A fuse device has a fuse element provided with a first terminal and a second terminal and an electrically breakable region, which is arranged between the first terminal and the second terminal and is configured to undergo breaking as a result of the supply of a programming electrical quantity, thus electrically separating the first terminal from the second terminal. The electrically breakable region is of a phase-change material, in particular a chalcogenic material, for example GST.

1. Technical Field

The present disclosure relates to an electrical fuse device based on a phase-change memory element and to a corresponding programming method, in particular for a read-only memory (ROM) of the one-time-programmable (OTP) type, to which the following description will make reference, without this implying any loss in generality.

2. Description of the Related Art

As is known, in the manufacturing process of integrated circuits, one-time-programmable ROMs find a wide range of applications for permanent storage of information, or for forming permanent connections within integrated circuits. For example, these memories can be used for programming redundant elements in order to replace identical elements that have proven faulty during an electrical testing (operation known as EWS—Electrical Wafer Sorting), prior to carrying out packaging or soldering of the integrated circuits on the board, or else for storage of basic information regarding the integrated circuit, such as identifier codes or calibration information. In particular, the aforesaid information must be stored in a permanent way in order to be recovered after the packaging or soldering operations.

In order to produce the aforesaid memories using semiconductor technology, the use of E2PROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) devices, fuse devices and anti-fuse devices has been proposed. However, for reasons that will be briefly set forth, the solutions referred to have some problems that do not make their use totally satisfactory within modern integrated devices.

In particular, E2PROM devices employ oxide layers having a large thickness (for example, 7 nm) to prevent high leakage currents and sustain a charge stored on a corresponding floating terminal. The scales of integration achieved by modern integrated circuits do not always enable use of such large oxide thicknesses. Furthermore, the use of E2PROM devices in any case involves a high area occupation.

The fuse devices commonly used for the applications referred to above are programmed using a laser, which is used to cut a connection after the fuse device has been manufactured. Laser programming entails an additional process step, extraneous to semiconductor technology, and moreover calls for a perfect alignment of the laser with respect to the fuse device to be programmed.

Anti-fuse devices are typically based on the perforation of metal-insulator-metal structures to obtain low-resistance paths. Said devices use high programming voltages, and consequently involve high breaking voltages of the programming circuits associated thereto. Furthermore, said devices are generally of a horizontal type and involve a high area occupation.

Other types of semiconductor fuse devices that can be electrically altered, for example based on polysilicon resistors, have been proposed, for example in the U.S. Pat. No. 6,337,507 and in the patent application No. US 2003/0218492. However, none of said devices is optimized in terms of costs, manufacturing times, and programming times (which should be as short as possible).

Phase-change memories (PCMs) are moreover known, which exploit, for storage of information, the characteristics of materials that have the property of switching between phases having different electrical characteristics. For example, said materials can switch between a disorderly, amorphous phase and an orderly, crystalline or polycrystalline phase, and the two phases are associated to resistivities having considerably different values, and consequently to different values of a stored datum. Currently, the elements of Group VI of the periodic table, such as tellurium (Te), selenium (Se), or antimony (Sb), referred to as chalcogenides or chalcogenic materials, may advantageously be used to obtain phase-change memory cells. The currently most promising chalcogenide is formed by an alloy of Ge, Sb and Te, generically referred to as GST (for example, Ge2Sb2Te5).

The phase changes are obtained by locally increasing the temperature of the cells of chalcogenic material by means of resistive electrodes (generally known as heaters) set in contact with the region of chalcogenic material. A selection device (for example, a MOSFET or a bipolar transistor), is connected to the heater and is configured to enable passage of a programming electrical current through the heater. Said electrical current, by the Joule effect, generates the temperatures necessary for phase change. In particular, since the minimization of the area of contact between the heater and the region of chalcogenic material is a primary requisite in such devices, in order to ensure repeatability of the programming operations, the heaters generally have sublithographic sections (i.e., dimensions smaller than the dimensions that can be achieved with current lithographic techniques, for example smaller than 100 nm, down to approximately 5-20 nm).

A wide range of manufacturing processes have been proposed to obtain phase-change memory cells, and the configurations of the resulting memory cells are different, in particular as regards coupling between the heater and a corresponding chalcogenic region. For example, a microtrench architecture is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,891,747, while a lance-shaped or ring-shaped tubular architecture is described in the patent application No. EP 05102811.6, filed on Apr. 8, 2005.

Although advantageous as regards performance and manufacturing costs, PCMs are not used in the applications described above. In fact, the high temperatures that are generated during the processes of packaging or soldering on the board can lead to the change of state of previously programmed memory cells and the consequent loss of the stored information. In particular, the possibility exists that memory cells in the amorphous state will switch to the crystalline state on account of said high temperatures.


One embodiment provides fuse devices (in particular for one-time-programmable memory elements) that will enable the aforesaid disadvantages and problems to be overcome.

One embodiment is a fuse device that includes a fuse element, semiconductor region, selector element and conductive ring. The fuse element has a first terminal, a second terminal and an electrically breakable region. The electrically breakable region is arranged between the first and second terminals, is configured to undergo breaking as a result of a supply of a programming electrical quantity, and includes phase-change material. The selector element is in the semiconductor region, is electrically coupled to the fuse element, and is configured to enable the supply of the programming electrical quantity to the fuse element. The conductive ring is in the semiconductor region and around the selector element.


For a better understanding of the present invention, preferred embodiments thereof are now described, purely by way of non-limiting example and with reference to the attached plate of drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 is a schematic top plan view of a semiconductor fuse device according to a first embodiment, with parts removed for greater clarity;

FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of the fuse device of FIG. 1 taken along the line II-II, in which a phase-change fuse element is illustrated, in a first operating condition;

FIG. 3 is a view similar to that of FIG. 2 regarding a second operating condition of the phase-change fuse element;

FIGS. 4-6 show graphs regarding electrical quantities associated to the fuse element of FIGS. 2 and 3;

FIG. 7 is a view similar to that of FIG. 1, illustrating a variant of the fuse device;

FIG. 8 is a view similar to that of FIG. 7, illustrating a further variant of the fuse device;

FIG. 9 is a top-plan view of a second embodiment of the fuse device; and

FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional view of the fuse device of FIG. 9, taken along the line X-X;

FIG. 11 is a top-plan view of a third embodiment of the fuse device;

FIG. 12 shows a cross-sectional view of the fuse device of FIG. 11, taken along the line XII-XII;

FIG. 13 is a top-plan view of a fourth embodiment of the fuse device;

FIG. 14 shows a cross-sectional view of the fuse device of FIG. 13, taken along the line XIV-XIV;

FIG. 15 shows a simplified block diagram of a one-time-programmable storage device;

FIG. 16 is a more detailed diagram of an array of fuse devices usable in the one-time-programmable storage device of FIG. 15;

FIG. 17 is a top-plan view of a fuse device incorporated in the one-time-programmable storage device of FIG. 15 and made according to a fifth embodiment;

FIG. 18 is a cross-sectional view of the fuse device of FIG. 17, taken along the line XVIII-XVIII; and

FIG. 19 is a top-plan view of the array of FIG. 16.


One embodiment envisages use of a phase-change memory element to provide a semiconductor fuse device. The phase-change memory element is programmed for this purpose in two stable states: a low-resistivity closed state (for example corresponding to a “1”), and an open state (for example corresponding to a “0”). In particular, the open state is obtained by physical breaking of a region of chalcogenic material of the phase-change memory element, via application of a given electrical quantity (in particular, via the passage of a high electrical current). In this manner, the information associated to both states are stable and not modifiable, for example by soldering or packaging of a corresponding integrated circuit.

In detail, and as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2, a fuse device 1 according to a first embodiment of the present invention, comprises a fuse element 2 (as will be clarified hereinafter, based on a phase-change memory element), and a selector element 3, which is electrically connected to the fuse element 2 and is configured to enable programming of the fuse element 2. In particular, by way of example, the selector element 3 illustrated in FIG. 1 is an N-channel MOSFET of a planar type. It is clear, however, that other selector elements could be used in an altogether equivalent way, for example any FET (vertical MOSFET, JFET, FinFET, etc.), or else a BJT or a BiFET. Furthermore, FIG. 1 and the following figures illustrate a phase-change memory element having a microtrench architecture. Once again, it is clear that other structures could be used in an altogether equivalent way, for example of the wall or tubular type.

In detail, the selector element 3 is provided with: a first current-conduction region (in particular, a current-input region), in the example a drain region 4, and a second current-conduction region (in particular, a current-output region), in the example a source region 5, which are formed, in a known way, within a substrate 6 of semiconductor material (in particular silicon); and a control region, in the example, a gate region 7, set above the substrate 6 between the drain region 4 and source region 5, and partially overlapping them. The aforesaid regions are coated with a respective silicidation region 8, and contact elements 9a, 9b, in particular plugs, made, for example, of tungsten surrounded by a Ti/TiN multilayer, extend vertically with respect to the substrate 6, from the drain region 4 and the source region 5, respectively.

As illustrated in detail in FIG. 2, the fuse element 2 has a vertical structure and comprises a bottom electrode 10, made, for example, of tungsten (W), surrounded by first barrier regions 11, for example constituted by a Ti/TiN multilayer. In particular, the bottom electrode 10 is made by an end portion of a contact element 9a associated to the drain region 4 of the selector element 3, preferably a contact element arranged in a central position with respect to the drain region 4 so that the fuse element 2 is set above the drain region.

A heater 12 is placed on, and in contact with, the bottom electrode 10. The heater 12, as may be seen in FIG. 1, extends along the periphery of an approximately rectangular area, and has a first long portion 12a and a second long portion 12b, and a first short portion 12c and a second short portion 12d, said long portions and short portions being orthogonal to one another. Each of said portions 12a-12d (as illustrated for example in the next FIG. 10) has a channel-shaped structure, and is made by a metallic coating, for example of TiSiN, which forms respective side walls and a respective bottom surface, and by a dielectric filling material. Contact between the bottom electrode 10 and the bottom wall of the heater 12 occurs at a central area of the first long portion 12a of the heater 12. The second long portion 12b is instead set outside the drain region 5.

A phase-change memory element 13 (referred to in what follows as PCM element 13) is set above the heater 12, in particular above the first long portion 12a thereof, in a position vertically corresponding to the bottom electrode 10. In detail, the PCM element 13 comprises a chalcogenic region 15, made of phase-change material, for example GST (Ge2Sb2Te5), and a second barrier region, made, for example, of Ti/TiN, on the chalcogenic region 15. In particular, the second barrier region constitutes a top electrode 16 of the fuse element 2. The PCM element 13 extends longitudinally on an approximately rectangular area (approximately parallel to the first and second short portions 12c, 12d of the heating element 12) crossing the long portion 12a of the heating element 12. Moreover, the PCM element 13 is formed (in a known way) with the microtrench technique, and the chalcogenic region 15 contacts the walls of the central area of the first long portion 12a of the heater 12 only at a central depression having a cross section with sublithographic dimensions. The area of contact is a storage area 15a (and, as will be clarified hereinafter, an electrically breakable area) of the fuse device 1. A closing region 17, made, for example, of silicon nitride, surrounds the PCM element 13 and covers the heater 12 at the top. In addition, an insulation region 19 surrounds and electrically insulates the fuse element 2.

In use, via purposely provided electrical contacts (not illustrated), the top electrode 16 is connected to a high-voltage line Vcc, for example to the supply line of the fuse device 1, and the source region 5, via the corresponding contact elements 9b, is connected to a reference-voltage line GND of the fuse device 1. When enabled by a control signal supplied to the gate region 7, a programming current consequently passes through the fuse element 2 from the top electrode 16 to the bottom electrode 10, traversing the chalcogenic region 15 and the storage area 15a, and then flows through the selector element 3 from the drain region 4 to the source region 5.

According to one embodiment, the open state of the fuse element 2 is programmed by applying a current and a voltage having a value such as to cause physical breaking of the storage area 15a. For this purpose, a programming pulse is applied having a duration, for example, of between 100 ns and 1 μs, with a current of, for example, 2.5 mA, and a voltage of, for example, 2.5 V. As illustrated in FIG. 3, said programming pulse causes breaking of the storage area 15a, and creation of a void 20, which interrupts the electrical connection between the top electrode 16 and the bottom electrode 10 of the fuse element 2 (creating the open state, or high-resistance state). In detail, the void 20 extends in part in the chalcogenic region 15 and in part in the heater 12. As illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5, relating to experimental tests conducted by the applicant with a fuse device 1 built with a 180-nm technology and with programming pulses of 300 ns, breaking of the storage area 15a is obtained using voltages having a value of between approximately 2 V and 3 V (preferably 2.5 V), and currents having a value of between approximately 2 A and 3 A (preferably 2.5 A).

The closed state of the fuse element 2 is instead programmed by applying to the storage area 15a a triangular voltage pulse (FIG. 6), for example having a duration of 1 μs and an amplitude of 700 μA. Said pulse causes melting of the chalcogenic material (at a temperature of approximately 600° C.) and subsequent slow cooling thereof, which leads to its crystallization. Alternatively, a single crystallization pulse can be applied, or else a sequence of pulses having decreasing amplitudes. Typically, the crystallization procedure has a duration of between 1 and 10 μs.

Given the high values of current required in the breaking operations of the fuse device 1, a further aspect of the present invention envisages exploitation of the so-called “ballast” effect to prevent the known effects of “crowding” of the current and of thermal “run-away” of the selector element 3. In a per se known manner, the ballast effect leads to a greater uniformity of the current distribution, and occurs as the resistance increases along the path of the current.

For the above purpose (see FIG. 7), according to a first variant, the PCM element 13 is arranged above the second long portion 12b of the heater 12 at a distance from the contact elements 9a associated to the drain region 4. The electrical contact with the PCM element 13, and in particular with the storage area 15a, is in any case guaranteed by the presence of metallic material on the side walls and on the bottom surface of the heater 12, and by its continuity. However, advantageously, the heating element represents a series resistance to the passage of the programming current.

According to a further variant (illustrated in FIG. 8), the series resistance in the path of the programming current, and hence the aforesaid ballast effect, can be further increased by removing the silicidation regions 8 on the source and drain regions (thus creating an additional series resistance on both the source and drain contacts), and possibly moving the contact elements 9a of the drain region 4 away from the gate region 7 (as indicated by the arrow in the figure).

In any case, the configuration of the fuse device 1 previously described envisages the passage of the programming current in the fuse element 2 from the top electrode 16 to the bottom one 10. Experimental tests conducted by the applicant have, however, demonstrated an even better repeatability of the programming operations of the fuse element when the direction of the flow of the programming current is reversed. For this purpose, according to further embodiments of the present invention, alternative configurations of the fuse device 1 are proposed, which share the feature of envisaging a flow of the programming current from the bottom electrode 10 to the top electrode 16 of the fuse element 2.

A second embodiment, illustrated in FIGS. 9 and 10, envisages again the use of a selector element 3 of the planar N-channel MOSFET type, but in this case the bottom electrode 10 of the fuse element 2 is connected to the source region 5 of the selector element 3.

In detail, the selector element 3 has an active area 22, having P-type conductivity, made within the substrate 6 (having a P doping) and isolated by means of isolation trenches 23, for example using the Shallow-Trench Isolation (STI) technique. The drain region 4 and the source region 5 are provided within the active area 22; in detail, the drain region 4 comprises a first drain strip 4a and a second drain strip 4b, which extend in a first direction x parallel to one another, and the source region 5 comprises a source strip extending in the first direction x between the drain strips 4a, 4b. In addition, electrical contacts 24 (illustrated in FIG. 9) contact the drain strips 4a, 4b. The gate region 7 is constituted by a polysilicon rectangular ring structure, which has long portions set between the drain region and the source region, and short portions, which extend in a second direction y, orthogonal to the first direction x, and are set outside the active area 22, where they are contacted by electrical gate contacts. In addition to the fuse element 2, the fuse device 1 comprises two pairs of “dummy” elements 25, arranged laterally to the fuse element 2. Each “dummy” element has the same structure as the fuse element 2, but is not electrically connected and is hence not crossed by current during the programming steps. The presence of the dummy elements 25, however, enables uniform operation of the fuse element 2.

With reference in particular to FIG. 10, a contact element 9a, associated to the drain region 4, for example a line of tungsten extending in the first direction x, is electrically connected, via the electrical contacts 24, to the high-voltage line Vcc (in a way not illustrated), while a contact element 9b, similar to the contact element 9a and associated to the source region 5, is connected to the heater 12 of the fuse element 2 (thus constituting its bottom electrode 10). In particular, the heater 12 has a rectangular shape, contained in the direction y by the long portions of the gate region 7, and is again constituted by a metallic coating 26, for example of TiSiN, forming respective side walls and a respective bottom surface, and by a dielectric filling material 27. The PCM element 13 is set above the heater 12, and has a rectangular shape extending in the second direction y, starting from a central area of the heater 12 towards the second drain strip 4b, overstepping the gate region 7. Contact plugs (so-called “vias 0”) 28 electrically connect the top electrode 16 to a first metallization 29 (level-1 metal) that runs in the second direction y over the entire active area 22. The first metallization 29 is also connected to the reference-voltage line GND of the fuse device 1.

In use, the programming current flows from the supply line Vcc to the drain region 4, and then to the source region 5. From the source region 5 it flows to the bottom electrode 10, and then through the PCM element 13 (and in particular the storage area 15a) to the top electrode 16, up to the reference-voltage line GND. In particular, the bottom electrode 10 is set at a potential higher than that of the top electrode 16, and, as desired, the current flows from the bottom electrode to the top one.

Said arrangement is therefore advantageous for improving the repeatability of the programming operations, but feels, however, the body effect occurring in the N-channel MOSFET, due to the voltage increase of the source region 5.

To solve the above problem, a third embodiment (FIGS. 11-12), envisages a configuration substantially similar to the one described with reference to FIGS. 9-10, with the difference that a P-channel planar MOSFET is used for the selector element 3. In this case, the active area is constituted by a well 30 of N type within a substrate of P type, and a drain region 4 and source regions 5a, 5b are also doped with a P-type doping. Said solution has the advantage of not feeling the body effect; however, as is known, the use of P-channel transistors, given the same area occupation, entails the generation of currents of lower value as compared to the use of N-channel transistors.

A fourth embodiment (illustrated in FIGS. 13-14) envisages again the use of a selector element 3 of an N-channel MOSFET type, and at the same time enables elimination of the body effect.

In detail, the drain region 4 and the source region 5 are in this case constituted by respective strips extending in the first direction x, and the gate region 7 is also constituted by a strip, which is set between the source and drain regions and carries respective gate contacts at its ends, outside the active area 22.

As illustrated in detail in FIG. 14, a contact element 9b associated to the source region 5 is connected, via a first plug 32, for example made of tungsten surrounded by a Ti/TiN multilayer, to a first metallization 29, connected in turn to the reference-voltage line GND. A contact element 9a associated to the drain region 4 is instead connected, via a second plug 34, to a second metallization 35 (constituting an internal node). The second metallization 35 extends in the first direction x, until it reaches the top electrode 16 of the fuse element 2, to which it is connected via a third plug 36 (so-called “via 0”). The bottom electrode of the fuse element 2 is instead connected to a connection line 38, for example made of tungsten, provided above the substrate 6, in a position corresponding to an isolation trench 23. A fourth plug 39 connects the connection line 38 (which also extends in the first direction x) to a third metallization 40, connected to the high-voltage line Vcc.

In use, the programming current flows from the supply line Vcc to the connection line 38 (the bottom electrode of the fuse element), then through the PCM element 13 (and in particular the storage area 15a) and the top electrode 16; from this it flows through the second metallization 35 to the drain region 4, then to the source region 5, and finally to the reference-voltage line GND. In particular, also in this case, the current flows advantageously from the bottom electrode 10 to the top electrode 16.

According to said configuration, the fuse element 2 is not vertically aligned to one of the current-conduction regions of the selector element 3, as in the preceding solutions, but is shifted laterally (in the second direction y). Said configuration consequently entails a greater area occupation as compared to the preceding solutions. At the same time, it does not feel the body effect, in so far as the source region 5 is connected to the reference-voltage line GND.

As illustrated in FIG. 15, the fuse device 1 can advantageously be used as a memory element of a one-time-programmable ROM storage device 50. In particular, the ROM storage device 50 comprises a bank of programmable fuses 52 comprising a plurality of fuse devices (each made as described previously), and a purposely provided programming circuit 54, coupled to the bank of programmable fuses 52 to carry out programming thereof.

FIG. 16 shows an array 55 of fuse devices 1, forming a programmable bank usable in the ROM storage device 50 of FIG. 15. The fuse devices 1 are arranged in rows and columns to form the array 55. Fuse devices 1 arranged on a same column are connected to a same bitline 56, while fuse devices 1 arranged on a same row are connected to a same wordline 57 through a respective selector element 3.

In the example described, the fuse devices 1 are made according to a fifth embodiment of the invention, that is illustrated in FIGS. 17 and 18. Also in this case, P-channel planar MOSFET are again used for the selector elements 3. The selector elements 3 are formed in a common well 65 of N type within a substrate 6 of P type. Thus, each fuse device 1 includes a drain region 4 and source regions 5a, 5b, all of P-type. In particular, the source regions 5a, 5b comprise a first source strip and a second source strip, which extend in a first direction x parallel to one another, and the drain region 4 comprises a drain strip extending in the first direction x between the source regions 5a, 5b. Electrical contacts 24 (illustrated in FIG. 9) contact the source regions 5a, 5b. A gate region 7 includes a polysilicon rectangular ring or C-shaped structure, which has long portions set between the drain region 4 and the source regions 5a, 5b, and at least one short portion, extending outside the active area 22 in a second direction y, orthogonal to the first direction x. Electrical gate contacts are provided at short portion or portions.

Additionally, each fuse device 1 comprises a conductive ring 60, formed in a superficial portion of the well 65, around the selector element 3. The conductive ring 60 has the same type of conductivity as the well 65 and higher doping level, and is separated from the source regions 5a, 5b by STI isolation trenches 23. In the embodiment herein described, the conductive ring 60 is of N+ type. The conductive ring 60, that may be made by ion implantation in the well 65, is substantially rectangular and surrounds the selector element 3. Electrical contacts 61 are provided for connecting the ring 60 to a ground line (here not shown).

A fuse element 2, having a vertical structure, is set above the selector element 3 and comprises a heater 12 and a PCM element 13. The heater 12 is coupled to the drain region 4 of the selector element 3 through a vertical contact element 9b and has the shape already described with reference to FIG. 1. The PCM element 13 is set above the heater 12, in particular in contact with the first long portion 12a, and comprises a chalcogenic region 15, of phase-change material. A second barrier region, formed on the chalcogenic region 15, defines a top electrode 16 of the fuse element 2. A closing region 17, made, for example, of silicon nitride, surrounds the PCM element 13 and covers the heater 12 at the top. In addition, an insulation region 19 surrounds and electrically insulates the fuse element 2.

In addition to the fuse element 2, the fuse device 1 comprises two pairs of “dummy” elements 25, arranged laterally to the fuse element 2, on both sides thereof. Each “dummy” element has the same structure as the fuse element 2, but is not electrically connected and is hence not crossed by current during the programming steps.

FIG. 18 shows also bitlines 56, that are made from the first metallization (level-1 metal), and the wordlines 57, that are made from a second metallization (level-2 metal). In particular, the bitlines 56 are covered by a dielectric layer 58, that accommodates the wordlines 57 and provides electrical insulation. Electrical coupling between the bitlines 56 and the top electrode 16 of the fuse element 2 is provided by contact plugs 28.

FIG. 19 shows a portion of the array 55. Each fuse device 1 of the array 55 is individually enclosed within a respective conductive ring 60. In the embodiment herein illustrated, conductive rings 60 of adjacent fuse devices 1 have one respective side in common. In practice, the conductive rings 60 are defined by a grid structure having perpendicular first sections 60a (extending according to the first direction x) and second sections 60b (extending according to the second direction y). The first sections 60a are parallel to the wordlines 57, while the second sections 60b are parallel to the bitlines 56. In this way, only a tolerable increase of area is required to accommodate the conductive rings 60.

On the other hand, the conductive rings 60 virtually eliminate parasitic currents (due to so-called “current crowding”) during programming operations. Programming efficiency is thus remarkably increased and the selector elements 3 are always prevented from reaching a condition of full saturation, in which required programming current may not be ensured. By way of example, a programming current of 5.2 mA may cause a voltage drop of about 2 V. Without the conductive rings 60, the same amount of programming current a voltage drop of about 2.8 V.

Similar result could be obtained by using P+-type conductive rings and N-channel MOSFETs for the selector elements 3.

The advantages of the fuse device and of the corresponding programming method are clear from the foregoing description.

In any case, it is emphasized that the fuse device has reduced costs and area occupation, and small programming times (less than 10 μs, if both “0” and “1” data are programmed; less than 100 ns if only the “0” datum is programmed, as described hereinafter). Furthermore, it does not require either additional process steps with respect to the classic steps of the semiconductor industry (as, instead, is required for example by the laser-programmed fuses), or thick oxide layers (as, instead, is required by the E2PROMs). The described structures also have a vertical structure, and a small overall encumbrance.

The electrical alteration of the fuse device is highly repeatable, thanks to the fact that the area of contact between the PCM element and the heater has small (i.e., sublithographic) dimensions, which are controllable with extreme precision. Said repeatability is further increased in the arrangements envisaging a flow of current in the fuse element 2 from the bottom electrode 10 to the top electrode 16.

Amongst the various embodiments described, particularly advantageous is the one that envisages the use of a P-channel selector transistor.

Furthermore, tests conducted by the applicant have demonstrated the capability of the fuse device to maintain the programmed data, even after baking at 250° C. for 24 hours.

In addition, it is reasonable to expect that the breaking currents and voltages will follow the same scaling law as PCM memory cells (described, for example, in “Scaling Analysis of Phase-Change Memory Technology”, Pirovano et al., IEDM Tech. Dig., pp. 699-702, 2003). In particular, the breaking voltage will remain practically constant, whilst the programming current will decrease linearly as the scale of integration used in the manufacturing process decreases. Advantageously, this will enable fuse devices (inclusive of the fuse element and the corresponding selector element) to be made that are increasingly compact with scaling-down of the technology used.

The various embodiments described above can be combined to provide further embodiments. All of the U.S. patents, U.S. patent application publications, U.S. patent applications, foreign patents, foreign patent applications and non-patent publications referred to in this specification and/or listed in the Application Data Sheet, are incorporated herein by reference, in their entirety. Aspects of the embodiments can be modified, if necessary to employ concepts of the various patents, applications and publications to provide yet further embodiments.

These and other changes can be made to the embodiments in light of the above-detailed description. In general, in the following claims, the terms used should not be construed to limit the claims to the specific embodiments disclosed in the specification and the claims, but should be construed to include all possible embodiments along with the full scope of equivalents to which such claims are entitled. Accordingly, the claims are not limited by the disclosure.

In particular, the programming of the closed state (corresponding to the “1” value) is not strictly necessary in so far as, as is known, storage elements made of virgin chalcogenic material are already crystalline (low-resistivity state), and remain crystalline even after operations such as on-board packaging and soldering (consequently, the information associated to the crystalline state is stable). However, it may be advantageous to program, as described previously, also the closed state, to obtain higher values of conductivity (and so facilitate the operations of reading, for example using sense amplifiers).

Finally, it is emphasized that programming of the fuse element 2 can be achieved via selector elements different from the ones illustrated (for example using BJTs).

  • 1. A fuse device comprising: a fuse element having a first terminal, a second terminal and an electrically breakable region, the electrically breakable region being arranged between said first and second terminals, being configured to undergo breaking as a result of a supply of a programming electrical quantity, and comprising phase-change material;a semiconductor region;a selector element in said semiconductor region, said selector element being electrically coupled to said fuse element and configured to enable the supply of said programming electrical quantity to said fuse element; anda conductive ring in said semiconductor region and around said selector element.
  • 2. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said phase-change material is a chalcogenic material, in particular GST.
  • 3. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said selector element is a transistor element having a current input terminal and a current output terminal.
  • 4. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said selector element is a P-channel planar MOSFET.
  • 5. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said conductive ring has a same type of conductivity as said semiconductor region and a higher doping level.
  • 6. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said fuse element comprises a heating element of conductive material in contact with said first terminal, and a phase-change region arranged between said heating element and said second terminal; said electrically breakable region being arranged at the area of contact between said heating element and said phase-change region.
  • 7. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said fuse element has a vertical structure, and said electrically breakable region has a cross section with sublithographic dimensions.
  • 8. The fuse device according to claim 1, wherein said conductive ring is defined by an implantation region in said semiconductor region.
  • 9. A one-time-programmable storage device, comprising: a plurality of fuse devices, each fuse device including:a fuse element having a first terminal, a second terminal and an electrically breakable region, the electrically breakable region being arranged between said first and second terminals, being configured to undergo breaking as a result of the supply of a programming electrical quantity, and comprising phase-change material;a semiconductor region;a selector element in said semiconductor region, said selector element being electrically connected to said fuse element and configured to enable the supply of said programming electrical quantity to said fuse element; anda conductive ring in said semiconductor region and around said selector element.
  • 10. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein said phase-change material is a chalcogenic material, in particular GST.
  • 11. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein each of said selector elements is a transistor element having a current input terminal and a current output terminal.
  • 12. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein each of said selector elements is a P-channel planar MOSFET.
  • 13. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein each of said conductive rings has a same type of conductivity as said semiconductor region and a higher doping level.
  • 14. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein each of said fuse elements comprises a heating element of conductive material in contact with said first terminal, and a phase-change region arranged between said heating element and said second terminal; said electrically breakable region being arranged at the area of contact between said heating element and said phase-change region.
  • 15. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein each of said fuse elements has a vertical structure, and said electrically breakable region has a cross section with sublithographic dimensions.
  • 16. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein each selector elements of said fuse devices are individually enclosed in respective said conductive rings.
  • 17. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein conductive rings of adjacent said fuse devices have one respective side in common.
  • 18. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein said conductive rings are defined by a grid structure having perpendicular first sections and second sections.
  • 19. The storage device according to claim 9, wherein said selector elements are formed in a common semiconductor region.
  • 20. A method of making a fuse device, comprising: forming a fuse element having a first terminal, a second terminal and an electrically breakable region, the electrically breakable region being arranged between said first and second terminals, being configured to undergo breaking as a result of a supply of a programming electrical quantity, and comprising phase-change material;forming a semiconductor region;forming a selector element in said semiconductor region, said selector element being electrically coupled to said fuse element and configured to enable the supply of said programming electrical quantity to said fuse element; andforming a conductive ring in said semiconductor region and around said selector element.