radiation source 802 (e.g. a plasma source) reaches a field facet mirror 810 with a multiplicity of independently adjustable field facets (e.g. for setting different illumination settings) via an intermediate focus 801 following the reflection at a collector mirror 803. From the field facet mirror 810, the EUV radiation is incident on a pupil facet mirror 820 and, from the latter, on a reticle 830 which is situated in the object plane of the projection lens (not depicted in FIG. 8) disposed downstream in the optical beam path.

The disclosure is not restricted to the structure of the illumination device as illustrated in FIG. 8. Thus, one or more additional optical elements, for example in the form of one or more deflection mirrors, can also be arranged in the beam path in further embodiments.

Possible implementations of the “component exchange” according to the disclosure are explained below with reference to the merely schematic illustrations of FIGS. 9-12.

With reference to FIG. 9, initially, the pupil facet mirror (denoted by “920” in FIG. 9) can be exchanged overall for another pupil facet mirror 920′ (which according to the concept according to the disclosure differs from the pupil facet mirror 920 not in terms of its surface geometry but in terms of its spectral reflection profiles or reflection layer systems) for the purposes of implementing the component exchange according to the disclosure for the purpose of changing the operating mode between “polarized” and “unpolarized”. This implementation can be advantageous inasmuch as only a single component has to be exchanged.

In a further embodiment, elucidated in FIG. 10, it is also possible to exchange individual segments (denoted by “1021” to “1024” in FIG. 10) of a pupil facet mirror 1020 for other segments (denoted “1021′” to “1024′” in FIG. 10), with the respective segments in turn comprising a plurality of pupil facets. This embodiment is advantageous inasmuch as the number of elements to be realized as exchangeable is comparatively small. As indicated in FIG. 11, a single pupil facet (e.g. “1121” or “1122”) of a pupil facet mirror 1120 can also be exchanged for another pupil facet 1121′ or 1122′ (which in conformity with the concept according to the disclosure is designed with the same surface geometry but different spectral reflection profiles or reflection layer systems) in a further embodiment.

To the extent that reference is made to a pupil facet mirror in the embodiments described above, there can be an analogous realization for the field facet mirror as well.

FIGS. 12A-12B show, purely in a schematic representation, a further implementation option for the component interchange according to the disclosure. In this case, up to three field facets 1250, 1250′, 1250″ can be arranged on an exchange apparatus 1260 designed as a roller, in an arrangement known per se from DE 10 2018 207 410 A1, with rotating the roller allowing a “switch” between the field facets 1250, 1250′, 1250″. By tilting the axis of rotation, the respective selected field facet 1250, 1250′ or 1250″ can be tilted so that a desired pupil facet of the pupil facet mirror is illuminated. In this case, according to the disclosure, the three field facets 1250, 1250′, 1250″ situated on a common roller are provided with different reflection layer systems.

In a further variant, the reflection layer systems can be attached to the collector mirror 803, reference having made to FIG. 8 again. Embodiments of a collector mirror for simplifying the highly accurate interchange thereof are known from DE 10 2013 200 368 A1.

FIG. 13 shows a schematic illustration of an exemplary projection exposure apparatus which is designed for operation in the EUV and in which the present disclosure can be realized. According to FIG. 13, an illumination device 1380 in a projection exposure apparatus 1375 designed for EUV comprises a field facet mirror 1381 (with facets 1382) and a pupil facet mirror 1383 (with facets 1384). The light from a light source unit 1385 comprising a plasma light source 1386 and a collector mirror 1387 is directed at the field facet mirror 1381. A first telescope mirror 1388 and a second telescope mirror 1389 are arranged in the light path downstream of the pupil facet mirror 1383. A deflection mirror 1390 is arranged downstream in the light path, the deflection mirror steering the radiation that is incident thereon to an object field 1391 in the object plane OP of a projection lens 1395 comprising six mirrors M1-M6. A reflective structure-bearing mask M, which is imaged into an image plane IP with the aid of the projection lens 1395 (comprising six mirrors M1-M6), is arranged at the location of the object field 1391.

Even though the disclosure has been described on the basis of specific embodiments, numerous variations and alternative embodiments will be apparent to a person skilled in the art, for example through combination and/or exchange of features of individual embodiments. Accordingly, it will be apparent to a person skilled in the art that such variations and alternative embodiments are also encompassed by the present disclosure, and the scope of the disclosure is restricted only within the scope of the appended patent claims and the equivalents thereof.

  • 1. An EUV illumination device having an optical beam path, the EUV illumination device comprising: a first reflective component;a second reflective component; andan exchange apparatus configured to exchange the first reflective component and the second reflective component in the optical beam path for one another,wherein a polarization degree, defined as a ratio between the reflectivities for s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, of the first reflective component is at least 1.5 greater than for the second reflective component.
  • 2. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a mirror facet of a facet mirror.
  • 3. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a mirror facet of a pupil facet mirror.
  • 4. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a mirror facet of a field facet mirror.
  • 5. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprise a facet mirror.
  • 6. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a pupil facet mirror comprising a plurality of pupil facets.
  • 7. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a field facet mirror comprising a plurality of field facets.
  • 8. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a micromirror of a specular reflector.
  • 9. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein each of the first and the second reflective components comprises a collector mirror.
  • 10. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein a wavelength λ0 is a mean wavelength in a wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the first reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
  • 11. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein a wavelength λ0 is a mean wavelength in a wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the second reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
  • 12. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein a wavelength λ0 is a mean wavelength in a wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the first reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
  • 13. The EUV illumination device of claim 1, wherein: for s-polarized radiation in a wavelength interval [(−);(+)], the EUV illumination device has a transmissivity of at least 50% of a maximum transmissivity of the EUV illumination device; andΔλ0 is between and .
  • 14. The EUV illumination device of claim 13, wherein a wavelength λ0 is a mean wavelength in a wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the first reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
  • 15. The EUV illumination device of claim 13, wherein a wavelength λ0 is a mean wavelength in a wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the second reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
  • 16. The EUV illumination device of claim 13, wherein a wavelength λ0 is a mean wavelength in a wavelength interval [(λ0−Δλ0/2), (λ0+Δλ0/2)] of width Δλ0 such that the first reflection layer system satisfies the following conditions:
  • 17. The EUV illumination device of claim 13, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprises a mirror facet of a facet mirror.
  • 18. The EUV illumination device of claim 13, wherein each of the first and second reflective components comprise a facet mirror.
  • 19. An apparatus, comprising: an EUV illumination device according to claim 1; anda projection lens,wherein the apparatus is a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus.
  • 20. A method of operating an EUV microlithographic projection exposure apparatus comprising an illumination device and a projection lens, the method comprising: using the illumination device to illuminate an object plane of the projection lens;using the projection lens to image the object plane into an image plane of the projection lens; andswitching between a polarized operating mode and an unpolarized operating mode by exchanging a first reflective component comprising a first reflection layer system located in an optical beam path of the illumination device for a second reflective component comprising a second reflection layer system,wherein a polarization degree, defined as a ratio between the reflectivities for s-polarized and p-polarized radiation, of the first reflective component is at least 1.5 greater than for the second reflective component.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10 2021 210 492.4 Sep 2021 DE national

The present application is a continuation of, and claims benefit under 35 USC 120 to, international application No. PCT/EP2022/074741, filed Sep. 6, 2022, which claims benefit under 35 USC 119 of German Application No. 10 2021 210 492.4, filed Sep. 21, 2021. The entire disclosure of each these applications is incorporated by reference herein.

Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/EP2022/074741 Sep 2022 WO
Child 18605591 US