The U.S. Government has rights in this invention pursuant to U. S. Air Force Contract No. F19628-85-C-0002. Semiconductor compounds of the III-V materials and alloys thereof; such as the compounds gallium arsenide (GaAs) and indium phosphide (InP) and the alloy aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) have unusual optoelectronic properties which make them attractive for many applications; ranging from microwave devices to optoelectronic devices. Among these applications is the use of such materials to make devices for high-speed logic integrated circuits and for microwave integrated circuits. The Schottky-barrier gate metal-semiconductor-field-effect transistor (MESFET) is a typical device used in these integrated logic circuits. The MESFET is a three terminal device consisting of a source, gate and drain. The source and drain terminals form low resistance contacts to a channel whose conduction is controlled by the depletion field of a Schottky-barrier gate. The conducting channel, which is placed on a semi-insulating (SI) substrate, may be formed either by ion implantation into the semi-insulating material, or by epitaxially growing the active layer on semi-insulating material. A number of problems associated with MESFET devices and circuits are attributed to the SI substrate. Such problems include backgating (or sidegating), hysteresis in the dependence of the drain-source current I.sub.ds upon drain-source voltage V.sub.ds, light sensitivity, low output resistance R.sub.d, low source-drain breakdown voltage BV.sub.SD, and low output power gain at RF frequencies. Among these problems, backgating is the most significant for both digital and analog circuit applications. In addition to these problems, increased subthreshold leakage current, threshold voltage shifts, and the inability to fully pinch-off the device for large V.sub.ds can occur as the gate length of MESFET's is reduced to submicron dimensions. Also, R.sub.d and BV.sub.SD are further decreased as the gate length is reduced. These problems are called short-channel effects and the characteristics of the layer underlying the active region can have a profound influence on them. Backgating or sidegating is the change of I.sub.ds in a MESFET as a result of a voltage applied to the substrate or an adjacent, add nominally isolated, contact pad (sidegate). Even though the sidegate and MESFET may be physically separated, as by mesa etching, the interaction may still arise because the substrate is of finite resistivity and charge can accumulate at the interface between the active layer and the substrate. In response to changes in voltage on the substrate or adjacent devices, the substrate conducts enough current to modulate the interface space-charge region. When this interfacial depletion region widens into the active channel, the device current is reduced. A buffer layer is often inserted between the active layer and the substrate to alleviate the problem of backgating. To reduce backgating and other substrate related effects, the buffer layer should provide an increase in bulk resistivity. A number of possible buffer layers have been suggested, including undoped GaAs, AlGaAs, and superlattice (GaAs/AlGaAs) buffers. Heretofore such buffer layers have met with only limited success. The invention comprises a crystalline buffer layer of III-V material or an alloy thereof and a process for growing such a layer on a substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at low substrate temperatures. The buffer layer thus grown is optically inert or inactive, that is, the electrical conductivity of the material is substantially insensitive to light and the material is substantially non-luminescent. Furthermore, the layer is electrically insulating. After the buffer layer is grown to a suitable thickness, the outer surface is reconstructed and stabilized to enable good quality crystal growth of subsequent layers. Reconstruction is achieved by annealing in an ambient containing the more volatile of the III-V species, i.e., for GaAs the ambient is As; for InP the ambient is P. The function of stabilization is to prevent or minimize out-diffusion of the more volatile specie from the low temperature buffer layer. This may be achieved by providing a careful choice of initial regrowth temperature, to produce a buffer stabilizing layer over the low temperature buffer layer. Alternatively, a buffer stabilizing layer of material, which is capable of preventing out-diffusion, may be grown over the low temperature buffer layer.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
3929527 | Chang et al. | Dec 1975 | |
4186410 | Cho et al. | Jan 1980 | |
4218271 | Wood | Aug 1980 | |
4554030 | Haisma et al. | Nov 1985 | |
4559091 | Allen et al. | Dec 1985 | |
4575462 | Dobson et al. | Mar 1986 | |
4632710 | Van Rees | Dec 1986 | |
4699688 | Shostry | Oct 1987 | |
4707216 | Morkoc et al. | Nov 1987 |
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