Wafer probe station having environment control enclosure

A wafer probe station is equipped with an integrated environment control enclosure substantially surrounding a supporting surface for holding a test device, such enclosure limiting fluid communication between the interior and exterior of the enclosure and preferably also providing EMI shielding and a dark environment. The limited communication between the interior and exterior of the enclosure is kept substantially constant despite positioning movement of either the supporting surface or probes. The positioning mechanisms for the supporting surface and probes each are located at least partially outside of the enclosure.

The present invention is directed to probe stations for making highly accurate measurements of high-speed, large scale integrated circuits at the wafer level, and of other electronic devices. More particularly, the invention relates to such a probe station having an environment control enclosure for limiting the communication of the wafer-supporting chuck and probes with outside influences such as electromagnetic interference (EMI), air, and/or light.


The probe station is equipped with an integrated environment control enclosure substantially surrounding a supporting surface for holding a test device, such enclosure limiting fluid communication between the interior and exterior of the enclosure and preferably also providing EMI shielding and a dark environment. The limited communication between the interior and exterior of the enclosure is kept substantially constant despite positioning movement of either the supporting surface or probes. The positioning mechanisms for the supporting surface and probes are each located at least partially outside of the enclosure so that mechanical movement of each of the positioning mechanisms outside of the enclosure causes proportional mechanical movement of the surface or probe.

According to another aspect of the invention, the environment control enclosure has an upper portion extending above the supporting surface and a side portion substantially surrounding the supporting surface, the supporting surface being movable laterally with respect to the top of the side portion.

According to another aspect of the invention, the environment control enclosure has an opening with a closable door for substituting different test devices on the supporting surface in a manner compatible with the positioning and environment control functions.

The foregoing and other objectives, features, and advantages of the invention will be more readily understood upon consideration of the following detailed description of the invention, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.


FIG. 1 is a partial front view of an exemplary embodiment of a wafer probe station constructed in accordance with the present invention.

FIG. 2 is a top view of the wafer probe station of FIG. 1.

FIG. 2A is a partial top view of the wafer probe station of FIG. 1 with the enclosure door shown partially open.

FIG. 3 is a partially sectional and partially schematic front view of the probe station of FIG. 1.

FIG. 3A is an enlarged sectional view taken along line 3A-3A of FIG. 3.

FIG. 4 is a top view of the sealing assembly where the motorized positioning mechanism extends through the bottom of the enclosure.

FIG. 5A is an enlarged top detail view taken along line 5A-5A of FIG. 1.

FIG. 5B is an enlarged top sectional view taken along line 5B-5B of FIG. 1.

FIG. 6 is a partially schematic top detail view of the chuck assembly, taken along line 6-6 of FIG. 3.

FIG. 7 is a partially sectional front view of the chuck assembly of FIG. 6.

FIG. 8 is a partially sectional side view of a probe holder and probe.

FIG. 9 is a partially sectional bottom view taken along line 9-9 of FIG. 8.

General Arrangement of Probe Station

With reference to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3, an exemplary embodiment of the probe station of the present invention comprises a base 10 (shown partially) which supports a platen 12 through a number of jacks 14a, 14b, 14c, 14d which selectively raise and lower the platen vertically relative to the base by a small increment (approximately one-tenth of an inch) for purposes to be described hereafter. Also supported by the base 10 of the probe station is a motorized positioner 16 having a rectangular plunger 18 which supports a movable chuck assembly 20 for supporting a wafer or other test device. The chuck assembly 20 passes freely through a large aperture 22 in the platen 12 which permits the chuck assembly to be moved independently of the platen by the positioner 16 along X, Y and Z axes, i.e. horizontally along two mutually-perpendicular axes X and Y, and vertically along the Z axis. Likewise, the platen 12, when moved vertically by the jacks 14, moves independently of the chuck assembly 20 and the Positioner 16.

Mounted atop the platen 12 are multiple individual probe positioners such as 24 (only one of which is shown), each having an extending member 26 to which is mounted a probe holder 28 which in turn supports a respective probe 30 for contacting wafers and other test devices mounted atop the chuck assembly 20. The probe positioner 24 has micrometer adjustments 34, 36 and 38 for adjusting the position of the probe holder 28, and thus the probe 30, along the X, Y and Z axes respectively, relative to the chuck assembly 20. The Z axis is exemplary of what is referred to herein loosely as the “axis of approach” between the probe holder 28 and the chuck assembly 20, although directions of approach which are neither vertical nor linear, along which the probe tip and wafer or other test device are brought into contact with each other, are also intended to be included within the meaning of the term “axis of approach.” A further micrometer adjustment 40 adjustably tilts the probe holder 28 to adjust planarity of the probe with respect to the wafer or other test device supported by the chuck assembly 20. As many as twelve individual probe positioners 24, each supporting a respective probe, may be arranged on the platen 12 around the chuck assembly 20 so as to converge radially toward the chuck assembly similarly to the spokes of a wheel. With such an arrangement, each individual positioner 24 can independently adjust its respective probe in the X, Y and Z directions, while the jacks 14 can be actuated to raise or lower the platen 12 and thus all of the positioners 24 and their respective probes in unison.

An environment control enclosure is composed of an upper box portion 42 rigidly attached to the platen 12, and a lower box portion 44 rigidly attached to the base 10. Both portions are made of steel or other suitable electrically conductive material to provide EMI shielding. To accommodate the small vertical movement between the two box portions 42 and 44 when the jacks 14 are actuated to raise or lower the platen 12, an electrically conductive resilient foam gasket 46, preferably composed of silver or carbon-impregnated silicone, is interposed peripherally at their mating juncture at the front of the enclosure and between the lower portion 44 and the platen 12 so that an EMI, substantially hermetic, and light seal are all maintained despite relative vertical movement between the two box portions 42 and 44. Even though the upper box portion 42 is rigidly attached to the platen 12, a similar gasket 47 is preferably interposed between the portion 42 and the top of the platen to maximize sealing.

With reference to FIGS. 5A and 5B, the top of the upper box portion 42 comprises an octagonal steel box 48 having eight side panels such as 49a and 49b through which the extending members 26 of the respective probe positioners 24 can penetrate movably. Each panel comprises a hollow housing in which a respective sheet 50 of resilient foam, which may be similar to the above-identified gasket material, is placed. Slits such as 52 are partially cut vertically in the foam in alignment with slots 54 formed in the inner and outer surfaces of each panel housing, through which a respective extending member 26 of a respective probe positioner 24 can pass movably. The slitted foam permits X, Y and Z movement of the extending members 26 of each probe positioner, while maintaining the EMI, substantially hermetic, and light seal provided by the enclosure. In four of the panels, to enable a greater range of X and Y movement, the foam sheet 50 is sandwiched between a pair of steel plates 55 having slots 54 therein, such plates being slidable transversely within the panel housing through a range of movement encompassed by larger slots 56 in the inner and outer surfaces of the panel housing.

Atop the octagonal box 48, a circular viewing aperture 58 is provided, having a recessed circular transparent sealing window 60 therein. A bracket 62 holds an apertured sliding shutter 64 to selectively permit or prevent the passage of light through the window. A stereoscope (not shown) connected to a CRT monitor can be placed above the window to provide a magnified display of the wafer or other test device and the probe tip for proper probe placement during set-up or operation. Alternatively, the window 60 can be removed and a microscope lens (not shown) surrounded by a foam gasket can be inserted through the viewing aperture 58 with the foam providing EMI, hermetic and light sealing.

The upper box portion 42 of the environment control enclosure also includes a hinged steel door 68 which pivots outwardly about the pivot axis of a hinge 70 as shown in FIG. 2A. The hinge biases the door downwardly toward the top of the upper box portion 42 so that it forms a tight, overlapping, sliding peripheral seal 68a with the top of the upper box portion. When the door is open, and the chuck assembly 20 is moved by the positioner 16 beneath the door opening as shown in FIG. 2A, the chuck assembly is accessible for loading and unloading.

With reference to FIGS. 3 and 4, the sealing integrity of the enclosure is likewise maintained throughout positioning movements by the motorized positioner 16 due to the provision of a series of four sealing plates 72, 74, 76 and 78 stacked slidably atop one another. The sizes of the plates progress increasingly from the top to the bottom one, as do the respective sizes of the central apertures 72a, 74a, 76a and 78a formed in the respective plates 72, 74, 76 and 78, and the aperture 79a formed in the bottom 44a of the lower box portion 44. The central aperture 72a in the top plate 72 mates closely around the bearing housing 18a of the vertically-movable plunger 18. The next plate in the downward progression, plate 74, has an upwardly-projecting peripheral margin 74b which limits the extent to which the plate 72 can slide across the top of the plate 74. The central aperture 74a in the plate 74 is of a size to permit the positioner 16 to move the plunger 18 and its bearing housing 18a transversely along the X and Y axes until the edge of the top plate 72 abuts against the margin 74b of the plate 74. The size of the aperture 74a is, however, too small to be uncovered by the top plate 72 when such abutment occurs, and therefore a seal is maintained between the plates 72 and 74 regardless of the movement of the plunger 18 and its bearing housing along the X and Y axes. Further movement of the plunger 18 and bearing housing in the direction of abutment of the plate 72 with the margin 74b results in the sliding of the plate 74 toward the peripheral margin 76b of the next underlying plate 76. Again, the central aperture 76a in the plate 76 is large enough to permit abutment of the plate 74 with the margin 76b, but small enough to prevent the plate 74 from uncovering the aperture 76a, thereby likewise maintaining the seal between the plates 74 and 76. Still further movement of the plunger 18 and bearing housing in the same direction causes similar sliding of the plates 76 and 78 relative to their underlying plates into abutment with the margin 78b and the side of the box portion 44, respectively, without the apertures 78a and 79a becoming uncovered. This combination of sliding plates and central apertures of progressively increasing size permits a full range of movement of the plunger 18 along the X and Y axes by the positioner 16, while maintaining the enclosure in a sealed condition despite such positioning movement. The EMI sealing provided by this structure is effective even with respect to the electric motors of the positioner 16, since they are located below the sliding plates.

Chuck Assembly

With particular reference to FIGS. 3, 6 and 7, the chuck assembly 20 is of a unique modular construction usable either with or without an environment control enclosure. The plunger 18 supports an adjustment plate 79 which in turn supports first, second and third chuck assembly elements 80, 81 and 83, respectively, positioned at progressively greater distances from the probe(s) along the axis of approach. Element 83 is a conductive rectangular stage or shield 83 which detachably mounts conductive elements 80 and 81 of circular shape. The element 80 has a planar upwardly-facing wafer-supporting surface 82 having an array of vertical apertures 84 therein. These apertures communicate with respective chambers separated by O-rings 88, the chambers in turn being connected separately to different vacuum lines 90a, 90b, 90c (FIG. 6) communicating through separately-controlled vacuum valves (not shown) with a source of vacuum. The respective vacuum lines selectively connect the respective chambers and their apertures to the source of vacuum to hold the wafer, or alternatively isolate the apertures from the source of vacuum to release the wafer, in a conventional manner. The separate operability of the respective chambers and their corresponding apertures enables the chuck to hold wafers of different diameters.

In addition to the circular elements 80 and 81, auxiliary chucks such as 92 and 94 are detachably mounted on the corners of the element 83 by screws (not shown) independently of the elements 80 and 81 for the purpose of supporting contact substrates and calibration substrates while a wafer or other test device is simultaneously supported by the element 80. Each auxiliary chuck 92, 94 has its own separate upwardly-facing planar surface 100, 102 respectively, in parallel relationship to the surface 82 of the element 80. Vacuum apertures 104 protrude through the surfaces 100 and 102 from communication with respective chambers within the body of each auxiliary chuck. Each of these chambers in turn communicates through a separate vacuum line and a separate independently-actuated vacuum valve (not shown) with a source of vacuum, each such valve selectively connecting or isolating the respective sets of apertures 104 with respect to the source of vacuum independently of the operation of the apertures 84 of the element 80, so as to selectively hold or release a contact substrate or calibration substrate located on the respective surfaces 100 and 102 independently of the wafer or other test device. An optional metal shield 106 may protrude upwardly from the edges of the element 83 to surround the other elements 80, 81 and the auxiliary chucks 92, 94.

All of the chuck assembly elements 80, 81 and 83, as well as the additional chuck assembly element 79, are electrically insulated from one another even though they are constructed of electrically conductive metal and interconnected detachably by metallic screws such as 96. With reference to FIGS. 3 and 3A, the electrical insulation results from the fact that, in addition to the resilient dielectric O-rings 88, dielectric spacers 85 and dielectric washers 86 are provided. These, coupled with the fact that the screws 96 pass through oversized apertures in the lower one of the two elements which each screw joins together thereby preventing electrical contact between the shank of the screw and the lower element, provide the desired insulation. As is apparent in FIG. 3, the dielectric spacers 85 extend over only minor portions of the opposing surface areas of the interconnected chuck assembly elements, thereby leaving air gaps between the opposing surfaces over major portions of their respective areas. Such air gaps minimize the dielectric constant in the spaces between the respective chuck assembly elements, thereby correspondingly minimizing the capacitance between them and the ability for electrical current to leak from one element to another. Preferably, the spacers and washers 85 and 86, respectively, are constructed of a material having the lowest possible dielectric constant consistent with high dimensional stability and high volume resistivity. A suitable material for the spacers and washers is glass epoxy, or acetal homopolymer marketed under the trademark Delrin by E.I. DuPont.

With reference to FIGS. 6 and 7, the chuck assembly 20 also includes a pair of detachable electrical connector assemblies designated generally as 108 and 110, each having at least two conductive connector elements 108a, 108b and 110a, 110b, respectively, electrically insulated from each other, with the connector elements 108b and 110b preferably coaxially surrounding the connector elements 108a and 110a as guards therefor. If desired, the connector assemblies 108 and 110 can be triaxial in configuration so as to include respective outer shields 108c, 110c surrounding the respective connector elements 108b and 110b, as shown in FIG. 7. The outer shields 108c and 110c may, if desired, be connected electrically through a shielding box 112 and a connector supporting bracket 113 to the chuck assembly element 83, although such electrical connection is optional particularly in view of the surrounding EMI shielding enclosure 42, 44. In any case, the respective connector elements 108a and 110a are electrically connected in parallel to a connector plate 114 matingly and detachably connected along a curved contact surface 114a by screws 114b and 114c to the curved edge of the chuck assembly element 80. Conversely, the connector elements 108b and 110b are connected in parallel to a connector plate 116 similarly matingly connected detachably to element 81. The connector elements pass freely through a rectangular opening 112a in the box 112, being electrically insulated from the box 112 and therefore from the element 83, as well as being electrically insulated from each other. Set screws such as 118 detachably fasten the connector elements to the respective connector plates 114 and 116.

Either coaxial or, as shown, triaxial cables 118 and 120 form portions of the respective detachable electrical connector assemblies 108 and 110, as do their respective triaxial detachable connectors 122 and 124 which penetrate a wall of the lower portion 44 of the environment control enclosure so that the outer shields of the triaxial connectors 122, 124 are electrically connected to the enclosure. Further triaxial cables 122a, 124a are detachably connectable to the connectors 122 and 124 from suitable test equipment such as a Hewlett-Packard 4142B modular DC source/monitor or a Hewlett-Packard 4284A precision LCR meter, depending upon the test application. If the cables 118 and 120 are merely coaxial cables or other types of cables having only two conductors, one conductor interconnects the inner (signal) connector element of a respective connector 122 or 124 with a respective connector element 108a or 110a, while the other conductor connects the intermediate (guard) connector element of a respective connector 122 or 124 with a respective connector element 108b, 110b.

In any case, the detachable connector assemblies 108, 110, due to their interconnections with the two connector plates 114, 116, provide immediately ready-to-use signal and guard connections to the chuck assembly elements 80 and 81, respectively, as well as ready-to-use guarded Kelvin connections thereto. For applications requiring only guarding of the chuck assembly, as for example the measurement of low-current leakage from a test device through the element 80, it is necessary only that the operator connect a single guarded cable 122a from a test instrument such as a Hewlett-Packard 4142B modular DC source/monitor to the detachable connector 122 so that a signal line is provided to the chuck assembly element 80 through the connector element 108a and connector plate 114, and a guard line is provided to the element 81 through the connector element 108b and connector plate 116. Alternatively, if a Kelvin connection to the chuck assembly is desired for low-voltage measurements, such as those needed for measurements of low capacitance, the operator need merely attach a pair of cables 122a and 124a to the respective connectors 122, 124 from a suitable test instrument such as a Hewlett-Packard 4284A precision LCR meter, thereby providing both source and measurement lines to the element 80 through the connector elements 108a and 110a and connector plate 114, and guarding lines to the element 81 through the connector elements 108b and 110b and connector plate 116.

Probe Assembly

With reference to FIGS. 5B, 8 and 9, respective individually movable probes 30 comprising pairs of probe elements 30a are supported by respective probe holders 28 which in turn are supported by respective extending portions 26 of different probe positioners such as 24. Atop each probe positioner 24 is a shield box 126 having a pair of triaxial connectors 128, 130 mounted thereon with respective triaxial cables 132 entering each triaxial connector from a suitable test instrument as mentioned previously. Each triaxial connector includes a respective inner connector element 128a, 130a, an intermediate connector element 128b, 130b, and an outer connector element 128c, 130c in concentric arrangement. Each outer connector element 128c, 130c terminates by connection with the shield box 126. Conversely, the inner connector elements 128a, 130a, and the intermediate connector elements 128b, 130b, are connected respectively to the inner and outer conductors of a pair of coaxial cables 134, 136 which therefore are guarded cables. Each cable 134, 136 terminates through a respective coaxial connector 138, 140 with a respective probe element 30a having a center conductor 142 surrounded by a guard 144. In order to provide adequate shielding for the coaxial cables 134, 136, especially in the region outside of the octagonal box 48, an electrically-conductive shield tube 146 is provided around the cables 134, 136 and electrically connected through the shield box 126 with the outer connector element 128c, 130c of the respective triaxial connectors 128, 130. The shield tube 146 passes through the same slit in the foam 50 as does the underlying extending member 26 of the probe positioner 24. Thus, each individually movable probe 30 has not only its own separate individually movable probe holder 28 but also its own individually movable shield 146 for its guarded coaxial cables, which shield is movable in unison with the probe holder independently of the movement of any other probe holder by any other positioning mechanism 24. This feature is particularly advantageous because such individually movable probes are normally not equipped for both shielded and guarded connections, which deficiency is solved by the described structure. Accordingly, the probes 30 are capable of being used with the same guarding and Kelvin connection techniques in a ready-to-use manner as is the chuck assembly 20, consistently with fall shielding despite the individual positioning capability of each probe 30.

The terms and expressions which have been employed in the foregoing specification are used therein as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention, in the use of such terms and expressions, of excluding equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof, it being recognized that the scope of the invention is defined and limited only by the claims which follow.

  • 1. A probe station comprising: (a) a chuck for supporting a test device;(b) at least one support for a probe to contact said test device;(c) an enclosure and an electrically conductive lower member having a substantially horizontal surface spaced vertically below said chuck, said enclosure defining an upper aperture for receiving said support and a lower aperture defined by said lower member capable of relative lateral movement with respect to said upper aperture; and(d) a receptacle for alternately and detachably receiving a user-selected one of a single guarded cable suitable for low-current measurements and plural cables suitable for a Kelvin connection to said test device.
  • 2. The probe station of claim 1 having a positioner extending through said lower aperture and where said lower member comprises overlapping, relatively slidable members extending laterally beneath said surface, said slidable members being of different sizes and defining openings of different sizes.
  • 3. The probe station of claim 2, wherein said enclosure has an upper member extending substantially laterally over said chuck.
  • 4. The probe station of claim 2 wherein said positioner includes a motor assembly beneath said slidable members for moving said positioner.
  • 5. The probe station of claim 1 wherein said enclosure includes a door for selectively accessing said chuck.
  • 6. The probe station of claim 1, said enclosure substantially shielding said chuck against electromagnetic interference.
  • 7. The probe station of claim 1, said enclosure substantially shielding said chuck against said light.
  • 8. The probe station of claim 1, said enclosure limiting fluid communication between the interior and exterior of said enclosure.

This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/925,526, filed Aug. 25, 2004, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,009,383, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/441,646, filed May 19, 2003, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,801,047, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/268,244, filed Oct. 9, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,636,059, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/068,728, filed Feb. 6, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,486,687, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/886,353, filed Jun. 20, 2001, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,380,751, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/790,969, filed Jan. 29, 1997, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,313,649, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/641,029, filed Apr. 29, 1996, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,604,444, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/417,982, filed Apr. 6, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,532,609, which is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/245,581, filed May 18, 1994, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,434,512, which is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/896,853 filed Jun. 11, 1992, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,345,170.

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5159264 Anderson Oct 1992 A
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5160883 Blanz Nov 1992 A
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5164661 Jones Nov 1992 A
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5172049 Kiyokawa et al. Dec 1992 A
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5198753 Hamburgen Mar 1993 A
5198756 Jenkins et al. Mar 1993 A
5198758 Iknaian et al. Mar 1993 A
5202558 Barker Apr 1993 A
5209088 Vaks May 1993 A
5210485 Kreiger et al. May 1993 A
5214243 Johnson May 1993 A
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5218185 Gross Jun 1993 A
5220277 Reitinger Jun 1993 A
5221905 Bhangu et al. Jun 1993 A
5225037 Elder et al. Jul 1993 A
5225796 Williams et al. Jul 1993 A
5227730 King et al. Jul 1993 A
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5233306 Misra Aug 1993 A
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5245292 Milesky et al. Sep 1993 A
5266889 Harwood et al. Nov 1993 A
5267088 Nomura Nov 1993 A
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5278494 Obigane Jan 1994 A
5280156 Niori et al. Jan 1994 A
5298972 Heffner Mar 1994 A
5303938 Miller et al. Apr 1994 A
5304924 Yamano et al. Apr 1994 A
5315237 Iwakura et al. May 1994 A
5321352 Takebuchi Jun 1994 A
5321453 Mori et al. Jun 1994 A
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5334931 Clarke et al. Aug 1994 A
5336989 Hofer Aug 1994 A
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5488954 Sleva et al. Feb 1996 A
5491426 Small Feb 1996 A
5493070 Habu Feb 1996 A
5493236 Ishii et al. Feb 1996 A
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5506498 Anderson et al. Apr 1996 A
5506515 Godshalk et al. Apr 1996 A
5508631 Manku et al. Apr 1996 A
5510792 Ono et al. Apr 1996 A
5511010 Burns Apr 1996 A
5512835 Rivera et al. Apr 1996 A
5515167 Ledger et al. May 1996 A
5517111 Shelor May 1996 A
5521522 Abe et al. May 1996 A
5523694 Cole, Jr. Jun 1996 A
5528158 Sinsheimer et al. Jun 1996 A
5530371 Perry et al. Jun 1996 A
5530372 Lee et al. Jun 1996 A
5532609 Harwood et al. Jul 1996 A
5539323 Davis, Jr. Jul 1996 A
5539676 Yamaguchi Jul 1996 A
5546012 Perry et al. Aug 1996 A
5550480 Nelson et al. Aug 1996 A
5550482 Sano Aug 1996 A
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5600256 Woith et al. Feb 1997 A
5604444 Harwood et al. Feb 1997 A
5610529 Schwindt Mar 1997 A
5611946 Leong et al. Mar 1997 A
5617035 Swapp Apr 1997 A
5628057 Phillips et al. May 1997 A
5629631 Perry et al. May 1997 A
5631571 Spaziani et al. May 1997 A
5633780 Cronin May 1997 A
5640101 Kuji et al. Jun 1997 A
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5644248 Fujimoto Jul 1997 A
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5653939 Hollis et al. Aug 1997 A
5656942 Watts et al. Aug 1997 A
5657394 Schwartz et al. Aug 1997 A
5659255 Strid et al. Aug 1997 A
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5663653 Schwindt et al. Sep 1997 A
5666063 Abercrombie et al. Sep 1997 A
5668470 Shelor Sep 1997 A
5669316 Faz et al. Sep 1997 A
5670322 Eggers et al. Sep 1997 A
5670888 Cheng Sep 1997 A
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5675932 Mauney Oct 1997 A
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5680039 Mochizuki et al. Oct 1997 A
5682337 El-Fishaway et al. Oct 1997 A
5685232 Inoue Nov 1997 A
5704355 Bridges Jan 1998 A
5712571 O'Donoghue Jan 1998 A
5715819 Svenson et al. Feb 1998 A
5729150 Schwindt Mar 1998 A
5731708 Sobhami Mar 1998 A
5731920 Katsuragawa Mar 1998 A
5744971 Chan et al. Apr 1998 A
5748506 Bockelman May 1998 A
5751252 Phillips May 1998 A
5767690 Fujimoto Jun 1998 A
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5807107 Bright et al. Sep 1998 A
5811751 Leong et al. Sep 1998 A
5824494 Feldberg Oct 1998 A
5828225 Obikane et al. Oct 1998 A
5829437 Bridges Nov 1998 A
5831442 Heigl Nov 1998 A
5833601 Swartz et al. Nov 1998 A
5835997 Yassine Nov 1998 A
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5846708 Hollis et al. Dec 1998 A
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5848500 Kirk Dec 1998 A
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5854608 Leisten Dec 1998 A
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5867073 Weinreb et al. Feb 1999 A
5869326 Hofmann Feb 1999 A
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5874361 Collins et al. Feb 1999 A
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5916689 Collins et al. Jun 1999 A
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5949383 Hayes et al. Sep 1999 A
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5963364 Leong et al. Oct 1999 A
5970429 Martin Oct 1999 A
5973505 Strid et al. Oct 1999 A
5974662 Eldridge et al. Nov 1999 A
5981268 Kovacs et al. Nov 1999 A
5982166 Mautz Nov 1999 A
5993611 Moroney, III et al. Nov 1999 A
5995914 Cabot Nov 1999 A
5996102 Haulin Nov 1999 A
5998768 Hunter et al. Dec 1999 A
5999268 Yonezawa et al. Dec 1999 A
6001760 Katsuda et al. Dec 1999 A
6002236 Trant et al. Dec 1999 A
6002263 Peters et al. Dec 1999 A
6002426 Back et al. Dec 1999 A
6013586 McGhee et al. Jan 2000 A
6019612 Hasegawa et al. Feb 2000 A
6023209 Faulkner et al. Feb 2000 A
6028435 Nikawa Feb 2000 A
6029141 Bezos et al. Feb 2000 A
6031383 Streib et al. Feb 2000 A
6032714 Fenton Mar 2000 A
6034533 Tervo et al. Mar 2000 A
6037785 Higgins Mar 2000 A
6037793 Miyazawa et al. Mar 2000 A
6043667 Cadwallader et al. Mar 2000 A
6049216 Yang et al. Apr 2000 A
6051422 Kovacs et al. Apr 2000 A
6052653 Mazur et al. Apr 2000 A
6054869 Hutton et al. Apr 2000 A
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6060891 Hembree et al. May 2000 A
6060892 Yamagata May 2000 A
6061589 Bridges et al. May 2000 A
6064213 Khandros et al. May 2000 A
6064217 Smith May 2000 A
6064218 Godfrey et al. May 2000 A
6066911 Lindemann et al. May 2000 A
6078183 Cole, Jr. Jun 2000 A
6091236 Piety et al. Jul 2000 A
6091255 Godfrey Jul 2000 A
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6100815 Pailthorp Aug 2000 A
6104203 Costello et al. Aug 2000 A
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6118287 Boll et al. Sep 2000 A
6118894 Schwartz et al. Sep 2000 A
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6130544 Strid et al. Oct 2000 A
6137302 Schwindt Oct 2000 A
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6259261 Engelking et al. Jul 2001 B1
6265950 Schmidt et al. Jul 2001 B1
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6310755 Kholodenko et al. Oct 2001 B1
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6414478 Suzuki Jul 2002 B1
6415858 Getchel et al. Jul 2002 B1
6418009 Brunette Jul 2002 B1
6420722 Moore et al. Jul 2002 B2
6424141 Hollman et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424316 Leisten et al. Jul 2002 B1
6445202 Cowan et al. Sep 2002 B1
6447339 Reed et al. Sep 2002 B1
6448788 Meaney et al. Sep 2002 B1
6459739 Vitenberg Oct 2002 B1
6476442 Williams et al. Nov 2002 B1
6480013 Nayler et al. Nov 2002 B1
6481939 Gillespie et al. Nov 2002 B1
6483327 Bruce et al. Nov 2002 B1
6483336 Harris et al. Nov 2002 B1
6486687 Harwood et al. Nov 2002 B2
6488405 Eppes et al. Dec 2002 B1
6489789 Peters et al. Dec 2002 B2
6490471 Svenson et al. Dec 2002 B2
6492822 Schwindt et al. Dec 2002 B2
6501289 Takekoshi Dec 2002 B1
6512482 Nelson et al. Jan 2003 B1
6528993 Shin et al. Mar 2003 B1
6529844 Kapetanic et al. Mar 2003 B1
6548311 Knoll Apr 2003 B1
6549022 Cole, Jr. et al. Apr 2003 B1
6549026 Dibattista et al. Apr 2003 B1
6549106 Martin Apr 2003 B2
6566079 Hefti May 2003 B2
6573702 Marcuse et al. Jun 2003 B2
6578264 Gleason et al. Jun 2003 B1
6580283 Carbone et al. Jun 2003 B1
6582979 Coccioli et al. Jun 2003 B2
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6608496 Strid et al. Aug 2003 B1
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6617862 Bruce Sep 2003 B1
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6624891 Marcus et al. Sep 2003 B2
6627461 Chapman et al. Sep 2003 B2
6628503 Sogard Sep 2003 B2
6628980 Atalar et al. Sep 2003 B2
6633174 Satya et al. Oct 2003 B1
6636059 Harwood et al. Oct 2003 B2
6636182 Mehltretter Oct 2003 B2
6639415 Peters et al. Oct 2003 B2
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6642732 Cowan et al. Nov 2003 B2
6643597 Dunsmore Nov 2003 B1
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6657601 McLean Dec 2003 B2
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6717426 Iwasaki Apr 2004 B2
6720782 Schwindt et al. Apr 2004 B2
6724205 Hayden et al. Apr 2004 B1
6724928 Davis Apr 2004 B1
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6731804 Carrieri et al. May 2004 B1
6734687 Ishitani et al. May 2004 B1
6737920 Jen et al. May 2004 B2
6744268 Hollman Jun 2004 B2
6753679 Kwong et al. Jun 2004 B1
6753699 Stockstad Jun 2004 B2
6768328 Self et al. Jul 2004 B2
6770955 Coccioli et al. Aug 2004 B1
6771090 Harris et al. Aug 2004 B2
6771806 Satya et al. Aug 2004 B1
6774651 Hembree Aug 2004 B1
6777964 Navratil et al. Aug 2004 B2
6778140 Yeh Aug 2004 B1
6784679 Sweet et al. Aug 2004 B2
6788093 Aitren et al. Sep 2004 B2
6791344 Cook et al. Sep 2004 B2
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6794950 du Toit et al. Sep 2004 B2
6798226 Altmann et al. Sep 2004 B2
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6806724 Hayden et al. Oct 2004 B2
6806836 Ogawa et al. Oct 2004 B2
6809533 Anlage et al. Oct 2004 B1
6812718 Chong et al. Nov 2004 B1
6822463 Jacobs Nov 2004 B1
6836135 Harris et al. Dec 2004 B2
6838885 Kamitani Jan 2005 B2
6842024 Peters et al. Jan 2005 B2
6843024 Nozaki et al. Jan 2005 B2
6847219 Lesher et al. Jan 2005 B1
6856129 Thomas et al. Feb 2005 B2
6861856 Dunklee et al. Mar 2005 B2
6864694 McTigue Mar 2005 B2
6873167 Goto et al. Mar 2005 B2
6885197 Harris et al. Apr 2005 B2
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6900647 Yoshida et al. May 2005 B2
6900652 Mazur May 2005 B2
6900653 Yu et al. May 2005 B2
6902941 Sun Jun 2005 B2
6903563 Yoshida et al. Jun 2005 B2
6914244 Alani Jul 2005 B2
6914580 Leisten Jul 2005 B2
6927079 Fyfield Aug 2005 B1
6937341 Woollam et al. Aug 2005 B1
6970001 Chheda et al. Nov 2005 B2
6987483 Tran Jan 2006 B2
7001785 Chen Feb 2006 B1
7002133 Beausoleil et al. Feb 2006 B2
7002363 Mathieu Feb 2006 B2
7002364 Kang et al. Feb 2006 B2
7003184 Ronnekleiv et al. Feb 2006 B2
7005842 Fink et al. Feb 2006 B2
7005868 McTigue Feb 2006 B2
7005879 Robertazzi Feb 2006 B1
7006046 Aisenbrey Feb 2006 B2
7007380 Das et al. Mar 2006 B2
7009188 Wang Mar 2006 B2
7009383 Harwood et al. Mar 2006 B2
7009415 Kobayashi et al. Mar 2006 B2
7011531 Egitto et al. Mar 2006 B2
7012425 Shoji Mar 2006 B2
7012441 Chou et al. Mar 2006 B2
7013221 Friend et al. Mar 2006 B1
7014499 Yoon Mar 2006 B2
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7015689 Kasajima et al. Mar 2006 B2
7015690 Wang et al. Mar 2006 B2
7015703 Hopkins et al. Mar 2006 B2
7015707 Cherian Mar 2006 B2
7015708 Beckous et al. Mar 2006 B2
7015709 Capps et al. Mar 2006 B2
7015710 Yoshida et al. Mar 2006 B2
7015711 Rothaug et al. Mar 2006 B2
7019541 Kittrell Mar 2006 B2
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7019701 Ohno et al. Mar 2006 B2
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7022985 Knebel et al. Apr 2006 B2
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2 197 081 May 1988 GB
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55-115383 Sep 1980 JP
56-007439 Jan 1981 JP
56-88333 Jul 1981 JP
57-075480 May 1982 JP
57-163035 Oct 1982 JP
62-11243 Jan 1987 JP
62-011243 Jan 1987 JP
62-51235 Mar 1987 JP
62-098634 May 1987 JP
62-107937 May 1987 JP
62-239050 Oct 1987 JP
63-108736 May 1988 JP
63-129640 Jun 1988 JP
63-143814 Jun 1988 JP
63-160355 Jul 1988 JP
63-318745 Dec 1988 JP
1-165968 Jun 1989 JP
1-178872 Jul 1989 JP
1-209380 Aug 1989 JP
1-214038 Aug 1989 JP
1-219575 Sep 1989 JP
1-296167 Nov 1989 JP
2-22836 Jan 1990 JP
2-22837 Jan 1990 JP
2-22873 Jan 1990 JP
4-732 Apr 1990 JP
2-124469 May 1990 JP
2-191352 Jul 1990 JP
2-220453 Sep 1990 JP
3-67187 Mar 1991 JP
3-175367 Jul 1991 JP
3-196206 Aug 1991 JP
3-228348 Oct 1991 JP
4-130639 May 1992 JP
4-159043 Jun 1992 JP
4-206930 Jul 1992 JP
4-340248 Nov 1992 JP
5-082631 Apr 1993 JP
5-157790 Jun 1993 JP
51-57790 Jun 1993 JP
5-166893 Jul 1993 JP
51-66893 Jul 1993 JP
6-85044 Mar 1994 JP
60-71425 Mar 1994 JP
6-102313 Apr 1994 JP
6-132709 May 1994 JP
7-005078 Jan 1995 JP
7-5197 Jan 1995 JP
7-12871 Jan 1995 JP
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7-273509 Oct 1995 JP
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8-330401 Dec 1996 JP
10-116866 May 1998 JP
10-339743 Dec 1998 JP
11-023975 Jan 1999 JP
11-031724 Feb 1999 JP
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2002-164396 Jun 2002 JP
2002-203879 Jul 2002 JP
2002-243502 Aug 2002 JP
843040 Jun 1981 SU
1392603 Apr 1988 SU
WO 8000101 Jan 1980 WO
WO 8607493 Dec 1986 WO
WO 8904001 May 1989 WO
WO 0169656 Sep 2001 WO
WO 2004049395 Jun 2004 WO
WO 2004065944 Aug 2004 WO
WO 2004079299 Sep 2004 WO
WO 2005062025 Jul 2005 WO
Related Publications (1)
Number Date Country
20060132157 A1 Jun 2006 US
Divisions (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 08245581 May 1994 US
Child 08417982 US
Parent 07896853 Jun 1992 US
Child 08245581 US
Continuations (8)
Number Date Country
Parent 10925526 Aug 2004 US
Child 11317400 US
Parent 10441646 May 2003 US
Child 10925526 US
Parent 10268244 Oct 2002 US
Child 10441646 US
Parent 10068728 Feb 2002 US
Child 10268244 US
Parent 09886353 Jun 2001 US
Child 10068728 US
Parent 08790969 Jan 1997 US
Child 09886353 US
Parent 08641029 Apr 1996 US
Child 08790969 US
Parent 08417982 Apr 1995 US
Child 08641029 US